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  • 1. Thanksgiving HistoryTraditionFood Culture

2. What is Thanksgiving? 3. Short Video History ofThanksgiving http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNbAHHqtgIU 4. The First Thanksgiving 5. In the year _____, life was very hard162in England. 0 6. Some people suffered religiouspersecution because they didntagree with the_____ and his religion.KING 7. They wanted a better life. So theydecided to leave ENGLAN ________ and Dtravel to America. 8. They travelled on a boat called the_________. It was a stormy and MAYFLOWE Rcrowded journey. 9. After 9, hard weeks at sea, thePilgrims finally arrived in America.They named the land_____________.NEWENGLAND 10. But, the pilgrims were not preparedfor the cold ______ season. WINTER 11. Sadly, more than half of the Pilgrims_____ during their first year inAmerica. DIED 12. However, some of the pilgrims did_________ and they were verygrateful to God and the Native SURVIVEAmericans. 13. They met a friendlyNative Americantribe TAUGHwho ______themThow to survivein their new land. 14. Their first harvest was bountiful.They celebrated their good fortuneby having a big feast with the ______Americans.NATIVE 15. Today, Americans still celebrate thisevent with a big feast and by givingthanks for all that we have. We callthis day ____________.THANKSGIVIN G 16. Families get together 17. We watch football!The Dallas Cowboys always play onThanksgiving Day. 18. We watch theMacys Thanksgiving Day Parade! 19. Thanksgiving FoodTurkey Ham Cranberry Sauce Roll s 20. Sweet PotatoMashed Green Bean CasseroleCasserole PotatoesBroccoli CheeseDressinPumpkin PieCasseroleg 21. Different Ways to Cook a TurkeyBake /Smoke FryRoasthttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kspx1oOP_fEFrying isDangerous 22. Unique Thanksgiving Foods 23. Black Friday The Friday after thanksgiving, there are crazy sales in popular stores in the USA. http://video.today.msnbc.msn.com/today/49883432/ #49883432 24. Black Friday Article: (1 of 4) Black Friday refers to the day just after Thanksgivingin the US. Because so many companies have a fourday weekend, many people begin their Christmasshopping on this day. (Thanksgiving always falls on aThursday in the US, and then people have Friday,Saturday, and Sunday off from work.) Black Friday is often reported as one of the busiestshopping days of the year. Shopping malls arepacked with people, parking lots are crowded, andlines at stores are very, very long. Some stores even open at five or six in the morningbecause there are so many people. Other storeshave discounts and sales to draw even morecustomers. 25. Black Friday Article: (2 of 4) The word "black" to describe the Friday likelybegan in Philadelphia in the mid-1960s. Trafficjams filled the roads into the downtown areaevery year. The stores and sidewalks wereoverflowing with shoppers. The experience for so many of the people whoventured downtown was stressful and chaotic. Itwas a terrible, or black, day. Because other citiesaround the country similarly experienced trafficjams, busy stores, and too many shoppers on theday after Thanksgiving, the term spread. BlackFriday became a common idiom in AmericanEnglish. 26. Black Friday Article: (3 of 4) Although many people may see the day afterThanksgiving negatively, retailers have a verydifferent opinion. Its their best opportunity toimprove earnings for the year, and take thebusiness out of the red (loss) and into the black(profit). For example, if sales were slow in the spring,summer, and fall, then the store must attractmany customers and make many sales betweenThanksgiving and Christmas. The first and mostimportant day of this last chance shoppingseason is Black Friday. 27. Black Friday Article: (4 of 4) Of course, there are some people who dislikeBlack Friday. There are some people who hatethe day and its crowds very much. But there arealso some people who strongly oppose theshopping day because they believe it harmssociety. They think that people should consume less andreuse resources more, and so have created a daycalled "Buy Nothing Day." It falls on the sameday as Black Friday, and it encourages people tobuy nothing, of course. However, for most people, Black Friday justpresents one more opportunity to goshopping. For those who dont like shopping, 28. Comprehension Questions:1. What is the day just after Thanksgiving called inthe US?2. What happens on that day?3. Where did the term begin?4. Why do retailers like Black Friday?5. The article calls Black Friday a last chanceshopping season? What does this mean?6. The article comments about people who opposeBlack Friday. What did they do?7. Why do they oppose shopping? 29. What are you thankful for? 30. I amThankful For 31. I am thankful for myShewife!is pretty, smart, andloving.I get too serious orWhenstressed out, she makes melaugh and gives me a hug.Without her, I would be sad andlonely. I am so thankful for my wife! 32. I am thankful for BurgerIt isKing cheap, and tasty,I convenient.went to burger king onSaturday. They gave me acoupon for a whopper, Frenchfries, and a drink. That wasvery nice of them. King I would beWithout Burgera little sad, but I would go toMcDonalds instead. I am so thankful for Burger King! 33. Make a thankful turkey from the outlineof your hand. 34. Decorate your thankful handturkey. 35. How to MakeCranberry Sauce 36. Cranberries are harvested in the fall when the fruit takes on its distinctive deep red color. 37. UsesDried Juice Sauce 38. Cranberry SauceIngredientsWaterOrange JuiceSugar Cranberries 39. 1. Combine all ingredients in a smallsaucepan. 40. 2. Stir ingredients together onmedium heat 41. 3. Bring to aboil. The cranberries will pop open. 42. 4. Dont let it boil over the sides likethis! 43. 5. Simmer the sauce for about20 minutes until it thickens. 44. 6. Remove from heat and let cool.The sauce will continue to thicken. 45. Return7. Enjoy!Cranberry Sauce

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