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Page 1: The Best 5 Foods For Pregnancy Nutrition

Copyright Love Your Pregnancy 2015 www.LoveYourPregnancy.com

Page 2: The Best 5 Foods For Pregnancy Nutrition

Copyright Love Your Pregnancy 2015 www.LoveYourPregnancy.com


We are beginning to understand more how the right diet in the months leading up to

conception and during pregnancy can affect the health of your baby from birth, and even

through to adulthood. What you eat and drink also plays a huge role in ensuring you

have a healthy, comfortable and enjoyable pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a time when your nutritional needs are at their greatest and all of your

resources will be drawn upon. After all, you are growing another human being. I have

drawn upon my own experience as a nutritional therapist, and mother of three to bring

you information that I found helpful in my pregnancies, and that I feel would really

benefit you in your pregnancy also.

You can find articles on nutrition and health on my blog and also some lovely recipes on

my website

In this ebook, I have put together my Top 5 Types of Foods to Eat During Pregnancy

plus some delicious, nourishing recipes on how to easily incorporate them into your

diet. The recipes are packed-full with nutrient-rich, easily sourced, ingredients that are

sure to put you on the best possible pregnancy nutrition path for you and your

developing baby.

I really hope you enjoy the recipes and the information included in this ebook, and I

wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy!

Page 3: The Best 5 Foods For Pregnancy Nutrition

Copyright Love Your Pregnancy 2015 www.LoveYourPregnancy.com

1. Oily Fish

Rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, fish such as mackerel, salmon, sardines, (fresh not canned)

and trout play a pivotal role in foetal growth and development. They contain nutrients

that are particularly important for brain, eye and central nervous system development in

a growing baby, they are even more vital in the last trimester where the intellectual

development is at its most critical point.

There has also been research carried out which found a lowered incidence of major

depression during and after pregnancy in those that consumed omega 3 fats, so all good

reason to top your salad or baked potato with some mackerel or sardines. You could

also try some flaked salmon added to quinoa or brown rice and season it with lemon

juice, balsamic vinegar and fresh herbs – mmm, delicious!

Wild fish from unpolluted seas twice a week is ideal, or if you’re not a fan, consider a

good quality fish oil supplement.

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2. Iron Rich Foods

Iron deficiency anaemia can cause complications during delivery. Your growing baby

will use up a lot of iron from your own supply so it's a good idea to eat lots of iron-

containing foods both pre- and during pregnancy to keep your levels up, and help

prevent pregnancy tiredness. There are two types of dietary iron: Haem iron is mainly

found in animal foods such as red meat, poultry and fish, and this type is more readily

absorbed by the body.

Plant-based iron sources contain non-haem iron and include seeds (particularly sesame

seeds), nuts, dried fruit, dark leafy greens and legumes. Pair these foods with Vitamin C-

rich vegetables and fruits as well as avoiding tannin-containing black tea, with or

directly after meals, to further aid absorption.

Vegetarians should consume lots of plant based iron foods and could also try 2

tablespoons of iron rich blackstrap molasses in a mug of hot water, you can add a

teaspoon of coconut oil and ½ teaspoon of ginger too. This makes a great afternoon

pick-me-up. You could also try nettle tea, which contains iron and helps with mineral


Some women need to supplement their diets with iron. It is important to find the right

type of supplement for you as some can cause digestive upsets and constipation.

Page 5: The Best 5 Foods For Pregnancy Nutrition

Copyright Love Your Pregnancy 2015 www.LoveYourPregnancy.com

3. Vegetables, Vegetables and more Vegetables (fruits too!).

5 a day is a really poor aim, we actually need to be aiming closer towards 10 a day.

People who love their vegetables are a nutritional therapist’s dream, and eating a wide

variety, and as many different colours of veggies as possible will ensure a broad range of

vital vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fibre, which you and baby will greatly benefit

from. A simple rule is to have a fruit or vegetable with every meal or snack and have at

least one green vegetable with your meals.

A bowl of leafy greens, avocado, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, spring onion and peppers

with some form of protein like tuna, salmon, chicken, eggs, nuts and seeds, dressed with

some olive or flaxseed oil and lemon juice makes a light and healthy lunch. Some

quinoa or oatcakes can be added to provide some complex carbohydrates.

I had a thing for avocados when pregnant (their vitamin E content = stretch mark

prevention!) and tried to have a fresh green juice or smoothie to get the nutrients in

when in the throes of pregnancy nausea. Sweet potato mash or wedges (dipped into

hummus or guacamole - yum!) make a nice carbohydrate comfort food, and broccoli and

green beans can be pimped up as per my recipe that follows later.

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4. Seeds

Seeds are little powerhouses of nutrition. If you think about it, a

seed is a living thing and it contains everything a plant needs to

grow! It is packed with protein, fibre, essential fats, vitamin E,

zinc, calcium and magnesium. The latter two minerals are helpful

for restless legs and muscle cramps.

I particularly like chia, flax and pumpkin seeds and like to use

both, whole and ground. A handful of pumpkin seeds with some

berries make a perfect blood sugar balancing snack, this will help

keep energy levels steady and queasiness and nausea at bay. Try

chia seed pudding or add to pancakes or muesli, sprinkle a good

tablespoon of flaxseed into oats or smoothies, or dress your salad

or roasted vegetables with a drizzle of flaxseed oil.

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5. Water

Ok, so not strictly a food, but definitely worth noting! It is essential for the mother-to-

be to keep properly hydrated as water is needed to form the amniotic fluid and to

support the increase in blood volume during pregnancy.

Many women are prone to constipation, dry skin, swelling or urinary tract infections

during pregnancy and good hydration helps with these issues. If you are unfortunate

enough to suffer from pregnancy sickness don’t drink water with meals, better to sip

consistently between meals.

Remember that herbal teas count towards your water intake also, perhaps try some of

the following.

● Rooibos tea - high in antioxidants and caffeine free

● Ginger tea - can help with nausea, make your own by boiling thinly sliced ginger in


● Chamomile tea - to help unwind and promote restful sleep

● Raspberry Leaf tea - often recommended to tone the uterine muscle and make

contractions more efficient, and let’s face it who doesn’t want efficient contractions!

NB – to be used only from 32 weeks.

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The Recipes

So now that you know which foods to incorporate into your pregnancy diet, how do you

go about eating them on a daily basis?

I have devised some delicious, simple recipes for you to try which include many of the

above mentioned foods. I have kept in mind that you may feel exhausted or lacking in

motivation, with not much desire to cook when you are pregnant, so these recipes are

straightforward and quick and easy to make. You’ll find everything you need in your

local supermarkets and there are no complicated or hard-to-find ingredients involved. I

hope you enjoy the recipes - do contact me to let me know which one is your favourite!

Page 9: The Best 5 Foods For Pregnancy Nutrition

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Super Green Smoothie


● 3 cups bottled or filtered water

(or use half and half coconut water and water)

● 2 handfuls of fresh or frozen fruit such as

raspberries, blueberries, kiwi or apple

● Handful of kale (stalk removed)

● Half an avocado

● 1 tbsp almond butter

● 1 tbsp chia seeds

● 1 tsp of maple syrup


Simply add all ingredients to your Nutribullet/Nutrininja or other good blender. Whizz

it up and serve. Best to drink immediately although I sometimes make a double batch

and keep in a sealed glass bottle in the fridge.

Page 10: The Best 5 Foods For Pregnancy Nutrition

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Vegetable Frittata


● 1 tbsp olive oil

● 1 onion

● ½ red pepper cored, deseeded and sliced

● ½ green pepper, cored, deseeded and sliced

● A few cherry tomatoes sliced

● 4 eggs

● 3 tbsp water

● 1 tsp dried mixed herbs

● Tablespoon milk

● Freshly ground pepper

● 8 black olives pitted


Heat the oil in an omelette pan and add the onion and diced peppers. Cook gently until

softened. Add the tomatoes and cook for another 2-3 minutes

Break eggs into a bowl and add the water, herbs and black pepper to taste

Mix the ingredients together well

Pour the mixture over the vegetables in the pan, stirring gently to help the egg mixture get under

the vegetables

Scatter the olives evenly over the top.

Cook the frittata very gently until the bottom is firm and lightly brown. Be careful not to it

burn. To cook the top, put the pan under a medium grill for 4-5 minutes until

Page 11: The Best 5 Foods For Pregnancy Nutrition

Copyright Love Your Pregnancy 2015 www.LoveYourPregnancy.com

Mackerel Salad


● Handful of baby potatoes

● 2 large organic eggs

● 1 cooked, smoked mackerel fillet

● 1 small lemon

● 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

● Handful of fresh baby spinach, rocket or watercress


Wash the baby potatoes, cover in cold water and bring to the boil for approx. 15-20

minutes. Drain and set aside.

Boil the eggs for about 8 minutes.

Meanwhile, flake the mackerel fillet into a bowl with your chosen salad leaves, olive oil,

juice of half the lemon and the lemon zest.

Toss everything together gently, halving the potatoes to help infuse the flavours.

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Oriental Green Beans and Broccoli


● 250g young green beans, cut in half cross-ways

● 175g broccoli, broken into florets

● 1 garlic clove, crushed

● 1 tbsp tamari or soy sauce

● 1 teaspoon sesame oil

● 1 teaspoon sesame seeds, dry roasted in a pan until golden


Steam the beans and broccoli gently until tender. Put remaining ingredients in a bowl

and stir together, then toss over the beans and broccoli and serve warm.

Page 13: The Best 5 Foods For Pregnancy Nutrition

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Mediterranean-Style Baked Fish with Vegetables


● 1 sweet potato or waxy new potatoes

● 1 large red onion

● 1 red pepper

● 1 yellow pepper

● 2 garlic cloves

● 1 dsp chopped fresh thyme or 1 tsp dried thyme

● 2 tbsp olive oil

● 2oz/55g pitted black olives

● 2 thick cut pieces of fish e.g. cod, haddock, tuna, swordfish

● Tin and a half of chopped tomatoes

● 2 tbsp chopped fresh basil and basil leaves to garnish


Heat oven to 200 degrees/Gas 6.

Cut the potatoes into bite sized pieces, the onion into 6 pieces and the courgette/onion into large

chunks. Press the garlic cloves and toss these, the thyme and the veg in the olive oil.

Place the veg on a baking tray and cook, uncovered, for approx 30 mins or until the veg begin to

soften and turn golden.

Place the veg in a shallow ovenproof baking dish and mix in the black olives. Place the fish

pieces on top of the veg. Mix the basil and chopped tomatoes and pour over the fish. Bake for

another 15 minutes or until the fish is just cooked. Serve immediately, garnished with a few

basil leaves.

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Chia Seed Pudding


● 1.5 cups coconut milk, almond milk or other milk of your choice

● A third of a cup of chia seeds

● Quarter cup of raw cacao powder

● 2 tbsp of maple syrup

● Half a tsp of ground cinnamon (optional)

● Half a teaspoon of vanilla extract (optional)


Add all ingredients to a mixing bowl and whisk vigorously to combine. Let rest covered

in the fridge overnight or at least 3 hours until a pudding like consistency is achieved.

Serve chilled with desired toppings such as fresh raspberries or chopped nuts.

Keeps well in the fridge for a couple of days.

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I very much hope that you enjoy using the information in this ebook to make quick,

nutritious snacks and meals in your pregnancy. If however, you would like to learn

more about pregnancy nutrition in general, and have access to more pregnancy-specific

nutritional advice, then we’d love it if you joined us at one of our Pregnancy Wellness


Furthermore, if you feel that you would like extra help with your pregnancy nutrition in

terms of addressing specific pregnancy discomforts, I offer personal consultation

sessions, whereby I assess your individual needs and create individualised nutrition

protocols. Please feel free to contact me to book an appointment.

Wishing you the very best in your pregnancy!


Disclaimer: The material and contents here are not intended as medical advice. The

information contained in this eBook should not be used to diagnose or treat any illness

or health problem. Use of advice, and other information contained in this eBook is at the

sole choice and risk of the reader. It is recommended to talk to your healthcare provider

prior to beginning any new dietary program.

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Copyright Love Your Pregnancy 2015 www.LoveYourPregnancy.com

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