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The Age of ExplorationChapter 13

Exploration and Expansion

Motives and MeansFirst Portugal and SpainThen Dutch Republic, England and


For 1000’s of years, they had remained in one area of the world.

Europeans had always been fascinated with ASIA.

Exploration and Expansion

It started with Marco Polo’s expedition to China and the book he wrote (The Travels)

He studied Genghis and Kublai Khan.

Of course, he book was read by many Europeans

Exploration and Expansion

One of those readers was Christopher Columbus.

The Ottoman Empire had made it difficult to travel east. So, the idea of gaining access to Asia by sea.

Exploration and Expansion

Motives for ExpansionFirst

◦Economic motives Spice trade was very important because these spices were used to flavor and preserve food

High hopes of finding precious metals

Exploration and ExpansionSecond

◦Religious motives Introduction of Catholicism to these native people. Example of this was Hernan Cortes

“God, Glory, and Gold” was the motto

Exploration and Expansion

With European monarchs increasing their wealth and stability, they could now focus outside their borders.

Europeans had also increased their technology that enabled them to start this “New Global Age”

Exploration and Expansion

Portugal started the exploration.

Searching for a shorter route to India and China, Prince Henry sent a fleet along the African coast.

1st- Bartholomeu Diaz- Cape of Good Hope

Exploration and Expansion

Exploration and Expansion

2nd – Vasco De Gama

Rounded the Cape of Good Hope and sailed onto India.

Carried spices back to Portugal and gained a huge profit by selling his spices.

Exploration and Expansion

Exploration and Expansion

Portuguese fleets returned and defeated Muslim shipping to take over the spice trade.

Portugal wanted more and would expand their trade to China

Exploration and Expansion

Portugal soon explored the Spice Islands, which is off the coast of Vietnam.

Portugal signed a treaty with the ruler of the Spice Island to export spices.

Portugal’s weakness was that it did not have the power nor the desire to colonize the islands

Voyage to the Americas

While Portugal was sailing eastward, the Spaniards were wanting to sail westward.

Christopher Columbus, Italian, convinced Queen Isabella that he could sail west and hit Asia.

In October of 1492, he reached America NOT Asia.

Voyage to the Americas

Voyage to the Americas

Columbus made three more voyages and explored most of the Caribbean islands in which he name the “Indies”

The race was on now

Spain and Portugal feared dominance

Voyage to Americas

Fearing dominance, both Spain and Portugal agreed on an imaginary line through the Atlantic Ocean.

Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)Portugal – East trade routesSpain- West trade routes

Line of Demarcation

Voyage to the Americas

The exploration age had taken off when it was realized the Columbus had discovered a new land.

John Cabot explored the New England coastline for England

Amerigo Vespucci made several voyages and documented what he saw.

Spanish Empire

Spain had gone to Middle America, which was lead by Hernan Cortez.

Francisco Pizarro, from Spain, had lead an expedition into South America

Both conquered the native Americans

Economic Impact and CompetitionSpain and Portugal were now

expanding their territories and colonizing.

Establishing what was theirs and laying claim to new land meant competition and huge economic status

Economic Impact and CompetitionSpain- Middle and South AmericaColumbian Exchange was the

exchange of plants and animals between the New World and Old World.

Portugal- EastwardEstablishing Asia as a major

trading ground and challenging the Italian states for supremacy.

Economic Impact and CompetitionBy the end of the 1500’s

The Dutch established the West Indies Company to compete with Spain and Portugal.

West Indies Company was located in present day New York state.

Economic Impact and CompetitionBy the 1600’s and 1700’s

England had established Virginia and Massachusetts Bay Colony

France had established Canada and Louisiana

Trade, Colonies, & Mercantilism

Colony is a settlement of people who are linked to the parent country through trade and direct government control

Mercantilism is a principle that was prominent throughout the 1700’s

It meant that a Balance of Trade or same number of imports and exports


Since the beginning of exploration, there is a competition for land and dominance.

This will set the tone for future expansion, war, and ruin.


Slavery had been a part of history since civilization.

Africa had been a primary source for slavery. Its main source was Southwest Africa.

Most were used as domestic servants BUT that will soon change.


With the discovery of new land, Spain was first to bring shipments of slaves from Africa.

There was a three way trade.Spain traded guns and clothes to

Africa for slavesSlaves were taken back to America

for sugar, tobacco, and raw cotton


Which was sold to Europeans for money and supplies.

This process was called the Middle Passage

The Middle Passage

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