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The Newsletter of The Children’s Book Council of

Australia WA Branch (Inc.) No. 4 September 2015

PO Box 473, West Perth WA 6872 - email: [email protected]

o. 3 2 No. 3 2013No013

2015 Executive Committee

President Aniek Ragan Vice President Sue Stopher

Secretary Francine Nababan Treasurer Karina Oliver

Past President Chloe Mauger Guest editors: Jan Nicholls & Denise Robins

Committee meetings: Held at 7pm on the third Wednesday of every month. All welcome.

Oasis Lotteries House 37 Hampden Road, Nedlands

What’s Inside This Issue

Topic Page Topic Page

President’s Report & Board News 2 Make Your Own Story Book 10

Penny Hutchens Memorial Fund 3 Recent & forthcoming WA titles 11

Children’s Book Week Official Opening & Dinner

4 Book Discussion Group 12

2016 Committee Nomination forms 8 WA Branch AGM notice 14

Spotlight on Kelly Canby 9 WA Bookshops/Awards Foundation 15

WA Branch President, Aniek Ragan with the cake celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Children’s Book Council of Australia


President’s Report

Dear Members,

The WA Branch Book Week Opening and Dinner celebrating the 70th anniversary of the CBCA was a wonderful evening with CBCA medal-winning author, Norman Jorgensen entertaining the guests with his witty and amusing address. We were especially delighted to have the Eve Pownall judges in attendance this year. Emerging talent, Kelly Canby was an excellent speaker at the Make Your Own Story Book presentation and the two young winners who made short speeches were exceptional. I would like to thank the WA Branch committee members for their time, expertise and hard work over the year especially to those who coordinated these important and very successful Book Week events. Our AGM is not until Monday 23 November but I would like to inform you that I will not be renominating for the position of Branch President in 2016. It has been a pleasure to hold this position for two years, and it is time for someone else to take over the reins. If you or someone you know would be interested in any of the Executive positions then I would be happy to talk to you about the roles. Dr Ken Spillman will be our AGM guest speaker. With over 35 books spanning many genres to his credit, Ken has captured the hearts of legions of young fans across Oceania and Asia and we look forward to hearing his experiences working with such diverse audiences. See page 14 of this newsletter.

Finally, look at page 13 for an exclusive PD opportunity with an internationally renowned presenter. Places are limited, so book now. I hope to see as many of you as possible at the WA Branch AGM. Best wishes Aniek Ragan

Latest National Board News from Angela Briant, Director

Recent appointees, Jane O'Connell and Julia Davenport joined the Board for their first meeting on 22 August. Dyan Blacklock was unable to attend. Cam Jones from Tasmania is due to replace Jenni Connor, who has made a really significant contribution to the Board and has resigned due to family commitments. Some of the major matters discussed included: ~the CBCA and Indigenous Literacy Foundation partnership; the ILF project officer Kristen Gill attended and briefed the Board. ~ Children's Book Week artwork for 2016. Shaun Tan dropped in and showed the Board his early concept sketches. As you would imagine these were amazing. The merchandise for 2016 will jump off the shelves! ~Reading Time online continues to increase its readership. CBCA members are encouraged to subscribe and receive the weekly newsletter. ~the new Executive Officer, Kate Flamsteed has settled well into her role in the National Office housed in the State Library in Queensland. ~funding strategies and National Membership.

Nan Chauncy Award

Congratulations to Libby Gleeson, worthy winner of the 2015 Nan Chauncy Award. Read more at this link: http://readingtime.com.au/congratulations-libby-gleeson-winner-of-the-2015-cbca-nan-chauncy-award/


Penny Hutchens Memorial Fund

The recipient of the 2015 Penny Hutchens Fund is the Keeping Kids Safe Project, an initiative of the Women’s Council for Domestic and Family Violence Services (WA). Many thanks to Margaret Walton from Child Education Services for her assistance in selecting appropriate books for the Keeping Kids Safe Project. Thanks also to Awards Co-ordinators Sue Wyche and Trish Montgomery for a generous donation of 80 titles from their collection of books entered for this year’s Book of the Year Awards. This means that the Wooree Miya and Karratha Women’s Refuges will each receive over $1000 worth of books. For more information about the fund visit our website at this link: wa.cbca.org.au/wahutchens.htm Gail Spiers and Chloe Mauger, Penny Hutchens Fund Co-ordinators

Margaret Walton from Child Education Services

with Gail Spiers

Angela Hartwig, Sarah Kretschmer, Chloe Mauger,

Gail Spiers & Samantha Tristram

High profile author James Patterson recently offered a total grant pool of $100,000.00 to bookshops in Australia and New Zealand that had a dedicated children’s section and a project in mind to get children reading. Eleven bookshops in WA were successful in their applications including long-time CBCA WA Branch member and supporter Westbooks in Burswood, who received a grant for $2500.00 for a project to supply book packages for children in foster care. Thanks to Heather Cooper for this information. Over the past 18 months Westbooks and the Department of Child Protection and Family Support Cannington have created approximately 550 book packages for children ranging from newborns to 17 years of age. As a reward to staff at CPFS for the great job they are doing developing the literacy levels of children in their care, Westbooks will provide a further fifty $50.00 book packages. Earlier this year, after delivering book packages to one of her families, a foster children’s case manager reported that “They were all very excited to receive their books and absolutely loved each of them. We all opened them up together and went through what they had received one at a time, like a show and tell. The younger children were running around the house excited and the older one just wanted to get in there and start reading them, despite needing to get ready for basketball training. They each loved what they had been given as they were age appropriate”. James Caffey and all the staff at Westbooks are most grateful to James Patterson for his generosity. The WA Branch in turn is grateful to Westbooks and our other supportive bookstores for their ongoing commitment to the cause of children’s literature in WA.


CBCA 70th Anniversary Book Week Merchandise

The Book Week merchandise created for the 70th anniversary generated

enthusiastic feedback. Created by Neil Curtis in 2005 and stored in the CBCA

archives, the art work featured a firebug reading a book and could be

animated via a free app download. Silver foil and metallic inks added extra

sparkle – fitting for this platinum anniversary. The WA Branch receives a

percentage of the sale price of all the merchandise sold directly (rather than

via the national website) and uses this money to promote the work of WA

authors and illustrators and foster the love of reading amongst our young

Western Australians. The Book Week art work for 2016 will be designed by

Shaun Tan. Please support us by ordering via the WA Branch in 2016.

Merchandise Special Offers Limited quantities – be quick!

Firebug stickers – sheet of 35 $3.00

Firebug stickers – sheet of 35

Pack of 4 sheets


Book Week Badge - single $2.00

Book Week Badge – pack of 3 $5.00

Email your order to

[email protected]

Don’t forget to include your

name and delivery address

Please include a contact

phone number

CBCA WA Book Week Dinner

This popular event was held on Friday 21st August at the Claremont Yacht Club with the “Books light up our world” theme evident in the CBCA merchandise on display and fabulously creative table decorations made by Denise Robins. MC, Grant Stone, welcomed guests and announced the CBCA Book of the Year winners (see this link) http://cbca.org.au/winners-2015.htm and introduced President, Aniek Ragan who then officially opened Children’s Book Week 2015 in WA. The Penny Hutchens Memorial Fund recipient was announced – see page 3 for details – then guests enjoyed a buffet dinner before local author Norman “aka Hans Christian” Jorgensen entertained guests with his writing journey, which was enhanced with PowerPoint slides. Many of the guests identified with his favourite books and his early storytelling efforts with a captive audience of three younger brothers. The committee received many compliments about Norman’s talk, and teachers and librarians in the audience were pleased to meet him. Norman is a great supporter of the CBCA WA and is always generous with his time and book donations.

To celebrate the 70th anniversary there were some excellent door and raffle prizes announced to a range of

delighted winners. Special thanks go to our generous donors - Margaret Van Dorssen (Walker Books),

Norman Jorgensen, Artico Hair Salon Floreat, Peter & Elaine Forrestal, Rebecca Newman, Robyn Vitale,

Steve Halbert, Suzanne Pearse and many committee members. Thanks to all who attended and enjoyed

good food, wine, presentations and camaraderie.

Liz Allen and Gay Tierney, CBW Dinner Convenors

Eve Morrissey


Kelly & Stewart Marsh Janet O’Brien, Denise Robins

& Robyn Vitale Victoria Carlton & Martin Quinlan

Kelly & Neil Canby Denise Robins & Kathy Herne Rebecca Newman &

Charmaine Holloway

Chloe Mauger & Pat Kershaw Elizabeth Allen Stan & Lefki Kailis


Some of the WA Branch Committee

Sheryl & Grant Stone with Jan Nicholls

Chloe Mauger, Norman Jorgensen & Joscelyn Bowey

Table 7 Myrtle Spiers & friends

Linda Osborne & Gay Tierney WA authors & illustrators light up our world!

Cutting the 70th anniversary cake Gail Spiers & Steve Halbert


Shannon Warwick & Tamara Symmons

Helen Willison, Jan Nicholls & Renae Gibson

Suzanne Wakeman & Linda Osborne

Judi Willmott, Norman Jorgensen & Janet Scott

Pat Kershaw, Felicia Harris & Jenni Woodroffe Nicole & Maillee Clarke & Jenny Doust

Sharon, Francine, Stephanie, Dominique & Karina Lee Beazley, Nicole Oeij & Emily Mulvey



NOMINATION FORM – BRANCH EXECUTIVE POSITION 2016 Please note all nominations must be received by the Branch Secretary prior to the commencement

of the meeting and NO nominations will be accepted from the floor of the meeting

Nominations due Friday 13th November 2015. Please forward to either: [email protected] or PO Box 473 WEST PERTH 6872

I wish to nominate for the position of ____________________________________on the Branch Executive




Phone: (Home)___________________(Mobile):___________________Email:_________________________


Nominated by__________________________________________________________________________

(must be a current financial Member of the CBCA WA Branch)

Nominator’s Signature______________________________________Date__________________________



NOMINATION FORM – COMMITTEE MEMBER 2016 Please note all nominations must be received by the Branch Secretary prior to the commencement

of the meeting and NO nominations will be accepted from the floor of the meeting

Nominations due Friday 13th November 2015. Please forward to either: [email protected] or PO Box 473 WEST PERTH 6872

I wish to nominate for the position of WA Branch Committee Member


Address (Home):__________________________________________________________________________




Nominated by:___________________________________________________________________________

(must be a current financial Member of the CBCA WA Branch)

Nominator’s Signature: ___________________________Date_____________________________________


Spotlight on Kelly Canby

Favourite place to create? That all depends on my mood, the day or the weather. Sometimes it's upstairs in the studio, sometimes on my oversized armchair by the fire, sometimes sitting outside in the sun, sometimes tucked in the corner at my local cafe, sometimes the kitchen table. Coffee or tea? Definitely tea! I drink coffee once in a while (never instant) but tea is my thing. I currently have 32 different types of tea in a dedicated tea cupboard in the kitchen.

Best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? Just do it! I'm not sure if that little gem was aimed solely at me. Nike may have told a few other people, but quite honestly, of all the things, that's the best. It couldn't be any simpler. Favourite book as a child? A Little Golden Book called "Little Boy with a Big Horn", illustrated by Aurelius Battaglia. I couldn't even tell you what the story is about now but those illustrations are burned into my memory. I remember looking at them for hours, tracing over the top of them. It was the book that made me want to draw pictures forever. And probably the reason I'm so crazy in love with mid-century modern illustration now. Most memorable feedback from a reader? "This is the most, best book I have ever read in my whole entire life and YOU made it!" (followed by a big hug), from my five year old son. Kelly was guest presenter at MYOSB. Her latest book is All the Lost Things published by Peter Pauper Press.

Recent Book Launches

Award-winning author Sally Morgan’s new verse novel Sister Heart was launched on Wednesday 5 August at New Edition Bookshop in Fremantle. Fellow Fremantle Press author, Blaze Kwaymullina launched the book and treated guests to an intimate reading of favourite excerpts from his mother’s novel. Thanks to the generosity of

New Edition a percentage of the night’s sales were donated to the Indigenous Literacy Foundation. The CBCA is proud to work in partnership with the ILF. www.indigenousliteracyfoundation.org.au Anouka Hoppman-Smith, Fremantle Press

During Book Week committee member and Eve Pownall judge Chloe Mauger and CBCA Board

Representative Steve Halbert attended the launch of Multicultural Me, an illustrated book that celebrates

the cultural diversity and friendship of young people in Australia. The book is written by Taku Scrutton and

illustrated by Jason Trevenen. More details can be found at this website: multiculturalme.com.au/


Make Your Own Story Book Competition 2015

Once again we were excited by the number and quality of the books entered this year. The 22 judges read and discussed 870 entries from 62 individual children, 20 public and 28 private schools. At The Literature Centre on Sunday 23 August twenty-one excited winners, their proud parents, friends and teachers enjoyed a delicious morning tea and viewed the winning books. Scans of pages from the winning entries and photographs will be placed on the WA Branch website to enable the general public, interested teachers and students to view the excellent quality of the 2015 entries. Guest presenter, Kelly Canby entertained the audience with snippets from her career and concluded by reading her book All the Lost Things. Two prizewinners Melissa Lee; author of The Shadow and Zachary Valverde; author of Chivalry, shared their personal writing experiences with a very appreciative audience. President Aniek Ragan, Kelly and I presented the prizes, with each winner receiving book vouchers, Book Week and Healthway Go for 2 & 5 merchandise. Thank you to The Literature Centre, to all our sponsors and especially our supporting bookstores; Beaufort Street Books, Bookcaffe, Child Education Services, Crow Books, Millpoint Caffe Bookshop, The Lane Bookshop, Oxford St. Books and Westbooks for their generous donations of book vouchers. The success of the MYOSB competition is due to the behind the scenes work from the WA Branch committee members who cheerfully mail entry forms, open envelopes, sort entries, set up the venue and applaud the winners as part of their ongoing quest to encourage the connection between children and literature. Denise Robins, Make Your Own Story Book Co-ordinator

MYOSB 2015 Winners


The WA Branch gratefully acknowledges assistance from the State Government of Western Australia through the Department for Culture and the Arts, Lotterywest and Healthway promoting the Go for 2&5 message in supporting Children's Book Week 2015. Healthway’s vision is a healthy WA, where everyone has a role in promoting health and shares in the benefits of a healthy population. We provide sponsorship to sports and arts organisations to promote healthy messages, facilitate healthy environments and increase participation in healthy activities. Childhood obesity continues to be a major public health issue with one in four Western Australian children being overweight or obese. Most Australian children only eat half the amount of fruit and vegies recommended for good health and the Go for 2 & 5 campaign encourages ways to get some extra fruit and vegies into their day. At www.gofor2and5.com.au you can find out about ways to get more fruit and vegies into your day with simple tasty recipes.

Recent and Forthcoming Titles by WA Creators

Whenever you are making book purchases please consider supporting the wonderful bookstores listed on Page 17 that are always generous in their support of the WA Branch. Not only do they carry a great range of titles but they have excellent, knowledgeable staff who are always happy offer advice when required.

Author Title Publisher

Bowie, Sandi (Illus. Stacey J Hutton) The Mystery of the 65 Roses e-book Cystic Fibrosis WA

Evans, Gabrielle The Mice & the Shoemaker Five Mile Press

Fitzpatrick, Deb At My Door Fremantle Press

Foley, James (Text by Sigi Cohen) My Dead Bunny Walker Books Australia

Hughes-Odgers, Kyle Kwaymullina, Ezekiel & Morgan, Sally Lawrinson, Julia

Can a skeleton have an X-Ray? We All Sleep The Flyaway Girls

Fremantle Press Fremantle Press Penguin Random House

Martin, Corina (illus. Fern Martins) McKinlay, Meg

The Toast Tree Bella and the Wandering House

Magabala Books Fremantle Press

Morgan, Sally Sister Heart Fremantle Press

Murphy, Sally Fly In Fly out Dad Five Mile Press

Parker, Danny Lola's Toybox Hardie Grant


Book Discussion Group

June The impossible knife of memory by American author Laurie Halse Anderson

explores the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder on Andy, a decorated veteran

of Iraq and Afghanistan, and his daughter Hayley who return to their upstate New

York hometown after years of home schooling on the road. Hayley finds it hard to

adjust to ‘normal’ schooling and when Andy loses his trucking job and his health

deteriorates, Hayley’s role as carer becomes overwhelming. With the support of her

school friend Finn and her estranged step-mother Trish, Hayley and her father work

towards a solution. Suitable for readers 14+

July A small madness by WA author Diane Touchell is a cautionary tale about an

unwanted pregnancy and the possible consequences of decisions made when

teenagers don’t feel able to seek help from parents. Written in alternating chapters

from the perspectives of Rose and Michael, two high-achieving Year 12 students,

the reader is drawn to empathise with the protagonists and consider whether doing

something monstrous makes someone a monster. A small madness is Touchell’s

second novel following Creepy and Maud which was shortlisted for the CBCA Book

of the Year: Older Readers in 2013. Suitable for readers 15 +

August Prince of Afghanistan by Louis Nowra is an action-adventure narrated by

an 18-year-old Australian soldier, Corporal Mark Hollis, who is caught behind

enemy lines in Afghanistan with a Doberman pinscher sniffer dog called Prince.

When a hostage rescue goes wrong and Prince’s handler Casey is killed, Mark and

Prince form an inseparable bond as they attempt the dangerous journey back to

base, braving hunger, thirst and the threat of capture by the Taliban. As they travel

Mark reflects on his childhood in the Snowy Mountains with Casey and his reasons

for joining the army. This is Nowra’s second YA novel after Into that forest, a

Notable book in the 2013 CBCA Book of the Year Awards: Older Readers. Suitable

for readers 14+

Upcoming discussions

September 23 A single stone by Meg McKinlay (Guest Speaker) October 28 The accident season by Moira Fowley-Doyle November 25 We are the rebels by Clare Wright


The WA Branch is delighted to offer an outstanding Professional Development opportunity

Exclusively for and free to current CBCA WA Branch members

Rhoda Myra Garces-Bacsal presents

Welcoming ‘The Others’ on the wings of peace through multicultural picture books: using Children’s Literature to

promote inclusive practices in the classroom. This PD session will examine socially inclusive books which tackle difficult topics, highlighting the

presence of ‘the others’ in society: such as those with special needs, giftedness, non-traditional

families, migrants, the elderly or the sick, to cite a few. It is hoped that exposure to such picture

books will assist in developing pro-social behaviours such as compassion, empathy and

understanding among children.

Limit of 25 places available. Light refreshments will be served and PD certificates will be available via email on request.

WHEN: Wednesday 23rd September 5.00pm - 800pm Please arrive by 4.45pm for a prompt 5.00pm start WHERE: Resource Centre School of Isolated and Distance Education 164 – 194 Oxford Street Leederville

RSVP by email essential to Jan Nicholls [email protected] by Friday 18th


Don’t miss out on this fabulous opportunity.

Myra is the Coordinator of the Masters of Education in High Ability

Studies at the National Institute of Education, Singapore and the

Programme Director of the Asian Festival of Children’s Content in


Find out more at Myra’s website http://www.gatheringbooks.org




invites all Branch members to the



Monday 23rd

November 2015

6.00pm for 6.30pm


Cnr South Terrace & Sandgate Street, South Perth

Please join the committee for a short meeting for the presentation of the Annual

Report and Balance Sheet, the election of office bearers for 2016 and to share

the highlights of the year’s activities.

The meeting will be followed by light refreshments and an opportunity to meet

and hear Dr Ken Spillman.

“Up the road and round the corner – my decade as a writer looking beyond

Australian shores”.

Since one brief trip visiting Singapore and India in 2006, Dr Ken Spillman has been a

frequent visitor to Asia, often spending between one-third and half of his time

travelling. In this presentation he will provide a brief glimpse into his journey, during

which he has published many books for Asian markets. Ken estimates that he has

spoken to more than 70,000 children, he helped establish a major regional festival for

creators of children’s content, and supported programs engaging with the children of

some of the world’s poorest families.

RSVP essential for catering purposes

By Wednesday 18th November

[email protected]



WA Branch Bookshop Supporters

As a CBCA WA member, please support these bookshops. Show your membership card to receive 10% discount on books. If you would like your WA business to be listed on this page, please contact us.

Bookcaffe, Swanbourne 137 Claremont Crescent, Swanbourne WA 6010

Ph: (08) 9385 0553 Website: www.bookcaffe.com.au

Beaufort Street Books

567 Beaufort St. Mt Lawley WA 6050 Ph: (08) 6142 7996

Website: Beaufort Street Books

Child Education Services 96 Royal Street, East Perth WA 6004

Ph: (08) 9225 6516 Website: childeducation.com.au

Date Event

Friday 30 October –

Saturday 31 October

Celebrate Reading National Conference: The Inside Story on Quality Australian Literature for Children @ The Literature Centre, Fremantle. (Primary School focus). More details: www.celebratereading.org.au

Monday 23 November

WA Branch AGM 6pm South Perth Library

Millpoint Caffe Bookshop 254 Mill Point Rd (crn Douglas Rd) South Perth WA

6151 Ph: (08) 9367 4567

Website: Millpoint Caffe Bookshop

Westbooks Children's Book Centre 119 Burswood Road, Burswood WA 6100

Ph: (08) 9361 4211 Website: www.westbooks.com.au

CBCA Awards Foundation

Proudly Funding Prizes for the Children’s Book of the

Year Awards ________________


Scholastic Australia Allen & Unwin

Laurie Copping OAM (in memoriam)

Thyne Reid Trust No. 1

Major Donors:

Australia Post • Jill Bruce • Sandy Campbell • Jean Chapman (in memoriam) • Era Publications • Max Fatchen (in memoriam) • Five Mile Press • Libby Gleeson AM • Bob Graham • Hachette Children’s Books Australia • Hardie Grant Egmont Pty Ltd • HarperCollinsPublishers Australia • Ipswich District Teacher-Librarians' Network • The James N Kirby Foundation • Kinross-Wolaroi School • Koala Books • Library Board of Queensland • Beryl Moncrieff Matthews (in memoriam) • Jill Midolo (in memoriam) • Angela Namoi • The Northern Territory Government • Jan Ormerod (in memoriam) • Parents and Boys at Sydney Grammar School, Edgecliff Prep • Penguin Books Australia • Eve Pownall (in memoriam) • Random House Australia Pty Ltd • Marion E Robertson (in memoriam) • Emily Rodda (Jennifer Rowe) • Gillian Rubinstein • Maurice Saxby AM • SA Dept of the Arts & Cultural Development • Cathie Tasker • University of Queensland Press • Julie Vivas • Walker Books Australia Pty Ltd • Cassandra Weddell, Qld (in memoriam) • Margaret Wild• Miss Maisie Williams, Garah NSW (in memoriam) • Sue Williams

Donations to the CBCA Awards Foundation are tax deductible and can be sent to: PO Box 172, Blackheath, NSW, 2785 Phone : (02) 4787 8492 or (02) 9630 2424/ Fax : (02) 9630 2594 or donate on line at: http://cbca.org.au/foundation.htm

Did you know?

We have twice as many Facebook

fans as we have members? If the

WA Branch is to continue its work

we need REAL support in the form

of actual paid membership PLUS

new volunteers on the committee,

rather than just virtual friends on

social media.

We need YOU!


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