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Page 1: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 1/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  






Page 2: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 2/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  



Name of work: ‐Supply of Yard LT A.C. Distribution Board for 220kV Gondal S/S underGondal(TR)division.


Particulars PageNo.

1 TechnicalBid 3‐45

2 TenderNotice 4‐53 Qualificationrequirement 64 Technicalspecification 7‐145 TechnicalcumCommercialterms&Conditions 15‐256 Drawing of YardLTA.C.DistributionBoard  26‐337 Annexure‐ItoVIII 34‐418 PurchaseAgreement&Acceptanceletter sample 42‐4510 PriceBid 46‐47

Page 3: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 3/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  





Page 4: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 4/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  



Sealed percentage rate tenders are invited in two separate sealed covers Super scribed technical bid and price bid from Registered Contractors in appropriate class with GEB/GETCO/Central/State Government/ Railway/Semi. Govt. and who has executed works successfully as mentioned in Qualification requirement criteria given in the tender document. Tenderer should down load the tender documents from the Web site www.gseb.com and submit the same as per instructions therein only by RPAD/Speed post addressedto: TheSuperintendingEngineer(TR) GujaratEnergyTransmissionCorporationLimited., CircleofficeGondal PowerHouseCompound,StationPlot, Gondal–360311District:Rajkot,Gujarat“NOCOURIERSERVICEORHANDDELIVERY”willbeallowed.Tender Notice No.

Name of Work Estimated Cost in Rs.

EMD Tender Fee in Rs.

Time Limit

66/2015 Supply of Yard LT A.C. Distribution Board for 220kV Gondal S/S under Gondal(TR) division.

330000.00 3300.00 330.00


02 Months

Minimum experience of execution of work worth Rs. (in lakhs)

As mentioned in tenders

Minimum required Class of registration: As mentioned in tenders

Last date of submission of the tender : (Only by RPAD/Speed Post) (Receipt of technical and price bids during working hrs. up to 14:00 hrs. of last date mentioned)

04.07.2015 16:00

Date of opening of the tender(technical bid) :

04.07.2015 16:30 If possible

Validity of tender : 180 days from the date of opening of technical bid. Bidders are requested to remain in touch with our Web site for extension in date, corrigendum etc. for the above tenders till opening of technical bid, No tender shall be accepted / opened in case of receipt after due date and time of tender, irrespective of delay due to postal services or any other reasons and the Corporation shall not assume any responsibility for late receipt of tender. The tenders are to be submitted by the intending bidders with forwarding letter on their letter head showing list of documents attached with the tender duly signed by Authorized Person of

TenderNoticeNo.66/2015 19.06.2015

Page 5: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 5/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  



their firm, affixing stamp of their firm, in single envelop with two separate sealed and super scribed envelopes as listed below: Envelope No.1: Technical bid and Pre-Qualification bid data, details specification. Envelope No.2: Price Bid. Technical and pre-qualification bid details specification (envelope No.1) will be opened first and subject to evaluation based on the qualification criteria contained in the individual bid document. Price bids (Envelope No.2) of bidders who are assessed and declared as substantially technically responsive on evaluation of the technical bid will be opened for further commercial evaluation. The Earnest Money Deposit and tender fee will be accepted by Demand Draft on any Nationalized Bank only situated at “GONDAL”, drawn in favor of “GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LTD.” Tender without EMD and tender fee shall be rejected. Two separate demand drafts for Tender fee and EMD should be submitted with technical bid. The Corporation reserves the rights to reject any or all tenders or accept any tender without assigning any reason thereof. The GETCO reserves the right to award the work to one or more bidders, considering their technical and financial capacity OR to reject any or all tenders or accept any tender without assigning any reason thereof. Superintending Engineer Transmission Circle GETCO Gondal

Page 6: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 6/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  



Qualificationrequirement(ListofDocumentstobesubmittedwithtechnicalBid)(A) Technical:

1. ThebiddershallbeOriginalEquipmentManufacturer(OEM).The offered equipmenthave tobedesigned,manufactured and tested asper relevantIS/IECwithlatestamendments.

2. DocumentregardingOEMorManufactureshallbesubmittedwithtechnicalbid.3. Theminimum requirement ofmanufacturing capacity of offered Type, size and rating of equipment


4. ItisdesiredthatsuppliershouldsupplyYardLTA.C.DistributionBoardhavingtechnicalspecificationas mentioned in GTP. However, GETCO reserved right accept or not to accept supplier who willmatch theother technicalparameter but donotmatch thephysicaldimensionasasked.

5. Experience:Contractorshouldproduceevidenceofhavingexperienceof last05yearsofsupplyofsame type of material preferably photo copy of orders secured from GETCO/Central/StateGovt./Railway/Semi‐Govt.inAnnexure‐II&III.

6. Equipment offered shall have Type Test Certificates from accredited laboratory (accredited basedon ISO/IEC Guide 25 / 17025 or EN 45001 by the National accreditation body of the countrywhere laboratory is located),asperIEC/IS/ technicalspecification, Type test reports shall not beolder than FIVEyears and shall be valid up to the expiry of the validity of theofferandit istobesubmittedinAnnexure‐IV.

(B) Financial:1. PaymentofTenderfeeandE.M.D.2. Latestbanksolvencycertificatefromanynationalizedbankofasumminimum20%ofestimatedcost

showninthetender.3. AttestedcopyofPowerofattorney,ifany,forsigningthebiddocuments.4. BidderhastosubmitVATregistration.5. CopyofPANCard.


Page 7: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 7/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  



Page 8: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 8/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  



SPECIALINSTRUCTIONSTOBIDDERPleasereadfollowinginstructionscarefullybeforesubmittingyourbid.1. All the drawings, i.e. elevation, side view, plan, cross sectional view etc., in

AutoCAD format andmanuals in PDF format, for offered itemshall be submitted.Alsothehardcopiesasperspecificationshallbesubmitted.

2. The bidder shall submit Quality Assurance Plan for manufacturing process andFieldQualityPlanwiththetechnicalbid.

3. Thebiddershallhavetosubmitalltherequiredtypetestreportsfortheoffereditem.In absence of this, the evaluation shall be carried out accordingly as non‐submissionoftypetestreports.

4. ThebiddermustfillupallthepointofGTPforoffereditem/s.Insteadofindicating“referdrawing,orasperIS/IEC”,theexactvalue/smustbefilledin.

5. All the points other than GTP, which are asked to confirm in technicalspecificationsmustbesubmittedseparatelywiththebid.

6. The bidder is required to impart training in view of manufacture, assembly,erection,operationandmaintenanceforoffereditem,athisworks,totheperson/sidentifiedbyGETCO, in theeventofanorder,freeofcost.ThecostoflogisticswillbebornebyGETCO.

7. Please note that the evaluation will be carried out on the strength of contentofbidonly.Nofurthercorrespondencewillbemade.

8. The bidder shall bring out all the technical deviation/s only at the specifiedannexure.

9. ThebiddershouldindicatemanufacturingcapacitybysubmittinglatestupdatedcertificateofaCharteredEngineer(CE).

Page 9: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 9/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  




YARDLTACDISTRIBUTIONBOARDCONSTRUCTION:1. Thecubicleshallbeconstructedfromgoodqualitysteelsheet.Thecubicleshallberobustin

construction.Thecubicleshallbemadeofsteelsheetof2.0mm size forall sides and2.5mm for bottom. Itwill be reinforced bysteel frame and shall bemechanically strong. Itshall be Outdoor, floor mounting, fixed standing type and naturally air‐cooled typedesigned for continuous operation in an ambient temperature of 50ºC. Necessaryphosphating treatment shall be given to the cubicle and shall be paintedwith two coatsof red oxide primer followed by a coat of gray synthetic enamel paint, shed No. 631,IS:05onexternalsideandoninternalsidewithglossywhitecolour.

2. The distribution board shall be of dust and vermin proof construction and shall beprovided with a degree of protection of IP: 55 as per IS 2147. The cubicle shall haveminimum dimensions of 1200mm (H) (including base frame of the size 50 x 50 x 4) x1000mm(W)x400mm(D)sothatallthecomponentsshallbeapproachedandreplacedeasily. Itwillbe provided with the front & rear side door with the handle and handlelock. It should be possible to erect the cubicle side by side. The replacement of thecomponentsandtestingshouldbepossiblefromfrontandbacksideofcubicle.Thecubicleshallbemountedon‘C’Typechannelwithopeningforcableentryonrearside.

3. The cubicle shall be designed to receive two 31/2 core 50 mm2 incoming armoured

aluminum cables. One cable shall be used asMain cables andother cable shall be usedas standby. Both the cables shall be terminated on separate incomers (i.e. SFUs)having rating100A.The punched holes shall be provided for above cable entries. Thedimensionaldrawing of the cubiclewith allmountings shall be furnished by the bidder.NecessarycableglandsshallbesuppliedwiththeACDB.

4. Therewill be 20/12 Nos. A.C. outlets (for 20 feeders, 7 Nos of 63 amprating + 13 Nosof 32 amp rating and for 12 feeders, 6 Nos of 63 amprating+6Nos of 32 amp rating). Each outlet shall be controlled byTPNMCBs (MiniatureCircuitBreaker shall conformtoIEC:898‐1987andIS:8828)ofrespectivecurrentratings.Thecableglandforthecable

size31/2 core25&10mm2armouredaluminumcablesshallbeprovidedatthebottom

for all the outlets. The LED type indicating lamps for incoming feeders indicatingavailability of supply shall be provided inside of thecubical.

5. There will be Main copper bus bar of electrolytic copper confirming IS8130/84, which will be liberally rated. It will receive A.C. input from incomingcables throughTBsandMain/standbyIncomers(i.e.SFUs)of 100A,Havells/HPL/ Schneider/ GE/ S&S/C&S make. The input to MCB of each outgoing feedershall be extended from the bus bars. The thickness and width of bus bar shall not beless than5mmand30mmrespectively.Thebusbarshallbeofsufficientlengthtoavoidcongestion. The separation between connection points of cable of two successiveoutgoing feeders on Bus shall be 4 Cms. Bus bar shall be insulated to avoid accidentwhile working inside A.C.D.B. Insulation on the bus bar may reduce the rate ofdissipationofheatgeneratedinbusbar.Thiswillincreasetemperatureofbusbar,which

Page 10: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 10/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  



will affect the insulation. Therefore bus bar design should take all these factors intoaccount so that there is no temperature rise. Each MCB shall be then connected toTerminal Blocks by using insulated copper cable of suitable size as per feederratings. Voltage rating of Terminal Blocks shall be 800V and Current rating ofTerminalBlocksshallbeasperrespectiveIncomer/Feederrating.

6. The wiring shall be neat and clean without any congestion and shall be supportedmechanicallyaswellas tieduptowithstand transitvibrations.Morethantwowiresshallnotbeterminatedatapoint.

7. DigitalA.C.VoltmeterwithvoltageselectorswitchandAux.powered(230VAC)transducerhavingtwoseparateO/Psof4–20mAtoreadA.C.voltageupto500Vshallbeprovided.Digital A.C. Ammeter with CTs, current selector switch and Aux. powered (230V AC)transducerhavingtwoseparateO/Psof4–20mAshallbeprovidedtoreadcurrentupto100A. The meters and transducers shall be of good quality suitable to give a long andsatisfactoryservice.

8. A CFL of 14W with its fixture and door operated switch shall be provided for cubicleillumination.

9. Space heater shall be provided in all the boards for preventing harmful moisturecondensation.The spaceheaters shallbe suitable for continuousoperation on 240V AC,50 Hz, single phase supply, and shall be automatically controlled by thermostats.Necessaryisolatingswitchesandfusesshallalsobeprovided.

GENERAL:1. Thebiddershallbethemanufactureroftheproduct.Offerfromtradersarenot

acceptable.2. The bidder shall provide detailed GA Drawing and Electrical Diagram indicating


3. Thebiddershallclearlyindicatedeviations,if,any.4. The bidder shall give the bill of materials including themake of the

componentsusedofreputedmake.5. Thebiddershallgivethedetailedlistoftheordersexecutedforsupplyofsimilar

equipmentwithperformancecertificateifany.6. The bidder shall have minimum five years of experience in

manufacture&supplyofsuchelectricalcubicles.7. The bidder shall furnish the Technical details of the ACDB offered inguaranteed


Page 11: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 11/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  




(Tobefurnishedbythebidder)1. NameofManufacturer :

2. Type&designation :3. Size: :

a) Height(mm) :

b) Width(mm) :

c) Depth(mm) :

4. Colourofpanel :

a) Outside :

b) Inside :

5. Thicknessofsheetsteel :

6. MainBusbars :

a) Material :

b) RatedcurrentinAmp :

c) Size(mmxmm) :

d) Currentdensity‐A/mm2 :

e) Position,vertical/Horizontal :

7. Earthbusbar :

a) Material :

b) Size :

8. Currenttransformer :

a) Make :

b) I.S.Applicable :

c) Nos.ofcore :

d) Accuracyclass :

e) VABurden :

f) I.S.F :

g) C.T.Ratio :

h) Onemin.P.F.withstand :


i) Ratedservicevoltage :

Page 12: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 12/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  



9. Ammeter :

a) Make :

b) Size :

c) Flushmountedtype :Yes/No

10. Voltmeter :

a) Make :

b) Size :

c) Flushmountedtype :Yes/No

11. TransducerforVoltmeter

a) Make :

b) Type :

c) Accuracyclass :

d) Inputvolts :

e) OutputDCmA :

f) Measuringrangeoutput :

g) %ACRippleonoutput :

h) LoadResistanceinOhm :

i) Auxvoltagerequired :

j) Responsetime :

k) WorkingTemprange :

12. TransducerforAmmeter

a) Make :

b) Type :

c) Accuracyclass :

d) CTRatio :

e) Inputamp

f) OutputDCmA :

g) Measuringrangeoutput :

h) %ACRippleonoutput :

i) LoadResistanceinOhm :

j) Auxvoltagerequired :

k) Responsetime :

l) WorkingTemprange :

Page 13: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 13/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  



13. SelectorSwitches

a) Make :

b) Ratedcapacity(Amp) :

14. IndicatingLamps

a) Make :

b) Type :

c) Wattage:

15. Switchfuseunitfor100Amps.TPN

a) Make :

16. MCBs:

a) WhetherISIMarked :Yes/No

b) Make :

17. Constructionaldetails

a) Metalclad :Yes/No

b) Totallyenclosed :Yes/No

c) Outdoortype :Yes/No

d) Floormounting :Yes/No

e) Freestanding :Yes/No

f) Panelsshallbeverminproof :Yes/No


g) Rubbergasketsprovidedtothedoor :Yes/No

h) Maintenancecanbecarried :Yes/No




i) GAdrawingattachedwiththetender :Yes/No

j) Cableentry&existfrombottom :Yes/No

18. Materialofthewiresusedfor:completeinternalwiringofthe panel

19. TerminalBlocks

a) Make :

b) VoltageGrade :


Page 14: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 14/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  







Sr. Description1. YardLTA.C.Distribution Board (ACDB) for 415VAC

supplyasperspecification.(20 outgoing feeders)



Page 15: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 15/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  



TECHNICALCUMCOMMERCIALTERMSANDCONDITIONS1. BidderswhoareOEMorManufactureronlyshallbeeligibleforparticipatinginthistender.2. TenderSpecifications:

All technical specification should be ISS/ISI/BIS. Specification framed out by the GETCO shall beseparatelybroughtout in the tenderdocuments.Nodeviation in specification shall be allowedandGETCO’s decision shall be final. The GETCO also desires that all the suppliers should possess highqualityISO9001/ISO9002certificatewithin2yearsfrom1/1/2001andotherthingsbeingequal,supplierswhopossessISO9001/ISO9002certificatewillbegivenpreferenceinquantitydistributionafter1/1/2003.ThetechnicalscrutinycommitteeoftheGETCOshallevaluatethetechno‐commercialviewofthetender.Tendershouldbeintwobids.Techno–CommercialBidandb)PriceBid.Incompletebidsandamendmentsandadditionstobidsafteropeningofthebidswillbeignoredoutrightly.Thepricebidof thosewhoaretechno‐commerciallyqualifiedshallbeopened.After technicalbid isopened,formodificationintechno‐commercialcondition,ifany,allshallbegivenequalchance.

3. TheGETCOdoesnotbinditselftoacceptthelowestofanytender.Theundersignedreservestherighttoreject/acceptanytenderwithoutassigninganyreasonwhatsoever.

4. PRICEEVALUATION:No price preference shall be given on any account. All tenderswill be evaluated onfirmprice endcostbasis,butwithout loadingSalesTax,unlessotherwisementionedin the tenderdocuments.Thepartieshoweverwillhavetogivethedetailedbreak‐upoftheendcost.

5. Prices:PricesquotedshouldbeFIRMandonF.O.R.Destinationbasis(i.e.220kVGondals/s).However, theTenderer should indicate in the Schedule – “B” i.e. Price Bid only, the break‐up of Unit F.O.R.DestinationPricesstatingtheUnitEx‐workspriceforExcisepurpose,Exciseduty,SalesTax, freight charges, and Insurance Charges. Tenderer / supplier should quote theFreight as well as Insurance Charges both separately as shown in price bid which is amust.Please note that payment of excise duty will be made only on Ex‐ Work prices. Also, pleasemention rate of Excise duty. If not specifically mentioned then GETCO will have the option totake the prices as exclusive of taxes anddutiesatmaximumhigherslabrates fortheevaluationofthetenders.

6. Youroffershouldbevalidfor180daysfromthedateofopeningof theaboveTender.7. Arithmeticalerrorwillberectifiedonthefollowingbasis:

a. If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that is obtained bymultiplyingtheunitpriceandquantity,theunitpriceshallprevailandthetotalpriceshallbecorrected. If there isadiscrepancybetweenthetotalbidamountandthesumoftotalcosts,the latter shall prevail and the total bid amountwill be corrected accordingly. If there is adiscrepancybetweenworkandfigures,theamountadvantageoustotheOwnerwillprevail.Ifthebidderdoesnotacceptthecorrectionoftheerrorsasabove,hisbidwillberejectedandthe amountofEMDwillbe forfeited. Thebidder should ensure that theprices furnished invariouspriceschedulesareconsistentwitheachother.

b. Inthecaseofanyinconsistencyinthepricesfurnishedinthespecifiedpricesschedulestobeidentified in Bid Form, the Owner shall be entitled to consider the highest price for the

Page 16: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 16/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  




c. Prior to thedetailedevaluation, theOwnerwilldeterminethesubstantialresponsivenessofeachbidtotheBiddingDocument.ForpurposeoftheseClauses,asubstantiallyresponsivebidis one which conforms to all the terms and conditions of the Bidding Document withoutmaterialdeviations.Amaterialdeviation isonewhichaffects inanyway theprices,quality,quantityordeliveryperiodoftheequipment,completionofworksorwhichlimitsinanywaytheresponsibilitiesor liabilitiesoftheBidderofanyrightoftheOwnerasrequiredinthesespecificationsanddocuments.TheOwner’sdeterminationofabid’sresponsivenessshallbebasedonthecontentsofthebiditselfwithoutresourcetoextrinsicevidence.

d. AbiddeterminedasnotsubstantiallyresponsivewillberejectedbytheOwnerandmaynotsubsequentlybemaderesponsivebytheBidderbycorrectionofnon‐conformity.

8. EarnestMoneyDeposit:1.1. Biddersarerequested topayanearnestmoneydeposit (1%ofestimatedcost)bydemanddrafton


1.2. TheEMDshallbesubmittedalongwithsubmissionofTechnicalbidonly.1.3. TendersnotaccompaniedbyEMDshallberejected.1.4. Ifduringthetendervalidityperiod,i.e.180days,thetendererwithdrawshistender,theEMDshallbe

forfeitedandthetenderermaybedisqualifiedfromtenderingforfutureworksofGETCO.1.5. TheEMDwill be returnedpromptly to theunsuccessful tenderer.TheEMDwill be returned to the

successfultendererafterhefurnishestheSecurityDeposit forperformanceanddulyenters intothecontract.IfhefailstofurnishtheSDortoexecutethecontractfortheworkofferedtohim,hisEMDshallbeforfeitedandthetenderermaybedisqualifiedfromtenderingforfurtherworksforGETCO.

1.6. If, SSI / NSIC copy is submitted against EMD, then it should be authenticated fromnotary. NSIC certificatemore than 03 years oldwill not be considered and thevalidityofthe same shouldcover at least thevalidityperiodof the tenderand thereafter ithas toberenewedandsubmittedimmediately.Allthe“NSIC”&“SSI”Documentsfurnishedalongwiththe tender shouldhave clear validity as per the tender and should invariably be renewedas per the norms of “NSIC” & “SSI” Otherwise tenderer shall have to pay EMD and noexemptionwillbegranted.

1.7. TheSSIorNSICcertificateshouldindicatethemanufactureofitemsofferedunderthistender.ProvisionalSSIRegistrationCertificatesareNOTallowed.

1.8. TenderssubmittedwithoutEarnestMoneyDepositbythefirms,whoarenoteligibleforanyexemption,willberejectedwithoutenteringintofurthercorrespondenceinthisregardandnoreferencewillalsobemade.

9. Tender offerwithout payment of EMD required certificate, documents etc. required for supplywillbeoutrightlyrejectedwithoutassigninganyreasonthereofanddecisionofSuperintendingEngineer(TR),GETCO,Gondalwillbefinalandunchallengeable.

10. Tendererwillbequalifiedonlywhohavesubmittedalltherequireddocumentsasmentionedinqualificationrequirement.

11. The successful tenderer will have to pay the security deposit of 10% value of the workcontract.

12. Incaseofanydispute/doubt,thedecisionofSE(TR)Gondalshallbeunchallengeable,finalandbinding to the contractor. Any dispute arising out of this tender document will be subject toGondaljurisdiction.

Page 17: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 17/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  



13. Thequantitiesmentionedareapproximateandmaybeincreasedordecreasedwhileplacingtheorder.

14. RailwayReceipt(R.R.)/TruckReceipt(T.R.):Allgoodsshouldbedispatchedfreightpaidandthe R.R./T.R./Transport Delivery challan should be forwarded directly to the consignee byregisteredletterandnotthroughanyBank.Itshouldbeimmediatelyintimatedondispatchofthestores, as otherwise demurrage charges if any paid by the consignee will be deducted fromsupplier’s bill. It is essential that packing notes and prices invoices should be furnished to theconsigneesinrespectofeveryconsignment.

15. ExciseDuty:ThePricesagainstthisorderareexclusiveofExciseDuty in  single  slab  only. Multiple  Excise  duty slabs  based  on  turnover  /  production  capacity  should  not  be  quoted  and  if  quoted,  then  the highest  slab  for evaluations will be considered.ExcisedutywillbepaidonEx.works,asapplicablewithin the original contractual period. The documentary evidence for payment of Excise dutyshallhavetobefurnished.TheofferhavingpriceinclusiveofExcisedutyislikelytoberejectediftherateofexciseduty isnotmentionedclearly.TheGETCOmayat itsdiscretionconsidersuchofferwithpresumptionofhighestrateofexcisedutyprevailingwhenthepricequotedisinclusiveofexciseduty.However,youshallhave tosubmitCharteredAccountantsCertificatealongwithyour last advancebill that Excise duty paid by you and claimed fromGETCOhas not been gotrefundednorrefundclaimispendingwithexcisedepartment.Further,youshallhavetofurnishanundertakingtotheGETCOthatintheevent,ifanyrefundofexciseduty,eitherinfullorpartisreceivedbyyouinfutureinrespectofthematerialsuppliedtotheGETCOagainstsupplyorder,thesameshallbepassedontotheGETCOwithoutformalclaimtothateffectfromGETCO.

16. SalesTaxandGeneralTax:ThepricesshouldbequotedExclusiveofSalesTaxi.e.WithoutGSTorCST.Theamount/percentageofSalesTax(GSTorCST)shouldclearlybeindicatedseparately.TheSalesTax,GeneralSalesTaxandCentralSalesTaxifpayable,willbepaidextraasperrules.Thisshouldbeclaimedasaseparateiteminthebill.GujaratEnergyTransmissionGETCOLtd.isregisteredunder:

1) TheGujaratSalesTaxAct‐1956holdingtheRegistrationCertificateNo:24190102398

2) TheCentralSalesTaxAct‐1959holdingtheRegistrationCertificateNo:24690102398.


17. STATUTORYVARIATION:Any statutory increase or decrease in the taxes and duties subsequent to suppliers offer if ittakes place within the original contractual delivery date will be to the Corporation’s accountsubject to theclaimbeingsupportedbydocumentaryevidence.However, if any decrease takesplace after the contractual delivery date, the advantage will have to be passed on to theCorporation.ThesamewillbeapplicableforenrolmentofVATaswell.

18. DeliveryPeriod:

Page 18: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 18/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  



TheYardLTA.C.DistributionBoard shall bedeliveredwithin02(two)month (60days) afterreceipt of purchase order. The Tenderers will have to quote a firm delivery schedule onmonth / quarterwisebasis as specified subject to the forceMajeure conditionsas acceptedbyDGS&D.TenderershouldmentiontheirdeliveryperiodinAnnexure‐VIofthistenderdocument.Time being the essence of this tender, delivery period shall be strictly adhered to. Delay inexecutionoforderonaccountofanyotherreasonswillbesubjecttolevyofpenalty.(a) The date of inspection of materials will be reckoned, as the date of dispatch,providedtheduequantityofmaterialsareofferedforinspectiongivingtwoweeks’timeto GETCOfor arranging the inspection. No tentative date, tentative quantity for inspection should begivenandifgiventhesamewillbeignoredandthesamewillnotbetreatedascallforinspection.In case the material is offered for inspection on the last week of the scheduled period, thesame will be considered as delay in delivery and will be liable for penalty in terms of thecontract. All the ordered materials should be offered for inspection strictly as perdelivery schedules asmentioned in the detailed order,without linking to payments byGETCO.(b) In case thematerials are supplied later than the date of contractual delivery schedule,materialsmaybeacceptedbytheGETCOsubjecttolevyofpenaltyasper clause forPenalty forlate delivery. In that case the penaltywill be leviedfromthelastdateofdeliveryscheduleanduptotheTRCdate.Thedeliveryperiodwillincludethetimerequiredforpre‐dispatchinspectionofmaterials.However, if the material isnot kept ready for inspection after intimation of the saidquantitythen all consequences will be to suppliers account and Corporation will recover the actualexpenses of to & fro traveling fares plus Rs.1000/‐ per day peremployee.(c) Inordertoavoiddelayindispatchoftheinspectedlotmaterials,ifthematerialsarefoundOK thenwrittendispatch instructionwill begivenby theGETCO’s inspectorat suppliersworksand the date on which these written instructions are issued will be reckoned as date ofdispatch instructions and materials are to be dispatched to respective consignees within 15days thereafter OR if written dispatch instructions are not given by the GETCO’s inspector atworks,thenmaterialsaretobedispatchedtorespectiveconsigneeswithin15daysfromdateofDIreceivedbysupplier,fromtheGETCO.If the materials are not dispatched within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of dispatchinstructions receivedby youasmentionedabove,special penaltychargeshall berecoveredat½%perweek (for actual delay in dispatches),maximum upto 3%of theDispatch instructionsconsignmentvalue.Thiswillbe inadditiontotheCorporation’spenaltyclauseoftheA/T.All the inspection results for the inspected materials carried out at the first instance will bebinding to the supplier irrespective of passing the testsOR failure. If the supplierre‐offers thesame materials for re‐inspection then it will be solely at GETCO’ discretion to accept thesame or not. If the subsequent testings are to be carried out, then all the expenses of theinspectorandotherexpensesincurredbytheCorporationwillbetotenderersaccount.Thiswillbebindingonyou.

19. UNLOADING: Unloadingofthematerialsshallbearrangedbybidder.

20. SUPPLYOFMATERIALSATGETCO’SSTORES(SUB‐STAION):TheTendererswillhave to agree to supply any of thequantities at220kvGondalsub‐station(i.e.F.O.RDestinationonly.).

Page 19: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 19/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  



21. DELIVERYSCHEDULEOFTHECORPORATION:Deliveryofmaterialsisdesiredasunder:

a)Submissionofsample/Drawing. Withincommencingperiod.No separate commencement period willbegiven.b)ApprovalofSample/Drawing.

c)Commencementofsupply As per the details Shown in Annexure‐VI‐DELIVERYSCHEDULEoftherelevantTender.d)CompletionofSupply

Supplier is liable to get the drawings / Sample approvedwithin the commencementperiod.

Supplier should indicate deviation in delivery period if any. The delivery period will bereckoned after four days for Gujarat based firms and seven days for out state firmsfrom thedate of dispatch of the order. All necessary formalities are to be completed within thecommencement period instead of vague period. If specific period is notquoted, the deliveryperiod, best suitable to the GETCO will be considered and in such case, no subsequentcomplaintwillbeentertained.The delivery Schedule proposed by GETCO is considering the full quantity of the tender. If thefinalizedquantityisless,theninthatcasethedeliveryperiodbestsuitedaspertheCorporation’srequirementwillbegivenonpro‐ratabasisandalsobasedonthequantityallocationsdonebytheCorporation.

22. PenaltyforLateDelivery:Incase,thematerialsarenotdeliveredwithintheperiodstipulatedintheorder,penaltyshallbeleviedat½%perweekontheprices(Endcost)subjecttomaximum10%reckonedonthevalueoflatedeliveredsupplies.Dueconsiderationwillbegivenforwaival/levyofpenaltyonlyforthereasonsabsolutelybeyondyourcontrol(Viz.ForceMajeureconditions) forwhichdocumentaryevidence will have to be provided. The request for extension in delivery giving reasons andsupportingdocumentsshallhavetobemadewithinonemonthoncompletionofthesupply.

“D.G.S & D. FORCE MAJEURE CLAUSE” “If,atanytimeduringthecontinuanceofthiscontract, theperformanceinwholeorinpartbyeither party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or delayedby reason ofany war, hostility, act of the public enemy, civil commotion, sabotage fires, floods, explosion,epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes lockouts or acts ofGod (hereinafter referred to asevent)”, thenprovidednoticeof thehappeningofanysucheventisgivenbyeitherpartytotheotherwithintwentyonedaysfromthedateofoccurrencethereofneitherpartyshallbyreasonofsucheventbeentitledtoterminatethis contractnor shall eitherparty shallhave any claimfordamagesagainsttheotherinrespectofsuchnon‐performanceofdelayinperformance,anddeliveriesunderthecontractshallberesumedassoonaspracticableaftersucheventhascometoendorceased to exist, and the decision of the Secretary as towhether the deliveries havebeensoresumedornotshallbefinalandconclusive.Provided further that if the performance in whole or part of any obligation under thiscontract ispreventedordelayedbyreasonsofanysuchevent foraperiodexceeding60days,

Page 20: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 20/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  



either party may at its option terminate the contract provided also that if the contract isterminatedunder this clause, thePurchaser shall be at liberty to takeover from the Supplierat a price to be fixed by the Secretary, which shall be final, all unused undamaged andacceptable materials brought out components, and stores in course of manufacture in thepossession of the Supplier at the time of such termination or such portion thereof as thePurchasermaybedeemfitexceptingsuchmaterials,broughtoutcomponentandstoresasthesuppliermaywithconcurrenceofthePurchaserelecttoretain”.

Explanation: The expression contractual delivery date shall mean and included anydate onwhich,or the lastdayof theperiodwithinwhich, thewholepartofthegoodsarecontactedtobedelivered.


It will be supplier’s responsibility to ensure that goods are delivered within the stipulateddelivery period. However, if on account of reasons beyond ones control as laid down in theDGS&D ForceMajeure Conditions the GETCO may consider extension of delivery periodwith or without statutory variations. However, delivery extensions will be considered onlyafterexecutionof theorderfullyanduponsubmissionofdocumentaryevidenceforthereasonsofdelay.However,suchextensionwillbesubjecttothefollowingconditionsshownhereunder.a) That no increase in price on account of any statutory increase in or fresh impositionof customs duty, excise duty, sales tax or on account of any other tax or duty leviable inrespect of the stores specified in the said acceptance of the tenderwhichmay take place onorafter the contractualdeliverydateof theA/T referred toaboveshallbeadmissibleonsuchofthesaidstoresasaredeliveredaftertheoriginalcontractualdeliverydateand

b) That notwithstanding any stipulation in the contract for increase in price on anyother ground, no such increase which has become effective on or after the contractualdeliverydateofthissaidA/Tshallbeadmissibleonsuchofthesaidstoresasaredeliveredaftertheoriginalcontractualdeliverydate.

c) But nevertheless, the purchaser shall be entitled to thebenefit of anydecreaseinpriceonaccountofreductioninorremissionofcustomsduty,exciseduty,salestaxoronaccountofanyothertaxordutyoronanyothergroundasstipulatedintheA/t.,whichtakesplaceoronafterthecontractualdeliverydateofthesaidA/T.

24. Packingandforwardingcharges:The prices are inclusive of packing & forwarding charges. The stores should be strongly andadequately packed to ensure safe arrival at destination fully covering such overseasshipping as rough handling and possible corrosion due to exposure to salt laden atmospheresalt salary or open storage. All packing must be clearly marked with order number andconsigneesnameandaddress.

25. TRANSITINSURANCE:AllthematerialswillberequiredtobesupplieduptoDestinationagainstalltransitrisks,suchasdamage, loss, theft, fire,etc.The insuranceperiodshall cover30daysafter thedateof receiptofmaterialsatsiteinordertoenabletheCorporationtocheckupstoresfully.Thesupplierswillberesponsibleforfreereplacementofsuchstorescomponentsasmaybereportedbytheconsigneewhichhavebeenreceivedshort,damagedorbrokenwithin30days.Thecostofdamaged,defectivestoresmaterialswillhoweverbedeductedfromthebillsofthesuppliersandwillberefundedonly

Page 21: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 21/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  



after replacement thereof. Itwill be the responsibility of the supplier to lodge claim against theinsuranceonreceivingnecessaryadvicefromtheconsignee.

26. ACCEPTANCEOFSTORES:All or any stores and materials to be supplied at F.O.R. Destination against this contractwill be subject to their acceptance by the consignee or any other Officer deputed by theGETCO for thispurpose.TheGETCOwillbeat liberty to rejectwhole lotwithout assigning anyreasonsandthedecisionoftheOfficerconcernedwillbeconsideredasfinal.

27. SecurityDeposit:Thetenderershallhavetopaysecuritydeposit10%ofthecontractvaluebydemanddraftofanynationalized/schedulebanksituatedat“Gondal”orinformofFDRinthenameof“GujaratEnergycorporationLimited/A/c.nameofbidderinthetransmissioncircleofficeGondalwithin10daysfrom the receipt of letter of intent. The security deposit will be refunded only after thecompletion of guarantee period of 18monthsof supply ofmaterials. If Security Deposit is notpaidwithin10daysof issueofLOI,EMDpaidwillbe forfeited.

28. Guarantee,Warranty&annualmaintenancecontract:If thegoods,storesandequipmentsfounddefectiveduetobaddesignorworkmanshipthe same should be repaired or replaced by you free of charge if reported within 18months of their receipt at site or 12 months from the date of commissioning ofequipmentswhicheverisearlier.Youwillberesponsiblefortheproperperformanceoftheequipments/materialsfortherespectiveguaranteeperiod.

29. Replacementofgoodsbrokenordamagedorreceivedshort:Intheeventofanysparesorpartthereofbeingbrokenordamagedorreceivedshortduringtransitorduringthetestingandtrialatsitebeforecommissioninginserviceyoushallreplacethesamefreeofcost.However,GETCOwillarrangerecoveriesofamountequivalenttocostofsuchdamaged/broken/shortsuppliedmaterialsbeforeactualreplacementisgiven.

30. SubmissionofBill:YoushouldforwardtheR.R./T.R./TransportDeliverychallanNo.directlytotheconsigneealongwiththetriplicatecopyofthebill.Theoriginalandduplicatecopyofthebillalongwithrelevantdocumentsincluding approved Test Certificatewhere applicable should be sent to consignee failingwhich thebillswillbereturned.Youshouldpreparebillsandfinalpaymentsseparatelywhereverapplicableasperthetermsofthecontract.Thetriplicatecopyofthebillshouldbecertifiedbytheconsignee.YoushouldmentionontheoriginalBill,No.anddateofSalesTaxRegistrationCertificateheldunderState/CentralSalesTaxAct.ThebillshouldnotbeforwardedtoconsigneewithoutapprovedTestCertificate.GETCOshallnotberesponsibleforanydelayinpaymentofbillsifyoufailtocomplywithanyoftheinstructiongiveninacceptanceoftender.

31. PaymentofBills:Payment shall be made by S.E.(TR),Gondal directly to you for the materials supplied as per GETCO’sstandard payment termsandconditionsonreceiptofS.R.Notefromtheconsignee.AllpaymentsagainstthisorderbyGETCOwillbemadethroughbyRTGS/NEFT,subjecttoastampedreceipt for the payments as advises, being sent in advance. Such advance receipt may be headedAdvanceReceipt.


Page 22: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 22/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  



The GETCO reserves the right to place repeat orders / additional orders on the successfultenderer’s up to 50% of the original quantity of the A/T at the same prices terms and conditionsstipulated in the original contract and within 4 months after completion of the delivery period.InspecialcircumstancestheGETCOwillreservetherighttoplacerepeatorder/additionalorderupto100%quantitymutuallyagreedupon.

33. EMBOSSINGORENGRAVING:The successfulTendererwhereverpossible,will require to emboss/engrave thewords “PropertyofGETCO”alongwith thepurchaseordernumberon the itemsrequired by the GETCO. Also suppliersshould emboss / engrave / affix theircompanynameplatewithdetailsORmanufacturer’snameandtrademark.

34. TerminationofContract:IncaseyoufailtodeliverthegoodsoranyconsignmentthereofwithincontractualperiodofdeliveryorincasetheGETCOarefoundnotinaccordancewithprescribedspecificationand/ortheapprovedsample,theGETCOshallexerciseitsdiscretionarypowereither:

A. Torecover,fromyouasagreed,bywayofpenaltyclauseabove,B. Topurchaseelsewhereaftergivingduenoticetoyouonaccountandatyourrisksuchstores


C. Tocancelthecontract.Intheeventoftheriskpurchaseofstoresofsimilardescription,theopinionoftheGETCOshallbefinal.Intheeventofactiontakenunderclause(a)or(b)above,thecontractorshallliabletopayforanylosswhichtheGETCOmaysustainonthataccountbutyoushallnotbeentitledtoanysavingonsuchpurchasesmadeagainstdefault.ThedecisionoftheGETCOshallbefinalasregardstheacceptabilityofstoressuppliedbyyouandtheGETCOshallnotberequiredtogiveanyreasoninwritingorotherwiseatanytimeforrejectionofthestores.Further “GETCO reserves the right to terminate theContract( i.e. PurchaseOrder) at any time,withoutassigninganyreason,whatsoever,bygivingONEmonthnoticefromthedateofNoticeofterminationof theContract. Youwillnotbeentitled foranycompensatory/damages/ losses,whatsoever,onaccountofsuchterminationoftheContract.

35. Arbitration:Allquestions,disputesordifferenceswhatsoeverwhichmayatanytimearisebetweenyouandGETCOto thisagreementtouchingtheagreementorsubjectmatter thereof,arisingoutofor inrelationtheretoandwhetherastoconstructionorotherwiseshallbereferredtothedecisionoftheSoleArbitrator,appointedbytheGETCO,forthatpurpose,whoshallbearetiredHighCourtJudgeorretiredDistrictandSessionsJudge,andthedecisionofthesaidArbitratorshallbefinaland binding upon you and GETCO. Reference to the arbitration shall be governed by theprovisionsofIndianArbitration&ConciliationAct.1996asamendedfromtimetotimeandtherulesmadethereunder.

36. TESTCERTIFICATES:TestCertificate for the stores asper relevantBSS / ISS shallbe submitted inTriplicate for ourapprovalprior todispatchofstoresandshouldbedispatchedonlyafterthetestcertificates areapproved. Supplier will be responsible for any expenditure that consignee might incur if thegoodsstandrejectedonthisaccount.Further,theGETCOwillnotberesponsibleforanydelayinpaymentonthisaccount.


Page 23: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 23/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  



All the necessary Type tests will have to be carried out before submission of the tenderand to be submitted along with the Technical Bid. The Type Tests which are more than 03(Three)yearsold(fromthedateofopeningofthetechnicalbid)willnotbeconsideredand suchtenderswill be rejected. All the required type testsshould not be older than 03(Three)years.All the required type testsononeparticularitemmusthavebeenconducted inthespanofoneyearonly. If the type tests for thetendered itemsare not carried out before the submission ofthe tender, then it will at GETCO’s sole discretion to accept them or NOT. However,depending up on GETCO’s requirement, if the Letter of Intent (LOI) is placed subject tosubmissionof type tests, then in such casesall thenecessaryType testswillhave tobe carriedoutbythefirmwithin30(Thirty)daysoftheissueofLOIoratGETCO’sdiscretion,failuretodoso the LOI stands cancelled and the detailed purchase orderwill not beplaced and no furthercorrespondences in thismatterwillbeentertainedatanycostandwillbeoutrightlyignored.

38. The purchaser (i.e. GETCO) shall have the right tomake any changes, additions / deletions ormodificationsinanyterms/conditionsofthetenderand/orspecificationsasmay be deemednecessary by the GETCO at its sole discretion at any timebeforetheduedateofopeningofthetender.

39. Tenderershould furnisha listofordersforsimilar itemsexecutedbythemindicatingthe nameof the party and their order reference towhom they have supplied, to befurnished in Annexure‐ I I . Failure to do this will result on suppliers tender being rejected without anyreference. In case of bought out items they should furnish the backup guarantee from theirprincipals.

40. ThematerialsshouldbeofferedstrictlyconfirmingtoISS/BIS/Tenderspecificationsgiveninthetender.Ifthetenderer’sdesirestoquotewithanytechnicaldeviationstheyshouldspecificallyquote the deviation& the ISS or BISNos. in the body of the tender itself under the respectiveAnnexureofthistenderdocument.IftechnicaldeviationsfurnishedbytheTendererarenotagreeabletotheGETCO,theoffersmaybe ignored.However itwillbesolelyatGETCO’sdiscretion toconsider thetechnicaldeviationsORnotforconsideringtheTenderer.NocorrespondencesoftheTendererafteropeningofthebidwillbeentertainedinthismatter.

41. TheGETCOwouldprefertheoffersfrommanufacturersonly.Allthemanufacturersshouldquoteforthoseitems,whichareactuallymanufacturedat/rolledbytheirplants.Thisshouldbestrictlyadhered.TheTenderershouldensurethatminimumproduction,manufacturingandroutinetestingfacilityrequired formanufacturingofthetenderedproductsasper ISstandardisavailable in‐house. Ifthesameisavailableelsewhere,thentheGETCOreservesrighttorejecttheofferoutrightly.TheGETCOreservestherighttoinspect,suppliersfactoryatanytimeduringthecurrencyofthecontract in case order is placed on supplier and also to inspect eachmanufactured lot beforetesting/packing/dispatch.

42. Although thematerials have to be supplied as per ISS and or as per the tenderspecifications,the GETCO will take random samples from the materials supplied and subject them to testsaccording to ISS in approved laboratories. The materials should stand these and if thematerials do not stand these tests, they will be summarily rejected and the supplier shouldmake immediate arrangement to replace them (i.e. availablematerials at stores)with standardmaterialsandaftergettingtheydulyinspected.

Page 24: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 24/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  



43. The materials offered for inspection shall be in duly packed condition ready for putting theembossingofthesealbytheinspectorontheleadsealwhichisprovidedonthepackingbythesupplier by passing a sealed wire through it, as per our approvedmethod. The Inspector willinspectonlyafewpackagesandselectsamplesatrandomfortestingortestingasperrelevantISS/ BIS / Tender specifications. On passing of which, he will emboss his marking on the sealthereafterprovidedonthepackages,whichwillbeonlyfew.


From the lots inspected by the our Inspector before dispatch of goods, the Inspector of ourAudit InspectionWingmaypickup samples at random forquality checkonlyatmanufacturersite.

Thesamplespickedupwillbetestedforacceptancetest/typetestorasdecidedbyGETCO atGovernment approved laboratory in presence of representatives of supplier and GETCO asper relevant ISS/BIS/ GETCO specifications. The testresultswill be binding on the suppliersand GETCO, in general will not allow re‐ sampling. If the material fails in any of theacceptance tests carried out, the full lot of materials will be considered as rejected, and ifreplacement is not possible due toconsumption of thematerials then in that case for wholeof the rejected lot,GETCOwill deductmaximumupto30% (Thirty)of theEndCostPrice.If the same arenot utilized / consumed, thenGETCOmay ask for replacement at solediscretion of theGETCO ormay accept withmaximum deduction up to30% (Thirty)oftheEndCostPrice,andallthesewillbebindingonthesupplier.In case if the materials do not confirm to specifications or fails at Government approvedlaboratoryorother laboratorydecidedbyGETCO for testing and if subsequent testing’s are tobe carried out (which will solely atGETCO’s discretion), then all Testing fees, expenses of theinspectorandotherexpenses incurredbytheGETCOwillbe tosupplier’saccount.ThedecisioninthisregardforacceptanceasaboveoftheGETCOshallbefinalandthiswillbebindingonthesupplier.


All supplies are to be offered to the inspection and approval of GETCO. The GETCOswilldeputeanofficerorauthorizeDGS&D,ORanyotherGovt.orGovt.Approvedagencies(Notprivate)tocarryouttheinspectiononbehalfofGETCO.

At least 30 days notice should be given prior to the dispatch of the stores in case of plantsand equipment’s and 15 days notice in case of general stores, in order to enable theGETCOtodetailoninspection.

The GETCO also reserves the right towaive the inspection before dispatch andauthorizetheconsigneetocarryoutthefinalinspectiononreceiptofthestoresatsite.

46. TenderersshouldagreetosubmittheTestCertificatesintriplicateafterinspectioniscarriedoutbyGETCO’sRepresentativepriortodispatchofmaterialsforGETCO’sapproval.

47. GETCOreserves the right to increaseordecrease thequantityagainsteachitem/swhileplacingtheorder.

Page 25: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 25/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  



48. GETCO reserves the right to cancel any or all the offers / bids or to accept any offer withoutassigninganyreasons.

49. Nopriceescalationwillbeallowed.Ratequotedshouldbefirmuptotheperiodofcontract.50. Thepartyhastoprovideproductaspertechnicalspecification.51. Theratesshouldbequotedincludingorexcludingoftaxesifany.Theratesoftaxesifanyshould

bespecifiedseparately.52. Itisproposedtohaveintegritypact,tohavebestbusinesspracticesinanatmosphereoftrustto


53. TheTenderermustgiveinhisoffer,thefullnameandaddresswithphone,Fax&mobilenumbersof the Liaison Agent / Representative if any, who has been authorized by the Tenderer to doliaisonworkwiththeCorporationontheirbehalf.Onlyoneliaisonagentisallowed

Page 26: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 26/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  




Page 27: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 27/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  



Page 28: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 28/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  



Page 29: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 29/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  



Page 30: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 30/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  



Page 31: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 31/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  



Page 32: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 32/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  



Page 33: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 33/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  



Page 34: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 34/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  








SupplierCategory Manufacturer/Trader







WhetherunderNSICscheme.IfYesthenMonetarylimit.& Validity

Rs. Date:‐

CustomNo.andDate(Ifapplicable)LicenseType(ISO9001/9002) ISO9001/ISO9002(TickApplicable)

LicenseValidityPeriod FromDate_ toDate Addressof RegisteredOffice FactoryWorks LiaisonRepresentativeContactpersonname



City &Pincode










Page 35: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 35/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  


























Page 36: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 36/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  





Nameof theAuthority bywhomcertificateisissued

Reference No. &Date


1 2 3 4

Page 37: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 37/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  








TestsCarried outat (NameofLaboratory)

Rating &Type/


Name of thetest



Page 38: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 38/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  






Description Drawing Number NumberofSheets

1 2 3 4

Page 39: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 39/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  











1  YardLTA.C.DistributionBoard

Page 40: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 40/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  



                                                             ANNEXURE – VII 



OUR ENDEAVOUR To  create  an  environment where  Business  Confidence  is  built  through  Best  Business  Practices  and  is  fostered  in  an atmosphere of trust and respect between providers of goods and services and their users for the ultimate benefit of society and the nation. 



o To maintain the highest ethical standards in Business and professions. 


o Not to bring pressure recommendations From outside GETCO to influence its decision.. 


o o 

Ensure maximum transparency to thesatisfaction of stakeholders. Ensure to fulfill the terms of agreement/contract and to consider Objectively the view point of parties. 




Not to use intimidation, threat, inducement or pressure of any kind on GETCO OR ANY OF it’s employees under any circumstances To be prompt and reasonable in fulfilling the Contract, agreement, legal obligations. 


Ensure regular and timely release ofpayments on due dates for work done. Ensure that no improper demand is made by employees or by anyone on our behalf.


 o o 

To provide goods and / or services timely as per agreed quality and specifications at minimum cost to GETCO. Abide by the general discipline to be Maintained in our dealings


To give maximum possible assistance toall the Vendors/ Suppliers/ Sevice Provider and other to enable them to complete the contract in time To provide all information to suppliers /contractors relating to contract / job which facilitate him to complete the contract / job successfully in time. 



o o 

To be true and honest in furnishing information. 

Not to divulge any information, business details available during the course of business relationship to others without the written consent to GETCO. 


Ensure minimum hurdles to vendors / suppliers / contractors in completion of agreement / contract / work order.



Not to enter into carter / syndicate /understanding whether formal / non formal so as to influence the price.



     _  ____    ______________  

Seal & Signature    Seal &  Signature (GETCO’s Authorized Signatory)                                     (Party’s Authorized Person) 

Name : Name :

Designation: Designation:

Page 41: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 41/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  





Sr. No.  

Tender Items 

Manufacturing capacity(*) 

Order executed with Quantity, date & place(**) 

Performance as per qualifying requirement of specification(***)  




Note:1. *Company’schartedengineercertificateshouldbesubmitted.2. ** Supplydetailsforoffereditemswithnameofpurchaser,dateandlocationto

bementioned.3. *** Performancecertificateforsatisfactoryoperation/workingforperiodasper


Note: Biddershavetosubmitdetailinaboveformatwithsupportingdocuments,failingwhichofferisliabletodis‐qualified.

Page 42: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 42/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  



(on Non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.100/-duly Notarized)

AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this …………. day of ……………… Two thousand ……………………….

BETWEEN ……………..……………………………… (Name of the Company), having Registered Office at ……………………………………………. and represented by ……………………………………………………. (Name and designation of the Authorized Officer (herein after called “The Supplier”, which expression where the context so requires or admits shall include his legal heir, administrators, executors, assignees and legal representatives) of the ONE PART.

AND ……………..……………………………… (Name of the Company), having Registered Office at ……………………………………………. and represented by ……………………………………………………. (Name and designation of the Authorized Officer (here in after called “The Purchaser / purchaser Company”, which expression where the context so requires or admits shall include his administrators, executors, authorised person, assignees and legal representatives) of the OTHER PART. WHEREAS, the Supplier willingly submitted bids for the Tender No……………………………….of the Purchaser company for supply of……………………………….. [Name of the material / items to be supplied by the Supplier] as specified and as per delivery instructions provided in the Acceptance of Tender (AT) / Letter of Acceptance (LOA) issued vide No……………….dtd……………. by the Purchaser company at the accepted respective prices or rates mentioned against the said items / materials. AND WHEREAS THE PURCHASER Company has accepted the tender of the Supplier for the supply for the total sum of Rs.__________ Rupees__________________ _____ only) *including / excluding taxes upon the terms and subject to the conditions herein mentioned in the agreement. AND WHEREAS, a list is made out in the “SCHEDULE” hereunder written and all of which said documents of the Schedule are deemed to form part of this agreement and included in the expression “the Supply” wherever herein used, upon the terms and subject to the conditions hereinafter mentioned. NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES AS UNDER AND IT IS HEREBY AGREED AND DECLARED THAT:- (1) The Supplier has accepted the Terms and Conditions set out in the Tender Notice No.

……………… dtd. ………….. as well as in the form of Acceptance of Tender (AT) / Letter of Acceptance (LOA) No. .……………………………… dtd. ……………. which will hold good & valid during the period of this Agreement.

(2) The supplier shall do and perform for all supplies and things mentioned and described in this agreement or which are implied therein or therefrom respectively or are reasonably necessary for the in-time and in manner supplies as mentioned and subject to the general / commercial terms & conditions and stipulations contained in this agreement.

Page 43: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 43/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  



(3) In consideration of the due provision, executions, completion of the Supply, as agreed to by the Supplier as aforesaid, the Purchaser company hereby agrees to pay all the sums of money as and when they become due and payable to the supplier under the provisions of the agreement and such payment to be made at such times and in such manner as provided in the agreement. In respect of the said Tender as per the terms & conditions of this Agreement, the Supplier has deposited amount in Cash or DD or has provided valid Bank Guarantee of Rs.………………. (Rupees ………………………………………..only) with the Purchaser Company towards performance guarantee of execution period i.e. for security deposit of the supply material / items.

(4) Upon breach by the Supplier of any of the conditions of this Agreement, the Purchaser Company may give a notice in writing to rescind, determine and put to an end to the A/T without prejudice to the right of the Purchaser company to claim damages for antecedent breaches thereof on the part of the Supplier and also to claim reasonable compensation / risk & cost purchase for the loss occasioned by the Purchaser Company due to failure of the Supplier to fulfill the Order as certified in writing by the Purchaser for which Certificate shall be conclusive evidence of the amount of such compensation payable by the Supplier to the Purchaser.

(5) The Purchaser Company shall not be bound to take the whole or any part of the ordered quantity herein or therein mentioned in the LOA / AT and may cancel the contract at any time after giving ONE MONTH’S NOTICE IN WRITING without compensating the Supplier.

(6) This Agreement shall remain in force till the expiry of satisfactory performance of the Supply during Guarantee / Warranty period including for the quantity mentioned in the repeat order, if any as per the terms & conditions of the LOA / AT.

(7) Any Notice in connection with the Supply including the Notice for termination may be given by the Purchaser or any Authorized Officer for the said purpose as per the Commercial Terms & Conditions of the LOA / AT.

(8) If subject to the circumstances beyond control i.e. Force Majeure conditions, the Supplier fails to deliver the materials, the same shall be governed as per the Tender Documents.

(9) The agreed value, extent of supply, delivery dates, specifications, and other relevant matters may be altered by mutual agreement as per the policy of the purchaser Company and if so altered shall not be deemed or construed to mean or apply to affect or alter other general / commercial terms & conditions of the agreement and the agreement so altered or revised shall be and shall always be deemed to have been adhered subject to and without prejudice to said stipulation.

(11) The following is the Schedule forming part of this agreement as provided herein above:

Page 44: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 44/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  



SCHEDULE List of documents: 1, 2. 3. 4. 5. In witness whereof the parties hereto have set their hands and seals this day, month and year first above written.

Place: Date: 1. Signed, Sealed and delivered by :

(Signature with Name,Designation & officialseal/stamp)

For and on behalf of M/s. (Supplier) (Complete Name, Address of the authorized person of the Supplier with Authority letter or Board’s Resolution in case of company)

In the presence of Name, full Address & Signatures:

i) ____________________________________ ____________________________________

ii) ___________________________________


2. Signed, Sealed and Delivered by :

(Signature with Name,Designation & officialseal/Stamp)

For and on behalf of (Purchaser), (Complete Name, Designation & Location / Address of the authorized officer as per DOP of the Purchaser Company)

In the presence of Name, full Address & Signatures: i) ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ii) ___________________________________ ____________________________________

Page 45: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 45/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  


















Page 46: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 46/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  




Page 47: Tender 66-2015 for supply of Yard LT AC DB 220kV Gondal SS Office/Gondal Trans Circle... · Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311 Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com

 Power House Compound, Station Plot, Gondal – 360 311

Tel. (02825) 220121Web site: getcogujarat.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (02825) 240457 [email protected]

Seal & Sign of Contractor Page 47/47 Regd. Corporate Office: GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Sardar Patel VidyutBhavan, Race Course, Vadodara-390007

Corporate Identity No. (CIN): U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Phone: (0265) 2310582-86, Fax: (0265) 2337918, 2338164, Web site: www.getcogujarat.com  







Descriptionofmaterials Qty.















1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11




Remarks:I/Weagreetosupplythearticlesnotedaboveattherateshereintenderedbyme/ussubjectto the condition of Tender and supply of the Tender Inquiry, which I /We have carefullyreadandwhichI/Wehavethoroughlyunderstoodandtowhich,I/Weagree.I/Weherebyagreetokeepthisofferopenfor180daysfromthedateofopeningoftender.andshallbeboundbycommunicationofacceptancedispatchedwithintheprescribedtime.The Documentary evidence for the payment of excise duty should have to be furnished.


(Rupees _ _ _


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