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Page 1: THE ANCIENT ISRAELITES (HEBREWS) AND THE ORIGINS OF JUDAISMfa-linstroth.weebly.com/uploads/8/5/5/7/85570724/... · and the Origins of Judaism Abraham Moses Kings David and Solomon




Page 2: THE ANCIENT ISRAELITES (HEBREWS) AND THE ORIGINS OF JUDAISMfa-linstroth.weebly.com/uploads/8/5/5/7/85570724/... · and the Origins of Judaism Abraham Moses Kings David and Solomon

The Story of Abraham: Father of the Hebrews Abraham’s Sacrifice

•  Abraham had proved his faith and obedience, and God renewed the promise to him. – God said, “I

will make your descendants as many as the stars of heaven.”

Page 3: THE ANCIENT ISRAELITES (HEBREWS) AND THE ORIGINS OF JUDAISMfa-linstroth.weebly.com/uploads/8/5/5/7/85570724/... · and the Origins of Judaism Abraham Moses Kings David and Solomon

The Story of Abraham: Father of the Hebrews Abraham’s Sacrifice

•  According to the Torah, God kept the promise. – The Hebrews flourished.

•  The nation was made up of 12 tribes who were descended from Abraham’s grandson, Jacob, whom God named Israel.

Page 4: THE ANCIENT ISRAELITES (HEBREWS) AND THE ORIGINS OF JUDAISMfa-linstroth.weebly.com/uploads/8/5/5/7/85570724/... · and the Origins of Judaism Abraham Moses Kings David and Solomon

The Story of Moses: Leader and Prophet •  The greatest leader of

the Hebrews was the prophet Moses. –  prophet: a person who

speaks or interprets for God to other people

•  The Torah tells the story of how Moses led the Hebrews out of slavery in Egypt and game them God’s laws to live by.

Page 5: THE ANCIENT ISRAELITES (HEBREWS) AND THE ORIGINS OF JUDAISMfa-linstroth.weebly.com/uploads/8/5/5/7/85570724/... · and the Origins of Judaism Abraham Moses Kings David and Solomon

The Story of Moses •  After 100 years of living in Canaan, there was

a drought. This led the Israelites to Egypt. •  The pharaoh enslaved Israelites and ordered

all baby boys killed. •  In order to save him, Moses’ mother sent him

in a basket down river. The pharaohs daughter found him and raised him as Egyptian royalty.

•  One day, Moses found a burning bush and heard Gods voice instructing him lead the Israelites out of Egypt to freedom.

•  God sent 10 plagues to trouble Egypt. This convinced the pharaoh to let the Israelites go.

•  On the way back to Canaan, Moses went to the top of Mount Sinai and received the Torah. In the Torah were the 10 commandments.

Page 6: THE ANCIENT ISRAELITES (HEBREWS) AND THE ORIGINS OF JUDAISMfa-linstroth.weebly.com/uploads/8/5/5/7/85570724/... · and the Origins of Judaism Abraham Moses Kings David and Solomon

The Story of Moses: Leader and Prophet The Exodus from Egypt

•  By the time of Moses, around 1250 B.C.E., a large group of Abraham’s descendants were living in Egypt.

•  There, the Torah says, the Hebrews “increased in number and

became very powerful.” •  Fearful of their

growing strength, •  The pharaoh turned

them into slaves.

Page 7: THE ANCIENT ISRAELITES (HEBREWS) AND THE ORIGINS OF JUDAISMfa-linstroth.weebly.com/uploads/8/5/5/7/85570724/... · and the Origins of Judaism Abraham Moses Kings David and Solomon

The Story of Moses: Leader and Prophet The Exodus from Egypt

•  But God heard the cries of the enslaved Hebrews.

•  According to the Torah, God told Moses, “I will send you to the pharaoh, and you shall free my people.”

•  Moses went before the pharaoh and told him to let the Hebrews go free.

Page 8: THE ANCIENT ISRAELITES (HEBREWS) AND THE ORIGINS OF JUDAISMfa-linstroth.weebly.com/uploads/8/5/5/7/85570724/... · and the Origins of Judaism Abraham Moses Kings David and Solomon

The Story of Moses: Leader and Prophet The Exodus from Egypt

•  When the pharaoh refused, God punished Egypt with 10 terrible plagues. –  plague: a terrible disaster affecting many people and thought to be

sent by God as a punishment

The Ten Plagues: 1.  Turning the Nile River water into

blood 2.  Frogs 3.  Lice 4.  Flies 5.  Disease effecting livestock 6.  Boils 7.  Hail 8.  Locusts 9.  Darkness 10.  Death of the first-born male

Page 9: THE ANCIENT ISRAELITES (HEBREWS) AND THE ORIGINS OF JUDAISMfa-linstroth.weebly.com/uploads/8/5/5/7/85570724/... · and the Origins of Judaism Abraham Moses Kings David and Solomon

The Story of Moses: Leader and Prophet The Exodus from Egypt

•  Weeping over his own dead son, the pharaoh gave in. Moses began to lead the Hebrews out of Egypt.

•  But the pharaoh soon changed his mind.

•  The Egyptian army chased after the Hebrews and nearly caught up with them at the edge of the

Red Sea.

Page 10: THE ANCIENT ISRAELITES (HEBREWS) AND THE ORIGINS OF JUDAISMfa-linstroth.weebly.com/uploads/8/5/5/7/85570724/... · and the Origins of Judaism Abraham Moses Kings David and Solomon

The Story of Moses: Leader and Prophet The Exodus from Egypt

•  Moses calmly raised his staff (walking stick), and the waters of the sea parted.

•  The Hebrews crossed safely to the other side.

•  When the Egyptians tried to follow, the waters flooded over the army, drowning the soldiers, allowing the Hebrews to escape.

Page 11: THE ANCIENT ISRAELITES (HEBREWS) AND THE ORIGINS OF JUDAISMfa-linstroth.weebly.com/uploads/8/5/5/7/85570724/... · and the Origins of Judaism Abraham Moses Kings David and Solomon

The Story of Moses: Leader and Prophet The Exodus from Egypt

•  The Torah calls the flight from Egypt the Exodus. –  Exodus: the

departure of the Hebrews from Egypt

•  It became the central event in the history of the Hebrew people.

Page 12: THE ANCIENT ISRAELITES (HEBREWS) AND THE ORIGINS OF JUDAISMfa-linstroth.weebly.com/uploads/8/5/5/7/85570724/... · and the Origins of Judaism Abraham Moses Kings David and Solomon

The Story of Moses: Leader and Prophet The Ten Commandments

•  After leaving Egypt, the Torah says, the Hebrews wandered

through a wilderness for 40 years.

– During this time, God gave Moses the laws that became the foundation of Judaism.

– These laws are called the Ten Commandments.

Page 13: THE ANCIENT ISRAELITES (HEBREWS) AND THE ORIGINS OF JUDAISMfa-linstroth.weebly.com/uploads/8/5/5/7/85570724/... · and the Origins of Judaism Abraham Moses Kings David and Solomon

The Story of Moses: Leader and Prophet The Ten Commandments

•  Moses received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, the “Mountain of God.” –  Moses had gone up the mountain alone to pray. – When he returned, he was carrying

two tablets of stone.

– Engraved on the tablets were the Ten Commandments.

Page 14: THE ANCIENT ISRAELITES (HEBREWS) AND THE ORIGINS OF JUDAISMfa-linstroth.weebly.com/uploads/8/5/5/7/85570724/... · and the Origins of Judaism Abraham Moses Kings David and Solomon

Mount Sinai

Page 15: THE ANCIENT ISRAELITES (HEBREWS) AND THE ORIGINS OF JUDAISMfa-linstroth.weebly.com/uploads/8/5/5/7/85570724/... · and the Origins of Judaism Abraham Moses Kings David and Solomon

St. Catherine’s Monastery at Mount Sinai

Page 16: THE ANCIENT ISRAELITES (HEBREWS) AND THE ORIGINS OF JUDAISMfa-linstroth.weebly.com/uploads/8/5/5/7/85570724/... · and the Origins of Judaism Abraham Moses Kings David and Solomon

The Story of Moses: Leader and Prophet The Ten Commandments

1.  I am the Lord your G-d who has taken you out of the land of Egypt.

2.  You shall have no other gods but me. 3.  You shall not take the name of the Lord your G-d in vain. 4.  You shall remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy. 5.  Honor your mother and father. 6.  You shall not murder. 7.  You shall not commit adultery. 8.  You shall not steal. 9.  You shall not bear false witness. 10. You shall not covet anything that belongs to your


Page 17: THE ANCIENT ISRAELITES (HEBREWS) AND THE ORIGINS OF JUDAISMfa-linstroth.weebly.com/uploads/8/5/5/7/85570724/... · and the Origins of Judaism Abraham Moses Kings David and Solomon

Moses and the 10 Commandmets

A new “covenant” with Yahweh

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The Story of Moses: Leader and Prophet The Ten Commandments

•  The Ten Commandments were Judaism’s first laws. –  They gave new meaning

to the Hebrews’ covenant with God.

–  According to the Torah, as long as the Hebrews followed these laws, God promised to protect them.

Page 19: THE ANCIENT ISRAELITES (HEBREWS) AND THE ORIGINS OF JUDAISMfa-linstroth.weebly.com/uploads/8/5/5/7/85570724/... · and the Origins of Judaism Abraham Moses Kings David and Solomon

The Story of David & Solomon: Kings of Israel David Founds the Kingdom of Israel

•  In David’s time, about 1000 B.C.E., the Hebrews were at war with a rival tribe, the Philistines. –  According to the Torah,

the Philistines promised to be the Hebrews’ slaves if someone could beat their fiercest warrior, the giant Goliath.


Page 20: THE ANCIENT ISRAELITES (HEBREWS) AND THE ORIGINS OF JUDAISMfa-linstroth.weebly.com/uploads/8/5/5/7/85570724/... · and the Origins of Judaism Abraham Moses Kings David and Solomon

The Story of David & Solomon: Kings of Israel David Founds the Kingdom of Israel

David was not yet a grown man, but he was outraged at Goliath’s mockery (making fun of) the Hebrew God.

Bravely, he stepped forward. His only weapon was a slingshot. With one mighty throw, he felled Goliath with a stone. Then he cut off the giant’s head.

Page 21: THE ANCIENT ISRAELITES (HEBREWS) AND THE ORIGINS OF JUDAISMfa-linstroth.weebly.com/uploads/8/5/5/7/85570724/... · and the Origins of Judaism Abraham Moses Kings David and Solomon

King David’s Empire

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The Story of David & Solomon: Kings of Israel David Founds the Kingdom of Israel

•  David’s courage and faith were rewarded later, when God made him king.

•  According to the Torah, God said, “The Hebrew kingdom will remain with him and with his children and children’s children forever.”

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The Story of David & Solomon: Kings of Israel David Founds the Kingdom of Israel

•  As king, David completed the defeat of the Philistines as well as other enemies.

•  He united the two parts of the Hebrews’ land, Israel and Judah, into a single kingdom known as Israel.

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The Story of David & Solomon: Kings of Israel David Founds the Kingdom of Israel

•  He created strong government. •  He gave the new kingdom its own

army, courts, and government officials. David, himself, served as the nation’s chief


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The Story of David & Solomon: Kings of Israel David Founds the Kingdom of Israel

•  David chose the city of Jerusalem for his capital. – Under David,

Jerusalem became the center of Israel’s political and religious life.

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The Story of David & Solomon: David Founds the Kingdom of Israel

•  David brought the Hebrews’ most sacred

object, the Ark of the Covenant, to Jerusalem.

–  The Ark of the Covenant: the chest containing the Ten

Commandments, written on stone tablets, that the Hebrews carried with them during their wanderings after the Exodus

•  The Ark was a wood and gold chest. •  As the home of the Ark, Jerusalem became a holy city.

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The Story of David & Solomon: Kings of Israel Solomon Builds the Great Temple of Jerusalem

•  After David’s death, his son, Solomon, became king.

•  Solomon decided to build a temple in Jerusalem to house the Ark of the Covenant. –  Solomon wanted the temple to

be magnificent. •  According to the Torah, he told

God, “Thus all the peoples of the earth will know your name.”

Page 29: THE ANCIENT ISRAELITES (HEBREWS) AND THE ORIGINS OF JUDAISMfa-linstroth.weebly.com/uploads/8/5/5/7/85570724/... · and the Origins of Judaism Abraham Moses Kings David and Solomon

The Story of David & Solomon: Kings of Israel Solomon Builds the Great Temple of Jerusalem

•  Building the temple was a huge undertaking and it cost the Hebrews greatly. –  Solomon forced his

people to work on the construction of the temple.

–  More than 3,000 officials were needed to oversee the project.

Page 30: THE ANCIENT ISRAELITES (HEBREWS) AND THE ORIGINS OF JUDAISMfa-linstroth.weebly.com/uploads/8/5/5/7/85570724/... · and the Origins of Judaism Abraham Moses Kings David and Solomon

The Story of David & Solomon: Kings of Israel Solomon Builds the Great Temple of Jerusalem •  Solomon taxed his people heavily to buy

gold, cedar wood, copper, and other materials. gold

copper cedar trees

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The Story of David & Solomon: Kings of Israel Solomon Builds the Great Temple of Jerusalem •  Solomon’s methods

angered many Hebrews. •  Near his death, their

resentment exploded. –  In 931 B.C.E., the northern

tribes broke away and became a separate kingdom of Israel.

–  David and Solomon’s descendants ruled the southern kingdom of Judah.

Page 32: THE ANCIENT ISRAELITES (HEBREWS) AND THE ORIGINS OF JUDAISMfa-linstroth.weebly.com/uploads/8/5/5/7/85570724/... · and the Origins of Judaism Abraham Moses Kings David and Solomon

King Solomon’s Temple Floor Plan

The First Temple

Page 33: THE ANCIENT ISRAELITES (HEBREWS) AND THE ORIGINS OF JUDAISMfa-linstroth.weebly.com/uploads/8/5/5/7/85570724/... · and the Origins of Judaism Abraham Moses Kings David and Solomon

Inside the Temple Tabernacle

The Arc of the


Page 34: THE ANCIENT ISRAELITES (HEBREWS) AND THE ORIGINS OF JUDAISMfa-linstroth.weebly.com/uploads/8/5/5/7/85570724/... · and the Origins of Judaism Abraham Moses Kings David and Solomon

Recreation of Ancient Jerusalem

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The Temple Mount, Jerusalem Today

Solomon’s Temple Wall: The “Wailing” Wall

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Reviewing the Ancient Hebrews and the Origins of Judaism Abraham Moses Kings David

and Solomon •  “father of the

Hebrews” •  introduced the belief

in a single God to the Hebrews

•  led the Hebrews from Mesopotamia to Canaan

- As a result, Jews consider themselves to be the “chosen people.”

•  greatest leader of the Hebrews

•  led his people out of slavery in Egypt to Canaan (“the promised land”)

•  gave Judaism the Ten Commandments

- foundation of Judaism

•  united the kingdoms of Judah and Israel

•  King David established Jerusalem

•  King Solomon built the first great temple

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The Jewish people view history as having a purpose. They believe that everything that happens, does so because it is part of their God’s ultimate plan.

Bris ceremony within Judaism that welcomes infant (8 days old) Jewish boys into a covenant between God and the Children of Israel through ritual circumcision performed by a mohel ("circumcisor") in the presence of family and friends.

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According to Jewish law, when Jewish children reach the age of maturity (12 years for girls, 13 years for boys) they become

responsible for their actions. At this point a boy is said to

become Bar Mitzvah one to whom the commandments apply.

A girl is said to become Bat Mitzvah

Before this age, all the child's responsibility to follow Jewish law and tradition lies with the


Page 39: THE ANCIENT ISRAELITES (HEBREWS) AND THE ORIGINS OF JUDAISMfa-linstroth.weebly.com/uploads/8/5/5/7/85570724/... · and the Origins of Judaism Abraham Moses Kings David and Solomon

Shiv'ah is the name for Judaism's week-long period of grief and mourning for the seven first-degree relatives: father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, or spouse; grandparents and grandchildren are not included

Rabbi A Rabbi is a teacher of the Torah.

Phylactery Boxes that contain certain verses from the Torah.

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Shabbat is the weekly day of rest in Judaism. It is observed, from before sundown on Friday until after nightfall on Saturday. During this time no work is supposed to be done.

Yom Kippur A Jewish Day of Atonement (Asking for forgiveness). It is 25 hours of prayer and fasting. Although the fast is required of all healthy adults, fasting is specifically forbidden for anyone who might be harmed by it.

Page 41: THE ANCIENT ISRAELITES (HEBREWS) AND THE ORIGINS OF JUDAISMfa-linstroth.weebly.com/uploads/8/5/5/7/85570724/... · and the Origins of Judaism Abraham Moses Kings David and Solomon

Passover commemorates the Exodus and freedom of the Israelites from ancient Egypt. As described in the Book of Exodus, Passover marks the "birth" of the Children of Israel who become the Jewish nation, as the Jews' ancestors were freed from being slaves of Pharaoh and allowed to become followers of God instead.

Hanukah Jewish Holiday often called the Festival of lights. It celebrates the rededication of the Temple of Jerusalem. The Jews had only enough lamp oil to burn for one day, but it lasted 8 days, which was enough time to make and bless more lamp oil.

Menorah and Dreidel

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The Western (Wailing) Wall in Jerusalem The most important of all Jewish monuments It is the remnants of the Temple of Solomon after its destruction by the Romans in 70 A.D.

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The Divided Kingdom After Solomon’s death the kingdom of Israel split into two parts Division: The Kingdom of Israel was the ten northern tribes with the capital city of Samaria. The Kingdom of Judah was the two tribes in the South with the capital of Jerusalem. The Assyrians destroyed the kingdom of Israel and scattered the people in 722 B.C., these are known as the lost tribes of Israel. The Kingdom of Judah remained until it was destroyed by the Chaldeans (Neo Babylonians) and King Nebuchadnezzar in 586 B.C. beginning the Babylonian captivity which would last until the defeat of the Chaldeans by the Persian Empire and Cyrus the Great.

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•  schools.yrdsb.ca/markville.ss/history/16th/AncientIsrael.ppt •  www.lcboe.net/userfiles/141/Classes/6754/ancient%20israel%20hgwh.ppt?id...

•  www.palmdalesd.org/cms/lib/CA01000370/Centricity/.../ANCIENT_ISRAELl.ppt •  www.pptpalooza.net/PPTs/GlobalStudies/AncientMiddleEast-4.pp

•  www.umsl.edu/.../Geography%20PowerPoint%20Slides/.../hebrews%20&%20judaism...

•  staff.harrisonburg.k12.va.us/~cwalton/H%20Notes%20C%202%20S%203.ppt

•  www.cfalls.org/userfiles/1166/.../Lesson%201-%20The%20Early%20Hebrews.pptx

•  https://mrcoxs.wikispaces.com/file/view/Ancient+Hebrews.ppt

•  www.powershow.com/view/.../The_Ancient_Israelites_powerpoint_ppt_presentation

•  www2.ivcc.edu/radek/Gender_2000/Ancient%20Israel%20Students%20Version.ppt

•  www.somersetacademy.com/.../Chapter%203-Ancient%20Israelites%20Powerpoint.pp..

•  www.slideboom.com/presentations/90808/Ancient-Israel-Powerpoint

•  https://d2ct263enury6r.cloudfront.net/VAfUaNTEayQEFIh0L9VzaI5jWJkIKdWjSjA... •  nsms6thgradesocialstudies.weebly.com/uploads/3/7/2/.../the_kingdom_of_israel.ppsx

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