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The Heart of the Rose

a fresh rose and a silent place!

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Stare at the centre of the rose – its heart!

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You will meet thorns along the way. If you have faith and believe in your dreams, you will eventually move beyond the thorns in to the glory of the flower.

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Keep staring.Notice its color, texture, and design.

Savor its fragrance and think only about the wonderful object in front of

you.At first other thoughts will start

entering your mind distracting your attention from the heart of the rose:

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- To start with, you will find it difficult to spend even 5 minutes in this exercise- You needn’t worry, improvement will come quickly.- Simply return your attention to the object of your focus.- Your mind will grow strong and disciplined.

Repeat this ritual daily to make it effective.

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Chaotic life!Most of us live at such a frenetic pace that true stillness and silence is something foreign and uncomfortable.People say, they don’t have time to enjoy the laughter of children or to walk bare foot in the rain – they are too busy to do such things.One must not allow the clock and the calendar to bind him to the fact that each moment of life is a miracle – and a mystery!Persist and spend longer periods savoring the heart of the rose.

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The mind will then focus on what you command it to focus on and

you will start getting control of the fortress of your mind.

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* You will feel far calmer.* You will have taken a significant step towards

erasing the ‘worry’ habit that plagues most of the time.

* You will observe a sense of optimism and joyfulness entering your life along with an ability to appreciate the many gifts that surround you.* The Heart of the Rose is your silent retreat amidst the din and bustle of the life. It is your island of peace.* The key is to open your mind to your potential

for living a life rich with possibilities.

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Opposition Thinking

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Opposition Thinking

• Another technique to rid the mind of worry and life-draining influences.

• Nature upholds that the mind can hold only one thought at any moment.

• When an undesirable thought occupies the focal point of mind, immediately try replacing it with an uplifting one.

• As if the mind is a giant slide projector with every thought in the mind being a slide. When a negative slide comes up on the screen, take swift action to replace it with a positive one.

• Thoughts are vital living things – little bundles of energy.

• Quality of thoughts determines the quality of life.

• Weak minds lead to weak action; while a strong and disciplined mind, which any one can cultivate through daily practice, can achieve miracles.

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Opposition Thinking

• If you want to live life to the fullest, care for your thoughts.

• A worrisome thought is like an embryo: it starts off small but grows and grows to take on a life of its own soon.

• The principle of nature upholds that everything is created twice – first in the mind and then in reality.

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Discover the tools that can improve the lives of people, people who feel

unfulfilled, uninspired and unhappy.

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A few adjustments in the daily routine to include the “Heart of the

Rose” technique and constant application of “Opposition

Thinking” will give them lives they want.

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Thoughts!• The enlightened ones have a

wonderful way to ensure that their thoughts are pure and wholesome.

• The techniques were highly effective in manifesting their desires, however simple, in to reality.

• The simple methods will work for everyone.

• It will work for a young man seeking financial abundance, just as it will work for a mother seeking a richer family life or a sales person seeking to close more sales.

Thoughts are messengers that we send to influence our physical world.In order to change and make remarkable improvement in one’s outer world, one must first start from within and change the caliber of one’s thoughts.

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The secret of the lake!

* The mind works through pictures.• Pictures affect your self-image.• Self-image influences the way you

feel, act and achieve.• If your self-image tells you that you

are too young to be successful or too old to change your habits for the better, you will never achieve these goals.

• If your self-image tells you that lives rich with purpose, fulfillment, health and happiness are only for people from backgrounds other than your own, this prophecy will ultimately become your own reality.

The secret technique is – the secret of the lake! “The secret of the lake “is a process of conditioning the mind to envision the dreams becoming reality.

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“Imagination is more important than knowledge.”

- Einstein –

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One must spend some time every day, even if just a few minutes, in the practice of ‘creative envisioning’.When imaginative and inspiring pictures run through the movie screen of mind, wonderful things start to happen in life.One need not find a particular time and place for such positive envisioning influencing the mind and that is the secret.

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magic of visualization

• Increase your efficiency and performance

• Enhance your relationship• Alter your conscientious

thinking and perceptionand

• Even bring in financial rewards and abundance of material gain – if that is important to you.

The magic of visualization can be applied to so many situations. It can be used to:

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You must run your own race!

• The mind has magnetic power to attract all that you desire in your life.

• If there is any deficiency in life, it is because there is a deficiency in thought.

• Even one negative image is poisonous to your mindset.

• Once you condition your mind and start to experience the joy, this (ancient thought!) technique brings, you will realize the infinite potential of your mind and begin to liberate the store house of ability and energy that is currently in a dormant state within you.

• There is nothing noble about being superior to some other person. True nobility lies in being superior to your former self.

If you want to improve your life and live with all that you desire, you must run your own race.

It doesn’t matter what others say about you.

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Can’t we…? • Every moment you spend thinking about someone else’s dreams, you take time away from your own.

• There need not be any shame in doing what is right; decide on what you think is good and then stick to it.

Can’t we overcome the petty habit of measuring our self-worth against the net-worth of others?

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Fatigue • Do most of us feel drowsy at times at work on a regular basis?

• night or asks your advice on a project which is your pet subject –

• No doubt, you would be suddenly charged up and spring to life with every trace of your Yet, if a friend calls on the phone to ask if you would like to go out to the ball game that fatigue gone!

• Does that happen in reality?• So your tiredness is nothing more

than a mental creation, a bad habit, and your mind has cultivated to act as a crutch when you are performing a tedious task.

Fatigue is, for the most part, a creation of mind. It dominates the lives of those who live without direction and dreams.

Consider an idle afternoon at your work place, office or home – when there was not much to do except going through dry and monotonous routine reports as your mind starts wandering and you start feeling sleepy.

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The secret of happiness is simple: find out what you truly love to do and then direct all of your energy

towards doing it. Once you do this, abundance flows into your life and all your desires are filled with ease

and grace.

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Enkindle your inner fire!

• Trust yourself.• Create the kind of life you will be happy to live

with all your life.• “Make the most of yourself by fanning the

tiny, inner sparks of possibility in to the flames of achievement.”

-Foster C. McClellan –

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Thank you!We shall meet next in our

pursuit of lasting happiness and contentment – near

the fabled Light House.

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