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Page 1: Tenants newsletter autumn 2013

housing newsThe newsletter for Link tenants


Inside:• Link Property new

service launched• Free tenant event• Summer family

outing – what ascorcher

• Link is great atinvolving tenants


Page 2: Tenants newsletter autumn 2013


Hello fromthe editorWelcome to the Summer/Autumn edition of HousingNews – once again we haveincluded a copy of ‘Quids In’which contains lots of moneysaving hints and tips.

It has been a busy fewmonths:

● Our annual family trip wasa great success

● Our new in-houserepairs service, LinkProperty, launched

● Our advice team has beenworking hard to provideinformation and supporton the changes caused bythe Welfare Reform

REMEMBER, this is yournewsletter, and feedback onwhat information you want usto feature is really important, soif you have any ideas pleasecontact me on 08451 400 100or email [email protected]

Leah WebbTenant Liaison Officer

We are great atinvolving tenantsLink has successfullyrenewed its TenantParticipation AdvisoryService (TPAS) accreditation.This demonstrates ourcommitment to involvingtenants.

We received the award inrecognition of the strongemphasis we place on tenantparticipation and how we work todeliver services in partnershipwith tenants. This award is arenewal of the recognition wereceived in 2010 when we wereonly the second Registered SocialLandlord in Scotland to receiveformal accreditation from TPAS.

To achieve the accreditationLink staff and tenants(individually and in groups) tookpart in various questionnaires,interviews and focus groupsabout how we consult withtenants. We were also evaluatedagainst 11 good practicestandards which included havingan active tenant participationstrategy in place, involvingtenants in decision-making and

ensuring staff have a goodawareness of tenantparticipation. Following thereview, TPAS carried out averification process whichinvolved an assessment of ourperformance by an independentTPAS Board Member.

Lesley Baird, TPAS ChiefExecutive added: “TPASaccreditation is not an easyprocess, we expectorganisations to achieve andmaintain high levels ofinvolvement. Link has achievedvery high standards and hasbeen awarded our accreditationfor a second time. Tenants are atthe heart of the organisation andLink has demonstrated itinvolves tenants in improvingperformance and servicesthrough tenant-led inspections,focus groups and consultations.Link uses a good mix ofinvolvement in a meaningfulway. Congratulations!”

Link is proud to havebeen named ‘HousingAssociation of the Year’ atthe 2013 Scottish HomeAwards which recognisesexcellence in the Scottishhousebuilding industry.

Craig Sanderson, ChiefExecutive of Link Group said:“We are extremely pleased tohave received this recognition,particularly in view of the highcalibre of the other finalists –Glasgow Housing Associationand the Hillcrest Group.”

Don’t forget you can follow us on Twitter @Link_Group_Ltd or like us on Facebook atwww.facebook.com/LinkGroupLtd for up to date information on homes, news, jobs and events

08451 400 100 or 0330 303 0013 or [email protected]

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Link Property goes live with100% tenant satisfaction

Link’s new in-house repairs and maintenance service,Link Property, went live in the west of Scotland onMonday 1 July.

Due to a change in circumstances we had to bring forward ourplans to ensure a repairs service was provided to tenants in Northand South Lanarkshire, Glasgow, East and West Renfrewshireand Ayrshire.

Link Property is headed up by Trade Operations Manager RabStevenson who oversees a dedicated team of call handlers,supervisors and operatives. This means that tenants in the west areanow have their repairs undertaken by joiners, plumbers, electriciansand labourers who are employed directly by Link.

The performance of the team has been very encouraging in thefirst four weeks with:

● 510 Jobs completed and 508 (99%) jobs completed on time● 211 tenants surveyed, 100% were happy with the service● 40 void properties complete and keys returned within

agreed timescales

Link Property operatives will be clearly identified by their brandedworkwear and vans. Tenants are reminded always to ask foridentification prior to allowing anyone to enter their home.

The service will be rolled out in the central area in October 2013.

REPORT A REPAIRAll Link tenants should continue to report a repair in the same way:

● Online at www.linkhousing.org.uk/report-a-repair/● By calling 08451 400 100 or 0330 303 0013 (from a mobile)

and choosing the relevant option.

ASBESTOSCHECKSWe carry out regularchecks to our propertiesto make sure we knowwhere asbestos-containing materialsmay be present.

To make sure we keep ourtenants properly informed,we will soon be writing tothose whose homes havebeen identified ascontaining asbestos andadvising where it hasbeen located.

We want to reassure youthat if you receive a letter tosay that asbestos-containing materials havebeen found in your home,we will manage and monitorthese materials on yourbehalf.

Materials containingasbestos are perfectly safeas long as they are notdisturbed by drilling, cuttingor rubbing where dust hasbeen created. We ask thatif you plan to carry out anyDIY in your home, youcontact us for advice in thefirst instance.

If you are due to have anywork carried out in yourhome by Link contractorsdon’t worry as they areautomatically advised of theexistence of asbestos. Theywill ensure additionalprotection and preparationbefore work commences.They will also advise if thisextra work will affect you.


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Family trip to Strathclyde Park –what a scorcher!

On 26 July, 120 Link tenants and their familiesattended this year’s family trip to M&Ds themepark, Strathclyde.

Throughout the day everyone had the chance to go on the rides,enjoy the high diving pirates show and a BBQ lunch. It wassunscreen and water all around on one of the hottest days ofthe year!

Staff took the opportunity to get feedback on what other activitieswe should organise as well as views on the review of the tenantparticipation strategy.

We had a massive response from tenants who wanted to comealong and are sorry we couldn’t take everyone. Tenants who attendthe conference in October will have priority for tickets for nextyear’s trip.

Helen Riddell who attended said:

“I would like to say a big thank you to Link Housingfor a fantastic day at M&Ds. Special thanks to LeahWebb for organising it!”

08451 400 100 or 0330 303 0013 or [email protected]

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Free tenant event The Lighthouse, Mitchell Lane(just off Buchanan Street), GlasgowSaturday 12 October from 11am – 3pm

We are delighted to invite you to this year’s freetenant conference. The day will be a mix of fun andtopical issues in a great venue:● Home decorating classes and win a home mini makeover from Bells● Raffle prizes, £50 shopping vouchers, tickets for family day out,

and much more● Kids crèche and activities for older kids – craft, computer games● Help with money advice and benefits, and getting online● Find out about Link job opportunities for tenants and their families● The play ‘The Cost’ by Naomi Breeze Productions● Meet members of the Board and Tenant Scrutiny panel● Meet Link Property staff

If you would like to attend this FREE event, with travel expensesand lunch included, then please complete the cut-out slip andreturn it to: Eleanor Henderson, Freepost RRBB-XKJBEHRZ, LinkHousing Association Ltd, Watling House, Callendar BusinessPark, Falkirk, FK1 1XR.

Alternatively, email [email protected] orcall Eleanor Henderson on 08451 400 100.

Be quick as places are limited for this very popular event!





Telephone ......................................................................................

Number of adult tickets requested ................................................

Number of child tickets requested ................................................

TPAS ANNUALCONFERENCE15 - 17 November 2013,Fairmont Hotel,St Andrews

You are also invited to attendthe TPAS Scotland AnnualConference & AGM. This isthe largest event of the yearfor tenants, residents, officersand colleagues to gettogether to hear the latestdevelopments in law, newinitiatives and good practiceon a range of housing issues.

Session Topics this yearwill include:

● Assessing your estate● Scrutiny Panels● Welfare Reform● Working with young

people, the elderlyand disabled

● Cultural Awareness● Working with allotments

If you are interested inattending contact Leah Webbon 08451 400 100 oremail [email protected]


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In October andNovember we will becarrying out a large scalesurvey to find out theviews of our tenants,owners, sharing ownersand other customersabout the range ofservices we provide.

The surveys will ask a widerange of questions and youranswers will help us prioritisethe services most important toyou, and which you think needto be improved. Some of thisinformation will be passedonto the Scottish HousingRegulator next year as part ofour report on the ScottishSocial Housing Charter.

We will be working with aconsultancy to help carry outthese surveys and they will bearranging to visit sometenants’ homes to carry out a20 – 30 minute interview. Weaim to visit all the areas inwhich we have homes andhope to interview at least onefifth of our tenants. If you areasked to take part – althoughyou don’t have to – yourresponses will help us build abetter picture of how well wedeliver our services and wherewe need to make changes.

In addition to the mainsurvey, we also plan to carryout a separate postal surveyof people on our housinglists to help us find out whattype of housing is mostneeded and where.


Get involved in the BoardBeing atenant Boardmember isaboutensuringthe viewsof Linktenantsare heard.

Tenant involvement isessential as only tenants canreport in practical terms what itis like living in their communityand how well (or otherwise) theservices required to maintainand improve homes arebeing provided.

When I considered joiningthe Board I thought it wasgoing to be very formal. But infact the meetings are relaxed

and informal but at the sametime organised and thebusiness always gets done. Ihad the opportunity to observeat a few meetings before Ijoined the Board.

I have been a tenant Boardmember for two years now.One of the things I find mostinteresting is learning about theknowledge and experience ofother tenant Board members.I have also gained an insightinto the challenges Link staffface and how by workingtogether they can beovercome.

Gerard McCreath,Link Housing Associationtenant Board member.

TENANT SCRUTINY PANELThe new Tenant Scrutiny Panel is now up and running and isreviewing its first topics. These are voids (empty properties) andthe new re-let standard – the process we follow from a tenantmoving out to a new tenant moving in.

There are 12 panel members who will talk to tenants and staff andwill review information, such as the tenant satisfaction survey, toevaluate Link’s performance on the above topics. The members willalso gather their own information and produce a report for the LinkHousing Board which will detail their assessment.

The panel is also involved in ensuring the information we providein the annual report card on our performance is relevant and containsinformation tenants want to know.

If you would like to contact the Panel please [email protected]

08451 400 100 or 0330 303 0013 or [email protected]

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WESTThe annual Tenant InformationService conference took place atthe Crown Plaza hotel, Glasgowin June.

Petersburn Development Trust islooking to develop an allotmentsite in the park. If you live in thearea and would be interested inhaving an allotment to grow yourown fruit and vegetables, pleasecontact Anne Breton on 08451400 100.

Oatlands Development Trust(ODT) held its AGM in May. Italso has Board meetings inFebruary, May, August andNovember and these are open tothe public. ODT is always lookingfor new members so if you wouldlike to help out with its manyprojects or join (for free) pleaseemail [email protected]

North Lanarkshire FederationTenants and Residentsconference took place in June.

CENTRALRe-Union is looking for people totake part in its new project“Canal Community Connections”which offers participants the

opportunity to experiencehandling and maintaining anarrowboat and to learn a rangeof related skills (includingworking towards Royal YachtingAssociation certification) inFalkirk and Wester Hailes(Edinburgh). For moreinformation call 07790 885969(Falkirk) or 0131 261 8529(Edinburgh) or email [email protected] (Falkirk) [email protected](Edinburgh)

The annual celebration of ForthValley’s orchards and fruit trees,‘Go Fruit & Nuts’, is being heldfrom Monday 16 to Sunday 22September. A series of fun-filledand educational activities forthe family is being held atCallendar House in Falkirk. Formore information call 01786449215 or email [email protected]

Staff in the Forth Valley area areworking with Zero WasteScotland to encourage residentsto recycle.

Helix Park open day will be heldon 14 September from 1-6pm.

EASTThis year’s Craigmillar/Portobello Summer Bash tookplace in August in the Jack KaneCommunity Centre – it was agreat day for those whoattended.

Edinburgh Tenants Federationhold its AGM in September. Ifyou want to get involved contactETF on 0131 475 2509 or [email protected]


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Welfare Reform updatePersonalIndependencePaymentPersonal Independence Payment (PIP) isreplacing Disability Living Allowance (DLA)and will be phased in over the next fouryears. From June 2013, new claims forDLA were stopped so claimants mustapply for PIP instead.

PIP helps towards some of the extra costs arisingfrom ill-health or disability such as helping withwashing, dressing, preparing and taking food,taking medication, mobility and communicatingwith others. If you have had your condition for atleast three months, and expect to have it foranother nine months, you can claim for PIP.

If you want to make a new claim call theDepartment for Work and Pensions (DWP) on0800 917 2222 or Textphone 0800 917 7777Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm.

If you have already claimed PIP you should call0845 850 3322.

Make sure you have the followinginformation ready, when you call to makea claim:

● Your full name, address, daytime telephonenumber and date of birth

● National Insurance Number● Bank or building society account details● GP/ Health professional’s details ● Nationality or immigration status● Details of any recent stays in hospital ● Details of any time spent abroad in the

last three years


PIP: The next stepsOnce you have made a claim you will be sent a ‘How your disability affects you’ form and a ‘PIPinformation booklet’ by the DWP. You should complete the form with as much information as possibleabout your illness or disability and how it affects you (you should include any supporting evidencefrom your GP or health professional) and return it in the envelope provided before the date noted onthe form.

Once you have had a face-to-face assessment you will be notified in writing with the outcome ofyour claim. If you are not happy with the outcome you have the right to appeal the decision.

If you need help to make a claim or want independent advice you can contact Link’s Advice Serviceon 01324 417174.

08451 400 100 or 0330 303 0013 or [email protected]

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Under-occupancy All working age tenants who rent a property from Link now receiveHousing Benefit based on the number of bedrooms in their home.Over 300 Link tenants have been affected by the ‘Bedroom Tax’and have been contacted by their Housing Officer or an AdviceService Officer to discuss the options available to help pay theirrent which include help with moving into a smaller property.

Since this was introduced we have helped 21 tenants to moveand downsize meaning they will avoid the under-occupancycharge. If you have been affected and want to move, we canprovide you with £300 towards moving costs. Please call08451 400 100 for more information.

Benefit CapThe Benefit Cap has now been introduced across Scotland andthis limits the total amount of benefit that can be claimed eachweek – £500 for families and £350 for single claimants. If youhave been affected you will receive a letter from the DWP detailingthe changes.

Pay your rent on your mobileThere are lots of ways for you to pay your rent andnow it has become even easier!If you have a smartphone you can download the FREE allpaymobile app, from the Apple App store or Google Play, whichallows you to pay your rent at the touch of a button.

All you need to do is log your details with allpay, create a fourdigit pin number and then you can access your secureaccount.

You can make payments quickly and safelywherever you are – providing you have amobile signal.

If you don’t have a smartphone rememberyou can still pay your rent using an allpaycard either:

● Online at the allpay websitewww.allpay.net

● Over the phone on 08445 578 321

● Over the counter at any Post Office,Paypoint terminal or in any Link office


Link has beenawarded £293,000 aspart of the latestSupport and Connectfunding package fromthe Big Lottery.

The funding will allow Link toestablish a new TenantTransition Advice Service,which goes live in August2013, to help support moreof our tenants affected bywelfare reform.

The service will providemoney advice; help withdebt management andaccess to internet servicesand financial products suchas loan options, homecontents insurance andbank and credit unionaccounts.

After receiving supportfrom the service, whichbuilds on previous fundingfrom the ScottishGovernment, tenants will beable to manage their debtseffectively, will have theconfidence to take upappropriate financialproducts and services andwill have the ability tomanage these online.


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In the last issue of Housing News weexplained that we now follow the ModelComplaints Handling Procedure, whichhas been set by the Scottish Public SectorOmbudsman.

As part of our Annual Return on the Scottish SocialHousing Charter we must tell you how manycomplaints we receive. From April to June 2013,we received 128 complaints, categorised in thegraphs below.

Of the 121 1st stage complaints we received,100% were responded to in full with 93% (112) of

these being responded to in the required timescale(5 days). 65% (84) of these complaints weredeemed to be justified.

We are pleased that we are meeting our target of90% when responding to 1st stage complaintswithin the 5 day timescale.

Of the seven 2nd stage complaints we received,100% were responded to in full with 86% (5) ofthese being responded to in the required timescale(20 days). 43% (3) of these complaints wereassessed as justified.

We are therefore missing our target of 90% whenresponding to 2nd stage complaints within the 20day timescale.

Analysis by complaint category

Communications 12

Contractor attitude 10

Failed Action 43

Failed Promise 2

Contractor missed appointment 1

Link staff missed appointment 1

Policy 11

Link staff attitude 4

Link staff error 7

Standards 37

Analysis by service

Advice Service 1

Arrears 1

Cyclical Maintenance 5

Development 3

Estate Management 13

Factoring 13

Gas Servicing 5

House Sales 1

Planned Maintenance 6

Repairs 69

Tenancy Management 11

08451 400 100 or 0330 303 0013 or [email protected]

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We are pleased that the majority of people aresatisfied with the outcomes of their complaints.

Of the 121 customers who submitted 1st stagecomplaints, 110 (91%) were satisfied with theoutcome whether or not the complaint was upheldor not. Of those that were dissatisfied, over half(55%) had been advised that their complaint hadnot been upheld. Two of the five dissatisfiedcustomers whose complaints were upheld wereunhappy that their issues were not dealt with in theagreed timescale.


Satisfied – complaint upheld 79

Satisfied – complaint not upheld 31

Unsatisfied – complaint upheld 5

Unsatisfied – complaint not upheld 6

Total 121

What we are doing now

We are continuing to work hard to:

● Emphasise the positive aspects of complaintsas a vital source of information on theeffectiveness of our services.

● Get feedback from customers when theircomplaint has been closed. Our aim is toensure that we always do what we saidwe would.

We have an internal action plan in placewhich includes:

● Regular “lessons learned” briefings fordiscussion and action at team meetings.These will include the use of case studies toaid learning across the organisation.

● Further training sessions, with the focus onthe importance of feedback received from thecomplaints process and how Link will use it tochange and improve our services.

● Customer service skills sessions to bedelivered – effective apologies, effectivelistening, difficult conversations etc.

Complaints and significant performance failures –what’s the difference?If we provided poor service, delivered it badly or failed to deliver it at all you havethe right to complain.If you want to complain about a service you must follow our complaints procedure. If you areunhappy after you have followed the complaints procedure you may be able to have yourcomplaint reviewed by the Scottish Public Sector Ombudsman. They can be contacted on0800 3777330 or [email protected]

If you have concerns about the way Link is operating you can report this as a significantperformance failure. For example if we fail to do something or take action that puts many or alltenants’ interests at risk, such as failing to meet a legal requirement, failing to carry out annualgas safety checks or failing to allow tenants to participate in decision making.

If you want to report a ‘significant performance failure’ you may contact the ScottishHousing Regulator. Please contact Carolyn Anderson on 0141 305 4199 or [email protected]


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New Link DevelopmentsOver the past few months we have completed a number of new developments and thefeedback from tenants has been great!


32 one and two bedroom flats(including four for wheelchairusers) for social rent.

This development benefitsfrom a highly efficient gascentral heating and hot watersystem that also generateslow cost, low carbonelectricity. The flats all havesmart heat meters that allowtenants to see what the costof their energy consumption ison a continuing basis.


46 properties, including eightfor East DunbartonshireCouncil, consist of threebedroom flats, four and fivebedroom houses and onethree bedroom house for awheelchair user.

The properties meet Link’shigh design standards foraffordable housing. Eachhome has gas central heatingand hot water systems, highthermal insulation and doubleglazing to create warm,comfortable and energy-efficient homes that will beeconomical to run.

08451 400 100 or 0330 303 0013 or [email protected]

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33 two, three and fourbedroom homes and onethree bedroom bungalowfor a wheelchair user all forsocial rent.

These family houses, whichachieve a ‘Silver’ sustainabilityrating, have been designedwith exceptionally highinsulation standards and fuel-efficient heating systems toretain and reuse heat usingless energy – keeping fuelbills and carbon footprint assmall as possible.


14 two bedroom flats, forsocial and intermediate rent.This was the first developmentin North Lanarkshire that Linkhas completed where some ofthe properties are forintermediate rent. Theseproperties are aimed atworking individuals andhouseholds who would valuea tenancy with a leadinghousing provider at a lessthan normal market rent.

Inverclyde Common Housing RegisterLink has joined Inverclyde’s Common Housing Register (ICHR) and will advertise its availableproperties in Port Glasgow on the ICHR website www.inverclydechr.org.uk, in the property section ofthe Greenock Telegraph and in all of ICHR’s partner offices.

Just like Homehunt, you need only to complete a registration form to join the common housinglist before you can bid for properties by phone, text, via the ICHR website, email or in person. Link’sproperties are then allocated by Larkfield Housing Association, another subsidiary in Link group,using the ICHR’s common housing allocation policy and choice based lettings principles. For more information please call 01475 630930 or email [email protected]


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Getting Ready for the ScottishSocial Housing Charter

As part of our work towards theScottish Social HousingCharter we are currentlyconsulting with tenants on howwe define and report instancesof anti-social behaviour.

The Charter is very specific aboutwhat outcomes we need tomeasure to evidence that we aredoing what we say we are goingto do. We have to report on thefollowing:

I. Number of cases of anti-social behaviour reported inthe last year

II. Number of cases resolved inthe last year

III. Number of cases resolvedwithin locally agreed targetsin the last year

IV. Percentage of anti-socialbehaviour cases reported inthe last year which wereresolved within locallyagreed targets

The purpose of theconsultation is to ask your viewson what timescale target weshould set ourselves to resolve acase because timescales couldvary depending on the severity ofthe anti-social behaviour.

Our policy sets out that we willrespond promptly andappropriately to neighbourcomplaints and incidents of anti-social behaviour. We shall take apreventive approach, with legalaction as a last resort. Werecognise that anti-socialbehaviour is not just a housingmanagement issue and will workwith other agencies where thishelps to resolve problems. Weshall take firm action against anytenant who persistently commitsa serious breach of tenancyconditions.

If you want to get involved inthe consultation contact LeahWebb, Tenant Liaison Officer,08451 400 100.

Community Jobs Fund vacancies Link has been successful in securing a number of new Traineepositions across the organisation. This adds to the 19 traineesalready working in Link Housing and Link Group. We want toencourage Link tenants or young people to apply for futurepositions so please look out for these on our website. This is agreat opportunity to take up paid work experience and get anintroduction to a career in housing, care and support sector.Interested candidates should contact their local Jobcentreabout the positions and ask to speak with a Jobcentre PlusAdvisor or Skills Development Scotland Advisor about theireligibility to apply. They must do this before contacting Link.The vacancies are only open to 16 – 19 year olds and any futureopportunities will be advertised online at the careers section ofour website at www.linkhousing.org.uk

LINK TENANTSON WORKPLACEMENTSAT BELLS Two Link tenants secured a13 week paid placementwith Bells to work oncurrent Link contracts inAirdrie and Coatbridge. Theplacements will give them ataster of what working witha large painterworkcompany is like.

At the end of the placementboth participants will havehad an introduction topainting skills, received acertificate on completion ofthe programme and will beable to include this work ontheir CVs. We will be workingwith Bells next year toadvertise apprenticeshipsand work placements forSummer 2014. Bells is alsointerested in working withtenants and communitygroups in the future on anycommunity projects.

Great news, one of tenantsPaul Doland has secured anapprenticeship with Bells.

08451 400 100 or 0330 303 0013 or [email protected]

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LinkLiving Counselling ServiceLinkLiving operates a counselling service across Edinburgh,Falkirk and Fife.

Our counsellors can help if you are experiencing stress and anxiety, depression, bereavement,relationship issues, problems with self esteem or issues with work, drugs or alcohol.

● You don’t have to be in crisis to come to counselling.● You may feel that you are not where you want to be in life, have a sense that

something is wrong or react to certain situations in ways that you don’t want to.

We can help you:

● explore a problem● understand and manage difficult feelings and thoughts● look at relationships and difficulties with others● come to a decision about important issues or changes in your life● increase self-understanding and self development.

Link Counselling has fully qualified and experienced therapists working in a variety of differentapproaches. They offer a professional and confidential service at £30 per hour in locations in Edinburgh,Falkirk, and Fife with daytime and evening appointments to suit your needs.

If you would like to know more about the service, then please call 0845 002 0819or 0330 303 0302 (from your mobile) or email [email protected]


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Looking for an easy wayto insure the contents ofyour home?

As a Link tenant, you have access to a pay-as-you-go home contents insurance scheme– provided by THiSTLE Tenant Risks – whichhas been designed specifically to help youprotect your contents and personalpossessions against a whole range of risks.Remember it is your responsibility to do this,not Link’s.

No excess is payable in the event of a claim. Thereis no requirement for a bank account (Cash SwipeCard Payments can be made fortnightly ormonthly) and low sums insured and optional extrasavailable mean that a policy can be tailored tomeet your lifestyle.

You can insure your contents from as little as£1.33 a fortnight (under 60s) and £1.02 a fortnight

(over 60s) and 82p a fortnight if you are a shelteredhousing resident. These premiums are amongstsome of the most affordable in Scotland.

Since the scheme went live eight months ago,there has been a substantial increase in newpolicies taken out by tenants each month and thefeedback so far has been very positive.Call 0845 601 7007 or 01628 586187 (from amobile) for an application form.

A Link tenant from Cumbernauld said:

“I switched to THiSTLE and it has savedme a lot of money every month.I recommended it to my neighboursand encourage more tenants to geta quote!”

New landscapecontractorsWe have appointed new contractors to provide ourlandscape maintenance service.

Link’s Tenant-Led Inspection Group worked with staffover the last year to help improve this service. As a result,we have made a number of changes to the contractwhich we hope will provide a high standard of servicefrom the contractors whilst still providing value for moneyfor our customers.

JMK Groundcare Ltd will provide the service inAyrshire, Dunbartonshire, Glasgow, the Highlands,Inverclyde, Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire, and LandEngineering Ltd will provide the service inClackmannanshire, the Borders, Edinburgh, Falkirk, Fife,Perth, West Lothian, Midlothian and Stirling.

08451 400 100 or 0330 303 0013 or [email protected]

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New IT training suite in Dalmuir Link has established an IT TrainingSuite at its new officeThe Bruach, 81 Beardmore Way,Dalmuir, Clydebank, G81 4HT

If you are receiving advice or support from amember of Link staff you can make anappointment to use the suite to help you becomemore comfortable accessing your benefits online,communicating with Link and other services onlineor carrying out job searches and preparingCVs/job applications.

It has internet-enabled PCs and laptops(complete with Microsoft Office Pro software) acentral training screen and multi-functionprinter/scanner. The suite has the capacity for sixlearners plus a trainer.

The hire also includes use of a small breakoutroom (Clachan Suite) and access to tea/coffeemaking facilities.

The Suite was supported by the ScottishGovernment’s People and Communities Fund to:

● Increase the digital and employability andeducational skills of Link tenants, the localcommunity and staff and trainees of socialenterprises based in The Bruach or thesurrounding area

● Help tenants and the local community tomanage their benefits online

● Increase partnership working amongst localsocial enterprises and provide sharedfacilities and reduce costs of trainingprovision

Local community groups, businesses and publicsector partners also have the opportunity to hire outthe IT training suite by the hour, half day or full day.

External Room Hire costs

Cost per hour(plus VAT)

Cost per half day(plus VAT)

Cost per full day(plus VAT)

Voluntary/CommunitySector £15 £45 £75

Public Sector £20 £50 £80

Private Sector £30 £60 £90

For more information or to book The Bruach IT Training Suite for your group,please email LGAdmin-Dev&[email protected] or phone 01324 417160.


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Sheltered news



WelcomeWelcome to the new members of our ShelteredHousing team. Helen Henderson (Ben LuiPlace) and Nicola Thomson (Peel Court) arenew Sheltered Housing Officers and SheenaSmith is the new cleaner at Kenmuir Court.

What a relief!We recruit a number of Relief Sheltered HousingOfficers each year to cover for our permanentSheltered Housing Officers when they are onholiday. We are pleased to say that we havereceived mainly positive feedback from tenants onthe cover provided including – “very good andhelpful”, “very capable” and "the meal was nicelyprepared and well cooked” .

TrainingAll our Sheltered Housing Officers recentlycompleted their infection control and fire wardentraining. 25 staff, volunteers and residents alsocompleted their food hygiene certificates.

Upgrades to complexes Glen Park Gardens, Glen Park Road and MorarCourt are all having their old heating systemsreplaced by new gas central heating. Just in timefor winter!

Morar Court is getting a fresh lick of paint to theoutside of the building over the next few months.

Care Inspectorate Many thanks to the tenants in Morar Court, GlenLyon Court, Kilsyth Road and St Andrews Gardenswho completed and returned the recentquestionnaire from the Care Inspectorate. Weare now waiting to hear when the inspection willtake place.

Older People’s DaySheltered Housing Officers have been finding outyour ideas for celebrating Older People’s Day onTuesday 1 October – suggestions so far include atea dance, a raffle and social event. If you have anysuggestions please contact your ShelteredHousing Officer.

Sheltered Housing Forum

Are you interested in what happens inyour complex?

Do you think you get value for money?

If there are changes to the way shelteredhousing is funded, what level of service shouldbe provided?

These are questions that the sheltered housingand the management team need to consider. AmyMcKay and Leah Webb are hoping to gatherresidents from all our complexes to consider thesequestions. If you would like to join the ShelteredHousing Forum, please let your Sheltered HousingOfficer know and we will get in touch with you.

08451 400 100 or 0330 303 0013 or [email protected]

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Outings, events and activitiesST ANDREWS GARDENS, KENMUIR COURT & GLENPARK GARDENS60 tenants enjoyed a meal and entertainment at Kaldis restaurant, Ballieston, on 18 June. Everyoneenjoyed the day – with some ladies even taking to the floor to do some line dancing!

BEN LUI PLACE The residents committee held their annual fete in July whichwas opened by their local MP Gregg McClymont (centre ofphoto right). They raised over £2000 for future activitiesand events.

CLADDENS COURTEach month residents enjoy a meal with a night ofentertainment and a few times a year they hold themedevents. The most recent was a Hawaiian night and theSeptember theme is Holywood with entertainment providedby the Kay family which features Link’s Chief Executive CraigSanderson on drums.

ST ANDREWS GARDENSResidents enjoyed a bus trip to Ayr in July.

MORAR COURTResidents enjoyed a trip to Dobbies garden centre in Stirling.

ALBANY COURTA group of 20 residents enjoyed a shopping (and socialising) trip to Perth in July. Volunteers fromthe Royal Voluntary Service were on hand to assist those who needed a companion on the day.

CASTINGS HOUSEResidents have enjoyed trips to Broughty Ferry and LochLomond Shores as well as helping tenant Miss Jenny Russellcelebrate her 90th birthday in July. Miss Russell has been atenant in Castings House since it opened in 1989.

LOCHWINNOCHTenants enjoyed a day out to Ayr and also helped Mabel Adam(pictured right) celebrate her 90th birthday along with herfriends, family and a special celebrity guest from River City!


Page 20: Tenants newsletter autumn 2013


Gardening Competition 2013We have had a number of entries for this year’s gardeningcompetition but there is still time for you to submit one!Any Link tenant can enter their garden, balcony, allotment orcommunal area into the competition.

TO SUBMIT AN ENTRY:• post a photo of your garden on Link’s Facebook page

www.facebook.com/LinkGroupLtd either on our timeline orsend us a message

• email it to [email protected]• post it to Eleanor Henderson, Freepost RRBB-XKJBEHRZ,

Link Housing Association Ltd, Watling House, CallendarBusiness Park, Falkirk, FK1 1XR.

Please make sure you include your name and address so we cancontact you if you are a winner. Entries should be submitted by31 October 2013.1st place is £50 B&Q vouchers, 2nd place is £25 B&Q vouchers.

Happy birthday Peggy!Link tenant Peggy Christierecently celebrated her100th birthday!

Peggy is still veryindependent and liveshappily on her own. She hasthe support of friends, familyand neighbours who clearlyfind her inspirational. Shecooks for herself and enjoysmaking soup and a goodstew! Maureen Middleton,Director of Housing, andJanice Conner, RegionalManager, visited her recentlyand asked her about thesecret of getting to 100 andnot needing to wear glassesall the time – Peggy put itdown to not liking alcohol!

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Link will produce this information on request in Braille, Audio Tape, Large Print andCommunity Languages. To find out more, please telephone the Customer Service

Centre on 08451 400 100. Link Housing Association Limited is a companyregistered in Scotland. Company registration number SC216300.

Registered Office: Link House, 2C New Mart Road, Edinburgh EH14 1RL.Part of the Link group. © LinkGroup Ltd 2013.

08451 400 100 or 0330 303 0013 or [email protected]

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