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  • Well there goes another couple of months in a blink of an eye! Wel-come to the second edition of this years newsletter, which I have to sincerely thank Ben Little for the mighty effort he has put in.

    The committee has been extreme-ly busy over the last couple of months, and the workload will not slow down for some time yet, as the club is definitely in a state of change at this time. It is with great sadness that we will be losing our current caretakers; David and Hel-en Sadler who have been fantastic contributors to the clubs develop-ment since they commenced and will be sorely missed. Dave and Helen will be at the club until the 24th of this month and I would en-courage you all to get down there and offer them your thanks for all

    of the hard work that they have put in, and we all offer them our best wishes for their move back over to the east lands when they go.

    As a result the committee is now looking for interested parties to not only sub-lease our Kitchen facili-ties, but are also exploring manage-ment/ caretaking options moving forward. If anyone is interested in obtaining more information on either of these options please feel free to contact me.

    On a personal note I have managed to actually go fishing for a change thanks to the fantastic efforts of Ross and Tracey and the fishing machine that Reel Teaser is, cou-pled with the magnificent fishery that exists off Exmouth where I managed to get a PB on both Black and Blue marlin. Whilst we didnt quite make a place in the AIBT we saw some amazing fishing action and the crew from Exmouth Game Fishing Club certainly put on a fantastic show.

    Within this edition there is a bit more detail on some of the events that have been conducted, will be conducted, and if there is anything that you as our members would like to see please let us know.

    Until next time,


    The Screeming Reel.....

    Edition two....

    Presidents report

    The President Jig Albert with a real fish taken in the AIBT on Reel Teaser!!

    not giving in!!

    During the last month some considerable effort occured to encourage the current government party to reconsider the considerable investment to the towns infrastructure that was retracted late last year.

    The state opostion leader, Mark McGowan attended a small and relatively uneventful meeting at the fishing club early in February. At conclusion of the meeting we were still left wondering what has happened to the pretty definitive $50 million dollar commitment?

    Not content with the answers that McGown gave, Broome Shire Council representatives and the former chairman of the broome boating alliance; Jeff Cooper, travelled to Perth to talk business with Terry Redman, the residing minister for regional development.The group tackled the issues surrounding strategies to improve boating facilities on a minimal budget. As a community we need to be careful with what we agree to as we may just get more patched solutions that ultimately lead to a dead end!

  • The committee is happy with progress on the development of expansion of the lawn area, with the fence line to be moved further south which will see the gravel area soon covered in lush grass to be supplied by Greenhills Turf farm under a sponsorship agreement. The automatic watering system and the current lawn will get a bit of an upgrade and help us to make the club look much more appealing to the members and other groups and individuals seeking a stunning view for private functions. While were on the subject of functions, the club is still open for private and corporate functions. The commit-tee has reluctantly voted to exclude some functions including Bucks parties, 18th and 21st celebrations from functions list, largely due to licencing restrictions and the risks of under-age drinking and

    gate crashing behaviour associated with 18th and 21st celebrations. We still encourage the club commu-nity to consider using the club for functions otherwise. With the movement towards attracting and securing a sub-letter for the kitchen sure to add some extra incentive for those keen to have an easy to orga-nise and well catered for function. A kitchen service will also enhance the massive success that Full Moon Sessions have previously had. The chilled-out sounds of many Broome musicians will once again fill the air, on Sunday afternoons at the club with the first session a resounding success; following the massive 2014 Open day. The Full Moon Session will be held at reg-ular intervals throughout the dry season, conciding with big sprind tides. Look out for dates as its sure to be a great Sunday activity for the

    whole family. Memberships for the year have now closed. For those who arent familiar with the pro-cess, the club will open the mem-bership application period from the AGM each year and will close late December.

    Memberships will carry through to the following December. This enables the committee to update email lists so that all our members are accounted for before the start of the tournament season in May and ensures that all members are on our mailing list.

    Adding some diversity to the competition calander committee members are working towards an online aggregate style competition through our Facebook page. The competition aims to engage an-glers of all ages and supports the clubs sustainable fishing message. Land based anglers will be given a chance to compete directly through a fairly balanced scoring system that enables them the chance to ac-cumulate equivalent scores to folks fishing out of boats.

    While numbers for the open day were down from the peak, the club still catered for 600 people, largely a great day had by many potential and existing members. Thanks go out for the volunteers, especially those keeping the kids entertained with face painting and casting competition. We have huge appreciation for the sponsors and the foodies who helped to make the day a pleasurable and enter-taining experience for young and old. These events can only be held through the contiual support of sponsors and volunteers, so anyone wishing to become a sponsor or a volunteer get in contact with [email protected] or [email protected].


    A good mate of mine Scott Gray, divulged this recipe to me a few years back and since then Ive been spreading the word far and wide about their culinary virtues. The story goes something a little like Scotty being the weapon of a fisher-man and loving a good feed of fish he is just couldnt help but bring a few fish home each and every night, not even Australian salmon were safe! Tracey being the amaz-ing wife, decided that it was time to look at a way to spice up the unlim-ited supply of fresh fish by creating her version of fish cakes. At one point Tracey calculated that Scotty and a few mates had devoured over a tonne of fish cakes in the year proceeding the inception of the recipe. I must say myself that not having eaten cakes cooked by trac-eys hand, they must be a truly great eating experience, because when I

    cook them theyre pretty darn tasty and Im renowed for crucifying everything. Up here in Broome just about any fish will work but many blokes will hit the roof if they hear of bluebone, threadfin or coral trout being subjected to the fish cake treatment. I tend to find that I have some fish in the freezer that may be approaching its used by date and normally comes up well in this recipe providing it isnt freezer burnt. Fish such a Golden trevally, Queenfish, Black jewfish, Bluenose and barramundi all work with varying degrees of texture and cooking - Continued Page 5.

    Club Correspondance

    Got problems feeding fish to the kids? Hide it in these tasty little morsels!!

  • Tips and tackle, to catch you more fish!

    Picking up where I left of in edition one of the screaming reel, knots are one of the most vital links in the sometimes extensively long line between you and the fish! In ade-quate or misunderstanding in knot tying can lead to certain meltdown for some anglers. This used to be my position for a long time. For a long time I knew two knots, one to the hooks and other terminals and the other for joining lines. The locked half-blood knot and the full blood knot held up pretty well in most situations, chasing trout, whiting and the odd bream it never let go.

    By the time I actually made it Broome eleven years ago I began to realise the brutal truth. Blood knot variations are far from the strongest knots any angler can use. Shelling out the ten dollars for a book of knots is hardly needed these days, but at that time the book quickly became my bible. The first knot that I really needed to get a grasp on was the improved Albright knot. Ive tried other knots for joining lines and this knot is by far the easiest to tie. It remains rea-sonably compact so as not to rattle through the guides at the end of a lengthy battle or when long casting to flighty tuna schools. Its a great all-rounder and can be used to join 10kg 50kg line with relative ease.

    Ive never actually tested the strength of the knot but Im lead to believe that the more wraps you put in it the stronger it gets. Ive had brand new lines let go at the side of the boat on big fish well above the knot, suggesting that its a pretty good start for those looking to find

    an easier knot to connect them to the fish with absolute certainty. A few years back I fished with some mates up here and they ripped me to shreds when they saw me tie a locked half-blood knot to my jig. They nearly kicked me out of my own boat. After settling down they showed me the Uni-knot. Equally as easy to tie as the blood knot, with less wraps it had less chance of leader burn when you forget to give the knot the old saliva treatment before pulling it tight. Its another solid knot that Ive yet to see come back to me looking like a pigs tail a tell-tale sign of a knot that has slipped and let go. Its useful for any lure that isnt a bibbed minnow, especially jigs and tuna bullets. Also a suitable knot for fishing with standard J style hooks for those chasing bottom fish with bait.

    The knot that I really cant get enough of at the moment is a bit of a specialist situation but when rigged correctly youll pull the plug out of the bottom of the ocean be-fore it snaps. The nail knot A.K.A the knot of courage is most suited to those anglers wanting to make the most out of fishing with circle hooks. Let me tell you, I despised using circle hooks when I first heard of their attributes to reduce the stress and damage to fish. I couldnt manage to catch anything on them, following astute direction from many knowledgeable anglers about resisting the urge to strike and letting the weight of the rod do the work, I was still coming up donuts!

    A very close mate of mine made the trek up to Broome for a few weeks fishing and within the first five minutes hed had me tying the nail knot. Instructing me to ensure that the line must pass through the gap side of the hook for it to work effectively especially with non-offset inline hooks, the result was instantaneous, not a big fish but a big win. Continued on page

  • It would appear that many of our prominent fishers have decided to take advantage of what the warmer weather has to offer around other parts of the country. The Runoff in the Territory looks to have been well worth the efforts for those making the journey, with anglers racking up test scores on good sized barramundi. One duo; Mel and Jamie Whalen managed to nail 200 plus fish in a session fishing at a place known as Junction Bay, while on holidays in the NT. The action was deemed to be some of the most insane action that the duo had ever witnessed with fish chomping hard all day on all manner of lures. Two of our charter operators also made the journey to make the most of the reasonable run off. Both Jeda El-lens and Kurt Williamson managed to nail good numbers of good sized fish on some of the best rivers that the NT has to offer. I think I might be making the journey next year if we have another decent January of rain. While some anglers headed north to get amongst the runoff,

    others ventured south to tackle the big fish that Exmouth has been yielding in recent months. Ross and Tracey of Reel Teaser charters are ecstatic with the addition of an Australian record Blue marlin to their list of records taken on the boat. Rowan Smith took the 368.2kg monster of a fish on 60kg tackle; Im sure hes still hurting from his battle and sure he will be recommending Reel Teaser to everyone and anyone wishing to tackle a big blue. Broome contin-gents once again participated in the Exmouth game fishing clubs; Gamex and AIBT tournaments held in March. While not man-aging a podium finish our club members did give a grand account for themselves, with Jig narrowly beating Ross of reel teaser in some friendly boat rivalry. Deb and Bob Whitcombe seem to have had some pretty awesome results as well, the team tagged 26 marlin in 9 days and 2 sailfish with Debs efforts ac-counting for 10 of the marlin, thats some serious fishing! Although our former president has been moving all over the place, Wes has managed to remember how to actually catch fish. Hes had some cracking sessions in the creeks around his new home of Karratha, taking some nice Barra, Threadfin and Mangrove Jacks, Lets hope he can keep up the momentum for the Billfish Classic.

    Intrepid Anglers....

  • stability. I prefer to use Spanish mackerel myself as it find for me that it suits my burn and turn tech-nique the best! The recipe lends its self to improvisation and is largely at the mercy of the cook for how it turns out.

    The basic recipe as I learnt off Scotty consists of the following; for a four person serve


    1kg of skinned fillets of your choice

    1 large onion, red, brown or other-wise shouldnt matter

    Garlic gloves to taste, I recommend half four or five cloves

    Chilli the hotter the better largely depends on taste and the type of chilli

    Garlic two to three teaspoons or equivalent in fresh stuff

    Heaps of Anchovies I think that might be my addition

    Zest of one lime and the juice as well

    Eggs two of, depending on the moisture content of the fish

    Crunchy egg noodles; one pack

    Frozen peas and corn; one cup

    Bread crumbs or gluten free equiv-alent one and a half cups de-


    pends on the moisture content of the fish.

    Oil for shallow frying or BBQ, a bit for prep and more for cooking who cares what type theyre so tasty just cook them!

    Preparation Time :

    Women probably 5 min max 20min for men

    Steve Palumbo our local Easy Tease and Reelax representative has an offer that any blue blood bluewater fisherman woul hae kittens over. Reelax equipment is some of the best that money can buy, without needing to mort-gage the house. Steve is offering 4.5 m Outrigger system. Includes T/Topper Bas-es, 4.5 meter Reelax poles, Reelax Stainless Steel fittings kit. Special price is $1699 deliv-ered...Normally $1849. and the new and inno-vative Reelax Multi-riggers .Perfect for the smaller vessel after that extra cover-age. The special price of $139 per rigger; including delivery...bargain price!!! - Contuined

    The reportWith the changing weather condi-tions and the low rainfall through February and March, the fishing has been a little sporadic. Some days have been going off and then others just plain dead. It seems that I must have done something to enrage Poseidon as I seem to manage barely anything better than a few sharks and huge amounts of juvenile Salmon and Black Jewfish in the cast net. It is incredible to see the amount of juvenile fish getting around in the bay system. Give it two years and this place is going to be undoubtedly a world class fishing destination as if it isnt already. By all accounts the Mud Crabs have been putting on quite a display and from the sounds of it a couple of landing nets in the boat might be all you need to take with you. The crabs have been on the move with many anglers comment-ing on the ease of catching them swimming past their boats while chasing more challenging adversar-ies. Not only is the bay producing good numbers of juvenile fish but it is holding vast numbers of bait fish and as we move further into the year and the weather continues to settle and begin to make a shift to cool nights and warm days well surely see the shift into some amaz-ing fishing. By the time the May-day Classic and Threadfin shootout roll around the bay will be ablaze with Threadfin, keep an eye out for the shortening days as its normally a good sign that the fish wont be too far away..... Cheers, Beno

    Club Classifieds

  • Last years Billfish Classic champion boat Billistic is chasing a deck hand. The position is part time as Christos only runs the boat during the neap tides. Hes chasing a responsible person with good people skills and a love for fishing. Applicants should be between 20 - 50 years of age are encouraged to apply. The successful applicant will be trained on board Billistic, one of the most proven Bluewater boats in Broome.

    Up coming competitions

    The Broome Fishing Club Annual Aggregate

    Womens ChampionMens ChampionGirls ChampionBoys Champion

    Come and join in a unique competition that isnt a day, two or even a week long. Weve specifically taylored a competition to allow people to fish when they want! Weve created three seasonal mini competitions that anglers can compete in - Scores are calculated weekly and aggregate as the year unfolds.

    Shore based anglers operate under a handicapped scoring system for two of the seasons.

    Highest points earners in each of the four categories will be awarded Champion angler status.

    No Competition fees for club members, non-members $25/season - Open to all ages at parents discretion.

    For entry and rules Like us on Facebook and email your name, age and preffered method membership number to [email protected]

    Have you ever had that day on the water when youre thinking to yourself , why couldnt this have happened last week in the Thready Shootout? Well, were excited to announce that we are just putting some final touches on a new com-petition that allows anglers to fish when they want. The competition aims to engage anglers of all ages-to participate in on of Broomes alltime favourite past times, in a relaxed and casual atmosphere.

    The aggregate competition com-prises of three seasons, anglers can choose to fish a single season or all three to have a chance to take out the club champion status. Weve also allowed for the land lovers amongst the community by giving an equivalent score to fish that

    boating anglers can target. In effect the land based anglers score under a handcapping system. Head over to the fishing club facebook page for more details and the rules.

    The annual Mayday competition is just around the corner. Briefing night is the 23rd of May with the competition to kick off when you wake up on the 24th and 25th of May. In the past this has been one of the clubs most well contended competitions and with the fishing season about to kick into gear I wouldnt be in the least bit sur-prised to see Sailfish and Marlin appear on the leaderboard at the end of the first day. More to follow in the next edition of the Scream-ing Reel for the upcoming Thready Shootout to be held in June.

    Club Classifieds

    6 I now use this knot on every circle hook I fish with, have caught Whiting, Jacks, Salmon, Marlin and Sailfish to name a few and once again have never had one snap or let go. Im convinced, check out www.getfishing.com.au for videos on more great knots!

    Tips and tackle, to catch you more fish!.... Continued.

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