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Page 1: The Catholic Pro-Life Committee of North Texas Catholic Pro-Life Committee of North Texas ... commitment of the Dallas faithful with a prayer service led ... * 4

The Catholic Pro-Life Committee

of North Texas

Volume 20 Issue 1 Winter 2012

That They Might Have Life By Karen Garnett, CPLC Executive Director

At this time last year I

announced our 2011 theme,

―It‘s Time for the Miraculous,‖

inspired by Matthew 17, in

which Jesus tells his disciples:

―If you have faith the size of a

mustard seed, you will say to

this mountain, ‗Move from here

to there,‘ and it will move.‖

Thanks to your faith and your support, 2011 was a

year of mountain-moving miracles. We saw

record-breaking participation in the 2011 Roe

Memorial Events and 40 Days for Life-Dallas, with

thousands taking to the streets and standing vigil

for life. We noted the leveling of the oldest

abortion center in Texas. We celebrated the most

pro-life legislative session in Texas history,

including the passage of the Choose Life License

Plate and Sonogram Bills, and the defunding of

abortion giant Planned Parenthood of tens of

millions of taxpayer dollars. Most indicative of the

miraculous blessings God showered on our

community are the 819 lives confirmed saved

from abortion in 2011 — 276 more than last

year! God‘s grace working through our sidewalk

counseling ministry not only ensured that over

800 babies will take their first breath, it also saved

their parents from the heartbreaking, sometimes

lifelong, suffering from abortion.

The culture of death that pervades our society and

allows for the killing of our children is in stark

contrast to the gift of life that Christ promises and

delivers through His ultimate sacrifice. That

contrast is reflected in this year‘s theme, ―That

They Might Have Life,‖ from John 10:10, in

which Jesus tells us that He came so that all might

have life and have it in abundance. God offers

each of us that gift of life in fulfillment of Christ‘s

promise, and we are obliged to respect and protect

(continued on p. 5)

Dallas is one of over 300 communities worldwide

that have conducted simultaneous 40 Days for Life

campaigns, composed of 40 days of prayer and

fasting, peaceful vigil outside an abortion center

and community outreach to spread the pro-life

message. The 2011 Dallas campaign began with a

Kickoff Rally featuring the powerful testimony of

former Planned Parenthood manager Ramona

Treviño, who experienced a conversion of heart

during the previous 40 Days for Life campaign in

Sherman outside her facility. Inspired by her

conversion and the call to action by fellow rally

speakers, the Dallas faithful responded.

Over 6,000 people participated in the 24/7 prayer

vigil for one purpose: to end abortion. And that

is exactly what happened

for 23 mothers, fathers

and their children.

During the 40-day

campaign, 23 abortion-

minded women chose life for

their children when

presented with loving alternatives by CPLC

sidewalk counselors outside the Southwestern late-

term abortion center – the location of the 40 Days

for Life-Dallas vigil. (Plus 92 more lives were

saved at the four other abortion centers in Dallas!)

Among the 6,000 were nearly 200 youth who

witnessed to life by standing in prayer outside the

abortion facility with yellow ―Life‖ balloons,

interspersed with black balloons marking their

brothers and sisters in the womb lost to abortion.

Thanks to the support of all of you, Dallas was

once again the largest vigil in the world! In

addition to this remarkable record, the Dallas

(continued on p. 3)

6,000 Prayed for One Purpose

Youth pray while holding yellow “Life” balloons on 40 Days for Life-Dallas Youth Day

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The defense of life as a source for Christian unity emerged as a

major theme at a November leaders‘ evangelical summit in

Rome attended by Karen Garnett, executive director of the

CPLC, and a select group of 25 Christian leaders, including

artists, musicians, news broadcasters, business owners, church

leaders and pro-life activists.

Lectures on the extraordinary charisma of the ―pope of life,‖

Blessed John Paul II, his groundbreaking teachings on the

theology of the body as a means to restore the family, and the

need for the Christian faithful to focus not on differences but

on areas of common ground, highlighted the defense of life as

not only a foundational effort to save the culture, but also a

great avenue for Christians to forge healing bonds of unity.

―This gathering of strongly faithful contributors to the culture,

in the physical center of our faith, the Eternal City, was

Rome Summit: Pro-Life Is Source for Christian Unity By Ellen Rossini, CPLC Director of Development

Here in Dallas

1. 819 abortion-minded mothers counseled by CPLC sidewalk counselors chose life for their babies (plus 740

hopeful turnaways) – Praise God!

2. Over 5,000 students and 1,750 adults heard the pro-life/pro-chastity message from the CPLC Speakers Bureau, Youth

For Life and Spanish Ministry.

3. Six Rachel‘s Vineyard™ Retreats offered hope and healing to 65 post-abortive women and men.

4. Gabriel Angels provided emotional, spiritual and practical support to 39 newly-expectant mothers, plus the Gabriel

Education Ministry & Support (GEMS) program graduated 7 candidates this Fall.

5. Record number of Dallas faithful witnessed for life, including over 6,200 participants in the 40 Days for Life-Dallas

Vigil and 10,000 marching for life on the 2011 anniversary of Roe v. Wade!

In Texas

6. Texas Legislature defunded Planned Parenthood of $34 million or more in taxpayer funds and 12 Texas facilities have

subsequently closed, including 7 Planned Parenthoods in North Texas!

7. Sonogram law passed, ensuring abortionists must provide adequate information to women considering abortion at

least 24 hours before the procedure (recently upheld by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals).

8. Choose Life license plates are now available to Texas citizens, to benefit organizations that support adoption (like our

own Project Gabriel!)

Across the Nation

9. Increased investigations and prosecutions of abortionists‘ illegal activity, including investigations of 7 Dallas

abortionists and widely-publicized murder charges against PA abortionist Kermit Gosnell.

10. Two landmark votes by the U.S. House to eliminate federal funding of abortion giant Planned Parenthood, inspired in

part by former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson's book unPlanned (describing her conversion) being read

from the House floor.

11. U.S. Congress commences historic investigation of Planned Parenthood's financial records and conduct, plus former

Planned Parenthood employees, including Ramona Treviño from North Texas, offer to testify!

inspiring and motivating,‖ said Karen. ―For all Christians, our

shared roots are in Rome, and the summit made clear that our

shared destiny lies in restoring the sanctity of human life, and

the family.‖

The annual summit of the Springtime of Faith Foundation,

organized by founding president and author Thomas Wykes, is

one of two yearly gatherings hosted by the foundation – one in

Rome in the fall and one in Nashville in the spring – designed

to encourage the Christian laity, both Catholic and non-

Catholic, in their individual vocations to spread the gospel.

(continued on p. 5)

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”That They Might Have Life” John 10:10

Join Bishop Kevin Farrell

and the Catholic Pro-Life Committee

for the

2012 Events for Life

39th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade Roe Memorial Rosary, Mass

& Dallas March for Life

Saturday, January 21, 2012 Rosary at Routh Street abortion center

4321 N. Central Expressway, 7:45-8:45 a.m.

Roe Memorial Mass with Bishops Farrell, Vann, Deshotel & Seitz

Cathedral Shrine of the Virgin of Guadalupe 2215 Ross Avenue at Pearl Street, 10 a.m.

Ecumenical Dallas March for Life & Rally from the Cathedral to the Federal Courthouse, 12 noon

~ Save the Date ~ The Bishop’s 19th Annual Catholic Pro-Life Dinner



Saturday, April 14, 2012


6,000 Prayed for One Purpose (continued from p. 1)

prayer vigil was graced with the unique commitment of local

Knights of Columbus, some of whom stood vigil for 24

continuous hours. This notable devotion was covered by

LifeSiteNews — a national online news source — which

interviewed four members of this ―24-hour club.‖ Their

commitment was possibly best summed up by one

anonymous prayer warrior: ―We owe the Holy Innocents

of our time . . . We all owe them.‖

The final hour of vigil prayer reflected the enduring

commitment of the Dallas faithful with a prayer service led

by Bishop Mark Seitz in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe,

Patroness of the Unborn, whose pilgrim icon was present at

the vigil site. The following

evening, St. Thomas Aquinas

Parish hosted a Victory

Celebration and concert, opened

by Bishop Seitz and featuring the

awe-inspiring music of world-

renowned composer and pianist

Eric Genuis. It was a fitting end

to a truly amazing campaign.

CPLC Luncheon Spotlights Adoption & Graduates Seven GEMS Moms!

On November 19, the CPLC hosted the annual Christ Child

Christmas Market and Luncheon. Guests enjoyed a

beautiful program featuring Father Alfonse Nazzaro‘s

presentation on ―The Christian Family‖ and brought home a

new information card on adoption, with the inspiring

testimony of two families blessed by adoption and resources

for those considering adoption. At the luncheon, the Gabriel

Education Ministry & Support (GEMS) program graduated a

record seven candidates! GEMS is an outreach of Project

Gabriel, which offers mothers in need the opportunity to learn

about themselves, their faith, and how to be better parents or

consider the adoption option, and helps them develop skills to

assist in work, education and service.

Patty Sherrod, CPLC Director of Ministries and Project Gabriel,

with GEMS Graduates Brittany Wilson, Erica Williams, Brittney

Bush, Jessica Rinkevich, Claudia Avalos, and Jacey Hurst

(Monica Toland not pictured). Visit prolifedallas.org/gems

for more info.

**Be a part of the Fall 2012 campaign beginning

September 26. More details coming this summer at


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Fulfilling Faithful Citizenship in an Election Year

It‘s 2012, and another critical election year has started. The Texas primaries are on April 3, with the

general election following on November 6. As citizens and as Catholics, we have an obligation to

become informed about the candidates so that we might exercise our most prudent judgment when

casting our vote. In November of last year, the U.S. Bishops re-issued the teaching document:

Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship: A Call to Political Responsibility from the Catholic

Bishops of the United States,‖ with the addition of an Introductory Note. The Introductory Note

reminds us of our duty to ―form [our] consciences in the light of [our] Catholic faith and to bring our

moral principles to the debate and decisions about candidates and issues.‖

When the U.S. Bishops initially issued Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship in 2007, our

own Bishop Kevin Farrell, together with Bishop Kevin Vann of Fort Worth, authored a Joint

Statement summarizing key points of the document and addressing the distinction between issues of prudential judgment and

issues involving intrinsic evils. In the Joint Statement, they explained:

Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship clearly teaches that not all issues have the same moral

equivalence. Some issues involve ―intrinsic evils‖; that is, they can never under any circumstance or

condition be morally justified. Preeminent among these intrinsic evils are legalized abortion, the promotion

of same sex unions and ―marriages‖, repression of religious liberty, as well as public policies permitting

euthanasia, racial discrimination or destructive human embryonic stem cell research. . . .

As Catholics we are faced with a number of issues that are of concern and should be addressed, such as

immigration reform, healthcare, the economy and its solvency, care and concern for the poor, and the war on

terror. As Catholics we must be concerned about these issues and work to see that just solutions are brought

about. There are many possible solutions to these issues and there can be reasonable debate among Catholics

on how to best approach and solve them. These are matters of ―prudential judgment.‖ But let us be clear:

issues of prudential judgment are not morally equivalent to issues involving intrinsic evils. No matter how

right a given candidate is on any of these issues, it does not outweigh a candidate’s unacceptable position in

favor of an intrinsic evil such as abortion or the protection of “abortion rights.” (1, 4)

The Introductory Note likewise addresses this distinction, noting that the U.S. Bishops‘ teaching is not ― a quantitative

listing of issues for equal consideration.‖ Instead, it ―outlines and makes important distinctions among moral issues

acknowledging that some involve the clear obligation to oppose intrinsic evils which can never be

justified and that others require action to pursue justice and promote the common good‖ (emphasis added).

In their Joint Statement, Bishops Farrell and Vann address the scenario in which a candidate supports an intrinsic evil

(e.g., abortion), while supporting other issues that may, in a voter‘s prudential judgment, advance the common good:

Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, in paragraphs 34-37, addresses the question of whether it is

morally permissible for a Catholic to vote for a candidate who supports an intrinsic evil – even when the voter

does not agree with the candidate‘s position on that evil. The only moral possibilities for a Catholic to be

able to vote in good conscience for a candidate who supports this intrinsic evil are the following:

a. If both candidates running for office support abortion or ―abortion rights,‖ a Catholic would

be forced to then look at the other important issues and through their vote try to limit the

evil done; or,

b. If another intrinsic evil outweighs the evil of abortion. While this is sound moral reasoning,

there are no “truly grave moral” or “proportionate” reasons, singularly or combined, that

could outweigh the millions of innocent human lives that are directly killed by legal abortion

each year.

To vote for a candidate who supports the intrinsic evil of abortion or ―abortion rights‖ when there is a morally

acceptable alternative would be to cooperate in the evil – and, therefore, morally impermissible. (5)

In closing, Bishops Farrell and Vann urge us to treat our political choices ―with appropriate moral gravity and in doing so,

realize our continuing and unavoidable obligation to be a voice for the voiceless unborn, whose destruction by legal abortion is

the preeminent intrinsic evil of our day.‖ (For a complete copy of the Joint Statement in English and Spanish, visit


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That They Might Have Life (continued from p. 1)

Faithful Citizenship Education Opportunities

In the coming months, the Catholic Pro-Life Committee will be providing several opportunities for additional education on

Faithful Citizenship in preparation for the 2012 elections, including:

What the Church Teaches on Faithful Citizenship, three-part series co-sponsored by Catholic Charities of Dallas, the

Catholic Pro-Life Committee of North Texas, and the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Justice Ministry:

January 19 at 7 p.m., St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Faith Formation Center (Rm 130), Plano, featuring Bishop Mark Seitz

February 2 at 7 p.m., St. Rita Catholic Church (Sweeney Lounge), Dallas, featuring Jennifer Allmon of the Texas

Catholic Conference and Karen Garnett of the Catholic Pro-Life Committee

February 16 at 7 p.m. (location and featured speaker TBA).

Render Unto Caesar Faithful Citizenship Conference, August 4, 2012

The Catholic Pro-Life Committee will present a bilingual Render Unto Caesar conference, featuring church teaching

on Faithful Citizenship and state-wide experts on pro-life issues and advocacy. More information to come at


Parish Resources: Would your parish like a presentation tailored to your parishioners? The CPLC is offering bilingual

evening and weekend presentations (1-2 hours) on Faithful Citizenship upon request. Contact 972-267-LIFE (5433) or email

[email protected] to request a presentation.

Rome Summit: Pro-Life Is Source for Christian Unity (continued from p. 2)

Featured speakers at the fall invitation-only summit held on

the University of Dallas‘ Rome campus included Cardinal

Francis Arinze of the Roman Curia, Mother Assumpta Long of

the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, Chris

Jansing of MSNBC News, Fr. Thomas Williams, L.C., religion

commentator for Fox News, and Fr. Jose Granados of the

John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family.

The summit included lecture-guided tours of the Eternal City,

specifically holy sites associated with St. Paul as he journeyed

from house arrest, to brutal imprisonment to martyrdom.

―As beautiful as Rome is, rich with the spirit of all the saints,

but most especially our recently beatified Blessed John Paul II,

it is never far from the mind of any pilgrim that our forefathers

suffered and gave their lives here for the sake of the gospel,‖

said Karen. ―To the extent we suffer for the sake of the

unborn, or give more than we thought possible, or give even

our lives, should that be required, we‘re only doing what the

saints before us have done.‖

November 2011 summit participants included Catholic radio

host and author Teresa Tomeo; Janet Morana of Priests for

Life and the Silent No More Awareness Campaign; recording

artist Danielle Rose; Dr. Richard Land of The Ethics &

Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist

Convention; painter Mark Sanislo; and Monica Ashour of the

Theology of the Body Evangelization Team.

that promise for all. How do we do that? Your prayers and

your witness for life are the key.

The Roe Memorial Events this Saturday, January 21, present a

tremendous opportunity to join thousands in powerful prayer

and peaceful witness. As Bishop Farrell explains in his letter

of invitation to all Dallas Diocese Catholics, the anniversary of

the Roe v. Wade decision, which legalized abortion and led to

the death of over 52 million children, ―cannot go unmarked.‖

[I]t is our obligation as a People of Life to remember

the lives lost and stand up in prayer and witness for

the lives to come, until the tragedy ends in the very

city where it began – Dallas. - Bishop Farrell

I hope you all will be able to join Bishop Farrell, along with

Bishops Vann, Deshotel and Seitz, in this monumental event.

(See p. 8 for Schedule of Events or visit prolifedallas.org/roe).

Among the many opportunities to witness for life this year,

one of the most important is at the voting booth. Casting your

vote for life in the 2012 elections is integral to reversing the

policies that foster a culture of death and have sanctioned

nearly four decades of killing. As we raise our voices to

advocate for public policy that respects all life, we must

continue to work here at home for the conversion of hearts.

Your continued support of our nine ministries with prayers,

time and treasure makes that possible. Thank you, and may

God bless you for all you do for Life!

For related articles and reflections on the Rome summit, visit


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HONORS In Honor of: Given by: In Honor of: Given by:

THANKSGIVINGS In Gratitude for: Given by:

Father & Mother-in-law Matt & Linda Adamczyk

Manuel Adauto Marisela Adauto

All unborn babies Tino & Norma Gomez

All Unborn & newborn babies Charles & Patricia Phillips

All Priests & Religious Jose & Luz Santiago

John & Margaret Arney Dr. Enrique & Anne Zavala

Lisa Arp, Connor‘s Teacher Melinda Smith

Baby Jesus, Our Lord Mrs. Annie Fuentes

Rivera Bautista (daughter) Rivera Bautista

Mrs. Barbara Brummitt Quinn & Barbie Cook

Baby Camp Ivan & Rosalie Camp

Francis Campbell Amber Wentworth

Father Jason Cargo Belinda Puente

Michael J. Cerrone, Jr., my father Rev. Michael J. Cerrone III

Thad & Marianne Chapman & Family- Merry Christmas

Tim & Mary Leahy

Lexi Colmenero - 2 yr. old preemie, pray for her continued health

Felip & Felipita Colmenero

Barbie Cook Quinn Cook

Michael Cook Quinn & Barbie Cook

CPLC staff and GEMS program Michael & Laura Skalak

Kania Mary Creason

Seth & Melissa Rick & Madonna Crosland

Defenders of the Unborn Jose & Luz Santiago

Teresa de la Rosa Maria Miranda

Uda del Flores Maria Miranda

Grandsons, Luke & Baby Brother due March 2012

Deogracias & Veronica Dizon

Daughter-in-law, Joan Deogracias & Veronica Dizon

Our children, Derek, Desiree & Daniel Deogracias & Veronica Dizon

Carol & Tim Dougherty Larry & Beth Crouch

Mary & Jim Doyle Wedding Dustin & Christine Hall

Sons: Nick, Luke, Michael Jim & Zuzanna Fennell

Addison Fowler Michael & Laney Sherburne

Johanna & William Friscia-Healing Christopher Friscia

Karen Garnett Carl Jr. & Ellen Rossini

Karen Garnett Jay & Cindi Tenney

Skyler Gonzalez Michael & Laney Sherburne

Fernando Gresset Greg & Brenda Novinski

Tom Grossman Larry & Beth Crouch

Kathleen Gutierrez Randy & Maureen Kemberling

Mary Harman James & Jane Mayhall

Mary Ann Harmon Reginald & Susan Platt

Raquel Hernandez Marisela Adauto

Harriet Holeman Stephen & Elaine Sexton

Bevan G. Holmberg Cheryl Woodall

William Hurley on his Birthday Alice Murphy

Jessica & her unborn baby, a healthy pregnancy

Harry & Deborah Freeman

John & Minnette Michael & JoAnn Murray

Carol Kelly on her birthday Al & Linda Solis

Knights of Columbus Jose & Luz Santiago

Mrs. Betty Landrum Quinn & Barbie Cook

LOVE Travis Coleman

Joseph Lucido Deacon Larry & Mary Frances Lucido

Lucido Grandchildren Deacon Larry & Mary Frances Lucido

Marion Lyons Tom & Terry McDowell

Diane Marks Gary & Jeanne Miller

Dr. Jean McMichael Quinn & Barbie Cook

Rev. Joseph Mehan & the St. Michael, Garland Pro-Life Committee

Reginald & Susan Platt

Fr. Joseph Mehan Jose & Luz Santiago

Joshua Luke Miesch Greg & Brenda Novinski

Mr. & Mrs. Chris Mirus on occasion of their wedding

Janet Purdy

Moms & Unborn babies Robert & Carol Baca

Moms, Dads & babies Robert & Carol Baca

Naomi Morales Nicolas & Natalie Morales

Ana Mullen Douglas Bradley

Our Granddaughter: Taylor Olson

Gary & Linda Olson

Fr. Frank Pavone Quinn & Barbie Cook

Father Frank Pavone Jose & Carmen Moreno

Fr. Frank Pavone Tim & Terri Schauf

Dan Polcari, birthday Jan. 24th John Polcari

Pope Benedict XVI Jose & Carmen Moreno

Pro-Life Counselors Robert & Carol Baca

Pro-Life Volunteers Raul & Cecilia Rangel

Rosary prayers at abortion clinics

Jose & Luz Santiago

My mother, Ellen Frances Rossini

Teresa Stadelman

Bryan Salazar Marisela Adauto

Sandra Salinas Jose & Carmen Moreno

Mary Helen Sexton Stephen & Elaine Sexton

Suzanne Sexton Stephen & Elaine Sexton

Mary Shaw Michael & Vicki Shaw

Adam Sherburne Michael & Laney Sherburne

Sidewalk Counselors Jose & Luz Santiago

Carlee Ann Smith for health Ross & Josephine Emmett

Cleo Smith Herminia Vasquez

Alex Solis 14th Birthday Al & Linda Solis

Larry & Paulette Standefer's 50th wedding anniversary

Lyle & Gloria Digby

Heather Stantic Douglas Bradley

Wally Swanson Sharon Beckerich

Lyla Tran Richard Panchasarp

Ashley Trurno Michael & Michelle Rodriguez

Mrs. Pat Tucker Stephen & Susan Laurence

Unborn babies Robert & Carol Baca

Unborn babies & parents Robert & Carol Baca

John Vallala Sherry Hensley

Our new grandson, Stephen Voltin

William & Betty Cosgray

Rosemary Wand Amber Wentworth

Mike Webber on his birthday Al & Linda Solis

Mike & Meri Webber Al & Linda Solis

Marie Wood Larry & Beth Crouch

Friendship & that our friends may expand their families in the will of God.

Chris & Jessica Leminger

CPLC Sidewalk Counselors Tom & Mary Matasso

God at Christmas Rivera Bautista

You can make a gift in honor or memory of or

thanksgiving for someone special that will help

mothers, save babies and advance a Culture of Life.

Visit prolifedallas.org/donations

Your loved one or intention will be

remembered at a special Mass.

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MEMORIALS In Memory of: In Memory of: Given by: Given by:

Mark Adams Quinn & Barbie Cook Camille Adams Quinn & Barbie Cook All Aborted Babies Quinn & Barbie Cook All the babies that have died by abortion

Carlos Martinez

All the Faithful Departed Jose & Luz Santiago Betty Anderson Doug & Peg Weisbruch Nora C. Baca Robert & Carol Baca Margaret Baillargeon Joseph & Kathleen Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Barbosa Al Barbosa John & Florence Bayer (parents) Florence Crable My mother Barbara and my father John Beckerich

Sharon Beckerich

Bernard Bichsel Paul & Theresa Bichsel Patsy Ruth Bolfing Edward & Patty Fulbright Emett Bolin Mayan Corioso Denise Bolin Mayan Corioso Nick Borkowski (1995-2011) John & Rebecca Higginbotham Floyd K. Bradshaw Robert & Carol Baca George Brummitt Quinn & Barbie Cook Menna D. Cerrone, my mother Rev. Michael J. Cerrone III Anthony Charindr Richard Panchasarp Joseph Chavalii Richard Panchasarp Joseph Chokchai Richard Panchasarp Margaret Clarkin Robert & Carol Baca Jim Collie Gordon & Sally Collie Kenneth E. Conklin Stephen & Elaine Sexton Paula Cordona Marisela Adauto James Coriosio ―Dad‖ Mayan Corioso Burt Coty Burt & Margaret Coty Bill Crable Florence Crable Maria Teresa Crai Richard Panchasarp Barbie Aguirre Cruz George & Gloria Cruz Patrick & Anna Cuddigan Robert & Carol Baca Frank & O‘Rilla Mary Cuddigan Robert & Carol Baca Theodore G. Donahue Stephen & Carolyn Donahue Mark Elliott Stephen & Elaine Sexton Rosa Espinosa de Flores, my Grandmother (d. 9/7/47)

Mrs. Annie Fuentes

Vicente Flores, my father Mrs. Annie Fuentes Johnny Franch Kenneth & Teri Franch John Franch Kenneth & Teri Franch Lucie Lin Frazier - 6/6/1972- 7/26/2011

John & Rebecca Higginbotham

Ricky Fulbright Edward & Patty Fulbright Lorraine Galley Harry & Deborah Freeman Georgian Rita Wasinger Olivia Marie Grant Kevin & Elizabeth Grant Lauren W. Gregg, Jr. Suzanne Gregg & Becky Visosky Patsy & Nora Gurrero Frank McElwain Daniel Hadbavny Harry & Deborah Freeman Archbisop Philip Hannon Jim & Zuzanna Fennell Frances & Fred Hare Deacon Larry & Mary Frances Lucido Frances Hare Deacon Larry & Mary Frances Lucido Mary Helen Harman Deacon Larry & Mary Anne Harmon Mary Helen Harman James & Jane Mayhall Mary Ann Hart Tom & Patti Kiernan Mark Hennes Caryn Stevens Bernice Hennesey Christopher & Barbara Moreland Felipe Hernandez Marisela Adauto Fr. Paul Hinnebush Quinn & Barbie Cook Bette J. Holmberg Cheryl Woodall Dick Hunter Donna Hunter Norm Janke Jose & Luz Santiago William Murdock Janvrin Mayan Corioso Christina Jaramillo William & Christina Dodd Richard Johnson Tom & Terry McDowell Leslie Leigh Mudd Johnston Carl & Betty Mudd Mr. & Mrs. C.F. Kapp Daniel & Michele O‘Connell Mary Jane Keene Margaret Dundas M. Korkmas Ann Korkmas-Sears

Mr. & Mrs. J.K. Korkmas Ann Korkmas-Sears Susan Elizabeth Krusing Lorraine Bishop Susan Krusing Sarah Caggiano Our dear friend, Susan Elizabeth Krusing

Jill Castloo

Susan Krusing Rob & Rachel Hopkins Sue Krusing Raymond Krusing Susan Krusing Terry & Diane McGauren Susan Elizabeth Krusing Ramnikial Mistry Susan Elizabeth Krusing Carlos & Susan Sepulveda Sue Krusing Jon & Sharon Weber Susan Elizabeth Krusing GUC&L, LLP - John Rosenberg Susan Krusing Parkhill, Smith & Cooper -

Jennifer Williams Millie Lakusta Chuck & Pat Bianco Barbara Lorince Harry & Deborah Freeman My grandma O‘Rilla MacCudigan Robert & Carol Baca Chucky Matteucci Richard & Madeline Taubert Richard Paul McCoin Mary Clare Cieslewicz Richard McCoin, my son Mary Clare Cieslewicz Dianne McDowell Judge Pat McDowell John & Catherine McElwain Frank McElwain Marella Mendez John & Shirley Lapicola Dr. Nester Miguel Bill & Laura Shoemaker Danny Mitchell Deacon Brian & Sharon Mitchell Agnes Moorman, mother of Mary Chris Armstrong Lore Morales George & Gloria Cruz Jose & Emilia Morena Jose & Carmen Moreno Jose Moreno, Sr. Jose & Carmen Moreno Mother Teresa Jose & Carmen Moreno Helen Mueller - born to eternal life on 12/20/2011

Maureen Rowles

Joshua Myers b. Feb ‘73 Myra Myers Jeff Nelson Doug & Marguerite Nelson James Olivas, my nephew Consuelo Herrera Mr. & Mrs. C.L. Pence Edward & Geraldine Werner Theresa Perez, sister of Joanne Underwood

Jim & Zuzanna Fennell

Angelo & Enedelia Perez Cris & Delia Yzaguirre Maria Reyes Marisela Adauto Maria Riha, mother of Georgina Brand Jim & Zuzanna Fennell Tim Salinas (Carmen‘s Father) Jose & Carmen Moreno Domingo Salinas Jose & Carmen Moreno Jose A. Santiago Jose & Luz Santiago Don Schonhoff Mary Schonhoff Agnes Sexton Stephen & Elaine Sexton Suzanne Sexton Stephen & Elaine Sexton Mary Helen Sexton Stephen & Elaine Sexton Joseph Shaw Michael & Vicki Shaw Isabel Solares Julie Bowring Fransisco Flores Solis Maria Miranda The Souls in Purgotory Douglas Bradley Richard Stanford Carlos & Martha Valdivia Anthony, Edith & Cyril Sulak Donna Sulak W. Ed Toogood Josie Toogood Hadi Torabi Dagny Torabi Nilda Torres Jose & Luz Santiago Mrs. Pat Tucker Stephen & Susan Laurence Unborn babies & Lifeway Nicolas & Natalie Morales Unborn babies Christine Patton Julio E. Valles Jose & Luz Santiago Maria Eva Vasquez Herminia Vasquez Carolyn Vasquez Herminia Vasquez Catarino Vasquez Herminia Vasquez Maria Luz Villordon (Mother) Rivera Bautista Margaret Virtue Bruce & Kathleen Wood Henry Volkmann John & Catherine O‘Brien Ernestina Vollmer-König Rev. Josef Vollmer-König Claire Webber Al & Linda Solis Jeff Weisbruch Doug & Peg Weisbruch Leo Whelan Jose & Luz Santiago Cliff Zarsky David & Phyllis Wilson

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The Bishop’s 19th Annual

Catholic Pro-Life Dinner

April 14, 2012

Irving Convention Center at Las Colinas

Your donation saves babies!

Your 100 percent tax-deductible gift is critical to equipping the

Catholic Pro-Life Committee to fulfill our unique mission in

furthering the Gospel of Life in the Diocese of Dallas and


Every year we reach out to help an average of at least one

mother each day to choose life instead of abortion — 819 chose

life in 2011!

Using the enclosed envelope, please mail your gift to: CPLC,

P.O. Box 59852, Dallas, TX 75229, or make a donation online at


If you wish to support our mission with a special contribution

such as a stock gift, a company matching grant, a monthly

pledge, a willed gift, or other non-cash donation, please contact

Director of Development Ellen Rossini at 972-571-8705.

Sign up for our weekly E-Alerts at:


Life Matters is a publication of the Catholic Pro-Life

Committee of North Texas, the Respect Life Ministry of

the Diocese of Dallas.

Karen Garnett, Executive Director

Becky Visosky, Director of Communications

Send comments and questions to: [email protected].

CPLC ● P.O. Box 59852 ● Dallas, TX 75229

972-267-LIFE ● www.prolifedallas.org

Building a Culture of Life in North Texas

Jan. 21: Roe Memorial Events – See Schedule

April 6: Good Friday Pro-Life Stations of the Cross

April 14: The Bishop‘s 19th Annual Catholic Pro-Life Dinner

April 21, July 14: Quarterly Mass & Rosary Procession

June 29 - July 1, July 27 - July 31: Youth For Life

Pro-Life Boot Camp, Sessions 1 & 2

Aug. 4: Render Unto Caesar Faithful Citizenship Conference

Sept. 26 - Nov. 4: Fall 40 Days for Life-Dallas

Oct. 20: Respect Life Month Mass & Rosary Procession

Oct. 22: CPLC Charity Golf Tournament / Bishop‘s Cup

Nov. 19: Youth For Life Chastity Rally

Visit prolifedallas.org/calendar for more information.

Upcoming Events – Save these Dates!

2012 English Retreats

Jan. 27-29, July 13-15, October 19-21

2012 Retiros en Español

24-26 de febrero, 22-24 de junio,

21-23 de septiembre

Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats™

214-544-CARE • 972-679-4760 (español) • racheldallas.org

Abortion AfterCare-Healing / The Rachel Ministries

2012 Youth For Life Pro-Life Boot Camp

Session 1: June 29 – July 1

Session 2: July 27 – 31

University of Dallas, Irving

More information coming soon at


7:45 a.m. Roe Memorial Rosary with Bishop Seitz

outside the Routh Street abortion center, 4321 N.

Central Expy, Dallas (buses available from

Cathedral beginning at 7:30 a.m.)

10:00 a.m. Bilingual Roe Memorial Mass at the Cathedral

Shrine of the Virgin of Guadalupe, 2215 Ross Ave.

at Pearl St., Dallas, concelebrated by Bishops

Farrell, Vann, Deshotel & Seitz with homilist

Fr. Jason Cargo and music led by Curtis Stephan!

12:00 p.m. Dallas March for Life from Cathedral Plaza to

Rally outside the Earle Cabell Federal Courthouse,

where Roe v. Wade was first filed in 1970

1:45 p.m. Pro-Life Ministry Fair at First Baptist Dallas,

1707 San Jacinto, and Reception at Cathedral

Grand Salon

January 21, 2012 Roe Memorial Schedule of Events

Featuring a

Conversation with

Actor and Singer

John Schneider

Star of two

new pro-life films:

Doonby &

October Baby

For more details, visit prolifedallas.org/dinner

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