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SYNGAS – a substantial, long-term, locally sourced, competitively priced alternative energy produced from In-Situ Gasification (ISG*) of deep un mineable coal requiring NO FRACKING and posing NO THREAT to rural properties or aquifers.

Synthesis gas or ‘syngas’ results from the in-situ gasification of coal. Hydrogen (H2), carbon monoxide (CO) and methane (CH4) are the combustible gases in syngas. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is generated independent of the oxidant used - air or oxygen. If air is used nitrogen (N2) is present in the syngas.

Syngas can be used to co-fuelled existing coal-fuelled boilers, provide fuel for high-efficiency combined cycle gas turbines (CCGT) power plants, heat for alumina smelters, cememt and brick works, and as the feedstock for methanol, chemical, fertiliser and gas-to-liquids plants.

Gasification of deep (>850 metres) un-minable coal allows countries like Australia, UK and Japan to exploit their up to now stranded extensive deep coal resources to deliver long-term energy market security for industrial and domestic consumers by providing syngas at energy prices competitively with coal and much more competitive than natural gas.

The ISG (or UCG) process produces depleted empty chambers deep underground (>850 metres) potentially suitable to store liquid CO2 and provide a carbon capture and storage (CCS) capability ensuring energy from syngas is cleaner than coal-fired power stations and cleaner than natural gas depending on the CO2 content of the raw natural gas.

Syngas Power Pty Limited (SPPL) is developing syngas delivery projects in the Hunter Valley of NSW, in the Collie Region of WA, Australia, in The North of the UK and investigating similar projects in Japan and China.

* Also known as Underground Coal Gasification (UCG)







Syngas Power Pty Limited’s (SPPL) opportunity is to commercialise thedeliver of ISG syngas to:

• co-fuel commercial quantities of syngas with existing coal-fuelled boilers in power stations• fuel high-efficiency, low CAPEX, low OPEX, low CO2 emitting combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power

plants• produce synthetic natural gas (SNG) for delivery into natural gas pipeline networks• provide a commercial source of CO2 for food-proteins & liquid fuel production, enhanced oil recovery and

carbon capture and storage (CCS)


Syngas Power Pty Ltd’s (SPPL) vision is to deliver an alternative, price competitive and cleaner energy from coal.

Potential to develop syngas delivery projects wherever:

• Deep coal resources are not mineable by traditional underground or open-cut coal mining methods• Large existing local energy markets exist - for example coal-fuelled power stations• A competing energy delivery environment is under a regime of international export coal or LNG prices• A value for CO2 can be realized by sale or tax,

or alternatively

• There is a current or looming energy security issue

SPPL’s first syngas delivery projects are focused on:

• Lowest financial and technology risk• Lowest CAPEX• Co-fuelling local coal-fuelled power station boilers• Small capacity 10-30 mega watts (MW) manageable low risk project steps• Expanding to larger energy projects providing approx 150 MW per individual coal-fuelled boiler• Then jump to approx. 600MW per coal fuelled power station• Expanding to multiple power stations - a huge existing market• Potential for financially, technically and logistically viable CO2 capture, use and or storage (CCS)

Strategic Vision

A Competitively Priced Alternative Energy Source Utilising the Environmentally-friendly Features of In-Situ Coal Gasification (ISG).


What is ISG Syngas and How is it Produced?

What is the ISG syngas producing process?: • Un-minable deep coal is gasified in-situ, producing a synthesis gas (syngas)• Combustible gas components are hydrogen (H2), methane (CH4 )and carbon monoxide (CO)• Carbon dioxide (CO2) is always produced during the process• Small amount of hydrocarbon condensate (mostly C2H4 ethylene and C2H6 ethane) are produced• If oxidant is air, nitrogen (N2) is present• Some sulphur oxides (SOXs) and nitrious oxides (NOXs) are also produced

Fully Tested - ISG (or UCG) history around the World• 50 year history of proven continuous operation co-fuelling power stations in the former USSR• Angren power station in Uzbekistan has been continually operating for 50 years up until today• Numerous recent demonstration plants operating to western environmental regulations and control

standards; including

i) Swan Hills – Alberta, Canadaii) Solid Energy – Huntly, New Zealandiii) Linc Energy & Carbon Energy – QLD, Australiaiv) Eskom - South Africa

High pressure and high concentration of CO2 (>20%) in the wellheadsyngas means CO2 can be:• Economically separated from the syngas using existing commercially operating technology• Economically compressed for carbon sequestration and long term safe storage deep underground• Economically compressed to be suitable for transport by CO2 pipelines

Syngas production provides a potential for CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS)• A large empty chamber is created deep underground• Hundreds of metres of overburden has trapped methane naturally for eons• Where substantial amounts of CO2 can be safely stored indefinitely

Syngas production provides a potential for CO2 for Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)• Where there is CO2 pipeline infrastructure delivering CO2 to existing EOR operations• Potential CO2 demand from suitable oil and gas reservoirs

Syngas provides a source of CO2 for Algae to Produce Animal Food-Protiens• Where a syngas plant is close to agricultural land and a seawater source (The North UK - see page 9)• Where CO2 can be delivered to scaleable, closed and controlled algae for the efficient production of

protien for animal food or feedstock for down-stream biofuel processing

A Competitively Priced Alternative Energy Source Utilising the Environmentally-friendly Features of In-Situ Coal Gasification (ISG).


ISG850m +

Open-cut Mine80-120m

Coal Seam GasMostly 200-500m +

Underground Coal Mine200m

Hydrostatic Pressure

Aquifer for human use(underground rivers and creeks)

• Energy is liberated from in-situ coal eliminating the need to mine, stack and move coal• Reduced operating & maintenance costs compared with pulverized coal• Reduced operating & maintenance costs of boiler ash handling, removal and safe long-term storage• NO chemically dangerous boiler ash to be filtered, transported and stored• NO THREAT to agricultural land - operations sited over mined-out coal mines• NO scarring of landscapes from open-cut mines (eg. lower Hunter Valley, NSW)• NO fugitive methane emissions as a result of open-cut or underground coal mining• NO FRACKING• Very few gas bore-holes compared with a coal seam gas operation• NO thousands of kilometres of connecting gas and water pipelines criss-crossing rural lands• NO saline or chemically contaminated water brought to the surface• NO millions of tonnes of crystalised solid salt to be separated and then stored safely indefinitely• LOWEST physical surface footprint of all energy sources - including renewables

Why is ISG Syngas the SAFEST way to Generate Energy from Coal?• NO miners work underground• Thousands of coal miners killed in coal mines around the world every year• NO coal dust to be suppressed• Coal dust is prime cause of pneumoconiosis or “black lung disease” which kills tens of thousands of

coal-miners around the world every year• Syngas is produced deep underground preferably below 850 metres• Many hundreds of metres below existing coal mines• Dramatically decreased risks of damaging shallow (above 200 metres) aquifers• Subsidence is possible though unlikely• No connection to shallow (~200 metres) aquifers used for human or agricultural use• Chemical reactions - pyrolysis, reduction and oxidation - gasifies the coal• The syngas gasifier chamber pressure is set at approximately 15% below the natural hydrostatic

pressure• The movement of any contaminated water or chemicals is back into the gasifier chamber

ISG gasifying chamber

Why is ISG Syngas the most Environmentally Friendlyand Sustainable Way to Generate Energy from Coal?

ISG coal seam

ISG SYNGAS Production Process – How it Works

• The syngas production process involves drilling three wells into the coal seam, one used to provide heat to start gasification, one for injection of the oxidants (water/air or water/oxygen mixtures) and one to deliver the produced syngas to the surface. For these later two wells, once the coal seam has been interestected, each well is horizontally drilled along the coal seam for many hundreds of metres

• As a result of the pressure, temperature and careful regulation of the oxidant flow, the in-situ coal undergoes destructive distillation or pyrolysis, reduction and oxidation reactions to produce syngas – a similar process that produced ‘town gas’ used to light the streets in US, UK and Australian cities before the advent of natural gas and electricity. The then Australian Gas Light Company, now AGL Energy, was the Sydney town gas supplier from 1841 to 1976.

In-situ gasification


850m +




Safety Switch

ISG DepletedChamber

CO2 Sequestration into depleted ISG Chamber

Gas Start-Up


UndergroundCoal Mine


Coal Seam

A Competitively Priced Alternative Energy Source Utilising the Environmentally-friendly Features of In-Situ Coal Gasification (ISG).


• Deep un-minable coal becomes a highly valuable energy resource• Competitive delivery price ($ per GJ) compared with export coal• Competitive delivery price ($ per GJ) compared with natural gas in most jurisdictons (exceptions include

North America, Russia and Middle -East)• Can be sited below mined-out or existing open-cut or underground coal mines - “brown-field” project and

therefore significantly lower government approval requirements compared with green-field projects• Most energy efficient utilization of a coal resource• Low CAPEX for power station retro-fit• Low CAPEX for delivery of increased syngas delivery capacity• Reduced pulverising, ash handling and boiler wall erosion costs

ISG syngas is a flexible energy source:

Commercial Advantages Delivered by ISG Syngas



Mined Coal40%


• co-fuelling coal-fuelled power stations boilers• alumina smelters, cement works & brickworks

(around Australia and the world)• processing syngas to synthetic natural gas

(SNG) to natural gas pipeline specifications

• DME (around the world and especially China)• Methanol, Urea, other chemical and gas-to-

liquids plants, and• the coming hydrogen economy



A Competitively Priced Alternative Energy Source Utilising the Environmentally-friendly Features of In-Situ Coal Gasification (ISG).


1. Safe and deep coal resource in the vicinity (<30 kms) of the market2. Large existing market for the syngas3. Lowest possible CAPEX route to market4. Existing energy market is exposed to export energy prices5. Financial value associated with CO2 (CO2 gas sales for algae producing protiens, EOR or CCS)6. Current or looming energy security issues7. Sympathetic or existing government regulatory regime

Existing SPPL Pre-Requisite Syngas Projectsmeeting the ‘Successful’ Commercial requirements.

Prospective SPPL Full-Scale Syngas Projectsmeeting the ‘Successful’ Commercial requirements.

Hunter Syngas Project, NSW Australia Commercial Criterion No. 7 (see above) is problematic – all others are met with Criterion No. 6 not applicable.

Collie, Pinjarra and Worsley Region (south of Perth), WA Australia All Commercial Criteria (see above) can be met except Criterion No. 6 is not applicable.

North Lancashire, UK All Commercial Criteria (see above) met.

Cooper Basin Syngas-to-SNGCommercial Criterion Nos 6 (see above) is not applicable. Commercial Criteririon No 3 is not met with all other Commercial Criteria met.

Hokkaido, JapanAll Commercial Criteria (see above) are met. Japanese-centric requirement for a JV partner.

Commercial Criteria for a Successful ISG Syngas Project:

A Competitively Priced Alternative Energy Source Utilising the Environmentally-friendly Features of In-Situ Coal Gasification (ISG).


• Evidence of large quantities of deep coal adjacent to or in close proximity to existing NSW Hunter Valley coal leases potentially suitable for deep syngas production

• Potential to co-fuel syngas with coal-fuelled power stations in close proximity

Currently:• NSW power stations coal contracts delivering local coal at

substantially less than export prices start to run out progressively from 2015

• Post-2015 replacement coal contracts for NSW power stations will have to compete with export coal prices

• Syngas from a deep in-situ coal resources is an alternative fuel source for Hunter Valley coal-fuelled power stations

• Three sizable coal-fire power stations (Muja, Collie & Bluewaters) within 7 kms of deep in-situ Collie coal

• Substantial deep coal resources at Collie• High local natural gas prices A$10 per GJ• A number of very large industrial natural gas consumers in close

proximity to Collie, eg. two alumina smelters (Alcoa & BHPB)• South-West Hub for CO2 sequestration at Harvey in close proximity

(<30 kms) to Collie is a joint Ausralian Federal Government and WA State Government funded project which provides a ready made CO2 sequestration capability

• Co-fuel with syngas to approx. 30% calorific value of power station boilers

• Low boiler retrofit costs

• NO coal pulverising required & NO ash produced & reduced boiler-wall erosion

• Potential for SOx & NOx reduction• Syngas delivered at estimated A$3.00-4.00 per GJ• Locally sourced unconventional gas with NO FRACKING• Use of mine-out or exisiting coal mining surface infrastructure• Use of existing coal transport surface infrastructure and right-of ways• NO THREAT to local agriculural activities• NO coal dust produced• Future (next 7 years) alternative low-cost syngas fuel for CCGT plants to replace ageing coal-fuelled boilers• Liddell 500mm boiler scheduled to come off-line 2017-19

Collie, Pinjarra and Worsley Region (south of Perth), WA Australia

Hunter Syngas Project, NSW Australia

SYNGAS Project - Hunter Valley NSW, Australia

Syngas Project - Collie WA, Australia





A Competitively Priced Alternative Energy Source Utilising the Environmentally-friendly Features of In-Situ Coal Gasification (ISG).


Benefits include:

• Three (3) coal fired power stations in the North Lancashire region• Over 95% of UK thermal coal is imported and therefore coal price is

exposed to high export coal pricing regime• UK natural gas priced at equivalent US$9.00 per GJ• Five identified deep in-situ coal deposits locally situated to the

three North Lancashire power stations CO2 value from recently February’2014 increased UK CO2 tax to now £15 per tonne CO2

• Scoping study and prefeasibility study to include supply of CO2 to

algae producing protiens

• UK supply of North-Sea natural gas mostly depleted by 2019

Coal Exploration Permit EPC 2907 in the Cooper Basin of south-western Queensland which has an in-situ deep coal exploration target of 600 million to 1.02 billion tonnes (6,000 – 20,000 PJs) of potentially gasifiable coal.

Syngas produced from EPC 2907’s deep coal and processed to natural gas has the potential to supply substantial quantities of pipeline quality natural gas to Queensland’s existing natural gas pipeline network. EPC 2907 is less than 65 kms from one of the network’s major hubs.

The North Syngas Project

Syngas Project - The North, Lancashire UK

Prospective Syngas Project - Cooper Basin, QLD



EPC 2907

A Competitively Priced Alternative Energy Source Utilising the Environmentally-friendly Features of In-Situ Coal Gasification (ISG).



• Huge resources of deep coal (600-3,000 metres depth) in Hokkaido

• 9 coal fired power plants in Hokkaido in very close proximity to deep coal resources

• Majority (>95%) of the coal used in Japanese coal fired power stations is imported therefore fuel cost exposed to export prices

• Japanese gas prices US$12-18 per GJ resulting from shippedin LNG for local gas

• The 2012 Fukushima nuclear power plant incident has raised energy security concerns in Japan

Prospective Syngas Project - Japan


Future Syngas Projects

Short to Medium Term (>3-5 years)• Replacement - due to end-of-life considerations - of large numberrs of retiring

coal boilers around the world with high-efficiency low-cost combined cycle gas turbines (CCGT) fuelled by syngas with a CO2 capture and utility or storage capability

• Taking the CCGT-Syngas project capability to a number of the 2,300 current world-wide owners of coal fired power stations

• Taking the CCGT-Syngas project capability to compete with the 1,000 proposed new coal fired power stations forecast to be constructed in the next 10 years

Medium to Longer Term (5 - 7 years) - Natural Gas ProjectsSPPL’s planned natural gas projects include:

1. Cooper Basin, QLD Syngas-To-SNG for natural gas for Gladstone LNG plants or the Australian Eastern Seaboard domestic markets.

2. Collie, Pinjarra & Worsley in WA for alumina smelters and industrial & domestic Perth region markets3. The North, UK industrial & domestic markets4. Hokkaido, Japan industrial & domestic markets

Longer Term (>7 Years) - Downstream Chemical Plants• DME gas plants• Gas-to-liquids plants• Feedstock for fertilizer plants• Hydrogen for the coming hydrogen economy

A Competitively Priced Alternative Energy Source Utilising the Environmentally-friendly Features of In-Situ Coal Gasification (ISG).


Scoping Study Requirements:• Signed collaborative agreement with potential syngas client• Access to deep in-situ coal• Funding in the order of A$2.0 million per scoping study• Project development and management expertise• Access to technology and expertise to provide desktop assessment as follows:

Scoping Study Deliverables:• Potential project surface sites• Indication of statutory and government regulations• Indicative project coal resource• Indicative deliverable MWs• Indicative project MW stages and durations• Indicative CAPEX and OPEX for stages• Requirements and specification for pre-feasibility study• Pre-feasibility study plan• Cost estimates for pre-feasibility study• Initial identification and assessment of stakeholder issues• Identification of likely pre-feasibility study funding methods

and sources

• Federal and State Government Statutory approvals• Deep in-situ coal gasification resource• Utilization of existing coal leases• In-situ coal gasifier design• Surface/wellhead gas processing plant• Pipeline connection to power station fence & connect to pipeline to deliver to syngas boiler

injectors• CO2 separation from syngas• Suitability of underground cavity and surrounding rock mechanics for long-term safe

supercritical CO2 storage• CO2 utilisation where ISG plant is close to agricultural land and salt-water source• Heat recovery and syngas compression suitable for CO2 sequestration• Control and environmental monitoring and assessment• Stakeholder issues associated with delivery of a syngas project

Strategy for Hunter Syngas Project and following Prospective Syngas Projects

Perform a Scoping Study:

A Competitively Priced Alternative Energy Source Utilising the Environmentally-friendly Features of In-Situ Coal Gasification (ISG).


About Syngas Power Pty Limited (SPPL):

History:• Incorporated Nov 2011• Geological investigation and granting of Queensland EPC 2907 • Investigation of in-situ gasification and the technology, operational business case history to date and

the planned future syngas projects• Gaining access to deep in-situ Collie coal and identification of five potential deep in-situ coal resources

in The North, UK• Development and implementation of commercially focused and fundable business model• Funding NSW, WA, UK & Japan scoping studies and funding Cooper Basin Syngas-to-SNG Project –

current activities

Physical Assets: Strategically Located EPC & Coal Access Agreements:• Cooper Basin EPC 2907: - deep in-situ coal, 600-1,020 mt (6,000 - 20,000 PJs of syngas) exploration target - strategically located nearby existing gas plants and natural gas pipeline infrastructure• Access to deep in-situ Collie coal, 100-2,400 mt (1,000 - 80,00 PJ or syngas)

Commercial Assets:• Development of business plan for financeable projects• Commercially focused – rigorous commercial and technical project fundable test applied• Excellent commercial services capability – titles, legal & regulatory approval in Australia• Identification of potential syngas projects - Hunter Syngas Project, NSW Australia – scoping study collaboration agreement signed - North Yorkshire, UK and identification of five potential deep in-situ coal resources - Collie, Pinjarra and Worsley Region, WA Australia and access to deep Collie coal - Hokkaido, Japan• Assemble excellent commercial team - agreement structuring & negotiation, State Government

regulation drafting• Commercial assets achieved at minimal cash burn• Commercial assets primarily achieved by the allocation of options, ie. future performance incentives

Technical Assets:• Access to the “world’s best syngas technology”• Internationally known in the in-situ gasification - ISG technical and project space with contact to most of

the currently commercialising syngas projects – eg. Eskom• Assembled excellent world-class technical team – resource development, directional drilling, syngas

technology, raw syngas processing at well head, syngas pipeline delivery, connection to coal-fired boilers, CO2 separation, CO2 consuming algae to produce protiens and liquid fuels and CO2 sequestration and storage

• Capable of prosecuting the highest quality syngas delivery scoping study

Funding Assets:• Shareholders who have personal access, long standing contact and fund raising experience in the

resource and energy sectors with Australian, Japanese, UK and North American private equity, listed equity and ultra highnet individuals

• Progressed funding avenues in Australia, Singapore, Bangkok, Hong Kong, Japan, China, UK and North America

Management:• Energetic, enthusiastic, commercially focused, technically appropriately qualified (mechanical

engineering, physics and IT), project direction, development and management experienced• Timely and value for money deliverables

A Competitively Priced Alternative Energy Source Utilising the Environmentally-friendly Features of In-Situ Coal Gasification (ISG).


Key Personnel


Aldous Hicks – Executive Chairman & CEO

Aldous has over 30 years business experience as a technology and software developer, project manager and mechanical engineer. In recent years he has developed water and material recycling technology. He developed SOHO custom PC database software and prior to that worked with Mannesmann Demag AG a multi-national German mechanical heavy engineering company. He was also a founding director of Anaconda Nickel Ltd. Aldous is the holder of a number of international patents. He has lived and worked in Europe and South America and speaks fluent German. Aldous holds degrees of Bachelor of Science (Physics major) and Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from the University of Sydney

Neil Scott - Chief Commercial & Legal OfficerNeil Scott started practising law in New Zealand and moved to Sydney in 1981. He has worked with and been a partner in leading Sydney law firms, a principal in a trans-Tasman corporate advisory and investment banking firm, and is now principal of his own legal practice. Neil has practised in the natural resources sector throughout his career, with experience ranging from hard rock mining through coal mining to oil and gas. He has been director of a number of public-listed and private companies in the resources sector. Neil is a current member of the Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Association, the Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia, and the Underground Coal Gasification Association, and a past President of the Australia-New Zealand Business Council. He has presented and published numerous papers and articles on issues relating to regulation of in situ gasification and other aspects of the resource industry.

Rodney Silberstein – Chief Technology OfficerRodney Silberstein is an Australian engineer who has designed, built and managed facilities for the oil, gas, and mining sectors for over 30 years. He is the co-founder and Director or Engineering & Projects for ARV, which builds facilities for onshore and offshore oil & gas and mining projects, in Australia and SEAsia. The projects have included gas processing & compression, pipelines, structures and the majority of which are for the energy sector.

Mr Silberstein holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) from UWA and a Graduate Management Qualification from AGSM (NSW), and has sat on various conference Boards such as Offshore Asia and SPE Applied Technical Workshop committees.

James Bell – DirectorJames Bell is an Australian barrister and solicitor who has practised as a commercial lawyer for 30 years, including 10 years as a partner in the national firm of Blake Dawson and 3 years as head of the Banking and Finance division of that firm in Sydney.

Mr Bell holds the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws from the University of Sydney, where he is a Fellow of St Paul’s College. He is a director of several public companies including ASX listed Intec Limited, the owner of internationally patented Intec Process, which operates in the chloride medium to recover base and precious metals from ores, concentrates and residues in a cost effective and environmentally safe manner.

A Competitively Priced Alternative Energy Source Utilising the Environmentally-friendly Features of In-Situ Coal Gasification (ISG).


Key Consultants

Neil Scott, the principal of Neil Scott Lawyers, has been advising as a lawyer andcorporate advisor in the mining and resources sector for more than 30 years.Neil Scott Lawyers is advising and assisting the company on legal andregulatory issues associated with the development of underground coalgasification projects.

McElroy Bryan Geological Services Pty Ltd (MBGS) is a group of professionalgeologists providing specialist consulting in exploration, management andgeological modelling services to the coal and mining industry within Australia andoverseas. Formerly McElroy Bryan and Associates, the company was establishedin 1970 and has provided a quality service to the coal and minerals industrysince that time. Charles Parbury and Damien Ryan are MBGS Senior Geologists consulting to Syngas Power Pty Limited.

A J Lucas Group has decades of experience in coal, coal seam gas, in-situ coalgasification (ISG) and carbon capture and storage (CCS) exploration,construction and operational drilling. All of our drilling crews are proficientoperators with an outstanding safety record. As a company, we aim to have aninjury-free workplace achieved through a combination of individual ownershipand disciplined work practices. Our Safety Zone program and quality assuredOccupational Health and Safety Management System, ensure effectiveenvironmental and safety practices across all of our operations. Our rigs arewell-maintained and multi-purpose, able to undertake a wide range ofexploration drilling activities Including down hole hammer, diamond core,conventional core and rotary mud drilling.

ARV is an EPC (Engineering Procurement and Construction) contractor involvedin the design and construction of projects primarily in the energy and miningsectors. These projects include CSG, conventional gas, oil, coal, iron ore etc..Rodney Silberstein is the co-founder of ARV and Director of Engineering &Projects and is providing the expertise to SPPL in provision of gathering &processing facilities (pipelines, separation, compression, etc..). The majorityAustralian owned company operates in Australia and SEAsian locations fromtheir Perth, Bangkok and Jakarta premises.

CO2 Geological Storage Solutions (CGSS) provides geoscience advice forthe geological storage of CO2 as a mitigation strategy for global climatechange. CGSS is actively assisting in the deployment and implementation ofgeological storage of carbon dioxide at an industrial scale, both domestically andinternationally. CGSS prides itself on the innovation and leverage that it brings tothis emerging technology.

A Competitively Priced Alternative Energy Source Utilising the Environmentally-friendly Features of In-Situ Coal Gasification (ISG).








DISCLAIMERThis presentation has been prepared to provide general and background information on the Company. It should not be relied upon as a representation of any matter that an advisor or potential investor should consider in evaluating the Company. It does not constitute an offer for securities in the Company. The Company (including related parties) makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to or endorsement of the accuracy or completeness of any information, statements or representations contained in this presentation, nor does it accept any liability whatsoever (including in negligence) for any information, representation or statement made in or omitted from this presentation.

ContactSYNGAS Power Pty LtdACN: 154 245 575

Aldous HicksPh. +61 (0)2 48 722 744Mob. +61 (0)407 412 382

85-87 Main St, Mittagong NSW 2575AUSTRALIA

E. [email protected] W. www.syngaspower.com.au

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