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Page 1: Testing with Docker

Testing with Docker Tom Offermann

@toffermann June 17, 2014

Page 2: Testing with Docker


Page 3: Testing with Docker

‣What’s the Problem? Testing in Varied Environments !

‣Our Solution Step-by-Step Explanation

Presentation Overview

Page 4: Testing with Docker

‣What’s the Problem? Testing in Varied Environments !

‣Our Solution Step-by-Step Explanation

Presentation Overview

Page 5: Testing with Docker

What’s the Problem?

What Does New Relic Do?

Page 6: Testing with Docker

What’s the Problem?

Page 7: Testing with Docker

What’s the Problem?

Is Best!

Page 8: Testing with Docker

What’s the Problem?



Page 9: Testing with Docker

What’s the Problem?



Page 10: Testing with Docker

What’s the Problem?



Page 11: Testing with Docker

What’s the Problem?










Page 12: Testing with Docker

What’s the Problem?










How do we test all of these scenarios?

Page 13: Testing with Docker

‣What’s the Problem? Testing in Varied Environments !

‣Our Solution Step-by-Step Explanation

Presentation Overview

Page 14: Testing with Docker

‣What’s the Problem? Testing in Varied Environments !

‣Our Solution Step-by-Step Explanation

Presentation Overview

Page 15: Testing with Docker

Our Solution

✤ Create Docker Images

✤ Run a Test Container

✤ Packnsend

Page 16: Testing with Docker

Our Solution

✤ Create Docker Images

✤ Run a Test Container

✤ Packnsend

Page 17: Testing with Docker

Create Docker Images# Dockerfile for memcached!!FROM ubuntu:12.04!!RUN apt-get update!RUN apt-get install -y memcached!!EXPOSE 11211!ENTRYPOINT ["memcached"]!CMD ["-p", "11211"]!USER daemon!

Page 18: Testing with Docker

Create Docker Images$ tree python_agent/docker !!python_agent/docker!...!!"" mysql!#   $"" Dockerfile!!"" postgresql!#   $"" Dockerfile!...!$"" redis!    $"" Dockerfile!

Page 19: Testing with Docker

Our Solution

✤ Create Docker Images

✤ Run a Test Container !✤ Packnsend

Page 20: Testing with Docker

Our Solution

✤ Create Docker Images

✤ Run a Test Container • Install testing tools

!✤ Packnsend

Page 21: Testing with Docker

Testing Tools

x 4

Page 22: Testing with Docker

Testing Tools

x 4tox

Page 23: Testing with Docker

Testing Tools

x 4tox virtualenv

Page 24: Testing with Docker

Our Solution

✤ Create Docker Images

✤ Run a Test Container • Install testing tools• Copy source code

!✤ Packnsend

Page 25: Testing with Docker

Copy Source Code

Technique #1: Pull!!!$ docker run test-image test.sh \!! --repo http://github.com/nr/python-agent \!! tox -c tests/tox.ini!!

Page 26: Testing with Docker

Copy Source Code

Technique #1: Pull!!!$ docker run test-image test.sh \!! --repo http://github.com/nr/python-agent \!! tox -c tests/tox.ini!!

Downside: Requires commit to git repository

Page 27: Testing with Docker

Copy Source Code

Technique #2: Host-Mounted Volume!!!$ docker run -v /path/to/repo:/code \!! test-image test.sh tox!!

Page 28: Testing with Docker

Copy Source Code

Technique #2: Host-Mounted Volume!!!$ docker run -v /path/to/repo:/code \!! test-image test.sh tox!!

Downside: Problematic with boot2docker

Page 29: Testing with Docker

Copy Source Code

Technique #3: Docker ADD to Image!!!$ DATA_DIR=`mktemp -d $TMPDIR/packnsend.XXXXXXXX`!!$ git checkout-index --prefix=$DATA_DIR/ -a!

Page 30: Testing with Docker

Copy Source CodeTechnique #3: Docker ADD to Image!!# Dockerfile for Test Image!# Copy to $DATA_DIR!FROM python-base!!RUN chown -R guest.users /data!RUN chmod 0755 /data!USER guest!ENV HOME /home/guest!!ADD . /data!VOLUME /data!

Page 31: Testing with Docker

Copy Source CodeTechnique #3: Docker ADD to Image!!# Dockerfile for Test Image!# Copy to $DATA_DIR!FROM python-base!!RUN chown -R guest.users /data!RUN chmod 0755 /data!USER guest!ENV HOME /home/guest!!ADD . /data!VOLUME /data!

Page 32: Testing with Docker

Copy Source Code

Technique #3: Docker ADD to Image!!!$ IMG_NAME="packnsend-`date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S'`-$$"!!$ cd $DATA_DIR && ! docker build --rm -t $IMG_NAME .!

Page 33: Testing with Docker

Our Solution

✤ Create Docker Images

✤ Run a Test Container • Install testing tools• Copy source code• Use service containers

!✤ Packnsend

Page 34: Testing with Docker

Use Service Containers

Linking Docker Containers!!!$ docker run -d --name db mysql!!$ docker run -d --link db:db —name test $IMG_NAME!

Page 35: Testing with Docker

Use Service Containers

Linking Docker Containers!!!DB_PORT_3306_TCP_ADDR=!DB_PORT_3306_TCP_PORT=3306!DB_PORT_3306_TCP_PROTO=tcp!DB_PORT_3306_TCP=tcp://!DB_PORT=tcp://!

Page 36: Testing with Docker

Use Service ContainersLinking Docker Containers!!$ docker run -d \! --name $DATA_IMAGE_NAME \! --link packnsend-gearmand:gearmand \! --link packnsend-memcached:memcached \! --link packnsend-postgresql:postgresql \! --link packnsend-mysql:mysql \! --link packnsend-devpi:devpi \! --link packnsend-squid:squid \! --link packnsend-mongodb:mongodb \! --link packnsend-redis:redis \! $IMG_NAME!

Page 37: Testing with Docker

Our Solution✤ Create Docker Images for Services

✤ Running a Test Container • Install testing tools• Copy source code• Use services• Run test command

!✤ Packnsend

Page 38: Testing with Docker

Run Test Command!$ docker run -d \! --name $DATA_IMAGE_NAME \! --link packnsend-gearmand:gearmand \! --link packnsend-memcached:memcached \! --link packnsend-postgresql:postgresql \! --link packnsend-mysql:mysql \! --link packnsend-devpi:devpi \! --link packnsend-squid:squid \! --link packnsend-mongodb:mongodb \! --link packnsend-redis:redis \! $DATA_IMAGE_NAME !! tox -c tests/tox.ini!

Page 39: Testing with Docker

Our Solution

✤ Create Docker Images for Services

✤ Running a Test Container !✤ Packnsend

Page 40: Testing with Docker

Packnsendpacknsend: COMMAND [arg...]!!Run Commands:! run Run command on test container.! run -i Run command interactively.! shell Launch a shell on test container.!!Management Commands:!! init Pull images, if authorized, else build.! build Build base images.! push Push base images.! pull Pull base images.! start Start base containers.! stop Stop base containers.! cleanup Delete base images.!

Page 41: Testing with Docker



Page 42: Testing with Docker

Our Solution

✤ Create Docker Images for Services

✤ Running a Test Container

✤ Packnsend • Launcher Script


Page 43: Testing with Docker

Launcher Script!#!/bin/sh!!. /data/docker/environ!!"$@" > /data/out.log 2>&1!!STATUS=$?!!cp /data/out.log /tmp/out.log!!exit `expr $STATUS`!

Page 44: Testing with Docker

Launcher Script!#!/bin/sh!!. /data/docker/environ # Set Env Vars!!"$@" > /data/out.log 2>&1!!STATUS=$?!!cp /data/out.log /tmp/out.log!!exit `expr $STATUS`!

Page 45: Testing with Docker

Source Environ# Add environment variables!export PACKNSEND_DB_USER=db_user!!# Munge existing environment variables!# We have this form!# DEVPI_PORT=tcp://!!if test -n "$DEVPI_PORT"!then!! BASE=`echo $DEVPI_PORT | sed -e ’s/tcp/http/'`!! PATH=packnsend/testing/+simple/!! export PIP_INDEX_URL=$BASE/$PATH!fi

Page 46: Testing with Docker

Launcher Script!#!/bin/sh!!. /data/docker/environ!!"$@" > /data/out.log 2>&1 # Log Output!!STATUS=$?!!cp /data/out.log /tmp/out.log!!exit `expr $STATUS`!

Page 47: Testing with Docker

Launcher Script!#!/bin/sh!!. /data/docker/environ!!"$@" > /data/out.log 2>&1!!STATUS=$? # Capture Exit Code!!cp /data/out.log /tmp/out.log!!exit `expr $STATUS`!

Page 48: Testing with Docker

Our Solution

✤ Create Docker Images for Services

✤ Running a Test Container

✤ Packnsend • Launcher Script• Automatic Cleanup

Page 49: Testing with Docker

Automatic Cleanup!cleanup_containers()!{!! docker kill $CONTAINER_ID!! docker rm --volumes $CONTAINER_ID!!! docker rmi $IMAGE_ID!!! rm -r $DATA_DIRECTORY!}!

Page 50: Testing with Docker

Automatic Cleanup!cleanup_containers()!{!! docker kill $CONTAINER_ID!! docker rm --volumes $CONTAINER_ID!!! docker rmi $IMAGE_ID!!! rm -r $DATA_DIRECTORY!}!

Page 51: Testing with Docker

Our Solution

✤ Create Docker Images

✤ Run a Test Container

✤ Packnsend • Launcher Script• Automatic Cleanup• Remote Docker Daemon


Page 52: Testing with Docker

Remote Docker Daemon!# SSH Tunnel!!$ export EC2=<ec2 address>!$ ssh -f ubuntu@$EC2 -L 14243:$EC2:2375 -N !!!# Set DOCKER_HOST environment variable!!$ export DOCKER_HOST="localhost:14243"

Page 53: Testing with Docker

Our Solution

✤ Create Docker Images

✤ Run a Test Container

✤ Packnsend • Launcher Script• Automatic Cleanup• Remote Docker Daemon• Parallel Tests


Page 54: Testing with Docker

Parallel Tests# test_commands.txt!packnsend run tox -c tests/tox1.ini!packnsend run tox -c tests/tox2.ini!packnsend run tox -c tests/tox3.ini!packnsend run tox -c tests/tox4.ini!packnsend run tox -c tests/tox5.ini!packnsend run tox -c tests/tox6.ini!...!!# Run tests in parallel!!$ cat test_commands.txt | parallel!

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Page 56: Testing with Docker

Testing with Docker Tom Offermann

@toffermann June 17, 2014

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