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Page 1: The Biennial Reporting Meeting - MemberClicks Advisor 2018.pdfBuilding fitness and mobility into our normal daily routine is Joy's key to success for most people. Joy believes that

Municipal Pension Retirees’ Association“With age, wisdom and power”

ADVISORTheSummer 2018

On May 3, 2018 at the Mary Winspear Centre in Sidney BC, the MPRA opened our Biennial Reporting meeting with 94 members in attendance. It was a beautiful day and the Provincial Executive were greeting members with handouts which included the Agenda, a copy of the President's report and the Treasurer's Financial report.Beverages and muffins were available to all. The President's report began with a welcome to all the MPRA members. On behalf of the Provincial Executive, Steven commented on the excellent turnout which encouraged the MPRA Executive that our members were glad to have a meeting on Vancouver Island. The members appreciated the opportunity

t o m e e t t h e executive of the MPRA and renew friendships with members from D i s t r i c t s o n Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland.

The President stated that we now only pay 50% of the MSP premiums with the government promise of full elimination of the remaining cost of premiums by the year 2020. This is a direct result of the work of the MPRA executive who have met with politicians, with members of the Union of BC Municipalities and Union leaders. See President's Report pg 3 Treasurer's ReportA copy of the Financial Statements (unaudited) for December 31, 2017 was included in the handout to each member. The Financial Statements were prepared by KH Craig Inc- Osoyoos, BC. We have reviewed the accompanying financial statements of the MPRA Municipal Pension Retirees’ Association that comprise the statement of financial positions as at December 31, 2017, and the statements of operations and changes in net assets, and cash flows for the year then ended, as well as a summary of significant accounting p o l i c i e s a n d o t h e r e x p l a n a t o r y information.Then the Statement of Operations was reviewed with the Income and the Expenditure shown and the Financial Position of the Municipal Pension Retirees' Association December 31, 2017. Members asked their questions and Mary provided the answers. Then a presentation by BCI (formerly the bcIMC) by Chelsea Kittleson and Kayleigh

Harrison. Look f o r B o n n i e P e a r s o n ' s report of thepresentation in the following pages.

Lunch was catered by Island Caterers. It was an excellent lunch and there were many complimentary comments.

After lunch we had Joy Egilson, a certified exercise a n d a t h l e t i c therapist speak t o u s o n t h e importance of f u n c t i o n a l mobility in order, to engage in life to the fullest. Building fitness and mobility into our normal daily routine is Joy's key to success for most people. Joy believes that starting small and building on daily a c c o m p l i s h m e n t s p r o v i d e s t h e motivation to develop good ongoing mobility habits no matter where people are starting from. Joy helps people meet their mobility goals both through clinic- based services and in people's homes if they prefer.


Inside This IssueMPRA Video ..................................... 2Thank You’s ................................... 2 Presidents Message .......................... 3Trustee Report ..................................... 45 Steps to a Healthy Mouth ................... 4Johnsons Insurance Offerings ............... 5Will Writing Tips ................................... 6Probate Truth ...................................... 6CPP Death Benefit ............................... 6Rewards.................................... 7Information Update.............................. 7First Responder Volunteer .................... 8Holiday Preparedness.......................... 8Did You Know? ......................................8 cont’d on page 2

Page 2: The Biennial Reporting Meeting - MemberClicks Advisor 2018.pdfBuilding fitness and mobility into our normal daily routine is Joy's key to success for most people. Joy believes that

The ADVISORPage 2 Summer 2018

Provincial Executive

2017 - 2019President

Steven Polak

1st Vice-President Terry Erskine

2nd Vice-PresidentEd Pakos

1st Vice-President-at-LargeBetty Walters

2nd Vice-President–at-LargeBonnie Pearson

Provincial SecretaryInterm Karin Liddle

Provincial TreasurerMary Polak

Vice-President CommunicationsGordon Hartney

Regional Vice-PresidentsVice-President Vancouver Island


Vice-President Lower MainlandBrian McConville

Vice-President Fraser Valley Ron Scott

Vice-President Thompson/Okanagan

Henry Tomm

Vice-President Kootenays/Out of ProvinceJanice Broadhurst

Vice-President Cariboo/Northern BC

Ken Kerr

2 Vice-Presidents at LargeLower Mainland/Fraser Valley

Noel Gulbransen orVacant

Retiree Trustee Primary Bonnie Pearson

Gay BurdisonWally GollubCliff Ivers

Mary PolakSteven PolakKeith Wilson

Founding Members

For some years the Provincial Executive members have been thinking of ways to encourage retirees of the Municipal Pension Plan to join the MPRA as members.We have tried many ideas. It has been suggested to us that a video about the MPRA may be a tool to recruit new members. We were unsure as to the steps to making this happen and what the cost would be. Terry Erskine and Ed Pakos came through with the idea, the plan, and the company.So at the beginning of May, Media One, Victoria came to our Provincial Executive meetings and spoke with some of us, took

rdpictures and some video. Then on May 3 during our Biennial Reporting Meeting Media One was present taking more pictures and more video. Media One took the material and put together a three-minute video. We believe it is very well done.None of us had a script, nor a repeat occasion. The company took the information and blended it to the video that we have.We hope to share the video with the Plan Partners and the Board of Trustees of the Municipal Pension Plan, so they will have a better understanding of the MPRA. We will be asking the Pension Corporation if they would be willing to show the Video at retirement seminars.The Provincial Executive will be discussing distribution of the video to Districts, Unions and Employers at our next meeting. Video is also available on our website www.mpra.ca

MPRAVideoT h e n w e h a d Ka r e n C r a v e n , B u s i n e s s Development Manager Collette Travel, speak to the many travel ideas from river boat cruises, to bus tours, to group tours throughout the world. There are many ideas for travel. Please visit their website to learn the m a n y t r a v e l i d e a s . http://www.gocollette.com/mpra

There was good and welfare, some door prizes, and awards given.A certificate of appreciation was given to Joanne Armstrong from Duncan District #07 who was the Chair person for her district for fourteen years.

Recognition was made to District #29 Northern Coast which includes Terrace, Smithers, Kitimat, Prince Rupert and Haida Gwaii. District #29 was the District that increased their membership in 2017 by 14%. Ken Kerr, the Regional Vice President will be making a trip to give the members of the District the Addie Derby trophy for this year.

Mary Polak presenting certificate to Joanne Armstrong

cont’d frompage 1

Subject: Biennial Reporting MeetingHello there. I just wanted everyone to know

rd.. how much I enjoyed the meeting on May 3 It was very well organized and informative. I felt really proud to be a member of this fine retirees association. I am happy to make up a little report to my Tri-Cities group. Special thanks to Mary and Steven for all the work they did. All the best for a wonderful year ahead.Myrna Sulina, District #25 Tri-Cities

Subject: MPRA SidneyDear Steve and MaryWhat a lovely meeting in Sidney. You chose the perfect spot in a pretty town - on a perfect day - to have this meeting.I stayed at the Travelodge with Susan Pendakur and Lori Reynolds to allow us a leisurely stroll across the street on the morning of the meeting.The speakers were interesting, and the program went smoothly. It was great to meet some of the island members. Well done, and congratulations on another successful biennial meeting.Lee Massey, Dist 36, Vancouver


Page 3: The Biennial Reporting Meeting - MemberClicks Advisor 2018.pdfBuilding fitness and mobility into our normal daily routine is Joy's key to success for most people. Joy believes that

The ADVISORSummer 2018 Page 3

the plan even if they are receiving a pension as a survivor. The cost of living adjustment known as COLA has been paid every year since 1980 to the present time. In 2012, the COLA Cap was implemented by the Board of Trustees to be evaluated every three years. So far inflation has been so low we have still received full Cost of Living Adjustments. Presently in 2018 inflation has been clipping along at 2.3 % and the Cap is 2.1% so if inflation continues to stay above 2.1 we will only receive 2.1% inflation protection.As you are all aware we also lost our dental subsidies in 2017. We had our extended health coverage reduced to 70% reimbursement.Positive ChangeThe one good thing that has happened is that our work on the elimination of MSP premiums has resulted in our premiums being reduced by 50% and 2020 we will no longer be paying MSP premiumsThis is the result of the work of the MPRA and we should sing our praises to everyone we know.What we need to do now is to convince the Plan Partners and the Board of Trustees that the monies saved from the elimination of MSP premiums be used for our Group Health Benefits and reinstate subsidies for a dental plan. What we believe should happen is that, there should be a separate account with the .8% plus the percentage that has been previously used for MSP premiums be put into a separate account, invested, so that there will always be money for Group Health Benefits. We need your help. If you are a former union member talk with your union and ask them to support our initiative. If you have access to your MLA speak to them about this initiative. If we are not successful in obtaining the monies that had been previously used for MSP premiums to be used for Group Health Benefits, the monies will be deposited into the Basic Account and we will never get it back.

Here is a little history on the implementation o f C O L A ( C o s t o f L i v i n g ) a n d G r o u p Health Benefits. Did you know that MSP Premiums have been

paid since 1973? Did you also know that COLA has

been paid since 1973 and originally the COLA was paid on a quarterly basis?In 1973 the MEPC Executive, Gordie Anderson, Alex Markides, and Nora Paton met with Cabinet Minister, Ernie Hall Provincial Secretary. At the meeting the MEPC asked that a COLA clause be implemented and ½ the MSP premiums be paid for retirees of the Municipal Pension Plan. This was implemented.Then in 1979 Bill Bennett Premier for the Province of BC was going to eliminate the Cost of Living (COLA) payments for retirees. The MEPC Executive with Gordie Anderson as the MEPC Chair, met with the Premier and negotiated that an Inflation Adjustment Account would be created and funded in the following manner: 1% contributions from the employer and 1% contributions from the employees; Inflation would be paid annually based on the inflation rate as of September 30 of each year and paid in January 01, of the following year. At the end of each year it was believed that the account balance would be zero after inflation payments were made. Since 1981 full inflation has been paid to retirees each year and the inflation account has increased to over 5 billion dollars. In 1993, the Government wanted to diversify pension investments because of the huge unfunded liability in the Basic account. The MEPC Executive were Cliff Ivers, BCPFFA; Pat Springborn, BCNU; Shane Simpson, CUPE; Gordie Anderson, Retiree, and Steven Polak, HEU; MEPC Chairperson and Spokesperson for the negotiations. The MEPC Executive met with the UBCM and the Provincial Government.We negotiated the implementation of diversification of investments and in return the retirees would receive


Steven PolakPresident

Extended Health Coverage and the remaining 50% premiums for MSP. The premiums subsidies were for member and spouse. The Executive of the MEPC met with Glen Clark, Minister of Finance and the Superannuation Commissioner, John Cook. It was at that time when we had discussions about funding for the Group Health Benefits that there would be no new monies, but that we could use the employers' 1% because investment returns would provide so much money in the Inflation Adjustment Account it would offset the loss of any monies from the employers' 1% to the IAA. Glen Clark said that this is what he had been advised and therefore that was the agreement for the funding of Group Health Benefits. The negotiations were completed in 1994 and the legislation was approved in the fall of 1994. Then in 1996 the dental plan was implemented with 100% premiums paid for member and spouse. This was also paid from the employers' 1% contribution destined to the inflation adjustment account. Once the monies from the 1% is deposited into the IAA account, the monies cannot be used for anything other than inflation protection. In 2001, the Trust Agreement was signed and implemented.In Oct 2002 retirees began to pay 50% of the MSP premiums for member and spouse. In 2003, the Board of Trustees requested that the Government hand over the responsibility for Group Health Benefits to the Board of Trustees. The Government did an order in council removing the Group Health Benefits from Legislation and in turn gave the control of Group Health Benefits to the Board of Trustees. Then in December 2003 the retiree began paying 25% of the premiums for Extended Health and Dental for the member and spouse. In 2008, premium subsidies for spouses and survivor were discontinued. The Board of Trustees does not consider the spouses or survivors as members of

Page 4: The Biennial Reporting Meeting - MemberClicks Advisor 2018.pdfBuilding fitness and mobility into our normal daily routine is Joy's key to success for most people. Joy believes that

The ADVISORPage 4 Summer 2018



BCI representatives Chelsea Klittleson and Kayleigh Harrison from the Client Service department addressed the retirees at the 2018 MPRA reporting meeting in Sidney BC on May 3, 2018.BCI (rebranded from bcIMC) manages $135.5 billion in assets for BC Public Sector Pension Funds, as well as other

thclients. It is the 5 largest pension fund manager in Canada. Governed by a seven member Board of Directors, (four appointed by the public sector pension p l a n s a n d t h r e e a p p o i n t e d b y government). Funds are invested on behalf of 600,000 pension plan members which make up 84.4% of the client group and the rest of the investments from the Provincial Government and Worksafe BC Insurance.BCI is a responsible investor, actively assessing ESG (environmental, social and governance) factors of the companies invested in. Each investment goes through an extensive internal due d i l i g e n c e a s s e s s m e nt b efo re a n investment is made and is then actively monitored. BCI prides itself on being an a c t i ve o w n e r- e n ga g i n g w i t h t h e companies through proxy voting, and depending on the size of the investment, taking a seat on the Board of Directors. They also partner with like-minded organizations to create stability in the governance of a company.While the final return on investments number for 2017 is not yet finalized; BCI has returned $4 Billion above the benchmark over the last 20 years.BCI is undergoing transformation. With the sustained low return environment that persists, BCI has assessed that they will need to invest differently to ensure that they can continue to meet or exceed benchmark. Basic investment returns of 6% - 6.6% are required over the next 10-

15 years to ensure that sufficient funds are available to meet pensions in pay.As a result, BCI has created a business plan based on the following three principles: expanding and diversifying investment strategies, strengthening the b a s e a n d i n t e r n a l i z i n g a s s e t management. One way BCI is expanding their portfolio is through broader investments in US funds. Legacy systems such as the accounting platform are being replaced to meet expanding needs and the required skill sets for employees is actively monitored. In addition, BCI has undertaken a longer term strategy to add staff with the required skills to expand the internal investment capacity. External asset management is 3.5 to 7% more expensive than internal investment.Members attending the B iennia l Reporting Meeting, questioned BCI on issues related to ethical investment and the company's position on divestiture. BCI responded by reminding participants that its mandate is to ensure the best financial returns on investment, which is why they actively consider the ESG factors of considered investments. And rather than divestiture, the corporate belief is to be an active investors.Delegates expressed appreciation for the clarity of the presentation and the information provided.

1. Keep your mouth clean• Use a soft-bristle toothbrush and

fluoride toothpaste• Wait a least 20-30 minutes after eating

before brushing your teeth• Floss every day.• Eat a well-balanced diet.• Limit foods and beverages containing

sugar or carbohydrates.• Ideal snack foods: cheese, nuts,

vegetables, and non-acidic fruits.

2. Check your mouth regularly• Looks for signs of oral cancer:• Look for signs of gum disease: • Bleeding or open sores that don't heal; • Red, shiny puffy, sore or sensitive gums;• Bleeding when you brush or floss;• Bad breath that won't go away;• White or red patches;• Numbness or tingling;• Small lumps and thickening on the sides

or bottom or your tongue, the floor or roof of your mouth, the inside of your cheeks, or on your gums.

3. Eat Well• Good nutrition helps build strong teeth

and gums• Munch on mouth-healthy snacks like

cheeses, nuts, vegetables, and non- acidic fruits.

4. See your Dentist regularly• 48% of Canadians who haven't seen a

dentist in the past year have gum disease. Regular dental exams and professional cleaning are the best way to prevent and detect problems before they get worse.

5. Don't Smoke or Chew Tobacco• Smoking and chewing tobacco can

cause oral cancer, heart disease, gum disease, and a variety of other cancers.

FIND A DENTISTDon't wait for a toothache or a dental emergency to look for a dentist. Ask for recommendations from friends, family, neighbours, or co-workers. If you're moving, ask if your current dentist can refer you to a dentist in your new area.


Page 5: The Biennial Reporting Meeting - MemberClicks Advisor 2018.pdfBuilding fitness and mobility into our normal daily routine is Joy's key to success for most people. Joy believes that

ADVISORThe Page 5Summer 2018

For over 14 years

M P R A h a s been working with Johnson in designing, developing and implementing insurance solutions for our MPRA members in good standing. Over 3,000 of our members are insured under these various programs. As a valued member of MPRA you have access to a number of insurance options through Johnson that can provide you with enhanced coverage and great savings including:

•MEDOC® Travel InsuranceMedoc travel insurance provides $5 million emergency medical coverage, up to $8,000 trip cancellation, interruption & delay insurance and baggage & personal effects benefits. All MPRA members have access to this coverage regardless of age or health status (a 90-day health stability clause applies to pre-existing medical conditions). Coverage is available for an unlimited number of trips up to 17 or 35 consecutive days with the ability to extend coverage on a per trip basis. For our members currently covered by the Medoc plan, we would like to thank you for your feedback on the program. As a result of your feedback we are pleased to announce the following enhancements to the Medoc plan in September of this year:

• Trips within province of residence will be covered under the trip cancellation benefit

• Days of travel within Canada will not accumulate towards your trip days

• Document Replacement $500

• Non-Medical Emergency Evacuation benefit, and more!

We encourage you to review yourrenewal documents for further details.

• Prestige Travel with Extended Health Care Plan

MPRA members have access to a 62-day travel plan with no Health Option Questionnaire to complete if currently enrolled in Pacific Blue Cross Extended Health Care Plan. There is also no stability


clause under this plan (covers sudden & unforeseen medical emergencies). MPRA members also, have the ability to extend coverage on a per trip basis.Also included in this plan is $850 of prescription drug coverage each year. This is a great feature under this plan especially when the Pacific Blue Cross plan has a $100 deductible per person each year that needs to be satisfied before being reimbursed at only 70%. The remaining balance of eligible prescription expenses can be claimed under the Johnson plan.Do you have a spouse covered under the Pacific Blue Cross plan? Did you know they can switch their extended health coverage to Johnson and access an enhanced Extended Health Care Plan that includes a 62 day travel plan? We encourage you to contact Johnson for further details!• Dental InsuranceMany members have reached out to the MPRA office to share their concerns regarding both the loss in subsidy for our dental benefits and the recent rate increase to the dental plan through Pacific Blue Cross. MPRA members have an alternative to the Pacific Blue Cross plan that provides the following coverage:

• 80% Basic/Preventative Services (no annual maximum):

• 1 oral exam per calendar year, 8 units of scaling and/or root planning per year and 4 units of dental facility fees for surgical removal of teeth.

• 80% Minor Restorative, includes:

• Endodontics/Periodontics

($750 combined maximum per calendar year)

• 50% Major Restorative procedures

• Crowns/Posts/Inlays/Onlays ($700 combined maximum per calendar year)

• Bridges/Dentures/Implants ($700 combined maximum per calendar year)

We strongly encourage you to compare this plan to your current coverage and contact Johnson for further details!

Johnson’s offers best friend advice.• Trip Cancellation Insurance MPRA Executive are just finalizing details to a new enhanced non-medical trip cancellation, interruption, baggage and personal effects benefit. This benefit is typically something that would be purchased from a travel supplier at a cost $100 per $1,000 of coverage. While this program is in its early stages we are happy to share that the new offering will provide annual coverage for all of your trips in the policy year for coverage up to $12,000 per person, per trip. The annual cost will be $87.99 single or couple/family! Stay tuned for the official launch in September 2018. • Home InsuranceWhether you want a simple home insurance policy or something more comprehensive, you can choose from a range of options and add-ons to tailor your policy (home, condo, tenant) to your needs. Johnson also provides a set of discounts to protect your budget too. Plus the Extras that Come with Every Home Policy• AIR MILES® - Earn 1 AIR MILES reward

mile for every $20 in premium paid, including taxes

• Access to 24/7 Claims service* - If you've got a claim, we're here to help – all day, every day

• 50+ Plan - If you or your spouse is 50 or over, you may also qualify for extra services: morale, nursing, companion, housekeeping services after a hospital stay, plus a home repair/maintenance referral service

Information on these plans can be found at . M P R A www.johnson.ca/mpramembers can reach out to Johnson by email or call [email protected] Langley, BC office at 604-881-8840 or toll free at 1-866-799-0000.

Page 6: The Biennial Reporting Meeting - MemberClicks Advisor 2018.pdfBuilding fitness and mobility into our normal daily routine is Joy's key to success for most people. Joy believes that

The ADVISORPage 6 Summer 2018

One of the very best financial decisions you can make is to write a will. But it's astonishing how many people in Canada don't have one -more than half according to some estimates.For many knowing where to start can be an obstacle. For others, procrastination is a factor. Maybe it doesn't seem urgent but dying without a will could mean that your property won't be distributed in accordance with your wishes. So, what are the secrets to writing a good will? There are a few key points to keep in mind.1. Choose your executor carefully. The executor is the person you want to carry out the directions of your will. It must be an adult and it should be someone you trust. It's also a good idea to name an executor who knows you and is likely to outlive you. 2. Take care of your loved ones first. Most of us plan to leave something to those closest to us. But if you don't name your loved ones in your will and state how much you want them to receive, your estate might not automatically go to the right people. 3. Name guardians for your children. If you have children and they are not yet adults, your will should name the person who will be your children's guardian if you die.4. Name the charities you want to support. Think about the favourite causes you want to leave a gift to: It's a common practice to offer financial assistance that many cannot afford to give during their lifetime. It could be a health charity, a local animal shelter or a human rights charity like Amnesty International.5. Seek expert help. You might be tempted to write a will on your own, but that decision could end up costing your loved ones more. Seeking expert advice is strongly recommended. Speak to a lawyer specializing in estates. Getting their guidance might not be as expensive as you imagined and will likely pay off in the long term.Writing a will is a fairly straightforward process and your loved ones wil l appreciate that you took the time. A free general information package is available f r o m A m n e s t y I n t e r n a t i o n a l a t www.amnesty.ca/legacy.

“My Friend told me that she has a Will that doesn't need Probate. Can I get one of those please?Ah, the will that doesn't need probate. Wouldn't that be nice? This is something I am frequently asked about by clients, and the answer is always the same. “There is no such thing as a will that doesn't need probate because the will itself does not govern whether probate is necessary.”Whether or not a will requires probate will depend upon the assets the deceased holds, whether those assets are jointly owned, or are assets that a l low benefic iary designations. I t is so important to consult a lawyer during your estate planning process, because to have a properly drafted will that may not need probate, requires a clear look at the assets you hold in order for your lawyer to come up with your estate “plan”Your estate “plan” is the unique structure of your assets and whether they are to pass inside or outside your estate.Asset structuring requires a significant amount of what I like to call “homework.” After my initial Estate Planning meeting with my clients where we discuss all their assets, their “homework” list when they leave my office will often involve ensuring their bank accounts are joint (with their much loved spouse). and intended to flow to the joint surviving owner, ensuring that their Tax Free Savings Accounts have a successor holder or beneficiary names, ensuring that their life insurance has a named beneficiary or beneficiaries and so on and so forth. Structuring of assets jointly or by beneficiary designation is the only way to ensure that there is no “estate” to probate, thereby creating the elusive, “will that doesn't need Probate.” Any assets in the deceased's sole name will likely have to go through Probate (unless they are minimal).Probate fees in BC are low. I would caution anyone considering transferring assets into joint names with anyone (other than your beloved spouse who is intended to be your sole beneficiary anyway) just to avoid Probate fees because you are putting those assets at risk (distrustful joint owners, creditors of the joint owners, etc. etc.)

At our 2011 Convention, a resolution was passed to advocate to the Federal Government to increase the CPP Death benefit from $2500.00 to $4000.00 and for it to be non-taxable. We wrote letters to the government and met with some of our MP's to make this change happen. The process is more complicated than we thought. In order to make changes to the C P P, seven of the provinces and territories must agree to the change. As a result there is no change to the amount at this time with this government. There were some minor changes to the formula and eligibility, but the amount of benefit remains at a one-time lump sum payment to a maximum of $2500.00 and is still a taxable benefit. This is not automatic, you and/or your executor/estate must apply for this benefit within 60 days of the death. The average payout as of January of this year was $2311.74. For more information on this please go to our website, click on the links tab and then the CPP link.


ByEdPakos,2 VP



Careful consideration and cautiousness is always required when transferring assets into joint names.This information applies as a general rule but may change depending upon the specific circumstances of your own situation. You should consult a lawyer before acting on any of this information. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to directly contact Vanessa DeDominic is at 250 869 1140 or dedominicia@pushormitchel l .com Vanessa practices in the area of wills and Estates with Pushor Mitchell LLP in Kelowna, BC and would be more than happy to assist you.

The MPRA uses the email address for notifications to our members. It is the most e f f e c t i v e w a y t o

communicate quickly. Any change of information i.e. address, phone or cell phone please notify the office.

Page 7: The Biennial Reporting Meeting - MemberClicks Advisor 2018.pdfBuilding fitness and mobility into our normal daily routine is Joy's key to success for most people. Joy believes that

Cloverdale Paint 25% off paint and stains (not on sale items) 15% off wall papers and accessories (not on sale items)At Cloverdale Paint we are known as Municipal Pension Retirees' Association.


Pets Plus UsPhone number 1 800 364 8422www.petsplusus.com PetsPlusUs Provides comprehensive pet

owner and veterinarian designed pet i n s u r a n c e f o r y o u r cat or dog. Ask for MPRA discount at 1-800-364-8422 or www.petsplusus.comGeorgina BradleyAmbassador British Columbia778 883 [email protected] is willing to come and speak at District Meetings.

NAPA Ask for MPRA member discounts at the store.

Page 7


Johnsons Inc . D i scounted t rave l insurance , home insurance , and extended health and dental.

Lordco 30% off most regular priced items (batteries and oil not incl.) (not on

sale items) At Lordco we are known as MPRA in their system

Reel-fin-atic Fishing Charters Offers different discounts based on number of people fishing. For informat ion and rates go to www.fin-atic.com or call Todd Sweet at 1-604-376-9011 or E: [email protected]

The internet links for our sponsors are on our website under the links tab so you can quickly find what you may be looking for. Just a reminder that we have a link to our photo gallery and our Facebook page on the website.

604-881-8840 or TF 1-866-799-0000

/ Prestige

Collette Travel Discounts change and are on our website at www.mpra.ca click on links at top and then on Collette Travel

Mention you are an MPRA member for exclusive offers.

MUNICIPAL PENSION PLANIf you have a question regarding your pension or your group health benefits, please call the Municipal Pension Plan at In Victoria call 250-356-9657Toll Free for Canada & US 1-866-876-6677Have your pension file number available

PACIFIC BLUE CROSSLower Mainland 604-419-2000TF 1-877-722-2583Have your Identity Number available

JOHNSON INC Travel Ins 604-881-8840 or TF 1-866-799-0000Home Ins 1-800-563-0677

Reminder from Johnson Inc.: The travel insurance policies are renewed

st stfrom September 1 to August 31 in each calendar year. However you can apply for insurance benefits at anytime during the year.

Would you help us?As members of the MPRA there is the occasional time when we would like to contact you. We would like to use a telephone number or an email. If we do not have either of these options available to us, we have no choice but to send a letter in the mail. This is very expensive and takes considerable time.

This is how you can help us.Cell #Please provide the MPRA office with your cell number. Members are giving up their landline and we do not have a telephone number.

Email AddressThis is the most effective way to communicate with a member. We would like to have your email address and we will only use it to contact you for MPRA business.New AddressMembers move for many reasons. We understand. But please don't forget us and give us your new address.

MPRA office Email is [email protected] 768 1519

Thank you.


Summer 2018

Page 8: The Biennial Reporting Meeting - MemberClicks Advisor 2018.pdfBuilding fitness and mobility into our normal daily routine is Joy's key to success for most people. Joy believes that


Name: ______________________________________________________

Old Address: _________________________________________________

City __________________________ Postal Code ____________________

Please change my contact information to:

Name _______________________________________________________


City __________________________Postal Code ____________________

Telephone _____________________ Cell ______________________

Email Address:________________________________________________

Please mail or email to the address on the contact listing on this page.


Page 8 Summer 2018

Contact [email protected]

Office #4 - 2525 Dobbin RoadWest Kelowna, BC V4T 2G1

MPRA office hours:Tuesday thru Friday9:30am to 3:00pm

Letters to Editor:[email protected]

Mail 2475 Dobbin Road Unit 22, Suite 525West Kelowna, BC V4T 2E9

Is your friend, relative

or neighbour receiving

a Municipal Pension?Would you give us

their name, phone number, address and if

possible email address so we can contact

them to become members of the MPRA.Or you could send us this form with the


Name: ___________________________

Phone Number ____________________Address __________________________City ____________________________

Prov ___ Postal Code ___________Email ____________________________

Your holiday emergency kit involves:- One reusable shopping bag per person- One pair of sweat pants or shorts- One sweat Shirt or t-shirt- One old pair of runners or shoes that are easy to slip on (should be clean and not too smelly). If the shoes have laces- pre-tie them loosely so they can be slipped on.- A LED flashlight- A good whistle (Fox 40 -loud and cheap) $4.99 at Canadian Tire – cheaper than Walmart.

This kit should be beside or under your bed at home – pack it in your suitcase on holidays.


NOTE: Depending on where you are staying – you might want to pack a battery powered smoke detector and a wire coast hanger you can use to hang it up with somewhere in your hotel/motel room. After putting your suitcases in your room – go out into the hallway and count doorways to the exit door to the fire escape. That way you can find the stairwell while crawling on the floor, if there is smoke. Fire Escape stairwells are virtually fire proof in newer buildings and have refuge areas for less mobile people to wait in until help arrives.

SouthShuswapFirstResponderVolunteersEffective dispatches have good hearing, quick reaction time., and a clear speaking voice.RESPONDERS drive to the scene of the emergency if it is close to them.They have completed our accredited training course and are licensed to give emergency medical care. Responders are provided with an extensive and expensive supply of gear to manage injuries and other medical emergenciesOur Goal is to provide the South Shuswap with speedy and effective medical care in the event of an emergency. Please become part of our team. Contact us at 250 833 5060.E-Mail: [email protected] Site: ssfra.ca

First Responders to emergencies in our area are al l volunteers. They are dedicated to delivering accredited emergency medical care in the quickest possible time. We coordinate with BC Ambulance Service to provide life saving care throughout the South Shuswap.There are two roles for the Responder team:DISPATCHERS take emergency calls radioed by BC Ambulance Service.By rad io, they communicate the emergency to Responders, ass ist responders to the right address, contact additional resources such as Fire, Rescue, RCMP, record progress of the response. A dispatcher must be available within seconds to begin the First Response.

A Representation agreement is a legal document that a l l o w s y o u t o a p p o i n t someone to help you make decisions about your health and personal care matters and your routine financial affairs.Your representative can not be someone who is paid to provide you with personal or health care services or someone who is an employee of a facility where you reside.Excerpt from the People's Law SchoolFor more information go online at: www.health.gov.bc.ca/library/publications


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