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Page 1: The American Civil War

Rob Santarcangelo

Page 2: The American Civil War

The American Civil War occurred from 1860-1865 and was fought between the North and the South.

At one time or another, the Northern armies numbered 2,100,000 soldiers. The Southern armies were considerably smaller. The total dead on both sides was about 500,000.

The chance of surviving a wound in Civil War days was 7 to 1; in the Korean War, 50 to 1.

Page 3: The American Civil War

You are to create a map that details AT LEAST 15 Civil War battles. Gettysburg, Vicksburg, Chancellorville,

Sherman’s March to the Sea, and Richmond must be included

You must include the year the battle took place, the North and South General’s, amount of causalities, who won, and the implications of the battle on the war.

You are to create a poster mapping out the battles

Page 4: The American Civil War

You are to utilize the websites on the following slide to gather the information necessary in order to complete your task.

Although you are not limited to the given websites, it is advised that you utilize these websites, given the time frame in which you are required to complete the task in.

Page 5: The American Civil War

http://www.sonofthesouth.net/leefoundation/civil-war-battles.htm http://www.19thalabama.org/cwfacts.html http://www.netins.net/showcase/creative/lincoln.html http://lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/aap/aaphome.html http://encarta.com/find/Concise.asp?z=1&pg=2&ti=03E1A000&o

=1 http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/cwphtml/tl1861.html http://www2.cr.nps.gov/abpp/battles/bystate.htm http://www.gettysbg.com/battle.html http://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/rul/rr_gateway/research_guides/

history/civwar.shtml http://saints.css.edu/mkelsey/civwar.html

Page 6: The American Civil War

You may use the following maps as guides:

Page 7: The American Civil War
Page 8: The American Civil War
Page 9: The American Civil War

Score Battles Information on Battles Poster Creativity Score received


5At least 15 battles were included on poster.

Students accurately listed years, generals, causalities, who won, and implications

Student’s utilized an accurate map of the United States and correctly located all of the battles.

Student’s map/poster used a lot of images and was attractive

412-14 battles were included on poster

Students listed years, generals, causalities, who won, and implications with less than 5 errors

Student’s utilized an accurate map of the United States with less than 3 battles located incorrectly.

Student’s used 5 or more images and was attractive.

39-11 battles were included on poster

Students listed years, generals, causalities, who won, and implications with less than 10 errors

Student’s utilized acceptable map of the United States with less than 6 battles located incorrectly

Student’s used 3-5 images and was somewhat attractive

26-8 battles were included on poster

Students listed years, generals, causalities, who won, and implications with less than 15 errors

Student’s used map of United States with less than 9 battles located incorrectly

Students used 1-2 images

15 or Less battles were included on poster

Students listed years, generals, causalities, who won, and implications with more than 15 errors

Student’s used map of United States with less than 12 battles located incorrectly

Students used one images and did not have attractive poster/map

0Student’s included no battles

Student’s did not use any accurate information

Student’s did not accurately locate any battle

Student’s did not use any images /20

Page 10: The American Civil War

The North is Victorious!! Congratulations you have now completed

the Webquest on the American Civil War.

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