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Test Heritage Fungicide for auxiliary effects related to reduced transpiration, drought resistance and increased growth of roots inside the root ball. BY: Danilo Adolfo López García. Watsonville California, United State of América 2018.

Índex Resumen. .................................................................................................................................................. 3

Abstrac. ...................................................................................................................................................... 4

Introduction. .............................................................................................................................................. 5

Materials and Methods ............................................................................................................................ 6

Results and discussions.......................................................................................................................... 8

Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................. 13

Bibliography ............................................................................................................................................ 13

Annexes ................................................................................................................................................... 14

Annex. 1. T2. Spray ....................................................................................................................... 14

Annex 2. T3. Control. ................................................................................................................... 15

Annex. 3. T1. Drench ...................................................................................................................... 16

Annex. 4. T3. Control ......................................................................................................................... 17

Annex. 5. T2. Spray ........................................................................................................................... 18

Annex. 6 T1. Drench .......................................................................................................................... 19

Resumen. Para realizar este experimento se utilizó el Producto químico Heritage® Funguicida, para observar y determinar sus efectos en las plantas, si ayuda a reducir la transpiración, resistencia a las sequia y aumento del crecimiento de las raíces. Para la ejecución de este proyecto de investigación se utilizaron 3 tratamientos los cuales fueron T1: Aplicación por Drench, T2: Aplicación por Spray y T3: Testigo o comparativo normalmente, al cual solo se le aplico agua durante las 3 semanas de duración del experimento. Para la aplicación de este producto, se usó la dosis recomendada por el fabricante, para Drech 1 ounce/100 gallons, for spray 2ounce /100 gallons. Las macetas fueron llenadas con suelo Mixtado: 60(peat moss)-20(perlite)-20 (Reed Wood) + Fertilizante (19-06-12), 7 lbs/saco, se utilizó el mismo suelo en los 3 tratamientos para uniformizar las condiciones en el proyecto. Se tomo cada semana altura de las plantas, cantidad de hojas y ph and Ec.

Palabras clave: Poinsettias, Heritage, ph, ec, altura, Prueba de tukey.

Abstrac. To carry out this experiment the Heritage® Chemical was used Fungicide, to observe and determine its effects on plants, if it helps reduce perspiration, resistance to drought and increased root growth. For the execution of this research project 3 treatments were used which were T1: Application by Drench, T2: Application by Spray and T3: Control or comparative normally, to which only water was applied during the 3 weeks of the experiment. For the application of this product, the dose recommended by the manufacturer was used for Drech 1 ounce / 100 gallons, for spray 2ounce / 100 gallons. The pots were filled with Mixed soil: 60 (peat moss) -20 (perlite) -20 (Reed Wood) + Fertilizer (19-06-12), 7 Pounds/sack, the same soil was used in the 3 treatments for standardize the conditions in the project. Weekly height of the plants, number of leaves and ph and Ec were taken. keywords Poinsettias, Heritage, ph, ec, Height, Tukey test.

Introduction. Before starting the propagation of poinsettias, you must ensure that you have high quality cuttings and have the right conditions for their production, temperature control, irrigation, fertilization, etc. The size of the cuttings should be between 2-2.5 In, with 2 to 3 leaves, after receiving the cuttings should be inspected that have no disease or plague so they can be transplanted directly into the pots or can be placed in a measured composed of peat, perlite, or in oasis trays, the optimal ph for propagation is 5.8- 6.3, in addition the germination medium must be firm to support the cutting, have good porosity, and a high capacity for water retention, The optimum temperature daily average 70 0F – 78 0F. (Ariana P, 2009) Phase1 formation of calluses, this occurs 7th 10 days after being placed the cuttings in the pot, this phase is the most critical of the propagation, of the poinsettias, it is recommended to apply nebulization continuously to avoid stressing the plants and achieve a formation In addition, it is necessary to place shadows on top of the greenhouse to control the direct light to the plant, maintaining a temperature of 79 0F to 83 0F, in the day and 70 0F and 74 0F at night. (Ariana P, 2009) In addition, the PGR should be used to control the elongation of the cuttings 6 - 7 days after being planted. (Ariana P, 2009) Phase 2. Initiation and development of the roots, that occurs between 10 and 14

days after starting the propagation process. Here it is recommended to increase the

intensity of the light, remove one by one the shadows placed in the greenhouses to

adapt the plant. (Ariana P, 2009)

After 17 - 21 days of initiation the propagation the cuttings will have dislodged the

roots and thus be able to adapt to the environmental conditions, with greater intensity

of light. (Ariana P, 2009).

Materials and Methods ➢ Pots ➢ Cuttings of poinsettias. ➢ Soil. ➢ Available area. ➢ Labels. ➢ Heritage®.

1. A total of 16 pots were filled per treatment, these being 3 treatment to be

evaluated. T1: Heritage application by Drench 1 ounce / 100 gal. T2: Heritage application by Spray 2 ounce / 100 gal. T3: Control or comparative normally to which only water was applied during the execution of the project, using Mixed soil 60 (peat moss) -20 (perlite) -20 (Reed Wood) + Fertilizer (19-06-12), 7 pounds /sack, this soil is used by the company for the propagation of poinsettias.

2. T1 treatment was applied 2 days after being transplanted, 4 days after being

placed in propagation the T2 was applied (due to the pesticide management norms of the state of California, the company's trained personnel performed the application).

3. At 7 days after being transplanted Ph, Ec, Height and number of leaves per

plant were taken.

4. It was left for 3 weeks, inside the greenhouse controlling the moisture in the pots, every day as well as the temperature inside the greenhouse over the 3 weeks it was obtained min = 54 0F Max = 90 0F temperatures.

5. At 21 days, the experiment was completed taking the pots and in a bucket the roots were washed, to determine the effect of the Hermitage on the roots of the poinsettias.

6. Six plants per treatment were selected to observe if the Heritage helps to

resist the drought, the 18 pots were taken to field capacity which were separated and were identified so that water is not applied during the project.

Results and discussions. We took the weekly Ph and Ec, this to observe and determine if the conditions in the pot were any variable that could affect the results of the project.

Application Ph 1 week Ec 1 week Ph 2 week Ec 2 week

Ph 3 Week

Ec 3 Week

drench 5.96 2.24 5.8 3.26 5.73 3.59

Spray 6.09 3.09 5.68 2.94 6.02 2.61

Control 6.1 3.6 5.33 3.48 5.59 3.63

it was observed that the values of Ph and Ec were constant in the duration of the project, therefore they did not affect the results. Leaves. Five plants were taken from the 16 plants, which were counted the number of leaves weekly, to determine if the product helped in the production of new leaves in the poinsettias.

Leaf 1 week Leaf 2 week Leaf 3 week

Drench spray Control Drench Spray Control 3 Drench Spray Control

5 5 5 6 8 7 10 9 8

6 6 6 8 6 7 9 9 9

7 6 6 7 7 7 9 7 10

6 7 5 7 7 7 10 5 5

6 3 6 6 8 8 7 5 9

(Di Rienzo J.A., 2018) Applying the Tukey test, resulting in no significant difference between the 3 treatments. Height. We took this variable and observe the effects of the Heritage on the plants, week after week the plants were measured in inches.

1 Week Inches 2 Week Inches 3 Week inches

Drench spray Control drench spray Control drench spray Control

1.50 1.25 1.25 1.50 1.62 1.25 2.00 2.00 2.00

1.25 1.00 0.50 1.50 1.25 1.50 2.25 2.50 2.25

1.25 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.00 1.25 2.50 2.00 2.00

1.50 1.25 1.065 1.50 1.50 1.50 2.00 1.75 2.25

1.25 1.00 1.06 1.50 1.75 1.25 1.75 1.50 2.25

1.00 1.12 1.25 1.06 1.25 0.62 2.25 1.25 1.25

1.25 1.00 1.25 1.50 0.75 1.25 1.75 1.00 0.75

1.25 0.75 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.25 2.50 1.25 2.50

1.37 1.06 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.75 2.25 2.75 2.25

1.00 0.75 1.06 1.50 1.25 1.25 2.00 2.25 2.50

0.75 1.00 1.25 1.06 1.62 1.75 1.75 2.25 2.00

1.25 1.00 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.25 2.25 2.25 2.25

1.12 1.25 1.00 1.50 1.25 1.50 2.00 2.00 2.00

1.12 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.25 1.37 2.00 2.25 2.25

1.25 1.00 1.50 1.50 1.25 1.50 2.25 2.00 2.50

1.25 1.25 1.50 1.25 1.50 1.25 2.25 2.00 2.50

(Di Rienzo J.A., 2018)

The tukey test was applied, resulting in no significant difference between the treatments. Rooting Here we could see part of the results expected in the project, the following results were obtained.

Application rooted plants

% rooted plants

Drench 16 100

spray 12 75

Control 14 87.5

Here it is observed that when T1. applying the Heritage by Drench (see annex 3). Favorable results are obtained to the plants, this because the product penetrates the substrate controlling pests and diseases that could attack the cuttings of poinsettias, while on the other hand, T2. the Spray (See Annex 1) only has contact with the foliar area of the plants does not exert any favorable effect on the rooting of the plant as does T3. Control or Comparative (See Annex 2). The size of the root in the 3 treatments.

Application roots inches

Drench 4.75

spray 5

Control 5.5

T3. Control

T2. Spray. T1. Drench.

it is observed that the roots in the T1 treatment (See Annex 6), have greater uniformity and size of the roots, this because of the Heritage, in comparison with the other treatments, T2 (See Annex 5) and T3 (See Annex 4) The roots grow unevenly. Resistance to drought 6 pots were used per treatment, to observe the auxiliary effect of the Heritage in the poinsettias, the plants were taken to field capacity, saturating them and placing them in the greenhouse to determine the time in which the plants present the first wilt symptoms.

Treatments Pots / water

weight of pots / dried 10 days later in grams

Water weight Lost 10 days later in grams

Drench 475 175 300

Spray 425 200 225

Control 475 200 275

The pots were weighed when they were placed in the greenhouse, and 10 days later, this to determine the amount of water lost by evaporation after 10 days, it is observed that the pots with the greatest amount of water loss they were those of the T1 Drench, and those that lost less water were the T2 Spray. The temperature reached in these days was crucial in the duration of the experiment due to a minimum of 500F and a maximum of 730F.

The symptomatology that was observed or classified for the project was as follows. A = slight wilting of foliage (only the edges of leaves begin to fold down slightly) B = moderate wilting of foliage (more of the leaf is folded down showing obvious signs of wilt) C = severe wilting (Stems and leaves are bending over/downward)

Dias Drench Spray Control

1 - - -

2 - - -

3 - - -

4 - - -

5 - - -

6 - - -

7 - A A

8 - A A

9 A B B

10 A B B

11 The experiment was not continued.

Because an employee applied water to the pots, the experiment was not continued.


T1. Drench

Conclusions ➢ The application of the Heritage by drench is recommended, because it favors

the development of the root system of plants and controls pests and diseases that may damage the plant.

➢ There was no significant difference between the treatments when evaluating the amount of leaves per plants / week, height of the plant / week.

➢ The application by Drench is the best option to apply the Heritage since it favors the growth of the roots of the plant as well as helps the plant with the reduction of transpiration and resistance to drought.

Bibliography ➢ Ariana P, Torres y Roberto G, Lopez. 2009. Produccion comercializacion

de flores en invernaderos. Departamento de Horticultura , Purdue

University. Indiana : Purdue University, 2009. pág. 5. HO-235-SW.

➢ Di Rienzo J.A., Casanoves F., Balzarini M.G., Gonzales L., Tablada M.,

Robledo C.W. 2018. Infostat Version 2018. s.l., Cordoba, Argentina. :

Grupo Infostar, FCA, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, 2018.

Annexes Annex. 1. T2. Spray

T2: Plant without rooting, 3


Annex 2. T3. Control.

T3: Plant without

rooting, 3 weeks

Annex. 3. T1. Drench

Annex. 4. T3. Control

Annex. 5. T2. Spray

Annex. 6 T1. Drench

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