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The Articles of Confederation & the Constitution.

The Articles of Confederation & the Constitution.How the Articles of Confederation, and their failure, were essential to the writing of our current Constitution.

The Articles of Confederation were formed out of a need for order, and a fear of tyranny!Articles of Confederation outline a Confederate government with a weak central government.

Major powers reside with States.

Federal government comprised of a Confederate Congress.

Fear of tyranny leads to no designated leader(every state for himself)

Confederate Congress unable to unite or assist the states!Articles formed a firm league of friendship and not a nation.

States not concerned for nation as a whole..

Confederate Congress unable to resolve disputes between states, namely economic issues, which causes contention between states.

Central Government lacks the ability to support itself financially!Only the states had power of taxation.

Confederate Congress had to essentially beg for money.

While states were required to pay central government, local legislature deemed how much, and a lack of consequences led to late or no payment.

While Confederate Congress could coin money, so could the stares, leading to inconsistent currencies.

Who deals with foreign affairs?No person or group designated to deal with foreign entities.

Any representative would only be able to make a deal pending the approval of nine out of the thirteen states.

Issues abroad, like Britain not honoring its treaties, go undealt with.

Domestic conflict brings Articles failure to the brink!Shays Rebellion originates in Massachusetts.

Massachusetts calls for aid from Confederate Congress, but they lack the funds and ability to do anything about it.

A group of local merchants decide to fund a private army to quell the rebellion.

People begin to see the weakness of this new government, and call for a change.

Constitutional Convention of 1787!Originally called to fix the Articles of Confederation.

Convention decided to write a whole new Constitution based on the Articles and the problems they highlighted.

Three branches of government would now form the central government to provide a system of checks and balances.

A new Constitution is written!Three branches of government outlined.

Executive- President, Vice president, able to deal with foreign affairs.

Legislative- Made of the Senate and House of representatives. Writes laws.

Judicial- Decides Constitutionality of, and interprets, laws.

Checks and balances placed in each branch against another.

Ratified in 1788.

Bill of rights is introduced.Many believed the Constitution alone didnt outline basic human rights.

Made as a further restriction to limit federal government from overstepping its bounds.

Of 12 proposed amendments, 10 made the cut and became the Bill of Rights.

Ratified in 1789.,While the Articles of Confederation failed miserably, without them, and the problems they brought to light, our Forefathers would not have been able to form the Constitution, which became, and still is, the foundation of our great country.

Works Cited.Brackemyre, Ted. "America's First Failure at Government: The Articles of Confederation."USHistory Scene. US History Scene, 17 July 2012. Web. 9 Feb. 2015. .

"Constitutional Convention and Ratification, 17871789 - 17841800 - Milestones - Office ofthe Historian."Constitutional Convention and Ratification, 17871789 - 17841800 - Milestones - Office of the Historian. US Department of State: Office of the Historian. Web. 1 Mar. 2015. .

Hughes, Keith. The Articles of Confederation explained: U.S. History Review. Online videoclip. YouTube. YouTube, 1 Jan. 2011. Web. 9 Feb. 2015"The Articles of Confederation."The Articles of Confederation. Web. 1 Mar. 2015. ."The Bill of Rights: A Transcription."National Archives and Records Administration. NationalArchives and Records Administration, 1789. Web. 9 Feb. 2015. ."The Constitution of the United States: A Transcription." National Archives and RecordsAdministration. National Archives and Records Administration, 1787. Web. 9Feb. 2015. .

"The James Madison Papers."- James Madison and the Federal Constitutional Convention of1787 (American Memory from the Library of Congress). Web. 9 Feb. 2015. ."Transcript of Articles of Confederation (1777)."Our Documents -. Www.ourdocuments.gov, 1777. Web. 9 Feb. 2015. .

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