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  • 1. The Portfolio Manager Kit for Continuous Process Improvement & Management How to Use

2. The Portfolio Manager Kit

  • What is it?
    • A Business Process
    • Portfolio Management System
      • Microsoft Access database
  • What does it do?
    • Manages processes as assets
    • Classifies, inventories, evaluates, scorecards & documents business processes, rules & KPIs
    • Tracks Process Improvement Projects
    • Manages a Continuous Process Improvement Program
  • What problems does it solve?
    • Ineffective or inefficient execution
    • Substandard performance outcomes
    • Miscommunication & misalignment among process owners & stakeholders
    • Unstructured process management initiatives
    • Wasteful IT spending

3. How to Use The Portfolio Manager Kit At-a-GlanceItalicized red text indicates a deliverable. Prepare for BPMusing The Strategy Guide 1 Document Processes usingProcess Detail Sheets 5 Document Policies, Rules & KPIs usingRules& KPI Detail Sheets 6 Learn How To Manage Processes usingThe Portfolio Guide 2 Classify, Inventory & Evaluate Processesusing The BP Inventory Worksheet 3 Create a Business Process Portfoliousing The BP Portfolio Manager 4 Manage Lifecycles & a Continuous Process Improvement ProgramusingThe BP Portfolio Manager 7 4.

  • Prepare for BPM
  • Learn strategy best practices
    • How to compete
    • Michael Porter
    • How to focus on customer value
      • Michael Treacy & Fred Wiersema
    • How to measure performance
    • Robert Kaplan & David Norton
    • How to adapt
    • Stephan Haeckel
  • Learn execution best practices
    • How to align people, process & technology (resources) to support strategy
      • Collaborative objectives
      • Control processes
      • Commitment management
      • Process-centric IT strategy & architecture
  • Strategy & resource alignment
    • Use Derivative Analysis as a self-assessment technique
  • Based on established thought leaders

5. 2. Learn How To Manage Processes

  • How to classify & organize processes as assets
    • How to use standardized process reference models
    • How to create a proprietary reference model
    • How to manage Core vs. Non-core processes
    • How to create & use control processes
  • How to inventory & document processes
    • Manage facilitated discussion & qualitative assessment
    • How to capture process information in detail
  • How to create & manage a Business Process Portfolio
    • How to manage a continuous improvement program
  • How to select processes for improvement
    • Strategic vs. symptomatic process improvement
    • How to manage complexity
  • How to measure performance
    • Outcome measures vs. performance drivers
    • Indentifies over 500 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • Based on established
  • thought leaders

6. 3. Classify, Inventory & Evaluate

  • Create a classification model
  • Conduct a Business Process Inventory
    • To identify and value processes
  • Use The BP Inventory Worksheet
    • Provides step-by-step instructions
    • To evaluate process quality
    • To inventory & prioritize (Core) processes for improvement and/or benchmarking
    • To expose (Non-core) processes to be consolidated, streamlined, decommissionedor eliminated
    • Pull down answer responses eliminates ambiguity & improve analysis & conclusions
    • To begin development of a Business Process Portfolio

7. 4. Create a Business Process Portfolio

  • The BP Portfolio Manager*
    • MS Access 2007 Database
    • Import classification model and process evaluations fromThe BP Inventory Worksheet
    • Supports most standardized process reference model such as the APQCs PCF SM
  • Process management using a database to capture process, rules & performance measure documentation
    • Description, ownership
    • Inputs, activities, tasks, outputs
    • Key performance indicators (KPIs)
    • Business policies & rules
    • Related control processes, best practices
    • Resource requirements, systems used
    • Reference links, document attachments
  • Program management
    • Manage lifecycles, projects, continuous improvement program using standard reports & custom queries

* Requires Microsoft Access 2007 (Not Included) Run-Time Version also available. 8. 5. Document Processes

  • Capture & manage details:
    • Information & Contacts
    • Evaluation Criteria & Comments
    • Execution Steps (Activities)
    • Associated Rules, Controls & Processes
    • Associated Systems (IT)
    • Collaborative Objectives
    • Resources (workforce)
    • Performance Measures / KPIs
    • Risks
    • Related Information & Documents
    • Lifecycle Management

Process Detail Sheets 9.

  • Policy/Rule details:
    • Information & Contacts
    • Associations
    • Rules/Decision Table
    • Risks
    • Lifecycle Management
  • KPI details:
    • Measurement Perspectives
      • Customer, Finance, Internal Business Process, Learning & Growth
    • Outcome measures, Performance Drivers
    • Short- Long-Term Indicators
    • Leading, Lagging Indicators
    • Calculations & Data Sources
    • Targets

6. Document Policies, Rules & KPIs Rules & KPI Detail Sheets 10. 7. Manage Lifecycles, Projects & Continuous Improvement

  • Track Processes Requiring Action
    • Status
    • Reprioritize as required
  • Core Processes Lifecycle Management
    • Issues, changes and trends in the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of execution
    • Workforce execution
    • Information technology issues
    • Opportunities for improvement and/or benchmarking
  • Non-Core Processes Lifecycle Management
    • Performance
    • Issues, changes and trends in the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of execution
    • Workforce execution
    • Information technology issues
    • Opportunities to streamline, consolidate or eliminate
  • Business Rules Lifecycle Management
    • Status and/or state of compliance of each policy & rule
    • Activate new, decommission expired policies&rules
    • Execute Communications Plan
  • Business Process Inventory
    • Interpret the findings of the most recent exercise
    • Identify Process Categories & Groups to be evaluated in the next exercise
  • Follow-up required
    • Action items assigned to accountable & responsible parties for all of the above
  • Business Process Portfolio
    • Update to track changes
    • Keep current Process, Rules & KPI Details Sheets

11. Next Step:The PRACTICE Method TM

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