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  • 8/9/2019 The Casa Bulletin - July 18, 2010


    July 18, 2010July 18, 2010

    Sixteenth SundaySixteenth Sunday

    in Ordinary Timein Ordinary Time

    The Church of Our Lady of the AngelsThe Church of Our Lady of the AngelsFranciscan Renewal CenterFranciscan Renewal Center

    5802 E. Lincoln Drive Scottsdale, AZ 852535802 E. Lincoln Drive Scottsdale, AZ 85253

    480.948.7460 480.948.7460 www.thecasa.orgwww.thecasa.orgAll are Welcome!All are Welcome!

  • 8/9/2019 The Casa Bulletin - July 18, 2010


    CommunityNews 2

    Franciscan Federation

    Third Order RegularThe Sisters and Brothers of the Third Order Regular of Saint Francis (Part 2)

    Elements of the Charism

    The Franciscan charism is always and everywhere unbounded. In Francis' own words, "The world is ourcloister." With Christ, Firstborn of all Creation, nothing in creation is untouched by the Spirit of the Lord. Franciscans seek toproclaim the fundamental Goodness of God in all of life and creation. All of life and creation is a gift from God.

    Grasped by Jesus Christ, Franciscan follow a gospel form of life. We minister more by example than by words. In all formsof service, we reverence the person and seek to enhance the quality of relationships. The call to inculturate the gospel isat the heart of the Franciscan charism. Nurtured by our contemplative stance before God and the world, the sisters and

    brothers are called to be peacemakers' wherever they are.More articles to appear in future bulletins.

    The Story Behind the Peace Prayer of St. Francis

    The Peace Prayer of St. Francis is a famous prayer which first appeared aroundthe year 1915 A.D., and which embodies the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi'ssimplicity and poverty.

    According to Father Kajetan Esser, OFM, the author of the critical edition of St.Francis's Writings, the Peace prayer of St. Francis is most certainly not one of thewritings of St. Francis. This prayer, according to Father Schulz, Das sogennanteFranziskusgebet. Forshungen zur evangelishen Gebetslitteratur (III), in Jahrbuch fur Liturgik undHymnologic, 13 (1968), pp. 39-53, first appeared during the First World War. It was found written onthe observe of a holy card of St. Francis, which was found in a Normal Almanac. The prayer bore noname; but in the English speaking world, on account of this holy card, it came to be called the PeacePrayer of St. Francis. The Peace Prayer of St. Francis

    Where there is hatred,Let me sow love;Where there is injury, pardon;

    Where there is error, truth;Where there is doubt, Faith;

    Where there is despair, hope;Where there is darkness, light;

    And where there is sadness, Joy.

    O, Divine Master grant that I may not somuch seek to be consoled

    As to console;To be understood, as to understand;

    To be loved, as to love.For it is in giving that we receive,

    It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,And it is in dying that we are born to

    eternal life.

  • 8/9/2019 The Casa Bulletin - July 18, 2010


    Franciscan Renewal Center the Casa de Paz y Bien 3

    We Are Here for YOU...

    Schedule for Counseling Support Groups

    Monday 6:30pm-8pm: Divorce & Separation/Relationship Endings

    Tuesday 5:30pm-7pm: Grief Support Group

    6:30pm-8pm: Depression Support Group(Meets every other week: July 6, July 20, August 3, August 17 & August 31)

    Wednesday 6:30pm-8pm: Gestalt Therapy Support Group

    An appointment is not required forthe support groups listed above.

    Individual sessions are available mornings, afternoons and evenings, Monday through Friday, and requirean appointment. To make an appointment, please call the Counseling Ministry at 480-948-7460, ext. 133between the hours of 8:30 am and 12 Noon. If you know of someone who is looking for help, answers,guidance or just needs someone to listen, please suggest our counseling ministry.We welcome all who are interested in attending.

    Judith McHale, MA, LPC, Director Counseling Ministry, Franciscan Renewal Center

    SAVE THE DATE!Ginos 6th AnnualItalian-American Golf TourneyBenefiting theFranciscan Renewal CenterFriday, September 10, 2010Camelback Golf Club

    Help Needed @ the Andr House Andre House has an urgent needfor staff and volunteers beginningthis August!

    For information contactFr. Eric @ 602.255.0580

    Collection Information

    Collection for 7/4/10 was $12,857.50;Collection for 7/5/09 was $11,569.00.

    Total attendance all masses: 2,145.

    Collection for 7/11/10 was $13,771.50;Collection for 7/12/09 was $13,060.50.

    Total attendance all masses: 2,351.

    Thank you for your generosity

    "And God inspired me with such faith in hischurches that I used to pray with allsimplicity, saying, "We adore you, LordJesus Christ, here and in all your churchesin the whole world, and we bless you,because by your holy cross you haveredeemed the world."

    The Testament of St. Francis

  • 8/9/2019 The Casa Bulletin - July 18, 2010


    Franciscan Renewal Center - Faith in Action 4

    A Message from the Director

    The Faith in Action Ministry has great

    news to report. Our economicdevelopment project with theApaches at San Carlos and

    Whiteriver was awarded a grantfrom the Catholic Campaign for HumanDevelopment-local office. This department of

    the United States Conference of CatholicBishops funds community organizing and

    economic development projects. The ApacheFair Trade Crafting Co-op (AFTCO) wasawarded $5,000 to carry out a feasibility study

    and write a business plan in order to grow thefair-trade business and put it more directly inthe hands of Apaches. Doing the feasibility

    study and writing the business plan areimportant steps as it sets forth the strategic planfor this economic venture.

    In addition a lawyer has been working pro-

    bono for us to draw up the papers so they canfile as a separate non-profit organization. Up tothis time AFTCO has been working under the

    guidance of the missions at San Carlos andWhiteriver and the FRC. Getting their own 501(c)3 status allows the group to apply for other

    grants. All who are involved in this project feel

    blessed by God for the wondrous things thathave happened over the last 2 years. Pleasekeep this venture in your prayers.

    You can still bring in yourBackpacks for Foster Care

    and Haitian Children

    Last year, the Casa

    community collected 125

    backpacks for the childrenin the foster care system. Catholic Charities is

    asking for our help again. Not everyone can

    take in a foster child. But each of us can

    support foster care children by supporting the

    families that take care of them.

    Just recently, weve been asked to help the

    orphanage in Haiti. They are needing 125


    Our first commitment to the Foster Care

    Children is for 125 backpacks. If we reachthat goal, we can then continue to collect

    and try to reach the goal of 125 for the Haiti


    Can we do this, Casa community?

    Please help our foster care families and theorphans of Haiti. Bring a smile to a childs

    face by providing backpacks and needed

    school supplies!

    Bring your backpack and school supplies to

    the front desk of the Casa during any openhours.

    A Journey into the Gospel Invitation to be a People of Compassion

    We are called to be compassionate as our God is compassionate. (Luke 6:36)

    What does the compassion of Christ look like in the modern world? How do I become a morecompassionate person?

    The JustFaith program is an intensive thirty-week program that helps to answer these questionsthrough reflection, study, prayer and community.

    When was the last time you had an experience that was soul satisfying?

    If you are looking to encounter your faith in a way that challenges you and how you are to live as aChristian in todays world, then JustFaith may be the program for you.

    The program will run September through May.

    For more information and if you have not yet indicated your interest in this process, please callPatti Sills-Trausch at 480-948-7450 x 130 or email me at [email protected].

  • 8/9/2019 The Casa Bulletin - July 18, 2010


    Upcoming Events at the Casa 5

    July 23, 6-8 pm

    with Fr. Joe Schwab, OFM

    Dinner at 6 pm prepared by Casa Chef Elias Zamora

    Reflection at 7 pm with Fr. JoeThe Our Father is a prayer we recite so frequently that we seldom reflect upon the depth ofmeaning within it. This will be an evening of learning, reflection and prayer on this mostimportant guide to Christian spirituality. Fee per person: $20.

    Register online at www.thecasa.org or call 480-948-7460, ext. 157.

    August 13-15

    Pam Borkwill hostess this

    weekend of rest, renewal,

    prayer and play. Optional

    activities include prayer,

    water exercise, crafts and


    Massage and gentle rebalancing will be

    available for additional fees payable by

    cash or check to the provider on spa day.

    Register online atwww.thecasa.org or call

    480-948-7460, ext. 157.

    $125 per person includes

    private room for 2 nights,

    meals and program.

    Check-in Friday 5 pm.

    Check-out Sunday 12 pm.


    Weekend Silent Contemplative Retreat

    Cyprian Consiglio, OSB,Cam

    October 1-3, 2010

    Friars at the Casa dedicate October themonth of St. Francis of Assisi! The kick-off

    event for this year is a retreat led by nativeArizonan, Cyprian Consiglio. He will lead

    the celebration in the Franciscan Traditionof prayer, some silence, chanting, singing,teaching and several guided meditations.

    Cyprian Consiglio and John Pennington willbegin the retreat with an evening ofSacred music in honor of St.

    Francis titled Compassionate

    and Wise: Songs and Storiesfrom the Sacred Traditions of

    the World.

    Fee per person includeslodging, meals, concert and program:$215 single; $165, double. Commuter $130,

    includes meals, concert and program.Register online www.thecasa.org or call

    480-948-7460, ext. 157.

  • 8/9/2019 The Casa Bulletin - July 18, 2010


    Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time6

    Casa Community Bulletin Board

    This corner will be reserved each week for yourmessages such as: Looking for a ride to church Needwheelchair for 2 weeks Roommate needed to help sharerentThe Casa will publish these requests in this space but it doesnot reflect our endorsement or knowledge of the peoplesubmitting the information.

    How to Submit your Bulletin Information:Deadline: 10 days prior to published Bulletin dateFormat: Type/print with complete information.

    The ad will run 1-2 Sundays-we reservethe right to edit.

    Mail to: Bulletin EditorFranciscan Renewal Center5802 E. Lincoln Dr., Scottsdale, AZ 85253

    Drop Off: At the front desk (Attn: Bulletin)Fax: 480.948.2325

    Need Home: Casa member and teacher at Xavier lookingfor a 4-bdrm/2-car garage home to purchase or to rent inthe North Central area.Please call Michelle at 602-374-7076.

    Experienced Caregiver: Dedicated individual to providecare and companionship for your loved one. Must beclean environment. Call Paula 480-246-7036.

    Looking for work: certified nurse assistant, private duty,companion . Call Grace 480-518-3115.

    Seeking F/T Office Position in a small business

    environment. Experience in Accounting, Managementand HR. Contact Trish: 602-501-4894 [email protected].

    CPA seeking new clients Located at 16th Street &Glendale. Contact Dianna @ 602.380.5157 [email protected].

    Caregiver Needed Mon-Fri 1-9pm. $15/hour. ContactJean 480.948.6894

    Estate Sale: Antique lamps/tables, sewing machine,Degrazia figurines, plates, Dickens collectibles and more.

    July 17 and 18 from 8am to 4pm. 8346 N. 72nd Place,Scottsdale.

    Do you need an Experienced Caregiver? Available fulltime, live in or out. Faith S. Von Brandt 480-338-3284.

    Needs a Ride: I can no longer drive. I live near IndianSchool and 30th Street. Would like a ride to Saturdaynight mass. Roger 602-955-0524.

    LOST: One light-weight, black, man's cardigan. Leftnext to Norbert's piano at 9:15 mass on Sunday,

    June 27th. If found please return to the front desk at theCasa. Thank you.

    The Rosary will be prayed in theMeditation Chapel, Monday thruFriday 6:30-7:00pm throughout thesummer. The Meditation Chapel islocated on the North side of theback parking lot. Everyone iswelcome No registration necessary.

    Looking to find or hire a Catholic business?Look no further than the Catholic Commerce

    Networking Association. Each of our membersis part of the local Catholic Communityproviding service to clients just like you.

    If you are a Catholic business, you're invited tojoin the CCNA. Promote your business at ourthree monthly mixers. Visit CCNAaz.org for

    more details.

    Grant Writer

    The Casa is recruiting a volunteer to support ourefforts to go green throughout the campus. We arein the process of transitioning the Franciscans livingquarters to solar. This will be over several phases.One area we wish to write grants for is new airconditioners that are energy efficient. We wrote

    grants in the past for this and weresuccessful.

    Please contact Charlie Brown [email protected] if you would like tosupport the Casa this way.

    Home VisitationsThis summer, pastoral Ministers tothe Sick and Homebound are ready,willing and available to visit membersof The Church of Our Lady of Angels

    who cannot attend Sunday Liturgy and reside in

    Phoenix, Scottsdale or Paradise Valley. Our PastoralMinistries also serve patients at Banner GoodSamaritan and Mayo Hospital. Please call the Casafront desk at 480.948.7460 to request a visit.Someone will return your call and arrange for ateam of two pastoral ministers to visit. WeeklyEucharist, prayer, fellowship, and sharing newsfrom the Casa builds-up our community and theBody of Christ. We look forward to your call.

  • 8/9/2019 The Casa Bulletin - July 18, 2010


    Our Lady of Angels Church - Dedicated February 26, 2006 7


    First Reading Abraham and Sarah showhospitality to messengers of the LORD(Genesis 18:1-10a).Psalm He who does justice will live in thepresence of the Lord (Psalm 15).

    Second Reading Paul speaks of the stewardshipgiven to him to complete the word of God, themystery hidden from ages past(Colossians 1:24-28).Gospel Martha, you are anxious and worriedabout many things. Mary has chosen the betterpart (Luke 10:38-42).


    Monday: Mi 6:1-4, 6-8; Mt 12:38-42 Tuesday: Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Mt 12:46-50Wednesday: Wis 8: 9-16; Lk 9: 1-6

    Thursday: Jer 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13;Jn 20:1-2, 11-18

    Friday: Jer 3:14-17; Mt 13:18-23Saturday: Jer 7:1-11; Mt 13:24-30Sunday: Gen 18:20-32; Ps 138; Col 2:12-14;

    Lk 11:1-13

    The Casa Website News!www.thecasa.org

    If you havent visited the site yet to hear thewelcome message fromFr. Peter Kirwin, OFM,

    Rector of Our Lady of the Angels Church wehope you will check it out.

    When you login to the website, you will see rightbelow the banner of changing photos, a smalltelevision-looking screen. Look in the lower left-hand corner of the television screen, click on thearrow, it starts the welcome message video. Haveyour volume on. It will take less than 5minutes. Check it out!!

    If youve been missing the Casa Calendar.IT IS

    BACK!! Weve reconstructed a new all Casaevent calendar. It is being updated but check itout! Keep checking the site for new andimproved features.

    Meetings at the Casa..

    We host non-profit groups from all over theworld. Hosting these groups subsidizesmany of our other ministries at the Casaand keeps our program and retreat feesaffordable. We would appreciate it if youwould refer any groups, churches, non-

    profits or government entities to Sue Force,Director of meetings and conferenceministry, [email protected] x173.

    Upcoming Retreats at The Casa:

    Miles Christi Men's Retreat *July 30-August 1Resurrection Church * August 2St. Mary's Chandler * August 4St. Francis Xavier Faculty Retreat

    * August 9

    MentorKids USA * August 13Education for Ministry * August 18-21Fuller Theological Seminary SW

    * August 27-28St. Francis Xavier Student Leadership

    Retreat * August 27Marion Alliance * August 28Transformational Leadership

    * August 30-31

    Baptism InformationIf you are interested in having your childbaptized, please contact Patty Tafolla at480-948-7460 ext. 154 or email [email protected] dates for baptism will be August

    28/29, Oct. 9/10 and Dec. 26. Requirementsinclude being registered at Our Lady of theAngels, attending a parent baptismal preparationclass and having at least one Godparent that is afully initiated, practicing Catholic, over the ageof 16.

    All Baptisms are done at Mass on the above dates.There is a maximum of 3 families for each masstime, which fill up very quickly. It is never toosoon to plan for this special event in your childs


    The Franciscan Renewal Centeris amajor drop off for recyclable items!You can recycle magazines, paper,

    phonebooks, etc in the recycling binslocated near the east lawn

  • 8/9/2019 The Casa Bulletin - July 18, 2010


    Casa de Paz y Bien 8

    PRAYER IN THE CAVE OF THE HEARTSilent Contemplative Retreat

    October 1-3

    Cyprian Consiglio, OSB, Cam


    October 15-17

    Carole Whittaker, PhD & Gloria Cuevas-Barnett


    The Secret to Intimacy

    November 12-14Terry Hershey


    Forgive Us Our Sins

    November 19-21Kevin Saunders, MA, Bill Creasy, PhD and Rabbi Michael Mayersohn


    Weekend Advent Retreat

    December 3-5

    Michael Crosby, OFM, Cap


    Iconography Workshop

    December 8-12

    Peter Pearson, M.Div, Iconographer


    A Grief and Loss Retreat

    December 10-12

    Sheila Marchetta, MA, Mauro Pando, MC,

    & Timothy Ringgold, MT-BC


    Small Steps Take Us Forward

    December 31-January 2

    Kelly Cullen, OFM


    5802 E. Lincoln Dr. Scottsdale, Arizona 85253

    480-948-7460 800-356-3257 www.thecasa.org

  • 8/9/2019 The Casa Bulletin - July 18, 2010


    Franciscan Renewal Center 9

    Books and BlessingsBookstore and Spiritual Boutique

    Monday - Friday: 10am - 2pmSaturday: 10:00am - 6:00pm

    Sunday: 8:30am - 2pm,5:30-8:30pm

    Opportunity to receivespiritual direction

    Are you looking to deepen yourspiritual journey, your relationshipwith God?

    Consider working with a Student Intern atthe Arizona Ecumenical Institute forSpiritual Directors (housed at the Casa).These students will meet with youmonthly, one-on-one, in a spirit ofcompanionship to walk with you as youdiscern where the Holy Spirit may beleading you. There are no fees required,

    just a willing heart. Interested?

    Contact Sister Marilyn Bever, Director orVivian Barrera, Administrator, at480.948.7460 x124.

    Need Prayers?Call Casa Prayer Partner

    Carol Vaccaro - 480-836-8066www.thecasa.org

    [email protected]

    May the Lord give you peace!

    This statement is to help benefactors and our collaborators to identify in a simple andclear way what we, as St. Barbara Province, are about: serving the people of God throughthe lens of our Christian, Catholic and Franciscan values.

    We present to you the Saint Barbara Province Mission statement:We, the Franciscan Friars of the Province of Saint Barbara, are a Roman Catholic religiouscommunity called and committed to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ.In the prophetic spirit of Saint Francis of Assisi we work with others to promote justice,peace, care of creation, and reconciliation in our times.Through our ministries, we strive to serve others - especially the poor and marginalized -in a spirit of prayer and Gospel joy.

    Fruitful Labor for the LordThe harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few;therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send

    out laborers into His harvest.Luke 10:2

    Franciscan Fathers Eddie and Ginoare doingoutstanding work ministering to the spiritualneeds of the White Mountain and San CarlosNative Americans. They give their thanks for allthe support they have received.Now they can use your help in ministering to abasic temporal need, the need for food,(especially fruits and vegetables which arelacking in the local diets). and help in deliveringit to the people.

    Unemployment in the area is 70-90 % as a resultof the current economic situation and the Rodeo-Chediski forest fire that shut down the locallumber industry.Several members of our Faith in Action Ministryhave been taking citrus and other basic fruitsand vegetables to San Carlos and WhiteMountain.

    The Sunflower Farmers Market, located on MillerRoad at Camelback, has been extremelysupportive of this effort.

    You can also help

    Volunteers are needed to make occasionaldeliveries to the Missions. If you do this on aSunday, its a special joy to attend mass there.You could also make a monetary donation to helppurchase citrus and other basic food items. Yourprayers for the Apaches will be especiallyappreciated. If you would like to help in thisFruitful Effort, or if you have any questions,please call Bill Isenberger [email protected]

  • 8/9/2019 The Casa Bulletin - July 18, 2010


    Missed Getting a Sunday Bulletin?

    Not to worryNow you can see thecomplete Sunday Bulletin online!

    Go to www.thecasa.organd scroll to thebottom of the Home Page. The most currentbulletin is available, with an archive ofseveral past bulletins for your convenience.

    Got questions?Come over to the Casa Information Table afterMass and ask away! We invite all who are newto the Casa, or to the Valley, to come over andpick up some informationabout the Casa. Were glad

    Register to Become a Memberof the Conventual Church of

    Our Lady of the AngelsIf you haventregistered as amember yet, you arewelcome to get aregistration form at

    the Front Desk or atthe InformationTable in thehospitality area. As of June 1, 2010 we have3,056 members.You can also print out an Adobe.pdf copy ofthe Registration Form on the website atwww.thecasa.org.

    July 18, 2010 12

    Whats Going On This Week?

    7:00am - Daily Mass

    7:30am - Morning Liturgy of the Hours

    Regular Mass Times:

    Saturday: 5:00pmSunday: 7:30am, 9:15am,11:00am & 7:00pm

    Sunday - July 18Summer Spiritual Spa WeekendCare for Creation WebinarFIA & RCIA Goodbye Party for

    Susan & Bill ParksSurvival School through July 22Hogan's Heroes

    Monday - July 19Contemplative PrayerDivorced Separated Support GroupThe Rosary

    Tuesday - July 20

    Water from Rock (AM & PM)Depression Support GroupThe RosaryRCIA Continuing Mystagogy

    Wednesday - July 21

    Water from Rock (AM)WatercisePax ChristiGestalt Therapy Support GroupThe Rosary

    Thursday - July 22Contemplative PrayerWaterciseCatholics Can Come Home Discussion GroupThe Rosary

    Friday - July 23Fr. Joe - Dinner & ReflectionThe Rosary

    Saturday - July 24Care for Creation Webinar

    Sunday - July 25Hogan's Heroes

    Catalogs are available at the front deskPlease register early as it helps us in many ways: better planning for the event ordering and preparing food for meals room reservation and set up needsand a number of other related details that go intomaking sure the program is the best it can be foryou.You can see programs at www.thecasa.org

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