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Tenant Based Rental Assistance Application City of Mesa Housing and Community Development 20 East Main Street, Mesa, Arizona 85201

Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA)






HCD's Tenant Based Rental Assistance Program provides several forms of housing rental assistance for residents in the City of Mesa for low- and moderate-income households. The program’s primary purpose is to expand the supply of affordable housing through rental assistance, security and utility deposit assistance.

Last Updated: 11/05/2019

Tenant Based Rental Assistance Application City of Mesa Housing and Community Development 20 East Main Street, Mesa, Arizona 85201




Date: 20

I. GeneralInformation

OrganizationName: StreetAddress:City:State:ZipCode:Telephone#: FaxNumber:



Municipality Non‐Profit

II. ProjectDescription



HOME Investment Partnership Program Application

City of Mesa Housing and Community Development

HOME Program Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA)

Tenant Based Rental Assistance Application City of Mesa Housing and Community Development 20 East Main Street, Mesa, Arizona 85201


Clearly and objectively describe a summary of the program you propose to undertake. (Add additional sheets as necessary.)


Application fiscal year:

Amount of HOME Funds requested:

Other funding sources if applicable (please specify): $



$Total Project Cost

Have necessary funds been budgeted? Yes No

If you received prior year funding, what dollar amount was received? $

Will this program be undertaken if HOME funds are not available or the amount granted is less than requested? Yes No Have provisions been made to this effect? Explain:

III. Program Schedule (Provide detailed timeline in Attachment C)

Date program will begin:

Date program will be completed:

Tenant Based Rental Assistance Application City of Mesa Housing and Community Development 20 East Main Street, Mesa, Arizona 85201


List the activities' measurable goals (numeric) and objectives for this activity. (Add additional sheets as necessary.)


Target area median income to be served: 30% 40% 50% 60% 80%

Program Budget

BudgetItem HomeFundsRequested ExplanationofCost

Who will be in charge of planning, implementing, follow‐up, and seeing that the program is completed as planned?




Please describe the type of financial management system that you have. (Add additional sheets as necessary.)


Who will be responsible for keeping appropriate records concerning HOME grant funding expenditures and preparing the monthly reports?




Tenant Based Rental Assistance Application City of Mesa Housing and Community Development 20 East Main Street, Mesa, Arizona 85201


I certify that the activities to be undertaken herein by the applicant are set forth in the 5- Year Consolidated Plan and specific project activity for the current program year is set forth in the Annual Action Plan.

I have read the program guidelines and am willing and capable of compliance. I am also authorized to apply for funds.



Submitted By:

Certifying Officer or Executive Director:

Board Chair: Date

Tenant Based Rental Assistance Application Guidelines City of Mesa Housing and Community Development 20 East Main Street, Mesa, Arizona 85201

Page 5 http://mesaaz.gov/residents/housing-community-development

Program Schedule – Attachment C

Work to be Completed Start DateFirst Quarter Milestones:

Second Quarter Milestones:

Third Quarter Milestones:

Fourth Quarter Milestones:

Tenant Based Rental Assistance Application City of Mesa Housing and Community Development 20 East Main Street, Mesa, Arizona 85201

http://mesaaz.gov/residents/housing‐community‐development  Page6

Part II

HOME Financial Assessment Section FY 2018/2019

HOME Investment Partnership Program Application

HOME Program Tenant Based Rental Assistance

New areas of emphasis for FY18/19: 

• Assessing the financial health of your organization• Program budget vs. your organization’s overall budget• Program monitoring• Making sure your award is fully expended by 6/30/19

Items to include in your application:

• Copy of your most recent single audit or financial statements (required fororganizations that receive $750,000 or more in federal funds). If you do not meet thisaudit threshold, please provide last fiscal year’s financial statements.

• Any written financial policies and procedures for your organization• Program and agency budgets• If you received any audit finding, include a copy of the corrective action plan. Audits


o Single Audito HUDo OIGo Any other

Tenant Based Rental Assistance Application City of Mesa Housing and Community Development 20 East Main Street, Mesa, Arizona 85201

http://mesaaz.gov/residents/housing‐community‐development  Page7

Financial Section 

1. Attach your most recent single audit or financial statement. For entities that receive$750,000 or more in federal funding, a single audit is required. For entities underthis threshold, attach your most recent financial statement.

2. In the last two years, have you received an audit or monitoring finding (single audit,HUD, Office of Inspector General, or any other federal, state, or local agency? Yes No (If yes, attach your corrective action plan.)

3. Agencies that received federal funds are subject to the uniform administrativerequirements of 2CFR part 200. Attach your organization’s financial policies andprocedures (or the sections) that include, but are not limited to, the followinginformation:

a. Accounts payable and accounts receivable procedures

b. Purchasing procedures and standards

c. Bank reconciliation

d. Internal controls

e. Conflict of interest statement

f. Separation of duties

4. Budget for this application activity/program only (Attachment A).

Funding Source/Revenue:

CDBG – City of Mesa Award/Request  $ 

Other Federal Grants (total)  $ 

Local/State Grants (total)  $ 

Donations/Fund Raising  $ 

Other (please specify)  $ 

Total ACTIVITY/PROGRAM Funding Sources  $ 

Tenant Based Rental Assistance Application City of Mesa Housing and Community Development 20 East Main Street, Mesa, Arizona 85201

http://mesaaz.gov/residents/housing‐community‐development  Page8

Funding Use/Expenses

Funding Use/Expenses 

City of Mesa HOME Funds 

Other Funding Sources 

Total Activity Expense 

Administrative Expenses  $  $  $ 

Personnel/Salary  $  $  $ 

Fringe Benefits  $  $  $ 

Rent/Utilities Space  $  $  $ 

Advertising  $  $  $ 

Staff Training  $  $  $ 

Staff Travel  $  $  $ 

Materials and Supplies  $  $  $ 

Professional and Outside Services  $  $  $ 

Rental Assistance  $  $  $ 

SecurityDepositAssistance $  $  $ 

Utility Deposit Assistance  $  $  $ 

Total Administrative Expenses  $  $  $ 

Tenant Based Rental Assistance Application City of Mesa Housing and Community Development 20 East Main Street, Mesa, Arizona 85201

http://mesaaz.gov/residents/housing‐community‐development  Page9

Pogram Revenues  

Committed Funds 

Individual Contributions  $ 

ABC Foundation  $ 

Other Foundations  $ 

Government Grant 

Please identify grant by title: 

In‐kind Donations  $ 

Fundraising Events/Products  $ 

Other Agency Funds Assigned  $ 

Pending Requests 

City of Mesa HOME Request  $ 

DEF Foundations  $ 

Other Foundations  $ 

Total Revenues  $ 

If you included committed revenue funds from other sources for this program in the above budget, you must attach the confirmation of commitment from each source (i.e., commitment letter, award documents, etc.).

Tenant Based Rental Assistance Application City of Mesa Housing and Community Development 20 East Main Street, Mesa, Arizona 85201

http://mesaaz.gov/residents/housing‐community‐development  Page 10

5. Total Agency Funding Resources Budget

Funding Source  Current Year 


CDBG – City of Mesa Award/Request  $  $ 

Other Federal Grants (total)  $  $ 

Local/State Grants (total)  $  $ 

Donations/Fund Raising  $  $ 

Other  Please specify: 

$  $ 

Total Agency Funding Sources  $  $ 

I certify that this information provided is correct to the best of my knowledge and no deliberate misrepresentation has been put forth herein.

My signature indicates that I have read the program guidelines and am willing and capable of compliance. I am also authorized to apply for funds.



Submitted By:

Certifying Officer or Executive Director:

Board Chair: Date

Tenant Based Rental Assistance Application City of Mesa Housing and Community Development 20 East Main Street, Mesa, Arizona 85201

http://mesaaz.gov/residents/housing‐community‐development  Page11



Ray ThimeschRa’Chel’Ni Mar’Na



[email protected],(480)644‐[email protected],(480)644‐3020



[email protected],(480)644‐[email protected],(480)644‐[email protected],(480)644‐3364

FairHousing Andrea Alicoate [email protected] (480)644‐5034


[email protected],(480)644‐2967

CBDG Ray Thimesch [email protected] , (480) 644-54215867

CHDOCertification Ra’Chel’NiMar’[email protected],(480)644‐3020


MauriceBrundidge [email protected],(480)644‐2967

Section106HistoricReview RayThimesch [email protected],(480)644‐5421



[email protected],(480)644‐[email protected],(480)644‐3020

[email protected],(480)644‐[email protected],(480)644‐3020

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