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Tenacious for the D10


Ordinary heroes do extraordinary things for Detroit kids

Annual Report

A voice for Detroit children since 1960

A voice for Detroit children since 1960


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Page 8 » Aswan Almaktary

“She shows a particular joy when working with youth from the

neighborhood.” —Sonia Harb, ACCESS

Pages 4–7 » Introduction

Pages 8–27 » Profiles

Page 10 » Anita Ashford

“She’s very willing to help make sure we can make positive things happen in the

Osborn community.” —Quincy Jones, Osborn Neighborhood Alliance

Page 12 » Anthony Benavides

“He is a true testament to what a natural leader can become.”

—Maria Salinas, Congress of Communities

Page 14 » Susan Hooks-Brown

“She’s a relationship connector. She loves building relationships.”

—Kathy Tuggle, Angel Wings Child Care

Page 16 » Monica Evans

“She shares her personal story so youth who are victims of tragic circumstances

are able to see that successful outcomes are possible from humble beginnings.”

—Grenae Dudley, The Youth Connection, Inc.

Pages 28–31 » Meet three tenacious youth, the future leaders of Detroit

Pages 32-35 » News briefs

Pages 36 » Finances

Page 36 » Grant summary

Page 38 » How to apply

Page 39 » History

Page 40 » Staff

Page 18 » Jessie Kilgore

“Jessie is tenacious, tender hearted, and deeply committed in his work with children,

families, and the community. He is a turbo-force for Good Schools, Good Neighbor-

hoods, and communities in the D.” — Barbara Markle, assistant dean for K-12

Outreach in the College of Education

Page 22 » Bill O’Brien

“Bill is a leader not because of his role in an organization or any positional authority,

but because his attitudes, beliefs, and values drive him to generously give the best of

himself and invite the best from others.” —Christine Doby, program officer, the

Charles Stewart Mott Foundation

Page 20 » Pat Miller

“If you looked inside her, there would certainly be a lot of the city in her.”

—Larry Gant, U-M School of Social Work

Page 24 » Dan Varner

“He looks at, listens, studies, then takes decisive action to improve the lives

of Detroiters, especially the children.” —Mike Flanagan, Michigan

Department of Education

Page 26 » Dawn Wilson

“She is passionate about and holds herself and others accountable for what happens

to kids in the city.” —Lisa Leverette, Prevention Network

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Making a difference for Detroit

Did you have a caring adult in your life as a child?

Maybe it was a baseball coach, or a youth pastor at

your church. Maybe it was the high school

newspaper advisor, or the manager at the fast

food restaurant where you worked part-time.

Maybe it was a neighbor, a teacher or a relative. Or

if you were lucky, maybe you had many of those

types of adults in your life, those who cosigned on

your dreams and committed to seeing you

through to a better future.

Many children find the odds stacked against them,

though—especially kids born into disadvantaged

households, who don’t have a strong nucleus of

caring adults around them. The results of that lack

of early support can be devastating, and kids grow

up believing their futures are bleak and predes-

tined. They drop out of school, turn to illegal

activity or gangs, get pregnant, disconnect, and

disengage. “I believe the presence or lack of

presence of a caring adult is one of the things

that make a big difference in whether or not

children become successful in life,” said Skillman

The Power of

Foundation President & CEO Carol Goss, who

announced she will retire at the end of 2013.

“Just knowing someone cares enough to spend

their time or attention on you can be a game

changer and a life saver. In my time at the

Skillman Foundation all of us here have worked

extremely hard to help change the odds for all

Detroit kids.”

The Kids Matter Here movement, which took root

during the Goss presidency, is spreading across

the city.

In this publication, we profile 10 Detroiters whose

work is all about changing the odds for Detroit

children. For them, Kids Matter Here is a calling

they answer to 365 days a year.

MEET THE HEROESIn these pages, you’ll meet the tenacious 10,

a group that represents a much larger movement

of adults springing into action in neighborhoods

and schools across Detroit. For each person we

profiled, there are countless others doing equally

fine work dedicated to kids.

There are those who work mostly behind the

scenes, like Pat Miller (page 20), a social worker

from the University of Michigan Technical

Assistance Center, and Susan Hooks-Brown

(Page 14), who helps directors at the city’s

daycare centers and preschools understand how

to run quality early education programs.

There are heroes who walk alongside kids, like

Aswan Almaktary (Page 8), a community

activist who works with youth in the Chadsey-

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Condon neighborhood, and Monica Evans (Page

16), a Detroit police officer who works to bring

restorative practices to troubled youth in schools

and on the streets.

There are leaders organizing change in their

communities, like Dawn Wilson, (Page 26),

a Brightmoor resident—and a professional

clown—who fights for her neighborhood’s

future by serving on the Brightmoor Alliance

board and the Community Connections Small

Grants panel, and Anita Ashford (page 10),

a DTE employee who serves on the Osborn

Neighborhood Alliance board.

There are education influencers such as Jessie Kilgore (Page 18), who works to bring support to

education reform through the work of the Good

Schools Resource Center-Detroit, and Dan Varner (Page 24), who runs Excellent Schools

Detroit, and is a man on a mission to push Detroit

high school graduation rates to 90 percent.

There are stubborn child advocates, who couldn’t

imagine living or working anywhere other than

Detroit, such as Anthony Benavides (Page 12),

whose love of his Southwest Detroit neighbor-

hood pushed him to help save it by starting the

Clark Park Coalition, and Bill O’Brien (Page 22),

who runs the Harriet Tubman Center, which

trains young people to be community organizers.

Equally inspiring are the stories of the future

leaders. These are the young voices of three teens

from Detroit neighborhoods, young people already

active in transforming outcomes for themselves

and their peers. Meet them on page 28.

A nEw SEnSE Of uRgEncyThe leaders profiled in this annual report, each in their own way, have played a crucial role in the

Foundation’s push to transform our city for Detroit children.

In December 2012, Carol Goss announced that she would retire at the end of 2013. On the same day,

the Foundation’s Board of Trustees announced Tonya Allen, the Foundation’s chief operating officer

and Carol’s right hand, as the next Foundation president. Allen, the architect of the Foundation’s Good

Neighborhoods work, has been with the Foundation since 2004.

“Tonya has earned the respect and support of the Board to take on the role of CEO of the Foundation

through her thoughtful work for children, her passion for making a difference in their lives, and her skill

in program development, execution, management and evaluation,” said Board Chair Lizabeth Ardisana.

The leadership transition announcement came amid another big change. In October 2012, the Founda-

tion began a comprehensive strategic planning phase, its first since 2006. It was a chance to pause,

consider the successes and opportunities of the last seven years, and to examine the external factors

at work that are swiftly changing Detroit.

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Building on the success of the Good Schools and

Good Neighborhoods platforms, the new

strategic plan, announced in the spring of 2013,

introduced a refined focus and a results-oriented

way of organizing the work, centered on driving

up meaningful graduation rates in Detroit, so

that Detroit kids are prepared for college, careers

and life.

The plan includes six investment areas—

community leadership, education, neighbor-

hoods, safety, social innovation, and youth

development. It intends to break down

previously constructed silos of work and

engage all aspects of the Foundation’s

initiatives into one voice and one vision.

“We are excited about the next generation of the

Foundation’s work,” Ardisana said. “Our plan

builds on Carol Goss’s legacy at the Foundation,

and capitalizes on Tonya’s determination to

utilize new strategies to see that legacy fulfilled.”

Allen, determined as ever, knows the Foundation

can’t get there alone. The vision requires other

caring adults, leaders and investors at every turn.

“Children can’t just be Skillman’s business,” Allen

said, “and they can’t just be the school’s business.

They have to be our community’s business. Our

success is dependent on how they do.

“We want a Detroit where children grow up ready

to seriously thrive as adults,” Allen added. “A

Detroit where, ‘Kids Matter Here,’ our mantra

over the past several years, becomes the mantra

for Detroiters everywhere.”

Cody Rouge Family Day at Don Bosco Hall, St. Suzanne’s Church.

Left: DeShari Godbott, 9, Paige Godbott, 5, and Harold James, 8, bond in Brenda Scott Academy’s library while making Easter cards and other crafts during an Osborn neighborhood update meeting in April 2012.

The word “jiran” means “neighbors” in Arabic. And so it makes a fitting name for the community

project Aswan Almaktary ran in the Chadsey Condon neighborhood, one of the Good Neighborhoods.

The goal of JIRAN—which stands for Join In to Revitalize Arab American Neighborhoods—is to

empower the Arab American population to get connected and create a safer, more vibrant community for

its youth. Before the program began, Almaktary, who also serves on the board of the Chadsey Condon

Community Congress and works for ACCESS, said most of the Arabic people in that area were isolated.

They didn’t comingle with the African American or Latino populations near their neighborhood. “They

don’t cross the borders because they think

everything is bad happening outside of their

borders. … That’s what I saw, that parents

were afraid to let their kids go to the other

side.” That fear lead to a disconnected

community and disengaged youth.

Almaktary said through JIRAN, that’s

changed. Parents now see her at events and

are comfortable allowing their teenagers to

roam a bit further from home. The youth

are taking ownership of their neighborhood,

beautifying it through clean-ups and taking

part in community events. “You have to first

build trust with the people,” Almaktary said.

This comes naturally to Almaktary, who was

a teacher in her home country of Yemen and

has a genuine passion for youth. She isn’t in the classroom now but considers all the youth she meets in

Chadsey Condon to be her students. The lessons she wants to leave with them are life ones—that their

voices matter, that they can use their skills to better the world and that breaking through barriers, real or

perceived, is important.


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ACCESS Hamtramck Office Manager

Do you consider yourself a leader for Detroit kids?

I see my role as helping the youth see what is happening around them, see how to benefit from the different

projects and how to impact themselves and their community, and have the feeling that they can help a

whole community while they are improving themselves.

What’s your personal mission driving you to do this work?

The mission is to see the youth as a vibrant force in their community. I always tell them that they are not

representing themselves only, it’s a whole community. Youth who are isolated because of language barrier,

or fear of the unknown, that’s preventing youth to be part of their community. I want to see youth cross

neighborhoods and share in activities in their community.

Do you see a network of caring adults with a child-first agenda beginning to grow in Chadsey Condon?

When I started as coordinator of JIRAN, I was worried because I heard about Southwest Detroit [and] I

didn’t know if I was going to find these amazing people. I consider them just leaders, because they lead this

initative. They care about these youth. I don’t see it as a job for these people who are working in Southwest

Detroit. When I go to a meeting and I see these people, they’re like a family who care about youth and each

other. … And they’re crossing the borders and coming to us.

“You have to first build trust with the people.”

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— By Krista Jahnke

Krista Jahnke is a communications officer at the Skillman

Foundation. Follow her on Twitter @kirstajahnke.

“So nobody’s going to tell

me that Detroit is bad, that the kids can’t be saved. That is

not true.”

Anita Ashford

Anita Ashford, who worked as a vice president and continuous

improvement expert for DTE, slides into an office at the Matrix

Center and bellows out a jovial, “Hey there, how you doing?” to

everyone within earshot. It’s the kind of greeting that makes it clear

that despite her lofty title, she’s a familiar face at the human services

agency’s home in the Osborn neighborhood in northwest Detroit.

While Ashford worked as the neighborhood’s human connection to

the vast energy company—the person who sat at kitchen tables with

folks having trouble with their heating bills—she also served equally

as an advocate for children through The Skillman Foundation’s Good

Neighborhoods work. As a board member on the Osborn Neighor-

hood Alliance from its inception until 2012, Ashford spent extra

hours each week working to make the neighborhood a better place

for children to grow up. She also got involved with the Detroit Youth

Employment Consortium, which connects kids to summer job

experiences and employers to talented youth. Finally, she served

on the self-governing board at Brenda

Scott Middle School, where she ensured

students get connected to supports

throughout the neighborhood. As a

corporate champion, she connects

fellow DTE employees to opportunities

to giveback in the Osborn community,

whether during one-time clean up events

or through long-term partnerships

with ONA.

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Continuous Improvement Expert, DTE, and former Board Member, Osborn Neighborhood Alliance

What’s your personal mission when it comes to kids in Detroit?

It’s just whatever I can do with my talents that I’ve been blessed with. I have to try and give that to them.

Whether it’s a leadership capacity, whether it’s funding, programs helping with that, and No. 1 is education.

Do you feel optimistic or pessimistic about the future for kids in Detroit?

There’s so much potential here, so many gems that need to be brought out. It’s just attention —they’re

hollering and screaming. I just think we need that patience and perseverance to try and beat it back.

That’s it. And I know I’m not dreaming, because there are too many successful things that I’ve seen come

to fruition. So nobody’s going to tell me that Detroit is bad, that the kids can’t be saved. That is not true.

What inspires you to keep going?

I wake up every day, and I read the newspapers, I see kids driving up and down the street, I talk to people.

There’s always something that comes at you that you can say, ‘You know what, well, I can make a difference.”

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— By Krista Jahnke

Anthony Benavides loves Detroit’s Mexicantown. He’s lived there his

entire life and has no intention of leaving. The 53-year-old is so

deeply committed to his community that in 1983, when the Clark Park

Recreation Center closed, Benavides and neighborhood residents came

together to save the 30-acre park. “We went to the city and told them,

‘Give us the keys, we’ll keep it open.’” Benavides said. “If the center

would have stayed closed, it would have definitely been torched or

stripped.” The neighborhood group decided to form the Clark Park

Coalition. Benavides and his fellow volunteers began working to rid the

park of drug dealers. They cleaned the park of needles, broken glass and

garbage. But his greatest accomplishment was to ensure the children

of Southwest Detroit have a nurturing safe haven where they can thrive.

Under his watch, the Clark Park Coalition has done more than merely

reopen the center. They’ve expanded programming and now have

year-round sports for kids, including hockey, ice skating, baseball,

softball, soccer, tennis, lacrosse and golf. Clark Park is

more than just a place where kids go play. “It’s like

our town square,” Benavides said. “This park is

really important to the community. This is where

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Anthony Benavides

What do you wish people knew about the kids you work with?

They persevere. They have very little, and they make it work.

And they are always willing to try. Kids are resilient. They’re

hard working. They just need a chance.

What needs to change to make life better for Detroit’s kids?

More people to volunteer, more people to come out and support

a child. Mentor and read to a child. Throw a ball to a child while

they’re outside. Just more mentorships, more one on one.

How has The Skillman Foundation helped you advance your work?

Skillman helped us hire people. We were able to hire a bookkeeper.

We were able to hire a business manager. The

end result is we get to be more sustainable.

We are also able to hire 10 kids during the

summer to run programming, and they keep

the park clean. We also hire 10 kids in the

winter time. Those are our Learn to Skate


— By Martina Guzman

Martina Guzman is a community reporter

for WDET in Detroit. Follow her on Twitter


they have their festivals and Quinceañeras.” In 2011, Benavides implemented an educational

component to the center’s programming. Students from local high schools can now come

to Clark Park Recreation Center and take college ACT prep classes with an instructor.

Benavides takes a lot of pride in his work. He loves giving the kids of Southwest Detroit

a positive place to go and be able to express themselves. “Watching the kids play makes

me feel good,” Benavides said. “There is a field of dreams out here.”

“watching the kids play makes me feel

good. There is a field of dreams

out here.”

Director, Clark Park Coalition

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Susan Hooks-Brown

Susan Hooks-Brown describes herself as a connector,

a relationship builder. She finds early childcare

centers throughout Detroit that want to be known for

quality but don’t know how to get there. Through her role

as a community organizer focused on early childhood

education at Southwest Solutions, she connects the dots

for them, helping directors learn about the QRIS

program —the Quality-Rating Improvement System that

launched in Detroit and will soon go statewide—and

other resources like grants, trainings and technical

programs that can help them cut costs and focus more on

quality childcare. She also runs workshops that help

caregivers fill training hours and advance their under-

standing. In Hooks-Brown’s words: “I’m the forerunner

that says, ‘Let’s get it done, let’s make it happen, this is a

good thing for the kids.’” No doubt, study after study

Community Organizer, Southwest Solutions

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“I do what I do with a passion, because I love to do it.”

show the importance for quality early childcare in future

outcomes for children, and children living in poverty are often

the ones without access to those environments. “We want to

make sure those children are exposed to those kinds of rigor,

that kind of vocabulary, that kind of exploration, all those

kind of things that will make them ready for school.”

Do you think of yourself as a leader for Detroit kids?

I am really a behind the scenes the person … I’m really

humbled by that. I do what I do with a passion, because

I love to do it.

What drives you, inspires you, pushes you to keep going?

That I want our children to succeed. My mantra is, it doesn’t matter what social-economical status

you are, if you believe that your children can succeed, no matter what the challenges—we all have

them—but if you believe and put the effort in, it’s doable. It can be done. That’s what drives me....

What’s good for a child of affluence is good for a child of poverty. It’s good for all kids, and I want

us to get away from “children at risk.” It’s good for all kids.

How would you sum up childhood for Detroit in one word?

Challenging. But doable. It’s a lot of things happening in Detroit. … I guess it’s about community.

If I can drop your child off, or if your child could come to my house, or my child outgrew his uniform,

but you need one, we can make it happen.

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— By Krista Jahnke

Monica Evans

Monica Evans is no stranger to violence. A Detroit police officer assigned to the division of

Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, she moved to Detroit as a young teen. Growing up, she was a

victim of child molestation. Her sister was murdered. And her brother served time for murder. Evans

says she believes people with a background like hers go one of two ways. “Hurt people either hurt

people, or they go completely the other way, like me.” She’s not kidding. Evans is on the coordinating

team that operates the Safe Routes to School, a part of the Detroit Youth Violence Prevention Initiative.

Along with Skillman Foundation Program Officer Henry McClendon, Evans has taken a movement

called Restorative Practices (RP) and helped make it a presence throughout Detroit schools and law

enforcement. Instead of punishing kids who break rules—or even people who break the law—RP

focuses on making relationships right through restorative circles. In April 2011, when Safe Passages

began doing truancy sweeps, instead of ticketing youth, they

found them wraparound services and conducted circles to try

and solve the needs of the child and his or her family. “If they

needed tutoring or clothes or help with bullying, whatever the

case may be, operation Safe Passages is a holistic approach to

keeping them in school,” Evans said. In her personal life, Evans

mothers eight children, only three of which are biological. “My

mom used to say I bring home stray animals. Now she says I

bring home stray kids. I don’t want to see anyone else go through

some of the things that I went through.”

How has The Skillman Foundation helped you advance this work?

It’s their enthusiasm. They’re passionate about this. You can tell that they have a true heart for the

community, and it really shows.

Do you see a brighter future coming for Detroit’s children? Are you an optimist or pessimist?

Oh, the cup is always half full. Almost to a fault, I’m always optimistic. It’s even sometimes offensive

Police Officer, City of Detroit

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to people. I’m like, ‘Don’t tell me that this can’t be done. It can be done!’ That’s where I’m at. I think

of it like, I’m planting a seed that needs to be watered, needs to be nurtured. I might never see the

end result, but it will grow.”

Tell me about a hopeful moment in your work.

One young man, 17, was arrested for a gun. I had to interview him, and I used Restorative Practice

questions to conduct the interview. I told him, ‘The only difference between you and I is you made

one different choice. … And the reason you did that, is because someone didn’t tell you that you’re

created for great things.’ He said, ‘Nobody’s ever told me that I had the ability to do anything.’ Two

years later, I was at a school doing a circle with gang groups. He walked into the room and said, ‘You

don’t remember me, do you? Well, you arrested me, and I ended up doing a year and a half in prison.

But now I come here and mentor these kids, and I’m in college for nursing.’ He said, ‘What you said

to me changed my whole entire life.’ … I went home and was like, that is so awesome, that words

could affect his life. That was the seed that was planted.

“I don’t want to see anyone else go through some of the things that

I went through.”

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— By Krista Jahnke


When Jessie E. Kilgore, Jr. talks about Detroit youth, he

locks your eyes and flashes an electric smile. The former

athletic director, teacher, principal and superintendent’s

infectious personality is necessary to get others on his side to

help Detroit’s children. As director of the Good Schools

Resource Center-Detroit, Kilgore has his hands-on Detroit’s

education scene, working to build intensive support structures

for teachers, students and administrators in schools within

the Good Neighborhoods. “I’m excited about the future,”

Kilgore said. “There is not often this kind of support for

schools. We are going to turn the tide with the work we are

doing.” Changing Detroit’s education model is a monumental

task, but Kilgore is undeterred. He is a lifelong Detroiter and a

product of Detroit Public Schools. He watched his childhood

friends end up in gangs, hooked on drugs and without

guidance. He spent his teenage years going to funerals and

now feels no one should have to go through that. “It saddens

me,” Kilgore said. “So many of them had

so much promise, so much potential

had they just been channeled

in the right way.”

Executive Director, Good Schools Resource


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changing Detroit’s education model is a monumental task, but Kilgore is undeterred.

Do you consider yourself

a champion for Detroit kids?

I do. A champion is one that carries the torch for

a cause, and I feel I’m that torchbearer for our kids

and our neighborhoods. There are many torchbearers

in this city, many who never get their names in the

paper. But there are many out there who are doing

the good work, that hard work.

How would you sum up

childhood in Detroit in one word?

Challenging. Our students and our kids have so many

things coming at them at once. One of the things that

they have that we didn’t have is this whole tech nology

thing. You have Facebook and texting, all the bullying

that happens on the internet and in the electronic

domain. It’s disheartening to me.

Tell me about a time you had an encounter with a child through your work that left you angry.

There was one particular student that I spent years working with. He had a lot of family

issues, the father out of the home. I pulled this kid under my wing and did everything

I possibly could to get him on the right track. He moved on and went to high school and

I found out that he had been in a robbery and had gotten locked up. Finding out totally

deflated me; I said, ‘Oh my God, what did I miss?’ I took it personally. What did I not say?

What did I not do that led to this? That’s how personal this gets for me. It hit me deep in

my gut when it happened. I was down and out for a while. I still think about him, and I

should keep thinking about him. I don’t ever want to get to a point where I say … ‘Oh

well, I lost that one.’ That kid is going to come along again.

— By Martina Guzman

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Pat Miller

When Pat Miller tries to describe what it’s like trying to help neighborhoods

achieve long-term, sustainable change, the word that comes to mind is

“messiness.” Sometimes, she says, no matter how well-intentioned plans

for change are, the people behind those plans lack … something. Maybe

it’s a cohesive vision. Or the ability to analyze data. So things get messy.

But luckily, for six years, the Good Neighborhoods work had Miller to

manage the mess. As the leader of the University of Michigan Technical

Assistance Center, Miller ruled in bringing people the

skills and connections they needed to get things done.

Miller, who retired in September 2012, is a social

worker by trade, and a professor by title. But she felt

most at home at a community meeting in Brightmoor or

Southwest Detroit. She took the Foundation’s philosophy

to let residents lead seriously, but always with the goal

of introducing research-based best practices where

they made sense. “Once we understand and they let us

know where they want to go and what they’re thinking about, we can take

a leadership role in how to get there. But we respond to where they’re at —

because obviously they know best.”

At the midpoint of the Good Neighborhoods work, how much have these

communities changed for kids?

Clearly, we see the systems of supports, the nonprofits coming together

and working in a more coordinated approach on behalf of children.

We see the very beginnings of that, and that’s huge. We see residents and

neighborhoods coming together on behalf of children. The small grants

project has made wonderful inroads there providing the opportunity for

residents and churches and faith-based organizations to provide services

on behalf of children. There are definitely changes being made, and there

are definitely children reaping the benefits. There are clean parks, there are

new parks, there’s greater interest in the safety and well-being of children

in the neighborhoods.

“There are definitely changes being made, and there are definitely children reaping

the benefits.”

Retired Program Manager, U-M Technical Assistance Center

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What do you wish more people understood about these neighborhoods?

The strength in the neighborhoods, the determination in the neighborhoods, the drive in the neighbor-

hoods. There’s this tendency at this point for many, many, many reasons to write off the city … I wish

people could see the wealth of resources, the individual talents that are in these neighborhoods. If we

could just give them the support they need to blossom, remarkable things will happen.

Tell me about a moment when your work left you feeling hopeful.

The hopeful moments were when this work took off, and we called together community meetings and

talked about what needs to change for children, and hundreds and hundreds of people showed up. And

it’s those same people who still come out.

What’s the word that describes childhood in Detroit?

Difficult. I don’t think there’s anything easy about it. It’s difficult to get to school, to be in school, to find

the services you need. It’s just difficult.

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— By Krista Jahnke

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He didn’t fully comprehend it at the time, but failing to get into

Brother Rice in upscale Oakland County was the best thing

that ever happened to community organizer Bill O’Brien. It was

1961, and his family had just relocated to Birmingham from

Indianapolis. He was 13 and very impressionable.

Instead, O’Brien headed for the city and began the important high school years at the University of Detroit Jesuit.

“Civil rights and the anti-war movements were gaining steam,” O’Brien recalled. “I soon figured out that I wanted

to do something with my life that would make the world a better place. Those teachers were inspirational.”

O’Brien runs the Harriet Tubman Center, which trains young people to be community organizers. He organized

a network of student-run agencies known as YOUTH VOICE, through Southwest Solutions, with support from the

Skillman Foundation. “There was a desire for a student-run center where students could have an impact on their

futures,” he said.

That work led to creation of a new initiative called Our Kids Come First, which focused on neighborhoods. “It was

instrumental in providing more resources to the neighborhoods in civic engagement. It helped get parents,

citizens, and kids involved, with a real sense they could make a difference.

Bill O’Brien

Executive Director at the Harriet Tubman Center

“The grant was extremely helpful in us getting support from the Kellogg, Kresge, and Mott Foundations. They were

all watching, and noticed that Skillman stepped up and put money into Southwest Solutions, which helped us get

the Harriet Tubman Center off the ground.”

How do you see Detroit’s future?

Detroit is changing. New people are moving in. Some new businesses

are moving in. But at the same time, people who can, are moving out.

So there’s new hope, but there’s still discouragement caused by

abandoned houses, crime and persistent poverty. There is a lack of a

real strong coherent voice for the 750,000 people in the city. Their

future—and the future of the city—is tied to whether or not they can

have a voice.

What needs to happen to rebuild civil society in Detroit?

It’s important that we take advantage of these new city council

districts, and ask people what they really want to have. We need

a whole new level of civic engagement that can bring out hopeful-

ness, creativity, and confidence, instead of depression and fear of

outsiders and new ideas.

Anything people would be surprised to know about you?

I like poetry. Dylan Thomas and James Joyce. I’m also a pretty

spiritual person. I’ve spent time thinking about who is God, and

are we really being brought together for something stronger and

better—a greater humanity. And I love to play golf. I like good

courses, but cheap ones.

Why poetry?

It gets me in touch with the pain and aspirations of people around

the world who worry about their work and lives. It also reminds me

of the beauty of other human beings and the beauty of creation.

Although one high school teacher tried to steer him away from

poetry, he followed his bliss. “English Literature was there, and

I liked it. It was better than being a doctor or social scientist.” He earned a Master’s degree in English from Boston

University in 1972. “I’m trying to spend more time now on the weekends exercising and reading literature. It’s a

New Year’s resolution.”

— By William Hanson

William Hanson is director of communications at the Skillman Foundation. Follow him on Twitter @wilhan.

“We need a whole new

level of civic engagement that

can bring out hopefulness, creativity, and confidence.”

‹ 23 ›

Dan Varner

‹ 24 ›

If there were a Pure Detroit marketing campaign, Dan Varner would be its poster boy. Smart, tough, and

tenacious, the native Detroiter and father of three children attended the University of Detroit Jesuit High

School before earning bachelor’s and law degrees at the University of Michigan. While working at a big

downtown law firm, he founded the highly regarded youth development organization ThinkDetroit with

his friend and fellow education reformer Mike Tenbusch of the United Way for Southeastern Michigan.

But he traded in a promising legal career

to work on the front lines of the education

reform struggle in Detroit. About Think-

Detroit, Varner says, “I was getting more

satisfaction out of the 5–9 work than the

9–5,” so leaving the Downtown law firm

wasn’t that difficult. After a brief stint at

the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, where he

was heavily involved in the coalition that created Excellent Schools Detroit, he became its full-time CEO in

September 2011. He took over an organization of two staff members to one that now employs 10.

Executive Director, Excellent Schools Detroit

What is Excellent Schools Detroit?

It’s a coalition of foundations, community organiza-

tions, civic entities, and educators that’s working toward

the 90-90-90 goal—90 percent of Detroit kids graduate

high school, 90 percent attend college, and 90 percent

succeed without remediation. Second, we need to

organize the community in support of those objectives,

and help folks identify, choose, and support high-quality

schools. Third, we want the coalition and the community

to marry. Finally, we want all Detroit kids in an excellent

school by 2020.

“I don’t think people should bet against Detroit. we’ve got

what it takes to make it happen.”

How is work on those lofty goals coming?

The bottom line is that we’re a long way from getting there. Our school systems have not done a good job. Many people

will tell you that’s because Detroit is a poor city. I’m here to tell you that that isn’t acceptable. It would be completely

inappropriate to have a less lofty goal. We need all kids to succeed. Every great success story begins with something that

folks think is crazy. When the Wright brothers did what they did, people said they were crazy. And we now get on planes

all the time. These numbers are movable, and we can move them fairly quickly.

What inspires you about Detroit?

Varner says he likes to explore Detroit neighborhoods in his free time. He lists Russell Street Deli in Eastern Market as

a favorite restaurant “I’m a big fan of good food, especially breakfast,” he said, although his lean frame shows no sign

of indulgence.

Associates of Varner believe he is destined for elected office. His name is routinely mentioned by insiders as

the sort of person Detroit needs as mayor. Of the city he loves, he says, “its hooks are deep in me.” No matter

his political fate in Detroit, Varner feeds off the underdog spirit and tenacity of his hometown. A swimming

enthusiast for most of his life, he regularly turned heads as a member of the U-M water polo team. “Not a lot

of black guys in the sport,” he said of the game built around stamina and toughness. “It’s a great game. I love

it.” His hard work and tenacity earned him honors as a Big 10 Most Valuable Player in his senior year.

“I’m an optimist, so there is nothing that scares me about the city’s future. I don’t think people should bet

against Detroit,” he said with a cool and convincing confidence. “We’ve got what it takes to make it happen.”

— By William Hanson

‹ 25 ›

Dawn Wilson

Dawn Wilson moved to the Brightmoor neighbor-

hood 13 years ago when she found a new house

to rent for just $400 a month. Her husband wasn’t on

board: “He called it Little Saigon,” Wilson said. She

told him in 10 years, she knew things would be

different. “I hadn’t even heard of Skillman,” Wilson

said. That changed in 2007 when Wilson attended a

meeting for the Community Connections Small

Grants program. She hoped it could give her business

a lift. But Wilson, who performs as Kuddles the Hip

Hop Clown, learned that the program, which doles

out grants in the $500 to $5,000 range, doesn’t fund

businesses. Regardless, she felt inspired and wanted

to get involved. “I was humbled and honored, because

for the past 15 years, I’d been spending my life

making kids smile. To do it with a greater impact

was just amazing to me.”

Board Member, Brightmoor Alliance

‹ 26 ›

Wilson joined the Brightmoor Alliance and

became a member of the resident panel that

meets monthly to decide which community

groups, block clubs and small nonprofits should

get grants. Now, she’s not waiting for anyone else

to come in and change Brightmoor; she’s doing

what she can daily to make it happen herself. She’s

now a board member on Brightmoor Alliance,

and with a small grant, started her own block club

on Patton Street. She organizes street clean-ups and parties, has helped build community gardens, and treats any

children she sees like she’s their mother or aunt, asking them what they’re up to. And she’s been inspired to go

back to school: she’s enrolled in an urban planning certification program at a community college. “I just thank

God that I’m here, to be a part of this transformation.”

What moves you to take on all of these challenges and commitments?

The children. I’ve been a professional clown for 18 years, and so

many of our children are facing so many obstacles and things that

they have no control over. To be able to give them a moment of

happiness or a moment away from dealing with drama. … The

[small grants program] allows me to do that on a larger scale.

What do you think it’s like to be a child in Detroit?

It depends on who you’re around. For some children, it’s horrible. But for some it’s beautiful. It depends. It really

depends. For those for whom it’s horrible, I will quote Arne Duncan, who said, “I lose sleep at night when I think

about what the adults have done to the children in the city of Detroit.”

Do you think of yourself as a leader for kids in Detroit?

If I’m a role model, that’s OK. But I just want to make people smile. I want them to know they can be happy,

even in all of this mess that we witness in the city of Detroit. I just want to be the smile in somebody’s rainbow.

“I just want to be the smile

in somebody’s rainbow.”

‹ 27 ›

— By Krista Jahnke


The next generation of tenacious

leaders with a heart for Detroit is

already hard at work.

Attend a youth event in the Skillman

neighborhoods, and you’ll find

remarkable young people playing a

vital role in their communities’ efforts

to make Detroit a city where all of our

children can thrive. These young

activists are not only making a

difference in their schools and

neighborhoods today, they’re developing

the leadership skills, networks, and

passion for social and economic justice

essential to Detroit’s future.

Meet three of these future leaders of

Detroit. All were honored in Skillman’s

50 Promising Youth Scholars in 2010,

and both Stepha’N and Hanan serve

as members of Skillman’s 2016 Task

Force, which holds the Foundation

accountable to is goals.

— By Paul Krell

Paul Krell is principal of Kalamazoo-based

Krell Strategic Communications. Follow him

on Twitter @pjkrell.

‹ 28 ›

Five years ago, few would have bet Stepha’N Quicksey would graduate from high school. None of his

siblings had graduated, and in middle school, Stepha’N was a class clown, with grades that were a joke:

one term his GPA was zero-point-three. “That’s one C, one D, and the rest Fs,” he said.

But after church attendance inspired him to try harder, Stepha’N started his first year of high school with a

radical experiment. “I decided to do something I’d never done before—isolate myself and study,” he said.

His experiment worked. In his first term at Osborn Academy of Math, Science and Technology, a charter

school within Osborn High School, the ex-class clown earned a 3.63 GPA. He hasn’t slacked off since.

“I’m now a 4.0 student,” said Stepha’N, who was a senior honors student at Osborn in the fall of 2012.

But Stepha’N hasn’t forgotten what it’s like being a young kid trying to navigate Detroit’s northeast side,

passing gangs on the street on the way to school, and seeing kids getting high in abandoned buildings.

Since his sophomore year, he’s worked with younger kids as a youth leader in the Neighborhood Service

Organization’s Youth Initiative Project (a Skillman Foundation grantee), led by Frank McGhee.

“We talk with middle-school kids about gang violence, drug abuse, gun violence, bullying,” Stepha’N said.

“I want to change the mindset of my peers and encourage them to look beyond drugs to their future, to

realize their potential.”

Stepha’N stresses that Detroit’s young people urgently need positive role models. “Kids fall into traps,”

he said. “It’s difficult for them to go and show who they really are.”

“I want them to look up and see that it’s possible, it’s doable.”

Stepha’N plans to major in criminal justice in college and pursue a career as an FBI agent; he also hopes to

eventually start his own business.

“Skillman is one of the most significant impacts on my life,” Stepha’N said. “I’m grateful and blessed for all

the opportunities.”

Stepha’n Quicksey

‹ 29 ›

» »

At a time when many of Detroit’s most promising young people dream of escaping the city, Hanan Yahya,

a first-year student at the University of Michigan, has a different vision for her future.

“I love Detroit. I have faith in Detroit,” she said. “That’s why I’m taking my education back to Detroit.”

Hanan was born in Yemen and came to Detroit with her family in 1997, at the age of 3. Her family settled

in the Chadsey Condon neighborhood, on the border of Southwest Detroit and Dearborn.

As a young Muslim girl growing up in post-9/11 America, Hanan was acutely aware of the anti-Arab,

anti-Islam sentiment permeating American society, and even her own neighborhood, a part of a metropoli-

tan area that’s home to one of the oldest

and largest Arab-American communities

in the United States.

“We need to eliminate fear in people’s

hearts,” she said. “That’s the number one

problem in our community. Once that fear

is gone, that will be the first step in getting

to know each other and embracing each

other’s cultures.”

Hanan became involved in her community

as a student at Universal Academy, when

Aswan Almaktary, of the Arab Community

Center for Economic and Social Services (ACCESS), persuaded her to participate in a program called

JIRAN—Join in Revitalizing Arab-American Neighborhoods. Before Aswan reached out to her, Hanan said

she never thought about getting involved. But when she began to consider it, Hanan liked what she found.

“You see all these people, all these opportunities.” She jumped at them. In 2009, Hanan was the Youth Outreach

Coordinator for ACCESS’s Bridging Communities program, and in 2010 she became the youth representative

on the Chadsey Condon Community Organization. She’s also stayed involved in JIRAN, and has participated

in a number of JIRAN-sponsored Diversity Dialogues, which bring young people together to discuss racial,

religious, cultural and other issues. “Youth have less bigotry,” she said. “We’re more open-minded.”

Hanan plans to pursue a double major in international studies and political science or sociology at the

University of Michigan. “I’m the first in my family to go to a prestigious university like Michigan, and the

first Yemini to live on campus in Ann Arbor,” Hanan said. “I can turn back and say, ‘Here’s what you need to

do. You can do it, you have options.”

Hanan yahya

‹ 30 ›

» »

Agoberto guerra

Agoberto Guerra’s community involvement began in 2011, when he landed a summer job as an

interviewer for the community youth mapping project organized by Southwest Solutions.

A graduate of Anderson High School, Agoberto was one of the project’s team of 48 youth researchers who

walked every street of their Southwest Detroit neighborhood twice, administering surveys to government

agencies, churches, and nonprofits, while also mapping vacant properties and rating the condition of the

neighborhood’s housing stock.

That led to being hired by Data Driven Detroit, a non profit demographic research and analysis group, as

a 2012 interviewer for another Skillman-funded survey.

Through both, Agoberto gained valuable work experience, along with a deeper understanding of the

challenges young people and families face in a city struggling with high unemployment, poverty and

drop-out rates. “Every year there are people moving out,” Agoberto says of his neighborhood. “There’s

lots of violence, lots of vandalism. There’s no protection for younger kids.”

Agoberto notes that many young people have given up hope of ever finding a decent job. They quit school

and drift into gangs, drugs and despair.

“We need to restore hope,” Agoberto said. “And we need a lot more jobs so they can have a stable,

steady life.”

Now in his second year at Henry Ford Community College, Agoberto foresees a career in industrial

or mechanical engineering. No matter where he goes, he said, “I want to stay involved in

the community. I want to give back to the community what they did for me.”

‹ 31 ›

» »

News briefs»

‹ 32 ›

carol goss announces retirement; Tonya Allen named successorOn Dec. 6, 2012, Skillman Foundation president & CEO Carol Goss announced she’ll retire at the end of 2013.

Tonya Allen, chief operating officer and vice president of program for the Foundation, was named the next

president & CEO by the Board of Trustees, effective January 1, 2014.

While accepting the planned resignation, the Board applauded the exemplary accomplishments of Goss

during her decade of service as CEO.

“Carol Goss has led the Skillman Board and staff on a remarkable journey during her tenure to redefine

the role of the Foundation in improving the lives of Detroit’s most vulnerable children,” said David Baker

Lewis, then chairman of the Board of Trustees. “Carol’s trailblazing vision of a foundation becoming a

strategic funding partner in improving the conditions that effect the lives of children has become a reality

in Detroit and the nation, through the force of her vision and her ability to persuade others to take up the

cause. There is no clearer example of this vision than her groundbreaking work on education reform

in Detroit.”

The torch is passed. Carol Goss and Tonya Allen share a laugh and a hug at a press conference announcing the Foundation’s leadership transition.

As for her successor, Goss said: “She is an exceptional leader, and is probably the smartest person I know

in this work.”

Allen joined the Foundation in 2004, and had been COO of the Foundation since 2010. She developed the

Foundation’s 10-year, $100 million Good Neighborhoods program, and as COO, oversees the Foundation’s

main programs, communications and technology operations, as well as talent development.

Olekszyk named to crain’s 40 under 40 listIn October 2012, Crain’s Detroit Business

named Skillman Foundation CFO and

Treasurer Danielle Olekszyk to its 40

Under 40 list.

The publication honors achievers in the

community with this award that recognizes

professionals in Southeast Michigan who

have made an impact before age 40.

Olekszyk was chosen for her work to restruc-

ture the Foundation’s budget during the

economic downturn in 2008, enabling The

Skillman Foundation to spend $11.4 million

more in grants in 2009 and 2010 than is

required by the IRS.

foundation Receives friend of Education AwardThe National Association of State Boards of Education awarded The Skillman Foundation the Friend of

Education Award.

The national award was presented in October 2012 at the NASBE’s national conference to Skillman Program

Director Kristen McDonald. It is given annually to an organization or individual for significant contributions

in education.

‹ 33 ›

crain’s Detroit Business

Vice President, Operations Danielle Olekszyk, center, accepts her 40 Under 40 Award from Crain’s Publisher and Skillman Foundation Trustee Mary Kramer, and David Foltyn, CEO of Honigman.

‹ 34 ›

Michigan chronicle selects Thornton for Men of ExcellenceSkillman Foundation Program Officer Robert Thornton

was selected as one of the 2012 Men of Excellence by the

Michigan Chronicle.

Thornton was selected as one of 50 men from the metro

Detroit community with outstanding professional accom-

plishments who has served as a leader for the African

American community.

Thornton is responsible for oversight of the Foundation’s

Good Neighborhoods work in the Brightmoor and Cody

Rouge communities.

Senior Program Officer Robert Thornton shows off his Men of Excellence Award.

In January 2013, the Chronicle of Philanthropy picked five

nonprofit innovators to watch in 2013, and one of them was

Skillman’s own Tonya Allen.

In the article, Ben Hecht of Living Cities described Allen

as “wicked smart.” In August 2011, the Michigan Forum for

African Americans in Philanthropy selected Allen as the first

recipient of the Dr. Gerald K. Smith Award

for Philanthropy.

Dr. Smith, who passed away in 2008, was the President &

CEO of YouthVille Detroit. Goss and Dr. Smith co-founded

the Michigan Forum of African Americans, which is an

affinity group sponsored by the Council of Michigan


The Dr. Gerald K. Smith Award for Philanthropy honors the work and philosophy of Dr. Smith, a pioneer in the

field. The award recognizes significant efforts and contributions of individuals whose work and grantmaking

activities promote effective and responsive social change in communities of color.

Tonya Allen honored as innovator to watch, and Smith Award recipient

‹ 35 ›

Small grants program hits $2 million milestoneIn March 2013, the Community Connections Small Grants program topped the $2 million mark of dollars

awarded since the program’s inception in 2006.

The program has provided funding for more than 600 community groups. The total in grants awarded

through this program hit $2,028,701 that month.

Staff realigned to fit new strategic visionIn spring 2013, the Skillman Foundation adopted a new strategic framework, and announced several staff

changes that reflect that renewed vision for its work for Detroit children. Those new appointments included

11 internal promotions, including three new vice presidents. Kristen McDonald is now serving as the

Foundation’s vice president, program and policy. She has been with the Foundation since 2007. Chris Uhl

was promoted to vice president, social innovation. And Danielle Olekszyk was promoted to vice president,

operations, where she will oversee the Foundation’s operations and investments, including human

resources, grants management, technology and administration.

Tonya Allen honored as innovator to watch, and Smith Award recipient

Kristen McDonald is now serving as the Foundation’s vice president, program and policy.

‹ 36 ›

Annual Report grants Summary2010:

Number of grants approved: 782*

Grants awarded: $26,393,128


Number of grants approved: 622*

Grants awarded: $17,354,036

Small grants:

The amount awarded for 2010 and 2011**

respectively was $280,736 (70 grants)

and $310,546 (96 grants).

January 2010 to December 2011

Number of grants approved: 166 grants

Grants awarded: $591,282


* Total number of grants includes traditional board- approved grants, as well as matching gifts of Skillman staff and Trustees.

** The Foundation awards grants to nonprofit organizations with federal tax-exempt status and revenues greater than $100,000. Through the Small Grants program, the Foundation can provide opportunities beyond these limitations to small organizations and residents working in our six Good Neighborhoods communities. To make this possible, we have partnered with Prevention Network, an organization that has managed a statewide small grants program for more than 25 years.

‹ 37 ›

2011 2010Statements of financial PositionASSETS

Cash and cash equivalents

Investments, at fair value

Other, including accrued interest and dividends

Total assets


Grants payable

Accounts payable and accrued liabilities

Unrestricted net assets

Total liabilities and unrestricted net assets

Total liabilities and unrestricted net assets and changes in unrestricted net assetsIncOME


Dividends, other

Investment management fees

Total Income


Grants paid

Grant related expenses

Administrative expenses

Federal excise and other taxes

Total Expenses

Grants and expenses in excess of income

Realized gain on securities

Change in unrealized market appreciation

Change in unrealized market appreciation

Unrestricted net assets, beginning of year

Unrestricted net assets, end of year















































Skillman Foundation grantseekers and grantees must: Be a nonprofit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization

or a government or public agency (city, county, state, public school district); be a publicly supported charity

as defined in Section 509(a) of the Internal Revenue Code; have total revenues of at least $100,000 for the

preceding fiscal year and must provide a copy of a current financial audit conducted by an independent

certified public accountant. In policy and practice, offer opportunity and service to all, regardless of age,

race, creed, gender, religion, disability, sexual orientation and ethnicity. Learn more at skillman.org.

wHAT wE funDThe Foundation has an annual investments budget of $17 million. We currently fund projects that benefit

children explicitly and work in our investments areas of education, community leadership, safety, neighbor-

hoods, social innovation and youth development. Most of our funding supports work happening in six Detroit

neighborhoods: Brightmoor, Cody Rouge, Chadsey Condon, Northend Central, Osborn and Southwest Detroit.

Approximately 85 percent of the Foundation’s grantmaking is to long-term partners in our community.

OuR MISSIOnA voice for Detroit children since 1960, the Skillman Foundation works to improve meaningful graduation

rates, so youth are prepared for college, career, and life.


‹ 38 ›

Our founder, Rose Skillman, has been gone for more than a quarter-century, but her unwavering

advocacy for children lives on through the Skillman Foundation’s work and leadership in Detroit.

That strong leadership most recently came from President & CEO Carol Goss, who steered the Foundation’s

course for nearly a decade. It will continue through Tonya Allen, who will become the Foundation’s sixth

president on Jan. 1, 2014. Allen will guide the Foundation through a strategic shift, as it refocuses all of its

work on a singular goal: advancing meanginful high school graduation rates, so youth are prepared for

college, career, and life.

Rose and Robert Skillman, both born in Ohio, married in Cincinnati in 1907. One of the early pioneers in

the growth of the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company, Robert served as the company’s sales

representative for the eastern half of the country, developed 3M’s foreign sales in England and Europe, and

became the company’s vice president and director. Following several initial years of struggle, the company

flourished as continuous advances in technology led to the inventions of waterproof sandpaper, masking

tape and Scotch tape.

After a long career at 3M, Robert retired and moved with Rose to Bloomfield Hills and Winter Park, Fla.

In Bloomfield Hills, the Skillmans purchased Fairfield Farms, which they transformed into a replica of a

white-fenced Kentucky farm, complete with a stable of horses and colts. In 1939, Robert Skillman returned

to 3M to negotiate the purchase of the Studebaker plant on Piquette Street in the Milwaukee Junction area

of Detroit’s Central Northend neighborhood. He also coordinated the project that would transform the facil-

ity into an adhesive plant. He worked for this company as an executive consultant until his death in 1945.

After Robert’s death, Rose Skillman continued to live in Bloomfield Hills and Florida for nearly 40 more

years until her death in 1983. In addition to her love of animals—particularly horses and dogs—and

her appreciation of the arts, Rose Skillman’s commitment to the welfare of vulnerable children continued

to grow.

Initially, she made charitable contributions to organizations that served children. Subsequently, she worked

with her attorney and accountant to incorporate The Skillman Foundation in December 1960. She served

as president until she was named honorary chair in 1964. She remained a Trustee of the Foundation until

her death.

The Skillman Foundation staff and Trustees are committed to honoring Rose Skillman’s dreams, and to

using our grantmaking funds and institutional clout to be an effective voice for Detroit children.


‹ 39 ›

OffIcE Of THE PRESIDEnT Carol Goss, President & CEO *

Tonya Allen, Chief Operating Officer *

Marie Colombo, Director of Evaluation and Learning

Sara Plachta-Elliott, Evaluation Fellow

William Hanson, Director of Communications

Krista Jahnke, Communications Officer

Jessica Martin, Special Assistant in Communications

Arnett Parham, Executive Assistant to the President

Jessica Williams, Executive Assistant to the COO

* Goss will retire at the end of 2013. Allen will assume CEO responsibilities on July 1, 2013, and become President & CEO on Jan. 1, 2014.

PROgRAMKristen McDonald, Vice President, Program and Policy

Katie DiSalvo, Public Policy Fellow

Ed Egnatios, Program Director, Neighborhoods**

Laura Hughes, Program Officer

Henry McClendon, Program Officer

Tamalon Meeks, Associate Program Officer

Arielle Milton, Administrative Assistant

Lan Pham, Senior Program Analyst

Simonne Searles, Administrative Assistant

Robert Thornton, Senior Program Officer

Danielle Williams, Public Policy Fellow

** No longer with the Foundation.

SOcIAL InnOvATIOnChris Uhl, Vice President, Social Innovation

Rhonda Jordan, Program Analyst

OPERATIOnSDanielle Olekszyk, Vice President, Operations and CFO

Steve Catallo, Director of Investment

Holly Elsner, Staff Accountant

Paty Hinojosa, Controller

Suzanne Moran, Grants Manager

Ja e Schubring, Administrative Assistant

Danielle Skonieski, Office Manager

Frankie Guiterrez, Office assistant, Henry Ford

Community College

Christopher Strong, Student intern, Cass Tech

High School

Marialicia Garza, Student intern, Detroit Cristo

Rey High School

Elizabeth Romo, Student intern, Detroit Cristo

Rey High School

Celina Ortiz, Student intern, Detroit Cristo

Rey High School

Leslie Garcia, Student intern, Detroit Cristo

Rey High School

*** Alan Harris, Vice President and Chief Investment Officer, left the Foundation in December 2012.

SKILLMAn BOARD Of TRuSTEESLizabeth Ardisana, Chair

Herman B. Gray, Vice Chair

Stephen E. Ewing

Edsel B. Ford, II

Carol A. Goss

Denise Ilitch

Mary L. Kramer

David Baker Lewis

Amyre Makupson

Eddie R. Munson

Jerry Norcia

**** Robert S. Taubman retired in December 2012 after serving for 11 years as a Trustee.

‹ 40 ›

Staff list»

Staff list as of April 1, 2013.




The Skillman Foundation100 Talon Centre Drive

Suite 100Detroit, MI 48207

Phone: (313) 393-1185






Cover Photos: Paul Engstrom

Writing: Martina guzman, william Hanson, Paul Krell, Krista Jahnke

Photography: All photos, unless noted, by Paul Engstrom/Skillman foundation

Editing: william Hanson, Laura Healy, Krista Jahnke, Jessica Martin, catherine Stein

Design: Kathy Horn, Blue Skies Studio, Ann Arbor, MI

Printing: Inland Press, Detroit, MI

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