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Presentation Night

Saturday 20th April 2013

SEASON 2012/2013

Proudly sponsored by


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Cardiff Boolaroo District Cricket Club Inc.

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Cardiff Boolaroo District Cricket Club Inc.

The Black Rose 2012/2013

www.cbcricket.com [email protected]


President’s Report

Season 2012/2013 was a year for the CBs to put pride back after the disappointments of the previous

season. I am delighted at the way the whole club, the Committee, the Coaches and the players responded

to make this happen, with much improved on field results making this year a really solid platform to build

on for coming years.

This season we introduced a change to our coaching structure with Mark (Chikka) Eveleigh as Head

Coach, Geoff Smith as Batting Coach and Gary Pinches as Fielding and Bowling coach. Whilst there were a

few teething problems at the start, the training was a lot more intense with a lot more one on one

sessions, and this resulted in much improved results on the field.

Attendance at training for the most part was always very high. We also signed a professional cricketer

from Surrey in England. Tom Jewell and his partner Lydia arrived in November and departed in early

March. Tom provided a lot of professionalism and stability to our first grade unit. Whilst he was here the

CB’s only lost the one First Grade game. His contribution to our Club was outstanding. Special mention to

Geoff and Ashlea Taylor for housing the Poms at such short notice for the duration of their stay. RSL

Club Director Eric Craney and his wife Sue also kindly assisted when needed.

This year we reintroduced a C&S team which was graded in D6’s. Mark Chambers was our inaugural

captain and he did a great job getting the team all the way to the semi-finals. The team was made up of

mostly Warners Bay /Cardiff players from the U15’s plus a few older heads. A big thanks to Mark Hickey

for his help in getting this team on the park every week (he always pulled in players to fill spots) his link

between the WBCJCC and the Cardiff Boolaroo DCC is invaluable.

Congrats to Greeny and our Second grade for making the Semi Finals for the first time in quite a while

unfortunately losing to Merewether but quite a massive turnaround from last year and a year they should

be very proud of.

First Grade just missed out on the top 4 and overall the CB’s were able to climb to 6th on the Club

Championship compared to last year finishing last by 250 points. Everyone involved in the club should be

very proud of these results .This will give us a great springboard for year 2013/2014.

I would like to thank all the Captains and coaches for their dedication and extra hours they spent

preparing their teams to play each week, organising all the extras that are needed to keep things under

control, selecting teams, all the last minute phone calls etc.

A massive amount of thanks must go to Janice and Pat O’Reilly for their fantastic running of the canteen

(best salad rolls in town).Your ongoing help and support is really appreciated. Also a special thanks to

Mary Maher who was always on hand to help out and lend assistance to Janice with Lunch and afternoon


Ian Hancock again provided the best 3rd & 4th grade wicket in town with plenty of runs being scored and

plenty of bowler's hearts being broken.

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The practice wickets were again of a very high standard. The amount of time Ian is at the ground

through the week plus supporting the club on Saturdays is incredible.

Ron Smith the wickets you provided at No. 1 were of a very high standard. The time and effort you put

into the preparation of these wickets to make this happen is really appreciated.

Thanks to Merv Bradbury for again taking on the responsibility of scoring for first grade this year.

Fantastic job. Also the Bradbury family built a new Scoreboard for use at No. 1 – blue and white of

course !

Dougie Petrosic made his debut this year in the scoring ranks and did a tremendous job. Not bad for

someone who did not know how to score at the start of the year.

Jason Gregory once again provided decks at Walters Park and anything else that needed to be done on

Game day. Thanks Jason your assistance is always highly valued.

To the CB’s that made representative teams this year a big congratulations on your successes.

Bayley Macgill made the Newcastle U17s and 21s plus the Bradman Cup Team. He also scored his maiden

first Grade century against Waratah at the tender age of 16. Great effort. I am sure there will be many

more to come. Bayley has also been selected in the NSW CHS Representative team to Tour the UK in

July. What a great experience for someone so young. Well done mate.

Logan Johnson also made the Bradman Cup Team. He scored his maiden Hundred in 3rd Grade against

Charlestown at the age of 14. Superb effort and was rewarded with a 2nd grade spot and a semi-final.

Jarrod Ninness was also selected in the Newcastle U21 team. A big well done to Jarrod who always puts


A big thanks to everyone who supported our Social events this year, plus the after match presentations

at the RSL which were well supported and hopefully only get bigger. Thanks to everyone who attended

for giving up their time.

To our sponsors without your support we would struggle to stay competitive. To the Cardiff RSL thank

you for your assistance and we look forward to your ongoing support. Thanks also to the Cardiff Bowling

Club for your ongoing commitment to the CBs and of course Gerard Maher at Pivotal Business Systems.

We also had Reid’s Butchery Cardiff on board this year who supplied the meat for our social functions.

I would like to express my thanks to Graeme Knowles for all his work that he has carried out this year in

what is a very big job and all of the other hard working committee members and volunteers that have

helped make this club what it is today. All strong clubs have a great committee and I believe that’s what

we have here at the CBs.

Finally I would like to thank all the wives, partners and parents who supported our club this year. Your

commitment is essential in helping make this club a success.

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Cardiff Boolaroo District Cricket Club Inc.

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So please enjoy yourself tonight and celebrate what has been a successful season by the mighty CBs

which gives us a massive platform to build on for next year.

Go the CB’s in 2013/2014.

Matthew Maher

Secretary’s Report

On 16th March after the last first grade game of the season Daniel Maher gave a passionate speech to

the assembled masses at about 8pm. His words got me thinking about our club. Conversations with Chicka

and Gary later on reinforced upon me some of the things that Sid said. Dan talked about wives and girl

friends, partners and mothers, and other people who are part of the players’ support network.

Any casual observer passing by who heard Sid talk, saw the teenage players involved in scratch game of

tackle/touch a few minutes earlier, the wives and partners with kids, fathers running the BBQ and the

general massing of happy faces would have recognised that there was something more than just a few

drinks after the game happening here.

When you get a bunch of people from as far afield as Dudley and Edgeworth, aged from Dawson Maher to

post pension age, builders, teachers, architects, labourers, retail assistants, housewives, retirees and so

on still chatting and laughing 4 or 5 hours after the game’s last ball, you’ve got something more than just

cricket going on here.

Sure there is a collective love of the game but there is also a joy in being part of something. I think it is

what sociologists call a community.

You don’t have to live in the same street or village to feel that community spirit. You have to share a

common goal and wish to contribute to the community’s well being. I think that’s what a casual observer

would have sensed if he peeked into No 1 oval that night.

The CB’s website talks about us being a community spirited club that will assist in playing the game to the

best of our ability and also uses the term “people skills” as being part of our agenda. It reads like a policy

statement and we could do a lot worse than follow that agenda.

There seems to me a hell of a lot of movement of players between clubs these days. Steve Threadgold’s

statistics suggest that most players will change clubs at least 2 or 3 times before retiring to the golf

course or C&S. That is something that we should turn to our advantage rather than disadvantage.

When a 20-year-old playing Fourth or First grade, from Uni or Wallsend or wherever plays us he should

finish the day thinking that this is the sort of playing and social atmosphere that he could easily be a

part of.

Chicka, Gary and Geoff have done great job in elevating our prestige in town in terms of the 11am to 6pm

stuff on the field but a club community goes way beyond that.

It's that sense of place that will keep people here and attract others. The clubs that keep a strong core

of its players, and there are still a couple out there, are the ones that can arrest the volatile, up and

down nature of the First Grade ladder and Club Championship that seems to be common from season to


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Cardiff Boolaroo District Cricket Club Inc.

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www.cbcricket.com [email protected]


The people who have gathered at the after game functions like the one on the 16th March have got a

sense of building something through a strong inner community and liking for each other’s company. Last

year’s poor results tested that feeling but the CBs have come through that with great credit.

It's in our nature to be part of a community. That’s the other thing that we can turn to our advantage.

It’s already working.

Graeme Knowles

Coaches Report

With the coaching ranks growing from 1 to 3 people, this season always loomed as one where some

significant improvements could be made by individuals and the Club as a whole. From the perspective of

the coaches this has certainly been the case although we also see the opportunity to improve our

involvement and the impact of our involvement going forward. Our presence much higher in the points

table for Club Championship is evidence of this progress and something we all should be proud of helping

to achieve while acknowledging there are still people above us to climb over next season.

Thanks then to the Club for acknowledging the benefits to its members of having more experience to

draw from. It is difficult to be all things to all people so to have more coaching alternatives for the

players was an important step in the development of the environment that is required to be the best.

Thanks must also go to the various and numerous players that assisted us when asked, or even when not

specifically asked, especially in the co-ordination and execution of the fielding drills. These are difficult

and time-consuming to do so to have help in this area was crucial. The enthusiasm shown in getting these

drills going and keeping people interested didn’t go unnoticed and was certainly appreciated.

Special thanks also goes to Ian whose efforts give us the best practice wickets in town. For those who

don’t know any different, you have no idea how lucky we are.

We have a very good crop of young players at the Club which is very exciting for us as coaches. Their

hunger for improvement is tremendous and has shone through in their results and/or progress in their

skill development. There are examples in all five grades of this which is exciting for us as a Club. A couple

of good examples are Bayley McGill and Tommy Fernance. These and the other young guys have put in,

asked for help, listened, and generally realised that there was opportunity to improve by being a

contributor. Nothing would please us more than to see guys like Tom progress through the grades and

play first grade or even higher. Nothing would please us more than to have CB players filling Newcastle

colts and senior rep sides. That is also an ambition of ours and we know we have the potential here at the

Club to see this happen more often in the future.

Clubs also don’t survive just on young guys coming through. There is a backbone here of dedicated

cricketers whose love of the game brings them back year after year no matter the grade, no matter the

age. Sometimes it’s about maintaining skills and not so much about improving for these blokes but there is

a place for this too and as long as there is a passion for the game, respect for the Club and respect for

your team-mates then we have a fantastic blend of people all wanting a good game of cricket in an

inclusive and progressive Club environment.

Let’s look forward now to the challenges of another season. We have some plans on the table and are

looking forward to helping this Club and its members achieve the significant potential that is here.

Geoff, Mark and Gary

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Cardiff Boolaroo District Cricket Club Inc.

The Black Rose 2012/2013

www.cbcricket.com [email protected]


Sponsorship Thankyou

We greatly appreciate all our sponsors and the many businesses within our cricketing

community who take their time and assistance throughout the season.

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Cardiff Boolaroo District Cricket Club Inc.

The Black Rose 2012/2013

www.cbcricket.com [email protected]


Our major sponsors being Cardiff RSL Club and Cardiff Bowling Club who both cater for

many of our gatherings in and out of the cricket season. We hope to remain associated with

them for many years to come. Our other major sponsor Gerard Maher at Pivotal Business

Systems has been instrumental in providing the ongoing support necessary for our club to

operate successfully.

The additional businesses who contributed were Reid’s Butchers Cardiff, Gregory’s

Specialist Transport, and also the NDCA major sponsor the Commonwealth Bank.

We at Cardiff Boolaroo DCC are very much appreciative of the support we receive from

all the sponsors and community and take this opportunity to thank them sincerely for their

assistance throughout the season. We hope that their contribution to our club is as beneficial

to them as they are to us and that they continue their valued support.

Thankyou from the Committee and Members

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Cardiff Boolaroo District Cricket Club Inc.

The Black Rose 2012/2013

www.cbcricket.com [email protected]


1st Grade Captain’s Report

1st Grade Batting

Player MAT INN NO 100s 50s HS RUNS AVE.

1 Bradbury, Steven 17 16 0 0 2 85 357 22.31

2 Keelan, Jason 14 12 1 0 1 50 215 19.55

3 Ward, Steven 16 14 1 0 1 79* 214 14.27

4 Maher, Daniel 15 19 0 0 1 95 197 14.07

5 Cooper, Ray 14 13 1 0 1 59* 151 12.58

6 Brynes, Samuel 10 9 3 0 1 54 114 19

7 Smith, Geoff 7 5 0 0 0 34 109 21.8

8 Williams, Dane 9 9 2 0 0 42 100 14.29

9 Gregory, Jason 9 9 0 0 0 34 96 10.67

10 Green, Richard 9 10 1 0 0 16* 81 9.00

11 Loveday, Corey 3 3 0 0 0 40 79 26.33

12 Wenta, Joseph 11 10 0 0 0 19 66 6.60

13 Willett, Matthew 17 14 7 0 0 12* 49 7.00

14 Freund, Daniel 11 11 2 0 0 11* 40 4.44

15 Johnson, Jarryd 4 1 1 0 0 28 28 28

16 Gandha, Gautum 4 3 0 0 0 12 23 7.67

17 Osland, Brinn 7 5 1 0 0 9 23 5.75

18 Corrigan, Michael 1 1 0 0 0 10 20 10

19 Howe, Robert 1 1 0 0 0 10 10 10

20 Harvey, Callan 4 3 1 0 0 6 6 3.0

21 Maher, Lachlan 2 2 0 0 0 3 3 1.5



1 42 Steven Bradbury – Corey Loveday 10 1 Waratah

2 61 Steven Bradbury – Joseph Wenta 4 1 Stockton

3 61 Jason Gregory – Steven Ward 4 2 Stockton

4 91* Steven Ward – Jason Keelan 4 2 Stockton

5 36 Steven Ward – Jason Keelan 4 1 Stockton

6 60 Daniel Maher – Steven Ward 3 1 Merewether

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7 82* Jason Keelan – Richard Green 2 1 Wallsend

8 91 Daniel Maher – Sam Brynes 3 1 Merewether

9 No partnerships of 25 runs or greater

10 37 Dane Williams – Matthew Willett 1 1 Stockton

1st Grade Bowling

10 Wickets in Match

Matthew Willett 11 for 77 (including hat trick) Rd 15 vs Newcastle City

2nd Grade Captains Report

First I would like to thank my wife Tracy, Mary Maher and Damien Robb. These three kind souls provided

outstanding Arvo tea for 2nd grade.

Douggie P and Toddy Stevens for scoring. Daniel Freund for teaching Douggie to score. Thank you all.

Now onto the cricket.

A fairly successful season was had by the boys this season. To finish one game away from the grand final

was a pretty decent effort. We had some fairly solid performances to start the season with our batting


1 Willett, Matthew 17 166.5 43 591 26 2 6/32 22.73 38.50 3.54

2 Cooper, Ray 14 69.1 4 272 15 0 4/34 18.13 27.67 3.93

3 Ward, Steve 16 74 9 366 13 0 3/13 28.15 34.15 4.95

4 Keelan, Jason 14 84 11 377 9 0 2/32 41.89 56.00 4.49

5 Brynes, Samuel 10 52.2 9 279 8 0 2/8 34.88 39.25 5.33

6 Williams, Dane 9 36 5 151 5 0 2/21 30.20 43.20 4.19

7 Osland, Brinn 7 46.3 6 206 4 0 2/87 51.50 69.75 4.43

8 Green, Richard 9 21 2 149 3 0 2/21 49.67 42.00 7.10

9 Harvey, Callan 4 24 7 61 2 0 1/15 30.50 72.00 2.54

10 Gregory, Jason 9 9 0 71 2 0 2/32 35.50 27.00 7.89

11 Howe, Robert 1 4 0 22 1 0 1/22 22.00 24.00 5.50

12 Bradbury, Stephen 17 1 0 12 0 0 0/12 NA NA 12.00

13 Gandha, Gautam 4 2 0 18 0 0 0/9 NA NA 9.00

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really standing up. After Christmas our batting dwindled off a touch and we couldn't recover enough to

keep putting big scores on the board and keep winning matches.

2nd grade saw a lot of young cricketers this season. Sam Brynes was a key performer for us, this young

man can play . His performances at Stockton and Toronto almost single-handedly won us the match. I'm

sure if Sam gets a chance with a swinging ball in 1st grade he will prove he is up to the challenge.

Cal Harvey is another guy who deserves credit. Ultra consistent with the ball and very reliable. He forced

himself into 1’s late in the season and was one of the better bowlers in those games.

Ray Steadman is also another one to watch. Ray showed the most improvement in my eyes over the

season. He bowled some terrific spells and bamboozled a lot of batsman. He just needs a little bit of

consistency which he will gain with experience. Also the old boy Corey Loveday bowled well through the

year taking around 20 wickets. Well done old man.

Lach Maher showed glimpses of what could be. Lach batted very well in patches this year. Again

consistency is the thing he will find with experience.

I also saw some very young cricketers over the year. Young Jonty Dicks has shown great potential behind

the stumps. I was very impressed with his keeping. Jacob Maher, Brett Speirings, Hayden Clancy, and

Gianluca (Johnny) Santerelli also showed that they can step up, and I expect that they will next season.

The club is in good shape with these youngsters coming through the grades. Expect these guys to be

pushing the 1s for a spot over the next year or two.

I hope the boys enjoyed the season and learnt the importance of playing straight and bowling full and



2nd Grade Batting

Player MAT INN NO 100s 50s HS RUNS AVE.

1 Loveday, Corey 13 13 1 1 1 100 338 28.17

2 Corrigan, Michael 9 7 0 0 1 57 140 20.00

3 Robb, Damian 7 9 0 0 1 68 103 11.44

4 Wenta, Joseph 2 3 0 0 1 56 103 34.33

5 Harvey, Lachlan 9 9 3 0 0 30 94 15.67

6 Gandha, Gautam 7 7 0 0 0 32 93 13.29

7 Chambers, Shaun 6 7 0 0 0 31 79 11.29

8 Mayo, Chad 8 10 1 0 0 25 76 8.44

9 Green, Richard 7 4 1 0 0 34* 74 24.67

10 Chappell, Matthew 8 8 0 0 0 18 66 8.25

11 Maher, Lachlan 9 7 0 0 0 26 65 9.29

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12 Gregory, Jason 5 3 0 0 0 26 58 19.33

13 Johnson, Jarryd 1 2 0 0 0 41 51 25.50

14 Oultram, Myles 4 5 2 0 0 47* 52 17.33

15 Cizzio, Peter 5 6 1 0 0 16 43 8.60

16 Harvey, Callan 9 10 6 0 0 17 37 9.25

17 Santarelli, Johnny 8 4 0 0 0 18 31 7.75

18 Clarke, Jack 8 7 3 0 0 13* 24 6.00

19 Brynes, Samuel 6 4 0 0 0 8 17 4.25

20 Rendina, Chris 1 1 0 0 0 9 9 9.00

21 Freund, Daniel 2 2 0 0 0 4 4 2.00

22 Stevens, Todd 1 1 1 0 0 4* 4 NA

23 Taylor, Geoffrey 1 2 0 0 0 3 3 1.50

24 Maher, Jacob 1 1 0 0 0 2 2 2.00


Corey Loveday – 100 – v’s Wests Round 7



1 46 Jason Gregory - Michael Corrigan 7 1 Wests

2 134 Jason Gregory – Corey Loveday 7 1 Wests

3 34 Chad Mayo – Damian Robb 3 1 Merewether

4 39 Michael Corrigan – Johnny Santarelli 7 1 Wests

5 33 Michael Corrigan – Gautam Gandha 4 1 Stockton

6 44 Gautam Gandha - Matthew Chappell 8 1 Wests

7 33 Shaun Chambers – Myles Oultram 7 1 Wests

8 31 Callan Harvey – Lachlan Harvey 3 2 Merewether

8 31 Richard Green – Todd Stevens 17 1 Waratah

10 No partnerships of 25 runs or greater

2nd Grade Bowling


1 Loveday, Corey 13 104 22 271 20 0 4/28 13.55 31.20 2.61

2 Harvey, Callan 9 94 10 407 13 0 4/96 31.31 43.38 4.33

3 Brynes, Samuel 6 43.2 9 141 11 1 5/15 12.82 23.64 3.25

4 Chappell, Matthew 8 85 13 292 11 0 4/73 26.55 46.36 3.44

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5 Robb, Damian 7 36.3 1 182 9 0 3/49 20.22 24.33 4.99

6 Green, Richard 7 35 6 91 7 0 2/22 13.00 30 2.60

7 Clarke, Jack 8 47.3 7 127 5 0 1/6 25.40 57 2.67

8 Chambers, Shaun 6 4 0 12 3 0 3/12 4.00 8.00 3.00

9 Santarelli, Johnny 8 6 1 29 2 0 1/7 14.5 18 4.83

10 Harvey, Lachlan 9 20 1 73 1 0 1/31 73 120 3.65

11 Gandha, Gautam 7 29 0 145 1 0 1/56 145 174 5.00

12 Maher, Jacob 1 3 0 13 0 0 0/13 NA NA 4.33

13 Gregory, Jason 5 11 1 46 0 0 0/11 NA 21.00 4.18

5 Wicket Innings

Sam Brynes 5 for 15 - Round 9 vs University

3rd Grade Captain’s Report

This season began with a lot of anticipation with a very good pre-season and a confidence that we would

turn things around pretty quickly from last year’s disappointments.

First game of the season was against Belmont, which saw a very comfortable win for the boys and a great

start. Scott Richardson fell agonising close to his maiden 100 when he was out for 98. Having Richo back

in a CB hat was fantastic, his experience is invaluable and was a fantastic help throughout the season.

Mick Corrigan also fell 4 runs short of his 100 in this match but he continued to score heavily throughout

the year and was rewarded with a second grade spot. The feeling after this game was good but we knew

it was going to get harder as Belmont traditionally have struggled in lower grades for quite a while. Our

next match was against Wallsend and we came back to earth with a bad loss.

At times throughout the season we were a little bit inconsistent, losing games that we should have won.

We gave some teams plenty of opportunities with missed chances with our fielding which proved costly at

times but overall we competed in most games and with a little luck on our side would have won a few more

games. This season saw third grade win 5 matches and a real opportunity to sneak into the top 4 at the

back end of the season.

There were some great highlights this year but the one that stands out is Logan Johnson scoring his

maiden hundred in 3rd grade against Charlestown at the age of 14. Opening the batting and being 100 not

out at the end of the innings is a fantastic achievement. He was rewarded with a 2nd grade spot and a

semi-final. Well done Logan on a great year.

We had some consistent performers right through the year with Logan, Richo, Mick and Jason Gregory

with the bat and Thomas Marshal, Brett Spierings, and Shaun Chambers with the ball.

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I would like to thank Tom Marshall for his wholehearted bowling performances. It did not matter what

the conditions, he would just keep giving his all. This year has seen a lot of improvement in guys from last

year to this year.

Mitch Hickey, Dom Wenta, Lucas Philipson, Haden Clancy, Hayden Potter, Shaun Chambers and Brett

Spierings - keep up the hard work boys it shows in your performances. Brett was in his first season at

the CBs and the level of improvement from the start of the season where he started off in 4th grade to

being a regular 3rd grader and was rewarded with playing a game in 2nd grade has been quite remarkable.

He also played a T20 game this year for Warners Bay/Cardiff and opened the bowling and had figures of

0 runs 0 wickets off 4 overs.

The season can be best summed up as a large improvement on last year but also some missed

opportunities which may have seen us win a few more games and sneak into the Semi-Finals.

I would like to thank all the guys that played 3rd grade this year for their support and help throughout

the season. We played hard but also had a lot of fun and I hope to see you all in a blue hat next season.

Kind Regards,

Matthew Maher

3rd Grade Batting

Player MAT INN NO 100s 50s HS RUNS AVE.

1 Maher, Jacob 13 12 1 0 0 43 209 19.00

2 Maher, Mathew 8 8 3 0 1 75* 154 30.80

3 Taylor, Geoffrey 12 11 0 0 1 69 146 13.27

4 Riley, Alex 12 11 0 0 1 51 115 10.45

5 Santarelli, Johnny 4 5 1 0 1 52* 112 28.00

6 Fitzgerald, Marcus 8 8 1 0 0 29 98 14.00

7 Hickey. Mitchell 11 11 1 0 0 29 88 8.80

8 Smith, Harrison 9 8 3 0 0 39* 69 13.80

9 Ross, Zachary 13 12 0 0 0 38 66 5.50

10 Chambers, Shaun 5 3 0 0 0 33 65 21.67

11 Philipson, Lucas 8 9 3 0 0 23 51 8.50

12 Mayo, Chad 4 1 0 0 0 47 47 47.00

13 Wenta, Dominic 2 4 1 0 0 21 36 12.00

14 Stevens, Todd 4 5 0 0 0 14 27 5.40

15 Budden, Brent 1 1 0 0 0 26 26 26.00

16 Corrigan, Michael 1 1 0 0 0 24 24 24.00

17 Maher, Hamish 8 6 0 0 0 8 23 3.83

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18 Rendina, Chris 1 1 0 0 0 22 22 22.00

19 Clarke, Jack 4 2 0 0 0 15 21 10.50

20 Owen, Jarren 3 2 0 0 0 8 12 6.00

21 Taubman, David 6 3 2 0 0 8 10 10.00

22 Fernanace, Thomas 2 3 1 0 0 4 8 4.00

23 Oultram, Myles 3 2 0 0 0 7 8 4.00

24 Dennis, Rowan 1 1 1 0 0 5 5 5.00

25 Knowles, Harrison 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1.00



1 54 Alex Riley – Jacob Maher 3 1 Stockton

2 73 Alex Riley - Shaun Chambers 15 1 Stockton

3 36 Chad Mayo – Zachary Ross 6 1 Wallsend

4 37 Jacob Maher – Hamish Maher 13 1 Wests

5 No partnerships of 25 runs or greater

6 74 Zachary Ross – Johnny Santarelli 15 1 Ham-Wicks

7 No partnerships of 25 runs or greater

8 28 Harrison Smith – Geoffrey Taylor 3 1 Wallsend

9 No partnerships of 25 runs or greater

10 110* Johnny Santarelli – Harrison Smith 3 1 Stockton

3rd Grade Bowling


1 Ross, Zachary 13 70.4 11 299 13 0 4/44 23.00 32.62 4.23

2 Taubman, David 6 25 4 66 7 0 3/11 9.43 21.43 2.64

3 Clarke, Jack 4 32 9 115 7 0 2/24 16.43 27.43 3.59

4 Maher, Jacob 13 34.3 4 172 7 0 3/31 24.57 29.57 4.99

5 Philipson, Lucas 8 43.2 2 231 7 0 4/25 33.00 37.14 5.33

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6 Oultram, Myles 3 17 2 72 4 0 4/23 18.00 25.50 4.24

7 Chambers, Shaun 5 33 8 114 4 0 4/50 28.50 49.50 3.45

8 Taylor, Geoffrey 12 30.2 3 173 4 0 1/6 43.25 45.50 5.70

9 Fitzgerald, Marcus 8 11 2 49 1 0 1/14 49.00 66.00 4.45

10 Knowles, Harrison 2 18 0 85 1 0 1/14 85.00 108 4.72

11 Hickey, Mitchell 11 15.1 0 95 1 0 1/28 95.00 91.00 6.26

12 Fernance, Thomas 2 1 0 14 0 0 0/14 NA NA 14.00

13 Dennis, Rowan 1 2 0 18 0 0 0/8 NA NA 9.00

14 Riley, Alex 12 2 0 18 0 0 0/8 NA NA 9.00

15 Santarelli, Johnny 4 4 0 51 0 0 0/10 NA NA 12.75

16 Smith, Harrison 9 10 0 54 0 0 0/1 NA NA 5.40

17 Wenta, Dominic 2 13 1 97 0 0 0/2 NA NA 7.46

4th Grade Captain’s Report

After the team exceeded expectations the previous season by narrowly missing the semi finals with a

very young side hope was high for an even stronger performance this year with the return of seasoned

veterans such as Gareth and Chopper to the team to support the skipper and the evergreen “offie” (do

you ever really turn them Steve?).

Unfortunately our start to the season was in a word horrendous with only one win before Christmas out

of 7 games dashing any realistic finals hopes. In those games we performed solidly in most but were

consistently unable to dismiss teams which proved costly.

Lets focus on the positives - Xmas was obviously good to us as we returned from the break with a

vengeance losing only one more game from our remaining 7 picking up some prize scalps along the way

including Hamwicks (where we managed to rack up an impressive 3/260 off 35 overs thanks to a

beautifully compiled ton from Gareth and classy knock from Elko) and convincingly accounting for

eventual final winners Merewether who did not seem to be appreciate the ease at which the Cardiff boys

ran down their competitive total on The Oval (sorry Ian, I meant Cardiff 2).

The team finished the season with a sweet one day victory against Wests (who doesn’t like beating them)

ably supported by our vocal second graders making the atmosphere brilliant. Who will ever forget Todd

Stevens super slick spell of 2 overs and an economy rate of 1.0 - why wasn’t he bowled earlier in the


To finish the season in 7th place was a great effort considering the start we had and testimony to the

morale of the team throughout the season.

Highlights would have to include Gareth’s 100 against Hamwicks, Chopper racking up 315 runs for the

year with some consistent batting, Elko’s addition to the team (albeit for a short time), Kieran averaging

93 with the bat and Haydos having a strong season averaging 42.

We also saw some big improvements in the bowling department with Brett Spierings saying goodbye to

the team mid season after really hitting his straps and earning a promotion, Dom sorting out his early

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season bowling yips with a fantastic back end of the year and Coxy bowling as well as ever as the season

drew to a close.

From a future perspective the biggest highlight would undoubtedly be Luke Wahlsted’s winning debut

against Wallsend with 3-20 aided by valuable contributions from some other C&S stars when our usual

numbers were down and showing he is more than ready to play consistently at that level (and hopefully

higher in the future). Luke is one of a number of younger players who hopefully will stick around and make

the club a force for many years to come.

Finally I would like to thank a few people. Firstly Ian who continues to provide the best facilities

available and does not give any of us any excuse when we are dismissed at home. Secondly the entire

second grade squad who unfailingly came back to support us when they finished before us (which was

nearly every week- congrats Greeny on marshalling the boys well!) also the committee and coaching staff

who all want the best for the club and the club’s results this year have proven they are on the right

track. Finally but most importantly every single player who I had the privilege to play with in 4s this year

- it is wonderful to have such a mix of guys who all get on and are happy to do all the little shitty things

like umpiring, scoring, setting up, warming up bats without any airs and graces but even more importantly

bond like a real team! I hope you all enjoyed the year and do not even think about moving on to another

club as you are already at the best!

Most know that it is time for the 4th grade skipper to change for next season and I wish my successor

well. If the team provides as much support as they have to me for the last couple of years whoever gets

the gig is bound to love it.

4th Grade Batting

Player MAT INN NO 100s 50s HS RUNS AVE.

1 Hickey, Mark 14 10 2 0 1 62 196 24.50

2 Dennis, Rowan 13 8 0 0 0 34 114 14.25

3 Owen, Jarren 10 7 0 0 0 41 97 13.86

4 Fernance, Thomas 11 7 0 0 0 33 87 12.43

5 Maher, Hamish 3 3 1 0 0 44* 87 43.50

6 Clancy, Hayden 13 8 1 0 0 39 79 11.29

7 Dicks, Jonty 6 5 0 0 0 35 77 15.40

8 Hancock, Gareth 1 1 0 0 1 76 76 76.00

9 Wenta, Dominic 11 6 1 0 0 47* 75 15.00

10 Smith, Geoff 1 2 2 0 0 56* 57 N/A

11 Potter, Hayden 10 6 0 0 0 16 49 8.17

12 Taubman, David 5 3 0 0 0 27 49 16.33

13 Waide, Lachlan 10 4 1 0 0 27 43 14.33

14 Cox, Stephen L 7 5 1 0 0 9 23 5.75

15 Hickey, Kieran 4 3 1 0 0 18* 21 10.50

16 Brynes, Jordan 12 6 2 0 0 6* 15 3.75

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1 33 Haydon Potter – Jarren Owen 15 1 Stockton

2 26 Thomas Fernance – Lee Burke 5 2 Toronto

3 105 Thomas Fernance – Gareth Hancock 3 1 Wallsend

4 87* Hamish Maher – Geoff Smith 16 1 Merewether

5 83 Jonty Dicks – Mark Hickey 15 1 City

6 27 Kieran Hickey - Mark Hickey 13 2 Toronto

7 35 Hamish Maher – Lachlan Wade 8 1 Ham Wicks

8 74 Dominic Wenta – Hayden Clancy 15 1 City

9 No partnerships of 25 runs or greater

10 No partnerships of 25 runs or greater

4th Grade Bowling

17 Burke, Lee 1 1 0 0 0 12 12 12.00

18 Hogan, Mitchell 4 3 0 0 0 8 10 3.33

19 Smith, Harrison 2 1 0 0 0 8 8 8.00

20 Stevens, Todd 5 2 0 0 0 7 7 3.50

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Player MA




1 Clancy, Hayden 13 50 7 153 12 0 2/11 12.75 25.00 3.06

2 Wenta, Dominic 11 41 6 143 9 0 3/38 15.89 27.33 3.49

3 Taubman, David 5 39.3 10 95 8 0 4/18 11.88 29.63 2.41

4 Owen, Jarren 10 21.5 4 71 7 0 2/8 10.14 18.71 3.25

5 Dennis, Rowan 13 15 1 39 5 0 4/7 7.80 18.00 2.60

6 Cox, Stephen L 7 33.5 9 108 5 0 3/14 21.60 40.60 3.19

7 Waide, Lachlan 10 39 9 166 3 0 2/30 55.33 78.00 4.26

8 Brynes, Jordan 12 41.3 6 168 3 0 1/5 56.00 83.00 4.05

9 Philipson, Lucas 1 6 2 5 2 0 2/5 2.50 18.00 0.83

10 Connolly, Kane 2 7 1 11 2 0 2/11 5.50 21.00 1.57

11 Brougham, Cody 2 7 2 16 1 0 1/16 16.00 42.00 2.29

12 Robb, Damian 1 3 0 18 1 0 1/18 18.00 18.00 6.00

13 Hancock, Gareth 1 7 0 34 1 0 1/34 34.00 42.00 4.86

14 Hickey, Kieran 4 15 4 44 1 0 1/17 44.00 90.00 2.93

15 Hickey, Mark 14 2 1 5 0 0 0/5 NA NA 2.50

16 Smith, Harrison 2 1 0 9 0 0 0/9 NA NA 9.00

17 Burke, Lee 1 1 0 14 0 0 0/14 NA NA 14.00

18 Hogan, Mitchell 4 4 0 30 0 0 0/2 NA NA 7.50

Under 21’s Captains Report

This year we had high expectations with a mixture of experience players and young up and comers who

will be able to play for a few years to come.

In our first game Vs Merewether we came up against a good side at home. We won the toss and batted on

a good wicket, the top 4 set us up a solid score of 247 with some good lower order hitting by Shaun

Chambers. We bowled well and with rain on the way we got through our overs quickly and had them 4/71

when rain stopped play and we won on run rate.

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Second game Vs Belmont we again won the toss and batted. Dan Freund and Gautam Gandha got us off to

a good start again before Ray Cooper with 88 tore them apart with good support from Johnny Santarelli

which got us to 7/271. Against a good batting side we bowled well with Ray again starring with the ball

and some good support from all bowlers. We routed them for 141 for an easy win.

The third game Vs Charlestown was a disappointing performance as our attitude wasn’t where it should

have been. And it showed when we won the toss and elected to bowl on a green wicket and let them reach

5/221. We batted poorly and were all out for 120. But we still managed to reach the semi-finals.

Semi-Final Vs Newcastle City we lost the toss and were sent in and we had trouble the whole innings and

were dismissed for a paltry 63. They got the runs with ease and went on to win the U/21s competition.

All in all there were some solid performances from our young players who will be there again next year

and to push for first grade down the track. I was proud to captain this side that is full of talented

cricketers and great blokes.

Jason Keelan

Under 21’s Batting

Player MAT INN NO 100s 50s HS RUNS AVE.

1 Cooper, Ray 4 4 0 0 1 88 117 29.25

2 Keelan, Jason 4 4 0 0 1 58 110 27.50

3 Chambers, Shaun 4 4 2 0 0 49 82 41.00

4 Gandha, Gautam 4 4 1 0 0 30 79 26.10

5 Freund, Daniel 3 3 0 0 0 45 71 23.45

6 Brynes, Samuel 4 4 1 0 0 15 42 13.90

7 Santarelli, Johnny 4 4 0 0 0 21 38 9.50

8 Maher, Lachlan 2 2 0 0 0 22 24 12.00

9 Harvey, Lachlan 2 2 0 0 0 22 27 13.50

10 Harvey, Callan 4 2 0 0 0 18 18 9.00

11 Mayo, Chad 2 2 0 0 0 2 4 2.00

12 Clarke, Jack 4 3 2 0 0 1* 2 2.00

13 Ross, Zac 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1.00

Under 21’s Bowling

Player MAT O M R W 5Wi BBI AVE.

1 Cooper, Ray 4 27 3 99 5 0 4/37 19.80

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2 Brynes, Samuel 4 21.4 2 98 4 0 2/27 24.50

3 Harvey, Callan 4 25 1 110 3 0 1/18 36.30

4 Keelan, Jason 4 15 3 67 2 0 1/9 33.50

5 Gandha, Gautum 4 2.2 0 8 1 0 1/2 8.00

6 Freund, Daniel 3 2 1 3 0 0 0/3 NA

7 Ross, Zac 1 2 0 11 0 0 0/11 NA

8 Santarelli, Johnny 4 6 0 20 0 0 0/20 NA

9 Chambers, Shaun 4 8 0 34 0 0 0/14 NA

10 Clarke, Jack 4 14 3 38 0 0 0/5 NA

Denis Broad OAM Captain’s Report

The Denis Broad cup this year was a great success, even only with winning one game. The attitude of all

the players that were involved was extremely positive and gave 100%.

This year we had a very young side with the inclusion of a couple of new faces in Jarrod Johnson and

Robert Howe, who too where more than useful with both the bat and ball.

Round 1 v Wallsend

Losing the toss and bowling first we started well getting a couple of early wickets before losing our way a

bit in the middle overs. We did however finish strongly with Jacob Maher bowling well at the end picking

up 3 wickets with the other wickets shared evenly. Chasing about 160, we fell short by only about 14 runs.

The standouts with the bat where Jarrod Johnson and Robert Howe getting 40 odd and 30 odd

respectively, with Sean Chambers and Harrison Smith both getting in the 20’s with a great display of

hitting also.

Round 2 v Waratah

Once again losing the toss we were forced to bowl first. Starting off well with a stumping by Chad Mayo

off the bowling of Callan Harvey which we don’t see every day, we felt good. A great catch by Harrison

Smith and a good bowling display with 3/10 off 2.3 overs, put us in the box seat to be only chasing a total

of 69. We started slow, but kept cool and only losing 4 wickets, we managed the target in 13 overs with

Jarrod Johnson unbeaten on 36.

Round 3 v University

Finally winning the toss, we again bowled first on what was a bit of a damp deck. Once again our fielding

and bowling was positive, but only managing to pick up 4 wickets in the 20 overs, we restricted them to a

gettable target of 149. Again started slowly and lost wickets in the middle order, we fought till the end

with Gautam Gandha getting a more than a respectable 49 unluckily run out. We were eventually rolled

for 92 in 19.5 overs.

With many positive individual performances with bat and ball and also in the field taking most our catches

and getting some vital run outs, we had one very good win and one very close loss. I was proud to captain

this young and talented side and can see many more good performances coming for club, team and player

in the future. A learning curve for all of us, in what is still a relatively new form of cricket for the Denis

Broad team we look forward to going around again next season, hopefully going one step further.

Geoff Taylor - Captain

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Denis Broad OAM Batting

Player MAT INN NO 100s 50s HS RUNS AVE.

1 Johnson, Jarryd 2 2 1 0 0 45 81 81.00

2 Gandha, Gautum 2 2 0 0 0 49 51 25.50

3 Howe, Robert 2 2 0 0 0 20 29 14.50

4 Smith, Harrison 3 3 1 0 0 23 28 14.00

5 Chambers, Shaun 2 2 0 0 0 23 25 12.50

6 Harvey, Lachlan 2 2 0 0 0 15 22 11.00

7 Taylor, Geoffrey 3 2 1 0 0 15 18 18.00

8 Maher, Jacob 2 2 0 0 0 7 9 4.50

9 Mayo, Chad A 2 2 0 0 0 8 8 4.00

10 Maher, Lachlan 2 2 0 0 0 5 7 3.50

11 Clarke, Jack D 3 2 0 0 0 7 8 7.00

12 Quinlan, Lenny 1 1 1 0 0 5* 5 NA

13 Maher, Hamish 1 1 1 0 0 5* 5 NA

14 Hickey, Mitch 1 1 0 0 0 3 3 3.00

15 Owen, Jarren 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 NA

16 Steadman, Raymond 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 NA

Denis Broad OAM Bowling

Player MAT O M R W 5Wi BBI AVE.

1 Gandha, Gautum 1 4 0 15 4 0 2/15 7.50

2 Taylor, Geoffrey 3 10 0 59 3 0 2/18 29.50

3 Smith, Harrison 3 19.2 0 80 3 0 1/17 40.00

4 Harvey, Callan 1 4 0 19 2 0 1/19 19.00

5 Clarke, Jack D 2 2 0 19 2 0 1/19 19.00

6 Maher, Jacob 1 3 0 23 2 0 1/23 23.00

7 Ross, Zac 1 2 0 10 0 0 0/10 NA

8 Hickey, Mitchell 1 4 0 31 1 0 0/31 NA

9 Quinlan, Lenny 1 3 0 21 0 0 0/24 NA

10 Johnson, Jarryd 2 5 0 27 0 0 0/8 NA

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Celebrity Spot In keeping with Andy Warhol’s theory that everybody deserves 15 minutes of fame the Black Rose happily presents

this year’s celebrity guest spot.

Name: Bayley McGill

Date of Birth: 7/1/97

Occupation: Student

Answers to: Bails

Year Joined CB's: 2012

Highest Score: 101

Best Bowling: At training off 18 yards!

Cricket Highlights: 1. Scoring first 1st Grade century 2. Willo’s emotional speech when he teared up

that was cute 3. Having an all round good time with the fellas on the park. Biggest Disappointment in Cricket: Not going on and winning game after scoring ton against Waratah.

Heroes: My Cousin, Mike Hussey, Jay-Z and Bob Marley

Favourite Quotes: Don’t wish for it Work for it

Lives at: Morpeth

Favourite Drink: Doesn’t bother me

Favourite Movie: Warrior

Favourite Music: Jay-Z, Bob Marley, Ed Sheeran and the Passengers

Favourite Books: Never read a book in my life

Goals/Dreams/Ambitions: Make it as far as I can in whatever my task is to do

Dream Girl: This perfect girl I just met named Jordia Taylor…oh and that sexy chick off Ted (Mila


If you had three wishes:

1. Have my cousin back

2. Help my uncle out with it all

3. For my family and friends to have a safe, happy life

Funniest Teammates & Why: Ray & Noodle followed by Willo. These guys are 3 of the best. Hahaha

crack me up !!!

Please note that our AGM will be held on Wednesday 22nd May at 7pm here at the

Cardiff RSL so please come along and have your say.

Don’t forget our website www.cbcricket.com and now on fb

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