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Page 1: The Advantages of Hosted Unified Communications

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The Advantages of Hosted Unified Communications

Page 2: The Advantages of Hosted Unified Communications

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What do you get with a Mitel & TalkTalk Business Hosted solution?

• It’s hosted Unified Communications not hosted voice.

• All the features of a CPE UC solution in a hosted environment

• Full service and support wrap from TalkTalk Business

• With an SLA that fits your business need

• Deployment flexibility over the long term

• Hosted, CPE or Virtual with the same user experience, same phones, same applications

• No lock in to one fixed deployment method

• Fully supports emerging trends including “Bring Your Own Device”

• Ability to deliver full UC to Blackberry, Android and iOS

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Key Advantages of Hosted UCfor the end user (vs CPE)

• Subscription based OPEX model

• Easier to plan & budget

• Lower TCO

• Off balance sheet

• PBX for life:

• Always on the latest version, features, applications

• Easy In-Life Service & Support

• Non disruptive, centrally delivered via TalkTalk Business

• Centralised System Management, Upgrades, Enhancements

• Business Continuity built-in (resiliency)

• Flexibility:

• Proof of concepts easy to run

• Models to cater for seasonal environments easy to achieve

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Key Advantages of Hosted UC for the channel partner

• Easier to price and sell via subscription bundles• More info in the workshop!

• Longer, stickier contracts:• Tie in lines, minutes, mobile into a long term hosted UC contract

• More difficult for competitors to unpick the contract in order to try and churn any part thereof

• Provides the opportunity to increase your average revenue per user

• Easier to wrap support revenues into monthly subscription pricing

• Proof of Concept & Try before you buy options easier to deliver

• Potentially increase the value of your business• Most businesses today are valued on guaranteed future income.

External IT Spend

Source: Gartner 2009 IT Spend

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Mitel & TalkTalk Business

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Mitel Cloud Go-to-Market Strategy

• IaaS • PaaS

• Service• Providers

• System• Integrators

• MSPs• VARs

• Cloud Ecosystem

Single sourcing – voice and other business applications

Subscription pricing (OpEx vs. CapEx)

Simplified management

Lower cost of ownership

Faster time to value

• End-customer• Value

• Mitel

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Mitel and TalkTalk Business

• Mitel and TalkTalk Business relationship goes back over 10 years• Significant experience in working together to

sell & support Mitel CPE solutions over this period

• TalkTalk Business have played a key role in Mitel UK market share growth

• TalkTalk Business are fully accredited on Mitel hosted and CPE solutions, offering a range of complementary services• Business grade network• SLA and Support• Complementary Applications

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Getting Your Customers Started3 Key Questions for them when considering Hosted


Communications empowers your business and your people. Do you want to risk compromising this when moving to hosted unified communications?

Previous hosted voice offerings were limited in capabilities and quality. Mitel Hosted is fully featured unified communications, delivering exactly the same as Mitel’s on- premise solution


Hosted unified communications is only as good as the network it is delivered on.Are you confident in your service provider?

TalkTalk Business provide business grade network connectivity TalkTalk Business offer quality SLA and support


Is your Hosted choice a secure long term solution for your business communications?

Mitel Hosted unified communications leverages our core MCD software stream. It is core to our business and core to our R&D roadmapMitel Freedom provides long term flexibility of deployment and migration opportunities


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THANK YOUGraham Bevington, Managing Director, [email protected] WWW.MITEL.COM FOR MORE INFO

• The information conveyed in this presentation, including oral comments and written materials, is confidential and proprietary to Mitel® and is intended solely for Mitel employees and members of Mitel’s reseller channel. If you are not a Mitel employee or a Mitel authorized PARTNER, you are not the intended recipient of this information and are not invited to the conference, and cannot participate in or listen to and/or view the presentation. Please delete or return any related material. Mitel will enforce its rights to protect its confidential and proprietary information, and failure to comply with the foregoing may result in legal action against you or your company.

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