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The 20-Minute PPC Work Week

Tim Warner, Director of Sales, WordStream [email protected]

April Gadarowski, Senior Account Executive, [email protected]

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Meet The Experts

Tim Warner, Director of Sales• 9+ Years of PPC Experience• Certified AdWords Professional• Member of the WordStream

Leadership team

April Gadarowski, Senior Account Executive• Certified AdWords Professional• Almost 2 years at WordStream • Works Side by Side with Marketing (Cross


Shocking yet common problems we see in PPC accounts

5 guidelines for achieving success in Google AdWords

How to improve your PPC Performance in only 20-Minutes per week

Q&A: Send us your questions!

Today’s Agenda

Let’s Learn a Little About You…

a) I'm supposed to do work in my PPC account every week?

b) Less than 1 hour per week

c) 1-10 hours per week

d) 10-39 hours per week

e) 40+ hours per week – it’s my full time job!

Poll Question #1: How much time do you spend doing PPC Work Every Week?

a) PPC Bid Management

b) Reporting & Analysis

c) Ad Text Authoring

d) Keyword Research / Negative Keyword Research

e) Landing Page Optimization

Poll Question #2: What's your biggest time suck in PPC Management?

PPC Trivia!






What % on average does a small

business waste each month on

their AdWords spend?

25%The average small business wastes 25% or more each month on their AdWords spend.

a) Everyday

b) 2 Times Per Week

c) 3 Times Per Week

d) Once Per Month

How often do small businesses

(spending under $5K/ month)

do work in their AdWords account?

50%50% don’t even check their AdWords account

once per month. 25% haven’t done anything in the last 90 days.

How Did We Get This Data?

WordStream’s FREE AdWords Performance Grader

Baseline your AdWords performance

A free, instant PPC audit in under a minute!

Grades your AdWords account performance based on 10 key paid search metrics

Compares how you’re doing against other accounts of similar size (monthly spend)


The Harsh Reality:The Average AdWords Account for

Small & Medium Businesses is a Train Wreck

5 things that we know to be true about achieving AdWords Success

At WordStream, we’ve … Analyzed thousands of

accounts. Talked to thousands of

different users Shared findings with our

partners @ GoogleWe summarized the findings into just 5 things you

need to know!

But the right tools, techniques and education can make it a LOT EASIER

1. PPC Is Hard

2. You Get What You Put In…

A little work every week on your AdWords campaigns can deliver BIG dividends

Pause, fix or kill irrelevant, underperforming keywords to maximize ROI

3. Keep Your PPC House Clean

Knowing what you want defines and simplifies your workflow

4. You Gotta Have Goals



c) Monthly


Poll Question #3: How often do you set goals in your AdWords account?

50% of SMB’s aren’t tracking conversions

5. Track What’s Working

a)Form Fills/ E-Commerceb)Form Fills/ Telephone Callsc) Phone Callsd)I can’t see my conversions through

AdWordse)I wish I could track calls

Poll Question #4: What conversions do you track?

Your Advertising Performance: Get the whole picture

Lots of leads come from phone calls…

Service industry leads Emergency service leads High end product sales

If you have a phone number on your website, you should track the calls you get!

Optimize your PPC account for all types of leads

Go beyond bid adjustments!

Find new keywords and negatives based on the search queries that convert

Identify high value long tail keywords See which ads perform the best based on holistic

account performance

WordStream Call Tracking

24 hrs

How to Improve Your PPC Performance In Only 20-Minutes Per


Key To Success- Know How You’re Performing

WordStream PPC Call Tracking

Key To Success- Know How You’re Performing

WordStream PPC Reporting

Key To Success- Know How You’re Performing


Most Advertisers AdWords accounts are a train wreck

Review the 5 Habits of Successful PPC Marketers Importance of Optimizing Telephone Calls Think of PPC campaign work as a recurring

weekly task WordStream PPC Advisor enables the 20 minute

PPC Work Week, an impactful PPC workflow for managing AdWords accounts

Special Offers! Would You Like…

a)FREE Live demo of the WordStream Advisor to learn how to manage your PPC in 20 minutes a week

b)1-1 AdWords Assessment with AdWords Certified Consultant

c) I don’t need help with my PPC


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Benchmark your AdWords account today!

www.wordstream.com/google-adwordsQuestions? 855.967.3787

Tim Warner, Director of Sales, WordStream [email protected]

April Gadarowski, Senior Account Executive, [email protected]

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