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Page 1: Textual Analysis: Brianstorm- Arctic Monkeys

Textual AnalysisBrianstorm- Arctic Monkeys

Callum Hind

Page 2: Textual Analysis: Brianstorm- Arctic Monkeys


Brianstorm- Arctic Monkeys

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The Arctic Monkeys are shown throughout the song performing their instruments, on what appears to be a stage or dark empty room. Instantly this demonstrates a rock band genre as typical characteristics of this genre are to have the band frequently performing and playing their instruments within their music videos. This in turn provides recognition and therefore promotion for the song and band. At first glance, they appear to be set on a misty stage- reinforcing the band genre, as rock bands often set their videos on a stage. However, there is a definite contrast between the band and the female pop dancers as the dancers are significantly more energetic and provocative in their movement, wearing colourful clothing as they perform in bright lights; whereas the band are performing in a dark misty scene with much darker clothing, in a more static motion in comparison. Shots are constantly switching between the band and dancers and various other still images (later explained within lyrics and visuals), in time to the rhythm of the song. This therefore links to their indie image as a band, by using opposites between the pop dancers and themselves. Female pop dancers would not typically perform to rock music and so this creates a certain individuality due to it contradicting the genre of the song.

Genre Characteristics

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The rhythm and beat of the song played over the top of the visuals is in synchronisation with the females dancing and the band playing their instruments; e.g. the strumming of the guitar and beat of the drum. The movement of the dancers gets faster and the cutting between shots become more frequent and quicker as the tempo increases, creating a more intense visual experience. This shows elements of amplifying and illustrative links between music and visuals are, as the actions on screen match with the lyrics throughout. The video ends on one final shot of the band as the music comes to an instant stop, reinforcing the bands dominance within the video.

Relationship Between Music and Visuals

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Direct links between lyrics and visuals are shown throughout. E.g. 'Brian'- Photo of a muscular man shown wearing glasses and drinking. Could suggest 'Brian' is much cooler than them. 'Some want to kiss, some want to kiss you', shows the female dancers kicking out at the exact moment 'kick' is stated within the lyrics. This could imply that 'Brian' gets all the girls and they all want to 'kiss' him; but when he moves onto the next girl they then want to 'kick' him. 'Show me the jacuzzi'- Shot then cuts to people drinking champaign in a jacuzzi. 'That have wept cause you've stolen their thunder', shows two still images of thunder & lightning immediately after 'thunder' is stated, to make it appear like the thunder's flashing on screen. This could imply that other men have cried because Brian has taken the girls away from them. All these additional shots are presented on screen in time to the music. This demonstrates an amplified link between lyrics and visuals as the actions on screen match the lyrics at various points throughout. Personally I think that the pragmatical elements within the lyrics suggest that the band are a little jealous of this guy called Brian. The lyrics imply that he's much cooler and funny than they are, which in turn gets him all the female attention. 'Cause we can't take our eyes off the t-shirt and ties combination' I think indirectly admits that they admire his style with his 'cool edgy look', as he is referred to as an 'innovator'. 'Are you putting us under' is stated twice perhaps to insinuate that Brian has in fact shown them up. The female dancers within the video could simply suggest that Brian can get all the attractive girls and they can't, and so they're envious of this.

Relationship Between Lyrics and Visuals

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The band are shown not directly facing the camera at all within the video. They constantly have their back facing the audience, perhaps to give an impression that they're hiding their identity concealing themselves on the dark stage. This links to an indie genre as they're not openly revealing themselves to create band recognition, unlike pop artists/ groups for example that frequently show themselves directly facing the camera for promotion within their music videos, like the female dancers are within this video. Long shots of the whole band together playing their instruments are shown frequently to reinforce band recognition. Close ups are also used behind and to the side of the drummer playing his drums and the guitarists playing their guitars, when the sound of their instruments dominate the song at various points. This is to signify the most important band member at that moment in time. Shots are constantly cutting throughout, to different shots of the band and dancers, demonstrating no specific order with shot rotation or continuity. They are done so in this way to fit in with the fast beat and rhythm of the song. A few tilt shots are used moving the camera upwards to the lead singer (Alex Turner) as he begins singing and occasionally panning shots are used in a fast motion to switch between band members. Low angle shots are used looking up at the band perhaps to signify a hierarchy of importance as no high angle or crane shots are used looking down on the band.

Shots of the Band

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Reference to the notion of looking is certainly demonstrated with the extreme close up of the eye. This is shown directly looking at the camera to create a direct link between audience and visuals; also a link with the lyrics as 'cause we can't take our eyes off the t-shirt and ties combination' is stated just before. Voyeuristic treatment of the female body can be linked to the female dancers as they can be seen dancing quite provocatively at certain points in the video. The camera purposely lingers on the girls hips and chest area to attract the audiences attention, particularly a male audience. This can be related to Laura Mulvey's theory of 'The Male Gaze' whereby the females are seen as sexual objects. This is to get a reaction from the audience, whether that's mainly males looking at the female dancers because they find them attractive, or females looking at the girls and wanting to look or be like them.

Reference to the Notion of Looking

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Additionally to Laura Mulvey's theory of 'The Male Gaze' previously stated, this music video can be related to Mcquails's theory of 'Uses and Gratifications'. Audiences will watch this video for 'entertainment' purposes perhaps to gain an emotional releases and sense of satisfaction. Also for 'Integration and social interaction', in order to identify and talk with others and gain a sense of belonging through watching the video. I suppose the 'Hypodermic Needle Model', could be related in some way as the audience may watch this video and be persuaded to join or start up a band; or become a dancer because they feel like it's the right thing to do from watching the video.


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I would say that this music video is mainly performance- based as majority of the shots demonstrated are of the band performing with their instruments and the female dancers performing on what looks like a stage. The band are shown consistently performing on a stage to reinforce their band identity and recognition.

Performance- based, narrative- based or concept- based?

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