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Page 1: Thank you to Richard Haley for creating this handoutfiles.meetup.com/161143/Earth-friendly Food Choices... · Web view9) A great project for someone who’s willing to devote some

Earthsave Baltimore is a completely volunteer operated nonprofit that educates people about the powerful impact our food choices have on the environment, our health, and all

life on Earth. We promote a shift toward an Earth-friendly diet based on plant foods.

Our task must be to free ourselves... widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.

~Albert Einstein~

Hi Earthsavers,

It feels great for me to have the opportunity to regularly communicate with you in this way. Thanks so much for subscribing to Earthsave e-news. And please pass this on to others.

Our first veg dinner event at our bright and shiny new location at Your Prescription for Health, in Owings Mills, was a real pleasure. More than 50 of us were there to see a great presentation about humans’ natural diet by Dr. Milton Mills.

This month we will have something a little different. On Sept. 9th we’ll have a lecture by psychoanalyst and author Margaret McCraw, who will speak on “Creating Our Dreams.” It should give us all something to think about with regard to manifesting the kind of purposeful and fully intentional lives that we yearn for. Hope to see you there.

This e-news issue contains the first installment of a regular series of articles on “Healthier Eating” by registered dietician Mark Rifkin. Mark, a longtime vegan, also has a Masters Degree in health education and has begun a nutritional counseling practice. His experience, knowledge, and counseling skills make him an excellent choice for professional dietary information and advice. Thanks for your contribution to the newsletter, Mark!

It seems very rare that legal actions are taken favoring animals, contrary to established farming and business practices nowadays. What a nice surprise it was to hear that Chicago’s City Council had passed a law banning pate’ foie gras from being served in that city’s restaurants. I recently submitted a letter/article to the Baltimore Sun about the lack of public support for the new law. That letter is included below.

You might get this just in time to join the Vegan Meetup discussion group at the Kathmandu Kitchen at noon on Saturday, Sept. 2nd. See below for more on that. Lots of

Page 2: Thank you to Richard Haley for creating this handoutfiles.meetup.com/161143/Earth-friendly Food Choices... · Web view9) A great project for someone who’s willing to devote some

other great things are happening, some of which we’ve included here, and some that we will let you know about later. Thanks, and be well.

Peace, Don Robertson

NEXT EARTHSAVE DINNER: Saturday, Sept 9th, 6 pm: Psychotherapist Margaret McCraw, will explain how we can harness our energy and create a vibration aligned with all of our desires. The process of vibrational matching, outlined in her book, Tune into Love, Attract Romance through the Power of Vibrational Matching, can be used to create prosperity of any kind, including perfect health. Margaret defines the process as “the deliberate intention to attract our desires by aligning and focusing our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs with what we want.” Margaret is a licensed psychotherapist, and is an executive and life coach who helps people to create their dreams. See a flier with all the event details at http://files.meetup.com/160858/Margaret%20McCraw%20Lecture%20Creating%20Our%20Dreams.pdf .

NEW DINNER REGISTRATION PROCEDURE: Dinner Guests are asked to bring a dish made without animal products to serve at least five times the number in their party, along with a donation of $5 (members pay $2). Or you may attend without bringing a dish for a $12 fee. You may insure your dinner table space by registering in advance online at http://www.kintera.org/site/apps/ka/ec/catalog.asp?c=csJOK3PJJrH&b=274927&en=hdIFIJPlG1IyFQNvG7LzHMPrHkJRIXPwFeIHIUNAIrG&CategoryID=113425 , or send your check or money order to “EARTHSAVE”, at 517 Talbott Ave., Lutherville, MD, 21093. You also have the option of paying $12 for dinner at the door, but please give us 2 days notice. Members need not register online, but we ask you to RSVP and pay $2 at the door.

WHERE? Our monthly meetings are now held at the Learning Center/Yoga Studio of Your Prescription for Health, at 10210 S. Dolfield Rd. in Owings Mills. From Baltimore Beltway I-695, take Reisterstown Road exit 20 North toward Garrison and Owings Mills. Go 2.9 Miles and turn left onto Painters Mill Road. Go to the second light and turn right onto S. Dolfield Road. The second driveway on your left will take onto the parking lot of the red brick building that is Your Prescription for Health. At this time, there is no sign that says "Your Prescription for Health". It's a red brick L-shaped building with the Flying Avocado cafe's green and white awnings advertising natural coffee and tea. The seminar is in the Yoga Studio/Learning Center. Enter around the corner at the end of the building. 

VEG MEETUP DISCUSSION GROUPS: Don Robertson is the local organizer for Baltimore’s Vegetarian and Vegan Meetup discussion groups. The groups welcome anyone who would like to learn or talk about a healthier way of eating. If you are up for some great veg food and conversation with like-minded and supportive folks, check out the two Baltimore groups by going to http://vegetarian.meetup.com/9/events/4950150/, or http://vegan.meetup.com/29/ .

HEALTHIER EATING, by MARK RIFKIN, RDThe SODIUM IN A VEGAN DIET:  ARE YOU PROCESSED AND SALTY? by Mark Rifkin, MS, RD, LDNOne of the most challenging aspects of veg'n eating is controlling intake of sodium, a common ingredient in so many convenience foods and restaurant fare.  From veggie dogs and burgers to canned soups, pasta sauces, baked goods, canned beans, rice mixes and Chinese food, sodium enhances flavors and acts as a preservative; it is even added to some carbonated beverages to stimulate thirst (and thus stimulate sales).

Page 3: Thank you to Richard Haley for creating this handoutfiles.meetup.com/161143/Earth-friendly Food Choices... · Web view9) A great project for someone who’s willing to devote some

However, the amount typically added to processed foods is far beyond the average daily requirement of 500 mg, or less than one-quarter teaspoon of salt.

A recommendation for daily maximum intake is 1,000 to 1,500 mg per day. This daily figure averages to 350-450 mg of sodium per meal (allowing some room for snacks)---not much, when two slices of conventional whole grain bread can easily supply 350-400 mg.  Thus a veggie burger sandwich can top 500-700 mg or more.   Concerns with excessive sodium intake include high blood pressure, as well as potential loss of calcium in the urine (and thus concerns about bone density) ----- particularly important given the low calcium intakes typical of many vegan diets.  Consider these tips:

1) least processed is best----more fresh, whole ingredients means less processing and usually less sodium; virtually all fresh unprocessed fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts and seeds have negligible amounts of sodium 2) given two equivalent choices in the grocery store, choose the product with less sodium; you can also choose a bland, salt-free variety to which you can add your own salt---gingerly 3) with time (3-4 weeks), your taste buds will adjust to foods with a lower sodium content 4) rinse all canned beans for 60-90 seconds under a running tap; better yet, cook from scratch 5) aim for soups and pasta sauces with less than 400 mg of sodium per serving 6) when possible, get restaurant sauces on the side 7) replace some of the salt in recipes with herbs and spices 8) dilute the sodium in rice and grain mixes by adding your own beans, vegetables and nuts or seeds 9) at 600-750 mg each, modern gourmet bagels are virtual salt mines; eat half or less 10) pay particular attention to meals ready to heat-and-eat; 700-1100 mg of sodium is not uncommon, even among allegedly healthy vegan brands

Mark Rifkin is a registered dietitian in private practice. You may write Mark at [email protected] .

INTRODUCTION TO VEGETARIAN EATING: Registered Dietician Mark Rifkin will lead a workshop on vegetarian eating on Saturday, September 23, at the Yabba Pot restaurant at 771 Washington Blvd, a block from Martin Luther King Blvd. The course will cover the basics of veg nutrition, including lunch ideas, cooking tips, how to prepare tofu and a veg'n food guide. The $25 fee is to be paid in advance at Yabba Pot. For info, please write Mark Rifkin at [email protected] . Or call 410-764-8343.

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: It’s really exciting to see how the Baltimore chapter of Earthsave is growing. We are a completely volunteer operated nonprofit educational group, so there are always things you can do to help us make a difference. Here are few of the ways:

1) We could use some help (immediately, if possible) with our monthly phone call reminders that we give those who don’t have email. Most often, you will simply leave a half-minute message on the answering system. We’ll send you the message and about 20 names and numbers.2) Any time you are willing to come one-and-a-half hours early to help with setup at a dinner/lecture series event, please let us know. We would love to work with you.

Page 4: Thank you to Richard Haley for creating this handoutfiles.meetup.com/161143/Earth-friendly Food Choices... · Web view9) A great project for someone who’s willing to devote some

3) If you can help post some fliers on bulletin boards, or info tables at churches, fairs, etc., we will either send you some fliers, or email you the file. See the current flier at http://files.meetup.com/160858/Margaret%20McCraw%20Lecture%20Creating%20Our%20Dreams.pdf . All the Baltimore City and County libraries will post a nonprofit 501 C3 group flier for free. Just take one to the information desk.4) We have extra copies of On Purpose Woman, and Health Quest magazines, which in addition to having great holistic health and personal growth information, always have Earthsave event ads. Please take extra copies and share them with friends, other groups, doctors and dentists offices, etc. Your favorite restaurant might be willing to offer them to customers, as well. 5) Many local publications and websites offer free event listings to groups like ours. Would you be willing to help find some new avenues for publicity, and send regular monthly notices to several of these?6) If you use the MSN Hotmail site for emailing, and know how to set up the preferences, perhaps you could help us correct a few problems we’re having.7) Please contact us if you know of a low cost source of custom printed bumper stickers who might offer us an attractive price on a small run of 100-200 stickers.8) You could also help Earthsave by collecting used inkjet cartridges, for which our nonprofit can collect a deposit. All cartridges except Cannon are gladly accepted. Every little bit helps.9) A great project for someone who’s willing to devote some time is to contact businesses, restaurants, holistic practitioners, and others who might be willing to set up discounts for Earthsave members. It creates a great win/win situation!10) Word of mouth advertising is always the best way to grow. Tell people about Earthsave! And please tell us about any special skills or door prizes you may be able to offer, or about some other groups we should know about. Let people know we can provide speakers at events for other groups. Contact Don at [email protected] , or call 410-252-3043. Thanks so much!!

CHICAGO FOIE GRAS FOOD BAN: Here is an article that ES Baltimore founding director Don Robertson recently submitted to the editor of the Baltimore Sun:

You may have heard that Chicago’s City Council recently passed a law that bans restaurants in that city from serving pate’ foie gras, which is a bird liver “delicacy” that is produced by force-feeding geese and ducks until their livers become diseased and expanded to many times their normal size. I see that a Chicago Tribune poll shows that only 30% of the voters support the new law.

It's really not such a surprise to me. People who eat meat can recognize the slippery slope that leads from this issue back to their own food choices, be it veal, or pigs, or chickens, or laying hens. They may well prefer that the questions about animal welfare concerning "food animals" just go away.

I've been reading a great book by a former Zen Buddhist monk and wonderful pianist, Will Tuttle. It's called The World Peace Diet. Tuttle contends that humans laid the foundations for a society based on violence and competition toward animals and other people when we became a herding society about 10,000 years ago. That choice necessitated shutting down a key aspect of our intelligence, that is our ability to make connections.

If we can repress our intelligence and memories enough to think that depriving animals of any semblance of a life is OK because we like how they taste, then it's a very short

Page 5: Thank you to Richard Haley for creating this handoutfiles.meetup.com/161143/Earth-friendly Food Choices... · Web view9) A great project for someone who’s willing to devote some

next step to treat other humans similarly, which is exactly what we do when we classify people as the "other" due to differences of religion, geography, socioeconomics, or whatever other justification is convenient.  It must take an enormous amount of energy for us to imagine, or pretend, that creatures with two eyes, two ears, a heart, and a central nervous system very similar to ours don't feel pain or suffer from the extreme confinement, deprivation, and frustration of nearly every natural urge and preference.

When we behave in ways that are so out of alignment with our true compassionate nature, we should hardly be surprised to find ourselves at war.

If we really want peace, there is much work to be done. My own dearest prayer is that peace may guide and inform my every thought, word, and action. I hope that you will join with me in this prayer.

Peace, Don Robertson

HEALTHY AT 100!! The much-anticipated new book by Earthsave founder John Robbins, Healthy at 100: The Scientifically Proven Secrets of the World's Healthiest and Longest-Lived Peoples (Lists @ $25.95) , should be in the bookstores any day. Or you may preorder the book at a discount from Amazon by going to http://www.amazon.com/Healthy-100-Scientifically-Healthiest-Longest-Lived/dp/1400065216/sr=1-1/qid=1157077825/ref=sr_1_1/104-3432262-5708750?ie=UTF8&s=books .

GREAT RADIO SHOW!! Holistic pharmacist Brian Sanderoff does a great job as talk show host of the radio show “Your Prescription for Health,” which airs on Sundays from 10 am until noon on WCBM, 680 AM. Or you may tune in from anywhere in the world on the inter-net by going to http://www.wcbm.com/ For more about the radio show, go to http://www.illnessisoptional.com/aboutus/default.htm .

AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH: A free showing of this important documentary by Al Gore will be presented on September 12, 2006, at 4:00 PM at Sommer Hall, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health at 615 N. Wolfe Street. This documentary presents Al Gore’s campaign to make the issue of global warming a recognized problem worldwide. Intertwining simple but harrowing statistics with personal reflections, Gore explains that the tools and methods to reverse the damage we have done are at hand and that the economic consequences of tackling the problem are positive rather than negative. For more information contact Tishawn Pierce at 410-502-7578 or [email protected] .  

ANIMAL LEGISLATION: Your support for the "Pet Safety and Protection Act, Senate Resolution 451" is much needed and is an important way we can work to help animals. For decades Class B dealers have stolen pets and sold them into medical research. Let’s help put an end to that heartbreaking practice. To learn more about animal experiments, go to http://www.pcrm.org/resch/anexp/index.html . For information on a recent HBO documentary called “Dealing Dogs”, go to http://www.hbo.com/docs/programs/dealingdogs/ . There is a guide to taking action on this issue at https://secure2.convio.net/pcrm/site/Advocacy?pagename=homepage&id=107&JServSessionIdr006=vgd87n5l91.app2b . To receive timely updates on important pending legislation in Maryland, please write our friend Jim

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Clark at [email protected] , and tell him if you would like to get updates on bills affecting animals, the environment, or both.

FOOD IS ELEMENTARY – FOOD EDUCATOR TRAINING:Here is a program that is really worthwhile. Dr. Antonia Demas, who was mentored in vegetarian nutrition at Cornell University by Dr. T. Colin Campbell, founded this program that has reached out, with great success, to youngsters, especially those who are incarcerated or at risk. The program gives the young students lots of hands-on experience with healthy foods, is improving their eating habits tremendously, and is changing lives in schools in several states, including those who attend two schools here in Baltimore. If you’d like to become an instructor, here’s a great opportunity. Dr. Demas will lead a two day educator training on September 16 & 17, 2006, 9am-4pm each day. It will be held at the Citizens Planning & Housing Association at 218 W. Saratoga Street - 5th Floor (between Howard St. & Park Ave.) Baltimore, MD 21201. (410-539-1369) The fee is just $50 and includes a copy of FIE curriculum ($25 fee if you already have a copy) Please RSVP by September 9, 2006 to Ariel Demas [email protected].

GLOBAL WARMING MEETING: The Chesapeake Climate Action Network is working to bring the much stricter California climate standards to Maryland. You are invited to get involved by attending a meeting on Sept. 19. For more, go to http://www.chesapeakeclimate.org/getinvolved/event_detail.cfm?id=88.

VEGETARIAN AND VEG-FRIENDLY RESTAURANTS: Here’s a really helpful page on the Vegetarian Resource Group’s website. It will help you locate veggie and veg-friendly restaurants anywhere in the U. S. Go to http://www.vrg.org/cgi-vrg/sendit.cgi .

EARTHSAVE MEMBERSHIP is a great way for you to contribute to our important educational mission. All members may receive a free 12-issue subscription to Vegetarian Times magazine and Earthsave’s national quarterly newsletter. Folks who attend meetings may check out books from our well stocked EarthSave Library, they may place literature on our networking tables, may make a brief announcement to the group, and receive discounted attendance fees and EarthSave bookstore prices. You may join our group online at http://www.earthsave.org/, or you can send a tax-deductible check for $35, or $50 for family membership, to EarthSave at 517 Talbott Ave. Lutherville MD, 21093. Thanks for your kind support!

PLEASE REMEMBER to be the peace that you wish to manifest. Be well.

EarthSave … May all be fed, may all be healed, and may all be loved.

E-mail us at [email protected] . And please visit the EarthSave International website www.earthsave.org . You can always receive updated dinner information by

calling 410-252-3043.

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