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The TenThe TenThe TenThe Ten Spiritual Spiritual Spiritual Spiritual WisdomWisdomWisdomWisdoms s s s For For For For Successful ManifestSuccessful ManifestSuccessful ManifestSuccessful Manifestinginginging

Written by Charles Koh.

Copyright © July 2009 by Charles Koh of www.mindislife.com

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WWW.MINDISLIFE.COM is a website committed to exploring and teaching the powers of the mind

and imagination, and to awaken our spiritual knowledge in the journey.



Congratulations and thank you for purchasing this ebook! You will realise that this is one of the best

decision in your life because the contents and knowledge in this book will be useful to you for the rest

of your life.

This book is an integration of the spiritual wisdoms and knowledge that I have learned from many

authors, poets and spiritual teachers, and a few which I have made up myself from my own

experience and understanding. I believe in order to do what successful people do, we first have to

model their beliefs and thoughts. The right thoughts and mindset is everything! This is especially true

in the science of manifesting, which is all about mind.

I have found that in order to use our consciousness to create, we need to have a certain core spiritual

beliefs about the universe. These beliefs have a counterpart, which is what I call limited human

beliefs. You can also call them mortal beliefs, because they are focused on the physical separateness

of the world instead of spiritual truths. For example, if your belief is that everyone is separate and

thoughts have no power, then you cannot be a deliberate creator. You become an unconscious

creator, one who creates and attributing it to coincidence, luck, charms and outside causes.

I’m glad to have written this book, as a step to organize my own thoughts and knowledge that I have

gained in my own spiritual journey.

Please take the time to read this book to the very end and consume the ideas in this book mentally.

This is intended to be a concise book, because studies have found that most people never read pass

the 1st chapter if the book is too long or too difficult to read. Therefore all the ideas are presented as

simple to understand as possible. I have also avoided using deep jargon to avoid confusing the


These core spiritual wisdoms need to be persistently revisited to make them a part of your conscious

understanding. Why do I say this? Because when you go out in the world, you will observe many

things happening that may slowly re-hypnotize you back to the limited human beliefs. People who do

not know better will persuade you that you cannot create using your mind, that thoughts have no

power, and that loss, lack, competition, and things going wrong are all part of life. These beliefs are

the other end of the spectrum – the limiting mortal thoughts. I can tell you it is not hard to see the

limiting thoughts and think they are the only truth in the universe. But realize they are only beliefs. And

you have the choice to choose more empowering and positive beliefs. You have to use the Spiritual

Truths learned in this book to neutralize those limiting beliefs before they manifest into limiting


Therefore, please make it a commitment to read this entire ebook to the end, and regularly revisit and

remind yourself of the Spiritual Wisdoms and concepts. Writing this book has helped me understand

these principles better myself. To teach is also to learn. When we explain something, we are also

relearning it. I have used these spiritual wisdoms, affirmation and techniques many times to manifest

and solve problems in my own life, and I know they will do the same for you when you apply them.

Yet I still need to regularly recondition my mind with these spiritual wisdoms and apply them to get

results. Knowing doesn’t produce results. The real power lies in application of what you know.

Once these wisdoms are fully absorbed by both your subconscious, you will have created a strong

spiritual foundation and be able to use them easily to create your desires. I challenge you to test

these principles yourself. Then you will not only believe. You will know, from experience.



Discovering The Creative Powers Of Mind The Secret Principles of the Ages Law Of Attraction Synchronicity

How To Manifest What You Want The Creative Power of Your Emotions Facts And Reasons

Personal Experiences In Manifesting Contemplative Seeds Radically Change Your Core Beliefs To Change What You Manifest How To Change A Belief

10 Limiting Beliefs | 10 Spiritual Wisdoms

1: Loss | Supply

2: Lack | Abundance

3: Debt | Freedom from Debt

4: Delay | Right timing

5: Separation | Oneness

6: Disharmony | Harmony

7: Competition | Right Supply

8: Wrong action | Perfect action

9: Ending | Beginning

10: Obstruction | Completion

Persist Until



Wisdom is an ideal that has been celebrated since ancient times as the application of knowledge,

insight and good judgment needed to live a good life.

Spiritual Wisdoms are truths in the spiritual plane.

They are eternal spiritual laws that continue to act on our physical plane. When we do not recognize

or accept these spiritual laws, the result is negative experiences.

When accepted and used, they create miracles.


Discovering The Creative Powers Of Your Mind

The Spiritual Wisdoms you are about to learn are really the spiritual counterparts of the mortal and

physical worldview. And we know that all things come from the mental and spiritual plane, which gives

form to the physical. In the physical, nothing is permanent and everything is transient. But in the

spiritual plane, nothing is ever lost. States of consciousness, spirit and energy can never be

destroyed. They last forever. When we deal with spiritual manifesting, we are dealing with these

invisible thoughts, concepts, states of consciousness to bring about a physical manifestation.

Before we proceed to the Core Spiritual Wisdoms, let’s review some principles of mind and


The Secret Principles of the Ages:

Your inner reality(thoughts) creates your outer reality(experiences).

As within, so without.

Your external world and experience is an effect of your internal world in your mind.

The physical world is a world of effects. It is not causal.

The inner world always controls the physical world.

Infinite Intelligence takes things that are unseen, and turns them into things seen.

The unseen is manifested into the seen by your power of imagination and faith.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen.

Your reality within is shaped by your imagination.

Your imagination is shaped by what you believe and think about internally.

Your imagination can create, uncreate, or perpetuate a condition in your external world.

To change your life, you have to change your inner world using your Imagination.

By changing your internal world, you can influence a change in your external world.

This is the secret principle that all mankind is searching for.


You are always using your power of mind and imagination.

Creation is NOT FINISHED. Creative Mind (God) is forever creating every moment right now.

You create your reality and experience with your Mind.

This is the secret of the ages.

Mind is always creative.

Your body is a temple of God (Mind).

You are a spiritual being.

Man is mind with a human physical body.

You are Mind.

Mind is Life.

The Creative Power Of Mind

Our thoughts are the original cause of our experience. Every conscious action spring forth from a direct thought, and every unconscious action is an impulse created from an underlying thought whether belief, concept, idea, self concept or imagination. Everything starts with a thought, or rather, everything is a result of some invisible thought.

In the realm of mind, like attracts like. Thinking good reproduces more good. Here is a quote from Sir Edwin Arnold:

"That which ye sow ye reap. See yonder fields! The sesamum was sesamum, the corn was corn.

The Silence and the Darkness knew! So is a man's fate born.

If he shall labor rightly, rooting these, And planting wholesome seedlings where they grew, Fruitful and fair and clean the ground shall be, And rich the harvest due." - The Light Of Asia by Sir Edwin Arnold

The events of the world and in your life are animated by unseen thoughts! Although invisible to mortal eyes, each thought is a creative force, which unless neutralized by a more noble and better thought, will exist indefinitely until it manifests. The silence and darkness knows the nature of our thinking, and so is a man's fate born. A corn reproduces only corn, a watermelon reproduces only watermelons. Likewise, our thoughts reproduce effects that are identical in nature to the thought itself.

Here is one secret you should remember: Watch your inner dialogue and self talk which you are doing all day long! Are you thinking and talking in alignment with the achievement of your goal, or in opposition to it? If your thoughts and self talk are implying you do not and could not have what you wanted, then the result is negative feelings. And the negative thought when coupled with negative feeling creates its equivalent on the outer level. If your current concepts and thoughts are not what you like, then change it! A radical change in thought will bring you to a whole new direction in life, and the old thought forms will be neutralized.


But this new pattern will be conditioned only if you persevere! The reason for this is because most of our thoughts are habitual patterns running on the same preprogrammed tracks. It takes persistence to break the habit. But once you break the threshold or the pull of your old thought pattern, you will begin to see immediate changes in your life. Nothing changes unless you change with a change of consciousness.

The first few attempts change at a mental level is always the hardest, because you are overcoming the pull of your old thought patterns. This initial phase will show little sign of improvement in your outer condition, because the old thoughts are still dominant and you have not yet completely broken free of it. The only thing needed is to persist in your new thought pattern with frequency and if you can, emotional intensity.

Repetitive thoughts yield a certain amount of force in their direction, but if merged with their associative positive emotions its power is multiplied many fold. If you do break the old habits of some negative thought patterns, you will literally be like a new person. But once you break free from it, your new pattern of thinking will have no opposition to attract new conditions to you, and you will be amazed with the naturalness and effortlessness of these new conditions coming into your life. It is as though you are reaping that you did not labored on. But in fact, you have, you have labored and planted the seed on a mental level, and the physical harvest comes naturally without much physical labor on your part.

That has been my own experience. When I was looking for a new job, I did my mental work for about 2 months. When I saw no result, I persisted. Later when the harvest came, it came out of the blue while I was taking another job, and I was at that time consciously going to give it a pass. But the recruitment agent literally over the phone persuaded, coaxed, and forced me to go to the interview by promising the new company that I would turn up! He said, "This job is a perfect fit to what you are looking for. It's like sent from heaven!" When I turned up at the interview, it proved correct, as it was the best job I ever had until that time, and fitted everything that I wanted. What I am saying is, when the harvest comes, the right opportunities will be staring you in the face, placed onto your lap, and right in front of you waiting for your acceptance. All it would take is some follow-up action for you to 'link up with your good'.

When you change psychologically, the universe will know you as a new person who has a different thought imprint from the old you. The spiritual or psychological rebirth will therefore be attracting new conditions and experiences into your life.

Law Of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is the Law of Mind. The Mind works by principles.

Everything in the Universe is pure energy and intelligence. The energy creates, intelligence gives

form and function.

Everything in this world is made of energy vibrating at different rate of vibration.

In the realm of mind, similar vibration attracts each other. When you think of something, you are

causing your mind to vibrate. And that vibration attracts similar thoughts and energy to you, resulting

in a condition that matches the vibration that you were giving out. You attract conditions to you when

you focus on them, whether wanted or unwanted. You can say “I don’t want x” a thousand times, but

you are focusing on x, therefore you are attracting similar experiences to you (unless you neutralize in

the mental plane before it happens). Whatever you focus on, you magnify it. It is magnified because

the act of focusing naturally distorts the thought you are focusing on(making it bigger/important in your

mind) because you are deleting (forgetting/disqualifying) its opposites from your mind.

Therefore, never say “I don’t want...”. Instead, focus on what you want by saying

“I want....”,


“I choose to have.....”

“I intend to have...”

“I like.....”

“I enjoy....”

“I love....”

“I appreciate...”

Always focus on what you want. Why? Because the Creative Powers of your consciousness is forever

asking you one question “What do you want?” at every present moment. It is doing so right now. It

has been asking you ever since you were conscious of being “I am”.

When you are grateful, appreciative and thankful for something in your life, you strengthen its

presence in your life and attract more good to yourself. Even if you do not have something, and you

give thanks for it in advance, you are attracting and allowing it into your life. Whatever you appreciate

grows and gets better. When you appreciate, you bless. It’s value increases. You create and

perpetuate it.

When you depreciate something, you are lessening its worth in your life. When you depreciate

something, you curse it. You diminish its presence and time in your life.

Life is a school for choice making. We are creators with free will. Law of Attraction is here to tell us

that we get what we identify with. We are human beings. Our consciousness, our “I am” is always

being something. It is the creative power within you. It becomes what you say after “I am.” You can

say “ I am happy”, and you can feel a change in your emotion. Or you can say all day “I am sad, I’m

disappointed, I’m angry” and you become what you identify yourself with. Similarly, if you say “I am

rich”, you are telling your consciousness, your I AM, your God spark within you to use its creative

power to become rich.

Thoughts are things. They are not powerless and non-existent because they are not seen.


The Law of Attraction works by creating synchronicities in our life. In order to fulfil an outcome, the Law of Attraction orchestrates a series of events to create the opportunity to fulfil the thoughts you have in your mind. It is as though the thoughts in your consciousness have a self organizing intelligence to manifest itself into your physical world. Synchronicity happens when 2 unrelated actions or events meet seemingly by ‘coincidence’ to fulfil an outcome. The outcome of synchronicity is the creation of opportunity.

Let me tell you a real experience of Mark Twain (for those who don’t know who he is, he was a celebrated figure who wrote novels such as “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” and “Tom Sawyer”). One day, Mark Twain was looking thru his house, trying to find newspaper clippings about him from a certain date. He needed them as reference for an article he was writing, but he couldn’t find them. His desire for them was so great, that he summoned his inner mind to find them for him.

A few days later, while he was walking down a busy street, someone emerged from the busy street crowd and said “Mr Clemens!” (Mark Twain’s real name was Samuel Clemens).

“Mr Clemens! I’m so glad to find you here! I am a great fan of yours and I’ve been collecting every newspaper articles about you for many years! And this morning, while in my house I had this feeling


to give you some of these clippings that I think you may like to have! I was going to go to your house, but now that I run into you hereP!”

He put some newspaper clippings into Mark Twain’s hand. Before Mark Twain could say anything more, the man shook his hand and left into the crowd. When Mark Twain went home to inspect the clippings that he got, he found that one of them was the very newspaper article that he had wanted so urgently days ago! That is a clear demonstration of the law of attraction and synchronicity. Mark Twain’s location was synchronized with that of his fan who had possession of the very articles he wanted, and the man was mentally motivated to give it to Mark Twain. In reality, Mark Twain’s strong desire had cast a spell of influence on the person who could fulfil his desire.

You too, are casting a spell of influence with your habitual thoughts that are emotionalised. The world responds to you according to what you think of yourself and your beliefs about the world. What you think internally in your mind goes forth to create conditions that you will experience, unless it is neutralized by an opposing thought of similar intensity.


How To Manifest What You Want

When you know what you want, all you do is you imagine you already have it. Fill your consciousness

with new thoughts.

You may worry how exactly will it be fulfilled. Do not ask me because I do not know. No one in this

world knows how the manifestation will be fulfilled. In fact it is not our job to know how it will be done.

It has its own ways and timing. That is “The Father’s secret”. The answer is in your deeper mind –

your subconscious mind. Your subconscious is infinitely intelligent. It is the workings of Infinite

Intelligence which controls all things in the world. The ways and means are beyond our conscious

reasoning, because our conscious mind is limited by physical facts. Manifestation is the process of

turning the Unseen Into The Seen.

More importantly, we should not keep wondering how it will manifest. Thinking along that line implies

that you are thinking of the absence of the thing you desire, and if absorbed into your subconscious, it

neutralizes your thoughts and imagination of its presence.

The most important thing is for your subconscious mind to fully absorb the thought of having and

enjoying what you want. Once it is ingrained in your subconscious and starts to attract, it takes a lot of

opposing thoughts from your conscious mind to neutralize it.

Always remember, subconscious thought is always stronger than conscious thought- although

conscious thoughts if repeated often and strong enough, can retrain the subconscious and override

the subconscious programming.

We only need to rest in the outcome in our consciousness. And we do that by imagination and feeling.

Your imagination and feeling must be guided by your knowledge of the 10 Spiritual Thoughts that you

will learn in this book. The 10 Spiritual Wisdoms will provide you with a foundation of faith based on

the knowledge of the principles of Spirit and the Universe.

The True Power of Your Emotions

Your emotional state is the thing that is attracting and creating! Happy states create happy conditions,

negative states create conditions that bring unhappiness.

Our thoughts directly influence our emotional state. Our feelings radiate a particular vibration, and that

vibration links us to a State of Consciousness. All states of consciousness attract and draw into your

experience conditions and events that are a match to that state.

As an analogy, if you turn your radio to a particular channel, you are going to hear that channel’s

music. You cannot expect to listen to classical music when you are tuned in to a radio channel that

plays only rock music. To listen to classical music, you have to tune your radio receiver to that the

right frequency.


When you are tuned on to a certain emotional state, it allows you think only a limited range of

thoughts inherent in that state. If you enter a state of disappointment or anger, it takes deliberate

conscious effort to change state. People’s thoughts and behaviour are controlled by the state they are

in. Situations are also the result of the state you are being in. Have you ever had days where nothing

seemed to go right? Likewise, have you ever had a day where you are feeling light, happy and

carefree and many happy things come to you that day?

Therefore, to change your habitual emotions about a certain subject in your life, is to change the

conditions in that area of your life.

We enter into States of Consciousness and each of them have corresponding emotions that create

and attract conditions. These States exists and you go in and out of them. You have a range of

habitual states that you frequently enter. All emotional states exist, from the top to bottom, and it is

symbolised as Jacob’s ladder. The story goes, Jacob was dreaming and he saw a ladder that goes

from the earth to heaven, and angels were ascending and descending on the ladder.

Symbolically, as you climb higher on the ladder, you experience better conditions. Climbing the ladder

is done with your thoughts and emotions that you feel. When you reach the top, you experience bliss

and joy where your desires are fulfilled (heaven). Heaven is an analogy of the highest state of

consciousness where your needs are met with Supply. If you descend the ladder, you feel worse and

you attract negative conditions that validate your negative feelings.

Your affirmations and thoughts are more effective when you are thinking from a positive emotional

state. If all you do is do what I call ‘dry affirmations’ without any positive emotional juice, you may

manifest a result after lots of repetition, but the result you get can still put you in a neutral state. If you

do not feel happy and thankful when you affirm a higher salary, you may soon get a pay rise or new

job, but along with it could come more financial obligations and debt. And you end up feeling the

same way.

Your thoughts give the universe instructions of what you want. The accompanying emotions on the

subject determines how you feel when you get what you asked for. Your emotions determine the

quality of your manifestation.

How do you feel positive? Firstly, we do it by physical means. Just smile. Then try to remember

something funny or watch a comedy and just laugh. Or you could just laugh anyway, for no reason.

Doing that releases endorphins, your happy hormones.

Secondly, you can use mental ways to feel positive. Try reframing how you think about a situation.

See things from a positive and empowering frame of mind.

You could count your blessings and be thankful for what you have. Search through your memory to

find things to be thankful for.

Next, appreciate anything you can appreciate in your life. If you think “there’s nothing I can

appreciate”. Then change the question to “What could I appreciate in my life if I wanted to?”

You could even appreciate things that you assume. What is important is that it helps you enter a

positive emotional state. Example, you could say

“I appreciate how Divine order is being established in my mind and life now”.

“I am thankful that I’m in the process of attracting to me what I desire now”.

This was the method I used to successfully sell a piece of land a few years ago. I gave thanks and

assumed it is in the process of being done. Your ability to change your beliefs and emotional states

quickly, is one of the best skills you should acquire in life.


Facts And Reasons

Man is always concerned with facts. Most people feel they are victims of facts. We worry over facts

when we think there is nothing we do could make any difference. We see facts as something

unpredictable, something outside our control.

As creators of our own circumstances, we ignore the facts and we press forward to our goal. By this I

mean we should persist in our imagination with the feeling of our desire fulfilled. Imagination with

feeling is the unseen hand that moves facts in the world. You do not have to believe this statement,

unless you test it in your own life. Try changing your mood and thoughts radically for one day, and

you will see how you start to attract a totally different set of experience after that if you do not break

the mood. When you feel frustrated, worried, dissatisfied until your heart feels heavy, you will notice

nothing happens in the outer world to lift you up. Instead, things happen to validate your emotions.

But when you try consciously changing your thoughts and mood to a happy, joyous, cheerful state

until you feel it natural and a feeling of lightness in your chest, and you will begin to see things go your

way by ‘coincidence’.

Start now to take inventory of your thinking and feelings. Notice what you are thinking and feeling

every day. And notice what results you are getting in the outer world. The more you do this, the more

you will notice that states within creates matching states in your external world.


Personal Experiences In Manifesting

Your experiences in the outer world are a reflection of your internal state. Here are 2 examples from

my many own personal experience.

My experience #1:

It was in 2005 and I had been trying to sell 2 pieces of land for more than 2 months. The more I tried

to imagine, the more I worried and think about the current predicament I was in. I could not lift myself

out of the current state of mind for 2 months. In fact, I was worried that if I got too comfortable

pretending it’s already sold, I may end up not taking any constructive action. By the time only 1 month

was left, my worried state turned into panic. If I could not find buyers to take those 2 lots of land on my

behalf, I may have to buy them myself – which at that time, was financially unfeasible for me. I was

losing sleep over it.

Then one day, about 1 month left before I had to settle the land purchase, I got inventory of myself

and told myself that by worrying, I was only pushing the solution and the buyers away with the

negative vibes. I figured that I had already done everything in terms of physical action that I could

have done – placing ads with various agents, calling up the agents frequently, placing ads myself on

the internet and newspapers. That afternoon, I resolved to let go of all worries and let Infinite

Intelligence work.

I was in my office, and I wrote down (for clarity) my request and assumption that “the 2 pieces of land

are sold at a good price in perfect order”. I affirmed several times until I felt it was understood by my

subconscious. During the afternoon in the office, whenever the thought about the land came to mind, I

affirmed “it is being done now in a perfect order. Thank you”. I focused my intention on lifting my

mood to a positive state. I felt a sense of mental and emotional relief for the first time in many months.

Later that afternoon, I began to feel my vibration lifting as a tingling sensation that emanates from my

heart. The ‘happy feeling’ started to intensify gradually until when the time I was walking home from

my office, I felt like I was on ‘top of the world’ happy! I was freed from worry and was in a pure state of

joy. The only words I could express it is “bliss”. As I reached home, I ‘knew’ I would be receiving an

important call with good news soon.

Suddenly, the phone rang, it was one of the agent who was calling to express his interest to sell the

land. I took that as a sign that ‘something is stirring behind the scenes’. As I ended the call, within a

few moments the phone rang again. It was another agent, and he said “I have a buyer who wants to

put an offer on your land now. He went to see your land this afternoon, and is expressing his interest”.

His first offer was low, about $127,000. And I told the agent frankly that I would never sell at that

price, and requested for a higher bid. In my mind, I told myself I would only sell if I got an offer of at

least $138,500 to cover my costs and capital. About 30 minutes later, he called again saying the

buyer is offering his highest price of $137,500. I considered this for a moment, as the offer was close

enough, I verbally accepted it, fearing the buyer may back out if I continued to push for a higher price.

The agent said the buyer will go to the agent’s office after the weekend on Monday morning to fill in


the contract. I went to bed, affirming that the land is successfully sold at a good price that I’m happy

with. For the first night in many months, I slept without worrying.

Monday late morning, I received a call from my agent. He advised that the buyer had just signed the

contract for $138,500, with a 1 month settlement period. Surprised, I asked, “wasn’t $137,500 the

highest they wanted to pay? What happened?” The agent said “well, because I tried again this

morning for them to add another $1000!”

The 2nd piece of land received an offer a few weeks later. I later realized that in my mind, I considered

the 2nd piece of land to be less desirable, as it was located in a dead end road, overlooking powerlines

in the distance. That consideration was a mental block in my mind. One day while I was so

preoccupied and totally forgotten about the whole thing, I received a surprise call from another agent

who was placing an offer for a buyer who desired the land. I guess the only way to sell it was for me

to forget to worry about it!

From this experience, we can see that imagination and feeling has the power to alter facts and start

events in motion to an assumed outcome. But it was feeling that eventually started the ball rolling.

The world responds to your strong intentions in your consciousness. As you think and feel within, so it

is mirrored in the world without.

My experience #2:

I was living in the fringe of the city and I wished I could live in the city centre. One night before I went

to bed, I decided to put my knowledge of manifesting to the test. I went into a relaxed meditative state

and imagined I was in my ideal new apartment. I imagined I was in the living room and looking out the

big window with magnificent views. And not wanting to just limit myself to that, I also imagined I was in

a high level apartment, looking thru the window, and down at the city streets of the city centre. I felt a

satisfaction that I was living in this new apartment”. I repeated that imagination about 4 to 5 times that

month. I also affirmed that the rent was lower than my current rent.

Slightly more than 1 month later, one morning I awoke from a dream. In the dream, I was living in a

new apartment, and my parents came to visit me. I walked to the entrance door and opened the door

for them. When I awoke, I had a feeling that my subconscious had been working on my imagination.

Later that afternoon, I was walking in the city and as I was waiting for the pedestrian light to go green,

my attention was drawn to a notice on a piece of paper stuck on the light post. It said “2 bedroom

apartment, only $400 per week”. I thought, that is really strange, it is unusual for an apartment like this

to be this cheap. I called the number and a girl answered. She said she was the current tenant, and

had just posted that ad about 5 minutes ago, and she was nearby. We arranged for me to inspect the

apartment. She wanted to find someone to take over her lease, because she decided to return to


When I went in, I felt a sense of déjà vu. The living room had a large window, with views of Hyde Park

nearby and the sea in the distance in the east. I thought, this is what I have been imagining! Then it

got better. The kitchen and bedrooms all had windows to a westerly direction, and looking down from

the 34th floor, I was looking directly at the city centre just like I did in my imagination over a month

before. In the distance I could see the mountains. When I went to the entrance again, I recognized

that the entry door and narrow hallway was just like the scene in my dream that morning! This was a

city centre dual view apartment, with views to the parks and water in the east and city, Darling

Harbour and Blue Mountains to the west of Sydney.

I put in my application for the lease to the agent, along with several other couples with good rental

history also applied for it. I was a bit worried because I had no rental history as I never rented a place


before. Furthermore, I was single and just started working on contract with a new company, while the

others were all working married couples.

For the next 2 days, I persisted to imagine I was really living in that apartment. I imagined I was in the

main bedroom, and looking out the window looking at the Town Hall clock showing 3 o’clock in the

morning, which can only happen if I am living there. I received a call few days later saying my

application was approved and the agent congratulated me saying “the apartment is yours,


Few years later, after having met the owner of the unit, I found out why he was renting the place out

at below market rent. He told me he just wanted someone just like me who could take care of the

apartment and wouldn’t trash the place like the old tenants. I was paying $400 per week, while my

neighbours were paying well above $500.The owner refused to raise my rent even after the leasing

agent persuaded him to several times.


Contemplative Seeds

“The Nature of Visionary Fancy or Imagination is very little known,

And the Eternal nature and Permanence of its ever Existent Images,

Is considered as less permanent than the things of Vegetative and Generative Nature,

Yet the Oak dies as well as the Lettuce,

But Its Eternal Image and Individuality never dies;

But renews by its seed.

Just as the Imaginative Image returns by the seed of Contemplative Thought.”

- William Blake

Spiritual truths are not seen by everyone, they are spiritually discerned as a result of contemplation.

Your beliefs are actually seeds in the ground of your consciousness. They bring forth their own

offspring, as physical conditions in your life. You will find that if you have a strong belief about

something, and if you do not change the belief, you attract one similar condition after another. History

does repeat itself, if we do not change our thoughts. Insanity is thinking and doing the same thing

over and over and expecting a different result.

Every belief that you have is activating the Law of Attraction to draw unto you more evidence to

support the belief.

We cannot plant tomato seeds and expect to reap cucumbers. Each seed gives forth fruit after its

kind. Each seed has intelligence, it knows only its specific characteristics and action.

We were told in the bible to have faith of a mustard seed. A mustard seed, although tiny, can in time

grow into a big tree. But the mustard seed, although small, knows only itself. Many teachers taught

that if we could have just a little bit of faith like the small mustard seed, our prayers would be fulfilled.

That is the biggest misconception of all. A mustard seed, has only one faith, and it is absolute faith,

because it knows of nothing else other than “I am a mustard seed”. Therefore, it has complete faith

instead of a little bit of faith. You cannot achieve anything with a little faith. You have to absorb your

mind, consciousness, emotions and being to become it.

Therefore, manifesting is the hardest thing you will ever do in your life. In order to become someone

you want to be, you have to give up your entire being, and along with it change all your habitual

thoughts, identity, emotions. You have to ‘die’ to your old ways and consciousness in order to

experience a ‘rebirth’ of your new consciousness and identity.


Radically Change Your Beliefs To Change

What You Manifest

“Every belief is a law unto itself, a self fulfilling prophecy”

Your beliefs system are either helping you to get what you want, or obstructing you. Beliefs systems are like a force field around what you think about anything. It systematically blocks out anything that contradicts itself from your experience. You would even find it hard to imagine something in your mind what you do not believe to be true. What is a Belief?

A belief is a strongly held thought in your mind. It acts like a software in your mind about what to

expect, what to think, how to act and behave. So how do we get our beliefs? Most of the time, we just

go around in life and we learn these beliefs from other people and our own observations of conditions.

This is why successful mentors always give this advice – be careful and selective of who you hang

out with.

If you take the 5 closest friends you frequently communicate and hang out with, and analyse their

beliefs and results, you will be the average within the group. You will also find there are certain

matching beliefs that keep you together. Like attracts like and birds of a feather flock together. If you

want to move out of that flock, you have to deliberately choose your beliefs.

On a mental level, beliefs are a law unto itself. The law of attraction attracts to you your beliefs. The

more you believe something, the more you will see evidence of it. Therefore, to change your life

requires you to change your beliefs.

The way to choose beliefs is to first determine if the belief will empower and serve you to improve

your life.

How to Change A Belief

To change your experience and what you can manifest, you have to change your beliefs about the thing you want to manifest. A belief makes you think it is the one and only truth. It makes your Conscious Mind dismiss everything else that are unlike that belief. Therefore, one way to change your belief is to think of its opposite. Look for contrasting conditions and recall contrasting experiences in your memory. This way you will slowly break down the prison walls of that belief. You have to come to realize that a belief is just a repetitive powerful thought. It is not ‘the truth’. If someone believes all strangers who approach you on the street have bad intentions, it becomes


almost as good as ‘truth’ to this person, because they will be limiting their experience by not talking to strangers, therefore they never get to get connected to good strangers. Furthermore, their belief system, being a strong thought repeated over and over again, could very possibly be attracting to them the very thing that they fear! One systematic way to breaking the walls of beliefs is by using the NLP meta-model. The meta model is a set of specific questions to help you transcend a limiting thought. Our local beliefs are usually made by generalization, distortion and deletion. We generalize things by grouping everything into the same category such as “everyone is..”, “people are..”, “all men are..”. We distort things by focusing on something and linking some meaning to them. For example “he raised his voice that means he is a mean person who doesn’t care”. Or “he didn’t call me, that means he doesn’t think about me”. We delete things when we are focusing on something too much. For example we say “this person always does this”, we are deleting the fact that there are times when they did the opposite. Generalization, Distortion and Deletion are the ways our mind functions. Each day you are bombarded with trillions of sensory inputs from the external world, you have to generalize, distort and delete in order to make sense of it. If you don’t you will suffer an overload of information and your mind couldn’t get any meaning out of all those sensory inputs. For example, if you think “all rich people are arrogant”. To use the meta model you would break down that limiting thought with “Who exactly did I mean?” Then you can ask “how exactly do I know they are being arrogant?” to attack the verbs and adjectives. Then finally you ask “Can I think of exceptions?”. That will break the back of that negative belief. You will find that the belief is just about a small group of people you have encountered, but have generalised and judged everyone in the same category. If you find you have a lot of “I can’t”, “I shouldn’t”, “I couldn’t”, “I mustn’t”, then to go beyond that limiting belief you ask yourself “what would happen if I did?” and “what would I do if I could do it?” or “what could I do if I knew how?” If you find yourself using universals such as “every”, “all”, “nobody”, “always” or “never”, you break it down by using the same word, but in the form of a question. “Always?”, “Everyone?”, “Nobody?”. Example limiting belief : “nobody loves me”. Ask, “Nobody at all?”

NLP Meta Model Nouns (Eg. He, she, they, we, things, people) Meta Model: Ask “Who specifically?”/ “What specifically?”

Verbs -Action verbs(Eg. Do, did, make, become...etc.) -Nominalisations – verbs made into a noun, thus deleting the process (Eg. Depressed, confused, etc) Meta Model: Ask “How specifically?”

Modal operators (Eg. mustn’t, can’t, shouldn’t, couldn’t,... etc.) Meta Model: Ask “What if I could?”/ “What would happen if I did?”/ “What would I do if I knew how?”

Adjectives/Comparatives (Eg. Nice, good, pretty, rich,... etc) Meta Model: Ask “Compare to what?”

Universals (Eg. All, never, everything, everybody,... etc) Meta Model: Ask “all?”/ “everyone?”/ “Can you name some exceptions?”/ ....


The Meta Model is a good tool to consciously evaluate each limiting belief. It cuts through a lot of generalisations, distortion and deletions we do in our thoughts and language. We should not apply the Meta Model to the 10 spiritual wisdoms because they are principles, laws and truths in the spiritual plane. Furthermore, they are the beliefs that we want to install in our subconscious mind to bring forth positive results. They are eternal ‘truths’ in the spiritual plane. But our beliefs in their opposites obstruct their manifestation. And although their physical outcomes are transient, they perpetuate by creating the same outcomes and experiences, via different people and things. The aim to contemplate on the 10 Spiritual Wisdoms as beliefs is to align our mind to spiritual ideas that give out positive outcome we desire. We are deliberately choosing those beliefs for a purpose and outcome. They activate the law of attraction to bring us the good we desire.


10 Limiting Beliefs | 10 Spiritual Wisdoms

The fastest and most effective way is to change your mindset for manifesting is to change your Core Beliefs. Your Core Beliefs, or “Global Beliefs”, create all your specific local beliefs. We are all imprisoned by our limiting beliefs. Here are the 10 Limiting Beliefs that are prisons to your life. These beliefs create limiting and negative conditions.

Limiting Beliefs and Conditions








Wrong action/Inaction


Obstruction You will find that these beliefs are what go through the mind of everyone of us in our everyday life. They represent the fears and worries of humanity. They are the thoughts that keep us awake at night. They give rise to doubts like water, put out our fires of faith and desires. Continuing focus on these beliefs can make us a nervous wreck and give us a mindset of self-pity. The acceptance of these limiting beliefs create limiting conditions in our life, like a seed that multiplies and bear fruits of its kind. These beliefs need to be replaced with their spiritual counterpart, which are what I call Spiritual Wisdoms. The spiritual wisdoms are spiritual outlook that are uplifting, positive and create positive outcomes. They are laws on the spiritual plane. But these laws depend on your acceptance. When you believe them, you experience the positive outcome as manifested in your experience. Contemplating on these Spiritual Truths brings forth seeds of blessing that multiply in your experience. In the Divine Mind (Mind of God), these are Truth and Permanent in the spiritual plane. When we think limiting beliefs, we are resisting the flow of these spiritual truths coming our way. When you have a desire or need, the supply is already there within the abundance of the Universe. “Before you ask, it is already answered.” The answer is present within the Oneness of the universe, and we allow it if we do not think and feel negatively. Our limiting and negative thoughts pushes us away from what we want, because we are being and thinking from a State of Consciousness that demagnetizes and repels us from what we want.


Here are the 10 Spiritual Wisdoms that can neutralize our limiting beliefs.

Spiritual Widsoms



Freedom from debt

Right timing Oneness Harmony

Right Supply

Perfect action



When you find you have a limiting belief, you should immediately deny that belief by affirming “I deny (limiting belief),” and then affirm by accepting its spiritual antidote in the form of the countering Spiritual Belief. In the following pages, we will analyse and explain each of these Limiting Beliefs and the corresponding Spiritual Wisdoms that frees you from the prison of limitation.


1. Loss | Supply

You have to get rid of any belief in loss. The universe is abundance. To neutralize your beliefs in loss,

you have to replace it with a new belief in Supply. There is no loss in mind, the only loss is the Son of

Perdition, which means The Idea of Loss. “Son” in scripture can usually be translated as “Idea”.

Because to the mystic, we are the Thinker and Creator, and we give birth to our Thoughts and Ideas,

which the ancients call “son”.

The only thing that can be lost is the idea of loss. In Divine Mind of God, you cannot lose anything

since every state exists in Mind permanently. These are the mansions mentioned in the phrase “In my

Father’s house there are many mansions.” Each mansion is a State of consciousness which we dwell


If you have lost money, you are losing it because of your belief in Loss in your mind. That belief

makes you perceive a loss and perpetuate the condition as long as you believe it. Believing

something means you are thinking thoughts from a certain State of Consciousness.

If you have a Belief in Supply, you cannot perceive a loss even if you did temporarily lose money, you

know you are attracting new money to you.

Oftentimes, when you lose something, if you do not accept the loss, the thing will return to you or you

will receive its equivalent or something better.

Remind yourself that what you truly want is the essence of a thing, that is, what the thing or person

can give you. Never get attached to things or people or jobs, for all material things come and go. But

the state and consciousness lives forever. The state of wealth and abundance forever exists. So does

the state of a happy relationship. To tap the spirit of a thing, all you have to do is fill your

consciousness with the possession of it, as if it were already yours.

“None of them is lost, save the Son of Perdition, that the Scripture might be fulfilled”. Psychologically,

the fulfilling of scripture means the fulfilment of your desire. You have to lose your belief in loss in

order to fulfil your desire.

I will teach you a secret method to recover things that you have lost in the past. You can use

this secret method to recover the money, love, success and objects that you had lost. In your mind,

alter all memories of lost and absence of the thing you want to recover. For example, if you have lost

$1000 in the past, then go back in your mind and change the memory of that event. Imagine instead

of losing $1000, you have somehow gained $1000 as a profit. Do this over and over in your mind until

you feel the joy of the experience in your mind. Then affirm, “there is no loss in my mind, the $1000

returns to me in a perfect way and I give thanks for it”. Over the next few days or weeks, as long as

you always revise your memory to what you want, you will by a series of events attract to you the

compensation or replacement. You will then understand that nothing is lost except when the mind

holds the belief of loss.


Nothing is ever lost in Divine Mind. Everything is known in the Mind of God. Everything that belongs to

me in revealed to me when I need to know it.

There is no loss in Divine Mind. I cannot lose anything that is rightfully mine. It will return to me or I will

receive its equivalent or something even better.


2. Lack | Abundance

Look around in nature. Nature is absolutely lavish with abundance. The beaches are filled with billions

and billions of sand. The trees grow leaves more than it needs to survive. A male produces more

sperm cells than it is needed to fertilize a female egg. We can say nature is so excessively lavish - to

a point of wastefulness! But that is the inherent nature of the universe – Abundance!

People who think lack do not see nor attract opportunities. Those who think abundance see and

attract opportunities everywhere they go. If your recognize abundance, you are open to receive

opportunities. Opportunities seek you when you think abundance.

When you have a consciousness of Abundance, you do not need to cling on to things. You do not

need to fear or to worry if you recognize that abundance means supply. In fact, with abundance, we

know we have the element of choice. We live in a world abundant with variety and contrast. Contrasts

allow us to choose what we like. To lead a successful and happy life, we need to be aware of

abundance and contrast, and to be able to focus on what we like to experience (instead of what we

don’t like).

Contrast plays an important world in our life. There are infinite different degrees of contrast in this

world. For every situation and condition, there is an opposite. There are friendly people and unfriendly

people. Rich and poor, good and bad, tall and short. All this contrasts exist in degrees and relativity.

It all depends on our perception. It all depends on how you observe them and how you react to them.

When people see and experience lack, they are usually focusing on what they don’t like. The more

they emotionalize the conditions they do not like, the more they attract it to them. The more they focus

on lack, the more situations of lack they encounter. The only way out of this is by focusing on

Abundance and acknowledging contrast. Then choose the right thing to focus on. The act of focusing

activates the Law of Increase on whatever you are thinking about in your mind.


There is no lack in Divine Mind. The Universe is overflowing with abundance. My supply comes to me




“As I focus more and more on the wisdom of abundance and the things I like, the more I

attract them into my experience.”

Write down your mental affirmations and notes on Abundance here:

Use this page to write down your new beliefs, to replace your old limiting beliefs in lack. The aim is to

keep writing from the standpoint of Spiritual Wisdom until you feel emotional relief and improvement.

Example: I recognize there is abundance of money/opportunities/kind people in this


I’m happy that I can choose that I attract into my life simply by contemplating it.


3. Debt | Freedom from Debt

The concept of debt is the idea that you owe others something that is more than your ability to repay.

It can also be the idea of someone owing you. The idea of debt in your subconscious mind is that the

debt is a burden and it is more than your ability to square it.

A condition of debt is a condition of owing more than you actually have. A belief in debt creates and

perpetuates conditions of debt.

What is important here is the attitude and feeling towards debt. There are people who feel debt is a

huge burden, and thus their subconscious suppresses their ability to earn more to repay the debt.

They become burdened by the idea of debt.

The right attitude towards debt is to see yourself paying it off, instead of feeling it as a burden. When

you feel it as a burden, it becomes an obstruction to your ability to attract money. This I learned the

hard way, but once you understand how your thoughts and emotions affect your ability to earn and

repay, you will make improvement especially by using the blessing method below.

If somebody owes you money, the idea of their debt in your subconscious limits their ability to repay

you. The way to neutralize this is to affirm that the debt is being neutralized and bless them. You will

then unexpectedly get paid by the person, or you will receive a sum from another source as


Lack of money is usually caused by negative thinking and negative feeling relating to money. This is

especially true if you do not like your work. The way out of debt then, is to do what you enjoy doing,

and money will flow in effortlessly. Or, change how you feel towards your work to remove the

emotional resistance. Remember, what makes the difference is the emotion you feel when you think

about money and debt.

To get out of debt requires that you mentally forgive what you owe. It doesn’t mean you should run

away from your debts, but you should mentally see and feel it is repaid without feeling negative about

it. Running away from your obligation on purpose creates further lack in your mind. A belief in owing is

a self fulfilling prophecy and it detracts from you. A thankful heart attracts abundance.

Be thankful for being able to use the debt for what was needed, and bless it to dissolve the debt. By

blessing your creditors and blessing your debts to resolve, you are shifting to a Consciousness of

Supply and will find your ability to repay increase. The spiritual way to tap into the Law of Increase is

to bless your bills when you pay them. Those who curse their bills find themself with more bills than

they have money to repay them. When you feel negative everytime you pay what you owe, you are

telling the Universe that you do not have enough (Belief in Lack and Loss).

The secret to activate the Law of Supply is to say “This payment is a thank you for providing me with

the goods and service I wanted. By paying this bill, I’m showing my ability to pay, and allowing and

attracting even more money and abundance to come to me.”


I deny all debts in my consciousness. It is in the process of being paid off in a perfect way. All debts

are being neutralized and forgiven, and I go free. I give thanks it is being done in a perfect way.


Freedom From Debt

“As I focus more and more on the wisdom of freedom from debt, the more I increase my

ability to repay bills effortlessly.”

Write down your mental affirmations and notes on Freedom From Debt here:

Use this page to write down your new beliefs, to replace your old limiting beliefs in debt.

Example: I bless my loans I have with _______. I give thanks for it. I call on the Law of

Increase to affirm my ability to repay it.


4. Delay | Right Timing

When you are waiting and anticipating something that has not yet come, you are delaying it from

coming to you. You are pushing it away because of your concept of delay, because you see yourself

waiting. When you think that, you are attracting it.

Instead of waiting, the proper mindset is to dwell on the completion as if it is already fulfilled. And the

attitude should be one of relaxation and calm, knowing it is being fulfilled in right timing. The concept

of Right Timing avoids nervous anticipation and forceful waiting.

Beware, if you continue to dwell on delay, you continue to push it away and it may not come at all. For

example, if you are waiting for a phone call and the phone doesn’t ring, if you think about the delay

and you feel negative or nervous about it, your state of consciousness is perpetuating the delay. Your

negative thoughts may have caused the caller to be caught up with something else or forgotten about

his plans to make the call. Or the caller may suddenly change their mind and decide not to call. Your

thoughts send off a vibration of influence to people who tune their thoughts to you!

I know there are times when I get nervous and too excited about some business deals, I start to get

impatient and wondered why hasn’t the agents called me back when I’m giving them opportunity to do

business. An impatient attitude demagnetizes the agents from making the call. Then weeks later after

it’s all too late, I get the call from the agents and found out from one agent that their manager has

been on leave, and another agent claims he was interested but was simply “too busy”. And after it’s

all too late, and I have released my negative thoughts about it, both of them calls me eagerly to ask

about the deal,

Once I was trying too hard mentally to force a manifestation of attracting a new tenant. I posted all the

advertisements I could, and waited for two days impatiently. I kept wondering why hasn’t anyone

called me, while trying to affirm I have found the right tenant. But my feelings of impatience was

resisting what I was affirming. My affirmation was attracting, but my impatience was repelling. Then, at

the last minute, I gave up waiting entirely, said to myself “if it wasn’t to be, then I give up”, went into a

barber shop and within 2 minutes, I got a call from a man who wanted to rent the place. It was the one

and only call I got regarding that advertisement.


There is no delay in Divine Mind. Whatever needs to be done is in the process of being completed

and comes to me in perfect timing. I am joyously seeing the outcome completed.

There is no delay in my mind, I rest in the assurance of my fulfilled desire.

Infinite Intelligence is never too late. The Universe creates the right opportunity and right action now,

and delivers to me with right timing.

It is not my responsibility. Infinite Intelligence which controls all things is doing the job now for me. I

release the burden and joyously know it is being done even now.


Right Timing

“As I focus more and more on the wisdom of Right Timing, I cease to be impatient and

cancel out my belief in delay. Everything comes in the right time to those who are patient.”

Write down your mental affirmations and notes on Right Timing here:

Use this page to write down your new beliefs, to replace your old limiting beliefs in delay.


5. Separation | Oneness

The belief in separation says that everyone is a separate entity. In order to influence someone, you

have to either use your body or words or some other physical means such as writing. That may be

true on the surface, but spiritually, we are all One. Our deeper minds are all interconnected, like a

network of communication. That is how you can use your imagination to achieve something you want,

and other people known and unknown to you, are subsequently influenced to play a certain part that

naturally brings your imagination into reality. It may seem that others are merely actors in your life,

doing and saying things that fit into your mental assumption. But also know that, you are also an actor

in their life.

Another part of the belief in separation is you may become separated from a thing or person. If you do

not accept separation in your subconscious mind, unity will soon follow physically, or a replacement is

given that is just as good. But know that, no matter who or what, there is no separation in Mind.

You can convey a mental message to someone by calling into your mind this person. Call them into

your focus either by calling their name, or seeing their presence in your mind’s eye. Then convey the

message just as though you are talking to them. Repetition and emotion is required, until you feel that

their mind has received your message. Imagine the person responding in a positive way. This method

is particularly useful to clear out misunderstandings with people you know. If their mind understands

and accepts your mental message, a result will follow.

Case example: The first time I used this method, I was told by my colleague that my boss was mad at

me because of a supposedly mistake I made in one of the project I was handling. Although I felt it was

not my fault, my colleague said the boss was fuming mad at everybody in the office every time he

thought about that project, for the whole week while I was away on holiday. So one day before I went

back to work, I called into my mind my boss’ face. I told him mentally what I wanted to say, that it

wasn’t really my fault, and that I was acting under his previous instructions, etc. And then I imagined a

golden white spiritual light shining on him, and imagined he was filled with joy and understanding and

forgiveness, and he was giving me a big genuine smile. This was what I imagined that night.

The next day, when I arrived at the office, everyone was expecting that I would “get it” from the boss.

In fact, everyone was so quiet and scared, anticipating the rage and temper that was to come (much

like what they experienced for the past 1 week!). The boss arrived in the late morning, and he called

me to his desk, and in a soft voice, he just told me to be more careful in the future, and he ended the

conversation with a smile, saying he is going to take everyone in the office to lunch later! After that, he

was real cheerful, and he could even laugh and joke to me about what happened to the project. So

the next time you’re in trouble with someone, you know what to do.

I have many experiences in doing after I discovered this secret method. Another time, I healed a

friend who was living overseas of depression, just by talking to her mentally and using my imagination

on her continuously and persistently for about 10 minutes. After I felt the message has been accepted

by her subconscious (you will know the feeling, it feels like a relief and you just “know”), I immediately

received a long distance phone call from her and she told me in a cheerful voice how happy she

suddenly felt about the situation.

My understanding of this is everyone you know is one with you in your consciousness. This is also

true to everyone you do not know, but in a weaker extent because you cannot identify them



There is no separation in Mind. In Divine Mind, there is perfect unity because all is One.



“Everyone I have known is rooted in my consciousness. I can reach them with thought.

I bless everyone to dissolve all past and present negative thoughts and emotions.”

Write down your mental affirmations and notes on Oneness here:

Use this page to write down your new beliefs, to replace your old limiting beliefs in separation.


6. Disharmony | Harmony

Harmony is the way of nature. Things happen without needing to be forced. The trees and flowers

grows without effort. God does not need to force something that is not meant to be. God creates

opportunities and open doors with effortless ease, to get a thing done.

In human relations, disharmony usually happens when someone tries to force other people to do

something or behave in a certain way that they like. Not allowing others to be who they are is the

most common cause of disharmony. From disharmony comes a range of negative emotions such as

frustration, hate, irritation and others.

When you allow others to be who they are, you are telling yourself that no matter what they do, you

are happy. You can try to influence and persuade them, but the final result is their choice.

In terms of changing conditions, when you find yourself not forcing an outcome, you are harmonious

with a situation. Many people, in their journey to manifest a goal, find the need to use excessive

physical effort to force a situation. But if you have had lots of success with manifesting your goals in

the past, you will find one common theme like I did. The successful outcome of a manifestation never

comes by force and excessive effort. It usually comes through physical effortlessness. Yes you may

need to take certain actions that are required, but usually you will get a lead from your intuition and

the universe of that to do next. If you find yourself forcing too much with physical action, it could be a

message you are forcing something that was not meant to be, and you could bring yourself

unnecessary pain as a result.

In fact, excessive physical action and trying to force a process, is a sign that your consciousness is

not resting in the assumption that the wish is fulfilled. You are not being who you wanted to be, but

you are trying to find ways to become who you want to be. These two states of consciousness make a

world of difference! The former creates, attracts and manifests the fulfilment of your goal, but the latter

separates and pushes you away from fulfilment because you are thinking and feeling “I don’t have it. I

have to force my way thru to get it”.

Another cause of disharmony is, if you are misusing your imagination by thinking about discord and

disharmony in your relationships. To heal it, you simply need to reverse your thoughts and think



I declare harmony on this situation and it is so in a perfect way, effortlessly.

I give thanks that perfect harmony is established in this situation.



“As I focus more and more on the wisdom of Harmony, I cease to force situations. Excessive

force ends in discord. I influence others honestly and sincerely yet allowing myself to be

detached from the outcome. I do my best to influence, and I also bless every situation with

Perfect Harmony”

Write down your mental affirmations and notes on Harmony here:

Use this page to write down your new beliefs, to replace your old limiting beliefs in disharmony.


7. Competition | Right Supply

It is human nature to think we have to compete with others. We think competition when we are trying

to make a sale, to get a job, to get a partner, in fact to achieve almost anything in life. A belief in

competition creates fear in us. Furthermore, a belief in competition becomes a self fulfilling prophecy

by attraction competition to obstruct whatever we want to achieve. There is always “someone better

than me”, “luckier than me” and “faster than me”. The list is endless. In the end, we become victims of

our fear of competition.

Thoughts of competition makes us attract more competition to defeat us.

To neutralize our fear of competition, we use a spiritual belief of Right Supply.

Right Supply means whatever is rightfully ours to have is given to us despite other people competing

for it. Whatever is your Divine Ideal, if you claim it in your mind as if it were already yours, and you

rest in that state, it neutralizes competition. Always bear in mind that whatever belongs to you in

consciousness, if you accept it as yours, is yours. It will seek you. Doors of opportunities open

effortlessly for you.

Right supply also means, you do not use force whether mental or physical, to manifest something.

Right supply also means, if something is not yours in consciousness, you should not force it. It could

be something that is unsuitable for you or could bring you unhappiness in the long run. Trust your

consciousness and the law of Right Supply. Many times I have tried to force things and ended up

hurting myself and others. Sometimes I succeed after forcing with mental and physical actions, but in

the end I found that the thing I wanted wasn’t what I wanted in the first place!

If you are trying to achieve something and you encounter competitors, try to bless your competitors. A

salesman was trying to sell a machine to a company, and another salesman from another company

also came at the same time. Instead of getting concerned or worried or trying to wish the other to fail,

our salesman blessed his competitor and declared “may the deal be awarded to the right person”.

While the other salesman was busy trying to prove his machine was superior, his machine simply

would not work for the demonstration! The deal was awarded to the salesman who blessed his

competition without fear and who believed in Right Supply.

If you are envious or jealous of others, you are telling your consciousness that you do not have what

they possess. Here is an antidote to thoughts of envy. Bless the other person, and affirm “Whatever

Consciousness has given them, Consciousness can also give to me something similar or even better.

If I embody the same consciousness of having it.” Supply comes to those who mentally possess the

thing they want.


There is no competition in Divine Mind, whatever is my Perfect Ideal and belongs to me by Divine

Right, is given to me without forcing.

I accept whatever is mine by Divine Right, and if a thing is not mine by Divine Right I happily release


I do not force results. The right result is done with perfect ease by the Law of Right Supply.


Right Supply

“As I focus more and more on the wisdom of Right Supply, I cease to be worried about

competition. If something belongs to me by right, no one can take it from me. If it is not mine

by right, I happily let it go free. ”

Write down your mental affirmations and notes on Right Supply here:

Use this page to write down your new beliefs, to replace your old limiting beliefs in competition.


8. Wrong Action | Perfect Action

When we are manifesting a goal, we do not worry about creative powers doing wrong action. A belief

in wrong action results in disorder. The outcome and process is always what you believe in.

To understand perfect action, we have to recognize that creative power that manifest is Intelligent. It

will execute what needs to be done in with perfect action, and continue to do so until either an

outcome is achieve or it is neutralized by another opposing thought. This is why you should condition

your imagination over and over until it becomes an unstoppable thought in your subconscious mind.

Right action means action taken by Infinite Intelligence to fulfil an outcome. It could be physical action

done by you, or it could initiate someone else to do something that leads to the manifestation of your


You do not need to worry about your physical actions being the wrong action. The reason is that once

the subconscious thought is powerful enough, it does whatever is necessary to fulfil itself. It can

influence someone to do something, initiate a new idea in someone’s mind to create the right

opportunity and action to fulfil your imagined desire. When the right time comes, you will be

subconsciously compelled to act on impulse to say and do the right thing. You must admit there are

times you do and say things by impulse and you do not know why, but it turned out to be the right

thing to do. Sometimes your mistakes turn out to be right action.

When you are trying to manifest something and you think the process could be a long and difficult

one, that is the time to declare perfect action. When you are overwhelmed by the process, you are

defeated by confusion. And a state of confusion neutralizes your poise and faith. When you affirm

right action and perfect order into being, you are resting in the knowing that the responsibility of what

to do is not yours to bear. This is one of the biggest mistake of beginners who are trying to manifest.

They feel too much responsibility. They are overwhelmed and confused, because we are all trained to

use our conscious mind to solve problems. If the problem is too big and complicated, we tend to

worry. As you may be already aware by now, worrying is not constructive and it perpetuates a


Spiritually it is a good precautionary step to affirm that your desires will be fulfilled in a perfect way.

Some people may desire a thing very intensely and their desire is manifested in a way that involved

someone else being harmed. You do not want this to happen. Therefore, always affirm “it is done in a

perfect way”.


My desire is manifested in perfect order.

I call on the Law of Perfect Action to manifest this desire now.

Infinite Intelligence is all wise and all knowing, it does everything that is necessary to manifest my

desire now. I let go of all mental responsibility to make it happen. It is in the hands of Perfect Action.

It is done in a perfect way.


Right Action

“As I focus more and more on the wisdom of Right Action, I know Infinite Intelligence knows

all things and knows how to achieve everything. I let it do its work and guide me with Right

Action at the right time”

Write down your mental affirmations and notes on Right Action here:

Use this page to write down your new beliefs, to replace your old limiting beliefs in wrong action.


9. Ending | Beginning

“Behold I make all things new.”

When something has run its course and comes to an end, many people grief for long periods of time.

The way to reframe this is to know that every ends signals a new beginning in some form. God never

closes a door without opening another one.

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

By holding on to old things that have ended, we cannot move on. The only way to move forward is by

a renewing of our mind. New opportunities, new projects, new happiness await you. But you can only

open the door to receive them if you allow yourself to see a new beginning. Know that no condition in

this physical world lasts forever. Everything physical is temporary. But the spirit of people and

conditions live on.

For example if you worked in a successful job for many years, and one day the directors of the

company decides to sell the company or dissolve the business. If you see that as the end, then you

are not receptive to the state of success which you once were. States cannot be destroyed. A state of

being successful or being abundant is permanent. But we, as residents of the state, move in and out

of it according to our thoughts.

Whatever good that Infinite Intelligence has given you cannot be lost unless you let go of that state in

your consciousness. It can be reclaimed if you could re-enter the state. When you unite your

consciousness with that same state, you will experience a new beginning of the consequences of that


If something ends, you can decide to re-enter the same state again to recreate similar experiences, or

you can choose a new state for your experience. During the transition period is your most important

time to decide what your future holds for you. Because once you enter into a new state, you will be

surrounded by new conditions that will keep you occupied.


God never closes a door without opening a new one.

Whatever good Infinite Power has created before, It can recreate for me again if I choose.

Behold, Infinite Intelligence makes all things new according to the nature of my thoughts. As I think

and affirm the good that I desire to experience, it is made new for me.



“As I focus more and more on the wisdom of Beginning, I now see that every day and every

situation is a new beginning. I happily let go of old closed situations and I make all things

new by renewing my mind”

Write down your mental affirmations and notes on Beginning here:

Use this page to write down your new beliefs, to replace your old limiting beliefs in Ending.


10. Obstruction | Completion

A belief in obstruction causes your imagination to dwell on obstruction, thereby creating more

obstruction and perpetuating it. The only way to change it is by intending, affirming and picturing

completion in your mind.

Imagine how would I feel if I have already achieved it? What would I be doing? What will I see, hear

and say?

Manifesting with Mind is about shifting your consciousness to one of completion and thinking and

feeling from that consciousness. It is like playing a game of assumption and make belief in your mind.

We are already doing that but we are thinking from a consciousness of problems, limitations,

circumstances, all which is a consciousness of obstruction. The main problem lies in how our

conscious mind is trained. We are trained to solve problems using analysis based on reasons and

facts. That is useful on the physical level to solve everyday problems. But spiritually, reasons and

facts are obstructions. They tell your creative consciousness, your creative “I am”, that “I am not who I

want to be because of this reason”. Therefore our conscious mind is habitually trained to dwell on

facts and problems, instead of what we want. It is a big stumbling block.

To create spiritually, what is required is shifting your thought from “I have not” to “I have”. It is not an

easy thing to do, because immediately when you say “I have”, your conscious mind looks for

confirmation from facts again and says “no I don’t”. Your conscious mind is your mind of doubt.

Therefore, in subconscious work, the element of faith is always needed. A continuation of imagining

yourself having what you want will gradually neutralize your doubts.

We ignore the doubts and the facts. And we continue to implant in our mind the ideal we want. That

represents our act of faith. What we are doing is to retrain and reprogram our subconscious content.

Our subconscious mind manifests its contents whether it is good or bad. It does not tell us what we

should not believe in something. It just carries out our every instruction without question. If we think

frequently about obstructions, it manifests obstructions. It thinks that is what you want.

Therefore, to eliminate doubts, we do our mental work before we sleep or right when we awake from

sleep. Because that is usually the time our subconscious mind is most receptive to what you want,

while the conscious mind is not too active reasoning out whether it is a fact or not. As you do this

exercise of imagination, you are essentially gradually trading old thoughts for new thoughts. You are

cleansing the contents in your subconscious mind.

Think of the ideal completion you want.


I rest my consciousness in the completion of the outcome I desire and it is done in a perfect way.

I declare the fulfilment of this desire, and it is so.



“As I focus more and more on the wisdom of Completion, I cease to think about obstacles

and I start to imagine the fulfilment of my desires. As I experience the completion in my

consciousness, I am allowing Infinite Intelligence to complete it for me eventhough I do not

know how to with my conscious mind”

Write down your mental affirmations and notes on Completion here:

Use this page to write down your new beliefs, to replace your old limiting beliefs in obstruction.


Persist Until

Manifesting by changing your consciousness is one of the hardest things in life you have to do,

because to give up our old thoughts, we are giving up our entire old self and identity. It is a rebirth in

your consciousness.

When you first start out doing an affirmation, you may feel no change is happening. But keep doing it

over and over until your subconscious absorbs the new affirmation and turn it into a new belief. When

the thought becomes natural to you, you will start to see result.

To speed up the process, deliberately add positive feelings to your affirmation and imagination. The

aim of it is to think an affirmation and feel positive when you are saying the affirmation. The positive

feeling raises your vibration of that area in your life you are trying to change with your new

affirmations. The positive emotion neutralizes any negativity in that area of your life. It heals that

subject in your consciousness.

When you reach a point where you can easily feel positive emotion (happy, thankful, bliss,

confidence) when you think about that subject, you know you are very close to manifesting new

results that you are after.

Another way to allow your subconscious mind to absorb the new idea effectively is to repeat the

affirmation slowly with feeling, right before you go to bed at night. Carrying the affirmation to sleep

allows your subconscious to work on absorbing that affirmation until you awake from sleep.

Always reach for emotional improvement regarding the topic you are trying to manifest. It will greatly

improve your attraction set point. Your attraction set point is determining what is being attracted to

you at every moment.

In any manifestation work, do not be concerned with the “how”. Just firmly live in the outcome in your

mind, feel it, and you will be inspired with right action and right opportunities. Your mental image is

actually a future reality that is guiding you towards its fulfilment, as long as you tap into it.


A New Beginning

I hope you have gained a lot of benefit from reading this book about the 10 Secret Spiritual Beliefs

which will be the foundational beliefs in your journey to become a successful manifestor and creator.

These new global beliefs will enable you to quickly cancel out any contrasting limited belief. When you

go about your daily life, you are bound to observe conditions that show you loss, lack, separation,

disharmony, delay, ending, competition, wrong action, debt and obstruction. Remember that on the

surface and for the moment, that may be true on a physical level. But when you look from a different

perspective and from a spiritual and mental level, you will find the Spiritual Principles of supply,

abundance, no debt, unity, right action, right timing, beginning, right supply and completion. These

Spiritual Principles are activated when you fill your consciousness with the contemplation of these

principles. You do that by believing and affirming them to be true. And as you ask, believing, you shall


For example, if you see a situation getting obstructed by wrong action, you can affirm, bless and

imagine completion by right action. If you experience delay, you need to affirm right timing. If you see

obstruction and you say it reinforces your belief in obstruction, then you are cursing the situation and

perpetuating the obstruction. They way to solve it is to imagine completion.

I would love to hear about what you have learned and found useful in my ebook. I hope you

will share some testimonials and stories with me. You can do that at


My next ebook which I will write will be about holographic timelines, changing the past and changing


Thank you,

Happy Manifesting!


About the author:

Charles Koh is an author, entrepreneur, business owner, architect and the founder and editor of MIND

IS LIFE, a website dedicated to metaphysical, spiritual and self development articles. His website is


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