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  • 7/24/2019 Teza Diskurs Makrostruktura


    Masaryk UniversityFaculty of Arts

    Department of Englishand American Studies

    English Language and Literature

    Alena ipoov


    M%DALI#& AD 'E(IS#E'!ased on Discourse Analysis of the !ritish #a)loid

    The Sun

    Masters Diploma Thesis

    Supervisor: doc. hDr. Ludmila !r"anov# $Sc.


  • 7/24/2019 Teza Diskurs Makrostruktura


    I declare that I have worked on this thesis independently,using only the primary and secondary sources listed in the bibliography.

    ..Authors signature

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    Ac%no&ledgement:' &ould li%e to than% doc. hDr. Ludmila !r"anov# $Sc. (or her great encouragement# &ords o(

    advice# inspiring ideas and pleasant cooperation.

  • 7/24/2019 Teza Diskurs Makrostruktura


    #A!LE %F -%#E#S

    A%#A#I% ................................................................................................................................ /

    (L%SSA'& %F #E'MS ...............................................................................................................0

    LIS# %F #A!LES .......................................................................................................................... 1

    I#'%DU-#I% .........................................................................................................................,+

    -HA2#E' , LA(UA(E %F E3S2A2E'S .........................................................................,*-HA2#E' * -%'2US -HA'A-#E'IS#I- ............................................................................,0

    ).* The Length o( the Articles ..................................................................................................... )+

    ).) The Length o( ,eadlines and Su"headlines ...........................................................................))

    -HA2#E' 4 #HE '%LE %F HEADLIES ...............................................................................*/

    -.* The ole o( Su"headlines ......................................................................................................)/


    0.* $lause Structure o( ,eadlines and Su"headlines ...................................................................-+

    0.*.* T1pes o( Speech Acts in ,eadlines and Su"headlines ....................................................-*

    0.) 2er"al and 2er"less $lassi(ication .........................................................................................-)

    0.).* 2er"less $lauses ............................................................................................................. --

    0.).) 2er"al $lauses: Distri"ution o( Tenses in ,eadlines and Su"headlines .................... ......-0

    -HA2#E' / M%DALI#& I HEADLIES AD SU!HEADLIES .....................................5+

    3.* Assertion and Assumption in ,eadlines and Su"headlines ....................................................04

    -HA2#E' 0 'E(IS#E' ............................................................................................................./6

    5.* Language o( ,eadlines and Su"headlines: Speci(ic 6ords ....................................................37

    5.) Loaded Language in ,eadlines and Su"headlines .................................................................5+

    5.- 8aming Strateg1 in ,eadlines and Su"headline ....................................................................5+

    5.0 Slang in ,eadlines and Su"headlines ....................................................................................5)

    5.3 A""reviations in ,eadlines and Su"headlines .......................................................................5-

    5.5 9igures in ,eadlines and Su"headlines ..................................................................................50


    !I!LI%('A2H& ..........................................................................................................................7+

    'ESUM8 ........................................................................................................................................70

    SUMMA'& ....................................................................................................................................76

    Appendi9" #HE S%U'-E MA#E'IAL ......................................................................................6+


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    The ne&s echange has "een as old as human%ind. eople &ould# at (irst# s&ap

    ne&s "1 mouth# and later# &hen the1 &ere literate# in &ritten (orm. 6ith the arrival o(

    the printing press ne&s distri"ution "ecame easier. Since then other methods o( ne&s

    transporting have developed. ;ne o( these methods is the 'nternet. 't has "ecome

    a signi(icant# (ast and easil1 accessi"le source o( in(ormation (or man1 people searching (or

    ans&ers to their

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    (L%SSA'& %F #E'MS

    >'n alpha"etical order# "ased on m1 or other authors? de(initions@



    < language t1pical o( ne&spapers>Summers *443: /57@

    Historic present

    Cdescri"es the past as i( it is happening no&: it conve1s something o(

    the dramatic immediac1 o( an e1eB&itness account >uir% et al. *473: *7*@


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    Imperative clauses

    < =are characteriFed "1 the lac% o( a su"Gect# use o( the "ase (orm o( the ver"# and

    the a"sence o( modals as &ell as tense and aspect mar%ers >=i"er et al. *444: )*4@

    Inverted commas ?@uotations

    < are t1pes o( modalit1 mar%ers used to suggest iron1 or &ords that are not normall1

    used in a given &a1 >see uir% et al. *473: *5-3@

    Loaded ;ords

    < C&ords that carr1 particularl1 strong connotations# that is# carr1 anemotional loading "e1ond their literal meaning >eah *447: *7@


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    religious# (ormal English >$r1stal )++7: 0+4@

    Stance adver)ials

    < are the t1pes o( modalit1 mar%ers# "1 &hich the author epresses hisHher

    attitude to&ards a statement >see =i"er et al. *444: /50@


    is an in(ormal language used "1 a particular group o( people instead o( more

    general and recogniFed terms


    B is a declarative sentence as opposed to the

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    LIS# %F #A!LES"

    Ta"le * Topics in headlines SET I

    Ta"le ) Topic in headlines SET II

    Ta"le - Page distribution SET I

    Ta"le 0 Page distribution SET II

    Ta"le 3Headlines vs. subheadlines

    Ta"le 5 lauses structure in headlines

    Ta"le / lauses structure in subheadlines

    Ta"le 7 Speech act types in headlines

    Ta"le 4!istribution o" tenses SET I

    Ta"le *+ !istribution o" tenses SET II

    Ta"le ** Type o" modality in headlines SET I

    Ta"le *) Type o" modality in headlines SET II

    Ta"le *-!istribution o" assertion and assumption in headlines and subheadlines SET I

    Ta"le *0!istribution o" assertion and assumption in headlines and subheadlines SET II

    Ta"le *3 #ords typical o" newspapers

    Ta"le *5$oaded words in headlines

    Ta"le */ %aming strategy in headlines

    Ta"le *7 Slang words in headlines

    Ta"le *4 &bbreviations in headlines

    Ta"le )+ E'pression o" numbers in words and "igures in headlines and subheadlines


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    ,eadlines "elong to the linguistic area that arouses interest not onl1 in scholars "ut

    also common people since their (unction is to attract. Their (unction in ne&spapers is

    there(ore ver1 important. ,o&ever# not so much attention# i( an1 at all# has "een paid to

    the stud1 o( su"headlines. 9or this reason# ' have chosen these t&o linguistic devices (or m1

    discourse anal1sis. The source# ' have chosen to anal1Fe# is the popular =ritish ta"loid

    The Sun# &hich# unli%e an1 other serious "roadsheet ne&spapers# deals &ith light topics

    o( ever1da1 li(e and there(ore arouses interest o( man1 common people. There(ore

    the language o( this t1pe o( ne&spaper &ill di((er (rom the one used in serious press.

    9or m1 discourse anal1sis# ' have created t&o sets o( headlines &ith su"headlines.

    The search occurred in t&o di((erent periods# i.e. during ;cto"er )+*+ and (rom Ianuar1

    )+** to 9e"ruar1 )+**. Each set consists o( (i(teen headlines &ith su"headlines. 'n m1

    thesis ' &ould li%e to stud1 them into more detail# i.e. &hat (unction the1 per(orm# &hat istheir relationship# ho& the1 a((ect the impartialit1 o( ne&s. ' &ill also (ocus on their

    grammatical structure and the linguistic devices such as modalit1 and register.

    M1 thesis consists o( a theoretical and practical part# ho&ever# these t&o parts are

    not separated "ut closel1 interconnected. ' have divided the thesis into si chapters.

    The (irst chapter introduces the topic o( the language o( ne&spapers and the language

    devices that suggest the presence o( spo%en language in ne&spapers.

    The second chapter introduces the histor1 o( the =ritish ta"loid that ' &ill anal1Fe in

    m1 thesis# i.e. The Sun. 'n this chapter the time span and the method o( collecting

    the re

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    introduced and the length o( the articles# headlines and su"headlines is discussed.

    The third chapter deals &ith the role o( headlines and su"headlines in ne&spapers.

    't also de(ines the relationship "et&een these t&o elements.

    $hapter (our anal1Fes headlines and su"headlines in terms o( their grammatical

    structure. 9irst o( all it de(ines their clause structure and the speech t1pes used. 9urthermore

    it anal1Fes ver"alit1 and nonver"alit1 o( the clauses. Similarl1# ver"al phrases are (urther

    anal1Fed in terms o( the tenses used.

    'n chapter (ive ' &ill (ocus on important language device# i.e. modalit1 in headlines

    and su"headlines. ' &ill identi(1 the concrete t1pes o( modalit1 in individual headlines and

    su"headlines. ' &ill (urther concentrate on the assumption and assertion# i.e. ho& are

    headlines and su"headlines presented in ne&s.

    9inall1# the last chapter deals &ith register# i.e. ho& the language is used in


    All the language devices discussed in m1 thesis in(luence the impartialit1 o(

    ne&spapers in some &a1. Language is a great tool that can manipulate the tet so in

    the (ollo&ing chapters these devices &ill "e anal1Fed in headlines and su"headlines in

    the ta"loid ne&spaper The Sun.


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    -HA2#E' , LA(UA(E %F E3S2A2E'S

    8e&s is a representation o( the &orld in language >9o&ler *444: 0@. Another source#

    LD$E# de(ines ne&s as =reports o( recent events in the ne&spapers or on the radio or

    television >Summers *443: 43-@# ho&ever# eah >*444: 0@ narro&s do&n the de(inition to

    Cin(ormation a"out recent events that are o( interest to a su((icientl1 large group# or that

    ma1 a((ect the lives o( a su((icientl1 large group# i.e.# not ever1thing that happens at

    the moment around us Summers *443: /[email protected] is no clear de(inition and the la"el is o(ten used peGorativel1.

    As $r1stal >*454: */-@ claims# Cthere is not one# "ut a num"er o( JGournaleseJ that can "e

    (ound "et&een the pages o( the dail1 and &ee%l1 pressK and &hile the1 do have a certain

    amount in common# their overall st1les are ver1 di((erentC. There(ore the t1pe o( language

    and linguistic devices that &ill "e used (or a particular ne&spaper depends on the audience

    the ne&spapers are addressed to. 9or this reason# the language o( ta"loids &ill "e

    considera"l1 di((erent (rom the one used in "roadsheet ne&spapers.

    According to 9o&ler >*444:3/@# ne&spapers adopt conversational st1le in order to


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    create Can illusion o( in(ormalit1# (amiliarit1# (riendliness# "ecause Cconversation implies

    coBoperation# agreement# s1mmetr1 o( po&er and %no&ledge "et&een participants.

    ,e lists and de(ines language devices that suggest the presence o( spo%en language in

    ne&spapers >9o&ler *444: 5)B5-@:

    typography and orthography

    2arious t1pographic devices are used to ma%e the print loo% more attractive and less


    honemes are simpli(ied or misspelled# to indicate contrastive stress italics or

    underling is used.


    Leis or voca"ular1 used in tet is in(ormal and (ormal &ords are avoided >slang# e.g.

    pics# cele"@.

    To create in(ormalit1# people are re(erred to "1 their (irst names or nic%names

    >,arr1# 6ills# =lair@.

    synta9 and morphology

    TechniM# MiliJs



    The devices such as indicators o( person# indicators o( time# indicators o( place are

    used to lin% tets &ith people# time and places o( communication.



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    The use o( modal epressions in tets presents su"Gectivit1.

    speech acts

    Speech act represents an act o( uttering &ords rather than Gust using them# i.e. spea%ergives commands# instructions# re

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    As a last thing to stud1 ' &ill (ocus on the register o( headlines and su"headlines#

    "ecause this area also# to a large etent# a((ects the o"Gectivit1 o( ne&spapers. 't contains

    man1 language devices that can "e used to slant the tet in a particular direction

    and to manipulate the reader. ' &ill tr1 to identi(1 individual linguistic devices that are used

    in headlines and su"headlines in m1 corpus.


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    -HA2#E' * -%'2US -HA'A-#E'IS#I-

    'n m1 thesis ' am going to deal &ith the =ritish popular ne&spaper The Sun. 't is

    availa"le in "oth printed and online (orm. ;n the grounds o( easier accessi"ilit1 ' have

    chosen the online (orm o( the media that is availa"le (or (ree on the internet. The material

    (or m1 thesis consists o( t&o sets o( headlines and su"headlines in articles &hich &ere

    collected during t&o periods# in ;cto"er )+*+ and (rom Ianuar1 )+** to 9e"ruar1 )+**.

    'n this chapter ' &ould li%e to (ocus on the development o( the media and the process

    o( collecting the material (or m1 discourse anal1sis.

    *3thSeptem"er *450 is the date &hen The Sunappeared (or the (irst time. Launched

    as a "roadsheet ne&spaper# Sun &as supposed to replace the declining !aily Herald. 'n

    *454# "eing "ought "1 upert Murdoch# the ne&spapers &as conse(or concrete (igures see nrs.co.u%@.

    Since The Sun is engaged onl1 &ith sensational and scandalous topics# its themes are

    limited and tend to repeat.


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    The time span during &hich ' collected the material lasted one month in ;cto"er

    )+*+ and another month (rom Ianuar1 )+** to 9e"ruar1 )+**.

    During the period o( collecting the material (or m1 discourse anal1sis# ' gathered

    thirt1 di((erent articles. The list o( them is divided into t&o sets# &ith each set consisting

    o( (i(teen articles. The ta"le "elo& groups them according to their content into three

    categories. The research occurred on random da1s# &ith no pre(erence o( the topic

    o( studied materials# ho&ever# the initial intention &as to collect an1 article &ith no speci(ic

    topic# "ut since each set contains onl1 (i(teen articles# in order to create (e&er groups &ith

    more representatives ' decided to (orm three groups &ith (ive representatives in each group.

    There(ore# in the end ' had to search (or articles (rom a particular (ield to (inaliFe

    the groups. 6hile searching (or the material# ho&ever# ' noticed that articles dealing &ith

    politics prevailed. M1 (irst categor1 o( headlines in Set ' is there(ore named Politic,and

    is divided into t&o su"categories# depending on &hether it discusses domestic or (oreign

    politics. Set ' contains (our articles dealing &ith domestic politics &hich includes topics

    (rom the area dealing &ith political parties or (inances. 9oreign politics concentrates

    on topics discussing &ar in A(ghanistan or terrorism. As (ar as the categor1 o( crimes

    is concerned# it ranges (rom "lac%mailing# through seual o((enses to murder.

    The last categor1 to "e mentioned deals &ith !isasters, i.e. content that is a"out

    tragic events that happened in the &orld involving either individual persons or larger

    groups o( people.

    Set '' contains similar groups as the (irst set# ecept (or one group# !isasters# &hich

    is replaced "1 theHealth are. The (irst categor1 o(Politics# contains t&o articles dealing

    &ith domestic politics and three &ith (oreign politics. Another categor1 is the rimes#

    &hich similarl1 as the Set ' deals &ith various t1pes o( criminal issues. The third categor1

    o( Health are includes articles commenting on issues concerning health and diseases.

    Although# some articles ma1 appear to overlap in terms o( their topics "eing discussed#


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    ' grouped them according to the one that seems to prevail and is the most important

    in terms o( discourse anal1sis.

    Since the politics "elongs to the most (re

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    The ta"les "elo& groups the headlines according to the individual topics discussed

    in the articles.

    #a)le , Topics in headlines SET I

    #opic Headline num)er Cuantity

    oliticsDomestic ,-# ,3# ,5# ,4 0

    9oreign ,*+ *

    $rimes ,0# ,*)# ,*-# ,*0# ,*3 3

    Disasters ,*# ,)# ,/# ,7# ,** 3

    Total Total *3

    #a)le * Topic in headlines SET II

    #opic Headline num)er Cuantity

    olitics Domestic ,*7# ,)0 )

    9oreign ,)-# ,)3# ,)/ -

    $rimes ,*5# ,*/# ,*4# ,)+# ,)4 3

    ,ealth care ,)*# ,))# ,)5# ,)7# ,-+ 3

    Total Total *3

    As (ar as the headlines alone are concerned# some o( them presented in the highlights

    di((er (rom those placed in the actual article. There is a signi(icant di((erence "et&een

    the sets. Set ' di((ers onl1 in three headlines# ho&ever# headlines in the second set di((er in

    eight cases. ,eadlines (rom the highlights are more accurate and there(ore longer than those

    accompan1ing the actual articles. The1 usuall1 contain the &hole name o( the person

    involved in the article or age to ma%e the headline more in(ormative. 'n m1 discourse

    anal1sis ' &ill not# ho&ever# ta%e the headlines (rom the highlights into consideration.

    Another important point to mention is the (act that the content o( some articles is su"Gect to


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    change as the original content cannot "e traced. There(ore it might have "een updated (rom

    the time o( collecting it (or m1 discourse anal1sis. The last remar% is a"out the headline

    ,*7 &hich contains a mista%e# or" instead o( o"". There(ore all the ta"les# &here this

    headline occurs# are presented as the1 originall1 occurred in the online article# i.e. &ith

    the mista%e.

    *., #he Length of the Articles

    'n this su"chapter ' &ill (ocus on the length o( the individual articles. ' &ould li%e to

    eamine &h1 the articles di((er in their siFe and ho& and compare the t&o sets.

    #a)le 4 Page distribution SET I

    um)er ofpages

    Amountof articles

    #opic Articles

    ) 5

    Disasters ,*# ,)

    olitics ,3# ,4

    $rimes ,0# ,*0

    - 5

    olitics ,5 # ,*+

    $rimes ,*)# ,*-

    Disasters ,/# ,**

    0 * olitics ,-

    7 * Disasters ,7

    *- * $rimes ,*3


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    #a)le 5 Page distribution SET II

    um)er ofpages

    Amountof articles

    #opic Articles

    ) 7

    olitics ,*7#,)0#

    $rimes ,*4# ,)+# ,-+

    ,ealth ,))$ ,)5#,)7

    - -

    $rimes ,*5# ,*/

    ,ealth ,)*

    0 * olitics ,)3

    * ,ealth ,)4

    3 * olitics ,)-

    4 * olitics ,)/

    The ta"les a"ove organiFe the headlines into groups depending on the num"er o(

    pages the1 contain. ' can conclude that topics discussed in the articles tend to "e

    compressed mostl1 into t&o to three pages# occasionall1 eceeding this length. ,o&ever#

    issues dealing &ith a delicate content or long term and repeated situations tend to spread

    over man1 more pages than usual. The possi"le reason &h1 the1 are longer might "e due to

    the (act that people anal1se the discussed issues in more detail. The more etensive (ormat

    is also due to the (act that the1 are accompanied "1 more photographs than other ne&s

    in order to "ring closer and illustrate the topic discussed and help the reader picture

    the situation. The1 also sometimes include videos. The shorter articles are mostl1 oneBo((s

    that deal &ith immediate situations &hich &ill pro"a"l1 not happen again in the (uture.

    Apart (rom the photographs and videos# some articles also contain su"articles that are in

    some &a1 related to the topic discussed in them and in a &a1 eplain the situation in more



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    $omparing these t&o sets# ' can conclude that the structure o( "oth sets seems to "e

    ver1 similar. The representation o( the articles &ith the same length is almost the same.

    Set ' contains si articles spreading over t&o pages and si &ith three pages# Set '' has

    eight t&oBpage articles and three &ith three pages. $oncerning the topics o( the articles

    "eing discussed over t&o to three pages# all the topics >&ithin the given limited range@ are

    represented# i.e. politics# crime# health and disasters.

    =oth sets contain one article that spreads over man1 more pages than usual. 'n Set '# it

    is ,*3 that deals &ith the case o( a neglected child &hich had "een going on (or a certain

    period o( time and is accompanied "1 man1 photographs o( the child itsel( and persons

    involved in his case. There are altogether nine photographs in the &hole article. The article

    contains another article and a list o( reports preceding this case. The other article (rom

    the second set ,)/ has nine pages and nine photographs. Moreover# it also contains three

    videos (rom the scene in Eg1pt and t&o another su"articles &ith additional in(ormation

    a"out the topic.

    *.* #he Length of Headlines and Su)headlines

    As to the length o( headlines# as o"served (rom the list displa1ed "elo there is a

    tendenc1 to produce medium to long headlines# especiall1 in the Set ' &hich contains

    headlines &ith at least (ive &ords. Set '' contains one headline &ith t&o &ords onl1 and

    one &ith (our &ords. The length o( the rest o( headlines ranges (rom (ive to eight &ords.

    As (ar as the length o( su"headlines is concerned# since their role is to eplain the headline

    and are there(ore more developed# the1 are considera"l1 longer then headlines and consist

    o( at least one developed sentence# there(ore are more in(ormative than headlines &hich

    tend to "e ver1 "rie(.


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    IssueH o HeadlineS no Su)headline

    )*+*-+ ,* 5 !rits dead in 2eru air crashS* 9;! holida1ing =rits &ere among si people %illed &hen their light aircra(t

    crashed during a sightB seeing trip in eru# it &as revealed 1esterda1.)*+*-+ ,) !rit found dead in Maldives

    S) A ='T'S, pu" landlad1 has "een (ound dead in the Maldives.

    *+*-+ ,- 2M defends cut in child )enefitsS- DA2'D $ameron toda1 de(ended his governments plans to scrap child "ene(it (or

    the "etter o(( (amilies./*+*-+ ,0 (ay prince killed aide during se9

    S0 A SA!D' prince "attered his manservant to death during a ga1 se session in a (ivestar hotel# a court heard 1esterda1.

    0*+*-+ ,3 Fury at Harry traitor dramaS3 '8$E ,arr1 &as last night (urious at a ne& $hannel 0 drama that sho&s him

    captured "1 the TAL'=A8 B and turning TA'T;.1*+*-+ ,5 !alls ;ife tops ca)inetG poll

    S5 N2ETTE $ooper &as last night tipped to "eat hus"and Ed =alls to "ecome shado&$hancellor.

    1*+*-+ ,/ Sludge as )ig as !2 oil spill

    S/ T;O'$ sludge in ,ungar1 has no& claimed seven lives B and it is thought the scaleo( the disaster is e

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    Date H o HeadlineS no Su)headline

    */H+*H)+** ,*5 De;ani to return to South AfricaS*5 T,E hus"and o( hone1moon murder victim Anni De&ani ma1 voluntaril1 return to South

    A(rica to (ace trial over her %illing# it &as claimed toda1.)*H+*H)+** ,*/ Murdered )ride Michaela )uried in ;edding dress

    S*/ M;!8ES gathered in 'reland toda1 united in grie( at the (uneral o( murderedhone1moon "ride Michaela McAreave1.

    )0H+*H)+** ,*7 Cueens *yrs orf for 3ills and :ateS*7 T,E ueen told rince 6illiam and ate Middleton the1 can sta1 out o( the spotlight (orthe (irst t&o 1ears o( their marriage.

    )0H+*H)+** ,*4 2rem Lge star )ankrupt after property scamS*4 EM'E League ace Iason Euell has gone "an%rupt a(ter "eing scammed in a propert1

    venture.)5H+*H)+** ,)+ #a)ak Jail s;itch over attack fears

    S)+ T,E man accused o( murdering Io Neats &as moved to a di((erent prison 1esterda1 amid(ears (or his sa(et1.

    )/H+*H)+** ,)* Mum dies as drunks clog AKES)* A M!M died a(ter &aiting (ive hours in an AE department Cclogged up &ith drun%s#

    her hus"and claimed last night.

    )4H+*H)+** ,)) :iller )ug from India hits 5++ !ritsS)) A DEADLN ne& super"ug resistant to anti"iotics has struc% do&n hundreds o( =rits a(terspreading here (orm 'ndia and a%istan.

    +)H+)H)+** ,)- -ro;ds clash as Egypt riots roll onS)- 9'P,T'8P has "ro%en out in $airo "et&een thousands o( supporters and opponents o(

    Eg1ptian t1rant ,osni Mu"ara%.+)H+)H)+** ,)0 3ills in a ;edding snu) to the stars

    S)0 '8$E 6illiam and ate Middleton are to snu" cele"s hoping (or invites to their&edding

    +)H+)H)+** ,)3 (et ca)in cre; Jo)$ )lo; up !.A. planeS)3 A ='T'S, Air&a1s &or%er &as given secret orders (rom a terror chie( urging him to get

    a ca"in cre& Go" so he could "lo& up a !SB"ound Get# a court heard 1esterda1.

    +)H+)H)+** ,)5 #akea;ays facing ,$+++ fat ta9S)5 ,EALT,Bconscious councillors &ant to slap a *#+++ Q(at taQ on ta%ea&a1s B in an e((ort

    to tac%le o"esit1.

    +0H+)H)+** ,)/ an mo;s do;n Egypt protestersS)/ T,'S horri(ic video captures the moment a police van careered through a cro&d o( people

    during 1esterda1Rs $airo riots.+0H+)H)+** ,)7 3hy are !ritish ;omen so fat

    S)7 ! &omen are more li%el1 than men to &eigh over -+st# a stud1 sa1s.+4H+)H)+** ,)4 !ritish girl dies in US )uttock op

    S)4 A ='T'S, girl has died a(ter having "ottom implants (itted B in a !S motel room.*+H+)H)+** ,-+ !ig !utt Sasha is @uiBBed )y cops over fi9G

    S-+ A 9'OE "eing

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    -HA2#E' 4 #HE '%LE %F HEADLIES

    =e(ore the actual anal1sis# some clari(ication o( terminolog1 and identi(ication o(

    the individual parts "eing discussed is needed. 9or the purpose o( the discourse anal1sis#

    thirt1 headlines# divided into t&o sets depending on the date o"tained# have "een chosen#

    each la"eled &ith the letter , and appertaining num"er. 6ith re(erence to su"headlines#

    the1 comprise o( the letter S and the same num"er as headlines. 'n the corpus# all headlines

    are accompanied "1 a su"headline.

    The headline is a uni

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    interest in the potential reader# &ho# on average# is a person &hose e1e moves s&i(tl1 do&n

    a page and stops &hen something catches his attention...C.

    ,eadlines should outline &hat the article is a"out# ho&ever# man1 times &e might

    come across headlines that might not "e *447: )0@ claims# Can etra

    dimension o( meaning. As to the punctuation in the headlines# there is none used.

    A common (eature o( the anal1Fed headlines is the shoc%ing content. As has alread1

    "een mentioned# ta"loid ne&spapers# namel1 The Sun# engage in sensational and

    scandalous themes.

    ,eadlines do not reveal a su((icient amount o( in(ormation in their content. The1 do

    so in order to encourage the reader into reading (urther. The1 should "e vague to arouse

    curiosit1 and dra& attention. C'n a spo%en or &ritten# visual or auditor1 discourse


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    the spea%er must ena"le the addressee to identi(1 the entities mentioned in the tet "1 using

    appropriate re(erring epression. A spea%er &ho uses a de(inite re(erring epression

    presupposes that a mental representation o( the entit1 "eing re(erred to eists in

    the addressees mind >ronrod Engel# )++*@. That is# the spea%er should provide

    enough in(ormation (or the reader to decode the meaning o( such tet success(ull1.

    4., #he 'ole of Su)headlines

    Although in this su"chapter ' am going to eplain the (unction o( su"headline# &hile

    searching (or the material (or m1 thesis ' have not come across an1 de(inition o(

    su"headlines# ho&ever# there are de(initions o( the lead &hich# together &ith the headline

    should "e part o( the ne&s article# "ut m1 anal1sis has proved that no lead is present in

    the articles# there(ore a(ter thorough consideration ' have come to the conclusion that

    the (unction o( the lead has "een ta%en over "1 the su"headlines. Lead generall1 starts

    the paragraph o( the article and is part o( it# not separated paragraph# ho&ever# su"headline

    is usuall1 &ritten either in "old or in a di((erent colour and is shorter.

    As there is no de(inition (or su"headlines# "ut the1 appear to (ul(ill the same

    (unction as the lead# ' &ill start (irst &ith the de(inition o( the lead. As =ell >*44*: *3+#

    *3)@ states# the lead paragraph is a nucleus o( evaluation UitV (ocuses the stor1 in a

    particular direction. The lead (unctions as a summar1 o( the tet# i.e. "rie(l1 in(orms the

    reader a"out the content o( the article and is (urther summariFed "1 the headline# &hich is

    even "rie(er than the su"headline.

    't is important to note that the su"headlines in the articles in the online version o(

    The Sundi((er (rom the su"headlines in the printed (orm o( the articles. The1 var1 in siFe#

    the online version has a "igger (ont and is &ritten in "old# &hereas in the hard cop1 the1 are

    indistinguisha"le (rom the rest o( the tet. The1 appear to "e a part o( the actual article and

    are the (irst thing to (ollo& a(ter the headline and could also "e considered a lead in that


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    case. Lead# according to =ell >*44*: *04@# CsummariFes the central action and esta"lishes

    the point o( the stor1. The lead has an important (unction# "ecause it helps the reader to

    decide &hether to continue reading or to move on to the net article. 't a"stracts the stor1

    and is created "1 Gournalists unli%e the headline# &hich is added as the last piece o(

    in(ormation "1 the editors and a"stracts the lead. Su"headlines seem to (ul(ill all o( these

    (unctions# there(ore the1 could "e treated as leads.

    Su"headlines# although the1 are produced "1 a di((erent person than the headlines#

    epand and in man1 cases render the meaning o( the vague and o"scure headlines and help

    the reader to decipher &hat the article is a"out. There(ore the1 are an important element in

    the ne&s that cannot "e omitted. The ta"le "elo& demonstrates the di((erence "et&een

    the headline and the su"headline as to the length and the content.

    The headlines di((er (rom the su"headlines not onl1 "1 their length and the content#

    "ut also "1 the structure and attractiveness. Su"headlines are more in(ormative and less

    sensational since the1 rel1 more on contetual rather than visual aspect.

    #a)le / Headline vs. subheadline

    o Headlines Su)headline

    H+, 5 !rits dead in2eru air crash

    9;! holida1ing =rits &ere among si people %illed&hen their light aircra(t crashed during a sightB seeingtrip in eru# it &as revealed 1esterda1.

    H,/ !a)y 2 coverup isfinally )lo;n

    T,E true horror o( ho& =a"1 &as doomed "1 onehorri(1ing "lunder a(ter another &as 9'8ALLN laid "are1esterda1 B along &ith a shame(ul 6,'TE6AS,.

    H*+ #a)ak Jail s;itchover attack fears

    T,E man accused o( murdering Io Neats &as moved to adi((erent prison 1esterda1 amid (ears (or his sa(et1.

    H*1!ritish girl dies inUS )uttock op

    A ='T'S, girl has died a(ter having "ottom implants (itted Bin a !S motel room.


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    An interesting (eature o( TheSunsu"headlines is the use o( capitals (or &ords in

    the initial position o( the sentence. '( this place is occupied "1 the inde(inite article#

    the (ollo&ing &ord is also capitaliFed# ho&ever# i( the position is ta%en "1 a de(inite article#

    the &ord &hich (ollo&s is &ritten in standard case as is sho&n in ,)+. ;ther &ords# &hich

    are also &ritten in capitals# are those# &hich are emphasiFed# as illustrated in ,*3. 't is

    pro"a"l1 done so to emphasiFe the &ord and to attract readers attention.


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    5., -lause Structure of Headlines and Su)headlines

    'n this chapter ' &ould li%e to (ocus on the grammatical structure o( headlines and

    su"headlines. M1 anal1sis o( ver"al phrases in the Set ' in terms o( compleit1 indicates

    that the simple structure o( ver"al phrases prevails. Simple clause consists o( one

    independent clause and contains a ver" and a su"Gect. ;ut o( (i(teen headlines# as man1 as

    eleven consist o( simple clauses. There are no comple ver"al phrases included in the (irst

    set o( headlines. The remaining (our instances are ver"less. A possi"le eplanation (or this

    (inding is that ta"loid headlines tend to "e "rie( and short and rel1 more on attraction rather

    than in(ormativeness as is the case o( serious ne&spapers. 6ith re(erence to the Set ''#

    the structure o( headlines varies slightl1. According to the ta"le# three sentences are

    incomplete# since the1 contain no ver". The amount o( the simple sentences is slightl1

    lo&er than in Set '# as there are onl1 nine simple clauses compared to the (irst set &hich

    has eleven such clauses. ,eadlines ,)* and ,)- are constructed o( comple clauses.

    A comple clause has one independent clause Goined "1 a su"ordinator asto a dependent

    clause. ,eadline ,)3 is an instance o( a compound clause# in &hich "oth clauses are

    independent and are Goined "1 a comma. The actual coordinator andis omitted.

    The structure o( su"headlines di((ers considera"l1 (rom the structure o( headlines.

    Since su"headlines are more detailed and longer# than headlines# there is a tendenc1 to use

    more comple clauses than in headlines. !nli%e the headlines (rom the corpus# &hich in

    some cases lac% a ver"# the su"headlines consist o( at least one (inite ver". As the ta"le

    "elo& indicates# there is a slight di((erence "et&een "oth anal1sed sets o( su"headlines.

    As (or the simple clauses# onl1 in (our cases o( "oth sets the su"headlines are composed o(

    these t1pes o( clauses# the rest o( the su"headlines comprises o( comple clauses# &hereas


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    in Set '# in addition to simple and comple clauses# also compound sentences occur.

    M1 anal1sis o( the clause structure suggests that comple clauses prevail in the corpus.

    #a)le 0 Clauses structure in headlines

    #ype of ver)al phrase SE# , SE#*2er"less clauses ,+*# ,+3# ,+/# ,+4 ,*7# ,)+# ,)0Simple clauses ,+)# ,+-# ,+0# ,+5# ,+7#

    ,*+# ,**# ,*)# ,*-# ,*0#,*3

    ,*5# ,*/# ,*4# ,))# ,)5#,)/# ,)7# ,)4# ,-+

    $omple clauses + ,)*# ,)-$ompound clauses + ,)3

    #a)le 7 Clauses structure in subheadlines

    #ype of ver)al phrase SE# ,N SE#*N2er"less clauses + +Simple clauses S+)# S+-# S+7# S+4 S*/# S)-# S)/# S)7$omple clauses S+*# S+0# S+3# S+5# S*+# S**#

    S*)# S*0# S*3S*5# S*7# S*4# S)+# S)*#S))# S)0# S)3# S)5# S)4#S-+

    $ompound clauses S+/# S*-

    5.,., #ypes of Speech Acts in Headlines and Su)headlines

    egarding the t1pes &hich the sentences ta%e# there are (our t1pes# namel1

    statements# commands# eclamations and

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    the anal1Fed material and onl1 one instance o( a

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    e.g. run, eat@# primary ver)s 2be, have, anddo@ and modal ve)s >e.g. can, will, might@.

    These classes are distinguished "1 their roles as main ver"s and auiliar1 ver"s.

    English has t&o t1pes o( ver" phrases: (inite and nonB(inite. 9inite ver" phrases are

    mar%ed (or tense# aspect# voice# modalit1# negation and clause structure t1pe. The1 can "e

    mar%ed either (or tense or modalit1 "ut never (or "oth. '( the1 are in(lected (or tense# it is

    either (or past or (or present# since onl1 these t&o t1pes o( tenses eist in English# other

    Ctenses are created "1 the use o( modals or auiliaries >=i"er et al. *444: 03) B 03-@.

    Since m1 corpus contains also headlines &ithout ver"s and this group is smaller

    than the ver"al group# ' &ill deal &ith this categor1 (irst.

    5.*., er)less -lauses

    $onsidering the space o( headlines &hich is limited# there is a tendenc1 to condense

    the tet o( headlines. There(ore man1 clauses# including some ver"s# are usuall1 omitted.

    This omission is called ellipsis. The LPS6E de(ines the ellipsis as Cthe omission o(

    elements &hich are precisel1 recovera"le (rom the linguistic or situational contet >=i"er

    et al.*444: *35@. Even &hen the &ord is omitted (rom the tet# the meaning is preserved.

    '( the ver" is missing in the clause# the action is usuall1 implied &ithin the noun

    phrase# that is# the ver" is turned into a noun. These clauses are re(erred to as nominal

    headlines and the process o( this trans(ormation is called nominaliBation. As 9o&ler

    >*44*: /4@ claims CEnglish is a XnominaliFing language and Xit is structurall1 possi"le#

    and actuall1 common# (or predicates >ver"s and adGectives@ to "e realiFed s1ntacticall1 as

    nouns: these are called derived nominals. There are man1 &ords in English &hich

    denominate actions and processes not o"Gects. The corpus contains (our headlines >,+*#

    ,+3# ,+/# ,+4@ in the (irst set and three headlines >,*7# ,)+# ,)0@ in the second set

    &hich lac% the ver". All (our representatives o( the ver"less group in the (irst set o(

    headlines di((er in their structure. 'n the (irst one >,+*@# the action is implied in


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    the adGective dead. ,+3 is an instance o( nominaliFation o( the ver"# &here instead o(

    the use o( the ver" to be "urious# this is trans(ormed into the noun "ury. The nominal

    structure shi(ts the (ocus (rom the actorHarryon the noun"urry. 'n the second eample

    >,/@ the headline lac%s the ver" to be# &hich &ould other&ise# com"ined &ith the adGective

    big,(unction as a (ull ver". The last eample in the group >,4@ "ecause o( the missing ver"#

    provides no in(ormation on &hat has happened. The action is# ho&ever# less important then

    the noun "illies# &hich re(ers to ver1 1oung ladies that had "een appointed to

    the (ront"ench. There(ore the ver" is redundant and &hat has happened can "e retrieved

    (rom the contet.

    All headlines >,*7# ,)+# ,)0@ o( the non ver"al categor1 o( the Set '' are instances

    o( nominaliFation &here the action is implied "1 the use o( a noun phrase.

    5.*.* er)al -lauses" Distri)ution of #enses in Headlines and Su)headlines

    As has alread1 "een mentioned# English is mar%ed onl1 (or t&o tenses# present and

    past. The present tense re(ers to events in the past# present situations and ha"itual "ehavior#

    or to (uture events. ;n the other hand# the past tense is used to re(er to states or events in

    the past. ,o&ever# i( the ver" is in the present per(ect it is not mar%ed (or the tense "ut

    rather (or the aspect# since the tense re(ers to past or present# the aspect relates to

    the situations &hich are incomplete. There(ore the present per(ect tense is used in

    the situation &hich "egan sometime in the past "ut continues in the present.

    9irst o( all ' &ill deal &ith the categor1 o( headlines in the present per(ect tense. This t1pe

    o( aspect does not occur ver1 (re

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    the (act# that the in(ormation is not (inite and is presented as an assumption and the use o(

    modal ver" allo&s the in(ormation to "e presented as a speculation rather than the (act#

    &hich is an instance o( modalit1 that &ill "e discussed (urther in m1 thesis. ,*+ is

    epressed in the same tense as the headline.

    Another su"categor1 o( ver"als includes the present simple tense&hich re(ers to

    past events. This tense is also called the historic present. This t1pe o( tense occurs in order

    Cto produce a more vivid description as i( the events &ere "eing enacted at the time o(

    speech >=i"er et al. *444: 030@. 't is said to "e conventionall1 used in headlines# ho&ever#

    m1 anal1sis con(irmed onl1 t&o cases >,+-# ,+5#@ occurring in the Set '. S+-# ho&ever# is

    in the past tense# &hereas S+5 in the passive voice.

    Thesimple past tenseis used onl1 in the (irst set o( headlines in t&o cases >,+0#

    ,*-@. 't is not surprising since as has previousl1 "een mentioned the use o( the past tense is

    not as (re=i"er et al.

    *444: )*4@. The imperative is used in the situations &here the addressee is %no&n and

    there(ore not needed and it orders himHher to doHnot to do something immediatel1 there(ore

    no tense# aspect and modals are necessar1 >see =i"er et al. *444: )*4@. 'n m1 anal1sis there

    is onl1 one such instance# ,** in Set '# ho&ever# this clause in not a t1pical imperative#

    since it contains the su"Gect and there is no one &ho should carr1 out the given command


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    (rom the headline. 't is used (or other purposes than to instruct someone to do something#

    since the su"headline eplains that there has "een a cele"ration o( the rescued miners#

    there(ore the headline suggests that the unnamed person >the "ar tender@ should pour them a

    large drin%.

    According to =i"er et al. >*444: 035@# Cthere is no (ormal futuretensein English

    and UitV is t1picall1 mar%ed in the ver" phrase "1 modal or semiBmodal ver"s such as

    will, shall, be going to3. ,o&ever# modals are omitted most o( the time in headlines due to

    the saving space and the (uture events are there(ore epressed "1 the in(initive# as is

    the case o( ,+7. The ver" to beand an auiliar1 ver"going to*willis omitted and replaced

    "1 a shorter version o( ver" to start. $ompound (uture (orms are usuall1 su"stituted "1

    more simple (orms o( ver"s (or economic reasons. S+7 is epressed "1 the modal ver)

    could 4 start.

    The last categor1 o( Set ' concentrates on clauses in passive voice. According to

    LEP# Cactive voice and passive voice re(ers to the (orm o( a ver". 'n the active# the su"Gect

    o( the ver" is the person or thing doing the action...in the passiveK the action is done to

    the su"Gect >Aleander *477: )0*@. egarding the use o( active and passive voice in

    headlines# active is used &hen the (ocus is on the agent o( the action &hereas passive shi(ts

    the (ocus on the happening rather than &hat or &ho causes the happening# i.e. &e are not

    interested in the doer. =i"er et al. >*444: 0//@ also claim that the use o( passive in ne&s is

    "ecause the stor1 (ocuses on the event &hich involves an a((ected person or institution

    rather than the agent &hich is %no&n# easil1 identi(ia"le in the contet or not interesting.

    T&o (orms o( passive structures are possi"le: long passive &here the agent is epressed

    &ith byphrase and short passive &ith the agent omitted . =i"er et al.>*444: 0//@ claim that

    the long passive constructions are more (re

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    >,+)# ,*)# ,*0@# &hereas ,*3 contains the ver". S+) and S*0 are "oth in present per(ect

    tense# S*3 is in the past tense and in S*) is the passive (orm o( blackmailedepressed in

    active (orm and (ocus o( the person a((ected "1 this crime is shi(ted to the person accused

    o( committing the crime and the present per(ect tense is used.

    Set '' di((ers in the tense representation slightl1 (rom the Set '. Altogether si

    headlines (rom the Set '' are instances &here the present simple tense is used >,)*# ,))#

    ,)-# ,)/# ,)7# ,)4@. Su"headlines &ith the present per(ect are S))# S)-# S)4# in S)*# S)/

    the past tense is used and S+7 uses the present tense.

    Although# as =i"er et al. >*444: ))*@ claim# the use o( imperatives in ne&s is rare#

    as ne&s is nonBinteractive contrar1 to conversations &hich are interactive# "ut i( the1 occur#

    most o( the times Cthe1 give instructions on ho& to per(orm certain actionsC# &hich is

    eactl1 ho& it is used in ,)3# to instruct the su"Gect to carr1 out certain tas%# unli%e (rom

    the previous set# &here it &as used di((erentl1. Even the su"headline con(irms this claim#

    &hen it eplains# ho& the person (rom the article &as ordered to Xget a ca"in cre& Go" to

    "lo& up =.A. plane. The su"headline is epressed "1 the passive voice.

    ,eadlines ,*/# ,*4 and ,-+ are in passive voice. 9irst t&o have the (inite ver" be

    omitted# the last one does not. All o( their su"headlines are epressed di((erentl1. S*/ is

    converted to active voice and in(orms a"out the mourners that gathered in the (uneral o(

    the "ride and the ver" is in past tense. S*4 is in present per(ect &hereas S-+ although it is

    in the passive voice its ver" to "e is epressed "1 a progressive (orm.

    Similarl1 as in the previous set# the (uture in headline ,*5 is epressed &ith

    the in(initive to return. The su"headline epresses also (uturit1 "ut it is done so "1 the use

    o( a modal ver" may.

    The last headline to "e anal1Fed in terms o( tenses used is ,)5# &hich as the onl1

    one (rom the corpus is in gerund that epresses the possi"le (uture action. The su"headline


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    is in the present tense.

    To conclude this chapter# ' can state that the use o( tenses in headlines varies.

    There(ore# ' cannot agree &ith =i"er et al. >*444: 035@ &ho claim that "oth tenses >past and

    present@ are used in approimatel1 the same ratio in ne&s. M1 (indings sho& that there is

    no clear pre(erence (or a certain t1pe o( a tense and the representation o( tenses and aspects

    is more or less heterogeneous "oth i( Gudging the sets separatel1 or as a &hole. ,o&ever# in

    Set '' the group &ith the present simple tense is the most numerous &ith si representatives

    out o( all headlines in this set. The Set ' has heterogeneous representation o( tenses

    distri"uted more or less evenl1 &ith the passive group slightl1 prevailing.

    9o&ler >*44*: /7@ claims that Cpassive is a common structure in headlines. 9rom

    m1 o"servations ' can argue that it is not the case# since onl1 in seven out o( thirt1

    headlines# out o( &hich t&ent1 three are ver"al# (rom m1 corpus the passive (orm is used.

    egarding the representation o( ver"al and ver"less clauses in the anal1sed sets#

    the proportion is rather "alanced.


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    #a)le 1 Distribution of tenses SET I

    -ategory #ense um)er Headline2er"al resent simpleH

    historic present,+- M de(ends cut in child "ene(its,+5 =alls &i(e tops Jca"inetJ poll

    'mperative ,** Ma%e miner large one'n(initive ,+7 XMiners rescue to start 6ednesda1ast simple ,+0 Pa1 prince J%illed aideJ during se

    ,*- aedo a"used (iveBmonthBoldresent per(ect ,*+ !S troops ma1 have J%illed =rit aid

    &or%erJassive ,+) =rit (ound dead in Maldives

    ,*) Se cops victim groped at stationJ,*0 $ele" "lac%mailed over J sensitiveJ

    pics,*3 =a"1 coverBup is (inall1 "lo&n


    ,+* 0 =rits dead in eru air crash,+3 9urr1 at ,arr1 JtraitorJ drama,+/ Sludge Jas "ig as = oil spillJ,+4 MiliJs 9illies

    #a)le ,+ Distribution of tenses SET II

    -ategory #ense um)er Headline



    ,)* Mum dies as drun%s clog AE,)) iller "ug (rom 'ndia hits 0++ =rits,)- $ro&ds clash as Eg1pt riots roll on,)/ 2an mo&s do&n Eg1pt protesters

    ,)7 6h1 are =ritish &omen so (atY,)4 =ritish girl dies in !S "uttoc% op'mperative ,)3 Pet ca"in cre& Go"# "lo& up =.A. plane

    assive,*/ Murdered "ride Michaela "uried in &edding

    dress,*4 rem Lge star "an%rupt a(ter propert1 scam,-+ =ig "utt Sasha is

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    Although ne&spapers should "e impartial and present the reader &ith (acts &ithout

    an1 personal attitudes# it is hardl1 the case# and there are man1 language (eatures that

    manipulate the message presented. The author o( headlines has the option to manipulate

    the tet "1 the selection o( various interpersonal (unctions# that is# to in(luence the

    perception o( the event. ;ne o( the (unctions ho& to achieve this and &hich ' &ill "e

    dealing &ith in m1 thesis# is the use o( modality. Although# man1 linguists have de(ined

    modalit1 in various &a1s# during m1 research ' realiFed that it is not su((icient and there is

    more to "e said a"out this topic. 6hile anal1Fing m1 material# ' noticed man1 di((erent

    &a1s o( epressing modalit1 &hich ' &ill eplain (urther.

    eah >*447: 4*@ asserts that# Cmodalit1 re(ers to the &a1 in &hich a tet can epress

    attitudes to&ards a situation# and is usuall1 realiFed in the use o( modal ver)s>can# &ill#

    shall# ma1# must# could &ould# should# might@K and in the use o( adver)ssuch as possi"l1#


    Another linguist# oger 9o&ler >*44*: 50@# de(ines modalit1 as CGudgments as to

    truth >JcorrectJ@# likelihood >Jcertainl1J# JmightJ@# desirability>Jregretta"leJ@K other modal

    usages stipulate obligations>JshouldJ# Jought toJ@ and grantpermission>Jma1J@. ,e (urther

    claims that the modalit1 can "e epressed either eplicitl1 or implicitl1# that is# it is either

    overtl1 stated or not. 'mplicit1 is t1pical (or modal ver"s and most o( stance adver"ials

    >9o&ler *44*: 73B75@.

    The use o( an auiliar1 ver" indicates a strong possi"ilit1 that the situation &as not

    or &ill not "e realiFed. #ill,&hich re(ers to the (uture# (unctions as a prediction and

    there(ore epresses uncertaint1 o( the proposition. The presence o( modal epressions in

    printed tets enhances their su"Gectivit1# casts dou"ts and evo%es scepticism.


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    =i"er et al. >*444: 03/@ claim that Cmodals are used to epress a spea%ers or

    &riters stance# epressing either the degree o( >un@certaint1 o( the proposition# or

    meanings# such as permission# o"ligation: or necessit1. 't also distinguishes "et&een

    intrinsic and etrinsic modalit1# &hich is also re(erred to as JdeonticJ and JepistemicJ


    $lauses lac%ing modal ver"s might seem to "e mar%ed (or tense onl1# and modalit1

    might not "e overtl1 epressed# it does not necessaril1 mean that the proposition has no

    modalit1. There are other possi"ilities ho& the modalit1 in the clauses can "e achieved. ;ne

    such option is "1 the use o( adver"ials. Adver"ials epress authorJs stance to&ards a

    proposition. The1 are called stance adver)ials. LPS6E eplains that Cstance adver"ials

    conve1 spea%ersJ comments on &hat the1 are sa1ing >the content o( the message@ or ho&

    the1 are sa1ing it >the st1le@ >=i"er et al. *444: /50@. There are three t1pes o( stance

    adver"ials: epistemic# attitudinal# and st1listic.

    onZ%ov >)++4: -))@ suggests another &a1 o( epressing the stance in

    proposition. 't is done "1 the sentence modality &hich consists o( Cstatements#

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    indicate iron1 or apologetic &ords are *473: *5-3@# C

  • 7/24/2019 Teza Diskurs Makrostruktura


    them contain more than one.

    As ' mentioned a"ove# most headlines (rom the anal1sis are statements and those

    remaining are either @uestions or imperatives.

    Set ' contains one instance o( the imperative clause >,**@# &here it re(ers to

    the picture accompan1ing the headline and instructing an unde(ined person to pour a "ig

    glass o( champagne to cele"rate the rescue. According to onZ%ov >)++4: -)-@#

    Ccommand is out o( all modal t1pes the most directive. 'ts t1pical (orm is a direct appeal.

    Su"headline# ho&ever# onl1 in(orms the reader a"out the cele"ration &ithout the use o(

    imperative or an1 other modal mar%er.

    'n ,7 the modalit1 is epressed "1 the use o( an infinitive&hich re(ers to (uture

    that is mar%ed (or modalit1 due to the standard use o( modals and semiBmodals to epress

    (uturit1. 'n this case the use o( in(initive denotes a shorten version o( (uturit1. 9uturit1 here

    serves as a prediction# that is# the event ma1 or ma1 not "e realiFed. The statement there(ore

    is in the position o( a mere assumption and could change. The su"headline corresponds

    &ith this statement "ecause it also epresses it as a presupposition "1 the use o( the modal


    As has alread1 "een mentioned previousl1# ver"al (inite clauses &hich are not

    mar%ed (or tense# are generall1 mar%ed (or modalit1. This is the case o( t&o headlines (rom

    the Set '. The headline ,*+ contains an auiliar1 may have and there(ore &ea%ens

    the evaluation# and "ecause o( the use o( modal ver)is mar%ed (or modalit1. 't is presented

    as a tentative evaluation and so is the su"headline &hich also contains an auiliar1 ver".

    Even the tet presents this in(ormation such as mere speculation and &hat eactl1 happened

    is not con(irmed 1et. ,o&ever# the (ocus in the su"headline is shi(ted (rom the agent

    epressed in the headline to the patient in the su"headline "1 the use o( passive structure in

    the headline. 8evertheless# the meaning o( "oth is the same and the1 are presented as

    the speculation rather than the (act.


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    Modalit1 epressed "1 the stance adver)ial is present in ,*3 &hich epresses

    the attitude to&ards the proposition "1 using the term "inally. The adver"ial indicates that

    the case had "een going on (or a long time &ithout resolution and has "een solved at last.

    The same adver"ial is used in su"headlines.

    =i"er et al. >*444:/50@ claim that Cmost sentences in English do not contain stance

    adver"ials. ather# the1 are statements made &ithout overt stance mar%ers. As is apparent

    (rom m1 anal1sis# there are not man1 cases o( these t1pes o( mar%ers used. Much more

    o(ten# the headlines and su"headlines contain other t1pes o( modalit1.

    As (or the naming strateg1 used in ,*)# it emplo1s rather a"usive &a1 o( re(erring

    to the person accused o( committing a crime. The term is mar%ed since it descri"es

    the person in a particular &a1 invo%ing in readers certain "iased opinions to&ards

    the person descri"ed and (rom this statement it is easil1 identi(ia"le &hose side the media is

    on. The similar case occurs in ,0 &here the person accused o( committing a crime is titled

    gay,although his orientation has not "een proven in the tet o( the article 1et# in &hich this

    person actuall1 denies such accusations# even though# the evidence might "e suggesting

    other&ise. There(ore such denomination might "e misleading. The su"headline though#

    re(ers to the person "1 a more accurate denomination# a Saudi prince,and the proposition is

    more care(ul in its claim a"out the seual orientation o( the prince# and onl1 mentions

    the situation during &hich the incident occurred# and indirectl1 implies his seual


    'n ,5# 5vette opper,&ho is identi(ied in the su"headline "1 her (ull name# is in

    the headline re(erred to via her hus"and as6all7s wi"e and not as an individual.

    Spea%ing o( the use o( proper names# The Sungenerall1 re(ers to people involved in

    the article "1 their (irst name &hich# as eah >*447: 3/@ claims# Csuggests either e

  • 7/24/2019 Teza Diskurs Makrostruktura


    sound less serious# "ut in the case o( ta"loids# &hich have a light content as (ar as the topics

    are concerned# the choice o( &ords is reasona"le.

    The last and also the most numerous group to "e discussed is the group containing

    the headlines &ith inverted commas or else

  • 7/24/2019 Teza Diskurs Makrostruktura


    this case the ans&er is to "e (ound in the article.

    ,*5# "1 the use o( the infinitive &hich epresses (uturit1 o( the statement suggests

    De&aniJs plan (or returning to A(rica# ho&ever# this presupposition is &ea%en in

    the su"headline "1 the use o( the modal auiliar1 may. As is (urther in the tet eplained#

    !ewaniis not actuall1 planning to do so "ut# instead# suggests that he &ould consider such

    option i( it &as necessar1.

    Loaded ;ords>emotive language@ are other mar%ers o( modalit1 emplo1ed in ,)/#

    &here the phrase mows downmeans to %ill man1 people in a cruel &a1 and there(ore

    appeals to the (eelings o( the readers and ma1 in(luence their perception o( a given


    ,)5# ,*5# ,-+ are instances o( modalit1 epressed "1 inverted commas. ,)5 and

    ,-+ represent a use o( inverted commas in the situation &here the author uses the term

    &hich is not recogniFed# i.e. &ould not normall1 "1 used in such contet# there(ore signals

    hisHher distance (rom the

  • 7/24/2019 Teza Diskurs Makrostruktura


    pro"a"l1 "ecause even i( the person &as identi(ied in the headline and the su"headline "1

    her (ull name# it &ould carr1 no in(ormation value (or the readers unless the person is

    someho& %no&n to the readers# either "ecause o( her social status# or (rom the previous

    tets. The tet itsel(# ho&ever# identi(ies this Cmum "1 her (ull name.

    The last three headlines to "e discussed in the chapter are those that use slang

    ;ords. Slang is an in(ormal language that uses &ords &hich replace more general terms

    that &ould "e used instead. 't is a language that is usuall1 used "1 a particular group

    o( people. ,)*# ,)4# ,-+. S)* and S-+ also contain slang &ords# ho&ever# S)4 replaces

    the term buttockop&ith more general and neutral epression bottom implants "itted.

    #a)le ,, Type of modality in headlines SET I

    #ype of modality Set I Headline

    Statements ;No overt e9pression ofmodality

    0 =rits dead in eru air crash H+,

    =rit (ound dead in Maldives H+*

    M de(ends cuts in child "ene(its H+4

    aming strategy

    Gayprince %illed aideduring se H+5

    alls !ifetops ca"inetpoll H+0

    "ili#s9illies H+1

    $Se% cop#svictim groped at station H,*

    2eadoa"used (iveBmonthBold H,4

    Inverted comas

    Pa1 prince %illed aideduring se H+5

    9ur1 at ,arr1 RtraitorR drama H+/

    =alls &i(e tops ca"inetpoll H+0

    Sludge Ras "ig as = oil spillR H+7

    Miners rescue to start 6ednesda1R H+6

    !S troops ma1 have R%illed =rit aid &or%erR H,+

    RSe cops victim groped at stationR H,*

    $ele" "lac%mailed over RsensitiveR pics H,5

    Infinitive RMiners rescue to start6ednesda1R H+6

    Imperative "a&eminer large one H,,

    Modal au9iliary !S troops may have $&illed=rit aid &or%erR H,+

    Stance adver)ial =a"1 coverBup isfinally"lo&n H,/

    #a)le ,* Type of modality in headlines SET II


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    #ype of modality Set II Headline

    Statements ;No overt e9pression ofmodality

    iller "ug (rom 'ndia hits 0++ =rits H**

    rem Lge star "an%rupt a(ter propert1 scam H,1

    $ro&ds clash as Eg1pt riots roll on H*4

    Cuestions 6h1 are =ritish &omen so (atY H*6

    Loaded ;ords 2an mo!s do!nEg1pt protesters H*7

    aming strategy

    De!aniRto return to South A(ricaR H,0

    Murdered "ride"ichaela"uried in &edding


    ueenJs )1rs o(( (or 'ill(sand)ate H,6

    Taba&Gail s&itch over attac% (ears H*+

    "umdies as drun%s clog AE H*,

    'illsin a &edding snu" to the stars H*5


    =ig =utt Sasha is

  • 7/24/2019 Teza Diskurs Makrostruktura


    the use o( various linguistic devices to %eep the distance (rom &hat is "eing claimed as i(

    not to "ac% up hisHhers assertions.

    /., Assertion and Assumption in Headlines and Su)headlines

    Seeing that ne&spapers# especiall1 ta"loids li%e The Sun is# tr1 to attract interest

    o( potential reader# the1 must produce e1eBcatching headlines. There(ore headline authors

    attempt to ma%e them sound and loo% as trust&orth1 and accurate as possi"le# ho&ever# this

    might sometimes lead to am"iguit1 and overBassertion.

    'n this su"chapter ' &ill (ocus on the assertion and assumption in headlines and

    su"headlines and the relationship "et&een these t&o entities. ' &ould li%e to eamine ho&

    the individual headlines and su"headlines are presented and perceived in ne&spapers.

    $r1stal >)++7: -4@ de(ines assertion as Ca term used in pragmatics and semantics

    in its ordinar1 sense o( presenting in(ormation as true# "ut also more technicall1 (or that

    portion o( the in(ormation encoded in a sentence &hich is presented "1 the spea%er as true#

    as opposed to that portion &hich is merel1 presupposed. ,e (urther de(ines

    presuppositionas "a condition which must !e satis#ed i$ a particular

    state o$ a%airs is to o!tain& or (in relation to language) what a spea'er

    assumes in saying a particular sentence& as opposed to what is actually

    asserted (Crystal 2008: 8) 'n this case# ' &ill re(er to the presupposed part as

    assumption. LD$E de(ines assumption as a Csomething that 1ou thin% is true although 1ou

    have no proo( >Summers *443: 54@.

    According to eah >*444: *+5@ Ca po&er(ul tool (or conve1ing meaning is the &a1

    in &hich language can assume a particular meaning &ithout directl1 asserting it.

    'n this sense# assertion is presented as a (act# as something &hich is "ased on

    evidence on the other hand# assumption is presented as an tentative evaluation &hich lac%s

    evidence and there(ore is onl1 in the position o( a mere speculation.


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    9or the purpose o( m1 discourse anal1sis ' have created t&o ta"les &ith (our

    categories# t&o (or headlines and t&o (or su"headlines# each divided into t&o

    su"categories# &here one represents the assertion and the other the assumption.

    According to the Ta"le *+# not all the instances are straight(or&ard in stating

    &hether the proposition is the assertion or the assumption. ,4 (or instance# is ver1 vague

    and# especiall1 (or those readers not ac

  • 7/24/2019 Teza Diskurs Makrostruktura


    :ury at ;Harry traitor< dramain ,3# although presented as a simple (act &ithout

    an1 mitigating devices# it is ver1 am"iguous and does not state clearl1 &ho or &h1 is

    (urious# this is# ho&ever# eplained in the su"headline in more details# &here the reader

    learns the ans&er to these

  • 7/24/2019 Teza Diskurs Makrostruktura


    #a)le ,4 Distribution of assertion and assumption in headlines and subheadlines SET I





    H+,N5 !rits dead in 2eru aircrash

    9;! holida1ing =rits!ereamong si people&illed&hen their lightaircra(t crashed during a

    sightB seeing trip in eru#it &as revealed 1esterda1.

    H+*N!rit found dead inMaldives

    A ='T'S, pu" landlad1has )een found deadinthe Maldives.

    H+4N2M defends cut in child)enefits

    DA2'D $ameron toda1defendedhisgovernments plans toscrap child "ene(it (or the

    "etter o(( (amilies.H+5N(ay prince killed aideduring se9

    A SA!D' prince batteredhis manservant to deathduring a ga1 se session

    in a (ive star hotel# acourt heard 1esterda1.H+/NFury at Harry traitordrama

    '8$E ,arr1 !aslastnightfuriousat a ne&$hannel 0 drama thatsho&s him captured "1the TAL'=A8 B andturning TA'T;.

    H+0N!alls ;ife tops ca)inetGpoll

    N2ETTE $ooper!aslast nighttipped to beathus"and Ed =allsto "ecome shado&

    $hancellor.H+7NSludge as )ig as!2 oil spill

    T;O'$ sludge in,ungar1 has no&claimed sevenlives B and it isthoughtthe scaleo( the disaster ise

  • 7/24/2019 Teza Diskurs Makrostruktura


    have killed !rit aid;orker

    =ritish aid &or%erLinda 8orgrovemay have been

    &illed"1 agrenade thro&n

    "1 !S troopstr1ing to rescueher.

    H,,NMake miner largeone

    M'LL';8S o( $heleanscele"rated toda1 as the(irst o( the trapped miners

    "randed Cnationalheroes "1 the countr1Js

    president "egan toemerge.

    H,*NSe9 copGs victim gropedat station

    A2!L8EA=LE&oman attac&ed

    "1 a se predatorcop &ho allegedl1raped (ive &omenand indecentl1assaulted t&o

    more %ept hersilence (or ten1ears# a court &astold toda1

    H,4N2aedo a)used fivemonthold

    A $;MM!8'TN care&or%er has been foundguilty of se%ually

    assaultinga (iveBmonthBold "a"1 and allo&ingher "o1(riend to ta%e

    photographs o( the a"useon his mo"ile phone.

    H,5N-ele) )lackmailed over

    sensitive pics

    A"*+ has been found

    guilty of blac&mailinganinternational superstar&ith Chighl1 sensitive

    photos stolen (rom herhome

    H,/N!a)y 2 coverup isfinally )lo;n

    T,E true horror o( ho&=a"1 &as doomed "1one horri(1ing "lundera(ter another!as,I+*-- laid bare

    1esterda1 B along &ith ashame(ul 6,'TE6AS,.

    As (ar as the Set '' is concerned# the Ta"le *- sho&s that most o( the headlines

    appear to "e assertions# ho&ever# there are some &hich are not so clear and straight(or&ard.

    'n ,)5 the use o( gerund o("acingsuggests a possi"le (uture situation &hich might

    ta%e place# i.e. it epresses a tentative assertion o( something &hich is planned to "e carried


  • 7/24/2019 Teza Diskurs Makrostruktura


    out in the (uture. 't is also presented as an assertion in the su"headlines &here the ver"

    wantand in(initive is used to epress an intention.


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    distance the author o( the article (rom &hat is he Xclaiming "1 re(erring to some other voice

    responsi"le (or the statement.

    ,*4 presents the in(ormation as a (act# i.e. as assertion together &ith

    the su"headline &hich is# ho&ever# more detailed in description o( the situation. The same

    can "e o"served in headlines ,)+# ,)*# ,)-# ,)/# ,)4# ,-+ and their su"headlines.

    ,)3 is an instance o( a command# "ut (rom the su"headline the reader learns some (acts

    a"out the situation. The author o( the statement re(ers to the court# &here the assertion

    originates (rom and there(ore shi(ts the responsi"ilit1 o( the statement to some other


    2agueness o( ,)0 arouses (or the omission o( the ver". There(ore# (rom

    the statement# it is not clear &hether the situation has alread1 happened or is going to

    happen. Another important point to mention is that &edding snu" represents a noun phrase

    &hich is in a place o( a ver" that &ould normall1 "e used in such situation.

    The su"headline# ho&ever# "ecause o( "eing epressed "1 in(initive in place o( the noun

    (rom the headline# assumes# &hat is a"out to happen in the (uture.

    The anal1sis o( headlines and su"headlines in terms o( the assertion and assumption

    sho&s the tendenc1 to present "oth more o(ten as unvarnished (acts i.e. as assertions rather

    than assumptions &hich are not so convincing. The possi"le eplanation is# as has alread1

    "een mentioned at the "eginning o( this chapter# the tendenc1 o( ne&spapers to produce

    articles or more precisel1 headlines that appeal to readers and sound trust&orth1# i.e.

    assertions instead o( mere presuppositions# since the1 are less persuasive and there(ore ma1

    attract less attention.


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    #a)le ,5 Distribution of assertion and assumption in headlines and subheadlines SET









    ENASSUM2#I%H,0NDe;ani to returnto South Africa

    T,E hus"and o(hone1moonmurder victimAnni De&anima1 voluntaril1return to SouthA(rica to (acetrial over her%illing# it &asclaimed toda1.

    H,7NMurdered )ride

    Michaela )uried in ;eddingdress

    M;!8ES gathered in

    'reland toda1 united ingrie( at the (uneral o(murdered hone1moon

    "ride MichaelaMcAreave1.

    H,6N:iller )ug from India hits5++ !rits

    A DEADLN ne&super"ug resistant toanti"iotics has struc%do&n hundreds o( =ritsa(ter spreading here (orm'ndia and a%istan.

    H,1NCueens *yrs orf for3ills and :ate

    T,E ueen toldrince 6illiamand ate

    Middleton the1can sta1 out o(the spotlight (orthe (irst t&o1ears o( theirmarriage.

    H*+N2rem Lge star )ankruptafter property scam

    EM'E League aceIason Euell has gone

    "an%rupt a(ter "eingscammed in a propert1venture.

    H*,N#a)ak Jail s;itch overattack fears

    The man accused o(murdering Io Neats &as

    moved to a di((erentprison 1esterda1 amid(ears (or his sa(et1.


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    H**NMum dies as drunks clogAKE

    A M!M died a(ter&aiting (ive hours in anAE departmentCclogged up &ithdrun%s# her hus"andclaimed last night.

    H*4N-ro;ds clash as Egyptriots roll on

    9'P,T'8P has "ro%enout in $airo "et&eenthousands o( supportersand opponents o(Eg1ptian t1rant ,osniMu"ara%.

    H*5N3ills in a ;eddingsnu) to the stars

    '8$E6illiam andate Middletonare to snu"cele"s hoping(or invites to

    their &eddingH*/N(et ca)in cre;Jo)$ )lo; up !.A. plane

    A ='T'S, Air&a1s&or%er &as given secretorders (rom a terror chie(urging him to get a ca"incre& Go" so he could

    "lo& up a !SB"ound Get#a court heard 1esterda1.

    H*0N#akea;ays facing,$+++ fat ta9

    ,EALT,Bconsciouscouncillors &antto slap a *#+++Q(at taQ on

    ta%ea&a1s B inan e((ort totac%le o"esit1.

    H*7Nan mo;s do;n Egyptprotesters

    T,'S horri(ic videocaptures the moment a

    police van careeredthrough a cro&d o(

    people during 1esterda1Rs$airo riots.

    H*6N N3hy are !ritish ;omenso fat

    ! &omen are moreli%el1 than men to &eighover -+st# a stud1 sa1s.

    H*1N !ritish girl dies in US

    )uttock op

    A ='T'S, girl has died

    a(ter having "ottomimplants (itted B in a !Smotel room.

    H4+N!ig !utt Sasha is @uiBBed)y cops over fi9G

    A 9'OE "eing

  • 7/24/2019 Teza Diskurs Makrostruktura


    -HA2#E' 0 'E(IS#E'

    'n this chapter ' &ould li%e to loo% at the aspect o( leis. The choices the author o(

    ne&spapers ma%es in terms o( the voca"ular1 usage are important since the1# together &ith

    other language devices that had "een discussed previousl1# ma1 in(luence the &a1

    the reader &ill perceive the given tets. As 9o&ler >*44*: 7+@ claims# Cin ,allida1s

    linguistic theor1# voca"ular1 or leis is a maGor determinant o( ideational structure. A good

    point is made "1 eah >*44*:3-@ a"out the eample ho& the language can "e misused# as it

    happened in Peorge ;r&ells "oo%%ineteen=ninety "our.

    9o&ler >*44*: 7)@ claims that Cvoca"ular1 can "e regardedas a representation o(

    the &orld (or a cultureK the &orld as perceived according to the ideological needs o( a


    Since there are not man1 representatives o( each group o( discussed (eatures present

    in headlines and su"headlines ' &ill not "e loo%ing at the individual aspect in "oth sets

    separatel1 1et as a &hole.

    0., Language of Headlines and Su)headlines" Specific 3ords

    ,eadline &riters have developed special voca"ular1 (or headlines# &hich generall1

    does not occur outside ne&spaper reporting. These &ords are usuall1 short in order to save

    space &hich is limited# "ut the1 also (ul(ill a (unction o( an attention dra&ing device.

    ,o&ever# not all these &ords are used in all ne&spapersK some o( them are t1pical (or

    the ta"loids onl1 and &ould hardl1 "e (ound in the serious press.


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    Eamples o( special ne&spaper &ords "ased on LD$E eplanations >*443@:

    aid>help such as mone1 or (ood# help or advice@#

    a9e >to dismiss# to get rid o(# to reduce@#

    )an ? to(or"id# not to allo& something@#

    )id ? to o((er# toattempt@#

    )last ?eplosion@#

    )laBe ?(ire@#

    )lo; >hard hit# "ad e((ect# unhapp1 event@#

    call>to reto to control or limit something@#

    leak>to spread the secret in(ormation deli"eratel1@#

    pro)e >ver1 thorough in

  • 7/24/2019 Teza Diskurs Makrostruktura


    The ta"le a"ove presents some eamples o( this t1pe o( voca"ular1 in headlines

    (rom m1 corpus. As (ar as the use o( this t1pe o( voca"ular1 in su"headlines is concerned#

    the1 sometimes occur there too.

    0.* Loaded Language in Headlines and Su)headlines

    ,eadline &riters o(ten# to attract readers# use &ords that carr1 particular strong

    positive or negative connotations# language# &hich appeals to their emotions. 't is

    a convenient &a1 to in(luence readers opinion. Emotive arguments and loaded language

    eploit human &ea%ness to evo%e a strong emotional response (rom the readers. The &ords

    used to eplain the situation should "e un"iased and language neutral "ut# as ' have alread1

    mentioned Xappealing to emotions is a strong device that a((ects the pu"lic opinion.

    'n the ta"le "elo the &ordspaedoand mows downare ver1 strong &ords used to evo%e

    negative (eelings in the reader.

    #a)le ,0 -oaded !ords in headlines

    Date o Headline

    *7H*+H)+*+ ,*- 2aedo a"used (iveBmonthBold

    +0H+)H)+** ,)/ 2anmo;s do;n Eg1pt protesters

    0.4 aming Strategy in Headlines and Su)headlines

    The naming techni

  • 7/24/2019 Teza Diskurs Makrostruktura


    &hether the person re(erred to is a man# a &oman# someone o( a lo& or high social status

    etc. ,eadlines are divided in the ta"le according to the re(erential epressions emplo1ed.

    Three anal1sed instances dealing &ith other su"Gects than persons &ill not "e considered in

    the stud1. As o"served (rom the studied headlines# The Sun never re(ers to people &ith their

    (ull names.As little as t&o instances contain partial names# namel1 ,3# &ith the use o(

    the (irst name Harry,"elonging to the rince ,arr1# &hich is (urther modi(ied in the

    su"headline. ,4 on the contrar1 uses the surname o( the agent and the re(erence is

    a nic%name. Su"headline# ho&ever# provides (ull name and surname o( the person. 'n ,-#

    an a""reviationP>used re(ers to The Prime >inister# &hich is again provided in (ull in

    the su"headline.Another person, $inda %orgroveis in ,*+ named "1 a general term &hich

    might suggest less respect "ut as previous cases has (ull name epressed in the su"headline.

    Even 5vette ooperin ,5 does not deserve a name and is re(erred to as Xsomeones &i(e

    &hich is disrespect(ul and might give the reader the impression o( her "eing in(erior and

    &ea%# not an independent individual. The method chosen "1 The Sun to address others

    suggests an in(ormal or in(erior relationship "et&een the spea%ers.

    'nteresting to note is ,*+# &here the headline is in active voice &ith the agent not

    speci(ied# ho&ever# instead o( speci(1ing the agent in the su"headline# the (ocus (rom

    the agent in the headline is shi(ted in the su"headline to the patient &hich is then speci(ied

    instead. A possi"le eplanation is that the agent in the headline is represented "1 more

    persons &hereas the patient is onl1 one and in(ormation a"out this particular person has

    more in(ormation value than the in(ormation a"out the agent# there(ore the shi(t and

    identi(ication is necessar1. Similar case is ,*0# ho&ever# it does not include an1 name in

    the su"headline nor the headline an1ho&. The patient name is omitted (or legal reasons and

    the name o( the agent is mentioned (urther in the reading. This headline together &ith other

    headlines >,*# ,)# ,0# ,7# ,**# ,*)# ,*-@ are not represented in the ta"le since the1

    contain no names o( the people involved and are named "1 general terms onl1.


  • 7/24/2019 Teza Diskurs Makrostruktura


    'n ,*3 as &ell as in S*3 the "a"1 is re(ered to as a 6aby P. The possi"le

    eplanation is that the Cla"el is easier to remem"er (or the readers and the1 "ecame


  • 7/24/2019 Teza Diskurs Makrostruktura


    !se o( slang is t1pical (or ta"loid language due to the readership the ne&spaper is

    (ocused on. As $on"o1 >)++3: )-@ claims the use o( collo

  • 7/24/2019 Teza Diskurs Makrostruktura


    headlines. ,o&ever# (or a lo1al reader# as the1 tend to occur (re*44*: )+)@ claims that CGournalists use num"ers (or t&o main reasons. 9igures

    undergird the o"Gective# empirical claims o( ne&s. =ut the1 simultaneousl1 undermine that

    principle# since the1 are chosen to epress and enhance the ne&s value o( the stor1. 'n this

    sense# the use o( (igures in ne&spapers contri"utes to the authenticit1 and the credi"ilit1 o(

    the events.

    There are t&o options ho& to epress num"ers# either "1 &ords or "1 (igures.

    The anal1sis o( m1 material demonstrates the tendenc1 to use (igures in headlines and

    &ords in su"headlines# ho&ever# the rule is sometimes violated# as e.g. S7 sho&s.

    The possi"le eplanation (or this rule is pro"a"l1 also due to space saving reasons.

    The ta"le "elo& displa1s the possi"le use o( (igures in headlines and su"headlines.


  • 7/24/2019 Teza Diskurs Makrostruktura


    #a)le *+ E%pression of numbers in !ords and figures in headlines and subheadlines

    Date o Headline o Su)headline

    +0H*+H)+*+ ,* /=rits dead in eru aircrash

    S* ,012holida1ing =rits &ereamong

    +7H*+H)+*+ ,/ Sludge Xas "ig as = oilspill

    S/ T;O'$ sludge in ,ungar1 hasno& claimed sevenlives

    *+H*+H)+*+ ,7 XMiners rescue to start6ednesda1

    S7 T,E evacuation o( 33minerstrapped underground

    *-H*+H)+*+ ,*) XSe cops victimgroped at station

    S*) A 2!L8EA=LE &omanattac%ed "1 a se predator cop&ho allegedl1 rapedfive&omen and indecentl1assaulted t&o more %ept hersilence (or ten1ears

    *4H*+H)+*+ ,*- aedo a"usedfiveBmonthBold

    S*- A $;MM!8'TN care &or%erhas "een (ound guilt1 o(seuall1 assaulting afiveBmonthBold "a"1

    )0H+*H)+** ,*7 ueenJs 41rs or( (or6illJs and ate

    S*7 T,E ueen told rince6illiam and ate Middletonthe1 can sta1 out o( thespotlight (or the (irst t!o1earso( their marriage.

    )0H+*H)+** ,*4 iller "ug (rom 'ndiahits /55=rits

    S*4 A DEADLN ne& super"ugresistant to anti"iotics hasstruc% do&n hundredso( Pritsa(ter spreading here (orm'ndia and a%istan.

    )/H+*H)+** ,)* Mum dies as drun%sclog AE

    S)* A M!M died a(ter &aitingfivehours in an AEdepartment Cclogged up &ithdrun%s# her hus"and claimedlast night.

    +)H+)H)+** ,)5 Ta%ea&a1s (acing678555R(at taR

    S)5 ,EALT,Bconsciouscouncillors &ant to slap a678555Q(at taQ onta%ea&a1s B in an e((ort totac%le o"esit1.

    +0H+)H)+** ,)7 6h1 are =ritish &omen S)7 ! &omen are more li%el1


  • 7/24/2019 Teza Diskurs Makrostruktura


    so (atY than men to &eigh over 35st# astud1 sa1s.

    'n this chapter ' have concentrated on the leical part o( headlines and su"headlines#

    &hich as ' have o"served# is an important language device &hich a((ects the particular tets

    to a considera"le etent and there(ore poses a treat# since# language as a po&er(ul

    instrument# might "e a"used to manipulate the pu"lic opinion.


  • 7/24/2019 Teza Diskurs Makrostruktura



    ,eadlines are important part o( ne&spapers articles. The1 are the (irst thing

    the reader comes across &hen reading ne&spapers# there(ore to capture hisHher attention

    the1 must "e interesting. To achieve this# the1 emplo1 various language devices &hich '

    studied in m1 thesis. 9or the purpose o( m1 discourse anal1sis ' used articles (rom

    the =ritish ta"loid The Sun. ' created t&o sets o( headlines &ith su"headlines# "oth

    collected in di((erent periods so ' could compare the sets to (ind out &hether the1 are

    similar or i( not# to &hat etent the1 di((er.

    ' divided m1 thesis into si chapters. At (irst ' introduced the topic o( language o(

    ne&spapers and language devices used. 9urther ' speci(ied &hich devices ' &ould (ocused

    on in m1 discourse anal1sis. 'n the net chapter ' introduced the corpus o( the ta"loid

    ne&spaper The Sun and the individual topics o( the articles# &hich ' grouped accordingl1.

    =oth sets contain three groups &ith (irst t&o topics "eing the same. As (ar as the length o(

    these articles is concerned the1 are prett1 similar in their structure since "oth sets contain

    most o( the articles spreading into t&o to three pages. Anal1sing the length o( the headlines#

    there is a tendenc1 to produced medium to long headlines.

    Anal1sis o( the clause structure o( headlines sho&ed the tendenc1 to use simple

    clauses# ho&ever# there is a slight di((erence "et&een the sets# seeing that the second set

    contains also instances o( comple and compound clauses. As (or the clause structure o(

    su"headlines# comple clauses prevail# ho&everK in the (irst set also compound clauses


    6hen ta%ing speech act t1pes into consideration# the anal1sis indicates


  • 7/24/2019 Teza Diskurs Makrostruktura


    the pre(erence o( statements in headlines. ;ne instance o( command also occurs in "oth sets

    and the second set additionall1 contains a

  • 7/24/2019 Teza Diskurs Makrostruktura


    su"headlines. The possi"le eplanation is the need o( headlines to attract in order to sell.

    Man1 o( these &ords are shorter than the usual ones there(ore are pre(erred in headlines due

    to saving space.

    The aim o( m1 thesis &as to (ind out &hether the headlines and su"headlines o( t&o

    studied sets are similar or the1 di((er and i( so# to &hat etent. As the amount o(

    the individual headlines and their su"headlines &as limited to (i(teen representatives in

    each set# it is rather di((icult to dra& clear conclusions (rom such a small sample. ,o&ever#

    ' can conclude that the di((erence in "oth sets seems to "e small and the1 "oth seem to

    emplo1 similar strategies &hile using language devices.


  • 7/24/2019 Teza Diskurs Makrostruktura


    !I!LI%('A2H&2rimary sources

    Internet sources

    #he Sun

    $oles# I. >)5 Ian )+**@. Ta"a% Gail s&itch over attac% (ears. The Sun.

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