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The changing perception in the artefacts used in the design practice through BIM 

adoptionCoates, SP, Arayici, Y, Koskela, LJ and Usher, C

Title The changing perception in the artefacts used in the design practice through BIM adoption

Authors Coates, SP, Arayici, Y, Koskela, LJ and Usher, C

Type Conference or Workshop Item

URL This version is available at: http://usir.salford.ac.uk/9674/

Published Date 2010

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The Changing Perception in the Artefacts used in the Design Practice through BIM Adoption

Paul Coates,

University of Salford

email: [email protected]

Yusuf Arayici,

University of Salford

email: [email protected]

Lauri Koskela,

University of Salford

email: [email protected]

Colin Usher,

John McCall Architects

email: [email protected]


When CAD (Computer Aided Design) was generally adopted in the early 1990‟s, the hand drawn

process was replaced with the CAD drawing but the nature of the artefacts / deliverables and the

exchanges of information between disciplines remained fundamentally the same. The deliverables

remained 2D representations of 3D forms and Specifications and Bill of Quantities. However, the

building industry is under great pressure to provide value for money, sustainable design and

construction. This has propelled the adoption of Building Information Modelling (BIM). BIM is a

foundational tool for a team based lean design approach. It can enable the intelligent interrogation of

design; provide a quicker and cheaper design production; better co-ordination of documentation; more

effective change control; less repetition of processes; a better quality constructed product; and

improved communication both for the architectural practice and across the supply chain.

As BIM enables a new of working methodology, it entails the change in perceiving artefacts used and

deliverables produced in the design and construction stages. In other words, defining what the

informational issues are, who does what and who is responsible for what and the level of detail

required at each stage in design and construction is critically important to adopt and implement BIM in

the construction sector.

This paper presents the key findings through the action research methodology about the change in the

nature of artefacts and deliverables resulting from the BIM adoption in the KTP (Knowledge Transfer

Partnership) project undertaken by the University of Salford and John McCall Architects.

Keywords; Lean Construction, Building Information Modelling, coordination, collaboration,

integrated design process

1. Background: Artefacts used in the building design process

“How complex or simple a structure is depends critically upon the way in which we describe it.”

Herbert Simon (1996)

The construction industry is facing a dilemma with a demand to simultaneously reducing costs,

increasing quality and improving efficiency. The challenge is how to meet this demand for


Historically information within the building process has been fragmented, unconnected and

characterized by sub-optimal informational exchange. Yet the building design process has a

disproportionate influence on the life cycle value of the built environment (Paulson 1976). So optimal

design and the intermediate stages by which good design is achieved are particularly important.

Within the construction industry there are many disciplines or communities of practice. Each

community has its own area of specialist knowledge. Artefacts are the method adopted to transfer

information and ideas between these communities. (Lave and Wenger, 1991)

When the effectiveness of artefacts (boundary objects) is considered from a lean perspective, any

waste residing in or in the production of the said artefacts should be removed. This waste in lean terms

could be over-processing, rework, overproduction, conveyancing, waiting, inventory or motion.

Artefacts of the building process are the intermediate creations required to ensure that intermediate and

final building project requirements are met. The components that go to make up an artefact are

prescribed by the importance given to quality, cost and time considerations. The format of the artefact

is often prescribed by legacy systems, historic methods and practices. According to Cooper (1989) in

each period of our history, design and communication have evolved synchronously with the

technology of the time. Each new medium has extended our sense of reality and each has looked to its

predecessor for language and conventions, referencing and adapting characteristics until its unique

capabilities can be explored and codified.

2. The Case Study Company: John McCall’s Architects (JMA)

JMA was established in 1991 in Liverpool in the UK, and has been involved in architecture and

construction for almost 20 years designing buildings throughout Northwest England. Focusing

primarily on social housing and regeneration, the company is known for good quality, economical,

environmentally sustainable design. JMA works with many stakeholders from the design through to

building construction process and the associated information is very fragmented. Projects in which

JMA are involved are typically of 2½ years duration, involving many stakeholders and requiring

considerable interoperability of documentation and dynamic information.

2.1 Knowledge Transfer Partnership Project with JMA

The specific academic challenge of the KTP is to link BIM implementation with Lean process

improvements. The KTP project aims not only to implement BIM and therefore assess the degree of

the successful implementation, but rather to position this within the context of value-add offerings that

can help the company place itself at the high-end knowledge-based terrain of the sector. The KTP

adopts a socio-technical view of BIM implementation in that it does not only consider the

implementation of technology but also considers the socio-cultural environment that provides the

context for its implementation. Within this context change management and adoption strategies will be

a challenge.

BIM has actually been utilized by large architectural practices and on large building projects e.g.

London Underground, but it is not widely (if at all) used by SMEs. The KTP will enable JMA to

establish itself as the vanguard of BIM application giving them a competitive edge because BIM can

enable the intelligent interrogation of designs; provide a quicker and cheaper design production; better

co-ordination of documentation; more effective change control; less repetition of processes; a better

quality constructed product; and improved communication both for JMA and across the supply chain.

The impact of the KTP will be also to improve the process at every level and stage: eliminating the

risk of miscalculation, misinterpretation of design, improve communication, provide interoperability

between stakeholders and, ensuring control and sharing of documentation. This is because BIM is a

foundational tool for implementing an efficient process and invariably leads to lean-orientated, team

based approach to design and construction therefore BIM will allow JMA to demonstrate the entire

building life cycle including the construction and facility operation during the design phase.

3. Research Methodology

A soft system methodology to improve the shared understanding of the existing architectural practice

in JMA was employed as the method of research. This is achieved by making models in order to

diagnosis and vision the working process. The contextual design approach was adopted to find out

how the members of staff carried out their activities at JMA and identify the correct needs and user

requirements through contextual inquiry. This was undertaken by a series of interviews of members of

staff in their working situation.

Artifact models have been generated based on the syntaxes prescribed in the contextual design

approach in order for the diagnosis of the current practice in regard to the artifacts in use. This is then

followed by the storyboarding technique to pictorially describe and model the artifacts to be used in

BIM implementation. Flowcharts and diagrams were produced for the artifacts modeling.

3.1 The properties of the Artefacts (in JMA’s Design Practice)

Artefacts created and used at JMA include models, sketches, drawings, specifications, bills of

quantities, outline and full planning submission documentation, building control submissions, CDM

submissions, contracts, program and construction plans of work and as built documentation. The

specific artefacts required depend on the method of procurement. Artefacts are often used as

milestones and are often used as approval points on projects.

The format and contents of the artefacts produced is generally determined by recipients and the client.

Sometimes the formats are prescribed at the outset in the terms of agreement. In order to change the

deliverables, discussions with the recipient and confirmation of the validity of new artefact formats

need to take place. Construction projects are typically information-intensive collaborations between

diverse collections of stakeholders and organisations. Contributions to the artefacts may be created by

different disciplines within the building process. But they are often integrated into a single combined

artefact by the project architect.

Artefacts are defined by the following properties:

a) Physical or virtual form: An artefact can exist in both a physical and/or virtual form. Examples of

physical artefacts could be printed drawings or construction mock-ups. Examples of electronic

artefacts could be files in many formats for example dwg, dgn, skp, pdf, etc.

b) Shelf Life and time of influence: Artefacts have a shelf life. It is appropriate to use artefact for a

certain length of time after which it is necessary to confirm whether the artefact and the

information in the artefact has been superseded. If obsolete artefacts are used, abortive work or

unforeseen problems may arise.

c) Accuracy: Many developers worry about whether their artefacts -- such as models, images, or

documents -- are detailed enough. The accuracy required depends on the intended use. Accuracy

can be measured against any property and how correctly it reflects the condition in the real world.

However, it is more appropriate to measure accuracy against the fit for purpose. This raises the

issue that information that is sufficient for one purpose may not be sufficient for another purpose.

For example, it may not be necessary to have artefacts accurate to the nearest millimetre for

outline planning whereas it may be necessary for construction.

d) Objectiveness (addressing an issue) and the fit for purpose: An example of an artefact meeting an

issue would be information submitted to achieve building control approval or planning permission.

An example of an artefact created to achieve a milestone would be an approved preliminary design

report. How well an artefact achieves its objective is a measure of its effectiveness. Artefacts may

address one or many objectives.

e) Creator or Developer: All artefacts have a creator or developer and this is as likely to be a team of

people as it is to be an individual. It is usually the case that artefacts are constructed using

constructs or acquired earlier in the development process. Where constructs are used the artefact is

developed as opposed to being created. If the processes change, who the creator or developer of a

particular artefact may also change.

f) Perceived recipient and method of communication: Every design-construction problem can be

represented in multiple ways. The clarity and comprehensibility of intent and meaning in the

artefact is a function of human perception and interpretation. Artefacts are required to generated a

common shared understand about the project related issues. These are issue of organisational

semiotics. Organisational semiotics (OS) is the study of sign generation, exchange and

interpretation in organisational contexts. Artefacts may be generated not only for human validation

but also for machine based checking. Particular artefacts are designed to be communicated in

particular ways.

g) Codes and Standards: the design artefacts that are prepared to discuss the scheme with the users are

constrained by project factors; timescales and the conventions adopted by a practice. For example,

planning applications is a good example of an artefact prescribed by legislation. The Town and

Country Planning (General Development Procedure) Order 1995 sets out a statutory list of

information that is required to accompany planning submissions. The standardisation of artefacts

is to some extent understandable because at times it is necessary to compare and contrast artefacts.

h) Ease of creation: One facet of an artefact is how easy it is to construct. This is particularly relevant

in the business area where cost competition exists.

i) Responsibility: Where an artefact is created to meet a specific purpose, someone or a group of

people will be assigned with the related responsibility associated with the artefact.

j) Stepping stone: Building process artefacts are effectively stepping stone in the building process.

As such they are tailored to a specific objective.

k) Standalone Value: Artefacts often have a value in themselves even though they are a stepping

stone to something else. For instance, a building model that is to show the design to a prospective

owner may have a value in itself.

l) Static and responsive artefacts: Some artefacts remain in a static state while others are responsive

to external changes. An example of a responsive artefact would be a model with solar louvers that

respond to daylight levels. As computerised models become more widely used more responsive

and interactive artefacts are likely to be developed.

m) Orphaned or connected: sometimes an artefact is an orphan and sometimes it remains connected to

its source.

3.2 Changes in Artefacts via BIM Adoption and Implementation

The use of Building Information Modelling and the associated changes in the nature of the artefacts

produced are bringing about changes the construction industry. In the new way of working a

methodology that is brought in by BIM, it would be wrong to consider artefacts as individual entities

rather as data models. From this model information is extracted and filtered to provide artefacts of the

appropriate level of detail for their purpose. Often the additional textual or graphical overlays are

added. The elaboration of these artefacts is carried out in four steps:

Step 1: the elaboration of the artefacts that are created to develop and understand the design


Step 2: the elaboration of the artefacts that are created to achieve approval of designs

Step 3: the elaboration of the artefacts that are created to facilitate construction and

Step 4: the elaboration of the artefact so-called “single lifecycle building model”.

3.3 Artefacts for Design Development and its Understanding

The analysis of spoken interaction between architects and users in the early stages of a building‟s

design has revealed that artefacts serve a dual purpose. Artefacts embody the current status of the

design and to act as mediating devices to develop an understanding of the design in conversation (Luck

2007). Traditionally during the design development the information moves from one point of stasis to

another. During to intervening periods the information may be in an inconsistent unresolved form.

Knowledge is developed not so much through relatively stable boundary objects (artefacts) but through

constantly unfolding epistemic objects (Ewenstein 2009). Epistemic objects are objects abstract in

nature, they are objects of inquiry and pursuit. During this stage there is a development through

iterative design cycles from the fuzzy conceptual ideas to the geometric representations.

Evidence suggests that architects as a group cannot predict the public's aesthetic evaluations of

architecture (Brown & Gifford, 2001). Many research projects in environmental psychology have

revealed that architects and non-architects perceive architecture differently (Devlin, 1990; Hubbard,

1996; Gifford, 2002.) This means that the creation of artefacts is particularly important to transfer

ideas and concepts in order to establish a good communication and shared understanding amongst the

stakeholders and users of a project.

Traditionally design representations fail often to articulate the future experience of a space to clients

and stakeholders. Individual drawing which are the legacy artefact of the building process have no

value other than in a printed form. Traditional CAD systems have assisted in the production of such

representations but the inherent intelligence of the information contained is minimal. BIM enables the

use of three-dimensional virtualization of buildings with additional information on demand in a way

which is impossible using two dimensional ideas and concepts on paper.

The type of representations used has to be tailored to the awareness of the clients. The correct

approvals can only be solicited if first a correct understanding is transferred to the person responsible

for approval. This is partly to do with organizational semiotics and also partly to do with the

mechanism of information transfer. Drawings presented to clients may sometimes look impressive but

are in fact symbolic artefacts and they conveying actual information poorly. Such symbolic artefacts

are sometimes referred to as illuminated scrolls because the embellishments overlaid do nothing to

enhance understanding of the content. As an artefact for further development, illuminated scrolls

traditionally have been considered as not maintainable due to the diligence it requires to preserve the

symbolic quality. With the uses of BIM less informational atrophy needs occur during the

development cycle.

BIM is one solution to enabling shared understanding and successful communication for effective

design development. This is achieved by the creation of virtual preconstruction models so that the

client or recipient can drive the direction of his or her design interrogation. This means that the design

review is not prescribed with predetermined images and views taken from preset perspectives. As a

result, the traditional artefact is replaced by a more effective virtual artefact. Although the initial role

of the virtual artefact is to explain, ultimately the role of the artefact should initiate meaningful

dialogue and interaction.

3.4 Artefacts developed to gain approval

Examples of artefacts created for pre approval are planning and building control submissions, costing

and other criteria prior to the commencement of construction. With the change from man to machine

validation, the nature of the artefact will change through the implementation of BIM. For example,

Rule checker software has achieved increased interest and is often regarded as one of the big benefits

by using BIM/IFC based software in the design process. When new BIM based artefacts are used, it is

necessary for them to have equivalent contractual and legal status as the traditional artefact. The

CORENET system in Singapore represents a an advanced development that is an Automated Code

Checking system based on intelligent IFC2x objects, which allows automated approval of building

plans over the Internet. Developments in the UK may also occur along the same lines.

3.5 Artefacts developed to facilitate construction

Architects create constructs of what is to be built; contractors then deconstruct these in elements and

associated activities. By creating artefacts that can be deconstructed and undergo analysis BIM can be

used to facilitate the construction process. The object orientated approach of BIM has the ability to

separate the building by element which in turn facilitates breaking down the production information

into smaller work packages.

Earlier involvement of the contractor can enhance the design process. But in a traditional contract

process, contractor involvement only occurs at tender stage shortly before construction starts on site.

This means that the knowledge from the contractor for constructability is not feed into the early stages

of design development. A package approach can also be used to facilitate CAD/CAM and site

manufacture. Particularly when working with elemental building packages being able to undertake

clash detection and deviations becomes an important issue.

3.6 The concept of the lifecycle model

BIM as a lifecycle evaluation concept seeks to integrate processes throughout the entire lifecycle of a

construction project. The focus for the stakeholders is to create and reuse consistent digital information

throughout the lifecycle (Figure 1). BIM incorporates a methodology based around the notion of

collaboration between stakeholders using ICT to exchange valuable information throughout the

lifecycle. Such collaboration via use of BIM artefacts is seen as the answer to the fragmentation that

exists within the building industry (Jordani, 2008).

Figure 1: The BIM Lifecycle of information

3.7 The Artefacts in JMA’s BIM Enabled Design Process

The table below concisely considers the ongoing changes in the artifacts used in JMA‟s Design

Process via BIM adoption.

Stages in the


Process Non BIM Artefact BIM Artefact Intelligent BIM Artefact



Hand sketches, basic costing

from areas.

Massing Model, basic

costing generated from

the model

Bidirectional model and costing

information with decision

support system


Sketch Design

Sketch-up model, material lists

and costing from areas

3d database, with areas

volumes and materials

and costs

Multidiscipline collaborative

models with intelligent feedback

Final Sketch


Sketch-up model and plans in

powerdraft, material list and

costing from areas

3d database, with areas

volumes and materials

and costs

Multidiscipline collaborative

models with intelligent feedback



CAD drawings created from 2d

representations, materials noted

on drawings

3d database, with areas

volumes and materials

and costs, with non

required information

removed, planning

specific info added

Models that can be placed in

context allowing review in

virtual reality



Plans, sections, elevations and

details produced as 2d

3d database – details

extracted and worked up

Links to product information

databases and supplied

representations and outline

specification, colours, finishes

and build ability

in 2d, schedules

generated direct from the


specification and direction.

Link to sustainability database

and design for manufacture




Plans, sections, elevations and

details produced as 2d

representations and full

specification, full details

3d database, all

representation connected

reducing inconsistencies,

automated BOM

3d database – all information

in 3d, shop drawings generated

direct from the model,

construction support system



Plans, sections, elevations and

details produced as 2d

representations and full

specification, full details and

shop drawings and construction

sequence drawings

3d database usable by

the contactor with

possible automated


Models indicating sequence of

construction, and method of


As Built

Drawings –

Life Cycle Info

2d representations of what has

been built

3d database of what has

been built, suitable for

facilities management

Intelligent identifiable objects

with attached maintenance


Table 1: the changes in the artefacts used in JMA’s Design Process

3.7.1 Feasibility Report

Feasibility has not been a major focus in the development of BIM systems. In JMA‟s case and

generally feasibility is undertaken to acquire project funding. To achieve funding schemes need to

achieve a certain level on the housing quality index. There are ten indicators that measure quality. Each

indicator contains a series of questions that are completed by the applicant organization. Indicators

concerning the site are visual impact, layout and landscaping, open space and routes and movement.

Indicators concerning the units are size, layout, noise, light, services and adaptability, accessibility

within the unit, sustainability and building for life. Though the use of BIM these factors can more

easily be investigated potentially leading on to the development of rule based systems in this area.

3.7.2. Preliminary Sketch Design

The objective of the preliminary sketch design is to validate the design against the brief, scales of

accommodation, site constraints, target costs and to determine the main issues related to construction

and engineering. In the preliminary stage of the design the issues and road blocks for the design are

researched and evaluated. Using BIM massing models the level of detail can be increased and

alternative options explored. The particular benefit of BIM at this stage is the ability to undertake rapid

prototyping to find the optimal solution meeting the requirements of the brief.

3.7.3. Final Sketch Design and Planning Submissions

The final sketch design is to confirm the final form, appearance, construction method, services

installations, landscaping, roads, car parking and construction phasing. This information should be

sufficient in order to make a planning application. The objective from the client‟s perspective of

making planning applications is to gain planning approval. Yet at the same time not restricting possible

further design development which might be beneficial to the client. By appropriate filtering of design

information using BIM these combined objectives can be achieved. The means it is not necessary to

develop a data set purely for planning application purposes.

3.7.4. Detailed Design and Production Information

The objective of this stage is to integrate detail design decisions of all disciplines into a unified scheme

and to obtain all the necessary approvals. Building control submissions are usually made as part of this

stage. The traditional problem with construction documentation is clashes between disciplines. The

ducts clash with the structure etc. With the use of combined models clash detection can be undertaken

both construction. This represents a major gain in the process.

But the question is how can the tradition production information offering be improved? The

consistency of representations generated from a single model avoids many discrepancies that occur

using traditional methods. With the structuring of elements in BIM the production of elemental work

packages becomes easier. Also because objects are used substitution of elements also becomes easier.

3.7.8 As Built Drawings-Lifecycle Information

As built information is the cornerstone of effective facilities management. With the use of IFC models

JMA has the potential to provide a more sophisticated form of as built information. Discussions with

clients are currently taking place to develop better artefacts in this area.

4 Conclusion

New artefacts are emerging. At JMA a proactive approach is being taken to discover more effective

methods of conveying building design information and concepts. Yet artefacts fall short in their ability

to fulfil what is required. In the construction or creation of an artefact there is an inevitable trade off

between the ease of creation of the artefact and how effectively it conveys its message to its recipients.

Using IFC compatible objects as the building blocks for artefacts in the design process has the

potential to facilitate and add value to the work of both the recipient and the creator. By creating more

intelligent boundary objects specialist knowledge can more easily be shared. Major benefits to the

contractor and end user can be realized with intelligent objects being used to construct the artefacts of

the building process. To improve the ability of BIM to communicate the correct messages common

BIM standards need to be adopted by all stakeholders in the building process and working practices

also need to change.

With the adoption of BIM it is easy to focus on 3d building representations when other forms of

representation should be considered. The form of representation could be a pie chart, a venn diagram,

a flowchart or a synergy diagram the most appropriate form should be adopted. Building Information

Modelling (BIM) offers a new way of documenting, designing and streamlining the building lifecycle

processes. Therefore, with the move towards BIM, it is more realistic to envisage a holistic building

model which promises a way of working that gives speed, efficiency and clarity to the construction


Finally, we must not lose sight of the fact that the end goal is a building that meets it requirements on

all levels. Efficiency in design process and construction are merely the method to facilitate this end



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