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Page 1: hist341f13.umwblogs.orghist341f13.umwblogs.org/files/2011/08/Anglo-Saxon-Chronicle2.pdf · The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 786—792 (785) In this year Abbot Botwine of Ripon died. 35 787
Page 2: hist341f13.umwblogs.orghist341f13.umwblogs.org/files/2011/08/Anglo-Saxon-Chronicle2.pdf · The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 786—792 (785) In this year Abbot Botwine of Ripon died. 35 787
Page 3: hist341f13.umwblogs.orghist341f13.umwblogs.org/files/2011/08/Anglo-Saxon-Chronicle2.pdf · The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 786—792 (785) In this year Abbot Botwine of Ripon died. 35 787

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