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Holiday Home WorkDear Students;

1 2 3 4 5Across Down

61 -> 108 + 111 1 -> 353 -56

7 8 94 -> 85 x 5 2 -> 552 + 419

10 116 -> 37 + 453 + 247 3 -> 5019 – 1307

12 13 147 -> 399 + 322 4 -> 516 – 78

15 168 -> 903 + 72 5 -> 677 – 116

17 18 19 2010 -> 293 – 166 9 -> 127 + 192

2112 -> 3 down – 16 down 10 -> 60 + 99

22 2314 -> 479 – 188 11 -> 1191 – 491

15 -> 130 x 7 13 -> 195 x 4

17 -> 127 + 285 + 196 16 -> 19 x 53

19 -> 11 x 59 17 -> 333 + 288

21 -> 22 + 17 18 -> 419 + 393

22 -> 106 x 7 19 -> 213 + 397 +87

23 -> 19 across + 22 across 20 -> 231 + 649 +31

Q – Do this cross word puzzle using addition, subtraction and multiplication properties.Find your puzzle in attached excel file.

The Blossoms School

Use this to answer:

The Blossoms School

HOLIDAY-HOMEWORK (Class VI Sub: History & Civics)

To all our dear Blossomites, We wish you the healthiest and safest summer vacations!

Enjoy your time together!


≫ Based on your interest, choose at least one topic each from

History and Civics as Holiday Homework and submit on the CNB

before school reopens.


1. Imagine that you are an archaeologist. Go to an imaginary

archaeological site and describe your experience of the work

done there by you and your team. Your presentation/write up

should begin with the survey work done by you and your team,

the excavations undertaken, the tools used, the artefacts found

there and the period to which they belong. You may include any

other information of interest besides those mentioned above.

2. Collect information about Mauryan architecture and draw the

famous Ashoka Stupas taking help from the images from


3. Prepare a manuscript of stories you heard from your

grandparents and great grandparents. The stories could be real

or imagined. The important thing is that the material written

on, and the script should look like a manuscript. Also make an

inscription to make people aware about the importance of living

in peace and harmony with one another.

Civics 1. Make a collage to showcase the diversity of India by choosing

any one of the following themes:

• Food

• Dance

• Art

• Folk songs

• Dresses/attires

• Culture

• Monuments

• Festivals

Reference link Click here

2. Recreate the conversation between Sameer ek and Sameer do

from the chapter, Understanding Diversity, in the form a comic


• Use your creativity,

• Do not copy-paste from the internet.

• Draw all pictures and illustrations yourself.

• We would like to see your own creativity iand not picture-

perfect homework copied from internet.

For Example

Take reference from these examples:

Deadline 4 July 2021

Enjoy your Holidays


Dear children, wear your thinking caps on and put forward your creative side.

Have fun carrying out these activities and put boredom at bay. Hope to see you

soon. Take care!

1. Find out about a food ingredient you like the most and one that you are

not fond of at all. Plan a 3 course HEALTHY meal for your family.

Your meal must have:

A Starter

Main course


Please ensure that one of your dishes must have your favourite

ingredient (Hero Ingredient) and one your dishes must have your new

found friend (The ingredient you are not fond of)

Name of the


Description of

the Dish

Ingredients Nutrients






Now go ahead and cook your meal. Have a fun time enjoying your meal

with your family.

Don’t forget to click pictures!

Share the recipe of one of your favourite dishes from the meal you



Name –

Servings –

Ingredients –

Methods –

Make a Power Point Presentation or a Word File including the tables

and the pictures.

2. Find out the names of food items of various states of our country and

mark them on the map of India.

Is there any relation between the food habits, climate and geographical

location of that place? Comment.

Does the type of food available in their region affect their health?


3. A number of human activities are causing harm to the environment and

adversely affecting it. What are the negative effects of human activities

on the environment? Suggest ways to reduce the impact of human

activities on the environment.

Holiday Homework (2021-22)

Class – 6

Subject – Urdu

– 1سوال

مختلف طرح کے پرندوں کے بارے ميں،ان کے گھونسلوں کی

خوبيوں کے بارے ميں پانچ پانچ جملے لکھيۓ اور ان کی

تصاوير بھی بنايۓ ۔

– 2سوال

پيڑ کاٹنے کے نقصانات اور پيڑ لگانے کے فائدے تفصيل سے

لکھيۓ ۔

Holiday Homework

Class VI

Subject: Hindi

‘जीवन में ऑक्सीजन का महत्व’

कोरोना काल के चलते आप सभी ने देखा व पढा होगा कक ऑक्सीजन की कमी

को लेकर चारो ों ओर ककतनी हा-हाकर मची हुई है । ऑक्सीजन की कमी के कारण

ककतने ही लोग अपनी जान गवाों चुके हैं। इससे आप लोगो ों को भी ऑक्सीजन की

महत्ता काअनुमान हो गया होगा।

मानव जीवन, पेड़-पौधे एवों जीव-जोंतुओों के कलए ऑक्सीजन की महत्ता पर प्रकाश

डालते हुए कम से कम दो या उससे अकधक पृष्ो ों में अपने कवचार अकभव्यक्त

कीकजए। जहााँ उपयुक्त समझते हो ों वहााँ कचत्ो ों की भी सहायता लीकजए।

Class 6 English Holiday Homework

1. Read any storybook or short novel of your choice. In your English notebook or on A4 sheets of

paper, complete the following activities:

Draw a full-page picture about the story.

Write a short summary of the story. (Not more than one page).

Create a table with 4 columns. From the story, make a list of 5 Regular Verbs in the first

column, 5 Irregular Verbs in the 1st Form in the second column, 5 Irregular Verbs in the 2


Form in the third column and 5 Irregular Verbs in the 3rd

Form in the fourth column.


Regular Verbs Irregular 1st Form Irregular 2

nd Form Irregular 3

rd Form

Walked Break Sat Written

2. Create a Memory Booklet and write 5 of your best memories from this vacation that you want to

keep for your future reference. Describe each memory with a short paragraph and a suitable title.

Decorate your booklet with a cover page, illustrations, hand-drawn cartoons, etc. You may use A4

sheets stapled together to create your booklet.


Summer Break Home work

Make a globe out of paper mache and show the continents with green color and

oceans with blue color.

Note: Kindly use the material available to you, don’t bother your parents to buy new stationery.

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