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Page 1: The class of 2010: new MPs to watch in 2011

The Class of 2010 Who to watch in 2011? Who will be the Westminster star performers of 2011? After a lot of hype and anticipation about the new Parliament, MHP has analysed and examined the performance of the new intake to produce our Top Ten for 2011. These are the MPs who will make it to the front benches and be the loudest and most listened to in 2011. Some of these will be familiar faces, others less so. But whatever the reason we are sure you will be seeing and hearing more from them this year. There are a variety of reasons why, in our opinion, these are the ones to watch this year. Some have already been successful with positions on the frontbenches, some have been assiduous in speaking and raising constituency issues, while others have had high profile campaigns or been particularly effective media commentators or social networkers. Luciana Berger MP - Labour MP for Liverpool Wavertree

Although a controversial candidate, Luciana Berger has proved to be a strong voice for her constituency in the House of Commons, speaking in over 58 debates and tabling over 150 parliamentary questions. She has made hard-hitting attacks on the Prime Minister on two occasions during PMQs over cuts to higher education funding and back-tracking on the promise to keep the Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) in place. She is sure to make the most of her new role as Shadow Minister for Climate Change.

Nick Boles MP - Conservative MP for Grantham and Stamford

Since his election Nick Boles has maintained his reputation as an insightful political commentator, regularly making media appearances discussing the Government’s performance. He has been a surprisingly strong advocate of the Coalition and helped to articulate why it is more than a result of political expediency. Since the election he has already found time to publish a book – ‘Which way’s up? The Future of Coalition Britain and How to Get There” – in which he makes a convincing case for a formal election pact between the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats. We are sure it won’t be long before he joins the ministerial ranks.

Dr Therese Coffey MP - Conservative MP for Suffolk Coastal

Therese Coffey was not a high profile parliamentary candidate, but she has been a strong and steady performer since taking her seat. From her position on the backbenches she has been very vocal in the House, speaking on all manner of subjects from the energy industry and health to the prison service and foreign affairs. In fact it is hard to find an issue on which she hasn’t commented.

Stella Creasy MP - Labour MP for Walthamstow

She may not have been ever-present on the Newsnight couches or in Ed Miliband’s inner circle, but Stella Creasy has knuckled down in her first six months and achieved results that would please a grizzled Commons veteran, let alone a newbie backbencher. Her campaign around the issue of loan sharking, in which she used a Ten Minute Rule Bill and some savvy media and political pressure to force a Government review of the high-interest loan market, has led to the possibility of the first regulation of legal money-lending in Britain since usury laws were repealed in the 19th century. And, in doing so, she has impressed a lot of very influential people.

Page 2: The class of 2010: new MPs to watch in 2011

Duncan Hames MP – Liberal Democrat MP for Chippenham After seeing off the well-known ‘Black Farmer’ Wilfred Emmanuel-Jones to win the Chippenham seat, Duncan Hames has made a good start to his parliamentary career by winning an appointment as PPS to Sarah Teather at the Department for Education. His interventions in the House on education issues have been thoughtful and it seems this is a policy area where he will continue to make his mark.

Rebecca Harris MP - Conservative MP for Castle Point

The profile of this former A-list parliamentary candidate has no doubt been helped by her success, only weeks into her parliamentary career, in the Private Members’ Bill ballot. Coming fourth in the ballot she chose to present a bill on the perennially debated subject of advancing the clocks to give the country another hour of daylight. The Bill has secured impressive media coverage for her and we will be watching to see how she capitalises on her increased profile in 2011.

Dr Julian Huppert MP - Liberal Democrat MP for Cambridge

As the only professional scientist in the new Parliament, Julian Huppert has had a lot of opportunity to contribute his expertise to debates on funding for science and research since the election. However, it is in the digital sphere where he has made the biggest impact, becoming one of the leading tweeting MPs. This has won him a widespread following from party activists which bodes well for his future promotion to a party role.

Jesse Norman MP - Conservative MP for Hereford and South

Herefordshire As a previous director at Policy Exchange and founder of the Conservative Co-operative Movement, Jesse Norman was always going to be a vociferous and high profile new MP. The recent publication of his new book ‘The Big Society: The Anatomy of the New Politics’ has cemented his reputation as ‘one to watch’. In his book he has gone further than even Cameron to elucidate the relevance of the Big Society. He has proved himself to be a solid mind with a commitment to Cameron’s vision, and will no doubt be rewarded with a ministerial position in the near future.

Rory Stewart MP - Conservative MP for Penrith and the Border

There were always high hopes for this diplomat-come-adventurer following his election to Parliament. He has in fact shown himself to be a committed constituency MP, promoting the interests of Penrith and the Border by campaigning to bring high-speed broadband to this rural area. He has become a champion for rural communities and digital equality, thus carving out his own path in Parliament rather than focusing on foreign affairs as had been expected.

Chuka Umunna MP - Labour MP for Streatham

His appointment as Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Labour leader, Ed Miliband marks Chuka Umunna out as a rising star within the Labour Party. Meanwhile, he has made a good start in his role on the Treasury Select Committee. He pursued a number of tough avenues of questioning when the Chancellor recently appeared before the Committee showing himself to be a hard-hitting political operator.

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