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First of all: Congratulations!

If you are currently reading these secrets then you have understood that it was time for you

to take your destiny in hand. Indeed, many people complain that they don’t like their life,

they’re unhappy, they have money problems, relationships troubles, they’re unlucky, work

problems, etc., but how many of these people are truly capable of changing their lives? Very

few in reality. Most of the time, they take no action. In general, they wait for a miracle to

happen and they simply never experience a better life.

It is by far the worst solution for change. Have you ever spent a long period of time without

doing anything because of immobilisation due to an illness or accident, or even due to

depression or fatigue…? you must have noticed that if you do not move, nothing moves for

you! The only way to make things evolve, in every area of your life, is to take yourself in hand

and provide fresh impetus to the cause.

“If you do not make the cart move yourself, the cart will not move for you.”

(Ancient Asian proverb).

You have already started making “the cart move” by ordering the Seven Secrets of

Happiness, so applying them will be child’s play for you.

You are what you think.

Your way of seeing, thinking, speaking and acting is the reflection of your profound

personality. The world is an illusion insofar as each person sees it in their own unique way. If

you are happy, the world seems joyous and energetic. If you are sad, everything seems dark

around you. It is a basic spiritual and psychological law. Your perception of the outside world

depends on your “inner window”

Therefore, an event can be experienced in many ways depending on your point of view. This

fact struck a psychic friend of mine and me, during one of our visits to India meeting great

clairvoyants. Thinking that we were both on the same wavelength, we didn’t discuss our

impressions with each other throughout the whole trip. What a surprise I had when I

discovered, after our return to Europe, that we had experienced these human exchanges

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with great masters very differently. We met the same spiritual people but we got different

experiences and powers out of it. Yet, we never left each other’s side during our two month

oriental journey. We shared our entire spiritually filled days, and we never left each other

from morning until night, except to go to our own separate rooms.

Try it yourself when you next go away for the weekend or during your holidays. Or you could

even walk around town with a friend. Make sure you agree to stay with each other, to go to

the same places and not to discuss your impressions the whole time. Only do this when you

return. You will no doubt be surprised by the differences of appreciation between you.

Therefore, each person sees life through his own “inner window” and you can never look

through your neighbour’s window. These differences of mentality and point of view come

from education, personal experiences, life’s events, and private, professional and social

environments. Every experience is unique and irreplaceable.

In the same way, your way of appreciating or hating your life and all its elements is forged by

all the factors we have just described.

According to what has been positively or negatively programmed in you, you will have more

or less confidence in yourself and you will be more or less able to react to events.

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1. The poisons of the mind

Often, we do not react but we are reacted upon. That is to say that we don’t think, don’t

speak and don’t accomplish things of our own free will but through the distorted mirror of

our conditioning.

This conditioning has in the long term forged a personality for us which is not our own and

which we believe to be the real “self”

We are so unconscious of this programming that we react to things convinced that we are

applying the best solutions, when in fact they are quite simply the result of a

distortion of the mind.

The best proof!

Simply analyse your life to understand this catastrophic situation. Can you say that you are

happy right now? That you have everything you need? That you have no money, love, luck

money problems, etc.?

Do you feel fulfilled and satisfied with your life? Are you always in a positive state of mind?

In short, right now as you are reading these words: “Are you happy?”

If you are HONESTLY able to say YES, then close this initiatory guide right now and return it to

get your money back!

But if you are honest, you will have to come to the bitter conclusion that everything is not

turning out for the best.

What more striking proof could there be than you are not yourself at the moment! If your true

personality was currently being expressed, then you would be happy. Your mind would only

be influenced by positive suggestions and your life would be the mirror of that. Indeed, if

your profound being was truly able to express itself, you wouldn’t have any problems right

now. You wouldn’t even question whether you are happy or unhappy, because you would be

swimming in success and accomplishment! Yet, one cannot but notice that this is far from

being the case.

Why? Because at the moment, it is not your true SELF that is reacting but a caricature of it, a

being that is not really you and is only the result of all the false ideas you have accumulated

since the day you were born. We’ll call it your DOUBLE. Very fortunately, thanks to the

Seven Secrets of Happiness, things are finally going to change! And this is going to happen

rapidly and in such a spectacular way that you probably cannot yet fully comprehend!

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2. Programmed since birth

To fully understand what you have become, we invite you on a journey into time, back to the

day you were born. Of course, you cannot remember this. According to psychologists, our

first conscious memories are not before the age of three. And even these are just snippets of

memories that only come back to you if you think about them. When you try to remember

these far away memories, you have a fleeting image, an impression… Fairly vague faces crop

up when you try to evoke the first images of when you were very young.

And yet all of your past history is of great importance. Indeed, even if you don’t like looking

back into the past and you think that all that is finished, you are greatly mistaken because it

has never finished with you: you are the product of it! You are immersed in and modelled on

all the acts, ideas, emotions, words, and thoughts shared and received since the moment

you came out into the light from your mother’s womb.

Subconsciously, just the light, the smells, the contact in the hands of the obstetrician and the

nurse to whom he passed you to… before even arriving in the arms of your mother… are

impressions that are profoundly engraved in you, even though you have no conscious memory

of it. It has been scientifically proven that the microbes from the people around penetrate

the body, and notably the digestive tract, from the moment you come into the world.

Yet, when you came into the scene, you were a pure being without conditioning, apart from

your gene pool, provided with all the qualities to succeed. Except, the only thing is, as soon

as you were born the psychological bombardment began. Often with the best intentions in

the world, your parents and your grand-parents began educating you, instilling moral values

on you, teaching you to walk, sit, sit at the table, but also to think and speak, “correctly”.

These often commendable efforts, which are the family’s duty, have nevertheless fixed you

with ways of thinking, speaking and acting that continue to leave their mark on you today,

whether you are twenty, forty, sixty... or even eighty years old!

Of course, this is not about questioning an indispensable education which no doubt stopped

you from being deprived, uneducated or antisocial, but it is about becoming aware that all

these psychological and physical elements have contributed to making and building the

person you are today…

Then added to this family education comes the school programme, your group of friends or

companions, your social activities, physical or sports… This ‘training’ continued as you grew

up because you didn’t evolve in a neutral environment. You depend on ethnic, religious,

social, philosophical, etc. references that belong to your own country, culture, society,

continent, generation, etc.

All the events that have taken place since your birth, and even well before, insofar as they

conditioned your parents, grandparents, ancestors, etc… have also influenced your mind,

body, the moment you were born, etc.

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Therefore, contingent on the political regime into which you were born and in which you

now currently live, according to the fact that you may have experienced times of war or

peace and social battles, according to your ideas, your commitment, your thoughts, your

words or your actions, you are what you are today. In the same way, your professional

environment also has an influence on you. It depends on the studies you may have

undertaken, just as much as failures in school or university, or success in this area.

Furthermore, if you have not undertaken any or very little studies, you have been influenced

because (by choice): you haven’t had the level of instruction that allows you to accomplish a

further study programme; you feel a certain guilt or regret for having followed, or not, an

academic or university background that suited you.

Consequently, according to your degree of knowledge and diplomas, you occupy such and

such a job at the moment. This has created in you modes of thinking, speaking and reacting

which also leave their mark on you, just like all your other conditioned ways. You may or

may not be creative, fulfilled, a decision-maker, etc. You may or may not get along with your

bosses, your colleagues, etc. You may or may not have opportunities for promotion, pay

increases, transfer, etc. According to your position and your salary or income, you may or

may not have the means to support your family, help your parents or your children, go on

holiday, buy a house, regularly change your car, etc.

In short, these factors have repercussions on you and those around you whose reactions

also condition your attitude and state of mind in life. We could go on using these sorts of

examples forever, but there’s no need. We’re sure you have understood this life principal:

our entire life is a continuous chain of causes and consequences which then themselves

become causes of other consequences, and so on…

We could compare our life here on earth to a continuous chain, which incidentally, for some,

will not end at physical death, but will perpetuate during other lives whose number depends

on the degree of evolution achieved in each one of them. In other words, if you quickly

evolve in a life, the next one will be more favourable and so on, until you become the perfect

being we were originally and to which we aspire to be inside. But all that is another story!

The Seven Secrets of Happiness, will of course bring you more love, luck, money, health, etc.,

but their ultimate aim is your inner evolution. But before getting there, being humans made

of flesh and blood, we need something concrete in order to live life, acquire experiences and

change for the better.

There’s no question here of asking you to disown everything, whether it is your education,

your environment, your parents, your job, your spiritual or political ideas, to stop seeing

your friends, to emigrate, or change your wardrobe! However, you must put things into

perspective and separate the wheat from the chaff; the ideas that will move you away from

this conditioning that confines you in a psychic prison with invisible walls.

Apply yourself to trying to make them visible so that you can destroy them more easily. That is

the Secret of the Seven Secrets of Happiness!

They will help you to see yourself clearly, to get rid of the poisonous thoughts, to protect

yourself from damaging energies and attract beneficial vibrations, whatever you age, social

condition, previous programming, and current situation!

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3. Evaluate yourself

We often progress through our failures and shortcomings, so don’t forget to recognise your

limitations. This will be the first step towards transforming them. Recognising your

shortcomings and qualities and strengths and weaknesses is the basis of any genuine work to

change oneself, just as the Seven Secrets of Happiness offers. You have been judged worthy

enough to receive them by the leaders of the superior invisible worlds. However, as powerful

and omnipotent as they are, even they cannot do it for you. You have the ability in you to

understand, assimilate and above all, apply the Seven Secrets of Happiness.

You are the only one able to study them and make them work in your daily life. We are

offering you the Seven Keys of Happiness, and it’s now down to you to open the doors to a

happy life, free of failures, and full of spiritual and material success which is yours, just as it

was originally conceived by Divine Providence (call it whatever you wish, according to your


Now, let’s evaluate your degree of comprehension of the Seven Secrets of Happiness theory.

Please complete the questionnaire below as honestly as possible. If you have not clearly

understood one of the concepts explained above, do not hesitate in going back to it and

reading it over again until you understand its meaning.

We totally understand that the basic principles of the Seven Secrets of Happiness may make

you react, give rise to incomprehension or even certain opposition… This is a good thing!

This proves that your situation is not as desperate as all that, that you still have the ability to

criticise, are motivated and dynamic… This is essential for understanding the fundamental

meaning of the Seven Secrets of Happiness.

This proves that they were sent to the right person! You were judged worthy enough to

receive them because you still have a critical mind, the vital weapon of a successful life. It is

therefore understandable if our views spark a reaction because these conclusions and

information are probably new to you. Our statements may surprise you or incite your

support; but at least they won’t leave you indifferent.

You are not yet completely apathetic as is unfortunately the case for many people. This is

reassuring for you and a pity for them. However, one day they too will have access to the

light. For now, the light has turned in your direction. Take full advantage of it because such

opportunities don’t come very often in life here on earth.

Now, breathe deeply for a few moments in order to calm the mind (mental agitation is always

a bad advisor) and ask yourself who is really taking action right now: your true inner being or

the person you have become following the mental bombardment you have been subjected to

since birth, and that we call your DOUBLE? If you are sufficiently perceptive, you will

understand that two tendencies come to light in you and oppose each other: on the one

hand, your SELF who believes, or is at least attracted by the profound meaning of our

comments; and on the other, its illusory DOUBLE who feels threatened, and who you will

soon question, and who you are going to get rid of!

It is often this that forces you to doubt. It is the DOUBLE who has succeeded in making you

believe that it was you and who inspires all these negative ideas in you that you thought

came from the real you.

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You are so used to it being around that you have ended up believing you were it! It may even

be the case that you couldn’t really see the difference between your true inner being and this

caricature that has ended up convincing you that it is you. You must learn, right now, to say

goodbye to it, until you are rid of it for good. For now, start by answering the following

questions with a YES or a NO then, analyse your attitude.

Simply circle the answers that correspond to you.

Do you feel you are on the right track since you have the Seven Secrets of Happiness at your



Since you ordered this, has your negative state of mind changed?


Do you often complain about your lot, without doing anything to change it until now?


Have you already tried changing by yourself or by using psychological, magic or other



Have any of these attempts given you results?


Do you have health, money, relationship, or work problems at the moment?


Do you think you can change this situation with the help of the Seven Secrets of Happiness?


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Are you willing to make the necessary effort, notably follow the Seven Secrets of Happiness

guide to change this life that has not been generous to you until now?


Are you conscious of the fact that it is not you who is reacting but, for now, it is your Double

who is controlling your life and living for you?


Are you satisfied with the results obtained by this DOUBLE up until now?


If you answered YES to questions 1-2-4-6-7-8-9 and NO to questions 3-5-10, you are in the

best conditions to fully benefit from the Seven Secrets of Happiness.

If the opposite is true, then it was high time you found a solution to your

problems! If your answers vary, it is not too late to change either. In fact, in

all cases, you will learn something from studying the Seven Secrets of


Obviously if you fall into the first category, you will progress faster. The others will also

progress but with more effort, notably by rereading and fully understanding the theoretical

part developed up to here.

It is time to move on to the practical part. A word of advice: come back to this short

questionnaire during your reading and especially at the end of your Seven Secrets of

Happiness training. You will surely be surprised by the change of answers compared to your

first ones!

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Mental relaxation Exercises Before starting the actual study of your Seven Secrets of Happiness, below we have

suggested some preparation methods for applying them through this deconditioning method.

It will familiarise you with the spirit of the Seven Secrets of Happiness, but above all, it will

allow you to assimilate methods which will be the basis of their study.

Before beginning the mental deconditioning exercise, you must learn to relax in order to

approach it in the best conditions.

Indeed, you have probably noticed that when you are in a difficult situation, you are tense,

anxious, distressed, you go to pieces, you become nervous, and you have trouble keeping

calm. You also have a feeling of guilt, you are submerged by a wave of pessimism or negative


You may even notice physical changes: bodily reactions such as headaches, waves of anxiety,

feeling of oppression especially in the chest area… In short, you go to pieces physically and

mentally without really knowing how to pull yourself together. You may even panic or feel

desperate in the face of your own powerlessness… To confirm this, try to remember how you

felt when faced with a recent problem or difficult situation.

You have no doubt already experienced some of the troublesome occurrences described

above. There can be no other way because, in these cases, the person you are at the moment

and who is not actually you (your DOUBLE), is bewildered because you don’t know how to

face your problems, whereas your true being has the solutions and is fighting to make you

aware of them. Your false SELF unfortunately still wins most of the time because you are still

persuaded that it is YOU.

The Seven Secrets of Happiness will teach you how to expose it and get rid of it once and for


In the same way as you have feelings of trouble when you are faced with a difficult situation,

just thinking about it puts you ill at ease! Therefore, immediately try to think of a

troublesome event or a problem that is worrying you. Observe your mental or physical

reactions. The more troublesome the thought is, the greater your inner and outer reactions

are. Thinking of it is practically the same as experiencing the situation in question or

recollecting the problem to solve. You are now going to learn how to calm yourself down

simply by reliving or preparing yourself to confront a dramatic event that worries you.

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The Seven Secrets of Happiness

Now, you know how to regularly relax and you have picked out at least half a dozen of your

conditioned ideas.

You are psychologically armed to successfully assimilate and apply the Seven Secrets of


Before moving on to the practical side of the Seven Secrets of Happiness, make sure you

clearly understand the theory of each one of them. Your success in applying them,

eradicating your problems, realising your dreams and, quite simply, your success in life

depends on it.

Secret no.1

Permanent protection against all mental aggression

Every day, without you even noticing it, you are fed thousands of suggestions, and thousands

of thoughts. Some of these thoughts are negative and pollute your subconscious. If someone

wishes to hurt you, that person emits thoughts which reach you and suck the life out of your

self-confidence as well as your luck and success potential. With this secret that is especially

adapted to your case, you will be permanently protected.

You must first be aware that you are a transmitter and receptor of thoughts, therefore an

energy detector (thoughts being first and foremost a form of energy). Of course, if you are,

then all human beings are the same.

In this way, you receive thousands of thoughts every day that come from all over the planet

(some people even think that we receive some thoughts from extra-terrestrial sources too!).

Usually, you cannot stop this phenomenon; you wouldn’t know how or wouldn’t dream of

doing it. Yet, mental resistance is fundamental, insofar as if some of these thoughts are

constructive, then others are, of course, harmful!

You must therefore protect yourself, especially since they come from all over the place,

sometimes from people on the other side of the world who you will never even know, and

who don’t know of your existence or the harmful influence of their cerebral signals! If

thoughts emitted from perfect strangers from the other side of the world can harm you, then

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just think of the damage that can be done from ideas generated from individuals in your

entourage or family or sentimental connections. Their damaging power is proportional to the

proximity of the connection between you.

Love and hate are the two most powerful forces on earth. Indeed, the first leads the world,

while the second is responsible for most problems, such as war, catastrophes, upheavals and

hostility between people. This has perhaps already happened to you or you are experiencing

it at the moment, but the hate you may feel for someone is just as intense as the love you had

for them! It is because these two feelings, in principal, opposed, are first and foremost a

demonstration of the Fundamental Energy that animates the universe.

Total protection ceremony against all mental aggression

The ceremony below will help you to build psychic protection around you which will fight off

all negative thoughts emitted by any individual, near or far, known or not, and whether

connected emotionally or otherwise to you or perfectly indifferent to you.

Before building this energy armour, it is a good idea to first choose a place to perform rituals.

This is the sanctuary creation phase. Choose a spot or a room, if you have enough space,

which will be used only for performing the ceremonies included in your Seven Secrets of

Happiness. It must be clean and previously filled with incense. You must enter this place only

when dressed in clean or new clothes which you will wear only for these rituals. You must

yourself be purified having previously taken a bath or at the very least have clean hands.

The more you perform your rituals in this place, the more it will be charged with positive

energy and the faster the results will be.

The ceremony will take place in the following manner:

- Sit or lie down calmly in your sanctuary where you will not be disturbed for the next fifteen


Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes.

- Empty your mind and concentrate on your breathing.

Thoughts come into your mind, pay no attention to them, let them pass and return to

concentrating on your breathing.

When you breathe out, say: “I am exhaling, I know I am exhaling”

When you breathe in, say: “I am inhaling, I know I am inhaling”

- Repeat this for five minutes or at least for twenty breathing cycles (one cycle = one

exhalation followed by one inhalation).

From the twenty-first exhalation, begin relaxing your body. With each cycle, mentally project

your breathing towards a part of your body that you are going to completely relax, not just

mentally relax. Starting from the feet and towards the head, you should say:

“I am exhaling, I am relaxing my feet. I am inhaling, I am keeping my feet relaxed”

“I am exhaling, I am relaxing my calves. I am inhaling, I am keeping my calves relaxed”

“I am exhaling, I am relaxing my thighs. I am inhaling, I am keeping my thighs relaxed”

“I am exhaling, I am relaxing my pelvis. I am inhaling, I am keeping my pelvis relaxed”

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Keep going up the body like this until you reach the third eye or the inner eye, relaxing in

order: your stomach, chest, arm, your middle and upper back, your hands, forearms, biceps,

shoulders, neck, jaw, eyes, back of the head, top of the head, forehead and the third eye or

inner eye located at the root of the nose between your eyebrows.

- Now imagine that in the middle of your chest a slightly translucent yellow bubble is

slowly emerging.

- Concentrate all your attention on this. Visualise it calmly. Appreciate its perfect

circular shape and its translucent yellow colour.

- Make it grow until it completely incorporates you.

- Imagine you are bathing in its light until you have a feeling of calm and peace.

- Now repeat the following magic words five times with conviction: “Oh you, vibratory

bubble, you protect me against all harmful energies and you only let beneficial

thoughts through. Permanently protect me against harmful signals from poisonous

thoughts. Oh You, Celestial Powers (or give them any name you want), this psychic

protection is your emanation. It possesses your properties. Keep it active permanently

and even long after this ceremony”

- Concentrate once again on your breathing. After having finished three or four

breathing cycles, open your eyes and return to your usual state of consciousness.

You are under the vibratory protection of the Celestial Powers. During the day, as soon as

you feel a psychic attack or if you feel some sort of unexplained mental unease, visualise

your protection bubble. Likewise, you can visualise your protection bubble whenever you

wish, at least once a day, as well as during your ceremony. If possible, repeat this ritual once

a week or every two weeks in order to reinforce the good vibrations that now surround you.

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Secret no. 2

Restoring your vital energy

Vital energy is the life force that animates you. This life force and vital energy has been

altered over the years and this is why you now feel ill at ease or tired without any apparent

reason. With the help of this secret, you will regain the necessary vitality to restore your

self-confidence and potential.

Using the same principal employed to explain the First Secret, we are first going to explain

this life force in more detail then we will move on to the practical part. To understand this

vital energy, one must understand how the universe works. Its existence is governed by a

gigantic, unexplainable, unquantifiable and invisible force at the source of the world as we

know it.

We do not wish here to get into a theoretical, spiritual or scientific discussion to determine its

exact nature, or even name it. It is called God, Allah, Yahweh, gods and goddesses, the forces

of Nature, eternal vibration, the great architect of the universe… even Chance for the large

majority of the scientific world. You can call this power whatever you feel like. This is not the

most important thing. The most important thing is to acknowledge its existence which is

manifested around you all the time. This is not difficult if you open your physical eyes a little

and your inner eyes a lot. This Ultimate Frequency EXISTS: it’s a fact. It created everything that

has existed, exists and will exist until the end of time.

We all emanate from it. It is in us and we are permanently immersed in these energy waves.

It is astonishing to see that even our most materialist researchers in astronomy, physics or

mathematics admit its existence, even though they have their own special names for it, the

most common one being ‘chance’ which, to coin a well-known expression, “works in

mysterious ways” so much the laws of physics, chemistry, mathematics, etc. that have been

discovered up to now are of extraordinary precision. If we use the theory used regarding the

creation of the universe, it was apparently born out of a giant explosion, called the Big Bang,

from which came everything that exists and will exist forever.

Indeed, according to this concept, in the beginning there was a gigantic stellar “soup” from

which galaxies, solar systems, planets, life on earth, minerals, the first cell, vegetables,

animals… right down to man, emerged.

Therefore, there was continuity from the birth of the universe to our most intimate cell which

was fundamentally made from the same substance. A famous astronomer, Hubert Reeves,

even employed the term “star dust” to characterise our nature and emphasise our basic

origin. Obviously, considerable power was needed to create this evolution, therefore a

fundamental energy to traverse the successive stages of the world’s formation, and as a

consequence, reach our apparition, whether it is that of the first man or our own.

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So, we are all touched by this fundamental vital energy, which not only assures the

maintenance of the universe, but impregnates our slightest thoughts, words and actions

whose force is proportional to their vital energy charge. In short: the more vital energy we

have, the more force we have for thinking, speaking and, above all reacting.

Advice for attracting vital energy

Vital energy never runs out, is eternal, and has no beginning and no end; however,

our ability to attract it, become charged with it and use it is variable.

It depends on interior and exterior factors.

Collecting vital energy is founded on three principles:

A healthy lifestyle.

A healthy diet.

Energy exercises.

We will tackle the outlines of the first two principles and we will look more in-depth at the

last, which is fundamental in the Seven Secrets of Happiness. In order to charge oneself with

this vital energy, there’s no point in reciting ritualistic words, simply repeating them will not

suffice, but rather you should tackle concrete advice on lifestyle without interfering in your

way of managing your daily routine.

Suitable vital energy reception depends on physical factors which are essential but which will

never replace spiritual exercises.

First of all, you must avoid uselessly wasting vital energy. We are all born with energy capital.

Only, if we often waste it, we cannot get this lost energy back! Sources of waste are fatigue,

illness, a frantic lifestyle, bad diet, life’s ordeals (grief, separation, accidents, natural or

human catastrophes, etc.) but also all negative emotions: desire, anger, hate, physical or

verbal violence, jealousy, wrath, etc. Some waste is inevitable (just living requires

considerable energy, accidents, illnesses, grief, natural or human catastrophes), however,

other causes are easily avoidable.

It’s all down to us to succeed. If you regularly practice psycho-body relaxation exercises and

mental deprogramming, you will have better control over yourself and you will be more apt

to avoiding wasting energy. For example, how many times in your life could you have avoided

getting angry, losing your temper, being aggressive, insulting or feeling jealousy, hate, and

having bad thoughts about someone?

A healthy lifestyle consists of having a regular routine by avoiding permanent excessiveness.

This doesn’t mean that you cannot let yourself go from time to time and fall by the wayside,

but this must be exceptional and not the norm. You can therefore, now and again, stay up

the whole night, party, eat or drink more than usual, but always keeping in control of

yourself. Do all the things you enjoy doing, but without abusing them because, for one, you

will no longer appreciate them, and two, permanent hyperactivity will only use up your vital

energy stocks prematurely.

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It is therefore important to know yourself well. You have already begun working in this

direction with the mental relaxation and deprogramming exercises. You will reinforce the

efficacy of your training thanks to daily vigilance to take care of your lifestyle in order not to

exhaust your energy reserves too quickly. If you lead a balanced lifestyle, which it is up to

you to do by following the advice above (lifestyle, a healthy diet), you will constantly renew

your vital force.

Finally, we cannot recommend enough the practice of an energy discipline such as relaxation,

light gymnastics, yoga, Chinese methods such as Qigong and Tai Chi Chuan… All these

psycho-body activities attract the energy of the universe towards your body in order to

strengthen it, maintain or recuperate good health, reinforce your immune defence system

and increase longevity.

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Secret no.3

Have a magnetic personality

This secret is very important because it will allow you to awaken your success potential and

develop your vital magnetism, sheltered from the psychic aggressions you are now protected

against if you regularly practice secret no.1. Therefore, you are overflowing with self-

confidence. Thanks to this secret, you are going to awaken the “giant” laying dormant in you

and you will be in a position to triumph in all areas of your life.

The ability to emit and receive thoughts is a direct consequence of the electric activity of the

brain. Therefore, this faculty must be considered as totally natural. From now on, see every

thought as a piece of energy. You are going to learn to master it, channel it and direct it

towards a specific person with the desired effect. The inexhaustible source of these

projections is your mind which has your brain as support. Now you are sheltered from

negative forces (thanks to secret no.1), you are going to discover and develop your usual or

hidden qualities, whether you are aware of them or not right now. Thanks to the two

following exercises, you are going to develop a magnetic personality which will spontaneously

attract positive energy and others towards you.

Qualities detection exercise

This exercise won’t be difficult to apply because its first part uses the same familiar

information, if you have indeed practised secret no.1 in particular.

Indeed, all authentic inner work exercises are based on in-depth physical and psychic

relaxation to open oneself up to the inexhaustible reservoir of the unconscious. This is

where everything we need to find fulfilment in every area of our lives can be found.

The ceremony will take place as follows:

Sit or lie down calmly in your sanctuary where you won’t be disturbed for the

next fifteen minutes.

Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes.

Empty your mind and concentrate on your breathing.

Whenever thoughts emerge, pay no attention to them, let them pass and

return to concentrating on your breathing.

When you exhale, say: “I am exhaling, I know I am exhaling”

When you breathe in, say: “I am inhaling, I know I am inhaling”

Repeat this for five minutes or at least for twenty breathing cycles (one cycle =

one exhalation followed by one inhalation).

From the twenty-first exhalation, begin relaxing your body. With each cycle,

mentally project your breathing towards a part of your body that you are going

to completely relax, not just mentally relax. Starting from the feet and

towards the head, you should say:

“I am exhaling, I am relaxing my feet. I am inhaling, I am keeping my feet


Gabriella 17

“I am exhaling, I am relaxing my calves. I am inhaling, I am keeping my calves


“I am exhaling, I am relaxing my thighs. I am inhaling, I am keeping my thighs


“I am exhaling, I am relaxing my pelvis. I am inhaling, I am

keeping my pelvis relaxed”

Keep going up the body like this until you reach the third eye or the inner eye, relaxing in

order: your stomach, chest, arm, your middle and upper back, your hands, forearms, biceps,

shoulders, neck, jaw, eyes, back of the head, top of the head, forehead and the third eye or

inner eye located at the root of the nose between your eyebrows.

Once you are in this state of relaxation, say to your unconscious: “What are my main qualities

which I need to succeed in my life?”

Let five minutes pass by during which you must concentrate intensely on all the thoughts

emerging from your unconscious relating to the question asked. Also, evoke the qualities you

would like to possess. If your thoughts disperse and ideas that have nothing to do with your

request come up, concentrate on your question again.

After this time, open your eyes and note down all the qualities suggested by your

unconscious or the ones you wish to develop in as much detail as possible in your way of

expressing them. If they are not specific enough for you, repeat the exercise, this time asking

your unconscious to suggest how to use these qualities in your daily life.

Exercise for stimulating your qualities

Once the main indispensible qualities for having a magnetic personality have been detected,

practice the following ritual.

Sit or lie down calmly in your sanctuary where you won’t be disturbed for the

next fifteen minutes.

Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes.

Empty your mind and concentrate on your breathing.

Whenever thoughts emerge, pay no attention to them, let them pass and

return to concentrating on your breathing.

When you exhale, say: “I am exhaling, I know I am exhaling”

When you breathe in, say: “I am inhaling, I know I am inhaling”

Repeat this for five minutes or at least for twenty breathing cycles (one cycle =

one exhalation followed by one inhalation).

From the twenty-first exhalation, begin relaxing your body. With each cycle,

mentally project your breathing towards a part of your body that you are going

to completely relax, not just mentally relax. Starting from the feet and

towards the head, you should say:

“I am exhaling, I am relaxing my feet. I am inhaling, I am keeping my feet


Gabriella 18

“I am exhaling, I am relaxing my calves. I am inhaling, I am keeping my calves


“I am exhaling, I am relaxing my thighs. I am inhaling, I am keeping my thighs


“I am exhaling, I am relaxing my pelvis. I am inhaling, I am

keeping my pelvis relaxed”

Keep going up the body like this until you reach the third eye or the inner eye, relaxing in

order: your stomach, chest, arm, your middle and upper back, your hands, forearms, biceps,

shoulders, neck, jaw, eyes, back of the head, top of the head, forehead and the third eye or

inner eye located at the root of the nose between your eyebrows.

Once you are in this state of profound relaxation, take advantage of the level of consciousness

reached to call upon your unconscious. Take the first quality on your list, the one which

seems the most fundamental to you for having a magnetic personality, imagine or describe

how you would like this quality to change your life. For example, say: “As I am not very

decisive, I will be more capable of making the right decisions at work. This will attract

attention to me and the advantages that come from this: salary increase, promotion,

transfer, etc.”

Visualise yourself taking advantage of these benefits for at least five minutes. You will then

deeply implant this programming into your conscious and your subconscious.

The aspirations you chase will materialise if you practice this exercise regularly.

Gabriella 19

Secret no. 4

How to be loved and appreciated by everyone

This secret will be one of the keys to your future success. We’re not telling you anything you

don’t already know when we say that love, friendship, and feelings are of vital importance in

your life. With this secret, you will have an extraordinary power over others’ feelings. If you

want someone’s love, meet your soul mate or make friends, this secret will bring you the

greatest satisfaction. One of the secrets of success is to be appreciated by as many people as

possible. We’re not saying that you have to lower yourself, bow down or sacrifice your

dignity because if you do that, you won’t be satisfied deep down inside of you, if you have an

ounce of dignity. Furthermore, at one point or another, such behaviour turns against the

person who has lowered themselves one too many times.

It is much better to arouse love, friendship or admiration from others through your attitude

and the power of mental magnetism.

The importance of attitude

Above all, it is important to arouse positive sentiments through your way of thinking,

speaking and acting. Never say too much. Even if you think badly of someone, never tell

anyone because, you may think that the person you tell is close to you, but you may find

that they will repeat what you said to the person concerned, putting you in an

uncomfortable, sometimes irredeemable situation. Be severe but only in your way of

speaking and acting. Severity can be forgiven, proof of moral rectitude of the mind and

character, but not injustice. Even if some decisions may be difficult to make, they may not be

taken well, but they will be understood, whereas if you exploit someone, if you treat them

badly or if you are unjust, you risk making sworn enemies, sometimes lasting several years.

Who knows what may happen in the future?

The “small” person of today may become the “big” person of tomorrow. How many people

have regretted underestimating someone who has later become their boss or from whom

they have been forced to seek help! This does not mean you have to be overly obsequious

with everyone but just treat everyone with a certain amount of justice recognised in your

professional, cultural, social, political or amicable environment. Those who reach the summit

are those who have succeeded in becoming allies with as many people as possible and who

have avoided resentment and hate against them. This is different from desire or jealousy

which you will no doubt incite because you will have made a success of your life in every area.

Such feelings often come from below average people who are not capable of changing their

condition themselves and who take pleasure in hating others in order to hide their own

inabilities. You don’t have much to fear from these people because you are protected from

their negative energy through your practice of Secret no.1.

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The power of mental magnetism

Another asset is above average mental magnetism.

Those who succeed have often worked on their magnetic power or have spontaneously

exploited it from birth. Mental magnetism is indispensable to break through and experience

happiness. This magnetic power manipulates events and people at will. For some, it is a gift

that is developed naturally, for others, of which you are a part, it is important to work on it.

Rest assured. This is easily done as long as you practice the following short exercise regularly,

even daily.

But before developing your mental magnetism, it is important to know the fundamental

rules wh ich are :

Rule no. 1

Successful influence from a distance is based on the projection of images and not ideas.

Rule no. 2

Motivation is the first determining element of effective mental suggestion.

Rule no. 3

The degree of suggestion of the person influenced is the second determining element of

effective mental suggestion.

Rule no. 4

Regular and brief mental projections emitted at the right time are more effective than

irregular and long projections.

Rule no. 5

Constant use of influence from a distance always leads to victory over the strongest psychic


These five rules constitute the pillars of your learning. Learn to remember them until they are

engraved in your mind forever. These rules of distance suggestion will be your Bible of

success, not only in the application of this secret but in nos. 5, 6 and 7. They will be useful to

you throughout your life. If you can memorise, understand and practice them, then you have

all the major assets for success and happiness.

So, read them, but above all, understand them and apply them!

However, since we are conscious of the changes this requires for you in your way of thinking,

we are going to guide you to tell you how to apply them. You will then be armed to use them

to your advantage for the rest of your life. For now, just practice the following short exercise

destined to attract, as you choose: the love, friendship, professional, social or political favours

you desire.

First choose your goal and the person you wish to influence then proceed in the following


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If you want to influence someone, all psychic projections must be accompanied by a

visualisation, the impact of an image on the conscience is considerably more powerful than a

simple phrase. This is what rule no.1 means. Carefully prepare each visualisation without

giving too many details. Compose it using precise information. Let’s take the example of

someone you would like to seduce.

First put together four images corresponding to the four phases of your mental projection:

Image No.1: imagine yourself appearing on the psychic screen of the person in


Image No.2: represent this person with a welcoming attitude in relation to you.

Image No . 3: arrange the way in which you want to implant your new idea in the


Image No.4: visualise the effect of your suggestion.

In practical terms, it should go like this:


st step: to appear on their mental screen

See yourself in their house if you know the person, otherwise in your house.

Visualise this image in your mind for as long as possible with the smallest number of

elements in the scene as possible so as not to disturb your concentration, for example: you

and this person on a sofa.


step: form an image of friendship

Imagine yourself on the sofa next to this person who is smiling, relaxed and


As before, visualise the scene as if the person in question was really facing you.


step: declare your feelings

Imagine yourself in a decisive mood and speaking in a firm and persuasive manner. At the

same time, repeat the words you would use aloud. For example: “X (name the person), I wish

to (choose): have a relationship, make love to you, go out with you because you are (here,

use your imagination and say things that are pleasant to hear, expressing your love, your

desire or any other suggestion that seems suitable to you)”

Once you have managed to hold this visualisation clearly and continuously in your mind,

project this image resolutely several times towards the person concerned, even if they are

not around. How successful your mental projection is depends on the force of your conviction

(Rule no.2)!

Gabriella 22


step: Visualise their agreement

This is the final and most important phase of your distance magnetic operation. Visualise a

scene where the person responds favourably to you, even immediately agrees to your desire.

Imagine the scene as if you were really experiencing it. You can almost feel the softness of

their skin, their natural smell, their perfume or cologne, etc. Repeat this magic operation until

you achieve the desired result, making sure you follow the Five Rules of distance magnetic

influence to the letter during each repetition.

Gabriella 23

Secret no.5

How to make luck spill into your life

This secret is very important. You will know how to create luck in your life. To obtain what

you desire like, for example, the games jackpot Marie and I saw and which should happen

very soon.

In principal, if you have carefully applied the four first secrets of Happiness, you have already

noticed that your life has changed, that things are improving, and you have perhaps even had

a certain amount of luck appear in your life.

If this has not happened or you need to reinforce it, it is important to understand what luck is

in order to really have it flowing in your earthly existence.

To coin a famous phrase: “He who dares, wins”! There’s nothing truer when we know what

the word “luck” really means. In reality, when we use this phrase, we generally confuse two

words: luck and chance. This confusion usually gives way to our misfortune!

Indeed, most people think “you’re either lucky or you’re not!” They often add “that’s just the

way it is and there’s nothing we can do about it” Furthermore, luck apparently comes by

chance to such and such a person, whether they deserve it or not, or whether they are

virtuous or corrupt!

There’s nothing more false than these preconceived ideas which continue to do so much

harm. This leads us to believe that any efforts made to attract luck are useless and are more to

do with superstition than real luck also called Lady Luck or Good Fortune. So, people use a

rabbit’s foot, horse shoes, four-leaf clovers and other talismans… which never attract luck

unless it’s… by chance! In reality, to take the same example of “He who dares, wins”, luck is

created and provoked by your attitude, that is to say your thoughts, words and actions.

If all these things are positive, you will definitely attract luck towards you. Otherwise, you will

desperately be chasing after it for the rest of your life!

So, think, speak and act positively and you will be lucky. Otherwise, it’s all a waste of time.

This is not just a vague theory but the simple observation of the universal rules of luck, even

physical principals recognised by the science of the action/reaction concept. From a

psychological point of view, this means that the result obtained depends on the force and

intention of an action, but also on a word and an action.

If you put petrol in a car, it will start. If you put water inside, it will stall! It is simply a question

of using the right fuel, in both the car’s case and your own. Petrol for the car, and positivity

for you. This is the scientific application of the action/reaction principal. In fact, if you read

interviews from lucky people, you would be struck by the fact that for the enormous majority

of them, they are good people, with a positive state of mind, doing no harm to anyone, and

who lead a modest life, and are happy to win, for example, a particular sum of money

because it will allow them to make their dreams come true at the right time, when they were

unemployed, with parents needing help, etc.

Gabriella 24

The second lesson to learn is: the foundation of their luck is a very strong desire to win

money in order to make a dream they had for years come true. Here we have combined the

philosophy of at least four of the Five Rules of distance mental influence!

Rule no.1: Successful distance influence, even though involuntary as is often the case for

lucky people who have never even heard of it, is based on images not on ideas. These people

have followed their dreams for sometimes months, or even years in this manner. They have

imagined them, engraved them and visualised them time and time again and they end up

attracting luck to them.

These lucky people have, for example, played games of chance non-stop for years with great

conviction and regularity, always thinking of their dream or desire.

This is the application of Rule no. 2: “Motivation is the first determining element of effective

mental suggestion” but also of Rule no.4: “Regular and brief mental projections emitted at

the right time are more effective than irregular and long projections”

Lucky people have therefore constantly stimulated their distance influence power and were

not content to only think of their wish from time to time. Furthermore, they have never or

rarely doubted that their dream would come true. Indeed, what hinders us most often in our

quest for luck is doubt and irregularity in evoking it. Never doubt the existence or possibility

that it may come to you, otherwise you are putting a spoke in the wheel all by yourself. If

you are doubtful, you will create a layer of negative energy which will place itself between

luck and you. The more you doubt, the more bricks you will add to the wall you’re building

yourself. You will therefore only attract adversity. This attitude will only accentuate your


To avoid this or help dissolve these harmful vibratory layers that oppose the luck you

deserve, respect the following pieces of advice. Fix yourself a goal. Luck is by far a powerful

but vague notion. It needs an objective on which to focus.

Chase this goal in any way possible without ever doubting. If this should happen, with

negative thought, immediately counter attack with an “anti-poison thought”. For example, if

the thought “I will never be lucky!” emerges, immediately say: “I too can be lucky” Repeat it

until you are convinced of it. If you do it with enough conviction, you will end up beating all

your mind poisons. Practice mental projections of luck by applying the Rules of distance

influence. Invoke luck by adapting the ritual from secret no.4 to your goal and practising it

regularly and with consistency, without ever doubting until you obtain the desired result.

With this constructive attitude, the luck that is destined for you on a superior divine level will

rapidly flow in your life.

Gabriella 25

Secret no.6

How to create positive events in your life

This secret is in fact a group of secret visualisation and concentration techniques. Thanks to

very simple techniques, you will be able to make practically all your dreams come true. In

fact, you will be the master of your destiny. These techniques which are once again very

simple to use, will bring you astonishing and surprising results. The results will be beyond

your expectations!

You are truly the master of your destiny but, often, you don’t know it or you have doubts

about it, because of all the conditioning that has brain-washed this being that lives, thinks

and speaks like you but is in fact not you!

We call it your DOUBLE. It suggests ideas that make you doubt your abilities of autonomy,

independence, and free choice in order to maintain its domination over you. Sometimes,

when it is not vigilant or a little weaker than usual, proof that it is not indestructible, it lets

ideas through that are constructive for you but destructive, even deadly for it.

Indeed, sometimes you think you are good, strong, superior, optimistic, dynamic, capable of

being lucky or changing your life, being happy, etc. But, alas, these moments of lucidity don’t

last because you are immediately attacked by negative parasitic ideas claiming that you will

always be unhappy, sad, alone, dependant, incapable of changing, that it’s your destiny, etc.

So, you start identifying with this tyrannical DOUBLE again who permanently mocks and

cheats you… to the point where you think it’s YOU! This is its main weakness. Now that you

know that IT is not YOU, you can fight it and get rid of it! It knows that this would be the

beginning of the end for it. Practice the Seven Secrets of Happiness and you will beat it


If you have already practiced the five previous secrets, you are more perceptive, you

understand that you are not this misleading DOUBLE. You have probably even eradicated

some of your conditioning, maybe even changed your life. Continue bombarding your Inner

Enemy with the practices included in the Seven Secrets of Happiness and you will be forever

rid of this heavy burden you have been carrying with you since birth, or sometimes for


To fully master your life, follow the plan below. Fix yourself objectives in the main areas of

your life and practice the corresponding visualisations.

Gabriella 26

Determining your objectives

It is first of all important to determine your objectives in the main areas of your life. Indeed, it

is difficult to be successful, accomplish something and attract luck if you yourself don’t know

what you want! No-one can do this for you. You are the only one who can take action in the

desired direction. When you get in the car, you know where you’re going otherwise you

would go around in circles until you run out of petrol. Don’t do the same thing in your life,

don’t go right and then left, exhausting all your vital energy. Take the bull by the horns now

and fix your life objectives.

Complete the spaces between the questions about your wishes.

What do you want in your emotional life, in love, sexuality, seduction, etc.?

What do you want in your professional life?

What do you want in your social life?

What do you want from friendship?

What would you like in terms of property (house, apartment, ownership, garden,


What material assets would you like (car, boat, audiovisual, computing, luxury articles,


Gabriella 27

Practising constructive visualisation

Constructive visualisation consists of materialising the desires in your life thanks to the

creative visualisation below.

Therefore, proceed in the following way:

Sit or lie down calmly in your sanctuary where you won’t be disturbed for the next

fifteen minutes.

Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes. Empty your mind and concentrate on

your breathing. Whenever thoughts emerge, pay no attention to them, let them pass

and return to concentrating on your breathing.

When you exhale, say: “I am exhaling, I know I am exhaling”

When you breathe in, say: “I am inhaling, I know I am inhaling”

Repeat this for five minutes or at least for twenty breathing cycles (one cycle = one

exhalation followed by one inhalation).

From the twenty-first exhalation, begin relaxing your body. With each cycle, mentally

project your breathing towards a part of your body that you are going to completely

relax, not just mentally relax.

Starting from the feet and towards the head, you should say:

“I am exhaling, I am relaxing my feet. I am inhaling, I am keeping my feet relaxed”

“I am exhaling, I am relaxing my calves. I am inhaling, I am keeping my calves


“I am exhaling, I am relaxing my thighs. I am inhaling, I am keeping my thighs


“I am exhaling, I am relaxing my pelvis. I am inhaling, I am keeping my pelvis


Keep going up the body like this until you reach the third eye or the inner eye, relaxing

in order: your stomach, chest, arm, your middle and upper back, your hands,

forearms, biceps, shoulders, neck, jaw, eyes, back of the head, top of the head,

forehead and the third eye or inner eye located at the root of the nose between your


Gabriella 28

Once you are in this state of profound relaxation, take advantage of the level of

consciousness reached to call upon your unconscious. Take your answer to the first

area in the previous exercise (for example, what apartment you would like, etc.)

Visualise a scene representing you and materialising how you imagine your apartment

to be. For example, its surface area, the rooms, decoration, etc. The more the scene is

emotionally strong, the more it will be implanted in your mind and the more chance it

has of coming true in reality.

Visualise this situation for at least five minutes strongly wishing for it to materialise. You

will then deeply implant this positive programming into your conscious and your


Once your first wish has come true, move on to the second one on the list, and so on. The

results of this method are absolutely astounding and quick to achieve if you demonstrate

determination in the practice of this exercise.

Gabriella 29

Secret no.7

How to develop your intuition and your psychic powers

You are already a very intuitive and very receptive person. So, when you use this secret, you

can expect big surprises. Your intuitive potential will be so strong that you will be capable of

reading others’ thoughts. No-one will be able to lie to you. You will also have previous

knowledge of events to come. Your intuition will warn you of upcoming events for you.

Every individual possess great psychic potential. We all have extraordinary psychic powers

but, most of the time, they are not activated, we either ignore them or don’t know how to

develop them.

We are all capable of developing our intuitive potential, and of reading others’ thoughts

(telepathy). We can also have previous knowledge of upcoming events, especially those

involving us (clairvoyance)! Likewise, we have many other hidden or ignored powers:

telekinesis (making an object move from a distance, astral projection, out-of-body

experiences, mediumship, levitation, etc.).

The main obstacle in the way of their revelation and use is once again… you yourself! Or more

precisely the person who is living for you, the cunning DOUBLE that has succeeded in making

you think it is YOU… But not anymore. Indeed, your practice of the six previous Secrets of

Happiness has opened your eyes. This DOUBLE is in big danger, and has even almost totally

disappeared from your life. It could still be holding on and continuing to diffuse its poison into

your mind but you are no longer a slave to it. You understand that it exists, but you have

unmasked it and it knows very well that it cannot last much longer.

However, be careful because a wounded animal can still be dangerous and launch fatal

attacks, especially if it feels that the end is near and it has nothing more to gain (you are now

all too aware of its existence and its past hold on you). It therefore has nothing to lose either.

So, it could well be that your DOUBLE will react violently towards you because it has

transformed from a parasitic state, into an enemy because you are no longer duped. So, do

not relent and practice the six previous Secrets of Happiness regularly and with


Secret no.1: Permanent protection against all mental aggressions in order to be totally

sheltered from all psychic attacks, notably from your DOUBLE.

Secret no.2: Restoration of your vital energy to be permanently filled with great inner power

which will allow you to distance your DOUBLE even easier and eliminate it.

Secret no.3: Have a magnetic personality to fully develop your qualities which will also allow

you to distance the Enemy.

Gabriella 30

Secret no.4: How to be loved and appreciated by everyone to oppose the hate from your

DOUBLE, an immense force of love which is always infinitely superior to all negative feelings.

Secret no.5: How to make Luck flow into your life and Secret no.6: How to create positive

events in your life inciting a happier life that will protect you from misfortune and dramatic

situations that are favourable to a strong comeback from your harmful DOUBLE.

Since you are no longer a slave to your conditioning, you will permanently create conditions

that are favourable to your evolution, to the liberation of your mind and the stimulation of

your extra-sensorial skills. You will therefore be ready to spontaneously and effortlessly

decipher others’ thoughts and have a good intuition for future events concerning you.

Nevertheless, if your psychic powers still seem insufficiently developed to you or some parts,

that you deem necessary, are not yet awakened, regularly practice the following magic

ceremony until you fully obtain the extra-sensorial skills desired.

If psychic power is not spontaneously triggered after the practice of the six first Secrets of

Happiness or after regularly performing, let’s say for at least a month, the following ritual, do

not persist. It is highly probable that your motivation to possess it is not yet strong enough,

positive enough or the moment to trigger it has not yet come. Try again a little later when the

circumstances are more favourable. To determine the RIGHT moment, don’t worry about it.

You will intuitively feel it.

Psychic powers stimulation Ceremony

Before starting this ceremony, make a list of the powers you would like to possess but above

all of your motivations.

For the reasons previously mentioned, only develop those which obey altruist rules and

never for selfish reasons.

Sit or lie down calmly in your sanctuary where you won’t be disturbed for the next

fifteen minutes.

Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes.

Empty your mind and concentrate on your breathing. Whenever thoughts emerge,

pay no attention to them, let them pass and return to concentrating on your breathing.

When you exhale, say: “I am exhaling, I know I am exhaling”

When you breathe in, say: “I am inhaling, I know I am inhaling”

Repeat this for five minutes or at least for twenty breathing cycles (one cycle = one

exhalation followed by one inhalation).

From the twenty-first exhalation, begin relaxing your body. With each cycle, mentally

project your breathing towards a part of your body that you are going to completely

relax, not just mentally relax.

Starting from the feet and towards the head, you should say:

“I am exhaling, I am relaxing my feet. I am inhaling, I am keeping my feet relaxed”

Gabriella 31

“I am exhaling, I am relaxing my calves. I am inhaling, I am keeping my calves


“I am exhaling, I am relaxing my thighs. I am inhaling, I am keeping my thighs


“I am exhaling, I am relaxing my pelvis. I am inhaling, I am keeping my pelvis


Keep going up the body like this until you reach the third eye or the inner eye, relaxing

in order: your stomach, chest, arm, your middle and upper back, your hands,

forearms, biceps, shoulders, neck, jaw, eyes, back of the head, top of the head,

forehead and the third eye or inner eye located at the root of the nose between your


Once you are in this state of profound relaxation, take advantage of the level of

consciousness reached to call upon your unconscious. Take the first power on your list

(for example: telepathy…)

Visualise a scene representing you and materialising a telepathy scene being carried

out for beneficial reasons. For example: to discover someone’s thoughts from a

distance. The stronger the scene is emotionally, the more it will implant itself in your

mind and the more chance your telepathic power has of being awakened.

Visualise this situation for at least five minutes, strongly wishing for it to become

reality. You will therefore deeply implant this positive programming into your

conscious and your subconscious.

Complete the ceremony by turning towards the east, the Rising Sun, and say five times

with conviction: “Oh You, Divine Providence (give it the name you wish according to your

beliefs), grant me this gift of… (in our example: telepathy) because it will allow me to be

aware of others’ intentions, notably of my enemies, and counterattack their vile assaults.

While awaiting this gift, I thank you, Oh Divine Providence. I know you will grant it to me

if I think, speak and act positively”

Once you possess this first gift, move on to the second one on your list and so on. The

results of this practice are just as amazing as in the previous Secret and come rapidly if

you are able to show determination in the practice of this exercise.

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