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Page 1: The Bioinformatics Training Landscape · The Bioinformatics Training Landscape Toronto Area Bioinformatics User Group ( TorBug ) November 29, 2017 ... Global Community 2017 Genomics





Page 2: The Bioinformatics Training Landscape · The Bioinformatics Training Landscape Toronto Area Bioinformatics User Group ( TorBug ) November 29, 2017 ... Global Community 2017 Genomics

What is the Bioinformatics Training Landscape?

What is bioinformatics? How do you define bioinformatics vs. comp bio?

Is bioinformatics biology?

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Bioinformatics Buzzword PyramidThere’s a road ahead, but where are we going?

Page 4: The Bioinformatics Training Landscape · The Bioinformatics Training Landscape Toronto Area Bioinformatics User Group ( TorBug ) November 29, 2017 ... Global Community 2017 Genomics

Bioinformatics Buzzword PyramidThere’s a road ahead, but where are we going?

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Talk outline

• What do we know about the needs of researchers and educators?

• Roadblocks and opportunities

• What do you think?

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What is the Bioinformatics Training Landscape?

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• Startedin2008asiPlantCollaborative

• $100Million,10YearNSFinvestment

• 40K+users,~3PBuserdata;national


• Make“BigDataBiology”accessible to


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SurveyofNSFPIs– UnmetneedsforBioBigData

• 2016,Collected704/3987respondentsacrossthe4NSFBio

• Askedaboutcurrentandfutureneedsintrainingandinfrastructure

• Stratifiedbyresearchgroupsize/directorate

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Training is the biggest need!

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• NSFResearchCoordinationNetwork;UndergraduateBiologyEducation

• ~30Undergraduateeducators,expertsinassessment,industry,andotherfields

• https://qubeshub.org/groups/niblse

• Interestedin:

o FacultyandStudentPreparation

o Methodsandresourcesforintegration

o Assessment

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• ~1260responses

• Somegoals:

• Understandfacultyperceptionsandbehaviorsinaddressing


• Gatherinformationonbioinformaticsrelatedsyllabi


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Question NumberofKeyword-codedResponses

1.Inyouropinion,whatdoyouthinkarethemostimportant challengescurrentlyfacingthoseeducatingundergraduatelifescientistsinbioinformatics? 734(59.6%)

2A. Whatisthelevelofthecoursesyouteachinwhichyouwouldliketoincludebioinformaticscontent?(multiplechoice)



3*.Whatispreventingyoufromincludingbioinformaticscontentinthesecourses? 313(25.4%)



*- onlyaskedtothosewhoindicatedtheyarenotintegratingbioinformatics

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40% offacultyreportachievingthis.

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underrepresentedminoritiesinSTEMreporttrainingbarriersvs.28% ofnon-URMfaculty.

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MCA: Institution type

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institutionsreportintegratingbioinformaticsvs.43% annon-minority-servinginstitutions.

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DecadeofHighest Degree




1980-1989 8.4 35.4

1990-1999 11.3 41.9

2000-2009 35.1 41.7

2010-2016 48.3 25.2


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Talk outline

• Whatdoweknowabouttheneedsofresearchersandeducators?

• Researchersandeducatorsstillexperienceatraininggap

• Trainingmorepressinganeedthantechnology/infrastructure

• Researchtrainingneedsaresophisticated(evolving?)

• Facultytrainingdoes!=touseintheclassroom

• Disparitiesintrainingexistandneedtobebetterunderstood

Page 33: The Bioinformatics Training Landscape · The Bioinformatics Training Landscape Toronto Area Bioinformatics User Group ( TorBug ) November 29, 2017 ... Global Community 2017 Genomics

Talk outline

• What do we know about the needs of researchers and educators?

• Roadblocks and opportunities

• What do you think?

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• Longitudinalstudyof294PhDstudentsfrom53USinstitutions

• Nostatisticallysignificantoutcomesover115variables(e.g.Publication/abstracts,


• Consistentwithpublishedpedagogicalresearchthatbootcamps cannotleadto


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• Meta-analysis of published assessments in genomics and bioinformatics


• Most studies assessed summative learning gains

• Less than 10% of studies provided reliability/validity evidence for assessments

(only one study provided both)

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But doesn’t training work?

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But doesn’t training work?

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Towards evidence-based training and assessment

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SeeDr.Tractenberg’s slides:https://www.academia.edu/34607065/Learning_goals_teaching_goals_and_assessment_in_bioinformatics_training

• Rememberthedifferencebetweenformal/informaltraining– muchof

theliteratureassumesaeducation trajectory(longterm)vs.training


• Goodtrainingmusthaveclearlyarticulatedlearningoutcomes

• Soundsobvious,butlearnerscanonlyreachthelevelofskilluseyouare


• Learnersneedtobeguidedonhow/why/when skillsshouldbeused

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• DataCarpentry– Basicdataorganization/management(R/Linux)anduseofcommand-linebioinformaticstools(Unix)

• SoftwareCarpentry – Basiccomputingskillsincludingautomation(Linux/Make),scripting(PythonorR),versioncontrol(Git/GitHub)

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InteractingwithComputers• CouldComputing• Connectingtoremotecomputing(SSH/PuTTY)• FileTransfer(FileZilla,othercommand-linetools:


DataManagementandOrganization• Opensource• Metadataandreproducibility• Importantgenomicsfileformats(CSV/TSV,FastQ,

SAM/BAM,VCF,etc.)• Organizingafilesystemforcomputationalprojects(Linux)• UnixShell(command-line:ls,cd,mkdir,cp,rm,wc,grep,

cut,columns,head,tail,lessetc,)• R:Creatingprojects,scripts,andexaminingdata

DataCleaningandvisualizationR:variouspackagesandfunctionsR:dplyrR:ggplotFastQC - qualitycontrolofhigh-throughputsequencedataTrimmomatic - filteringandtrimmingofhigh-throughputsequencedataIntegratedGenomeViewer



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Carpentry Assessment

Thelong-termsurveyassessedconfidence,motivation,andotheroutcomesmorethansixmonths afterrespondentsattendedaCarpentryworkshop.

• 77%ofrespondentsreportedbeingmoreconfidentinthetools thatwerecovered


• 54%ofrespondentshavemadetheiranalysesmorereproducible asaresultof


• 65%ofrespondentshavegainedconfidenceinworkingwithdata asaresultof


• 74%ofrespondentshaverecommendedourworkshops toafriendorcolleague.

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Talk outline

• Roadblocksandopportunities

• Thereisalotofroomforimprovementinhowweassesstheimpactoftraining/(includingcoordinationandstandardizationofdisparateefforts)

• Sincethemajorityofbioinformaticseducationis(willremain?)informal,trainingneedstointegrateinsightsfromcognitivesciences

• Carpentriesapproachissucceedinginmanywaysweneedtopayattentionto,improve,andcriticize

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Talk outline

• Whatdoyouthink?

• Howareyouinvolvedintraining?• Whatresponsibilitiesdobioinformaticianshavetocontribute?

• Howcanthenon-bioinformatician keepupwiththepaceofchange?

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