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Page 1: The Alcon Surgical Digital Toolkit User Guide...3: t. Introduction Welcome to the Alcon Surgical Digital Toolkit User Guide Learn how to engage new and existing patients at your practice


The Alcon Surgical Digital Toolkit User Guide

Discover how to educate your patients at your practice with the Alcon Surgical Digital Toolkit resources.

Page 2: The Alcon Surgical Digital Toolkit User Guide...3: t. Introduction Welcome to the Alcon Surgical Digital Toolkit User Guide Learn how to engage new and existing patients at your practice

Introduction 3

Target 4

How to register 5

Resources 6

How to download 7

FAQs 9

Table of contents


Page 3: The Alcon Surgical Digital Toolkit User Guide...3: t. Introduction Welcome to the Alcon Surgical Digital Toolkit User Guide Learn how to engage new and existing patients at your practice



Fresh is best! Check back regularly to download new digital content.


Welcome to the Alcon Surgical Digital Toolkit User GuideLearn how to engage new and existing patients at your practice using fresh assets on your website and social media channels. By partnering with Alcon to optimize your online content, we’re helping to ensure better patient education.

The Alcon Surgical Digital Toolkit provides you with innovative content, including videos, badges, ready-to-post social media messages, and educational tools to share with your patients, as well as product images and logos. It’s designed to help you expand the online presence of your practice and improve patient communication.

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Get to know your cataract audience onlineThe first step to create meaningful online communications for cataract patients is to get to know your target audience and discover what kind of information they’re looking for.

Who is your online audience?

Cataract patients are on the go and like to stay connected with the people and businesses in their lives, both in

person and online. In fact:

62% of online adults ages 65+ are on Facebook1

82% of boomers/seniors visit YouTube2

How does this target audience use information online?

86% of patients conduct a health related search before scheduling a doctor’s appointment3

3 out of 4 boomers/seniors take action after watching an online video2

How can the Alcon Surgical Digital Toolkit help you reach cataract patients online?

Our videos, banners, social media content, and additional educational materials have all been created to meet

this demographic’s specific interests and educational needs.

PRO TIP:Work smarter, not harder. Think about questions that your cataract patients often ask

you at your practice to help tailor your online content to them.

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How to register

Educate your patients online: start by registering!

Register for the Alcon Surgical Digital Toolkit in three easy steps:

Visit our registration pagewww.AlconSurgicalDigitalToolkit.com

Provide some detailsWe’ll need to know a little bit about you to complete your registration including:

• First name

• Last name

• Email

• Access code (provided by your Alcon rep)

• Practice name

• Practice address

• Alcon account number (a 7-digit code that is specific to your business and is used when ordering supplies/materials directly from Alcon)

Create a password and hit go!You’ll need to create a safe password that contains one upper case letter and one number.

And that’s it! It’s that easy to create an account to access the latest digital assets from

Alcon Surgical.

PRO TIP: Stress less! Don’t worry if you don’t have your Alcon account number on hand.

You’ll still be able to sign up and can provide it later on.




Page 6: The Alcon Surgical Digital Toolkit User Guide...3: t. Introduction Welcome to the Alcon Surgical Digital Toolkit User Guide Learn how to engage new and existing patients at your practice



Alcon digital resources: content your patients will loveOnce you’ve logged into your Alcon Surgical Digital Toolkit page you’ll find a range of assets to keep your online communications fresh. Plus, by frequently posting relevant content, you can help support your patients outside your practice and provide them with the educational tools they need.

The Alcon Surgical Digital Toolkit can give you access to:

Social media postsDiscover all new social media content to start eye health conversations online and help your patients discover more about cataracts and their treatment options.

Educational videos Download educational videos to share on social media or embed on your website. Looking for more shareable videos? Visit the MyCataracts Facebook page at www.facebook.com/mycataracts to access testimonials that you can share with your patients online.

Embeddable banners Help your patients locate resources by embedding these badges on your site to link them to educational tools, such as our educational website, MyCataracts.com, and to our YouTube channel.

Educational resourcesAccess additional patient resources and helpful links to in-office patient education materials.

Product images and logosDownload product images and logos to feature on your practice’s website or to use in digital communications.

PRO TIP:Get creative! When planning your social media schedule, remember that visual

content is king. Try combining written updates with colorful digital assets to improve engagement.

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How to download

Preparing to share digital contentDownloading and sharing assets from the Alcon Surgical Digital Toolkit is easy! Simply select the Alcon Surgical content you’d like to share with your patients then click “share,” “download,” or “embed” to get started.

How do I share social media content?Hover over the post you want to share and click the sharing icon for Facebook at the bottom of the post. A new window will open prompting you to log into your Facebook account before posting.

How do I download or embed a video?To download a video, click the “play” icon of the video you wish to download, then select the “download” icon in the lower right corner of the video player.

To embed a video, click on the “embed” link and a pop-up will appear with the HTML code. Copy and paste the code into your web page HTML.

The code automatically pulls the selected video from the Alcon server, so that once you clear the cache in your browser and reload your web page, you’ll be able to see the video on your website.

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How to download (cont’d)

How do I embed a banner?To embed a banner, click on the “embed” link and a pop-up will appear with the HTML code. Copy and paste the code into your web page HTML.

The embed code will automatically pull the banner link from the Alcon server, so that once you clear the cache in your browser and reload the web page, you’ll see the banner on your website.

How do I download educational materials and product images and logos?Select the materials you want to download by clicking the box next to each image and then clicking the “download” button at the bottom of the page.

Page 9: The Alcon Surgical Digital Toolkit User Guide...3: t. Introduction Welcome to the Alcon Surgical Digital Toolkit User Guide Learn how to engage new and existing patients at your practice



What is the URL to access the Alcon Surgical Digital Toolkit site?


What content is included in the Alcon Surgical Digital Toolkit?

The Alcon Surgical Digital Toolkit includes social media posts, videos, banners, and additional educational resources.

How often will the content be updated?

Digital assets will be updated as new content becomes available. Make sure you check back often or ask your Alcon rep about new digital assets.

What if I don’t have an Alcon account number? How do I sign up?

You can leave this field blank if you don’t have an account number. This information is preferred but not required to sign up.

How do I get an access code?

Talk to your local Alcon rep to find out your access code. Remember, it’s updated annually so you may need to check what your current code is.

Can an account with multiple offices use the same login?

Yes, multiple offices can share the same login if they want to make a generic account for the practice.

Can someone else, like an external marketing manager, sign up on my behalf?

Yes, although we recommend you sign up for an account too, so you can discover the benefits of the Alcon Surgical Digital Toolkit for yourself!

How do I reset my password?

Click on the “Forgot your password?” link on the main landing page for an email to be sent to you with a link to reset your password.

Where can I find additional educational print pieces for my office?

Visit www.myalcon.com/cataractresources to order educational resources to help patients better understand cataracts, their surgery options, and what to expect after surgery.










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References1. Greenwood S, Perrin A, Duggan M. Social Media Update 2016. Pew Research Center: Internet & Technology website. http://www.pewinternet.org/2016/11/11/social-media-update-2016/. Published November 11, 2016. Accessed May 21, 2018. 2. Think With Google website. Reaching today’s boomers & seniors online. https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/consumer-insights/reaching-todays-boomers-and-seniors-online/. Published May 2013. Accessed May 21, 2018. 3. Balderaz B. Who is Dr. Google & why every patient is a digital patient. Fathom® website. http://www.fathomdelivers.com/blog/healthcare/dr-google-digital-patient-journey-info-graphic. Published June 12, 2014. Accessed May 21, 2018.

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