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Page 1: The Autopol® IV Automatic Polarimeter

For research, analysis and control

The Autopol® IVAutomatic Polarimeter

IncludingAutopol Model Selection Guide

T E C H N I C A L B U L L E T I N 9 0 9*Emmes Surveys

The brand of polarimeter usedin more labs than any other.*

NVLAP LAB CODE: 200898-0Accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025:2005

United States Department of CommerceNational Institute of Standards and Technology

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Page 2: The Autopol® IV Automatic Polarimeter

PolarimetryA sensitive nondestructive technique formeasuring the optical activity exhibited byinorganic and organic compounds.A compound is considered to be opticallyactive if linearly polarized light is rotatedwhen passing through it. The amount ofoptical rotation is determined by themolecular structure and concentration ofchiral molecules in the substance. Eachoptically active substance has its ownspecific rotation as defined in Biot’s law:

The polarimetric method is a simpleand accurate means for determinationand investigation of structure in macro,semi-micro and micro analysis ofexpensive and non-duplicable samples.Polarimetry is employed in qualitycontrol, process control and research inthe pharmaceutical, chemical, essentialoil, flavor and food industries. It is so wellestablished that the United StatesPharmacopoeia and the Food & DrugAdministration include polarimetricspecifications for numerous substances.

Research ApplicationsResearch applications for polarimetry arefound in industry, research institutes anduniversities as a means of:

• Isolating and identifying unknownscrystallized from various solvents, orseparated by high performance liquidchromatography.

• Evaluating and characterizing opticallyactive compounds by measuring theirspecific rotation and comparing thisvalue with the theoretical values foundin literature.

• Investigating kinetic reactions bymeasuring optical rotation as afunction of time.

• Monitoring changes in concentration ofan optically active component in areaction mixture, as in enzymatic.


• Distinguishing between optical isomers.

• Analyzing molecular structure byplotting optical rotatory dispersioncurves over a wide range of wavelengths.

In each of these applications, theAUTOPOL offers up to six discretewavelength selections to observe theeffect of wavelength upon an opticallyactive substance.

Quality and Process ControlApplications,both in the laboratory or on-line in thefactory, are found throughout thepharmaceutical, essential oil, flavor, foodand chemical industries. A few examplesare listed below.

Pharmaceutical IndustryDetermines product purity by measuringspecific rotation and optical rotation of:

• Amino acids • Amino sugars• Analgesics • Antibiotics• Cocaine • Codeine• Dextrose • Diuretics• Serums • Steroids• Tranquilizers • Vitamins

Flavor, Fragrance andEssential Oil IndustryUtilizes polarimetry for incoming rawmaterials inspection of:

• Camphors • Citric acid• Glyceric acid • Gums• Lavender oil • Lemon oil• Orange oil • Spearmint oil

Food IndustryEnsures product quality by measuring theconcentration and purity of the followingcompounds in sugar based foods, cerealsand syrups:

• Carbohydrates • Fructose• Glucose • Lactose• Levulose • Maltose• Raffinose • Sucrose• Various starches • Xylose• Natural monosaccharides

Chemical IndustryAnalyzes optical rotation as a means ofidentifying and characterizing:

• Biopolymers• Natural polymers• Synthetic polymers

Rudolph Research Analytical 55 Newburgh Road, Hackettstown, NJ 07840 USA • Phone: 973-584-1558 • Fax: 973-584-5440 • E-mail: [email protected] • Internet: www.rudolphresearch.com






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Page 3: The Autopol® IV Automatic Polarimeter

Measurement ModesThe Autopol IV can read directly in one offour measurement modes: OpticalRotation, Specific Rotation,Concentration or Specific Rotation Plus.Specific Rotation Plus allows a correctionto be applied to a result for loss on drying.Each measurement mode can be activatedvia touchscreen selection. Sample cellscan be specified at any length (e.g., 50mm,100mm, 200mm), or entered as a precisedimension (e.g., 199.98mm).Concentration is entered as a percentage.(See Figure 3)

Temperature Controlof Samplesis allowed through rubber gasketing in theAutopol door which permits tubing to beconnected from an external temperaturecontrolled Water Bath to the jacket of ajacketed polarimeter sample tube. (SeeFigure 4)

Cells 10mm to 200mm LongInstruments of some manufacturersaccept only special sample cells, withmaximum lengths of 100mm. Autopolsaccept standard sample cells up to 200mmlong. A 200mm sample cell offers twicethe sensitivity as the same solution in a100mm cell. This is especially useful forsolutions having small rotations. Alsosome pharmacopeia monographs requirea 200mm (2dm) cell like the USPmonograph for Methotrexate. RudolphResearch sample cells are made to NISTstandards; and the complete range of sizesand types are listed in Technical Bulletin913. NIST certificates are available for celllength validation.

Multiple WavelengthsThe Autopol IV comes in single, dual andsix wavelength models. Wavelengthselection is completely automatic and isaccomplished via menu selection. Thereare no lamps or filters to manually removeor insert. The following wavelengths areavailable: 365nm, 405nm, 436nm, 546nm,589nm, and 633nm. Optional wavelengthsinclude: 325nm, 880nm, 578nm andvarious other wavelengths are available;contact the factory for more information.

White-light Source PermitsSpectral VersatilityThe Tungsten-Halogen lamp employed inthe Autopol is a compact, reliable, low-cost, high-intensity light source thatallows any desired wavelength in thevisible spectrum to be selected by meansof a narrow band multilayer interferencefilter. (See Figure 6) The Autopol standard10nm bandwidth is specified to permithigh energy throughput and sensitivity forsample transmittances of only 0.01%(O.D. = 4), while minimizing the effects ofsample ORD and color.

Temperature DisplayThe Autopol IV comes standard with atemperature probe which can be insertedinto the Polarimeter cell as shown belowor into the cell probe port.(See Figure 7)

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

This lamp is keyed for easy alignment

Estimated Life = 2,000 hoursEstimated Cost = $87 USD each

Rudolph Research Analytical 55 Newburgh Road, Hackettstown, NJ 07840 USA • Phone: 973-584-1558 • Fax: 973-584-5440 • E-mail: [email protected] • Internet: www.rudolphresearch.com

Figure 7

Features of AUTOPOL® IV

Figure 6

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Choosing a PolarimeterThat’s right for your application and budget

Rudolph Research Analytical 55 Newburgh Road, Hackettstown, NJ 07840 USA • Phone: 973-584-1558 • Fax: 973-584-5440 • E-mail: [email protected] • Internet: www.rudolphresearch.com

Autopol I

The accuracy of our entry-level model is ± 0.02 Degrees OpticalRotation. This accuracy is fine for food and educationalapplications where budget is critical but state of the art quality isstill important. The Autopol I is not a pharmaceutical gradepolarimeter and does not come with IQOQ (Installation QualityOperation Quality) documentation.

Please see Technical Bulletin 920 for more details on the Autopol I.Note: The Autopol I is available with AP (advanced precisionof ±0.004).

Autopol II

A general-purpose polarimeter with ± 0.01 Degrees OpticalRotation accuracy. This accuracy is applicable for food, universityeducation, many chemical, flavor and fragrance applications, aswell as pharmaceutical inspection in some countries. We stronglyrecommend against using this instrument for USP, EP, JP and BPpharmaceutical applications. Although IQOQ documentation isprovided, Rudolph will not do an on-site IQOQ for pharmaceuticalapplications where a certificate of analysis will be issued. Pleasesee the application note in yellow for further clarification.

More details on the Autopol II can be found in the TechnicalBulletin 918. Note: The Autopol II is available with AP (advancedprecision of ±0.004).

Autopol 880/Autopol 589

For Polarimeters specifically designed for thesugar industry see Technical Bulletin 910.

Autopol III

Rudolph’s entry-level pharmaceutical and research gradepolarimeter has ± 0.002 Degrees Optical Rotation accuracy forrotations 0 to ±1° Arc. This instrument comes standard with twowavelengths: 589 nm and 546 nm and will pass an FDA inspectionwith the appropriate Water Bath to control temperature. Please seeTechnical Bulletin 919 for more details on the Autopol III.IQOQPQ documentation is included with the instrument.

Below is an example of why Polarimeters with accuracy of ±0.02 and±0.01 are not suitable for pharmaceutical applications. Please review theUSP monograph for the material Ofloxacin. Ofloxacin must have a specific rotation between +1° and -1° at a concentration of 10mg per ml. Biots Law:

[α] = specific rotation, l = optical pathlength in dm; λ = wavelength, T = temperature, α = optical rotation, c = concentration in g/100ml

The Autopol I has an accuracy of ±0.02° optical rotation. Below is how its relative accuracy affects a hypothetical Ofloxacin sample:

(Specific Rotation) = ±0.02 (Autopol I) (1)(0.01) 10mg/ml (Optical pathlength in dm) .01g/ml 1g/100ml=1%=0.01Specific Rotation error = ±2.0

You cannot successfully inspect a pharmaceutical (such as Ofloxacin) having a Specific Rotation between+1 and –1 and a 1% concentration, which is quite common for most pharmaceuticals, with an instrument that has an accuracy of ±2.0 in Specific Rotation.

The Autopol IV has an accuracy of 0.002 for Optical Rotations of 1°Arc for a total unknown of +/-0.002 under the same conditions:

Specific Rotation error = ±0.002 (1)(0.01)

Autopol IV SR error = ±0.2

USP OfloxacinSpecific rotation <781S>: between +1° and -1°Test solution: 10mg per mL, in chloroform






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Page 5: The Autopol® IV Automatic Polarimeter

Rudolph Research Analytical 55 Newburgh Road, Hackettstown, NJ 07840 USA • Phone: 973-584-1558 • Fax: 973-584-5440 • E-mail: [email protected] • Internet: www.rudolphresearch.com

Autopol IV

This model is available in one, two and six wavelength versionsand has a more expensive optical system than the Autopol III. It isthe system of choice for research universities, pharmaceutical andfine chemical research departments. This instrument is alsoexcellent for studying racemics and kinetics. Temperature controlmay be accomplished through a circulating Water Bath or withRudolph’s optional Patented TempTrol™ System, whichelectronically heats and cools the sample to a specifiedtemperature without the use of water circulation.IQOQPQ documentation is included with the instrument.

Autopol V

This is a top of the line six wavelength polarimeter specificallydesigned with the input of the world’s largest pharmaceuticalcompanies. This unit comes standard with 21CFR11 softwareand Rudolph’s Patented TempTrol™ System, whichelectronically heats and cools the sample to a specifiedtemperature without the use of water circulation. IQOQdocumentation is included with the instrument. This unitincludes all wavelengths necessary to measure 99% of allmonographs found in the USP, EP, JP and BP. Please seeTechnical Bulletin 914 for more details on the Autopol V.IQOQPQ documentation is included with the instrument.

Autopol V Plus

The APV PLUS has all the features of the APV and adds resistanceto acid erosion with its Silco Steel trough and Hastelloy cell.Furthermore this instrument comes standard with a 3 rotationquartz standard, Windows 7 operating system with Windows basednavigation, 3 USB ports to allow quick & easy connection to amouse, keyboard, printer, bar code scanner or memory stick,ethernet port for network cable connection. The Autopol V Pluscomes standard with Rudolph’s Patented TempTrol™ System,which electronically heats and cools the sample to a specifiedtemperature without the use of water circulation.IQOQPQ documentation is included with the instrument.

Autopol VI

The APVI was developed for the most demanding advancedresearch laboratories and features 0.0003 accuracy for low rotationsamples of +/- 1º Arc in addition to all of the features of the APVPLUS including Rudolph’s Patented TempTrol™ System, whichelectronically heats and cools the sample to a specifiedtemperature without the use of water circulation.IQOQPQ documentation is included with the instrument.

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Page 6: The Autopol® IV Automatic Polarimeter

SpecificationsMarkets Education Food Pharmaceutical QC

Specifications Autopol I Autopol II Autopol IIIMeasuring Mode Optical Rotation, Specific Rotation, Concentration,

Sugar Degrees, °Z (ISS)Optical Rotation, Specific Rotation, Concentration,Sugar Degrees, °Z (ISS)

Optical Rotation, Specific Rotation,Concentration, Sugar Degrees, °Z (ISS)

Measuring Scale Degrees Arc Optical Rotation Degrees Arc Optical Rotation Degrees Arc Optical Rotation

Resolution 0.01° Arc Optical Rotation, 0.01% Concentration0.01 Specific Rotation

0.01° Arc Optical Rotation, 0.01% Concentration0.01 Specific Rotation

0.001° Arc Optical Rotation, 0.001%Concentration, 0.001 Specific Rotation

Accuracy 0.01° Arc Optical Rotation, 0.05°Z (ISS) Sugar Degrees 0.01° Arc Optical Rotation, 0.03°Z (ISS) Sugar Degrees 0.002° Arc up to 1°, 0.2% above 1°

AP Accuracy Option Resolution: 0.001° Arc Optical RotationReproducibility: 0.002° Arc Optical RotationAccuracy: ±0.004° Arc Optical Rotation

Resolution: 0.001° Arc Optical RotationReproducibility: 0.002° Arc Optical RotationAccuracy: ±0.004° Arc Optical Rotation

Accuracy: ±0.002° up to 10°, ±0.004°10° - 89° Arc Optical Rotation

AP Resolution Option Selectable Resolution: 0.01, 0.001° Arc Selectable Resolution: 0.01, 0.001° Arc Selectable Resolution: 0.01, 0.001° Arc (Standard)

Reproducibility 0.01° Arc Optical Rotation 0.01° Arc Optical Rotation 0.002° Arc Optical Rotation

Measuring Range ± 89° Arc Optical Rotation, ± 999.99° Arc SpecificRotation, 0-99.9% Concentration

± 89° Arc Optical Rotation, ± 999.99° Arc SpecificRotation, 0-99.9% Concentration

± 89° Arc Optical Rotation, ± 999.99° ArcSpecific Rotation, 0-99.9% Concentration

Prism Glan Thompson Calcite Glan Thompson Calcite Glan Thompson Calcite

Optical Wavelengths 589nm 589nm, 546nm 589nm, 546nm

Wavelength Selection Fixed Selectable/2 only Selectable/2 only

21 CFR Part 11 Compliant Software No No No

Temperature Control Temperature control by external Water Bath Temperature control by external Water Bath Temperature control by external Water Bath

TempTrol™ Accuracy Temperature accuracy determined byWater Bath Temperature accuracy determined by Water Bath Temperature accuracy determined by WaterBath

Temp. Probe Range 10° - 40°C 10° - 40°C 10° - 40°C

Temp. Probe Accuracy ±0.1°C ±0.1°C ±0.1°C

Measurement Time 5 measurements in less than 25 seconds (avg.) 5 measurements in less than 25 seconds (avg.) 5 measurements in less than 25 seconds(avg.)

Light Source Tungsten-Halogen 6V, 20W, avg. 2,000 hour life Tungsten-Halogen 6V, 20W, avg. 2,000 hour life Tungsten-Halogen 6V, 20W, avg. 2,000hour life

Sample Chamber Accepts sample tubes up to 200 mm Accepts sample tubes up to 200 mm Accepts sample tubes up to 200 mm

Data Storage No No No

Communication Interface Two RS232 serial ports, one parallel printer port Two RS232 serial ports, one parallel printer port Two RS232 serial ports, one parallelprinter port

Analog Output Not available 0.1% resolution 0-10 volts or 4-20mA full scale(optional)

0.1% resolution 0-10 volts or 4-20mA fullscale (optional)

Calibration Automatic calibration via touch screen Automatic calibration via touch screen Automatic calibration via touchscreen

Display 7.5 cm x 10 cm Graphics LCD, 320 x 240 dots coldfluorescent back lit

7.5 cm x 10 cm Graphics LCD, 320 x 240 dots coldfluorescent back lit

7.5 cm x 10 cm Graphics LCD, 320 x 240dots cold fluorescent back lit

User Interface Touchscreen Touchscreen Touchscreen

Automatic Sensitivity Control Measures samples with transmittance as low as0.1% (up to O.D. 3.0)

Measures samples with transmittance as low as0.01% (up to O.D. 4.0)

Measures samples with transmittance aslow as 0.01% (up to O.D. 4.0)

Input Power 100 - 240V, 50/60 Hz 100 - 240V, 50/60 Hz 100 - 240 V, 50/60 Hz

Operating Dimensions 24.3"W x 12.7" H x 17.5" D617 mmW x 323 mm H x 445 mm D

24.3"W x 12.7" H x 17.5" D617 mmW x 323 mm H x 445 mm D

24.3"W x 12.7" H x 17.5" D617 mmW x 323 mm H x 445 mm D

Operating Weight 42 lbs. (19.05 kg) 42 lbs. (19.05 kg) 42 lbs. (19.05 kg)

Rudolph Research Analytical 55 Newburgh Road, Hackettstown, NJ 07840 USA • Phone: 973-584-1558 • Fax: 973-584-5440 • E-mail: [email protected] • Internet: www.rudolphresearch.com

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Research Big Pharma Big Pharma Advanced Research

Autopol IV Autopol V Autopol V Plus Autopol VIOptical Rotation, Specific Rotation,Specific Rotation Plus Concentration,User Defined Scale

Optical Rotation, Specific Rotation,Specific Rotation Plus Concentration,User Defined Scale

Optical Rotation, Specific Rotation,Concentration, User Defined Scales

Optical Rotation, Specific Rotation,Concentration, User Defined Scales

Degrees Arc Optical Rotation Degrees Arc Optical Rotation Degrees Arc, % Concentration Degrees Arc, % Concentration

0.001°Arc Optical Rotation, 0.001%Concentration, 0.001 Specific Rotation

0.001° Arc Optical Rotation, 0.001%Concentration, 0.001 Specific Rotation

0.001° Arc Optical Rotation, 0.001%Concentration, 0.001° Specific Rotation

0.0001° Arc Optical Rotation, 0.0001%Concentration, 0.0001° Specific Rotation

0.002° up to 1°, 0.2% up to 5°, 0.01°above 5°

0.002° up to 1°, 0.2% up to 5°, 0.01° above 5° 0.002° up to 1°, 0.2% up to 5°, 0.01° above 5° 0.0003° Arc Optical Rotation

Autopol IV SingleAccuracy: ±0.002° Arc Optical Rotation

Autopol IV DualAccuracy: ±0.002° Arc Optical Rotation

Autopol IV Six WavelengthAccuracy (546nm and 589nm): ±0.002°Arc Optical Rotation

Accuracy (546nm and 589nm): ±0.002° ArcOptical Rotation

Accuracy for other wavelengths is the same asthe standard model

Autopol V Plus SingleAccuracy: ±0.002° Arc

Autopol V Plus Six WavelengthAccuracy (546nm and 589nm): ±0.002° Arc

Accuracy for other wavelengths is the same asthe standard model


) Selectable Resolution: 0.01, 0.001,0.0001° Arc

Selectable Resolution: 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001° Arc Selectable Resolution: 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001° Arc N/A

0.002° Arc Optical Rotation 0.002° Arc Optical Rotation 0.002° Arc 0.0002° Arc Optical Rotation

± 89° Arc Optical Rotation, ± 999.99°Arc Specific Rotation, 0-99.9%Concentration

±89° Arc Optical Rotation, ±999.99° ArcSpecific Rotation, 0-99.9% Concentration

±89.9° Arc Optical Rotation, ±999.99° ArcSpecific Rotation, 0-99.9% Concentration

±89° Arc Optical Rotation, ±999.99° ArcSpecific Rotation, 0-99.9% Concentration

Glan Thompson Calcite Glan Thompson Calcite Glan Thompson calcite quartz Glan Thompson calcite quartz

365nm, 405nm, 436nm, 546nm,589nm, 633nm (other wavelengthsavailable: 325nm)

365nm, 405nm, 436nm, 546nm, 589nm,633nm (other wavelengths available: 325 nm)

365nm, 405nm, 436nm, 546nm, 589nm,633nm (other wavelengths available: 325 nm)

365nm, 405nm, 436nm, 546nm, 589nm,633nm (other wavelengths available: 325 nm)

Selectable/1, 2 and 6 Selectable/6 only Automatic by push-button Automatic by push-button

No Yes Yes Yes

TempTrol™ Automatic ElectronicHeating & Cooling 15°-35°C (optional)

TempTrol™ Automatic Electronic Heating &Cooling 15°-35°C (standard)

Automatic Electronic Heating & Cooling 15°-35°C(standard)

TempTrol™ Automatic Electronic Heating &Cooling 15°- 35°C (standard)

±0.2°C (optional) ±0.2°C ±0.2°C ±0.2°C

10° - 40°C 10° - 40°C 10°-40°C 10°- 40°C

±0.1°C ±0.1°C ±0.1°C ±0.1°C

4°/sec. slewing rate & 5 sec. nominalsettling time

4°/sec. slewing rate & 5 sec. nominalsettling time

4°/sec. slew rate and 5 sec. nominalsettling time

4°/sec. slew rate and 5 sec. nominalsettling time

Tungsten-Halogen 6V, 20W, avg. 2,000hour life

Tungsten-Halogen 6V, 20W, avg. 2,000 hour life Tungsten-halogen 6V, 20W, avg. 2,000 hour life Tungsten-halogen 6V, 20W, avg. 2,000 hour life

Accepts sample tubes up to 200 mm Accepts sample tubes up to 200 mm Accepts sample tubes up to 200mm Accepts sample tubes up to 200mm

2 GB Non-removable Compact Flash 2 GB Non-removable Compact Flash 2 GB Non-removable Compact Flash Internal hard drive plus USB

3 – USB Ports, 2 – RS232 Ports,Ethernet Port for Network Connection

3 – USB Ports, 2 – RS232 Ports, Ethernet Portfor Network Connection

3 – USB Ports, 2 – RS232 Ports, Ethernet Portfor Network Connection

Three USB ports, two RS232 serial ports, oneEthernet port for printer

0.1% resolution 0-10 volts or 4-20mAfull scale (optional)

0.1% resolution 0-10 volts or 4-20mA full scale(optional)

0.1% resolution 0-10 volts or 4-20mA full scale(optional)

0.1% resolution 0-10 volt full range (optional)

Automatic calibration via touchscreen Automatic calibration via touchscreen Automatic calibration by push-button Automatic calibration via touch screen

16cm x 12cm color TFT Graphics LCDwith LED backlight providing 800 x 600resolution with 600 nits of luminance

16cm x 12cm color TFT Graphics LCD with LEDbacklight providing 800 x 600 resolution with600 nits of luminance

Adjustable 10.4 inch diagonal, 800-600 pixels,color, Flat Panel Monitor with Resistant TouchScreen Interface, 200 nits brightness

Adjustable 10.4 inch diagonal, 800-600 pixels,color, Flat Panel Monitor with Resistant TouchScreen Interface, 200 nits brightness

Touchscreen Touchscreen Touchscreen Touchscreen

Measures samples with transmittanceas low as 0.01% (up to O.D. 4.0)

Measures samples with transmittance as lowas 0.01% (up to O.D. 4.0)

Measures samples with transmittance as lowas 0.01% (up to O.D. 4.0)

Measures samples with transmittance as lowas 0.01% (up to O.D. 4.0)

100 - 240V, 50/60 Hz 100 - 240V, 50/60 Hz 85 – 260 VAC; 48 – 62 Hz 100 - 240V, 50/60 Hz

30" W x 17" H x 11" D762 mmW x 431.8 mm H x 279.4 mm D

30" W x 17" H x 11" D762 mmW x 431.8 mm H x 279.4 mm D

32"W x 11.5"H x 18"D813mmW x 292mm H x 457mm D

35" W x 10.5" H x 17" D890 mmW x 267 mm H x 432 mm D

85 lbs. (39kg) 85 lbs. (39kg) 90 lbs. (41kg) 85 lbs.

Rudolph Research Analytical 55 Newburgh Road, Hackettstown, NJ 07840 USA • Phone: 973-584-1558 • Fax: 973-584-5440 • E-mail: [email protected] • Internet: www.rudolphresearch.com

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Page 8: The Autopol® IV Automatic Polarimeter

QualityNo matter which model Autopol you choose, Rudolph uses thesame high quality optics. While other manufacturers use PolaroidPlastic Dichroic Sheet Polarizers, Rudolph does not. Instead,Rudolph uses the same high quality Glan Thompson CalcitePolarizers in all its models.

Why are high quality polarizing prisms important? Because prismsare two of the most critical optical components in the polarimeter.Polaroid polarizers are made of a polymeric plastic where themolecules are stretched and oriented in a specific direction so as tolinearly polarize light. These types of plastic sheet polarizers arevery inexpensive ($50.00 USD) and are vulnerable to heat, warpover time, deteriorate from moisture, and also have greater lightabsorption than Calcite Polarizers. In many cases, the plasticpolarizers must be replaced in 3 – 5 years. Glan Thompson CalcitePolarizers are comprised of a carbon crystalline structure similarto diamond and have excellent light transmission characteristics.The quality of these prisms is so good, Rudolph guarantees itsprisms over the life of the polarimeter (See Figure 9)

Validation and CalibrationRudolph Research Analytical knows that you must be able tovalidate your instrument’s operating performance regularly.Therefore, the Autopol® V, V Plus and VI come standard with theaccessories, validation tools and automatic calibration functionsnecessary to ensure that the temperature control, temperaturemeasurement and optical measurement processes are workingaccurately and reproducibly. All functions are accessed simply andconveniently through the Autopol® liquid sealed touchscreen.

cGMP/GLP PrintingMeasurement reports can be saved as an Excel or PDF file andedited quickly and easily. You can import logos and print yourcompany’s customized “C of A” directly.

Rudolph Research AnalyticalTuesday. January 27, 2009

This sample was measured on an Autopol VI serial number 80179,manufactured by Rudolph Research Analytical,Hackettstown, NJ.

Set Temperature : 20.0Temp Corr : OFF

n Average Std.Dev. Maximum Minimum5 34.467 0.0000 34.467 34.467

S.No Time Result Scale OR °Arc WLG Lg.mm Temp. Comment1 4:32:05 PM 34.467 OR 34.467 589 100.00 20.02

Rudolph Research Analytical 55 Newburgh Road, Hackettstown, NJ 07840 USA • Phone: 973-584-1558 • Fax: 973-584-5440 • E-mail: [email protected] • Internet: www.rudolphresearch.com

Glan ThompsonCalcite Polarizer

Thin Film PlasticSheet Polarizer

Figure 9

RRA12-04 12/12

Full cGMP/GLP Compliance

“We have the AUTOPOL V from Rudolph ResearchAnalytical (RRA)... I have used numerous polarimetersand this is by far the best. We have had it for 1-1/2 yearsand have had zero problems, the original lamp is still inthe instrument. I recommend it over other instruments.RRA installed, trained and performed the IQOQ...It is one piece of equipment that you never worry about.”

Alan Davis – Rockwell Medical Technologies

Just listen to our customers

Rudolph Research AnalyticalTuesday, January 27, 2009This sample was measured on an Autopol VI, serial number 80179,manufactured by Rudolph Research Analytical,Hackettstown, NJ.Set Temperature : 20.0Temp Corr : OFF

n Average Std.Dev. Maximum Minimum5 34.467 0.0000 34.467 34.467

S.No Time Result Scale OR °Arc WLG Lg.mm Temp. Comment1 4:32:05 PM 34.467 OR 34.467 589 100.00 20.02 4:32:08 PM 34.467 OR 34.467 589 100.00 20.03 4:32:10 PM 34.467 OR 34.467 589 100.00 20.04 4:32:13 PM 34.467 OR 34.467 589 100.00 20.05 4:32:16 PM 34.467 OR 34.467 589 100.00 20.0

Print your customized Certificate of Analysis including yourcompany logo directly from the Autopol VI® touch screen

Capable of making multiple measurements ona single sample and reporting complete statistical

data and all measurement results



TempTrol™ Hastelloy™

Measurement Cell



TempTrol™ NIST TraceableQuartz Calibration Standard

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