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Table of Contents What is Vitiligo? ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6

What Causes Vitiligo?............................................................................................................................................................................................. 7

Vitiligo Symptoms .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8

Life with Vitiligo ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9

What is Self-Image? ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 10

Define Your Self-Image: What’s Your Internal Voice Saying? ................................................................................................................................ 12

Positive Thinking .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13

2 Comments..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17

Worksheet: Remember Your Good Qualities! ....................................................................................................................................................... 18

One Comment.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 20

Positive Self Image and Self Esteem: Role Playing ................................................................................................................................................. 21

No Body is Perfect: Body Image and Shame ......................................................................................................................................................... 25

Feel Good About Yourself .................................................................................................................................................................................... 30

Boost your self-image with these 5 steps ............................................................................................................................................................. 32

1 Comments..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 36

Black Pepper May Help Vitiligo ............................................................................................................................................................................. 37

70 Comments ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 39

The Magical Cure For Vitiligo ................................................................................................................................................................................ 61

6 Comments..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 62

Romanian Community Provides Insight Into Genetic Factors Associated With Vitiligo .......................................................................................... 64

Over 70% Repigmentation Achieved In Patients With Stable Vitiligo .................................................................................................................... 66

8 Comments..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 67

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Take the Stress Out Of Vitiligo .............................................................................................................................................................................. 69

Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) Offers Potential In Vitiligo ............................................................................................................................................. 73

Vitamin D Deficiency Raises New Questions About Vitiligo And Supplements ....................................................................................................... 75

4 Comments..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 77

Famous People With Vitiligo ................................................................................................................................................................................ 79

12 Comments ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 80

Studies Needed To Show L-phenylalanine Helps Repigmentation ......................................................................................................................... 84

2 Comments..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 85

Emily’s Vitiligo...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 86

10 Comments ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 87

Laughter the Best Medicine for Vitiligo ................................................................................................................................................................ 90

6 Comments..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 93

The Instant Vitiligo Cure: Your Shining Personality ............................................................................................................................................... 95

71 Comments ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 97

Vitiligo Cells May Hold Cure For Melanoma ........................................................................................................................................................ 117

3 Comments................................................................................................................................................................................................... 120

Vitiligo: Dealing With It from the Inside Out ....................................................................................................................................................... 121

One Comment................................................................................................................................................................................................ 123

What Is NLP?...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 124

One Comment................................................................................................................................................................................................ 127

Piperine Research For Vitiligo............................................................................................................................................................................. 128

2 Comments................................................................................................................................................................................................... 129

Magic Pills Do Not Exist; Not Even NLP Ones! ..................................................................................................................................................... 130

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Let’s Try NLP ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 132

Pepper Compound Could Aid Millions With Vitiligo ............................................................................................................................................ 133

8 Comments................................................................................................................................................................................................... 136

Piperine Interview With Dr. Soumyanath ........................................................................................................................................................... 138

56 Comments ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 140

Piperine and Vitiligo Research Update by Dr. Soumyanath ................................................................................................................................. 159

16 Comments ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 161

Get Rid of Your Skin Conditions With NLP .......................................................................................................................................................... 166

Living With Vitiligo ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 167

2 Comments................................................................................................................................................................................................... 171

Self Esteem For Vitiligo ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 172

Vitiligo Repigmentation Proof ............................................................................................................................................................................ 174

Comments: .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 175

Plasma of Vitiligo Patients May Hold Cancer Cure .............................................................................................................................................. 180

Manage Stress, Manage Your Vitiligo ................................................................................................................................................................. 181

Shop Confidently for Vitiligo Curing Products ..................................................................................................................................................... 184

Meladinina By Any Other Name is Still Psoralen ................................................................................................................................................. 186

Healing On a Spiritual Level ................................................................................................................................................................................ 187

How to receive healing according to the teachings of Bruno Groening ............................................................................................................... 189

2 Comments................................................................................................................................................................................................... 191

Selsun Blue effective on tinea versicolor Not vitiligo .......................................................................................................................................... 192

Missouri woman supports people with vitiligo ................................................................................................................................................... 193

13 Comments ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 195

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Set yourself free from vitiligo ............................................................................................................................................................................. 198

Vitiligo: emotional not physical suffering ........................................................................................................................................................... 200

About the Author ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 203

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What is Vitiligo? Vitiligo is quite a common skin disease which affects at least 2 people in every 100 in countries throughout the world. Anyone, male

or female, irrespective of skin color or ethnic origin can develop the condition.

Vitiligo causes the skin, and sometimes the hair, to turn white in patches. This is because melanocytes, the cells

which give the skin its color, have either been damaged or destroyed. The disease can spread, rapidly or slowly, to

cover the entire body surface (universal vitiligo) but this is not inevitable. The most common form of vitiligo appears in symmetrical

form (generalized vitiligo) affecting both sides of the body. In some cases only one half of the body is affected (segmental vitiligo)

and this type has limited progression and is more difficult to treat. Vitiligo can begin at any age, though about fifty percent of people

develop it before the age of twenty.

You cannot catch vitiligo. It is not infectious. Although there are no physical symptoms apart from sunburn in the white patches if

they are not protected from the sun, it can cause severe psychological distress, especially when the face, neck, hands and genitals

are affected. Although the disease is more noticeable on dark or tanned skin the degree of distress is not necessarily linked to skin

color or to the extent of the disease. However, people with dark skin from certain ethnic groups who develop vitiligo may feel

particularly stigmatized and fear a loss of identity should the disease become widespread.

The course of vitiligo is unpredictable. Some people may not notice a change in their condition for many years, while for others it

can spread quite rapidly. In some cases the white patches can spontaneously repigment, particularly in children, though it is rare for

the disease to resolve completely without treatment. http://www.vitiligosociety.org.uk

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What Causes Vitiligo? We have some idea of what is happening in vitiligo but are less clear about why it is happening. We know that

pigment cells are not functioning in the white patches although some of them do survive both in the skin and also

in the hair follicles in the white patches. Many theories exist to explain the loss of pigment; the most popular is the

autoimmune theory which means that the body’s own immune system is attacking the pigment cells.

It has also been recently established that genes play an important role in predisposing some people to vitiligo, especially those who

have other autoimmune diseases, in particular thyroid disease, or who have family members who suffer from vitiligo or these

diseases. This discovery strengthens the autoimmune theory.

Other theories which have been proposed include the neuronal theory which suggests that the nerves in the skin are implicated in

the damage to pigment cells and the oxidative stress theory based on the breakdown of anti-oxidant defenses in the skin or in the

pigment cell itself. In addition, high levels of hydrogen peroxide which is toxic to pigment cells have been found in the skin of people

with vitiligo.

It is also recognized that environmental factors such as psychological stress, hormonal changes including puberty and childbirth,

trauma to the skin, and even exposure to certain chemicals may trigger the disease and could play an important role in its

development and progression.


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Vitiligo Symptoms The main sign of vitiligo is pigment loss that produces milky-white patches (depigmentation) on your skin. Other

less common signs may include:

* Premature whitening or graying of the hair on your scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows or beard

* Loss of color in the tissues that line the inside of your mouth (mucous membranes)

* Loss or change in color of the inner layer of your eye (retina)

Although any part of your body may be affected by vitiligo, depigmentation usually develops first on sun-exposed areas of your skin,

such as your hands, feet, arms, face and lips. Although it can start at any age, vitiligo often first appears between the ages of 20 and

30. Vitiligo generally appears in one of three patterns:

* Focal. Depigmentation is limited to one or a few areas of your body.

* Segmental. Loss of skin color occurs on only one side of your body.

* Generalized. Pigment loss is widespread across many parts your body.

The natural course of vitiligo is difficult to predict. Sometimes the patches stop forming without treatment. In other cases, pigment

loss can involve most of the surface of your skin.

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Life with Vitiligo A diagnosis of vitiligo can seem like a life sentence as the unpredictable course of the disease means no-one can be

sure how it will progress and until a cure is found people with vitiligo must learn to live with it. There are, of

course, treatments that can improve the condition, and sometimes this improvement can last for many years. But

there is always the fear that the white patches may return and spread more widely than before.

Most people after they have been diagnosed experience a range of feelings and emotions including shock, denial, anger, fear, guilt,

anxiety, isolation, depression and finally acceptance. A lot of people never get to the last stage and many can become overwhelmed

by low self-esteem and lack of confidence. Some people with vitiligo never really fulfill their potential and many children are teased

and bullied with some reported cases of underachievement at school.

However, vitiligo need not prevent you from doing what you want in life, once you realize it does not have to take over your life and

is only part of who you are. Focusing on your good points and building up your self-esteem will help to put vitiligo in

perspective. Self-confidence, once achieved, should make it easier for you to deal with intrusive staring and rude remarks and go

out in public without feeling ashamed or ugly. Not many people can boost their confidence without help. Although support from

friends and family is essential you may find a course of counseling helpful.

It is not surprising that people stare at the sight of vitiligo because it looks strange and they do not know what it is. They may recoil

because they are afraid of catching it. Explaining what it is can help to dispel their fears but you are not obliged to talk about it. You

are entitled to choose how much or how little you discuss it, especially with strangers. Be prepared with a few simple explanatory

phrases. “It is vitiligo, a condition that affects the pigment cells in my skin. They are not functioning properly or are missing from my

skin and that causes these white patches which can burn easily in the sun if I do not protect my skin. It is not life-threatening and it is

not catching”. Humor is another way of dealing with rude or insensitive remarks. Try to have a few funny remarks up your sleeve to

use when the occasion arises.

Having vitiligo is not a tragedy although the loss of your skin color can also appear to threaten your racial identity if you have dark

brown or black skin. The color of your skin is not the only thing that makes you who you are. Family background and upbringing,

personality, education, cultural and religious beliefs, the country you live in, are more important in defining you as a person.

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Vitiligo Corner Posts


What is Self-Image? 27 January 2008 No Comment

Self-Image – The idea, conception, or mental image one has of oneself. Self-Esteem – Respect or favorable image of oneself

(Random House Dictionary)

Self-image is how you perceive yourself. It is a number of self-impressions that have built up over time: What are your hopes and

dreams? What do you think and feel? What have you done throughout your life and what did you want to do? These self-images can

be very positive, giving a person confidence in their thoughts and actions, or negative, making a person doubtful of their capabilities

and ideas.

Surprisingly, your self-image can be very different from how the world sees you. Some people who outwardly seem to have it all

(intelligence, looks, personal and financial success) may have a bad self-image. Conversely, others who have had a very difficult life

and multiple hardships may also have a very positive self-image.

Some believe that a person’s self-image is defined by events that affect him or her (doing well or not in school, work, or

relationships.) Others believe that a person’s self-image can help shape those events. There is probably some truth to both schools

of thought: failing at something can certainly cause one to feel bad about oneself, just as feeling good about oneself can lead to

better performance on a project. But it cannot be denied that your self-image has a very strong impact on your happiness, and your

outlook on life can affect those around you. If you project a positive self-image, people will be more likely to see you as a positive,

capable person.

However, it’s important that your self-image be both positive and realistic. Having a self-image that is unrealistic can be a drawback,

whether that self-image is negative OR positive. Sometimes having an occasional negative thought or criticism about oneself can

encourage change, hard work, growth and success. Sometimes having too positive an image of oneself can encourage complacency,

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underachievement, and arrogance. Finding the balance between feeling positive about oneself but having realistic goals is


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Define Your Self-Image: What’s Your Internal Voice Saying? 28 January 2008 No Comment

It’s surprising how often, and how natural, it is to judge oneself. Have you ever asked yourself “what was I thinking?” or thought to

yourself “that was stupid” when doing something? That was your internal voice judging you. In some people that internal voice can

be too critical and harsh, leading to low self-esteem. In others, it may be so weak that they don’t notice when they are mean or

insensitive to others.

Listening to your internal voice and judgments of yourself is the first step to changing your self-image and esteem. Being aware of

self-criticisms (or lack of criticisms) can help you determine your current self-image and decide if it needs to be improved and how.

One way to gain a better understanding of your current self-image is to imagine your reaction to certain situations. For example, if

you start a beautiful morning thinking, “I can’t wait to get outside and do things!” instead of chiding yourself for not getting out of

bed, “don’t be such a lazy slob; start moving”, you are exhibiting a more positive internal voice.

But sometimes it’s hard not to listen to an internal voice, even when that voice is critical. Sometimes a person passes internal

judgments to protect him or herself from potentially awkward or uncomfortable situations. For example, telling yourself you aren’t

able to do something or convincing yourself that others won’t like you is a way of avoiding potential failure or rejection. Because of

this, people often put up with internal criticisms, even though they lead to low self-esteem.

But it is possible to protect yourself without limiting yourself. For example, you could place less importance on other’s opinions of

you (”so what if they don’t like me?”), or emphasize the positive (”at least I wasn’t afraid to try”), or you can practice silencing your

internal voice or correct it when it exaggerates your negative traits. It’s important that when you make internal judgments you also

listen to the more rational part of yourself that can adjust for any unreasonable criticism.

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Positive Thinking 29 January 2008 2 Comments

Improving Your Self Image

Improving your self-image, like improving any skill, takes time and practice. Developing good self-esteem involves encouraging a

positive (but realistic) attitude toward yourself and the world around you and appreciating your worth, while at the same time

behaving responsibly towards others. Self-esteem isn’t self-absorption; it’s self-respect.

By working from the inside out (focusing on changing your own way of thinking before changing the circumstances around you), you

can build your self-esteem. The goal of this positive thinking is to give yourself a more positive self-concept, while seeing yourself

honestly and accepting yourself, and removing the internal barriers that can keep you from doing your best.

Positive Thinking

There are many ways a person can change negative thoughts and self-criticism to more realistic and positive thoughts. Focusing on

all of them at once may be overwhelming, but focusing on a few at a time and reminding yourself of these positive approaches

regularly can change your self-esteem.

Read the positive thought strategies below and choose several that would help you most. Write them down and remind yourself to

pause and change your way of thinking each time you are being critical of yourself. As you become more comfortable with each new

way of thinking (for example, learning not to apologize or accept blame for other’s anger) try adding a new positive thought strategy

to your list.

Positive Thought Strategies

Avoid exaggerations.

Correct your internal voice when it exaggerates, especially when it exaggerates the negative. Try to avoid thinking in extreme terms

(”I always make that mistake” or “I’ll never get that promotion.”)

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Nip negative thoughts in the bud.

Sometimes putting a stop on negative thinking is as easy as that. The next time you start giving yourself an internal browbeating, tell

yourself to “stop it!” If you saw a person yelling insults at another person, you would probably tell them to stop. Why do you accept

that behavior from yourself?

Accentuate the positive.

Instead of focusing on what you think are your negative qualities, accentuate your strengths and assets. Maybe you didn’t ace the

test you were studying for, but maybe your hard work and perseverance led to a better grade than you would have had. Maybe you

felt nervous and self-conscious when giving a presentation at work, but maybe your boss and coworkers respected you for getting

up and trying.

Accept flaws and being human.

Maybe you did get nervous and blow that presentation at work – so what? Talk to your boss about what went wrong, try to address

the error in the future, and move on. All people have flaws and make mistakes. Your boss, coworkers, friends, family, postman,

congressman, and favorite movie star have all made mistakes. They’ve forgiven themselves; so can you.

Accept imperfections.

Perfection is a high goal to aim for — you don’t need to start there or even end there. Make doing your best your ideal — what more

can you realistically do? Focus on what you’ve gained from the process and how you can use it in the future. Avoid focusing on what

wasn’t done or ’should have’ been done differently. Allow yourself to make mistakes and then forgive yourself. Try laughing instead

of criticizing.

Don’t bully yourself!

“Should have, could have, would have … ” Try not to constantly second guess yourself, criticize yourself for what you “should” have

done better, or expect too much from yourself. Don’t put standards on yourself that you wouldn’t expect from others. It’s great to

want to do well, but expecting yourself to be perfect (which is impossible) and then punishing yourself when you fail is a vicious

cycle. Using expressions like “I should have” is just a way of punishing yourself after the fact.

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Replace criticism with encouragement.

Instead of nagging or focusing on the negative (in yourself and others), replace your criticism with encouragement. Give constructive

criticism instead of being critical (”maybe if I tried to do ____ next time, it would be even better” instead of “I didn’t do that right.”)

Compliment yourself and those around you on what you have achieved (”well, we may not have done it all, but we did a pretty great

job with what we did”.)

Don’t feel guilty about things beyond your control.

You are not to blame every time something goes wrong or someone has a problem. Apologizing for things and accepting blame can

be a positive quality, if you are in the wrong and if you learn and move on. But you shouldn’t feel responsible for all problems or

assume you are to blame whenever someone is upset.

Don’t feel responsible for everything.

Just as everything is not your fault, not everything is your responsibility. It’s okay to be helpful, but don’t feel the need to be all

things (and do all things) for all people. This is taking too much of a burden on yourself AND limiting those around you. Let others be

responsible for themselves and their actions — you shouldn’t feel responsible for their happiness.

Do feel responsible for your feelings.

Just as you can’t “make” other people happy, don’t expect others to “make” you feel happy or good about yourself. In the same

way, they shouldn’t make you feel guilty or bad about yourself. You create your own feelings and make your own decisions. People

and events may have an affect on your emotions, but they can’t dictate them.

Treat yourself kindly.

People often feel more comfortable treating themselves in ways they wouldn’t consider treating others. Do you criticize yourself

with terms like “stupid” “ugly” or “loser”? Would you use those terms to describe a friend? Remind yourself that you deserve to be

treated as well as you treat others. Do something nice for yourself sometimes — either in thought (give yourself a compliment) or

action (treat yourself to a nice dinner or new book.)

Give yourself a break.

You don’t need to be all things to all people or please everyone. Give yourself permission to decide you’re doing the best you can.

Remind yourself when you’re doing things well — don’t wait to hear it from someone else.

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Choose the brighter side of things.

You can choose how to interpret comments and events, so try for the more positive interpretations. If someone says, “You look

good today,” don’t ask yourself “What was wrong with the way I looked yesterday?” Accept compliments graciously (don’t ask

yourself why you haven’t been complemented on something else or why you haven’t complemented you before.) Look at temporary

setbacks as opportunities for growth.

Forgive and forget.

Try not to hang on to painful memories and bad feelings – this is a surefire way to encourage negative thoughts and bad moods.

Your past can control you if you don’t control it. If you can, forgive past wrongs and move on. (Don’t forget that forgiving yourself is

an important part of this process, too!) If you have a hard time forgiving or forgetting, consider talking through your emotions with a

good friend or counselor, but try not to dwell. It’s important to work through things, but you can’t let the past determine your


Focus on what you CAN do, not what you can’t.

Avoid “can’t” thinking or other negative language. If you say something often enough, you may start to believe it, so keep your

statements positive, not negative. Don’t be afraid to seek help in accomplishing things, but remind yourself that you don’t need

approval from others to recognize your accomplishments. Focus on what you’re able to do. Remind yourself of all your capabilities

and positive qualities.

Using just one or two of the above strategies on a regular basis can greatly increase your positive self-image and self-esteem.

Making these internal changes will increase your confidence in yourself and your willingness and ability to make external changes

and improve your life.

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Gene said:

Great post! Please keep it up!

By the way, how many more laser treatments will you be getting?


Gene# 30 January 2008 at 6:56 am

Nathalie Pelletier (author) said:

Hi Gene,

Thanks for the compliment, it’s wonderful to hear feedback…especially when it’s nice

There really isn’t a magic number for how many treatments it will take to completely re-pigment the areas being treated, but the

derm. and I are happy with the progress so far.

I don’t know if you’ve seen the lastest photo’s i’ve posted, but you can see many new areas which look like freckling amidst the

white patches. all the best to you!

nathalie# 2 February 2008 at 10:01 am

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Worksheet: Remember Your Good Qualities! 30 January 2008 One Comment

Reminding yourself of your positive qualities is one of the fastest ways to improve and maintain a positive self-image. This

worksheet is intended to help.

Use the following list as a guide, or write your own list. What are you good at? What qualities do you have that make you feel good

about yourself? What are positive things people have said about you? Print this worksheet, and circle or highlight the words that

describe you.

I AM …






























































































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Why not take a few minutes now to write your own description and include some of the nice things people have said about you.

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One Comment

Charles Bowshier said:

This list is the most complete I have ever seen.Will remind us what we are and what we can work on ourselves. Thanks

# 4 May 2008 at 3:27 pm

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Positive Self Image and Self Esteem: Role Playing 31 January 2008 No Comment

The best way to improve your self-image is through practice. Below are a number of experiences you may have that require you to

question your self-image. Try practicing your responses to the situations below. You may want to ask a relative, friend, or advisor,

whom you feel has a positive self-image and confidence in you, to listen to your responses and offer advice.

Scenario 1. Your friend has invited you to a party, which you’d really like to attend. Unfortunately you have nothing new to wear and

you haven’t got the money to buy a new outfit. Which of the following would you do:

A. Turn down the invitation.

B. Go, but know everyone realizes you couldn’t afford a new outfit.

C. Think of some way to modify an old outfit and go.

D. Realize that you were invited, not your clothes, and go.


If you chose option A, you are not only punishing yourself by turning down a fun opportunity, but you are also placing too much

emphasis on physical appearance and others’ perceptions of you. Remind yourself that a ’sparkling’ personality can be far more

attractive than a new outfit.

If you chose option B, you have decided to go but are setting yourself up to have a bad time. You’re also not giving others the benefit

of the doubt – they may care more about how you behave than how you appear.

Option C is not a bad decision and shows a lot of ingenuity on your part. Congratulate yourself on being creative, but remind yourself

that appearances (and others’ opinions) aren’t everything.

Option D indicates you have enough self-esteem to accept the invitation as an indication of your self worth.

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Scenario 2. The boss asks you to organize a going-away luncheon. You’ve never done this before so:A. You tell your boss you can’t do


B. You ask you boss to pick someone else because you’ve never done this before.

C. You talk to someone who has done this before and get advice.


If you chose option A, you’ve given up without even trying. Not only are you limiting yourself, but you are also limiting your

opportunities. The more often you respond with a ‘no’, the less often you’ll be asked or offered special opportunities.

If you chose option B, you’ve provided an honest answer. This is good, but you’ve also foregone a chance to improve your

relationship with your boss and his or her confidence in you. It’s fine to admit that you don’t have a specific skill, but you can make

this admission positive by showing your boss you have initiative and are eager to learn. Instead of recommending someone else, you

may want to say “I’ve never done this before, but I’d love to try and will read up on it and get advice from someone who has” or “I’m

not sure I know how to do this, but would like to learn; maybe Mr. X (a coworker with more experience) and I can work on this


Option C is another sensible approach. If, after getting the advice, you still think you can’t undertake the assignment, you at least

can go back to your boss, showing him or her that you’ve made an effort to learn.

Scenario 3. Your class assignment from the night before is due, but you weren’t able to figure out some of the answers. You:A. Copy

your neighbor’s work.

B. Skip class.

C. Don’t hand in the assignment.

D. Hand in what you have done with an explanation that, although you tried, you weren’t able to answer all of the questions and ask

for an appointment so your teacher can help you.

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Neither A, B nor C are good reasons for not turning in your assignment. Worse, option A is cheating! If you chose any of the first

three options, you have not focused on the real problem: you didn’t understand the assignment. This is no reflection on your

capabilities. Everyone has difficulties at certain times or with certain subjects, but you are limiting yourself even more by not

addressing the problem and learning how to handle it in the future.

Option D shows your teacher that you have made your best effort but still are having a problem. Most teachers will understand this.

The purpose of class assignments is to ‘test’ your understanding of what you are learning before you are actually tested and your

teacher is there to help. You may just need one-on-one time to ask questions that weren’t answered in class, or maybe you need to

review the lesson again or walk through the exercises with your teacher.

Scenario 4. You are behind on bills so you decide to use a credit card to pay them. When you discover you’re still behind on bills the

following month, you decide to use another credit card. Eventually you’re behind on all your bills and cards, so you:A. See if you can

get another credit card.

B. Borrow money from family and friends.

C. Seek advise from a financial advisor or consumer group about how to create a budget, consolidate your debt, and pay it off.


If you chose option A, you are just making your financial difficulties worse! Anyone can have financial problems, but “covering them

up” by using credit cards with high interest rates is just going to make you deeper in debt. The first thing you should do is put

yourself on a budget and pay off your credit cards. You may also need to get a loan or work out a payment plan with some of your

creditors. Don’t be ashamed to admit that you need to work within a budget – this is far more financially responsible than

pretending that you don’t. You’ll be surprised at how understanding and helpful many financial institutions and corporations can be:

they’d rather work with you to get their money back than ‘punish’ you.

If you chose option B, you are admitting you need help, which is good, but be sure you don’t use this loan as a band-aid. You still

need to address the cause (why you can’t pay your bills), not just the immediate problem. Again, you may need to put yourself on a

budget and be sure that your budget includes setting aside money to pay back that loan (or for future emergencies.)

Option C is probably the best option. Although it may be difficult to admit to others (or yourself) that you need financial help, advice

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from experts can be invaluable. Even people who don’t have financial difficulties often seek expert advice on getting the most from

their money. An honest and responsible approach can save your reputation and lead to well-earned esteem. It can also lead to a

debt-free and even profitable future!

Scenario 5. A close relative is always criticizing your job, which you happen to enjoy and pays your bills, you:A. Get a new job that

your relative approves of so that he will leave you alone.

B. Start to question if your job is right for you.

C. Repeatedly make excuses to your relative about why you’re keeping the job.

D. Ask your relative to explain why he hates your job and address his concerns. If the criticism continues, you ask him to keep it

positive or withhold it altogether.


If you chose option A, B, or C, you are placing too much emphasis on what your relative thinks is important, not what you think is

important. If you are happy with your job, if your coworkers treat you well, and if your job meets your financial needs, you are

already luckier than most! Don’t let groundless criticisms make you question your own judgment. If, on the other hand, a nagging

voice in your head (not your relative’s), says that there is some truth to the criticism, you might want to ask yourself why you are

staying with your job.

Option D shows self-confidence in your judgment and a willingness to defend it. It also shows a respect for others’ beliefs. By taking

the time to listen to and address your relative’s criticisms, you are not only being open to new ideas but also showing him that you

respect his beliefs. Taking the time to listen and respond may be enough to stop future criticisms. If it’s not, you have every right

(and the confidence) to ask him to stop.

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No Body is Perfect: Body Image and Shame 4 February 2008 No Comment

We often want to believe that shame is reserved for the unfortunate few who have survived terrible traumas, but this is not true.

Shame is something we all experience. And, while it feels like shame hides in our darkest corners, it actually tends to lurk in all of the

familiar places. After interviewing over 400 women across the US, I learned that there are twelve areas that are particularly

vulnerable for women: appearance and body image, motherhood, family, parenting, money and work, mental and physical health

(including addiction), aging, sex, religion, surviving trauma, speaking out and being labeled or stereotyped.

Interestingly, there are no absolutely universal shame triggers.

The issues and situations that I find shaming may not even come up on another woman’s radar. This is because the messages and

expectations that drive shame come from a unique combination of places including our families of origin, our own beliefs, the media

and our culture. One place where women find themselves surrounded by unattainable and conflicting expectations is body image.

While some of us might have quieted the tapes about “not being smart enough” or “not being good enough” — it seems that almost

all women continue to wage battle with looking “beautiful, cool, sexy, stylish, young and thin enough.” With more than 90% of the

participants experiencing shame about their bodies, body image is the one issue that comes closest to being a “universal trigger.” In

fact, body shame is so powerful and often so deeply rooted in our psyches that it actually affects why and how we feel shame in

many of the other categories, including sexuality, motherhood, parenting, health, aging and a woman’s ability to speak out with


Our body image is how we think and feel about our bodies. It is the mental picture we have of our physical bodies.

Unfortunately, our pictures, thoughts and feelings may have little to do with our actual appearance. It is our image of what our

bodies are, often held up to our image of what they should be.

While we normally talk about body image as a general reflection of what we look like, we can’t ignore the specifics — the body parts

that come together to create this image. If we work from the understanding that women most often experience shame when we

become trapped in a web of layered, conflicting and competing expectations of who, what and how we should be, we can’t ignore

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that there are social-community expectations for every single, tiny part of us — literally from our heads to our toes. I’m going to list

our body parts because I think they are important:

head, hair, neck, face, ears, skin, nose, eyes, lips, chin, teeth, shoulders, back, breasts, waist, hips, stomach, abdomen, buttocks,

vulva, anus, arms, wrists, hands, fingers, fingernails, thighs, knees, calves, ankles, feet, toes, body hair, body fluids, pimples, scars,

freckles, stretch marks and moles.

I bet if you look at each of these areas, you have specific body part images for each one — not to mention a mental list of what you’d

like it to look like and what you’d hate to have a specific part look like.

When our very own bodies fill us with shame and feelings of worthlessness, we jeopardize the connection we have with ourselves

(our authenticity) and the connection we have with the important people in our lives. Consider the woman who stays quiet in public

out of the fear that her stained and crooked teeth will make people question the value of her contributions.

Or the women who told me that “the one thing she hates about being fat” is the constant pressure to be nice to people. She

explained, “If you’re bitchy, they might make a cruel remark about your weight.” The research participants also spoke often about

how body shame either kept them from enjoying sex or pushed them into having it when they didn’t really want to but were

desperate for some type of physical validation of worthiness.

There were also many women who talked about the shame of having their bodies betray them. These were women who spoke

about physical illness, mental illness and infertility. We often conceptualize “body image” too narrowly — it’s about more than

wanting to be thin and attractive. When we begin to blame and hate our bodies for failing to live up to our expectations, we start

splitting ourselves in parts and move away from our wholeness.

We can’t talk about shame and body image without talking about the pregnant body. Has any body image been more exploited in

the past few years? Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for exploring the wonders of the pregnant body and removing the stigma and shame

of the pregnant belly. But let’s not replace that with one more airbrushed, computer-generated, shame-inducing image for women

to not be able to live up to. Movie stars who gain fifteen pounds and have their stretch marks airbrushed for their “Look!

I’m human too!” portraits do not represent the realities that most of us face while pregnant.

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Parenting is also a shame category affected by body image. As an admittedly vulnerable, imperfect parent, I’m not one to jump on

the “blame parents for everything — especially the mothers”

bandwagon. Having said that, I will tell you what I found in my research. Shame creates shame. Parents have a tremendous amount

of influence on their children’s body image development, and girls are still being shamed by their parents — primarily their mothers

— about their weight.

When it comes to parenting and body image, I find that parents fall along a continuum. On one side of the continuum, there are

parents who are keenly aware that they are the most influential role models in their children’s lives. They work diligently to model

positive body image behaviors (self-acceptance, acceptance of others, no emphasis placed on the unattainable or ideal, focusing on

health rather than weight, deconstructing media messages, etc.).

On the other side of the continuum are parents who love their children just as much as their counterparts, but are so determined to

spare their daughters the pain of being overweight or unattractive (and their sons the pain of being weak) that they will do anything

to steer their children toward achievement of the ideal — including belittling and shaming them. Many of these parents struggle

with their own body images and process their shame by shaming.

Last, there are the folks in the middle, who really do nothing to counter the negative body-image issues but also don’t shame their

children. Unfortunately, due to societal pressures and the media, most of these kids do not appear to develop strong shame

resilience skills around body image. There just doesn’t appear to be any room for neutrality on this issue — you are either actively

working to help your children develop a positive self-concept or, by default, you are sacrificing them to the

media- and society-driven expectations.

Power, Courage and Resilience

As you can see, what we think, hate, loathe and question about our bodies reaches much further and affects far more than our

appearance alone. The long reach of body shame can impact how we live and love. If we are willing to examine the messages and

practice empathy around body image and appearance, we can start to develop shame resilience. We can never become completely

resistant to shame; however, we can develop the resilience we need to recognize shame, move through it constructively and grow

from our experiences.

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Across the interviews, women with high levels of shame resilience shared four things in common. I refer to these factors as the four

elements of shame resilience. The four elements of shame resilience are the heart of my work. If we are going to confront the shame

we feel about our bodies, it is imperative that we start by exploring our vulnerabilities. What is important to us? We must look at

each body part and explore our expectations and the sources of these expectations. While it often painful to acknowledge our secret

goals and expectations, it is the first step to building shame resilience. We have to know and explicitly identify what’s important and

why. I believe there is even power in writing it down.

Next, we need to develop critical awareness about these expectations and their importance to us. One way to develop critical

awareness is to run our expectations through a reality-check. I use this list of questions in my work:

Where do the expectations about my body come from?

How realistic are my expectations?

Can I be all these things all of the time?

Can all of these characteristics exist in one person?

Do the expectations conflict with each other?

Am I describing who I want to be or who others want me to be?

What are my fears?

We must also find the courage to share our stories and experiences. We must reach out to others and speak our shame. If we feed

shame the secrecy and silence it craves — if we keep the struggles with our bodies buried inside — the shame will fester and grow.

We must learn to reach out to one another with empathy and understanding. If, in a diverse sample of women ages

18 – 80, over 90% of the women struggled with body image, it is clear not one of us is alone. There is a tremendous amount of

freedom that comes with identifying and naming common experiences and fears — this is the foundation of shame resilience.

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About the author:

Brené Brown, Ph.D., L.M.S.W., is an educator, writer, and nationally renowned lecturer, as well as a member of the research

faculty at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work, where she recently completed a six-year study of shame and

its impact on women. She lives in Houston, Texas, with her husband and two children.

She is the author of I Thought It Was Just Me: Women Reclaiming Power and Courage in a Culture of Shame

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Feel Good About Yourself 11 February 2008 No Comment

An important health factor that influences more than your appearance.

Scientists are learning more and more every day about the link between your mind and your health. Stress, depression, and anger

have all been shown to pave the way to illness and disease. On the other hand, if you feel good about yourself, have a positive

outlook, and maintain an active involvement in life, you’re more likely to be happy — and healthy.

The Importance of Self-Esteem

Many things — genetics, environment, the food you eat, illness, sleep, even the seasons — influence your emotional state. But at

the heart of it is how you regard yourself. If you have a healthy level of self-esteem, you not only cope with life’s challenges better

than people with low self-esteem, but you’re probably more content, confident, and successful. You’re probably also healthier.

Studies show that positive self-esteem actually helps inoculate people against depression and anxiety, conditions that may pose

increased risk of everything from colds to osteoporosis to heart disease.

Most people’s sense of worth is rooted in their childhood — in the early approval or disapproval of parents, teachers, and friends.

But as we get older, most of us judge ourselves by our sense of how effectively we’re managing in the world, especially in the areas

of love and work. Our ability to love and be loved can give our lives a sense of purpose and deep fulfillment. We can also find

satisfaction and pride in work-related accomplishments, and the people we meet and work with can reinforce our sense of self and

our role in life.

Once midlife comes along, however, our self-esteem can take a turn in response to changes in our lives. Marital relationships may

change, children may leave home, and we may begin to scale back on work as we approach retirement. Of course, the view in the

mirror may not be what it used to be, either.

Bolstering Your Self-Worth

If you find your self-esteem eroding a bit, there are plenty of ways to build it back up again.

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Reframe your identity. Redefine what you base your sense of self-worth on. Instead of “sales manager,” “stock market analyst,” or

“mom,” start thinking of yourself as “community organizer,” “literacy volunteer,” “great cook,” “gifted gardener,” and more.

Talk back to your inner critic. Become conscious of how hard you’re being on yourself, and counter a negative attitude with some

positive self-talk.

Let yourself off the hook. As the saying goes, it’s better to try something and fail than to be successful at not trying anything. Focus

on goals that are linked to activities you’re really interested in so you’ll enjoy a sense of purpose and derive pleasure from the

pursuit whether or not you achieve your goal in full.

Take time for yourself. Read the paper, keep a journal, go for a swim. This is especially important for women, who are often so busy

nurturing others that they neglect their own needs and interests.

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Boost your self-image with these 5 steps 13 February 2008 1 Comments

Cognitive behavior therapy techniques can help you unlearn thought patterns that contribute to low self-esteem. See examples of

thoughts that can erode self-esteem and learn healthy substitutes.

Low self-esteem can negatively affect virtually every part of your life, including your relationships, your job and your health. But you

can raise your self-esteem to a healthy level, even if you’re an adult who’s been harboring a negative self-image since childhood.

Changing the way you think about yourself and your life is essential to boosting self-esteem. Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT)

techniques are especially helpful in changing unhealthy thinking and behavior patterns. These techniques are based on the idea that

your feelings and behavior result from how you think about yourself and your life. CBT techniques can help you recognize, challenge

and ultimately replace negative thoughts or inaccurate beliefs with more positive, realistic ones.

These five steps toward healthy self-esteem are based on cognitive behavior therapy principles. As you go through these five steps,

jotting down your thoughts, experiences and observations in a journal or daily record may help you use these steps more effectively.

Step 1: Identify troubling conditions or situations

Think about what conditions or situations about your life you find troubling and that seem to deflate your self-esteem. You may wish

to change aspects of your personality or behavior, such as a fear of giving a business presentation, frequently becoming angry or

always expecting the worst. You may be struggling with depression, a disability or a change in life circumstances, such as the death

of a loved one, a lost promotion or children leaving home. Or you may wish to improve your relationship with another person, such

as a spouse, family member or co-worker.

Step 2: Become aware of beliefs and thoughts

Once you’ve identified troubling conditions or situations, pay attention to your thoughts related to them. This includes your self-talk

” what you tell yourself ” as well as your interpretation of what a situation means and your beliefs about yourself, other people and

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events. Your thoughts and beliefs may be positive, negative or neutral. They may be rational ” based on reason or facts” or irrational

” based on false ideas.

Step 3: Pinpoint negative or inaccurate thinking

Your beliefs and thoughts about a condition or situation affect your reaction to it. Inaccurate or negative thoughts and beliefs about

something or someone can trigger unhealthy physical, emotional and behavioral responses, including:

* Physical responses, such as a stiff neck, sore back, racing heart, stomach problems, sweating or change in sleeping patterns.

* Emotional responses, such as difficulty concentrating or feeling depressed, angry, sad, nervous, guilty or worried.

* Behavioral responses, such as eating when not hungry, avoiding tasks, working more than usual, spending increased time alone,

obsessing about a situation or blaming others for your problems.

Step 4: Challenge negative or inaccurate thinking

Your initial thoughts may not be the only possible way to view a situation. So test the accuracy of your thoughts. Ask yourself

whether your view of a situation is consistent with facts and logic or whether there might be other explanations.

You may not easily recognize inaccuracies in your thinking. Most people have automatic, long-standing ways of thinking about their

lives and themselves. These long-held thoughts and beliefs feel normal and factual to you, but many are simply opinions or


These kinds of thought patterns tend to erode self-esteem:

* All-or-nothing thinking. You see things as either all good or all bad. For example, “If I don’t succeed in this job, I’m a total failure.”

* Mental filtering. You see only negatives and dwell on them, distorting your view of a person or situation or your entire life. For

example, “I made a mistake on that report and now everyone will realize I’m a failure.”

* Converting positives into negatives. You reject your achievements and other positive experiences by insisting that they don’t

count. For example, “My date only gave me that compliment because he knows how bad I feel.” “I only did well on that test because

it was so easy.”

* Jumping to negative conclusions. You reach a negative conclusion when little or no evidence supports it. For example, “My friend

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hasn’t replied to my e-mail, so I must have done something to make her angry.”

* Mistaking feelings for facts. You confuse feelings or beliefs with facts. For example, “I feel like a failure, so I must be a failure.” No

matter how strong a feeling is, it isn’t a fact.

* Self put-downs. You undervalue yourself, put yourself down or use self-deprecating humor. This can result from overreacting to a

situation, such as making a mistake. For example, “I don’t deserve anything better.” “I’m weak, stupid or ugly.”

Step 5: Change your thoughts and beliefs

The final step is to replace the negative or inaccurate thinking you’ve identified with accurate thoughts and beliefs. This can enable

you to find constructive ways to cope and give your self-esteem a boost.

This step can be difficult. Thoughts often occur spontaneously or automatically, without effort on your part. It can be hard to control

or turn off your thoughts. Thoughts can be very powerful and aren’t always based on logic. It takes time and effort to learn how to

recognize and replace distressing thoughts with accurate ones.

These strategies may help you approach situations in a healthy way:

* Use hopeful statements. Be kind and encouraging to yourself. Pessimism can be a self-fulfilling prophecy. That is, if you think your

presentation isn’t going to go well, you may indeed stumble through it. Try telling yourself things such as, “Even though it’s tough, I

can handle this situation.”

* Forgive yourself. Everyone makes mistakes. Mistakes aren’t permanent reflections on you as a person. They are isolated moments

in time. Tell yourself, “I made a mistake but that doesn’t make me a bad person.”

* Avoid ’should’ and ‘must’ statements. If you find that your thoughts are full of these words, you may be setting unreasonable

demands on yourself — or others. Removing these words from your self-talk can give you and others more realistic expectations.

* Focus on the positive. Think about the good parts of your life. Ask yourself, “What other things have gone well recently?” “What

personal skills do I have that have helped me cope with challenging situations in the past?”

* Relabel upsetting thoughts. Having negative thoughts doesn’t mean you must choose to react negatively. Instead, think of them as

signals to use new, healthy thinking patterns. Ask yourself, “Which of my strengths can help me respond in a constructive way?”

“What can I think and do to make this less stressful?”

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* Encourage yourself. Give yourself credit for making positive changes. Treat yourself as well as you’d treat a loved one. Tell yourself,

“I did a good job on the presentation. It may not have been perfect, but my colleagues said it was good.”

Achieving healthy self-esteem

With practice, these steps may come more easily to you. You’ll be better able to recognize the thoughts and beliefs that are

contributing to your low self-esteem. Because self-esteem can fluctuate over time, you may want to revisit these steps, especially if

you begin to feel down on yourself again. Keeping a journal or daily log can help you track trouble spots over time.

Achieving a balanced, accurate view of yourself and accepting your value as a human being may help you feel happier and more

confident. And that may rub off on others, too, including your children, family or friends.

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Lisa, California said:

Very helpful information. This information can be used in conjunction with this book perhaps. It is called You Can Heal Your Life by

Louise L. Hay. Out of all the holistic approaches to dealing with vitiligo, this is one of the only books that I have found. Louise states

in her book that, “The body is a mirror of our inner thoughts and beliefs. Every cell within your body responds to every single

thought you think and every single word you speak. Continuous modes of thinking and speaking produce body behaviors and

postures and “eases” or “dis-eases.” She states the “probable cause” for vitiligo is “Feeling completely outside of things. Not

belonging. Not one of the group.” The new thought pattern should be “I am at the very center of life and I am totally connected in

love.” Hey, it’s worth a try.

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Black Pepper May Help Vitiligo 3 March 2008 262 Comments

Black pepper could lead to better treatments for a disfiguring skin condition that affects about 1 percent of the world’s population,

British researchers said on Thursday.

A team at King’s College London showed in a study of mice that piperine — the compound that gives black pepper its spicy, pungent

flavor — and its synthetic derivatives helped stimulate pigmentation in the skin of people with vitiligo.

Piperine was particularly effective when combined with phototherapy treatment using ultraviolet radiation, the researchers said in a

study to be published in the British Journal of Dermatology.

“We have shown that topical treatment with piperine stimulates even pigmentation in the skin,” Antony Young, a photobiologist at

King’s College who worked on the study, said in a statement.

“This provides support for the future clinical evaluation of piperine and its derivatives as novel treatments for vitiligo.”

The disease, to which pop star Michael Jackson has in the past attributed his gradual skin whitening, destroys the melanin which

gives skin its color. Melanin protects from ultraviolet rays so victims run a much higher risk of skin cancer.

Vitiligo is of particular concern in people with darker skins, the researchers said.

Current treatments include steroids applied to patchy skin and phototherapy. But many people do not respond to hormones and

phototherapy can raise the risk of skin cancer, the researchers said.

The team compared the effects of piperine and its derivatives when applied to the skin of mice either alone or followed by radiation


They found that when used alone the compounds stimulated pigmentation to an even, light brown color within six weeks. When

boosted by radiation, the treatment led to even darker skin in about the same period of time. © 2008 Reuters.

10 Years Is Too Long To Wait

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8 March 2008 70 Comments

“10 years *for piperine to be approved for vitiligo+?! Blast! Is there any way we could try using this ourselves? Is there some place to

buy piperine compounds?”

I couldn’t help but smile when I read this blog comment because after reading about the testing of piperine to cure vitiligo, I had the

same thought, “why in the heck would it take that long to get it approved and on the market?”. But this is the way of medicine, isn’t


I decided to take a look around the internet and see if piperine is available as a supplement and, surprisingly, there is a lot of

information on it. I only found one company who markets it as a supplement. The product is called, Bioperine. “Bioperine is the only

source of piperine to obtain patent pending status for its ability to increase the bioavailability of nutritional compounds. Bioperine is

also the only source of piperine to undergo clinical studies in the U.S. to substantiate its safety and efficacy for nutritional use.”

Remember, I’m just here to provide information about what I find regarding a cure for vitiligo. But, I’m definitely intrigued enough

about this product to try it out.

Here is a listing of legitimate sites which provide info about piperine:





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buck said:

Yes, I did the same thing by researching bioperine. I have already bought some and I am going to crush it up and mix it with

something(i dont know what) and apply to the skin. I dont want to wait 10 years either. I do know that the piperine was applied to

the skin of mice , it wasnt injested.# 8 March 2008 at 8:38 pm

Nathalie Pelletier (author) said:

Hi Buck,

I hope this means you’re volunteering to be our test subject on this. If you don’t mind, keep notes on your procedures and progress,

then let us know how it works.


nathalie# 8 March 2008 at 10:06 pm

Michael said:

Could you please post the link to which pill you bought. Thankyou# 9 March 2008 at 9:35 pm

buck said:

I bought Bioperine from a health food store. Its a store in Columbus, Georgia called Optimun Nutrition. If you want their number I

will post it and you can call them and they will ship it to you but there is probably a store in your area that has it. Source Naturals is

the brand, Bioperine is patented so you probably can also order it over the internet.# 10 March 2008 at 7:10 am

Karen said:

I decided I wouldn’t wait the 10 years! The info I saw left me believing the piperine was topically applied. I ground fresh black pepper

into 80 proof vodka – a well-known carrier for home-made tinctures. I have been applying this with a q-tip dipped in the liquid for

about a week. I get a strong tingle shortly after applying. I used about a Tbls of vodka to about a teaspoon of ground pepper or

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maybe a little more. I’m using vodka in a glass bottle and mixing the tincture in a canning jar to avoid plastic. I’m just guessing here.

I’ll let you know if I get any results.# 19 March 2008 at 12:21 pm

Nathalie Pelletier (author) said:

Karen, you sound as determined as I to find a cure. i love your ingenuity! if possible, take some pictures today of the areas where

you are applying your concoction. this way you will have a base to show against any future repigmentation progress. great

work!nathalie# 19 March 2008 at 12:30 pm

Karen said:

Will do.# 19 March 2008 at 12:32 pm

veronica said:

Hi, this sounds like a great idea. I called Kings College PR Team when I heard about the black pepper cure. They told me that this

wouldnt work of course, applying it topically and that they have a long way to go. Now I hear you are all trying it, why not? I was

rubbing black pepper corns (crushed in oil) on my body in the sauna thinking heat would help).. KC told me the piperine compound

would not work topically but I am a firm believer that if you think it work it will.# 21 March 2008 at 6:46 pm

Marty said:

Hi All, you can get the study on line at the British Journal of Dermatology – I can’t paste it here due to copyright rules, but it cost $39

USD to get it in PDF format for the single article.


you can search the site, search in the specific journal (Br J Derm) and I used one of the author’s names, “faas”, and it is at the top of

the list “In vivo evaluation of piperine and synthetic analogues

as potential treatments for vitiligo using a sparsely

pigmented mouse model”

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The forumulations they used were PIP (pure piperine), THP (tetrahyropiperine) and a couple of other variants. The PIP came from

Sigma Aldrich a chemicals firm (www.sigmaaldrich.com). The PIP was best disolved in DMSO, a regularly available solvent for skin

products. PIP was NOT soluble in alcohol.

I’ve ordered some PIP and DMSO and will post how it goes in a few weeks. I also found some black pepper extract oils from a

website called “From Nature with Love” – they are used for aromatherapy and aurvedic medicine, I’m not sure how “strong” the oil

is or if it contains the right compounds but it claims to be a pure extract using CO2 methods.


Hope that helps and good luck, please post any ideas or successes, my guess is it shouldn’t take 10 years to figure this out, these are

regularly available components not some proprietary pharmaceutials.

My theory on how this could work is: use primecrolimus to stop the autoimmune response (Elidel or Protopic these are prescription-

only topical medicines to treat hyper-active immune system) and well documented to help stop the spread of vitiligo (you can check

various websites and a good one is http://www.vitiligosupport.com).

Once you stop the autoimmune system from attacking the melanocytes (cells which create the melanin which is the brown pigment

we see), then the body needs to be stimulated to create the melanocytes again to then be able to ‘tan’ them with UV exposure to

create melanin.

Perhaps the Piperine has qualities that stimulate the creation of new melanocytes, then exposure to UV stimulates creation of

melanin as normal – which is what the research article suggests works in mice with no melanocytes.

If you are really interested, the article gives you the methods and results, etc. including pictures.

Best of luck!# 14 April 2008 at 6:04 am

Marty said:

All, I’m not sure why you didn’t post my last comment with details about the research – I bought the paper. They used pure Piperine,

(not “bioperine” a patented formulation) and disolved it in DMSO – they tried alcohol and it didn’t work to disolve the PIP.

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Please post my orginal posting with the full details, or buy the research report from the British Journal of Dermatology. I put the links

in my original post.

# 19 April 2008 at 9:27 am

veronica said:

Marty, thanks for that. I bought Bioperine. I asked for piperine and the health food store ordered Bioperine so I guess it’s not right.

Now I am having a different treatment altogether at the moment and it includes use of narrowband UVB light and I could include

this as I bought one (£1000). Still not sure how I would buy it now. I am based in the UK. What is DMSO? Can I get hold of that? The

three components together could well be the key…# 20 April 2008 at 2:28 am

jason said:

I have had vitiligo for 4-5 months; I was initially prescribed Tacrolimus (Elidel) but decided against using it due to some safety doubts

(FDA ‘black label’). I also decided not to use steriods for health reasons. Like you, I have also read about piperine. I have bought

bioperine and used a mortar and pestle to grind it into a fine powder. I have used emu oil as a base (available in Australia). I am sure

almond oil or another light vegetable oil might work to assist with absorption and bioavailability. I have started to use this home-

made piperine cream in combination with a ‘pseudocatalase’ type cream: the piperine may stimulate better absorption of the

manganese it contains. Of course the use of piperine has not been clinically tested on humans, so the possibility of side-effects is not

known. On the other hand, it seems highly doubtful to me that a natural compound which we commonly ingest would be highly

toxic if appied topically. The main side effect I experience with pipeine is a burning sensation that is quite typical I suppose of

pepper! However, I am more willing to put up with a bit of irritation and take the unknown risk of piperine than I am willing to take

risks associated with the other types of medication available. Anyway, while I expect that this might help over time, I am also

reasonable in my expectations – repigmentation in vitiligo always seems to require plenty of patience. So far, I have some quite good

repigmentation, but far from perfect. Jason.# 21 April 2008 at 4:43 am

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Irshad said:

Actually vitiligo is irregularity of internal resistive system of human beings, and currently there are no known permanent ways to

treat this process.

Vitiligo results from a derangement of your normal defense mechanisms against infection. The body starts producing antibodies

against pigment producing cells of its own skin.

Although the complete annihilation of the vitiligo from your body is a difficult matter, whereas original color of skin can be brought


According to my observation tropical treatment is quite better Cure of vitiligo because there has no side effect as well as negative

effects. Other thing is you can apply it for some affected part of your body for testing purposes. And final thing which you need is

tropical treatment is quite faster than homeopathy.# 24 April 2008 at 5:00 am

Jayne said:

Hi, have been reading all your comments. Have any of you tried kalawalla? I’ve found black pepper essential oil so think will try

mixing with a base oil. Am based in the UK.# 25 April 2008 at 2:24 pm

veronica said:

HI All, Kings College said using black pepper would not have any effect as it is the compound piperine which stimulates melancolytes.

Is anyone here having UVB treatment? If so how long do you expose your skin to the lamp, at least initially??# 25 April 2008 at 5:35


Ahmed said:

good search carried by kings College regarding vitiligo.

its mean pepper is antivitiligo herbal subtence.# 6 May 2008 at 10:26 pm

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Andy said:

Veronica. I think that you should ask a doctor as to the amount of time you need to expose your skin to the lamp. I get the treatment

here in the Emirates at a local clinic. I don’t do it myself. I wouldn’t know how.

Ahmed. Kings College research does NOT show that pepper is antiviligo. It shows that a substance in pepper, called piperine, if

purified and applied in combination with UVB light does help. But the exact procedure is not finalized…….which is what this

conversation is trying to figure out, as well as sharing other experiences.# 9 May 2008 at 9:06 am

Karan Sehgal said:

Hi . I have vitiligo and i just came across the invention of piperine and melanocyte proliferation and yes ‘10 years is too long to wait’.

I put a lot of thought about how i could try this myself (as there is no substantial information about it helping in humans) before i

stumbled upon this website seeing people trying it already except that NO one has posted anything about their progress. I was

totally overwhelmed by this invention and i really belive piperine can work. Please post your progress.There are about 100 million

people waiting to know ;;).

Marty hats off to you your info has been of great help.

How are your results if you have tried it.

Jason is the crushed bioperine concoction working for you . I would really like to know.# 21 June 2008 at 3:23 am

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Karan Sehgal said:

Hello Eveyone??# 22 June 2008 at 6:01 am

Jason said:

Hello Karan (and others who have seen my posts) -

I have decided to trial a cream I have made that contains piperine that I obtained over the Net. The cream also contains some

natural oils and unprocessed beeswax to bind it together. It also contains some mineral salts. I am applying this most days -my white

patches are in the inner though area and are about the same area as the palm of a hand.

I decided to trial this cream for a couple of months before reporting progress, as I know that vitiligo usually improves quite slowly. So

far, there is definitely a darkening of the skin: rather than little dots appearing, there seems to be a generalised darkening effect

(even though some new spots have emerged and existing ones have definitely enlarged). The darkening effect looks different in UV

light (natural sunlight) than it does in artificial light (e.g. inside with normal lighting). In artificial light, the results are actually very

good, it looks much browner; while in UV light, the darkening is far less pronounced. I am not sure why that would be. Anyway, I

decided that I should trial this for about 8-12 weeks before I post any definitive results to this site.

By the way, I have obtained these results without exposing my skin to sunlight for more than a minute or so. I am quite cautious

about that at the moment. I’ll keep you informed! Anyone else having any luck?? Jason.# 22 June 2008 at 7:44 pm

Karan Sehgal said:

hey jason , thanks for the post . Just wanted to know which cream you have purchased on the internet.

Over the last few days i have done up some reading and figured that ‘piperine’ only increases the no of melanocytes in that area by

proliferation and dendritization(the dendrites help the melanocytes to reach surrounding areas and multiply). They have no effect

on melanin synthesis.(this is what that journal experiment implies). And as you know melanin is what gives us color and the

melanocyte produces it.

Thus if you want the brown color then the melanocytes might to be stimulated with light(artificial or natural sources whatever works

for you. Pls be careful not to burn yourself).

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My guesses are that a vitiligo lesion gets more pronounced in uv light and becomes more visible(as there is no melanin to prevent

that). In your patches as you have described them the melanocytes are probably increasing and their periodic stimulation will

eventually get you that color.(as that will stimulate the new melanocytes to produce melanin.)

One more thing , the phototherapy should be combined with piperine application at different times as piperine turns into some

other isomer or forms when subjected to light radiation and these products do not have melanocyte proliferatory effect.

My facts are based on some journals i read . I hope all our efforts equate to something substancial.Jason let me know which cream

you re using. i d like to try it out myself.

Take care , be safe and all the best.

Karan# 23 June 2008 at 2:48 am

Karan Sehgal said:

jason ..Whats that cream man ?… I ve looked for it all over .Did you make it yourself .. Please enlighten.

Eagerly waiting.


Karan.# 24 June 2008 at 12:56 am

Karan Sehgal said:

Hey jason i didnt get response from you. Dont mind me getting so technichal cause i ‘m a medical student. I want the best for all of

us . I ve started using black pepper oleoresin for the last 3 days .. will update if i see anything. But i seriously question whether it is

able to penetrate the dermal epidermal barrier of the skin . I ‘m going to try out different things at different parts to know what the

magic element. but the cream concept seems promising as it is meant to be absorbed by the skin. and thats what you have and are

too lazy to tell me. ;0) . i hope you re doing well and wish you the best .

Best wishes to all ,Karan.# 27 June 2008 at 12:58 am

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Jason said:

Hello Karan,

I replied to the email notification I received with your original post – obviously you didn’t receive my reply. Please don’t worry about

seeming too technical – I have PhD myself.

The post I sent refers to piperine, a pepper extract, not pepper oleoresin. You can obtain piperine on the Net. As for the cream, it is

homemade using base oils (flaxseed, hemp) and beeswax to bind it and assist absorption.

I hope you have some success in compounding this. Please read the posts more carefully in future before accusing people of

laziness. Jason.# 27 June 2008 at 3:00 am

Karan Sehgal said:

Sorry Jason didnt mean to pull the wrong string.I was under the impression you has purchased a ready made cream off the net . My


Can you please tell me the proportion of the ingredients and from where to get them or if there is a link to a site that can guide me.

oh wow Phd in what?

Well i have found some cosmetic products over the net that contain 0.1% cosmoperine(ie THP derivative of piperine which yielded

the same results in the experiment). I’m going to be trying that as well.

Where did you get the piperine from ? Keep us updated with the progress. Take care, Karan # 27 June 2008 at 3:56 am

Jason said:

Hi Karan,

I tried posting the URL for where I got the piperine, but there must be a ‘no ads’ policy on this site so it was not published. Can I

suggest you search on the term ‘bioperine’ on Google? It can be shipped from USA quite quickly and easily.

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The proportions of my cream are a bit experimental: I have been making it up using about 40 x 10mg bioperine (pure piperine)

tablets ground to a fine powder to about 100 grams of the flaxseed oil/beeswax.

I have been trying to hold off on reporting results until I can assess how well the cream is working, then I will post the complete

‘recipe’. I am not sure if you’ve read about pseudocatalase/Dead Sea climatotherapy, but the idea is that some salts assist with the

reduction of H2O2 in the skin, so i also add calcium and mineral salts to the cream (it needs to be dissolved and emulsified to

combine with the oils/wax).

I have been using this cream for 4-5 weeks and there is no doubt that new brown ’spots’ are appearing, and that the tone of the skin

has darkened overall. In a normally-lit room (i.e. not UV) the vitiligo is now considerably less visible that before – comparable to a

‘fake tan.’

Brown spots seem to appear quite randomly and rapidly over a 3-4 day period, starting as reddish dots that darken over a few days.

These dots then spread a bit to form larger spots, especially around any hair follicles.

The interesting thing is that I do not expose the skin to UV light at all, despite the fact that almost all therapies seem to require

photo-activation. I do wonder if I’d get a better result if I went to a sunbed or got laser therapy, but I am very cautious about

exposing the skin to UV light for obvious reasons.

I am determined to trial this for 8-12 weeks before I make any further claims about it. First, I don’t want to mislead anyone; and

second, there is no saying that this is safe. I don’t have any negative side effects yet, but I think we need to be careful with

assumption that ‘natural’ substances are risk-free. After all, I am basically using myself as a guinea pig!

Finally, I should add that I do take the recommended ’supplements’ in the form of a daily vitamin B and mineral complex tablet and

Psoralea (as TCM herbal medicines). This is definitely contributing to the darkening of my skin, but the pigmentation tends to be

uniform – i.e. the contrast between the light and dark skin remains – while the cream seems to change the tone of the vitiligo areas


OK – I don’t want to post any more info until I have finished the trial. You’ll hear from me again in 4-6 weeks. Signing off for

now.Jason.# 28 June 2008 at 3:50 am

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zeus said:

Hey Jason,

WOW.. thats all i’m going to say. Its nice what you have to say. The fact that you not exposing to uv is very reassuring.

Thanks alot for the information on the ointment. I going to try it out.

I planing to try out different ointments which help solution and absorption of piperine but that will take a while to prepare.

Something using DMSO. Pure dmso from what ive read is quite irritating to the skin so maybe something dilute. I ll keep you posted.

But what you have to say seems quite promising, less irritating to the skin. Oh by the way does this cream cause a burning when

applied? Wish you all the best for your recovery. Eager to hear from you whenever you feelits appropriate.Take care,

KAran# 10 July 2008 at 3:04 am

Karan said:

Hey Jason,

WOW.. thats all im going to say. Its nice what you have to say. The fact that you not exposing to uv is very reassuring.Thanks alot for

the information on the ointment. I going to try it out.

I planing to try out different ointments which help solution and absorption of piperine but that will take a while to prepare.

Something using DMSO. Pure dmso from what ive read is quite irritating to the skin so maybe something dilute. I ll keep you posted.

But what you have to say seems quite promising, less irritating to the skin. Oh by the way does this cream cause a burning when

applied?Wish you all the best for your recovery.

Eager to hear from you whenever you feelits appropriate.

Take care,

KAran# 10 July 2008 at 3:06 am

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Greg said:

How has anyone been doing with the essential oils? Any progress on trying that as well? I bought some about a week ago, have been

using 2x a day, morning and night. Nothing yet, but it’s still a very short time. I’m very positive about potential results. I believe

they’ve used black pepper in India for decades to treat vitiligo…# 30 July 2008 at 4:03 pm

Hussainy said:

Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to let you all know how good i feel after reading this blog.

Jason Thank you very much for sharing the information here, I just wanted to let you all know that though only few of you guys are

regularly sharing your experiences here, there are a lot of people out there including me who read through these posts and really

feel good about the progress.

I am eagerly waiting for Jason to post the results, Jason its been nearly 4 months now, Any updates ?# 14 October 2008 at 7:16 am

Hussainy said:

Hi Jason,

Its been 6 months since your last post, I have been eagerly waiting for your results. Please post how did your trial go.Many thanks#

29 January 2009 at 2:24 am

rich said:

just started bioperine 15mg and table spoon of dmso

it burned hand a little, will let people know results in 2weeks at a time# 30 January 2009 at 11:13 pm

rich said: lowered to 5mg stopped burning# 1 February 2009 at 10:20 pm

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micky said:

hi can anyone tell me ive just bought piperine tablets 10 mg do i just take these orally or do i need to crush these and add some oils

as im new to these treatments it wud be a great help for any help# 2 February 2009 at 8:08 am

rich said:

hey micky

just started bioperine 15mg and table spoon of dmso

it burned hand a little, will let people know results in 2weeks at a time

lowered to 5mg crushed tablet mixed with dmso(dimethyl sulfoxide acs)

you sure your bottle says 60mg not 60tablets# 2 February 2009 at 2:40 pm

micky said:

piperine im taking in tablets is it correct way# 2 February 2009 at 2:44 pm

rich said:

crush them into powder use only around 5mg mixed with one table spoon of dmso(dimethyl sulfoxide acs) from pharmacy.apply to

skin with q-tip# 2 February 2009 at 4:16 pm

micky said:

has any body had any results so far with the method im using piperine oh and rich ur a big help wud like to say thanks# 3 February

2009 at 7:25 am

rich said:

jason post on sister site

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Jason said:

Hi – I have had a few requests for updates on my post. I am now comfortable reporting undoubted improvement in my condition

using Narrow Band UVB with piperine.

Please note that progress was unsatisfactory until I started using NB UVB – i.e. piperine alone was pretty ineffective. I saw some

signs of improvement over the first 12 weeks, but much faster and more obvious progress when combined with NB UVB over the

past (approximately) 8 weeks.

This is because piperine stimulates melancyte proliferation, but does not initiate melanin synthesis.

I make a cream at home using a commercially available piperine product (Important: I do NOT use pepper, or pepper oil, which is

probably ineffective and may have unwanted side effects). I apply no more than 15mg of piperine in a flaxseed oil/beeswax base 1-2

x per day between (NOT at the same time as) NB UVB home phototherapy sessions.

In conjunction, I am also taking a normal multivitamin tablet containing b-group vitamins, zinc, copper, magnesium and other

minerals once a day. I also maintain a healthy diet with high levels of antioxidants -e.g. spirulina etc.

I have to say, this regime is quite difficult to keep up. I have localised areas of vitiligo, so it is not too difficult, but it may be hard to

sustain if the vitiligo is widespread or around the eyes etc. Mine is symmetrical/localised in the inner thigh region and slightly in

evidence below the eyes. I first noticed vitiligo (though I didn’t know what it was!) almost exactly a year ago.

The areas of repigmentation are quite obvious. One side of my body is responding better than the other. On one leg, the

repigmentation is already cosmetically successful from my point of view – but the other side is still ’spotty,’ so not cosmetically

successful yet.

Again, there has been considerable (sometimes irrational) debate about potential risks. I have personally assessed the risks of NB

UVB and piperine, and suggest each person does the same to assess their own willingness to trial this – see my previous posts and:



There are many studies of NB UVB phototherapy on the Web.

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Give me another 4-8 weeks, and I’ll post again, including detailed information, photos etc.

Sorry to be cautious, but I don’t want to post information that I need to retract – I want to be sure of what I am saying. I also do not

wish to come under attack as I have recently for posting this information. Jason.# 3 February 2009 at 5:33 pm

matt said:

I have vitiligo and have been given a bottle of pepper oil by my doctor to apply by Qtip. I live in a northern climate and am going to

wait until the spring time , when the sun is stronger, to apply in order to have a better chance of success. I am not sure what the

contents are but it sure just looks like pure pepper essential oil.good luck# 4 February 2009 at 11:56 am

rich said:

stopped treatment with peperine because of skin started to look old and wrinkly# 15 February 2009 at 10:25 am

micky said:

how long u been using it rich sorry i just read were yu started using it # 15 February 2009 at 10:55 am

Tom said:

Thanks for the info people! Jason…Karan…….Info on results??? # 15 February 2009 at 5:25 pm

Jason said:

Hi all,

And now for something completely different! Some scientists in India have found that the humble chickpea may be beneficial for

vitiligo treatment: see links:



Jason.# 16 February 2009 at 5:38 am

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rich said:

I think it might of bin from mixing it with dmso, going to switch to cream base or lotion base# 19 February 2009 at 9:22 pm

rich said:

for Jason

Jason said:

Hi all,

I still don’t see the post.

For those who want a quick answer, I’d say that piperine MAY have been beneficial, but it’s hard to tell because I have also been

using NB UVB – i.e. there is no way of telling what result I would have got with UVB alone. However, I do have definite results that

are satisfactory – i.e. while it is NOT a ‘miracle cure,’ and progress is slow, there is no doubt that some areas have 100%

repigmentation and that there is roughly 50% improvement overall. I still have a way to go before I’d call this a ‘cure,’ but I am going

to continue for another few months at least. BTW, there have been no APPARENT side effects that I can detect.

Anyone else got anything to report?

Please read the full post when it appears. Jason# 19 February 2009 at 9:27 pm

Nathalie Pelletier (author) said:

Hi Everyone,

The post Rich and Jason refer to in this comment was published as a post on February 17, 2009…check it out here

http://vitiligocover.com/jasons-vitiligo-experiment-update/ Thanks for reading!! xx# 20 February 2009 at 11:49 pm

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Edda Kramm said:

I am also applying a selfmade Piperine cream. It seems to work…I am also going out into the sun now regularly, used UVb light

before.I will keep you posted!

Edda# 26 May 2009 at 9:56 am

Edda Kramm said:

I will try my own piperine cream for four weeks….if I see good results…I am going to sell it, have to read about FDA regulations. I

have pharmaceutical background.

Edda# 11 June 2009 at 12:00 pm

VEN said:


How did you prepare the Piperine cream ? Where did you buy Piperine from? or did you prepate it yourself?Please let us

know…Regards# 11 June 2009 at 1:11 pm

Edda said:

I buy Bioperine capsules=95% Piperine, I dilute it in water and add it to a creambase, I have….

I apply the cram twice /day and try to get sumn at least 3 times/week.# 12 June 2009 at 11:28 am

sharon said:

is peprine cream applied before to sun exposure or after??# 13 June 2009 at 10:46 am

Edda said:

I apply it twice a day….early in the morning……at night after shower…..do not apply it in the sun!!!!

My skin got a lot darker….also the one that still had pigments…there the skin is sooo nicely tanned.now, never was in the last years!

Edda# 15 June 2009 at 12:08 pm

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VEN said:

Edda,Where did you buy Bioperine from?V# 15 June 2009 at 6:50 pm

Edda said:

I think it was Nature’s Plus….over the internet….you have to get capsules, so you can open them easily and dilute in little water….. I

am in my second week using my own cream.If you have no cream base use Eucerin body lotion.

Good luck! Edda# 16 June 2009 at 9:33 am

sharon said:

tanx Edda…good that u found results…i am nt gtn so ggoood results..hv been using since two and a half month…# 16 June 2009 at

11:19 am

Edda said:

Tell me what you did…maybe I can help you Sharon….

Edda# 17 June 2009 at 8:26 am

David said:

Hi guys,

I’m using ground piperine mixed in with emu oil, will post any results if i have any. still wondering if I should dissolve the piperine in

surgical spirit before mixing it with Emu oil?

Was going to try DMSO but that stuff looks scary lol!

# 18 July 2009 at 9:48 am

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harry jackson said:


This is harry from the post-dispatch.

Email me. Sorry it took so long but I lost your info and my brain wasn’t quick enough to look up your website.Looking forward to

hearing from you.h # 18 July 2009 at 10:39 pm

Swapna said:

Hello all, Very happy to have found this blog! Hopefully, together, we can find a cure for this disease. I was wondering if there is any

correlation between seasonal allergies and breakouts. Is there a way we can have a poll in here for such things? Other things I

wonder about are:1. Vitamin deficiency vs onset of disease

2. thyroid problems vs onset

3. liver vs onset ( this is from homeopathy)

4. Kidney function vs onset

happy to meet you all, fellow fighters!Swapna # 22 July 2009 at 3:52 pm

Len said:


I have been reading this post for a while. I’m in my late 30’s and got vitiligo just last year on my hands. It became more evident this

spring when my hands got sun and I could see how many small spots I had and on the tips of my fingers. I went to my dermatologist

and have been using topical steroid cream every other week as prescribed. I have also been taking vitamin b12 and folic as some

sites recommended. I’ve tried to get back into regular exercise and start eating healthier as well, and laying off beer and alcohol as

much as possible. All of these things I found as recommendations all over the web.

I can say that it hasn’t spread, and if anything very slowly in some small spots, been improving, especially when I get sun. The

existing spots burn easily, but then in a day or two, you’ll see some edges barely start to close in.

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About three weeks ago, I bought some Nature’s plus Bioperine capsules as I saw on this posting. I bought a jar of eucerin, and in a

small shot glass, opened and dissolved 5 10mg capsules in barely enough water to make a paste. Then I mixed in about a heaping

tablespoon of the eucerin lotion in and tried it out for week. Not much happened the first week, but I didn’t get much sun. The

second week I went back to the steroid cream which I do every other week, so I tried the piperine/bioperine the weeks I’m not doing

the steroid cream. The third week, I went back to the piperine. Now at the end of this third week, I can definitely see something

happening. One spot in the middle of a white area has definitely grown substantially and is almost filling in the entire bottom of that

spot. Another spot has also went from pink to light brown and is almost half filled. The other spots are all seemingly growing inward

smaller as the edges seem to fill inwards. My fingertips don’t do much, but the spots on the back of my hand seem to really be


I’m not sure what it is, but it definitely appears that the piperin in combination with all the other things I’ve done is showing

progress, quickly. Much quicker than everything else so far. I feel a little nervous because this seems so experimental, but I’ve

experienced no irritation or discomfort at all with the amount I’ve been using. I’ve been putting it on twice a day, morning and night.

One thing for certain, is that sun plays a key role.

I’ll keep everyone posted on my progress. I find everyone’s posts very useful so I wanted to share my experience back.# 26 July 2009

at 4:39 pm

Mindy said:

Hello All!

My name is Mindy. I am 38 years old and have had vitiligo my entire life! Mine is fairly widespread, and at times, I have come to

terms with this ailment and try to focus on the good in my life, and at other times I desperately search for ways to treat it. I have had

great success with NB UVB treatments at my doctor’s office, gaining a great deal of repigmentation on my arms. Unfortunately, it

became so expensive for 3 treatments/week and the drive (closest dr that had this treatment was 1 hour from home) became too

much when my children were born. I purchased my own BN UVB booth (not as strong as that in the dr. office), and have been using

it regularly for the last month. I’m not noticing as much repigmentation, but know that it will take longer since this booth is much

less strong.

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I recently purchased the Bioperine and will try to use it as described by Edda and Len in conjunction with the UVB. Hopefully this will

jumpstart more repigmentation. I also have given thought to XTRAC, which is available at a more local derm’s office for treatment of

my hands and ankles.

I will continue to read posts from all of you, and would love to know more about anyone’s success with Bioperine and UV light, and

any other treatments you all may be using!Nice to read all of your posts!

Mindy# 7 August 2009 at 12:10 pm

gabby said:

I just happened to find this site while i was doing some research on vitiligo. I started getting spots when i was eight and I’m twenty

seven now and its always bothered me because I am married and even though my husband says it doesn’t bother him I know he

wishes I would wear dresses or shorts. I don’t even want to go the beach because I know I’ll be depressed. It seems to be getting

much worse my hold right hand is turning white and I know people at work really notice it now. I’ve never been to see a

dermatologist about it but I think its about time I go and stop praying it goes away on its on. I’m glad I read all your stories I was

getting tired like feeling like no one understands.

# 8 August 2009 at 8:48 pm

Kristine said:

Wow!! I feel much better knowing I am not alone in this fight against Vitiligo. I had it since I was may be 3 or 4 I don’t remember but

it was on my ankle and had three small patches, till now. I am 39 and I just noticed little white dots on my arms and upper leg. I went

to dermatologist and he checked under a special lamp and confirmed it was Vitiligo. He gave me a cream Protopic which I have been

using for a week now with an exposure to sunlight. I am also considering Laser treatment if it gets worse. But I do want to try

peperine mix, will let you know how it turns out.# 29 August 2009 at 2:26 pm

Johnn Will said:

Hey..# 25 October 2009 at 9:57 am

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Johnn Will said:

Heyy i boughtt some Bioperine tabletss and some black pepper esstenial oil..Is it safe to crush the tablet and use it with the oil??# 25

October 2009 at 9:59 am

rujan said:

hallo also ich will mir den bioperine kaufen aba ich weiß nicht genau op es da für ist was ich denke mir hatt man gesagt das bioperine

den peniz länger macht lg rujan# 12 January 2010 at 5:36 am

Ash said: whatever happened to jason’s experiment? Any luck?# 20 February 2010 at 8:39 pm

Daniel said:

The UVB exposure time should start from 30 seconds and increase every day until the skin becomes a bit pink.# 12 April 2010 at 9:33


Bryn said:

Hi everyone, Not much happened here since 12th April, so I thought I’d add a little bit.

My vit started over 20 years ago has been very stable…however it started to spread to my face a couple of years ago and I lost my

pigment there almost totally, so was prescribed Protopic by my dermatologist. The pigment returned fairly quickly in my face (less

than 12 months). I still get slight relapses and keep them topped up with protopic which seems to work ok.

Now though, I’ve started taking Ginkgo Biloba (heard great things about this herb) and using UVB lamp and also using black pepper

oil mixed into E45 cream and I’m starting to get results in the vit patches on my hands. Not getting my hopes too high because hands

are very difficult to treat, but hope springs eternal. I’ll keep you posted in the months time on progress. Keep fighting this


Bryn# 1 June 2010 at 12:44 pm

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The Magical Cure For Vitiligo 14 March 2008 6 Comments

I love the communication between people on this site, but let’s keep 2 points in mind:

1. giving advice about cures is a big responsibility because some people are fragile about their condition and that carries high hopes

for a cure. So please, if you propose a product, show photo’s of the successful results.

2. caveat emptor…buyer beware. before rushing out to try a product suggested as a vitiligo cure, ask for proof that it has worked on

other clients…a photo would be preferable to a glowing written review. keep in mind that if there were a miracle cure out there,

every dermatologist in the country would be clamoring to have it for sale in their office. Not to mention the fact that the company

who produced such a product would contact every vitiligo society in the world to endorse their product.

That said, I know that there are methods which can be used to help repigment skin (e.g. a combination of b12, folic acid, and

sunlight, or narrow band uvb treatments, or changing your eating habits, to name a few), and you just have to find the right one for

you. no one knows what activates vitiligo, so any number of factors could change the results from one person to another.

thank you so much to everyone who leaves comments here…it truly makes me happy to see us all trying to help one another.

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Laura said:

to be honest–can’t pictures on the web be fakes, too?# 25 March 2008 at 6:28 am

Nathalie Pelletier (author) said:

Hi Laura,

Yeah pictures can be fake, but I have yet to come across a site which sells products to help vitiligo who actually show results;

however, i know it’s a simple thing to do. My cover lotion doesnt cure vitiligo, but it does a great job of blending the white patches in

with your normal skin tone and I put photo’s up to show the results. If I can take such a simple action, any company can…if the

product does what they promise.

all the best,

nathalie# 2 April 2008 at 11:17 pm

Elizabeth said:

Hi Natalie

what kind of cover lotion do u use# 8 April 2008 at 11:10 pm

nathalie (author) said:

hi elizabeth,

i use the vitiligo cover lotion. the link is on the upper left side of this page if you’d like to read more about it.

a note to everyone: my computer hs been down for a week because of an xp error. im trying to do all i can to fix it and not have to

restore the whole system. i will be back up soon!


# 9 April 2008 at 8:27 am

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jason said:

Hi all – I have found dermatologists quite hopeless when it comes to understanding how much vitiligo impacts on people who have

it. My specialist had no idea whatsoever of any naturopathic alternatives to synthetic treatments either. I am pleased that people

are willing to share their experiences, since there is otherwise no source of alternative information . Even though some of the ideas

being shared here may ultimately prove to be useless, this kind of knowledge-sharing may ultimately lead to a safe and effective

treatment. So, thanks to those who are willing to share their experience instead of trying to market it to a drug company for

personal profit. Jason.# 21 April 2008 at 4:58 am

Ilse =) said:

Hi everyone!

well right now im 16 yrs old…i’ve had vitiligo since I was about 9 Im guessing…but every day I try to thank God, because the vitiligo

that I have..has stayed the same for 7yrs..I have it all over my body: eyes(just a bit, I cover it w/makeup),ankles (only 1, i cover it

w/bandaids), waist (2 big ones..but people dont see them because they’re under my clothes)

I would if you could please tell me where could I find that vitiligo cover cream…i wonder if that helps you hide your white patches…I

dont want to feel left behind or that I am less than the rest of my friends!

thanks a lot!!# 28 April 2008 at 5:13 pm

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Romanian Community Provides Insight Into Genetic Factors Associated With Vitiligo 24 March 2008 No Comment

ScienceDaily (Mar. 17, 2008) ” An isolated, inbred Romanian community has a higher than average frequency of the skin disease

vitiligo and other autoimmune diseases, suggesting a genetic variation that may indicate susceptibility to the condition in a broader

population, according to a new report.

Vitiligo is a disorder in which progressive patches of skin, hair and mucous membranes lose color due to a decrease in the number of

pigment-producing cells known as melanocytes, according to background information in the article. Vitiligo affects about 0.38

percent of whites and occurs with similar frequency in populations worldwide. Researchers are attempting to identify the genes

responsible for susceptibility to vitiligo, in part to identify pathways through which effective treatments might be developed.

Stanca A. Birlea, M.D., Ph.D., and colleagues at the University of Colorado Denver, Aurora, Colo., studied 1,673 residents of a

geographically isolated community in the mountains of northern Romania between 2001 and 2006. The researchers identified

patients with vitiligo and obtained information on demographic data, genealogies, occurrence of other diseases and family structure.

The skin of patients with vitiligo and their relatives was examined.

During the study, researchers identified and examined 51 patients with vitiligo. “The 2.9 percent frequency of vitiligo in the study

community is 19.3 times its 0.15 percent frequency in the five surrounding villages, 7.5 times that among whites on the island of

Bornholm, 5.7 times that among individuals in Calcutta, India and 22.5 times that among Han Chinese in Shaanxi Province, China, the

only other populations for which empirically determined prevalence estimates have been published,” the authors write. Rates of

other autoimmune diseases, including thyroid disease, adult-onset type 1 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis, were also elevated in

the community.

However, the average age at which symptoms of vitiligo first developed was 36.5 years, significantly older than the average age of

onset among white individuals (24.2 years). Analysis indicated that this unusual factor most likely was not genetic. “Whereas disease

susceptibility seems to involve a major genetic component, actual onset of vitiligo in genetically susceptible individuals seems to

require exposure to environmental triggers,” the authors write.

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The community’s isolation may make it easier for researchers to identify mutated genes that increase risk for vitiligo in this

population, they conclude. “While this gene variant is of particular importance in this isolated special population, it likely is also

involved in disease susceptibility in the broader white population and, thus, is of broader importance,” they write.

Journal reference: Arch Dermatol. 2008;144[3]:310-316.

This study was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health and a grant from the American Skin Association.

Adapted from materials provided by JAMA and Archives Journals.

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Over 70% Repigmentation Achieved In Patients With Stable Vitiligo 30 March 2008 8 Comments

A high percentage of repigmentation is achieved in patients with stable vitiligo by noncultured epidermal cell transplantation,

according to both subjective and objective evaluation methods.

In this soon to be published study in the journal “Dermatology”, noncultured autologous melanocytes and keratinocytes were

grafted in a hyaluronic-acid-enriched suspension on superficially laser-abraded vitiligo lesions in 40 patients with refractory stable


The repigmentation was evaluated 3-12 months after grafting using a digital image analysis system. Furthermore, the treatment was

evaluated from the patients’ point of view with the Dermatology Life Quality Index and a global assessment.

The mean percentage of repigmentation at the last follow-up visit was 72%; a repigmentation of more than 70% was observed in

62% of the patients. The best results were achieved in the neck and presternal regions.

All patients were satisfied with the achieved results, found it worthwhile to undergo the treatment and would choose to do so again.

About the S. KARGER AG

With over a century of experience in connecting the world of biomedical science, Karger publishes nearly 80 scientific, peer-

reviewed journals and 150 serial and non-serial books and supplement issues annually for a global scientific readership.

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buck said:

Where is this procedure being done?

# 1 April 2008 at 6:53 am

bego said:

This procedure sounds promising. I also want to know where I can get more information regarding this treatment. Can someone who

has tried this treatment respond because I want to know if this treatment is permanent or only temporarily. Thanks.# 1 April 2008 at

10:35 pm

Amir. said:

please emal the eply or answer for the abve both comments.# 18 May 2008 at 11:33 am

john said:

I have vitiligo, and I don’t want it anymore. please help me. I live in Toronto, Canada.# 19 May 2008 at 11:36 am

Amir. said:


Hello John.

How long do you have vitiligo?and what part of your bady if effected?# 19 May 2008 at 3:45 pm

Angela said:

Hola hay alguien con experiencia de la Melagenina Plus, elaborada en Cuba a base de Placenta humana y alcohol de calcio, que

ayudan a devolver el pigmento??

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La verdad lo importante es tomar las cosas con calma por que una de las teorias del posible origen son vinculadas al sistema

nervioso, y en mi caso surgio a partir de una situacion nerviosa por la perdida de mi papa, y una crisis….# 19 May 2008 at 4:06 pm

Nathalie Pelletier (author) said:

This is a translation of the above comment in spanish:

hello there is somebody with experience of the Melagenina Extra, elaborated in Cuba with human Placenta and calcium alcohol, that

help to give back the pigment? The truth the important thing is to take the things with calm so that one of the theories of the

possible origin is tie to the nervous system, and in my case surgio from a nervous situation by the lost one from my dad, and a

crisis.# 20 May 2008 at 1:57 pm

Reena said:

HiI’ve had vitiligo for over 27 years and over the years it has stopped spreading. I have recently purchased the Melagenina Plus

lotion and will apply this daily. I will keep you posted on how i get on. I have heard some remarkable things about this lotion being

the most effective remedies on the market. Since an early age i have tried all sorts of treatments and nothing has worked apart from

B Clear a treatment whereby radiation is exposed on the de-pigmentation areas however too much radiation was not advised but i

started to see some positive things.

# 23 April 2009 at 11:08 am

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Take the Stress Out Of Vitiligo 5 May 2008 No Comment

The fact that there are no physical side effects to having vitiligo doesn’t diminish the severity of the mental anguish it can cause. We

may have no control over the white patches that slowly appear on our skin, but we do have all of the power when it comes to how

we let ourselves feel about it. If you are stressed over the change in your physical appearance, use techniques to calm yourself.

Remember, you gain nothing by worrying about how you appear to others, but you do lose a lot…self-esteem, freedom to go out,


Here is a wonderful article I found to promote relaxation:

Knead to Relax? Give Yourself a Foot Massage

By Jennifer Gruenemay, LifeScript Staff Writer

You may consider massage a luxury “something reserved for the rich and pampered. But money has no bearings when you can get a

great massage for free, courtesy of your own two hands. A good foot massage in particular is convenient, easy to give yourself and

can help you de-stress any time of the day. Follow these tips on how to be your own foot masseuse and rediscover why touch is so


The benefits of massage go beyond putting a relaxed grin on your face and a spring in your step.

Many studies, including these, performed by the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami School of Medicine, have found

numerous benefits of massage:

Smoking Cessation

Adult smokers who gave themselves a hand or ear massage during cravings reported lower anxiety, better mood and fewer

symptoms of withdrawal when they quit smoking.

Immune System Boost

Women suffering from breast cancer who received massages three times a week for five weeks experienced improved immune

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function. This helped speed recovery from chemotherapy and radiation treatments. (See related article: 7 Foods That Fight Back:

Immune System Boosters)

Pain Management

Patients with fibromyalgia who were massaged for 30 minutes, twice a week for five weeks experienced less stiffness, pain and

fatigue, and also slept better.

Improved Infant Health

Premature infants who were massaged gained more weight “ a marker of improved health “ and were active for longer periods of

time than babies who did not receive tactile (touch) stimulation.

What if you’re not a smoker, a breast cancer or fibromyalgia patient, or a pre-term infant? You don’t have to suffer from a physical

condition to benefit from massage. Simple massage techniques can help you de-stress at the office, relax at home or boost your

mood any time of the day.

Consider these additional health benefits of massage:

* Improves circulation

* Reduces stress and anxiety

* Lessens symptoms of depression

* Reduces injury swelling and promotes recovery

* Improves flexibility and range of motion

You don’t need an expensive full-body Swedish massage to reap these benefits.

A quick foot massage can boost your energy levels and make you more productive at work “it’s the best 5-minute break you’ll take

all day.

So before that midday slump hits, peel off your shoes and give your tired, achy feet some TLC.

With this easy how-to guide, you can be your own massage therapist “anytime, anywhere.

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Lend Your Foot a Hand

You really only need your hands to give yourself a great foot massage. But if you have the luxury of a warm water foot bath to soak

your feet, you can take your massage from great to spectacular.

Before your massage begins, remember these key tips:

- Use a firm touch, but don’t press too hard.

- If you are pushing so hard that it hurts, lighten up your touch. (See related article: Stand Up to Common Foot Problems)

- If it tickles (feet can be very sensitive) press harder, but again, not so hard that it hurts.

- Any time your hands feel overworked, take a moment to shake the tension loose, and then continue with your massage.

The 10-Step Massage

Now that you’ve got the basics down, you’re ready for a great foot massage.

Step #1: Soak feet in a warm bath for a few minutes and then dry completely to clean and soften the skin. If a bath is not accessible

to you, skip this step.

Step #2: Sit in a comfortable chair and prop your right foot up on your left knee. You should be able to see the bottom of your foot in

this position.

Step #3: Use just a dab of lotion or a few drops of massage oil and rub it all over your foot using firm finger strokes.

Step #4: Wrap your hands around your foot (thumbs will be on the sole and fingers on the top). Holding your foot firmly, start

making circular motions with your thumbs. Cover the entire area of the bottom of your foot, working your way from the heel,

through the sole, up to the ball of your foot, and finally to your toes.

Step #5: Use your thumbs to make long, deep strokes on the soles of your feet, moving upward from the heel to the ball. If you feel

some soreness in one area, spend a few extra seconds there to soften it up.

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Step #6: Don’t forget your toes! Spend a good 30 seconds or more on each toe. One at a time, rub and massage each toe all the way

from the base to the tip. Use small circular motions and then long strokes from base to tip, and don’t forget the area in between

your toes. Once all of your toes have been massaged, give each one a gentle upward tug to loosen up the joint.

Step #7: Now that your toes are happy, it’s time to focus on your foot as a whole again. Wrap both hands around your foot, placing

your thumbs on the soles again. Trace your thumbs from the center of the foot out to the sides, starting at the heel and working

your way up to the toes. At the same time, your fingers should be gently massaging the top of your foot. Repeat this massage

technique over the whole area of the foot as many times as you like. This one feels great!

Step #8: Do the twist. Holding your foot firmly, gently rotate it at the ankle “first to the right and then to the left. Then twist your

foot gently from side to side to loosen up the ankle even more.

Step #9: Massage the entire foot again, like you did in Step #1.

Step #10: Don’t forget your other foot. Repeat each step and voila! Your massage is done.

After this massage your feet will feel like a million bucks! Put on a pair of comfy cotton socks or slippers, prop your feet up and enjoy

the sensation.

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Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) Offers Potential In Vitiligo 14 May 2008 No Comment

I have been using the Vitiligo Cover Lotion for over six years because it has been the only method I have found to successfully cover

the white patches of vitiligo. Vitiligo Cover lotion offers marvelous results because it contains 8% DHA (most over-the-counter

products range from 3% to 5%), along with other all-natural ingredients that are beneficial for healthy skin: rosehips oil, shea butter,

& walnut oil, to name a few.

Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) is the key ingredient in vitiligo cover lotion to color the skin. It has been misconceived that DHA may

exacerbate vitiligo. There has been no research or medical data to substantiate this idea, but for whatever reason, it was accepted

by certain people in the vitiligo community. Today I came across medical research which contradicts this notion.

I have posted the original article below:

Dihydroxyacetone offers potential in vitiligo

By Samantha Crofskey

11 April 2008

Int J Dermatol 2008; 47: 402-406

MedWire News: Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) may be an effective and well-tolerated therapeutic option for Asian patients with vitiligo,

study findings suggest.

Natta Rajatanavin and colleagues, from Mahidol University in Bangkok, Thailand, conducted a retrospective analysis of 20 patients

with vitiligo of the face and/or hands and feet who received treatment with 6% DHA cream.

The mean age of the patients was 44 years. There were 17 patients with generalized vitiligo, two patients with acrotype vitiligo, and

one with segmental type. The mean body surface area involvement was 4.6%.

The cream was applied needed, and assessment of response was evaluated by telephone interview.

Satisfaction of the treatment was assessed by a scoring system of 0-10, with mild (score of 0-4), moderate (5-7), and marked (8-10)

satisfaction categories.

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Sixteen (80%) patients reported moderate-to-marked satisfaction with the cosmetic results of DHA. Marked satisfaction was

reported by seven patients, moderate satisfaction was reported by nine patients, and a further two patients reported mild

satisfaction. The mean satisfaction score was 6.5.

Eight patients applied DHA every day to maintain a matching color, with the frequency of application ranging from 1-7 days. The

color was reported to last between 1.5 and 14.0 days after a single application.

Writing in the International Journal of Dermatology, Rajatanavin and colleagues conclude: “Dihydroxyacetone offers a safe

camouflage option in recalcitrant vitiligo areas with rapid and cosmetically satisfying brown staining, especially on the hands and

feet where all modalities of treatment often fail.”

Here is another source which tested dha on patients with vitiligo: http://content.karger.com/ProdukteDB/produkte.asp?Doi=51757

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Vitamin D Deficiency Raises New Questions About Vitiligo And Supplements 16 May 2008 4 Comments

ScienceDaily (Jan. 27, 2008) Low blood levels of vitamin D have long been associated with disease, and the assumption has been that

vitamin D supplements may protect against disease. However, this new research demonstrates that ingested vitamin D is

immunosuppressive and that low blood levels of vitamin D may be actually a result of the disease process. Supplementation may

make the disease worse.

In a new report Trevor Marshall, Ph.D., professor at Australia’s Murdoch University School of Biological Medicine and Biotechnology,

explains how increased vitamin D intake affects much more than just nutrition or bone health. The paper explains how the Vitamin D

Nuclear Receptor (VDR) acts in the repression or transcription of hundreds of genes, including genes associated with diseases

ranging from cancers to multiple sclerosis. The VDR is at the heart of innate immunity, being responsible for expression of most of

the antimicrobial peptides, which are the body’s ultimate response to infection,” Marshall said.

“Molecular biology is now forcing us to re-think the idea that a low measured value of vitamin D means we simply must add more to

our diet. Supplemental vitamin D has been used for decades, and yet the epidemics of chronic disease, such as heart disease and

obesity, are just getting worse.”

“Our disease model has shown us why low levels of vitamin D are observed in association with major and chronic illness,” Marshall

added. “Vitamin D is a secosteroid hormone, and the body regulates the production of all it needs. In fact, the use of supplements

can be harmful, because they suppress the immune system so that the body cannot fight disease and infection effectively.”

Marshall’s research has demonstrated how ingested vitamin D can actually block VDR activation, the opposite effect to that of

Sunshine. Instead of a positive effect on gene expression, Marshall reported that his own work, as well as the work of others, shows

that quite nominal doses of ingested vitamin D can suppress the proper operation of the immune system. It is a different metabolite,

a secosteroid hormone called 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, which activates the VDR to regulate the expression of the genes. Under

conditions that exist in infection or inflammation, the body automatically regulates its production of all the vitamin D metabolites,

including 25-hydroxyvitamin D, the metabolite which is usually measured to indicate vitamin D status.

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Vitamin D deficiency, long interpreted as a cause of disease, is more likely the result of the disease process, and increasing intake of

vitamin D often makes the disease worse. “Dysregulation of vitamin D has been observed in many chronic diseases, including many

thought to be autoimmune,” said J.C. Waterhouse, Ph.D., lead author of a book chapter on vitamin D and chronic disease.

“We have found that vitamin D supplementation, even at levels many consider desirable, interferes with recovery in these patients.”

“We need to discard the notion that vitamin D affects a disease state in a simple way,” Marshall said. “Vitamin D affects the

expression of over 1,000 genes, so we should not expect a simplistic cause and effect between vitamin D supplementation and

disease. The comprehensive studies are just not showing that supplementary vitamin D makes people healthier.”

Journal reference: Marshall TG. Vitamin D discovery outpaces FDA decision making. Bioessays. 2008 Jan 15;30(2):173-182 [Epub

ahead of print] Online ISSN: 1521-1878 Print ISSN: 0265-9247 PMID: 18200565

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Susan Kraus said:

Hi – I am an RD and we have been discussing the use of vitamin D for many of our pts who show low serum levels, or have various

diseases where research has shown merit to using supplemental forms of vitamin D. Now I am very concerned when I see an article

like this- Do you have other references which you could send me? Thanks# 19 June 2009 at 11:55 am

Nathalie Pelletier (author) said:

Hi Susan,

The article is a re-print. The credits and author are listed below the article and they may be able to provide any references you

would like.


nathalie# 19 June 2009 at 1:29 pm

Nicko said:

I am a healthy 34 year old male with a history of vitiligo on my face, this research is quite interesting. My first patch occurred in 2001

when I did little exercise or outdoor activity. Sun exposure and regular sport helped repigment almost fully. The first patch is only

visible with a black light now. Then last year my doctor found my vitamin D levels to be at 19 (which is considered very low) and

prescribed 50,000 UI doses, weekly. It’s not clear if vitiligo started coming back at the same time, but over the summer I could see

new patches that appeared. Everything except vitamin D level was normal.

… definitely more research needed here. It is one of the most plausible explanations I’ve read in a long time for vitiligo, which

remains a mystery to medicine. If you can contact the authors, feel free to share this info.

Nicko# 9 March 2010 at 2:01 pm

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missee said:

i’ve had vitiligo for 8 years…. the only time i have had any success with repigmentation was after taking Vitamin D supplementation

(Plus vitamin B) in conjunction with gluten free diet. When i stopped this path the vitiligo returned with a vengeance… so this article

above is confusing..

# 22 March 2010 at 9:27 pm

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Famous People With Vitiligo 18 May 2008 12 Comments

In our daily goings-on we don’t often see someone else with vitiligo, so sometimes it’s comforting to read of people who have vitiligo

and have achieved a level of notoriety in their industry.

Graham Norton is a British TV presenter/ comedian

Bryan Danielson, an American pro wrestler

Doc Hammer, the co creator of VENTURE BROS.

John Henson, a us comedian and TV host

Kara-Louise is a young girl who participated in Big Brother 8

Big Krizz Kaliko, a US rapper

Thomas Lennon, an actor from reno 911

Hedvig Lindahl, a football player from Sweden

Joe Rogan, American actor and stand up comedian

J.D. Runnels, Chicago Bears football player.

Sisqo, rapper (the guy who alwas wears a band aid on his cheek)

Rasheed Wallace, NBA basketball player.

Fez Whatley, tv star has vitiligo on his face

Michael Jackson the pop singer

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ad said:

Oh, this is great! Now I can stop saying: Vitiligo, you know, what Michael Jackson has! It’s also nice to know that there is life with

vitiligo; it all depends on how you perceive yourself.

Some days I go to work w/o makeup on my hands so I can feel honest. Those are the best days because I force myself to say, this is

me, and I’m still great, still beautiful and the vit changes nothing about who I am.# 19 May 2008 at 5:14 pm

juliek said:

how come you dont see any white spots on them? is it makeup that they use to cover up?# 14 June 2008 at 1:14 am

maria said:

I live strickly w/selftanning lotion, and other related makeup to blend in my spots and I am so tired of people looking at me as I have

a disease so uncatchable. But, I walk w/my head up high and everyday is a new day so I block it out and make the best of my


Life can be worst.

# 28 July 2008 at 4:03 pm

maria said:

Has anyone tried Kalawalla?# 28 July 2008 at 4:12 pm

Lisa said:

I have had Vitiligo for20 years, I was at first very self-conscious about the disease, but as I grew older, it spread, and I, being naive

about the condition, just went on with my life. I also need to mention I am and have been a waitress for 30 years, and today,

especially children ask…what’s wrong with your skin? My answer to them and they usually smile is…”I am just one big freckle” I am

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not ashamed of who I am or how I look, it is all in our minds, we have all been created for a purpose, and my purpose is to be an

example to others.# 19 May 2009 at 7:20 pm

Catharine said:

I am very interested in this condition.# 31 May 2009 at 9:00 pm

Natasha Pierre said:

Hey, I like your site. Give me a jingle.


Living with Vitiligo

by Pierre, Natasha E. Wilkinson (Author)

# 14 June 2009 at 10:20 pm

Emilie said:

I have had vitiligo for 3 years now and to be honest with you, its like Lisa says “its all in our minds”. I dont use makeup to cover it up ,

if someone dont accept you because you have it then they arent much worth fighting for. Am I right? I have had mixed reactions to

my white spots, one guyfriend who fancied my once said “Oh, you have to fix that, you cant go around looking like that!”. But most

people still say that they are a part of me, like beauty-spots . Whats important is to keep your head up high, after all if someone

falls in love with you or wants to get to know you better, their judgement should be of you as a person and not of how you look and

what other people might think.

I see it like this, if I dont look like everyone else it gives me a bigger need to work on who I am as a person. Not being able to hide

behind your “beauty” (if you understand me when I say that) is only good because the person you turn out to be is someone that

other people can look up to. And as my doctor said to me, being tanned is just “fashion” and fashion is something that changes all

the time. And if I wont spend a lot of my time in the sun I wont get as much wrinkels and I wont get skin cancer. So its all good .

So think like this, what is the thing you are most scared of? Showing your spots and the “true you”? Well, the best way of

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overcomming that is to show your spots. If its a warm summer day, put some strong sunlotion on and show your legs, show your

arms. My doctor also said to me “you still have to live and enjoy your life, covering yourself up might take away a lot of that joy”. I go

out running in shorts, I climb in shorts and I happily walk in bikini on the beach. I meet new people all the time and yes the though

“what are they going to think?” bothers me from time to time. But to overcome your fear you have to use your fear to cure it.Good

luck!!# 17 December 2009 at 5:28 am

Vickian said:

I’m 16 yrs old and I have vitiligo, I had it since I was ten. My spots are not wear anybody can see cause there on my stomach and

thigh, I don’t know how dealt with it, I jus know i realized it now. I’m scared and sad because I never thought this would happen to

me, no body in my family has it and I feel embarassed and alone. I do want to be able to tell and open up to my friends but i can’t.

I’m turning 17 this new year coming up and I’m jus so unhappy , I dont know what else to do, I’m so lost. I just want to be normal.

# 31 December 2009 at 9:41 am

Nathalie Pelletier (author) said:

Hi Vickian,

I have a daughter your age, so I know just where you’re coming from. It’s hard, no matter what your age, to have anything about you

that is physically different than most people. But these things are especially difficult during our teenage years because we want to fit

in with everyone else, and we don’t yet have the tools to deal with the issue of not.

the first thing i will say is to let go of the ‘why me’ thinking’. It will only put you in a victim role, and you are so much stronger than

that. And remember, you’re definitely not alone. There may not be many ppl around you who have vitiligo, but so many ppl have

issues that change the way they look. chronic acne on the face and arms, large birth marks (sometimes brown or red), are just a

couple that come to mind that are pretty severe, but there are also ppl with hair they find impossible to deal with, girls with facial

hair that they just can seem to get rid of, and weight problems due to hormonal imbalances.

Everybody has something they don’t like about themselves, even the most popular kids in your school. The trick is to accept the

difference and let all of the wonderful things about you outshine what you don’t like. How do you do this? Well, I openly talk about

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my vitiligo. If I’m not embarrassed about it, then the ppl around me don’t think it’s a big deal. Be open with your friends if the

subject ever comes up. Just explain what it is, answer any questions they have, then you’ll move past it.

Be happy, Vickian! You have so much life ahead of you, so many wonderful memories to make, and people to meet. Vitiligo doesn’t

have to take away any of the fun you will have.

email anytime!happy new year!nathalie # 31 December 2009 at 10:39 am

Pamula said:

I am so glad that finnaly someone understands what it is like for someone who has this disease to be able to explain it to the public. I

never knew that Sisqo the singer from my hometown of Baltimore had this disease. I learned that Michael Jackson had it through

one of his doctor. Now, I understand what they both have to go through. Karen Faye who was MJ’s makeup artist explained that he

developed this disease after the Thriller song came out. I actually saw Lee Thomas on Larry King Live one night and he gave a

demonstration about it. Now, it is sinking in for me.

# 6 February 2010 at 11:40 am

Sarah said:


I don’t think Sisqo has vitiligo, recently he appeared on Celebrity Big Brother, a reality TV show here in England. I’ve been watching

him closely trying to see if he’s the condition and I even have seen him often wearing only a boxer/short. However, I’ve never

noticed a single vitiligo spot on his body. The camera follows him 24/7 and if he used a make up to cover it I would have seen him do


# 8 February 2010 at 2:58 pm

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Studies Needed To Show L-phenylalanine Helps Repigmentation 25 May 2008 2 Comments

Evidence suggests that combining L-phenylalanine (oral and topical) with UVA radiation for people with vitiligo (a condition

characterized by irregular depigmentation or white patches of skin) may lead to some darkening or repigmentation of the whitened

areas, particularly on the face. Although preliminary information suggests that it is safe when used under appropriate medical

guidance and supervision, more research is needed to assess potential side effects of this treatment approach. Dietary Sources L-

phenylalanine is found in most foods that contain protein such as beef, poultry, pork, fish, milk, yogurt, eggs, cheese, soy products

(including soy protein isolate, soybean flour, and tofu), and certain nuts and seeds. The artificial sweetener aspartame is also high in

phenylalanine. D-phenylalanine is synthesized in the laboratory is not found in food.

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Julie Pruitt said:

Has anyone tried this?# 11 June 2008 at 9:15 pm

Jocelyn Peterson said:

i read somewhere on the internet that long term consumption of Aspartame is not really good for the health. “# 11 May 2010 at

2:50 pm

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Emily’s Vitiligo 12 June 2008 10 Comments

If you have vitiligo, or love someone who does, you have probably scoured the internet for info as I have. Tonight I came across a

website that I remember visiting years ago and as I reread it, I was again reminded of lifestyle changes that could make a difference

in my vitiligo.

The site reads like an online book and is beautifully written. The love this father has for his daughter is touching and the exciting

results of what had to be hundreds of hours of research is more than impressive; it’s inspiring. Take a look at it and leave me a

comment about what you thought of it.

Emily’s Story Website

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saad said:

Welcome I am suffering from vitiligo

I want Hidden defects I’m in Saudi Arabia Saad # 13 June 2008 at 11:33 am

Zdenek said:

NOVITIL – Hi guys, please do have any experience with this product ? Does it work ? Please let me know. Thanks a lot# 21 August

2008 at 5:34 am

linda said:

I have vitiligo around 15 years.As a single mother,i am suffering too much and i can’t have a marriage due to my few vitiligo. if i can

hiding it,i will have chance dating.Please help me.I need normal life.# 19 June 2009 at 9:23 pm

Nathalie Pelletier (author) said:

Hi Linda, I’m sorry that you are suffering because of your vitiligo. I hope that it helps a bit to know that you are not alone; we all

understand, in some way, what your are feeling.# 19 June 2009 at 9:53 pm

Dani said:

hi ,is there a certain diet that i can follow that will held cure vitiligo?# 8 July 2009 at 8:34 am

Veronica said:


Hi, I have had vitiligo for over 15 years. One thing is for sure, I made a decision when I first got it that I was not going to allow it to

affect my personal life. After a couple of years, I went through a divorce for other reasons that had nothing to do with vitiligo.

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Let me tell you something: I went out on dates, I had fun, I met a lot of men that were interested in me. Vitiligo does not have to

cripple your personal life. I am married now to an amazingly HANDSOME man and guess what? He didn’t care about my vitiligo. He

loves me for who I am. I’m telling you this in hopes that you see that it is possible to have a normal life with vitiligo.

Veronica# 8 July 2009 at 5:40 pm

Sue said:

Dear all, I was diagnosed with vitiligo last year around the same time and I was devastated. I read every possible self help book, I

could find at the bookstores. I also followed Emily’s vitiligo’s diet for a few months and used the medication (protopic %1) as I was

told. I remained very positive and in my opinion and as far as I have spoken to vitiligo patients, state of mind and stress contributes a

lot to vitiligo spreading all over. A year on and my vitiligo is gone and I mean GONE!!!! I really hope that you can stay positive. Start

praying, meditating and whatever you believe in. Say mantras every day and try to steer clear of stress. I am not sure which one of

the above worked, or if it was a combination of all!!! I just hope you all get cure and feel better. But impossible is impossible,

remember that! All the best and may God bless you all.# 11 December 2009 at 11:26 am

RA said:

Hey Sue, how widespread was your vitiligo?# 27 January 2010 at 8:24 pm

lorrie said:

hello to all,i am 46yrs old have had vitiligo for 10years i am experiencing spontanious repigmentation not sure what is helping this i

went thru a divorce in 06 i believe stress is a large factor to the cause i was goin through alot during my marriage since the divorce

alot less stress i am hypothyroid since early 20s and also have a family history of it on my fathers side of the family. i take lecithin

daily and tan 2xwk my doctor is amazed! he said he has other patients repigmenting also not sure why though he agrees about the

stress i also am dating a wonderful man im sure that is helping also!# 1 February 2010 at 11:27 pm

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elle said:


I was recently reading about the role of the pineal gland in skin pigment and the high concentration of lecithin in the pineal gland. I

wonder if there is a connection between a pineal gland health, lecithin, and vitiligo? Glad to hear of your regimentation! Also…to the

general forum: My N.D. prescribed me a cream made from phenylalanine. Has anyone tried that remedy, has anyone has success?

# 6 March 2010 at 9:47 pm

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Laughter the Best Medicine for Vitiligo 13 June 2008 6 Comments

CITY OF SAN FERNANDO, Pampanga, Philippines Proclaimed Pampanga Governor Fr. Eddie Panlilio said the white spots on his face,

hands and feet should not be a cause for worry.Vitiligo, or the partial loss of pigment, was how his doctors called his skin disorder.

Its also called the Michael Jackson Disease.

It is not contagious, so our constituents need not fear coming near me or shaking my hands, said the 56-year-old Catholic priest on


Vitiligo is not a life-threatening ailment, according to Panlilio, and is not serious enough to stop him from doing his duties as a public

official until June 2010. He is the first priest to be elected governor in Pampanga in 96 years, capitol records showed.

It has not affected my bodys vital organs, he said.

The white spots first appeared on his forehead in 2003 when he was in his fourth year of assignment at the St. James Parish in Betis,


The doctors said it could be hereditary or caused by a virus from the environment or due to tension, Panlilio said.

His mother’s cousin had the same skin problem, he said.

A different look

When the de-coloration spread around his lips and below the cheeks, he said he started feeling insecure.

Menaliwa ku itsura (There was a change in the way I look), said Panlilio. His closest bradz (brother-priests) swore he was handsome

during his younger years in the ministry.

The cure to his skin disorder, he said, was taxing.

I was made to go under the sun for 30 minutes between six and nine in the morning, apply (medicated) lotion then go under the sun

again for another 30 minutes, he said.

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But he gave up, saying, How can I do this with all the activities in the parish?

No time to brood

Guagua is a town of more than 100,000 people who are mostly Catholics. Aside from attending to their spiritual needs through the

celebration of the sacraments, Panlilio organized basic ecclesiastical communities and spent more time organizing the youth.

The church also draws tourists, being one of 10 churches in the country declared as national treasures.

Built in the early 1700s, the church in Guagua was repaired several times throughout the 1800s.

The retablo (main alter) has ornate carvings and images of saints. The paintings on the ceiling have been compared to those in the

Sistine Chapel in the Vatican

Instead of brooding about his looks, Panlilio said, I just accepted it.


But then, the white spots also drew the attention of some people, who gave him curious stares. At one point, he went to see Geli

Jingco, a parishioner in her late 20s who also has the same skin disorder.

She counseled me. Geli said I should not be bothered by it. That girl has lots of self-confidence, Panlilio said.

He is not bothered anymore because when youre older, substance, not physical appearance, should be the real worth of a person,

he said. It does not mean anything to me anymore.

During the electoral campaign, however, his critics made an issue of his skin disorder. A flyer claimed it was a manifestation of HIV

(Human Immunodeficiency Virus), which causes the dreaded AIDS. He could not tell which of his rivals spread that false information.

During the motorcades in 20 towns and in this city, his doctor sprayed his extremities with a medicated lotion to protect him from

the harsh sun.

By his doctors reckoning, Panlilios health is OK.

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Loads of laughter

This was not the case before he threw himself into the race in response to the clamor of Catholic lay people, who pushed him to run

because they wanted an alternative to then reelectionist Gov. Mark Lapid and Pampanga Board Member Lilia Pineda.

In March just before the race, his uric acid was over the limit and his cholesterol level shot up to 286.

He has since lost 20 pounds from the hustings and now packs 192 pounds in his 5-foot-11-and-a-half frame.

Panlilio plans to resume playing tennis to keep fit. He rates his proficiency in the game as AB. In his vocabulary, that means always


Panlilio also misses playing basketball with the young men in Betis. But he has loads of laughter, which his doctors call the best


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Eyitayo said:

) I love this site!

We don’t only discuss what we have in common , but also make one another happy!

I wish we could all have a time to sit together and have more fun!

Can we also bring more jokes in , i’ve got loads of ‘em!:)).# 16 June 2008 at 1:40 am

Zdenek said:

NOVITIL – Hi guys, please do have any experience with this product ? Does it work ?

Please let me know. Thanks a lot# 21 August 2008 at 5:30 am

Eyitayo said:

Hi guys , how do i get NOVITIL , so i could try that too!

# 22 August 2008 at 4:11 am

samara said:

im a mother of a 5yr. old girl whos just been diagnosed with vitiligo.does anyone know of any support,or discussion groups for her

age group?# 7 September 2008 at 11:50 pm

Eyitayo said:

Dear Samara , i don’t know of any , but you could start one for her yourself. Show her lots of love and make sure you get the proper

nutrition for her!

And make sure you also visit her doctor constantly.

Regards.:)# 8 September 2008 at 12:41 am

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Nathalie Pelletier (author) said:

Hi Samara,

I started the ‘vitiligo friends’ area as a support/discussion area for us. There is another member on it with a young daughter who has

just been diagnosed with vitiligo, perhaps the two of you can exchange ideas and thoughts. You can talk with her @


nathalie# 8 September 2008 at 8:08 pm

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The Instant Vitiligo Cure: Your Shining Personality 16 June 2008 71 Comments

I wish I could share with you each of the emails that I receive from people with vitiligo, just so you could see that others feel the

same way that you do at times about having patchy skin. I can’t though because sometimes a soul is bared through the writings and

unless the emailer asks me to publish it, I will not.

I can, however, share the gist of many of the messages: sometimes the writer is just too self-conscious or embarrassed about having

vitiligo that they don’t do many things that they want to do or need to accomplish, to have a fulfilling life.

For those of us who have a light complexion, living with vitiligo may be a little bit easier than those who have a dark complexion.

That may sound like a “duh” statement, but the truth is that ones self-image/ self-esteem has a lot to do with how one will deal with

anything that makes them physically different from the majority of people. So it goes without saying that someone with dark skin

and a positive self-image may be totally comfortable with having vitiligo; whereas, a light-skinned person with vitiligo and low-self

esteem, may not fare as well.

Why does having vitiligo bother me so much?

Social conditioning and personal experiences are large factors of our negative perception of having vitiligo. Have you ever seen

someone with vitiligo on a magazine cover, a t.v. show, or in a movie? I don’t recall that I have. Frankly, anything that differs from

the norm can make you feel atypical in either a positive or negative manner.

If one chooses to dye their hair with purple streaks, they feel good because it is an expression of their individuality. When someone

puts tattoos all over their body, they too are expressing themselves. The only difference in our ‘vitiligo’ individuality and a tattoo, is

that we didn’t choose this form which makes us stand out.

But do we really stand out in a negative way?

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Most days before leaving my house I make sure to put on makeup to cover the vitiligo on my forehead and hands. But, there are

days…many of them…that I just can’t be bothered. Oh, I’m still self-conscious about it while I am out, but I’m just not that worried

about it, and that is a good thing.

For instance, Saturday I went to Borders to relax with a coffee and read a few gossip magazines. Once I had my fill of reading which

celebrities are in rehab and who is dating who (or is that ‘whom’), I went to peruse the books. While standing in the psychology

section, I struck up a conversation with the woman next to me. We had a delightful time talking about synchronicities in life and

what they might mean. In the end we exchanged email addresses and I gave her the web addresses to my 2 websites:

vitiligocover.com and sculptmagazine.com.

She emailed me later that afternoon saying that she enjoyed our conversation. She also told me that she had visited my websites

and wondered if I had vitiligo because she didn’t notice it on me. Imagine my surprise; I had not bothered with putting on makeup

before venturing out that morning so why didn’t she notice the vitiligo?

I will keep repeating this until it is in our collective psyche

She didn’t consciously notice my vitiligo because she was focused on our conversation which resulted from both of our personalities.

When speaking with her, I was not ‘Nathalie, the girl with vitiligo’, I was just me; a confident woman who loves to talk and to make

people laugh.

This is the message I send back to anyone who emails telling me that they are unhappy living a self-imposed exile because of their


You are a beautiful person, inside and out. Let your personality shine and your vitiligo will either go unnoticed or it will be seen as

beauty marks by those near you. That is not an empty promise…it’s the truth.

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Kristin said:

Hey, my name is Kristin I am 16 and I have had vitligo ever sense I was like 4. The people around me say that I am very pretty. But I

cannot believe that. Everyone around me is use to my skin. But I will never be. Everyday I look up things to cover or remove some of

my vitligo online and show them to my father who says he is not wasting his money on something that will not work. I pray

everynight that I will just wake up and it will be gone. I would die to be normal for one week.# 4 October 2007 at 11:45 am

Nathalie Pelletier (author) said:

Hiya Kristen!

I know just what you mean. People tell me that they think I am pretty, but there are days that I feel like the vitiligo looks so obvious

and I couldn’t possibly look pretty.

We’re very lucky that there are plenty of reasonably priced sunless tanning lotions and sprays on the market. Have you tried them?

When I use them the vitiligo is barely noticeable. My favorites are the Banana Boat lotion for dark skin (for my body and face) and

the Sally Hansen spray (it says for legs but I use it on my hands. Also, have you tried taking supplements and tanning either outside

or at a tanning salon? All the very best to you!!

Nathalie # 5 October 2007 at 12:36 pm

vaandi said:

Go for Excimer laser. it really works.# 14 October 2007 at 4:31 am

Christina said:

Confidence and personality reigns!

I currently have a crush on a guy with vitiligo. He has a wonderful personality and very confident. Frankly, I would see him in the

same way with or without this condition. He’s hot!# 15 April 2008 at 4:05 am

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Dulce said:

I have had vitiligo since I can remember. It stared on my leg my mom said. I have patches on my neck, eye lids, under arms, and a

really cool patch on my left arm. My husband and I always trace it and it looks like a county. I thinks its really depends on your

personality and confidence. I think since I grew up having it it really does not bother me. I have a spot on my right leg 6 in (vertical)

by 2in and when I where dresses out I get told my birth mark is really sexy, so there you go, learn to love it!# 13 May 2008 at 10:15


Eyitayo said:

Hi dulce, yours are few inches , but what do you wanna say about those that have it on their on vertical half of their body!

And what was your husbands reaction when he saw it the day you guys met?# 18 June 2008 at 3:02 am

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Russell said:

Hi guys,it is so true try to relax stop stressing and what people think.Iam trying that and is starting to so good signs.Most of the guys

are lucky to only have vitiligo.I have psirisis and vitiligo can you imagine that 2 blows.I try to think positively and know there will be

medical cure soon.# 18 June 2008 at 4:13 am

Eyitayo said:

Thanks so much RUSSELL .I pray we get a cure soonest , i can’t wait myself!

)# 18 June 2008 at 6:34 am

ad said:

Nathalie ~ Thanks for this article. I have reference for what you have experienced also. And when people say they don’t notice I

always feel that they are sparing my feelings and make them swear they are not lying. They always seem so surprised by my

questioning. I go without makeup on my hands lots of times because it’s such a huge problem and my time is spent looking if my

makeup is coming off. I resent having to put so much effort on my hands, you know? HERE IS WHAT I WANT TO KNOW:

I have written you before about your product wanting to know if it covers brown skin as well as white skin. Is it waterproof as in

going swimming and how do I order it.# 19 June 2008 at 6:18 pm

Nathalie Pelletier (author) said:

Hi Ad,

For me, dealing with my vitiligo during the summer months is the most trying. I have a fair complexion, but I tan very easily which

makes the white patches more obvious and consequently, I am more self-conscious about my looks.

My xtrac laser treatments are working, but even the new freckled areas are tanning. I seem to be in a phase where it has to look

worse in the process to be completely better.

I’ve use the vitiligo cover lotion to blend in all of the areas, and it works wonderfully. Fortunately, the color does not come off with

water, but the chlorine in pools does shorten the life of the “tan”, so i reapply it a couple of times a week rather than just once.

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The trick to making the cover lotion work for any skin type is using the product on your “normal skin” as well as the white

patches…otherwise there will be an obvious line where the new color ends.

I hope this answers your question…if not, shoot me an email.

all the best


# 21 June 2008 at 11:16 am

Miguel said:

This is a great website. My vitiligo started when I was 29yrs and I am 44 yrs old now. I have had it on my hands and feet but lately it

is starting on my chin, elbows and knees I guess started due to stress at work . It does not bother me as much, I guess because I have

a loving and supportive wife and 2 wonderful boys. There are times though it bothers me. I even told my wife maybe I should get

some concealer for my chin, she said what for. Any suggestions?# 23 June 2008 at 5:17 pm

Nathalie Pelletier (author) said:

Hi Miguel

Im glad you like this site! Have you tried taking vitamin b12, folic acid, and sitting in the sun? Also, a cover lotion applied on your

face will blend the white patches with your pigmented areas.

all the best,

nathalie# 23 June 2008 at 11:24 pm

Rajpal said:

hi my names rajpal and i suffer from vitiligo……does vitiligocover really cover vitiligo up?# 24 June 2008 at 4:13 am

suz said:

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hey guys,

I used to use self tanner lotion all the time to help cover the spots- but recently the vitiligo patches stopped taking any color from

the lotion. I had also just started using topical corticosteroid cream …I’m wondering if there was a connection?? I’ve stopped the

cortisone for about a week now but still the tanning cream will not work. Has this ever happened to anyone?# 28 June 2008 at 4:44


Irshad said:

The number of people affected by vitiligo disorder ranges from 40-50 million. It forms about 1 to 2% of people in the world. 2 to 5

million people have the disorder in the United States alone.

Vitiligo affects all races and both sexes equally and ninety-five percent of its victims are below the age of 40.

These are some stats about vitiligo ,check these and your not alone with vitiligo.

Dont be depressed due to your appearence, vitiligo is today a common skin condition in every society.# 18 July 2008 at 4:35 am

Alex said:

Hey guys,

I’m 16 years old and have had vitiligo since i was a year of age. I’ve seen worse but i do have it bad, its pretty much everywhere

except noticeable parts of my face. I haven’t taken any supplements or did that UVB tanning thing, but i have noticed over the years

that in the summer, when i swim with sun block, the patches that do get sunlight improve and my normal skin doesn’t freckle.# 4

August 2008 at 12:36 pm

ezekeil said:

hi guys thank you for yours comments about this illness it comes to happens that I am a vitligo victim too and this is an every day

fight against this antagonist feeling.-I recommend you to convert the negative defect into a personal attribution by beeing a better

person ourselves. thanks# 8 August 2008 at 12:06 am

karl said:

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im a 23 y/o male,and i am starting to have the signs of vitiligo..i just want to ask is heliocare that effective?what about PUVA?# 8

August 2008 at 8:46 am

Nathalie Pelletier (author) said:

hi karl, i’ve never taken Heliocare, but maybe others who visit this site will give you an opinion. For info about PUVA go to:


Nathalie Pelletier (author) said:

cheers ezekeil…great advice! it’s difficult to do sometimes, but in the end, it’s the best way to handle any issue life throws at you.all

the best

nathalie# 9 August 2008 at 9:36 am

Zdenek said:

Hi everybody,

my doctor just offered me a light treatment using RED light. Please, does anybody have any experience with it or heard about it?

Thanks# 19 August 2008 at 2:43 am

karl said:

ive watchd a video from youtube of lee thomas and a youtube subscrber named makeupmakesmehappy…

dey wer so BRAVE and have many things and tips dat can help us open our minds!it gave me a boost just watching lee thomas!his

my hero now!hahaha!

hey nathalie i just wanna ask,wat did heliocare do for u?did it helped?wat does it do?my dermtolgst said its the recent tx dat is being

used,ds sept i’l be taking dem,can u enlightn me on this..coz im reallt at a loss..can any1 help me?tnx!!# 20 August 2008 at 12:02 pm

karl said:

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tx means treatment..sorry im a fresh nursing grad.force of habbit,im from the philippines..dey said heliocare is d new tx being used

in the market?

btw.im using a maybeline foundation and lacome make up to cover my patches!and its very time consuming to make the color

even..etc etc..,first i put a sps45 coppertone sunscreens,then foundation,then the makeup(its my girlfrnd’s)

du u guys use any cosmetic products dat is less time consuming?and preferbly non comodogenic..tnx tnx tnx!# 20 August 2008 at

12:25 pm

Zdenek said:

NOVITIL – Hi guys, please do have any experience with this product ? Does it work ?Please let me know. Thanks a lot# 21 August

2008 at 5:31 am

Shook said:

For those who aren’t black and have vitiligo be grateful.. Especially if you don’t have any on your face… If I didn’t have any on my

face I couldn’t care less about it…. It seems it’s getting darker slowly or I’m just getting whiter, but I doubt I’m getting whiter. It’s

true everybody is always self conscious about it, but you eventually forget about it… If I woke up one day with no vitiligo on I must

say life would me MUCH different… Oh well…. f they came up with cure that would be sooooooo sick.# 19 October 2008 at 11:18 pm

Eyitayo said:

Shook ,Although am light complexioned and have none on my face , i don’t still feel cool about it or do you?# 20 October 2008 at

6:26 am

Different said:

I have had vitiligo for more than 10 years now, always trying to leave a normal life but now I’m 33 years old feels like the burden,

and sadness is just increasing. For the first time I cried with lot of pain inside don’t know why, fell like I live in my own world where

no one understand except me…or I don’t but still have hope…# 12 November 2008 at 5:33 am

Eyitayo said:

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Don’t cry. Even if no one understands we all do here.

Or what does everyone here think?

Have a great day! # 12 November 2008 at 8:54 am

Nathalie Pelletier (author) said:

I agree with Eyitayo, we who have vitiligo know exactly what you’re going through because we live with it everyday, too. Any time

you need to feel that you’re not alone, just leave a comment here and someone will be there for you. or join the vitiligo community I

set up because it has live chat available.

One thing more, sometimes crying is a great way to relieve the pressure and anxiety we feel, and this a very good thing. Just

remember to always do your best to stay positive about your life!# 12 November 2008 at 10:04 am

Miguel said:

I know how you feel. Hang in there. I know on some days it gets you down but it will get better. The best way to overcome it is to

educate people around you. Like Natalie said stay positive it really helps.# 12 November 2008 at 10:19 pm

Eyitayo said:

Hi Nathalie, how do i access the online chat feature ?

Am hearing it for the first time.# 13 November 2008 at 12:43 am

Nathalie Pelletier (author) said:

Hi Eyitayo, The chat is available in the Vitiligo Support Group section (link @ top of this page) or http://vitiligofriends.ning.com/

Just sign up and you can talk with any members who are signed in.

I’m going to see if i can get one for this site too. cheers,nathalie # 13 November 2008 at 3:12 pm

Duckaluk said:

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Hey there,

My name is Wally and I have Vitiligo, Alopecia Areata and a sun allergy. It is really stressful for me as my hair is all patchy right now,

and when it grows back the hair will be white and stay white, and I have a huge vitiligo patch on the back of my head where I

sunburned last spring, and I am native american so I have pretty dark skin.

I went to a dermatologist and he basically told me I have to learn to live with this. he gave me all the statistics and said that since I

am allergic to the sun, (burning makes me get new patches), that uv therapy is not a viable option for me. He’s never even heard of

piperine and treated me like I was stupid or something for even mentioning it.

I work as a driller in an underground diamond mine and there are 500 people on site at any one time. I can’t stand being stared at

but I have to work. People are always asking me “what’s up with your head, because it looks really really messed up. And this in turn

makes me stressed out. I have noticed several new patches on my legs. And this is stressing me out as well. I feel like I’m drowning in

stress, and the only advice the dermatologist gave me was, “try not to get stressed”

I have made a lot of friends on site, because I try to not let it affect the way I interact with people, and it is true that the more they

get to know you, the less they notice, but it is still very hard to deal with this.

I just wish i would wake up and look the way i used to. I used to be handsome.# 15 November 2008 at 7:16 am

Nathalie Pelletier (author) said:

Hi Wally,

Well, there is so much to say…

Most Doctors and Dermatologists have absolutely no ability to relate to their patients. It’s funny; math is a prerequisite to graduate

with an art degree, and public speaking classes are required for a business degree, so why don’t doctors have to have a class or two

in patient relations? I have found that with cases such as vitiligo, where there is not a lot of information known, doctors tend to deal

with it from an insecure standpoint by belittling the patient rather than just show concern and helpfulness.

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People never seize to amaze me with their inability to filter their thoughts before they speak. Before you let their words touch you

so profoundly, consider the source.

I think it’s wonderful that you’ve made so many friends…that’s what life is all about; focus on the good and do your best to let the

negativity pass right though you. It sounds like you’ve got that already figured out.

Stress- everyone has it, but each deals with it differently. What may be a major stressor for me, could be just a bump in the day for

you. Unfortunately, stress is a major trigger for the skin conditions you have, so maybe focusing on learning and implementing ways

to deal with stress as it arises would be key to curing, or at the very least minimizing, your symptoms. Please go back and read some

of my blogs on NLP (neuro linguistic programming). Basically, NLP uses tried-and-true methods to retain your brain…it teaches us

how to change our perception of any given situation so that we can better handle the stress of it. My next few blogs will include a

few methods that you can try.

I had a boyfriend who had alopecia areata. he shaved his head so the spots wouldn’t be noticeable. One day after talking about it, he

decided to let his hair grow out and see what happened. It came back with a few bald patches, then those areas sprouted white

hairs. do you know what we did to make him feel better? We used hair coloring to cover the white and the results were brilliant. In

fact, the new hairs coming in after that were his natural brown. Perhaps because he saw what he liked when he looked in the mirror,

his stress went down, and the process reversed.

You’re job sounds very interesting…diamond driller, pretty cool…and it definitely keeps you out of the sun all day, yeah?

lol, i’ve probably gone on far too long…take good care of yourself, wally. and write back any time.all the best,nathalie # 15

November 2008 at 9:04 pm

Eyitayo said:

Great Nathalie.

Don’t worry, be happy , Wally!

:D:D# 18 November 2008 at 5:52 am

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Terri said:

I agree I wish we all could wake up and all our white spots be gone…. I went on a field trip with my daughter yesterday and this kid

yelled out “YOUR HANDS ARE WHITE” I know he is just a kid and doesn’t know better, but it was very hard not to break down and

cry right there. Thanks for this web site Nathalie:) it does help to know we are not alone# 19 November 2008 at 1:43 pm

Nathalie Pelletier (author) said:

Hi terri,

I’m glad you like the site…it’s a great pleasure for me to do.

Next time someone-no matter their age- has a comment about vitiligo, make yourself the educator and it will give you power.

once on thanksgiving, my step-sisters daughter who was 4, pointed to my hand and said ‘what is that on your hand?’ her dad

immediately jumped in and said, ‘honey, don’t ask questions like that.’ I in turn said, ‘no, it’s a great question. she would like to

know…’ then i continued to tell her about vitiligo-the short version, of course. when i was finished, she shrugged her shoulders,

smiled, and said, ‘ohhhh, okay.’ then she played with the ring on my finger.

the way i figure it, there are two choices…shy away out of shame, or stand up and tell it like it is because there is nothing wrong or

weird about vitiligo.

big hugs


# 19 November 2008 at 8:22 pm

Eyitayo said:

I used ti shy away out of shame , but hence forth!

I’ll be standing up and telling it like really is!

Thanks for the inspiring motivation.# 20 November 2008 at 4:12 am

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Terri said:

Thanks Nathalie:)# 20 November 2008 at 4:46 pm

Nathalie Pelletier (author) said:

my pleasure, terri # 20 November 2008 at 4:52 pm

Nathalie Pelletier (author) said:

Love your enthusiasm, Eyitayo…I bet you can’t wait for the next person to ask you, “what’s that on your hand?”# 20 November 2008

at 4:54 pm

Eyitayo said:

You Bet!!# 26 November 2008 at 1:01 am

bothered said:

Thanks for all the encouragement. I would love to know if Novitil is a realable product. Do you know anyone who had sucsess with it.

Is it very expensive? regards esther.# 10 December 2008 at 12:43 am

bothered said:

Thanks for the encouragement. Could you tell me if anyone used Novitil. Do you think its worth trying. Is it very expensive? regards

esther.# 10 December 2008 at 12:47 am

KARL said:

hey wally..i tried some make up and some foundation to cover up some of my patches..i use sun screen first then the foundation and

make up..hmmm only a few of my close friends know abt my disease..i guess im not yet prepared to fully disclose my

disease…hmmmm…abt stress managemnt..its really hard at first..but reading some of the post here,it kinda inspired me..it tells me

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that im not alone..kinda like the song of sting “message in a bottle” its nice to know that wer not alone..# 17 December 2008 at 9:44


Nathalie Pelletier (author) said:

Hi Karl

You’re def not alone and I am so glad that this site has helped even a little in knowing that. Your words have inspired me to write a

blog on just that.# 17 December 2008 at 2:06 pm

KARL said:

hey guys ive been using HELIOCARE for about a week now…the commercial price here in the philippines is 3000pesos..but my

doctor(my moms friend) gave us a discount of so its P2500..

she told me to take two capsules every morning of the day for 2 months then after that 1 capsule per day as a maintainance dose

she told me that this product has been available around 2007,wer she had a conference..but did not yet recommended to us at that

time because she is afraid that it wont work and its too costly,and thought it would be a waste of time… but a year has

passed…some of her colleagues told her that a dramatic change have come to those people using HELIOcaRE…

SA LAST jan3 she recommended it to me..assuring me that its the real deal..so i take the capsules,together with a topical

corticosteriod cream and OIL of bergamot..im also applying a SPF50 coppertone sunblock on my skin..everyday!even when im at

home cause she told me that ITS NOT ONLY the SUN that triggers..as well as the LIGHTS,TV,COMPUTER can give off RADIATION that

is bad for us!

and also avoid smoking,some perfumes and insect repelants,dishwashing soaps..etc as some can contain this CHEMICAL CALLED

PHENOL that is really the CULPRIT that triggers the disease!

i guess results will be seen after 2 months..

and i’ll just update you guys!hope that this is the cure that we’ve all been waiting for!!HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!!!and our nursing

board exam is over!hopefully i can pass! # 12 January 2009 at 10:10 am

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sha said:

I have had vitiligo for 21 yrs since the age of 8,it is very extensive+my whole body was affected…initially it was difficult especially

growing up, I hated myself and wished I was dead and hey I also had the wish that one day I would wake up and it would all go away

but suprise,suprise it never did..so what did I do?..I decided I wouldn’t let it get the better of me..up until the age of 18…I didn’t

wear makeup..I had a dark complexion..so yeah it was v.noticeable..people would laugh+stare+point..yeah it was hard i won’t deny

it but I had to go out there+live my life i couln’t stay in+be cooped up in the house..so from the age of 8 my mum would encourage

me to enage in social activities+go out there..+live life like any other human being…+ i’m glad that I have..I realised that I had to

work a little bit harder for people to give me a chance to get to know me + to see beyond my vitiligo+that they did…they saw me..my

personality+my infectious sense of humour..people liked me for who i was+not what i looked like+that’s the way it should be…a

person can look completely beautiful/handsome but if they are horrible within or have no substance who wants to know them..no

one..BEAUTY LIES WITHIN..and if some1 doesn’t like u for who u are..then they are NOT worth knowing…I am proud to say despite

my vitiligo the opposite sex has always found me attractive+they found the fact that i was out there attractive also…i then started

wearing makeup to cover up+my life completely changed..i was getting attention like i wouldn’t believe..i can’t deny it has been a

difficult haul but here i am 20 yrs later, now a doctor and happily married with loads of friends..i am happy to say that i haven’t let

the vitiligo ruin my life+ i don’t want it to ruin any of your lives either..yes it gets u down..it still does for me from time to time..but

lets live with it..find solutions to work with the problem..+not let it get the better of u…there are treatments/camouflage options

etc…find out what is out there+waste no time…we are normal..we just look different…ur life is waiting to be lived..so live it…u

deserve to…and remember BEAUTY LIES IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER !!!# 21 January 2009 at 8:09 pm

Nathalie Pelletier (author) said:

@ Sha,beautiful and inspiring story! thanks for sharing it!# 21 January 2009 at 9:10 pm

sha said:

i have just found this site..Nathalie how can i get hold of your book?…# 21 January 2009 at 9:35 pm

Badmanjj said:

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Sha — Thanks for the post!! My son (age 11) was recently diagnosed with Vitiligo; therefore, I’m new to the community. I have to

share this with my son. Thanks again!!# 28 January 2009 at 8:27 am

Russell said:

Hi guys it has been a while since since my last chat with you guys.I think things are going well with my vitiligo no new spots.# 16

March 2009 at 1:24 am

Cara said:

Hi! My name’s Cara and I’m 22 years old. I’ve had vitiligo since I was 10. I think what triggered this disease was when my mother had

passed away. Everything just seemed to go downhill. I couldn’t stand to look at myself in the mirror, sometimes I still can’t. I’m even

currently looking for a 2nd job part time, but it’s so hard because most places want you to wear short sleeves… Throughout my teen

years I’ve experimented with different cosmetic products to cover up this disorder. The cover cream usually last a little over a month

before I have to buy another one, the leg and body cover lasts a really long time since I only use it on my hands… probably about 5-6

months I’d say. Wearing this make-up boosts my confidence a lot, but it’s kinda digging a hole in my pocket along with all the bills I

have to pay… any 2nd part time job suggestions?# 5 May 2009 at 9:01 am

Badmanjj said:


Hello All!!

It’s been a while since I’ve been back to this site. I took my son to the Dermatologist on the day of my last post. I must tell you that I

was very pessimistic concerning the prescribed treatment. However, 5 months later, we’re seeing results. My son’s doctor put him

on Protopic, when we first started using the cream my wife and i thought that his condition was getting worst, but we decided to

stay with it. The spot my son had under his eye and on his elbow are gone. The one on his back looks like it will be gone in a month

or two. I will say that the spots on his feet don’t seem to be responding as well to the treatment, BUT, I’m dealing with a 12 year old

boy who forgets to put deodorant on (I need to start a blog on that ), so it’s very possible that he wasn’t being as consistent with

applying the medicine to this area.# 7 May 2009 at 6:20 am

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Darren said:

Hi iv got a mild condition of vitiligo but its starting on my face and thats my greatest fear what can i do to get that problem

resolved?pls can i get a few coments on that…..# 4 June 2009 at 8:05 am

VEN said:

Hello Badmanjj,

In my experience the spots on legs where there is little hair present will take too long to cure and may not cure at all and I tried all

the medicines… but as he is only 12 years I think he has a better chance of cure than conditions like me who had vitiligo for around

27 years…Good luck to you and your son.Regards# 4 June 2009 at 8:56 am

K said:

Hello has anyone tried products from skintech in south Florida? the guy who I talked to claimed he has reputation for more than 30

yrs and he has patients from all over the world. thanks, Also I asked several time about laser treatment or other surgery, please I

would really appreciate if anyone has gone through any of these procedures. Furthermore because my vitiligo is kind of stable, I am

thinking tattooing the white spots to match my skin? any thoughts or idea please…# 8 June 2009 at 12:31 pm

aniram said:

hi, everybody ! i am 41, female.They say i am pretty.And I know I am. I just wish I could walk on the beach or pool without feeling

the stares of people with normal skin. I am nervous of dating new people. i hate to tell them that i dont do outdoor activities . Other

than that I m glad it is not lifethreatening disorder. And people say they didn’t notice my skin disorder because of my cheerful

personality.I m still looking forward to cure. there so many websites right now on internet promising garanteed results …. I just wish

to know real people behind their testimonials ! Can they be trusted ?# 11 June 2009 at 11:29 pm

Claire said:

Hi,I am 25 and ive had spots for 7-8 years now and thay are very slowly spreading all over my torso. I am lucky….i guess to be fair

skined and not to have it on my arms, hands or face..YET! I just cant help thinking it is inevitable and it gets me down sooo much. I

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have a supportive family and the best boyfriend but still lack self esteem and would rather cover up and hide from it. I even have a

hard time looking at my body in the mirror and would do anything to avoid such a situation. I try telling myself to wise up if I cant

love me…who will?! I also get cross with myself and say its not life threatening and could be so much worse. I feel bad reading the

positive statements on here and that I am letting fellow sufferers down…the resentment about having it will just always be there# 1

July 2009 at 9:21 am

Mary said:

I’m 52 and had Vitiligo since my divorce in 1983. It started on my torso. I never was self-conscious until I stopped working and then I

had more time to focus on it. Keep busy! Live your life! I went to 2 dermatologists here and both refused to do a biopsy. One was

actually kind of mean to me, telling me I’m just wired up that way. It could also be tinea versacolor, which was confirmed on parts of

my body. I think vitiligo is connected to a congested or scarred liver. Most of the women here who have it also have hypothyroidism.

I read that juice diets 3-5 days help a lot. Also, I try things but don’t stay with it. I really don’t care anymore. I was at a party last night

and the hostess told me I had beautiful skin (on my face). Luckily, my face is still uniform. They have a product here called Tanning

Towels which are like tanning wipes. They work great. I used them on my legs last summer.# 5 July 2009 at 7:41 pm

Veronica said:

Hi I’m 41. I developed vitiligo when I was in my early 30’s. I have never allowed it to stop me from enjoying my outdoor activities. I

got married to a very handsome man and we have a beautiful 2 year old daughter. My husband loves me for who I am. I am a self-

confident woman who did not allow vitiligo to get in her way of enjoying life. The way I see it is: It’s cosmetic and since I don’t make

a big deal about it, neither do people who I meet. I go out, wear bathing suits, go kayaking, horse back riding, I participate in

marathons, etc. I NEVER cover it, ever.

The other day a little boy asked me. “Why is your skin like that?” (referring to my hands) I said: “Because it is.” He said, “OK” and

went on to playing again. I didn’t make a big deal about it.

I have SO much to be thankful for. It’s not cancer, it’s not deadly and it has made me a better person.# 8 July 2009 at 11:32 pm

bob said:

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Does vitiligocover works for people like me with brown skin?

Please let me know as i am using colortration now and I have to apply it every day and it ruins my cloths every day as it rubs off

easily.# 12 July 2009 at 5:18 am

Mona said:


i have had vitiligo for abour fifteen years. I have very little patches on my hands and feet and on my eyes. I use dermablend to cover

it, no one notices my vitiligo. Even though it bothers me from time to time, I feel lucky that i have little of it. Also, i am taking

medication to get cured of it, ayurvedic herbal medicine, and am hoping i will be cent percent cured one day. Stress and worry only

makes it worse, so remember to stay motivated and do whatever you can to get cured!And it’s nothing to be embarassed of, it’s

only skin.# 9 August 2009 at 5:22 pm

kavitha said:

Hi Natahlie,

I have been havng vitiligo since 10 yrs its very embarassing the way society look at me….am very happy dat i got married to a person

who really loves me…..he got married to me inspite of knowing i hd vitiligo…dat he fought with my parents and got married…am so

happy dat god is ther 4 me…now i have been blessed with a baby boy…but am lill scared….is vitiligo heredity?# 19 November 2009 at

4:56 am

kavitha said:

hi, will this really work out if i apply.vitiligo cover lotion…cos am in a position were i cant tie saree at all…cos its on my neck……can i

use this lotion how it works…….can u pls brief abt this.pls…and i dont know sumtymes i feel like hanging my self…dats i dont know y

god is created this disease# 19 November 2009 at 4:59 am

Minulita said:

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I will tell you how it started, i found a guy 8 months ago from another country was so excited to talk to him everyday soon fell in love

and short after he wanted to marry me, so i was the happiest person in the world bc he is really good man. but short after that ONE







TERRIBLE SPECIALLY ON FACE# 29 November 2009 at 1:07 pm

kavitha said:

Hi,AM kavitha……can anyone give me clear picture on vitaminb12 and folic acid are these medicines r wat it is were do we get?

am fed up of taking any treatment cos i don’t thnk its worth….so can anyone pls update on targeted therapy cos one of da

dermatologist suggested me to take?# 1 December 2009 at 5:10 am

minulita said:

kavitha just go to pharmacy and ask them to give u 1mg folic acid and vitamin B12 0,5 mg do injection of vitamin B12 every day and

take one pill of folic acid every day inform me after 3 months about ur success i hope u will have it.# 4 December 2009 at 9:37 am

kavitha said:

Hi,Can any one give me more details abt these creams protopol and Genewize because this creams are very good it helps in

pigmentng very soon……and i have read dat many ppl are getting cured from vitiligo…………….pls can any1 update on da same# 26

December 2009 at 5:13 am

Andre' said:

Hi! I’m new here and this is difficult for me. I’m 42 and a fair skin black man, so inquiring about makeup is difficult . I noticed my

spots about 3 years ago. I was fine with it and it didn’t realy bother me . Well in the last three months the center of my face has

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turned white. Everywhere I go people look at me like I’m some freak, and it’s realy starting to bother me. I just want to cover the

spots on my face. I’m having a hard time dealing with the spots in my face, I need some help!# 10 February 2010 at 1:36 pm

SM said:

Hi Andre Sorry to hear that. Try Dermablend brand, although I’ve never used it I heard it’s great for covering vitiligo spots.

U can check Vitiligo Support International website and ning Vitiligo Friends if you need further support.# 10 February 2010 at 2:41


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Vitiligo Cells May Hold Cure For Melanoma 27 June 2008 3 Comments

People with vitiligo are always warned to stay out of sun because the depigmented skin is more susceptible to skin

cancer…unfortunately; the only method I have found that pigments my skin is the UVB rays from the sun or laser. Today I found an

article on the MedicalNewsToday.com website which may dispel this idea.

GammaCan Announces Positive Testing Results In The Development Of VitiGam(TM) For The Treatment Of Melanoma

10 Mar 2008

GammaCan International, Inc. (OTCBB: GCAN), a developer of proprietary immunotherapies for the treatment of melanoma and

other cancers, announced progress in its VitiGam development program. During the last several months, the Company has

completed a series of significant animal experiments confirming the effectiveness of IgG preparations derived from vitiligo donors

against melanoma cells. This is the basis for GammaCan’s lead product, VitiGam.In a number of human melanoma model

experiments, using SCID mice and the A375 human melanoma cell line, the Company demonstrated that vitiligo-derived IgG

preparations can prevent, in a statistically significant manner, the growth of subcutaneous melanomas (tumors). In these

experiments, IgG preparations derived from vitiligo donors were compared to a variety of other IgG preparations and also compared

to saline. These experiments further demonstrate that IgG preparations derived from vitiligo donors also achieved, in a highly

statistically significant manner, a reduction in the tumor size of small tumors.

Steven Katz, Chairman of the Board and President of GammaCan said, “Our data are highly encouraging in that they demonstrate,

for the first time, in human melanoma models, anti-melanoma activity from IgG preparations derived from vitiligo donors.” Mr. Katz

further commented that, “These positive results keep us on track to file our IND with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in the

near term.”

About GammaCan

GammaCan develops proprietary immunotherapy and related approaches to treat melanoma and other cancers. GammaCan’s

patented platform technology is based on the use of IgGs (gamma-immunoglobulins), a safe, relatively non-toxic human plasma-

derived product used to treat a variety of immune deficiencies and autoimmune diseases. In cancer, IgG-based therapies work by

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strengthening the patient’s immune system. Many experts currently view immunotherapy as a future alternative to chemotherapy.

The Company’s lead drug candidate, VitiGam targets Stage III and Stage IV melanoma for which no effective treatment currently

exists. In August 2007, VitiGam received Orphan Drug designation from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the

treatment of Stage IIB to Stage IV metastatic melanoma. For more information about GammaCan, visit http://www.GammaCan.com.

About VitiGam

VitiGam is a first-in-class IgG-based anti-cancer immunotherapy being developed for the treatment of Stage III and Stage IV

melanoma. GammaCan is planning to submit its Investigational New Drug Application (IND) for VitiGam to the FDA in the near

future. The Company expects to commence human clinical trials shortly thereafter. VitiGam is an IgG-based product manufactured

from the plasma of donors with Vitiligo, a benign skin condition affecting up to 2% of the general population. Studies have shown

that this “enriched” IgG formulation contains potent anti-melanoma activity. Based on these studies, GammaCan expects VitiGam to

provide specific anti-melanoma activity against melanoma cells, as well as non-specific anti-cancer activity.

About Melanoma

Melanoma is a deadly form of skin cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, melanoma accounts for approximately 4% of

all skin cancers but causes approximately 75% of all skin cancer-related deaths. An estimated 62,000 people were diagnosed with

and nearly 8,000 people died from melanoma in the U.S. alone in 2007. If rapidly diagnosed and surgically removed, early-stage

melanoma is usually curable. However, for patients with metastatic melanoma (Stage III and Stage IV), the prognosis is poor since no

effective treatment currently exists. These patients have a median survival time of 8.5 months and a 5-year survival rate of less than

10%. There has been little change in these results for in excess of 25 years. The incidence of melanoma has increased more rapidly

than any other cancer during the past 10 years. The last drug to treat patients with metastatic melanoma was approved by the FDA

over 30 years ago.

Safe Harbor Statement

Statements in this press release that are not purely historical are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements in this

press release include statements regarding: the commercialization of anti-cancer immunotherapies and the Company’s efforts to

develop therapies to boost the immune systems of cancer patients by the use of IgG-based therapy. Actual outcomes and the

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Company’s actual results could differ materially from those in such forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual

results to differ materially include risks and uncertainties such as the inability to finance the planned development of the

technology; the inability to hire appropriate staff to develop the technology; unforeseen technical difficulties in developing the

technology; the inability to obtain regulatory approval for human use; competitors’ therapies proving to be more effective, cheaper

or otherwise preferable for consumers; the inability to market a product; all of which could, among other things, delay or prevent

product release, as well as other factors expressed from time to time in GammaCan’s periodic filings with the Securities and

Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). As a result, this press release should be read in conjunction with GammaCan’s periodic filings

with the SEC, which are incorporated herein by reference. The forward-looking statements contained herein are made only as of the

date of this press release and GammaCan undertakes no obligation to publicly update such forward-looking statements to reflect

subsequent events or circumstances.

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SERMIN said:




JOHAN said:

I am a 56 year old man and I have suddenly discovered vitiligospots on my arms, hands and a bit in my face since 2 months. Reading

this article just gives me a positive feeling about this inconvenience. If its true then it has sense. Let’s hope for the people with

skincancer.# 19 June 2009 at 11:01 am

Dr. Selig said:

Hi, I work in a dermatology clinic—if you have a new onset vitiligo as a 56 year old man—you NEED to see a dermatologist. It can be

you immune system reacting to actually having a melanoma.# 31 July 2009 at 5:13 pm

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Vitiligo: Dealing With It from the Inside Out 26 August 2008 One Comment

Living with vitiligo can be tough, so it’s no wonder that we spend a lot of time searching for a cure or a method to cover the white

patches. However, neither one of these truly permanently deals with the deeper issue…our self-worth.

The terms self-worth and self-esteem are often used interchangeably, but I believe there is a significant difference between them.

Self-worth is having a proper sense of your true value as a person regardless of any external considerations or performance markers.

Self-worth involves introspection and honest self-evaluation, as well as an understanding of the basic value of all life, and especially

human life. Self-worth is always derived internally and is most concerned with the profundity of life and quality of character.

Self-esteem, on the other hand, is what we think of ourselves regardless of whether its true or not. More often than not, self-esteem

does not involve any real introspection. It is largely driven by external and subconscious influences. It’s more often based on

performance or appearance rather than character.

Self-worth is a much sturdier foundation to build our life upon than self-esteem. Self-worth is self-sustaining, while self-esteem can

be easily damaged if we have little or no underlying sense of self-worth. Self-esteem is more vulnerable to false pride and vanity. It is

less resilient to self-doubts and external attack because it shifts with both external influences and internal emotions and thoughts


Unfortunately, feeding our self-esteem is easier than developing our self-worth, and you know we humans like to take the path of

least resistance. We usually opt for the quick fix instead of the long-term investment.

This is not to say that self-esteem is a bad thing. Positive self-esteem allows us to feel good about ourselves on a superficial level,

and we live much of our day at that level. After all, we can’t walk around in deep thought and introspection all day long. But self-

worth is ever present in our character, while self-esteem is dependent on many variables.

So how do we develop our self-worth? Self-worth is largely developed through honest introspection and an understanding of our

spiritual nature, but there are several things we can become proactive at to boost both our self-worth and self-esteem. You’ve

probably already tried a few: trying to think good thoughts, reading motivational materials, helping others…etc.

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If you have found that these techniques didn’t have a deep, staying power on building your self-worth then you will want to try NLP,

Neuro-linguistic Programming.

I will explain NLP in my blog tomorrow. The reason that I am so excited to share this method with you is two-fold: First, it will help

build your self-worth so you will be able to live a full life by worrying less about how others view your vitiligo. And, since some

doctors and scientists have theorized that vitiligo is stress related, using NLP to de-stress your life may be just the cure we are

looking for…a way to reverse vitiligo from the inside out.

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One Comment

Eyitayo said:

Thanks for the post. It’s really being motivational .

Can’t wait for your blog on LNP.

Do you have problems with making friends ? if yes how to you feel or work such out , if no , good for you! and how do you go by

making lot of them?# 27 August 2008 at 12:52 am

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What Is NLP? 27 August 2008 One Comment

by Gemma Bailey

NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) was developed in the early 1970’s by Richard Bandler and John Grinder who studied excellence

within the field of therapy. Their main studies were of Milton Erickson (responsible for bringing hypnosis to the clinical world)

Virginia Satir (a family therapist) and Fritz Perls (founder of Gestalt therapy). Bandler and Grinder also drew upon the work of

linguistics, anthropologists and psychoanalysts

NLP is an art and a science. It is largely based on the idea that the sensory information around us is translated into thoughts and

ideas which affect our state, physiology and behaviour and therefore our results. The language we use also affects our experience

and the experience of others.

NLP tells us that we code or represent information to ourselves in certain ways and that we can represent this information

differently to produce better results. NLP empowers and help us to understand how others might be experiencing their world. In

short, it is an attitude of wanton curiosity, that uses strategies and techniques to consistently produce a specific and desired


NLP teaches us….

* how to use communication more effectively

* strategies for staying in a confident and motivated state

* the art of body language and maintaining rapport

* conflict resolution and negotiation

* methods for setting outcomes so that they can be easily achieved

* ways to create positive emotional states in others

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* techniques for modelling excellence

* the best approach to managing teams

* guiding principles when choosing personalities to work together within a team

* hypnotic language patterns and how to fire off a person’s “buying strategy”

* tactics to dissolve fears and phobias

* personal empowerment and resolution of emotional problems

10 steps to understanding yourself

1. Every second, it is estimated that your nervous system receives around 2 million bits of important sensory data about the events

that are happening around you. You interpret this information via your 5 senses, Visually (sight), Auditory (hearing), Kinaesthetic

(feeling & touch), Olfactory (smelling) and Gustatory (tasting).

2. Of course, we are not aware of 2 million things happening every second (because we’d go crazy!) so our mind filters the

information into about 7 bits. In order to filter 2 million bits into 7 bits it deletes some things, distorts and generalises.

3. Deletions are important because they stop us from being bombarded by information that isn’t relevant in the moment. For

example as you read this, you were probably not aware of your breathing until it was brought into your awareness. If a person is

depressed, they may be deleting happiness from their awareness, NLP uses a linguistic tool called the meta model which can

highlight the deletions a person is making.

4. Distortions, this is when we make things better or worse than they really are! People do not do this because they are deluded, but

because distortions allow us to create or transform information so it is compatible with our perceptions. This is the filter that a

fisherman uses when he claims that the 2½ ft fish he caught was about 4 ft long. When a person has a phobia they distort the

pictures they make in their mind, so that a spider becomes a man eating spider sitting on your face! The NLP Fast Phobia cure can

rapidly remove lifetime phobias.

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5. Generalisations help us to relate things we are learning to what we already know. It also prevents us from having to relearn

something every time we do it, such as riding a bike. Generalisations can be limiting. If a bad experience leaves us with negative

beliefs, it limits our world. For example, if someone had a bad experience at the dentist, they may have the belief that all dentists

are terrifying. The NLP belief change intervention will replace the disempowering belief with a more positive one.

6. Using the 7 bits of information that have filtered we recreate the outside event inside our mind. This is called an internal

representation. This mean that what we represent to ourselves inside our minds is never true to what is actually happening in the

event (because we have deleted bits, distorted bits and generalised bits). We all Delete, Distort and Generalise differently, so we all

have different experiences of life.

7. The things we create in our Internal Representation affect the way we feel. In NLP, we call this State.

8. Our State affects our Physiology (what we do with our bodies), this is why happy people have a much more upright posture, and

depressed people slouch downwards.

9. State, Physiology and Internal Representations are interlinked and affect each other. This is why lucky people seem to attract

more luck and unhappy people seem to attract more problems. We are designed to attract more of what we focus on.

10. Our State, Physiology and Internal Representations account for the behaviour we then exhibit which affects the results we get.

Good results or bad results, either way we get results, NLP just ensures you are getting excellent ones!

Now that you know a lot more about NLP, tomorrow I will talk about how it can be used specifically to reduce stress and, if vitiligo is

brought on by stressors, perhaps repigmentation can be achieved through practicing it.

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One Comment

Eyitayo said:


so………….encouraging!# 29 August 2008 at 3:18 am

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Piperine Research For Vitiligo 29 August 2008 2 Comments

To my great surprise, the blog i did on piperine a few months ago has been the most popular so far. Since it still generates a lot of

interest, i thought i would add more findings on the subject.

Here are links that may interest you…



A patent for a piperine product dating back to 1979


I will add more to this page as i find them.

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Dear All,

since im practising homeopathy since last 15 years and we have a remedy called piper methysticum made from pepper i think the

homeopathic remedy can be tried for vitiligo too looking at the reserach with pepper which is on going.# 23 April 2009 at 11:37 pm

Ben Wulfsohn said:

I am also a homeopath. There is a family of remedies ie. the Piperaceae which include a remedy called Piper nigrum which is made

from black pepper. I am sure if anyone has actually made a remedy from piperine itself.# 2 July 2009 at 7:46 am

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Magic Pills Do Not Exist; Not Even NLP Ones! 5 September 2008 No Comment

By Karen Hastings

As an NLP master practitioner who runs an NLP practice, I am one of the first to sing the praises of NLP as a therapy tool, as I believe

it can be a really effective instrument for change work, when used in the hands of a good NLP practitioner.

However, as an occupational therapist, and having worked in mainstream NHS mental-healthcare, I also believe that NLP at times

sends out a misleading vibe, which cannot be said of some of the more traditional therapies. By this I mean that NLP can give the

impression of being this magical therapy that will cure people in minutes, when years of psychotherapy, counselling, cognitive

behavioural therapy etc. has had little or no effect.

The result of this misconception about NLP, is that clients can turn up for a consultation at NLP, expecting the therapist to wave her

magic wand, with little or no effort on their part. Like all therapies, NLP relies heavily on the client’s commitment and motivation to

want to change.

A good therapist or NLP practitioner will want evidence of this commitment, in terms of the client being willing to engage fully in the

process, particularly spending initial therapy sessions learning the fundamental principles of NLP such as the major frames, the

communication model and presuppositions.

It is crucial for the client to buy into’ these principles such as the frame ‘being at cause’ and to fully understand the impact of the

way they filter life experiences on their state and behaviour, before any of the ‘magic’ can begin.

Unlike other therapies, NLP does have specific techniques such as the Fast Phobia Cure, Swish, Change Personal History and Parts

Integration that are rather glamorous. In my opinion, these techniques do work very well, only always when they are supplemented

by the more mundane psycho-educational work.

I recently had a highly agitated client turn up for a therapy consultation expecting that I could ‘do something’ immediately to help

him feel better. This client had experience of other more traditional therapies and my hunch is that he would not of expected the

same of his psychotherapist!

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NLP is not about a therapist doing a technique on a client that will solve all their problems in an instant. It is a highly effective

therapy that can lead to new options in thinking and behaviour when the client works alongside the therapist. Like other therapies

such as CBT, NLP strategies and any new positive behavioural and emotional habits require practice and hard work by the client.

So, if your looking for a quick fix, NLP isn’t it! And any practitioner that tells you otherwise is probably after your money. Don’t let

this put you off seeking NLP. It is very effective and if you want change in your life and are prepared to work towards it with the

therapists support, you will have change.


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Let’s Try NLP 9 September 2008 No Comment

Today I’ve attached a link to the audio for “Relaxing Inner Self for Healing”. I thought that this would be a great place to start since

we want to reduce the stress which may be a trigger to vitiligo. So, make sure you won’t be interrupted, get comfortable, and click

the link below.

Body Relaxation Induction and Relaxing Innerself For Healing Deepener

Remember, NLP works through repetition. You will need to listen to the audio a few times to experience results. Send me an email

to let me know how it worked for you.

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Pepper Compound Could Aid Millions With Vitiligo 11 September 2008 8 Comments

I’m including the following article today as a prelude to my next blog. Presently, I am conducting an interview with Dr. Amala

Soumyanath. She discovered that piperine, the alkaloid in black pepper responsible for its pungency, stimulated the proliferation of

melanocytes in cell cultures.

04/09/08 Portland, Ore.

OHSU and AdPharma, Inc. announce collaboration to develop promising topical agent for vitiligo, a skin

pigmentation disorder that afflicts as many as a 100 million people worldwide

Oregon Health & Science University has licensed a family of compounds derived from black pepper extract on

which it owns the patents to AdPharma, Inc. for potential pharmaceutical development. The compounds have

shown potential in animal studies to be effective in treating vitiligo, a skin pigmentation disorder.

Vitiligo, which afflicts an estimated 100 million people worldwide, is characterized by the loss of pigment in

affected areas of skin. It is the disease pop star Michael Jackson has publicly disclosed that he has. It is neither life-threatening nor

contagious. But the sometimes unsightly white patches it causes produce emotional distress for many and often lead to social

ostracism because of a widespread misperception that the condition is infectious.

An estimated 1 percent to 2 percent of the worlds population suffers from the malady. Current treatments, which rely on

immunosuppression or ultraviolet radiation to stimulate repigmentation, are only partially effective, often producing a mottled

appearance. Excessive ultraviolet (UV) radiation also poses the risk of skin cancer.

Based on the animal studies we have done, these compounds, if proved safe in humans, promise far superior results in the

treatment of vitiligo than current approaches, said Amala Soumyanath, Ph.D., an associate professor of neurology, OHSU School of

Medicine. Vitiligo is a highly visible disease that can greatly affect patients psychologically and emotionally, even driving some to

consider suicide. Any breakthrough in treating it would benefit a huge number of people around the world.

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Soumyanath and her collaborators reported on the effects of their compounds in animals in a paper just published in the British

Journal of Dermatology. But development of the concept dates back more than a decade. Soumyanath discovered in research on

vitiligo that she initiated at Kings College London that piperine, the alkaloid in black pepper responsible for its pungency, stimulated

the proliferation of melanocytes in cell cultures. Melanocytes are the cells that produce pigmentation in the skin. The researchers

then designed and tested many synthetic piperine analogs and identified a number that produced the same result.

The group subsequently found that piperine and two of its analogs tetrahydropiperine (THP) and a cyclohexyl derivative (RCHP)

produced light, even pigmentation when applied to the skin of a poorly pigmented mouse model. When combined with UV

radiation, the skin grew significantly darker and showed none of the patchiness caused by UV treatment alone. Moreover, skin pre-

treated with a piperine compound required fewer UV exposures, thus lowering the cancer risk, and it took longer for the

pigmentation to fade again than when UV alone was used.

Since coming to OHSU in 2002, Soumyanath has established new collaborations with scientific and clinical researchers to continue

work on this project. Dr. Soumyanaths recent discoveries open up completely new and exciting treatment possibilities for those

individuals affected by vitiligo, said Andrew Blauvelt, M.D., professor of dermatology at OHSU and one of Soumyanaths recent

collaborators. There is a huge unmet need for this disease because we have very few treatments to offer patients right now, he


OHSU acquired the patents to Soumyanaths piperine compounds from Kings College London and BTG International Ltd. in 2006 and

succeeded in finding a commercial partner, AdPharma, to advance the compounds through pharmaceutical development.

Soumyanath is a consultant for AdPharma. AdPharma has also licensed technology from OHSU of which Soumyanath is an inventor.

The technology is used in this research. This potential conflict of interest has been reviewed and managed by OHSU.

AdPharma, a diverse pharmaceutical company headquartered in Arlington Heights, Ill., licenses promising compounds from

scientists, universities and biotech companies and advances them through the clinical testing stage. Our key strength is being able to

identify, through our computer models and past experience, promising drugs which we can then drive through our strong

development structure, said Anil Sunkara, the companys chief executive officer.

The next step before clinical trials can be undertaken, said Soumyanath, is to determine in animal models whether the

repigmentation effects of piperine compounds is associated in any way with melanoma or other skin cancers. From our mouse

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studies so far, it doesnt appear that is the case, she said, and we are hopeful that more detailed research will bear this out. OHSU

has ideal facilities and expertise for further preclinical and clinical studies, and we are excited to have the support of AdPharma as

we move toward testing these compounds in human vitiligo.

About OHSU

Oregon Health & Science University is the states only health and research university, and its only academic health center. It is

Portlands largest employer and the fourth largest in Oregon (excluding government), with more than 12,400 employees. As a leader

in research, OHSU earned $307 million in research funding in fiscal year 2007. OHSU serves as a catalyst for the regions bioscience

industry and is an incubator of discovery, veraging one new breakthrough or innovation every 2.7 days, with more than 4,100

research projects currently under way. OHSU disclosed 132 inventions in 2007 alone, and OHSU research has resulted in 33 startup

companies since 2000, most of which are based in Oregon.

About AdPharma

AdPharma is a diverse pharmaceutical company engaged in the discovery, development and commercialization of small molecules,

recombination proteins, delivery systems and devices addressing a wide array of therapeutic areas. Founded in 2006, the company’s

management team combined has over 90 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry and 15 years of information technology

experience. Its founder and CEO, Anil Sunkara, has successfully launched 11 companies globally. “Our process,” explains

Vivekananda Ramana, M.D., co-founder, COO and executive vice president, clinical affairs, for AdPharma, “not only identifies the

most promising work taking place in many universities and labs, but also increases the likelihood that those projects can help

improve the health of the people throughout the world. We are able to complement early stage research by picking up where many

organizations leave-off.”Reprinted from http://www.ohsu.edu/xd/about/news_events/news/vitiligo040908.cfm

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Nicolas Cotto said:

Would you please keep current with your work with peperine. Having come down with Vtiligo, I am eager to hear more about your

studies.# 25 November 2008 at 4:35 pm

Nathalie Pelletier (author) said:

Hi Nicolas,

I would love to have weekly or even monthly updates about the piperine studies; but, as you know science takes time and progress

is often slow. When I hear news, I will most definitely put it on the blog.all the best# 25 November 2008 at 5:02 pm

Kevin said:

Hi interested in hearing about the latest information on the pepper compound that can help with the vitiligo condition. Also is this

for all persons with vitiligo.# 22 March 2009 at 8:18 am

Kevin said:

Is there any new information regarding treatment for vitiligo with the extract found in pepper.# 22 March 2009 at 8:20 am

Nathalie Pelletier (author) said:

Not yet, Kevin. I will keep you posted as more info becomes available.


nathalie# 29 March 2009 at 8:38 am

Nicolas Cotto said:

I have recentley heard of a cure for vitiligo. I am told that it was discovered in the early seventies in Cuba but that it’s distribution is a

problem. The name of this cure is Melagenina Plus. If you are aware of this cure could you inform me about it. I have been told that

one has to travel to Cuba in order to be treated.Please keep informed about the Pepper compound’s progess.

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Nick# 17 April 2009 at 1:25 pm

SS said:


I came across this article about using Black Pepper effect on Vitilogo.

Many of the readers/contributors to this discussion seem to have tried some form of Black pepper extract to be applied with a

moisturizing lotion, and seem to have found reasonably good effect on vitilogo patches. I’m wondering if someone could provide a

little bit more information on the exact product used or tried viz., what brand and/or black pepper product used. There are many

different oils made from black pepper (essential oils also). These oils are made from different parts of the black pepper plant (i’ve

seen extracts from ‘fruit’ or ‘bark’ etc). Can you please provide information on which part of the black pepper plant provides help

with repigmentation?

Thank you very much! Appreciate all the great contributions.SS# 26 May 2009 at 7:35 am

Malaquias Vazquez said:

Hi i suffer vitiligo for 30 years, i use meladinina (metoxaleno) a mexican brand, i notice about 20% already cure, so i’ll wait for the

new pepper extract medicine to be available, mean while i keep whith meladinina.# 8 July 2009 at 1:01 am

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Piperine Interview With Dr. Soumyanath 15 September 2008 56 Comments

As an Associate Professor in the Department of Neurology at the Oregon Health & Science University, what sparked your interest in

finding a cure for vitiligo?

My field of expertise is the identification of potential new drugs from natural sources e.g plants used in traditional medicines. I

started working on finding a treatment for vitiligo while I was employed at the Pharmacy Department, Kings College London,

University of London. This arose as a result of Maxine Whitton, then Chair of the UK vitiligo society, contacting me to see if I could

shed any light on a traditional Chinese herbal treatment that one of the Vitiligo Society members had been given. I have since

relocated to Oregon Health Science University, Portland OR. Although I am now focusing on botanical treatments for neurological

diseases, my work on vitiligo is continuing.

How did you first make a connection between piperine and vitiligo?

We tested a large number of plant materials which had been used in herbal vitiligo treatments, to see if they could stimulate

pigment cell multiplication in vitro i.e. in a culture dish (rather than real skin). We were excited to find that black pepper extract

made pigment cells (melanocytes) reproduce faster and produce dendrites. A major substance found in black pepper piperine had

a similar effect. We then verified this result when we applied piperine to a poorly pigmented mouse model and found that the skin

darkened and had more melanocytes.

Have you begun testing on humans?

We are yet to start clinical studies, but are working towards that with the help of AdPharma.

A few readers have been making their own mixture of piperine and applying it directly to their skin. So far, they’ve had positive

results with pigmentation, but how safe is piperine for external use?

Although piperine is available as a œdietary supplement and is approved by the FDA as a food additive, it is important to note that

NO safety studies have been conducted on long term application to human skin. So there is no information on this at present.

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Taking piperine by mouth has been shown to affect the way the body handles other drugs, often leading to higher blood levels of

those drugs. We do not have any information on whether piperine applied to the skin can enter the blood stream and have similar

effects. We hope to address these issues in our studies in humans.

*Financial disclosure: Dr Soumyanath is a consultant for AdPharma. AdPharma has also licensed technology from OHSU of which Dr

Soumyanath is an inventor. The technology is used in this research. This potential conflict of interest has been reviewed and managed


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Eyitayo said:

To my own understanding , i think black pepper or piperine be taken than external usage for easy penetration into the blood stream.

well , can any one shed more light on that.

Also , what does black pepper taste like?

Is it really hot?# 16 September 2008 at 6:07 am

Trouble Spot said:

I have made my own cream by adding 5 drops of Black Pepper essential oil($12.50 for a 5 oz bottle at the local Indian supply store)

to one ounce base cream. I have been applying it to some vitiligo patches I have. I started with only a tiny spot and am working my

way up to larger spots, paying close attention to the way I feel. So far, no adverse effects- and the best part of all: The tiny spot I

stared with is DEFINATELY repigmenting!!!!!!!!!! I wish I knew about this cure years ago. The spot was perfectly round and white, but

now is darker and has three distinctive freckles. AFTER ONLY 5 DAYS. Wow, this is exciting. The only thing is, make sure you get it just

within the spot- the pepper oil has boosted the melanin AROUND the spot and now the spot is more visible because of that.# 16

September 2008 at 12:44 pm

Eyitayo said:

Congratulations !Am so happy for you.But did you use the dried blackpepper or the fresh one ?and how did you extract piperine

from it?Thanks.# 17 September 2008 at 6:07 am


WOW! I’m going to start trying this piperine treatment and see how it works! BUT my questions is…FOR HOW LONG SHOULD U USE

IT AND HOW MANY TIMES AT DAY?# 23 December 2008 at 4:46 pm

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Amy said:


Does anyone know where I can purchase piperine. I live in Canada. If anyone knows of a website where I can purchase piperine,

please let me know. Thanks.# 22 January 2009 at 3:15 pm

Geog said:

You need to search for bioperine, a proprietary extract which is readily available in tablet (or sometimes capsule) form for internal

use (since this version of piperine has been clinically tested and safety-approved by the FDA). Bioperine is claimed to be 95%

piperine. Please note that it’s only been safety-tested for internal use, not for external use on the skin afaik. If you get the tablet

form, you’ll need to crush them and mix with some kind of base cream — but I don’t know what the best cream would be for

dissolving the piperine in the powder.# 25 January 2009 at 3:31 am

Jamie said:

Hey Trouble Spot- Do you have any updates to tell us regarding your experiment with the home-made piperine cream? Today I went

and purchased some black pepper essential oil, and mixed it with base cream and I will start using it tomorrow, based on your

recommendation earlier. How many times a day should I apply it-once or twice? The possible cancer-causing Protopic that the

dermatologist recommended for my vitiligo was to be applied twice a day, so maybe since this black pepper oil is natural I should try

it twice a day too. Any insight? Thanks.# 13 February 2009 at 12:18 am

guest said:

Hi Once i get the piperine extract – what would be the best base cream to mix with?# 15 February 2009 at 2:41 pm

Jamie said:

Where you buy the black pepper essential oil they will more than likely sell base creams to mix with the oils. You will want

something as inert and natural as possible since you’ll be applying it on your skin often.

I also bought a carrier oil to mix the piperine (black pepper ess. oil) with as well as a base cream, and I will be trying both to see what

is more effective in the aplication of the piperine. The carrier oil seems like it might be better at penetrating into all layers of the

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skin, and if you get certain oils like avacado, or something natural like it, the oil will be very beneficial to the skin as a bonus, and add

vitamins and antioxidants.

So far the mixture I’m trying is at the strength of 4 drops of the black pepper oil to 1/4 ounce of base cream (7-8 ml). I think I may

even try making it more potent because after two days of exposure I’ve experience no adverse reaction, or even tingling from the


I’ll keep everyone posted!# 17 February 2009 at 12:41 am

Craig McKee said:

Hello everyone! I’ve lived with Vitiligo for 18 years. For the past 9 years I’ve used a combination of Protopic Ointment and Dovonex

Cream. I was fortunate to respond to the treatments. I have had several spots run their course and re-pigment. However, there has

always been concern over the potential cancer link.

I am just now finding out about the possibilities that Black Pepper Oil(piperine) brings to the table. I immediately rushed out and

bought a 1/3 ounce size bottle of Black Pepper essential oil at a cost of $7.95. I also bought a 1/2 ounce of Jojoba cream to use as my

base. I put six drops in the cream. I mean to put five but one extra slipped in before I could stop it.

I plan on keeping a log on here and providing updates on any changes. We need to find a cure for this and I am more than willing to

help out.# 17 February 2009 at 12:59 pm

Jamie said:

Hi there, I don’t know if many people are reading this thread, but I thought I would update on my own piperine test. Two weeks only

have past so far. I started with a 1/4 ounce neutral base cream mixed with only 4 drops of black pepper essential oil. I used this

combination for a week, but realized it really is too weak a concentration of the piperine so I tripled the amount and mixed it in an

unrefined natural oil instead. I believe that the oil is more absorbant and has healing properties as well. I’ve been taking photos of

the spots every week to compare, and so far no noticeable change. It has only been two weeks though and it apparently takes at

least 5 before you may see any results. So I will remain patient and update again in another 2-3 weeks.

Cheers all!# 28 February 2009 at 2:30 pm

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betty said:

i just started using my oil two days ago. have not had a chance to sit in the sun yet. I hope this works. I have had vitiligo since i was

young. Although it doesnt seem to bother others around me, i am very self concious about my skin and how it looks. i will be taking

some pictures to keep track of the results and the amount of time it takes.I will be looking foward to reading more success stories.#

1 March 2009 at 6:16 pm

CARO said:

I started with the piperine experiment about 2 weeks ago. What I have noticed is that my skin gets “pinkier” than w/o. Is that a good

sign ?Any updates from anyone ?Caro# 7 March 2009 at 12:41 pm

Nathalie Pelletier (author) said:

hi caro,

in my case (xtrac laser treatments), the skin turns pink prior to some repigmentation takin place. yours is exciting news; however

watch that it is not pink due to skin irritation.

thanks for your update. it’s a good idea to take photos of your progress, that way you can record the results.

all the best

nathalie# 7 March 2009 at 1:49 pm

Jamie said:

Well I’ve been applying my piperine cream and oil now twice a day for a full month. Unfortunately no noticeable changes to report

yet. I’ve been steadily increasing the strength of the piperine in the cream and oil, but it may still be too weak perhaps. I think I read

it took at least 5 weeks for researchers to notice any changes in test subjects, and they were combining piperine treatment with UVB

exposure. I may save up and buy a narrow band UVB lamp once I do more research as to it’s effectiveness and safety in treating

vitiligo. I was hoping this natural treatment would be successful and I could throw away the tubes of Protopic cream the doctor

prescribed me. I really don’t want to use something that has cancer warnings associated with it. If the FDA finally forced a warning

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on it than you know it must really be serious!

I will continue to religiously apply my piperine cream for a while longer and post any results if they change.# 15 March 2009 at 3:55


CARO said:

Thanks Jamie for the update I have ben using the piperine cream for about 3 weeks now and I THINK is working since I see more


I am using a strong cream, just chrush piperine diluted with a base cream and bit of alcohol. Also I am NOT using just the UVB but


caro# 15 March 2009 at 4:13 pm

Jamie said:

Thanks for your reply CARO. I’m encouraged by others results than seem to be successful. You’re using a solid form of piperine that

you crush? Where do you get that? How often do you expose yourself to the UV, and do you have your own equipment or do you go

to the doctor or a clinic for it?

Thanks# 15 March 2009 at 4:31 pm

mark said:

Hi Caro,

What are you using for a base cream?

Thanks!Mark# 17 March 2009 at 8:12 am

CARO said: Hi everyone

I use a plain moisturizer cream.

caro# 23 March 2009 at 8:19 pm

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Craig McKee said:

Hey everyone….So sorry for the delayed response in an update. I was a little busy moving cross country.

Anyway, as for the onging use of Piperine….I do continue to use it daily. I am trying to be consistent with the amount of time it

remains on and the amount of sun exposure. I haven’t had the chance to purchase a Narrow Band UVB like I want, so I am using the

sun sparingly.

The one thing I noticed after starting with this experiment is that about three weeks after starting it the skin color on my facial spots

did blend in more with the surrounding skin. While not 100% at this point the offset isn’t as noticable. The main issue is that it takes

time for the white hairs in my dark beard to change back to black. It was the same result with Protopic. Anywhere Vit is a white hair

is soon to follow in my case.

I am just now starting to use the Piperine mixture on my hands too. I really want to see those even out. I beleive this could work

even better with the Narrow Band UVB, but will do what I can for now.

I too notice the pinkish color. This is not from irritation, but instead an awakening I guess you could call it. One area I never got

results at all with Protopic was my eyelids. One especially has always appeared very white. However, now it blends better after using

the Piperine mixture.

Again I am using the Black Pepper Oil(piperine) mixed in with a 1/2 ounce of Jojoba cream. I had originally put like 7 drops in I have

since added another 15 and I beleive this stronger mixture is working faster.

I think everyone needs to keep something in mind. One thing doesn’t work for everybody and everyone’s bodies absorb or react to

drugs and natural remedies differently.

For example Protopic doese work for me. I have had great results with repigmentation by using it. The problem that goes along with

that are the long term use and cancer links. That is why I am trying this natural route now.

I have to run, but if I can take some photos at some point I will.# 28 March 2009 at 11:41 pm

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J.Burton said:


I have been using Protopic for months now with no effect. I am keen to try this method but a lot of my white patches are around my

eyes. Has anyone used this cream with black pepper oil around their eyes?

Does it cause irritation?

Thanks# 20 April 2009 at 11:24 am

Helen said:

Hello, I have bought bioperine tablets online, I crush two under a spoon, then I bought a four pack of Bert Bees Beeswax chapstick, I

cut a piece off and mix it with the crushed bioperine tablets and then apply – after two weeks, week one, area on knees went pink,

second week small brown areas of re-pigmentation in middle of white spots on some white spots. On other ultra white spots around

ankles that do not see sunlight, nothing as yet, but it is only week two. Every other day have applied protopic at night which have

been using for a few years now with no results!!!!!!!!!!!!# 7 May 2009 at 9:37 am

mark said:

I have been using black pepper essential oils on my hands. I use the oil without anything else and spread it thinly on my hands before

my 2+ hour bike rides. After three or so outings I have had some darkening in a few spots. I would go with the oil rather then

messing with the pills. Good luck!Mark# 7 May 2009 at 9:55 am

SS said:


I came across this article about using Black Pepper effect on Vitilogo.

Many of the readers/contributors to this discussion seem to have tried some form of Black pepper extract to be applied with a

moisturizing lotion, and seem to have found reasonably good effect on vitilogo patches. I’m wondering if someone could provide a

little bit more information on the exact product used or tried viz., what brand and/or black pepper product used. There are many

different oils made from black pepper (essential oils also). These oils are made from different parts of the black pepper plant (i’ve

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seen extracts from ‘fruit’ or ‘bark’ etc). Can you please provide information on which part of the black pepper plant provides help

with repigmentation?

Thank you very much! Appreciate all the great contributions.

SS# 26 May 2009 at 9:42 am

liliann said:

Hey everyone,

I had great results a few years back with my vitiligo taking Folic Acid and B complex supplements. I’m sorry for not remembering the

dosage but I got the advice from Dr. Atkin’s book Vita-Nutrient Solution. It took approximately a month to see a change but it

worked. Best of Luck!# 28 May 2009 at 5:18 pm

Ogo Maduewesi said:

I think Anti Vitiligo Oil contains black pepper. Pls someone shaould correct me if am mistaken# 5 June 2009 at 9:51 am

Judah said:

I am 26 years old. I was diagnosed with vitiligo in 2006. I’ve spent a lot of money on treatment, but have seen only a tiny bit of


I’ve been planning to start UVB again whenever I could spare the money and time, but I find the prospect of this peperine thrilling.

Shoot, even it takes a year before any results are observable, it’s worth it. It’s far less expensive than what I was paying, too, which

means there shouldn’t be any interruptions in my treatment regimen. I could just slather it on three or four times a day and try to

get some sun. I’ll go ahead join those of you who are keeping records your progress. I wish you all complete recovery!# 14 June 2009

at 2:59 am

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stacy wentz said:

I have had white spots all over my body my whole life. In the last two years it has finally hit my face. I look like a freak, people are

always asking me how I got burned. I am going to try everything that has been said and also keep everyone updated.Goodluck to

everyone.# 16 June 2009 at 8:19 pm

VEN said:

Stacy,having white spots doesn’t make anyone a freak… try to ignore statements made against you…

All we can do is try our best… Regards,# 17 June 2009 at 11:26 am

Judah said:

I’m on day three of treatment using black pepper essential oil. I just apply it liberally to affected areas. Maybe I’m being a tad bit

wasteful, but I want to make sure I put enough on there.

Today I went down to a local park and basked in the late afternoon sun for about 20-25 minutes. I don’t want to expose my body to

the intense rays of midday sun. It was a hot day, but it felt great outside, anyway. I had just finished running four miles at the gym

and I had a great big glass of red Gatorade to replace my electrolytes. One point I want to remind you guys of is that you have to stay

positive. Sometimes people with illnesses are given sugar pills as placebos in experiments, but they end up cured anyway, because

they believe they will get better. There’s some arcane healing power in the human mind that science has yet to explain, and perhaps

it never will explain it. The way we think can heal us or destroy us.

It’s far too early to see results, I suppose, but here’s what I can tell you guys. Black pepper essential oil doesn’t burn. At its worst, it’s

a mild sensation of warmth in sensitive areas, such as the genitals, and my face after shaving. Also, it has a pleasant smell. So far I

am enjoying applying it and basking in the sun. I could see it becoming a very relaxing ritual.# 19 June 2009 at 9:46 pm

Nathalie Pelletier (author) said:

What an uplifting comment, Judah. Thank you!# 19 June 2009 at 9:50 pm

VEN said:

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Judah,I am using Black pepper oil with UVB on few spots. I see re-pigmentaion but I am not sure if it is due to UVB or the oil.

I just got piperine tablets ( 97% percentage piperine). I am going to apply this and bask in the sun I am hoping this might help. V# 22

June 2009 at 9:19 am

Judah said:


Ok, guys. It took a few days to come to this realization, but from my experience I can tell you all that it is definitely possible to

overuse black pepper essential oil. In two areas on my body where I applied it liberally the skin is now red and irritated, similar to a

mild poison ivy rash. However, in the places I’ve applied it more conservatively I haven’t had any such problems, so I don’t think I’m

allergic to it. Essential oils are highly concentrated and a little bit goes a long way. Perhaps this was common sense to most of you,

but for anyone else inclined toward recklessness as I am, now you’ve been warned. Now I’m mixing a much smaller amount (roughly

one drop for every four square inches of paled skin) in a moisturizing lotion and being much more careful. I don’t want to tell you

how much I was using before.

As for the irritated areas, I’ll wait for them to heal up, then start treating them again, but very gradually.

On a positive note, I think I’ve noticed a little darkening. I can’t say for certain yet. It’s like watching the grass grow. Change is

imperceptible if I keep staring at it. That’s why I need to compare it now to the pictures I took a while back.

HOWEVER, what I do know for certain is that yesterday I was looking for a dime-sized spot on my back that used to be there and

couldn’t find it. Apparently it healed up some time ago. That is completely unrelated to the black pepper, but it’s just a positive

reminder that this condition is not invincible or irreversible.# 22 June 2009 at 9:38 pm

Judah said:

Hey, guys. It’s been a week now, and no doubt about it, I’m seeing some freckling.# 24 June 2009 at 2:17 pm

Vinnie said:

Hey Judah,

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I was just wondering where you purchased your piperine from and in what form you got it in (oil, tablets, etc.). Thanks for your

help.# 25 June 2009 at 7:54 am

Juster said:

Hey Guys nice to red these lines , I am also suffering from this Trauma , Since I am an Indian we do use black pepper.

I will try using it on the spots and let you know the results# 27 June 2009 at 7:40 am

irene said:

Hi Judah, just one question: I read the active substance in black pepper was “piperine” and also read that the essential oil of black

pepper DOES NOT contain piperine which is why the oil does not taste spicy.

Is that not so?Thank you,Irene# 2 July 2009 at 3:38 am

Liz said:


I’ve had vitiligo on my hands primarily for 3 years. I also have a few other small spots on one ankle, both elbows, and hips. Recently I

have noticed pathches starting under my eyes. Yikes. I think it was triggered by taking a photography class and coming into contact

with chemicals used to develop photos. I’m only 41 and would like to try to get control of this! I’ve come across articles on line that

suggest gluten intolerence and eating dairy products may be linked to vitiligo. I was just tested and am positive for gluten

intolerence. About two months I went off both gluten and dairy and within three days saw some freckling on my hands. Comparing

to pictures taken about three months ago, there is some improvement, but it is like watching grass grow…very slow. I am definitely

staying off of gluten, but dairy is much harder to give up. I am also using protopic, and will plan to add the Bioperine crushed up in

cream. At the end of the summer I’m starting the laser treatments. Good luck and God bless. I will try to check back.Liz# 7 July 2009

at 6:08 pm

Judah said:


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I poked around the Internet a little bit, seeking answers to your question. It seems you’re right. I found that black pepper oleoresin

does contain about 32-40% piperine.

So I guess the freckling I’ve been seeing owes to the placebo effect I was describing. Incredible!# 14 July 2009 at 12:17 pm

elle said:

hello all. I just ordered a product on ebay for my vitiligo called “Tevaskin” and just received it yesterday. The ingredients are not

really listed so I am not exactly sure what is in it but, it smells allot like pepper. I have a sneaky suspicion that it might be piperine!

The seller guarantees that it has been shown to regenerate melanocytes, that said, I just got it and have only used it a few

times,obviously too soon to see any improvement. I ordered a UVB lamp from this ebay seller a few years ago and he has always

been extremely helpful regarding question…and the lamp is pretty good quality and still working after all this time so he seems like a

reliable seller. I am not at all promoting this product and a “cure”, I just thought I might pass along this info.

as a side note, I do not know the seller personally, and I am not getting paid to promote this product.# 15 July 2009 at 6:24 pm

Angela said:

Hello everyone. I recently started seeing a new dermatologist who told me to do the following:

pepper oil every morning (containing piperine)…(the doctor gave me a bottle of pepper oil but it has no label on it. I have no idea

where it came from originally.)

protopic 6 nights a week

Clobex 1 night a week (a topical steroid)

and in addition to this, in order to produce melanocytes your body must have the following vitamins:

L-glutamine (500mg)

L-phenylalanine (500mg)

and Omnium 100.

He stressed the importance of buying quality vitamins and not some off-brand from China. haha. I got mine from GNC.

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I also have a UVB narrowband lamp which I use at home three times a week.

I have been doing this regimen for one week so far, so can’t really say if it works or not, but I will keep you posted.

# 21 July 2009 at 6:42 pm

Vinod Darak said:

hi guys…i m suffring from Vitilogy since i was 14 years old and i m now 27, can anybody tell how should i apply black pepper essential

oil and with which lotion should i mix it..how much drop of black pepper oil. Also from where can i buy both :- black pepper oil and

lotion along with it. I m from India. Looking forward to a response. # 17 August 2009 at 12:08 pm

Angela said:

Hey guys,

Just wanted to say that after one month, the regimen I described above is most definitely working. Every day the white spots get a

little bit darker. They are now not visible at all when I wear make-up, which has never been the case for the last five years. I think

that if I continue with the same rate of progress, it should be completely gone within two months or so. If you haven’t already tried

this, I would highly recommend it.# 19 August 2009 at 2:42 pm

AmazingOne said:


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I have been reading all the postings relating to vitiligo and I really appreciate everyone sharing their comments/remedies and desire

to get rid of this problem.

I have vitiligo in two small patches for my entire life – on my ankle and behind by knee. It was not until my late thirties that it

actually came out on my hands, elbows, and now face. I have tried many things along the way. My dermotologist will not prescribe

Protopic due to its “black box” concerns with cancer (luckily I only did that for a few months and saw no benefit). I also tried the

vitamins advertised on the vitiligo.com called Recoleur. I tried them, and although I do not think they eliminated the issue, it did

seem to slow it down. I have been reading a lot of different opinions of what works for this condition and have started my own

regiman: vitamins. I take a multi-vitamin from GNC based on the ingredients that are in Recouleur along with 3 doses a day of

Guinko, 1 dosage of Folic Acid, and an additional Vitamin C. Within 2 weeks of starting this regiman I noticed brown spots appearing

in my the white spots that definitely were not there before. Although I am seeing this repigmentation in places, it seems to have

sped up the loss of pigment in other places – not sure if this is accurate since I did not take before pictures. Could just be that I am

noticing it more since it is summer I am getting tan.

I wanted to share somethings with the group that I have discovered. One other thing to note is that anyone with this condition

should have their thyroid level checked. Vitiligo is an auto immune problem and I feel is directly tied to the thyroid. My levels are

elevated to the cusp of needing medication – the level was never detectable before I noticed the increase in white spots. My doctor

will not prescribe anything for the thyroid yet since once you start taking medicine you can never stop. If you can get the central

nervous system issue figured out (which is why I take Guinko) then that might fix a lot of things.

Hope this helps. Sorry for being so wordy.# 20 August 2009 at 1:57 pm

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sharon said:

hi amaging one,,

can u plzz tell me wat is exactly tere in the multivitamins that u r takin….the constituents..so tat i could try the same…n doses.. do u

think takin natural sources of vitamin could be an option to..like citrus fruits.

thanks# 24 August 2009 at 7:42 am

AmazingOne said:


I purchased my vitamins from GNC – below are the ingredients. B-12 is a really big part of my attempt to get rid of the vitiligo. Hope

this helps.

Vitamin A (50% as beta-Carotene; 50% as Retinyl Acetate) 5000.00 IU 100%

Vitamin C (as Ascorbic Acid & Calcium Ascorbate) 300.00 mg 500%

Vitamin D (as Cholecalciferol D-3) 600.00 IU 150%

Vitamin E (as Natural d-alpha Tocopheryl Acetate) 100.00 IU 333%

Vitamin K (Phytonadione) 80.00 mcg 100%

Thiamin (Vitamin B-1)(as Thiamin Mononitrate) 50.00 mg 3333%

Riboflavin (Vitamin B-2) 50.00 mg 2941%

Niacin (as Niacin and Niacinamide) 50.00 mg 250%

Vitamin B-6 (as Pyridoxine Hydrochloride) 50.00 mg 2500%

Folic Acid 400.00 mcg 100%

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Vitamin B12 (as Cyanocobalamin) 50.00 mcg 833%

Biotin 300.00 mcg 100%

Pantothenic Acid (as Calcium d-Pantothenate) 50.00 mg 500%

Calcium (as Calcium Carbonate and Calcium Citrate Malate) 200.00 mg 20%

Iodine (as Potassium Iodide) 150.00 mcg 100%

Magnesium (as Magnesium Oxide) 100.00 mg 25%

Zinc (as Zinc Oxide) 25.00 mg 167%

Selenium (as L-Selenomethionine) 200.00 mcg 286%

Copper (as Cupric Oxide) 2.00 mg 100%

Manganese (as Manganese Sulfate) 2.00 mg 100%

Chromium (as Hydrolyzed Protein Chelate) 120.00 mcg 100%

Molybdenum (as Sodium Molybdate) 75.00 mcg 100% # 24 August 2009 at 10:57 am

Aida said:

Hello everyone, it is so thriling to see all these responses to our disease. I have cvitiligo for about 5 years now. Basicly i have only

tried one treatment and it was with a gel that i ordered from Canada(it was called Novitil gel) and that one summer i was applying it

and codition got slightly better but then the winter came and the spots came back. I will def try this pipperine thing, hopefully it will

work. I dont see myself as a freak but I would love to see my old skin back.

Put a smile on your face and keep believing. There’s got to be a cure for us.

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Much love,

Aida.# 30 August 2009 at 11:28 am

James said:

Pepper oil has very little piperine. It is crystallized out in its manufacture. Best use Bioprene capsules, which contain >95% piperine. I

mix the powder with Isopropypol alcohol, then apply it. After that, I apply a penetrating lotion to set it to the skin surface. Wrapping

the area in a bandage can also be done to maintain good contact with the skin.

Just started this and don’t have any results. Will apply for a few weeks then get a good amount of sun exposure and see what

happens.# 12 September 2009 at 7:53 am

danesa said:

hi im doing my senior project on vitiligo yet i have to interview someone and im visiting websites to find someone if you can do me

this huge favor i will just need to ask you simple questions as how long u had it ? how u feel all that we can change email ill send the

questions u respond and thats basically it i myself have vitiligo and thats why ive decided to inform others about this please answer

back as fast thank you# 16 September 2009 at 8:56 am

James said:

I first noticed small white spots on my hands about 30 years ago while working with petrochemicals on oil rigs. At first the white

spots would disappear after sun exposure. By now, vitiligo covers about 30% of my skin. Stress events tend to cause further


I have tried piperine and UVB with no results, which leads me to believe piperine is ineffective for treatment of vitiligo. Afterall, the

mice used in the experiments had leucoderma that was chemically induced by the researchers not vitiligo.

One cause I am looking into is parasitic infection. I have read that 85% of the population has some form of parasitic infection with

toxin build up from parasites, over the years, worsening the vitiligo.# 19 September 2009 at 10:39 am

James said:

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As for how I feel about vitiligo, I have it and have to live with it. Occasional rude comments and aversion by others happen but most

people know about it. I am not really bothered by the reaction of others. Those in their social prime of life may benefit from using

camouflaging to cover the vitiligo spots, Natural FX is a good one but expensive. I would suggest not being self concious about it.# 19

September 2009 at 11:15 am

Ron said:

Has anyone had any luck with PABA tablets 500mg?Thanks, Ron# 20 September 2009 at 2:51 pm

James said: Is that much different than taking folic acid?# 28 September 2009 at 12:47 pm

Tony said:


I’m a bit confused about your last statement. Irene said “I read the active substance in black pepper was “piperine” and also read

that the essential oil of black pepper DOES NOT contain piperine” and you responded by saying “I poked around the Internet a little

bit, seeking answers to your question. It seems you’re right. I found that black pepper oleoresin does contain about 32-40% piperine.

So I guess the freckling I’ve been seeing owes to the placebo effect I was describing. Incredible!”

From my understanding Irene said that the oil DOES NOT contain piperine but you said that it DOES contain 32-40% piperine. I just

want to understand clearly what I should be trying.

Thanks,Tony# 18 November 2009 at 1:54 pm

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meenu said:

hello,recently my 8 yr old son was diagnosed with vitiligo,he has spots on his face mainly,he is dark coloured,so the spots are very

noticeable,dermatologist prescibed high dose steroids,and steriod creams,and psoralen lotion once a week.

i am very concerned about all medications having lot of sideeffects including risk for cancer.

I would greatly appreciate if someone can advise the ways to camoflauge the white spots.# 26 April 2010 at 2:34 am

Zure said:

Hi. I simply mixed 100g of ground black pepper to very small amount of water. The mixture is really very strong. It is pure pepper

extract.After applying on my vitiligo spots for about 1 week now. I have seen improvements. I have few spots now in my right

(stubborn!)ankle. I intentionally did not apply pepper extract to my left ankle. Now the progress is evident. The spots I have treated

with pepper extract has miraculously developed pigments. I can see that skin hair are beginning to grow again on the white spots.

Every morning the other white spots are beginning to have small pigments. EVERY MORNING! That’s how fast it works….thank God

for giving us pepper. And thank God for letting it be discovered.# 29 May 2010 at 1:11 am

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Piperine and Vitiligo Research Update by Dr. Soumyanath 16 September 2008 16 Comments

Piperine and vitiligo – research update by Amala Soumyanath

Many of you have been following the progress of my group’s research on piperine and its

analogs as a potential treatment for vitiligo. Dr Jeff Corne’s article in the last newsletter

described a recent British Journal of Dermatology (BJD) publication, where we showed that

piperine and some analogs stimulate melanocyte growth and skin pigmentation when

applied to the backs of a poorly pigmented strain of mice.

These studies were conducted at King’s College London as a collaboration between myself

and Professors Anthony Young (photobiologist) and Robert Hider (medicinal chemist), and

involved the hard work of PhD students, Zhixiu Lin and Radhakrishan Venkatasamy and

postdoctoral scientist Laura Faas. As Dr Corne described, this project grew out of a pilot study

funded, in part, by the Vitiligo Society UK and by the Institute of Chinese Medicine, London.

The early studies were able to attract larger funding from BTG plc, as well as a grant

awarded to Radhakrishnan by the ORSAS, an organization that funds PhD programs for

overseas students.

As you may know, I relocated to the USA in 2002 which led to a little hiatus in research on this project. I am currently employed at

Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) and in 2006, OHSU acquired the patents for the piperine/vitiligo technology from

King’s College London. Significantly, in December 2007, OHSU signed a licensing deal with a commercial sponsor, AdPharma Inc to

take this project forward for pharmaceutical development.

AdPharma is a diverse pharmaceutical company headquartered in Arlington Heights, Illinois, USA. The company in-licenses promising

compounds from universities and biotech companies and advances them through the clinical testing stage. Their key strength is

being able to identify, through their computer models and past experience, promising drugs which they can then drive through their

strong development structure.

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At present, OHSU is collaborating with AdPharma in conducting essential safety studies on piperine and analogs prior to human

applicaton. Together, we are designing a clinical trial at OHSU of piperine in humans with vitiligo, aiming for a start date before the

end of the year 2008. This will first involve a Phase I study examining tolerance and possible side effects of piperine. If all goes well,

we will move on to a larger Phase II study actually examining its effects on vitiligo. OHSU is not just a research university but also a

hospital and medical school. One of its strengths is that it has facilities and expertise for both basic research and clinical trials, and

access to appropriate patient populations. I have been fortunate in gaining the support and interest of a talented group

of laboratory scientists and dermatologists at OHSU to move this project forward.

While we are excited in moving towards clinical studies on piperine in vitiligo , we need to caution readers that these studies will

take time, and it may still be a few years before a product appears on the market.

I thank the Vitiligo Society and its members for their support and interest in this project.

Amala Soumyanath (nee Amala Raman)

Financial disclosure: Dr Soumyanath is a consultant for AdPharma. AdPharma has also licensed technology from OHSU of which Dr

Soumyanath is an inventor. The technology is used in this research. This potential conflict of interest has been reviewed and

managed by OHSU

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Zdenek said:

Hi, it is very comforting to read that something is really going on in vit. I am looking forward to hearing any new results in your


Your are saying that the tests are carried out on slightly pigmented mouse skin which means that there are some melanocytes in the

skin. I am wondering if it is going to work in vit. skin having mostly no melanocytes at all, plus supposedly even the keranocytes are

in vit. skin somewhat impared compared to the mouse skin. Thank you very much .

Zdenek# 17 September 2008 at 2:55 am

Eyitayo said:

Zdenek , i second your point and i really wish they started getting volunteers , for the human testing ,and i really pray it works on

humans with no side effects.

Thanks a million!# 17 September 2008 at 6:03 am

Trouble Spot said:

Uh, yeah…you know what? I don’t have time for this. You may think it’s ok to drag your feet about this, but there are millions of us

out there who are suffering RIGHT NOW. So, I designed my own cream, and it’s working. Thanks for nothing.# 18 September 2008 at

12:22 pm

Nathalie Pelletier (author) said:

I understand your anger about there not being a cure yet, but there is a process that must be followed when developing products to

be sold to the public; correct proportions of the medicinal’s used and physical safety being the primary issues.

Fantastic news about your own cream…we would love to see the before and after photo’s!Nathalie# 18 September 2008 at 3:18 pm

Trouble Spot said:

Hi, Nathalie!

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I’ve had vitiligo for 34 years and I’ve NEVER seen anything that works as fast as Black Pepper oil to repigment white spots. I’m so

grateful that I have this important tool now. I will continue to experiment with it until my white spots are a thing of the past

hopefully.TS# 19 September 2008 at 12:54 am

Nathalie Pelletier (author) said:


Thank you for adding your ‘recipe’ to your comment, but I had to edit it out for now until we know more about the long term effects

and are able to give exact proportions of the piperine to lotion ratio.

I look forward to seeing your before and after photo’s. If you’d like, when you get them, I can post them here to inspire others.

cheers for your determination to find a cure!

nathalie# 19 September 2008 at 8:34 am

Eyitayo said:

Nathalie ,Is there a general discription of black pepper ?

‘cos i got one and am confused about if it really were “black pepper”

Trouble spot , if you wouldn’t mind , could you please send your “recipe” to my mail box?

Thanks.:)# 22 September 2008 at 12:43 am

Meg said:

Hi, it is so excited to hear some one had been using black pepper as well, I’d comment on a previous article as follows., I’ve used it

myself! I believe it really work!

‘I’d used black pepper after I read this article.

A friend of mine told me the same, it will be at least 10 ears before it can be applied to human body. We can’t wait for that long. My

husband has vitiligo. We’ve tried all different ways before we tried this one.

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I’ve been thinking how to apply the black pepper powder onto skin. I’ve heard about using fresh ginger. So I mixed the black pepper

powder with liquid ginger and applied it to a new grown vitiligo patch. When I started, there are two new grown ones on my

husband’s back. I applied to one of them. After six weeks, I felt tired and stopped to do it.

It is been 5 months since we first start to use it. Even we’d stopped. The one had been applied pepper and Ginger still have not

changed to whole white, but the one next to it has been totally white.

Applying ginger is one of the traditional chinese treatment. Hope our story can be of a little bit help.’# 14 October 2008 at 6:54 am

Eyitayo said:

Yeah , thanks Meg , i’ll go apply ginger for mine but could you please send the specifications or prescriptions?

Thanks.# 15 October 2008 at 12:36 am

Meg said:


ginger was recommended to me by my mum from chinese newspaper. I tried it two years before without using black pepper. It is

just scraching the skin by the freshly cut ginger for several minutes. I had been using it for 1-2 months. I have to say, the area I

scrached did grow slower than other part when I go back to consider it now.

The reason I stopped to use it is because it is not proved to be a really sufficient way (as discussed in Vitiligo Forum in China). I dont

want to make my husband upset everyday by reminding him he needs treatment.

The reason I use ginger again is when I read from newspaper about black pepper. I cant find anywhere how to use it. Black pepper

powder would not be able to stay on the skin. So I remembered ginger, I invited to use the juicy giner to mix them together. I think

Ginger and Black peper are both spicy, natural and no harm to your skin( we can even eat them).

I am not a scientist. I also stopped to use this for a same reason, I dont want to upset my husband. There are so many patches on his

body. I cant do all of them.

I would suggest every one to wait for the result from the College. I have got the confident that this is a good start.

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One more thing Id like to mention is, I had applied the ginger+black pepper on both the new grown area and the old one. It is

definite no use to the old one.

I would like to remind Dr. Soumyanath on this, they should also look at the long developed patch not just the new growing ones.

I am really happy to shear my story to everyone here.# 16 October 2008 at 12:51 pm

Eyitayo said:

Thanks meg, for taking out of your important time to reply me , am so greatful!!!

I have problems diffrientiating black pepper , i need a more detailed picture to know. I saw one , it’s really hot (even when you eat it

in foods or soups) , long and red in colour when fresh. it has white seeds.

And i saw another that’s dried ,long,and has no seeds which one can i used?

And did the spots go when you used only ginger? if yes , can i use it alone ?If no , must i mix it with black pepper?

Thanks , one again!!!# 17 October 2008 at 12:47 am

Meg said:


I can see you want to try everything by yourself.

I don’t know whether it is because of black pepper or not. Please don’t be upset if it can’t work on you.

Because the traditional way to use Ginger is to cut a fresh ginger slice and scratch the skin by the fresh and juicy side, I was still using

it first for about 5 minutes. After that, while the skin was still wet, I sprinkled the black pepper powder onto the patches( like into

soup). It was stickedonto the skin because the skin was wet. I persuaded my husband to keep sitting up for a while so that the

pepper can stay there for some time.

Still as I said, we should wait for the result and the official prescriptions. I believe it won’t be long.

I forgot to say, I just used the black pepper I bought from supermarket. I believe it won’t have any harm to us. ( mixed with Ginger,

tastes good!)# 18 October 2008 at 10:03 am

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Eyitayo said:

Thanks meg , once again for giving me your attention.

# 20 October 2008 at 1:18 am

betty said:

i have tried the piper nigrum oil the smell is very strong. i would like to know the ingredients for the cream that trouble spot uses as i

am getting more spots and am very self concious about my skin and i would like to know where he gets his pepper oil from.i think it

is to soon to tell if it is working but i think it may be. i would like to know if ts spots turned pinkish at first.please respond am seeking

any hope and would appreciate any help and knowledge u can give. thanks.# 5 May 2009 at 8:48 pm

lisa said:

any updates on black pepper as a cure to vitiligo? is there any procedure how to do it?# 13 March 2010 at 9:19 pm

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Get Rid of Your Skin Conditions With NLP 16 October 2008 No Comment

Hello Everyone, Gemma Bailey from PeopleBuilding.co.uk has done an NLP podcast especially for us. You can access it through itunes

to download it to your ipod for free

http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?i=41372523&id=268279301 )


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Living With Vitiligo 22 October 2008 2 Comments

By: Mike Mahler

You never really know what is going to happen in your life. Everything can be going along just fine and then out of nowhere

everything changes in an instant. Sometimes, when you are faced with adversity, you discover a side of yourself that you may not

have been aware of. A few years ago, I went on a ski trip with my family to Utah. I never would have thought that the trip would

have such a profound effect on my life. I really looked forward to the trip and was happy to get away from my life for a while.

I was in between jobs and was not feeling very confident. I was going through one of those times in which you reach a crossroad and

are not sure which way to go. Anyway, while snowboarding in Utah, I was shocked with how bright and powerful the sun was. The

first day on the slopes, I made the mistake of not putting on any sunscreen and got sunburned severely. I made sure to wear

sunscreen over the next several days. However, my sunburn continued to get worse and I decided to sit out on the last day of the


After returning from the trip, I soon realized that my sunburn was taking a long time to heal. When it finally did heal, I was left with

some di-pigmentation on the right side of my face and neck. Also, I developed some white patches on the top of my head. When the

hair grew out on the di-pigmented are of my chin, it was pure white. I had no idea what was going on, but was not too worried. I

thought that it was just a severe reaction to the sun and that it would heal soon. A few more weeks went by, and still no

improvement. Now I was starting to get concerned and decided to see a dermatologist.

Doctor’s Advice

The dermatologist informed me that I had developed a skin condition called Vitiligo. He explained that Vitiligo is a condition in which

one’s immune system attacks itself and results in some loss of pigmentation. He went on to state that Michael Jackson had the

disease as well and actually made his skin completely white so that the patches would not be so noticeable. He continued to state

that there was no cure for the condition. However, there were some therapies that some people were having some success with.

He prescribed some creams for me. Unfortunately, after a few months, there was no improvement. I began to become very insecure

about the condition and got worried that I would have it permanently. I started noticing people staring at me or taking a double

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take. This made me even more insecure. In addition, as a single young male my confidence dropped tremendously. As I stated

earlier, I was not feeling too confident before getting Vitiligo. Now, I felt even worse. I kept on wishing that I could go back in time

when my face looked normal and take advantage of the way that I looked. Now it was too late and I would have to settle with

looking like a “freak.” I kept wondering why this had happened to me.

What did I do to deserve this? I kept thinking about what I could have done to prevent the condition from occurring. Maybe if I wore

sunscreen that day, it never would have happened. Maybe if I did not go on the trip at all, it never would have happened. Several

dermatologists assured me that there was no connection between the sunburn and the condition and that I probably would have

developed the condition at some point. Their assurances did not make me feel any better.

The more I thought about the condition and the possibility of having it for the rest of my life, the worse I felt. I started feeling more

and more sorry for myself and that just made matters worse. When friends and family told me that it was not a big deal, I got even

angrier. Who were they to tell me anything? They were not the ones that had to live with the affliction! Every time I caught a

glimpse of a mirror, it was like a slap in the face. When I spoke to people, I would try to keep them on my left side so that they would

not see the condition.

Out of necessity, I managed to land a good job in sales and moved on a little bit. Of course, the problem was that the job put me in

contact with more people. Being in sales is hard enough when you look “normal.” However, it is much more difficult with Vitiligo on

your face. I always felt that people were looking at my skin instead of listening to what I was saying. I often felt like I had to find a

way to explain what happened to me. I wanted everyone to know that I was not born like this and that I used to be normal.

I soon realized that I had to do something immediately to boost my confidence. I discovered some cover-up products that blended in

with the skin to make the condition look less obvious. As a man, I was not comfortable with the prospect of wearing make-up.

Nevertheless, I felt that it had to be better than not covering it up. Thus, I started wearing the cover-up. Initially, it boosted my

confidence. I felt like I looked much better and that I was almost back to normal. It is funny how your attitude changes everything

about your life.

I soon attracted an amazing woman into my life and landed a much better job. Things were looking pretty good and I was feeling

much better. I had days in which I forgot that I even had Vitiligo and did not focus on it as much. However, like a nagging pain or

worry, it kept coming back to me until I decided to look at some more treatments.

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I tried a few more creams that did not do anything. Next, I decided to try a treatment called PUVA in which you expose the effected

area to UV light. Although PUVA has worked well for some people, it did not work well for me. After the first treatment, I suffered a

serious burn that was so painful, that it hurt to eat or even move around. Fortunately, I healed up after a few weeks. Regardless, I

had no intention to try PUVA again. That experience was a major turning point in my life.

I started thinking about what bothered me about having Vitiligo so much. After all, it is more of a cosmetic problem than anything

else. Who was I wearing the make-up for?

Why was I so worried about what other people thought? When I was a teenager, I had dreadlocks and dressed like I was in a heavy

metal band. I used to get stared at and received negative attention all of the time. Nevertheless, I did not care at all. I came to a

place in which I realized that I had to accept the Vitiligo into my life. I had to become one with it and ascertain the hidden message. I

decided to stop wearing the make-up and face the world. I thought that if anyone has a problem with the way that I look, then that

is their problem, not mine. If people look at me in horror or disgust, then they have bigger problems than I will ever have. My Vitiligo

became a superficiality test. If someone looked down on me for having the condition, then that was not someone that I wanted to

associate with.

After that day, I found myself taking risks that I would never have taken when my skin was fine. Why? Because I did not want the

skin condition to hold me back from doing anything. Every time I hesitated to do something, I asked myself if it was my condition

that was holding me back. Whether the answer was yes or no did not really matter. Just asking the question forced me to take

action. I remembered that everything in life happens for a reason and that we never really know when something is positive or

negative. Sometimes events that are seen as negatives are simply lessons in disguise. Sometimes we need to learn these lessons in

order to rise to a higher level of awareness.

Living With Vitiligo

Am I saying that I am glad that I developed Vitiligo? Of course not. Am I saying that I would not be interested in a cure? Of course

not. All that I am saying is that I have learned to live with Vitiligo instead of against it. It has been with me for two years and who

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knows how long it will stay with me. Perhaps, when I have learned what I need to learn, it will move on. Perhaps, it will never move

on. In the meantime, it is part of me and life goes on.

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Eyitayo said:

Thanks for the coaching encouragement , it’s indeed gives agressive strenght to live with it:)# 24 October 2008 at 8:50 am

Hussainy said:

Thanks, reading this boosted my selfesteem # 27 October 2008 at 12:53 pm

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Self Esteem For Vitiligo 25 October 2008 No Comment

Morris Rosenberg states that self-esteem is formulated in 3 ways (1) reflected appraisals, (2) social comparison, (3) self attribution.

Reflected appraisal comes from Mead and Cooleys’ idea that if other respect us and look up to us in some way, we are likely to have

a higher self-esteem than if they are degrading us.

Social comparison is the process by which we compare ourselves to others in either a positive, neutral or negative way. Poor

children (as a generalization) will often do less well at school than their wealthier classmates as the comparison of life styles may

develop a negative self-esteem, making it less likely that the poorer child will perform well in school and the low level of

achievement will then further damage the self-esteem.

Self-attribution is when there is a failure to observe the internal psychological processes and to instead, form an opinion of the self-

based on external behaviors or reactions. Bem gives us the example that a man who eats an enormous dinner could conclude “I

guess I was hungrier than I thought” making a conclusion about his external experience in seeing the empty plate instead of getting

in touch with his internal feelings whilst eating or after finishing the food to establish if he was full up earlier, or is now feeling over

filled. Therefore a child who’s teacher tell them “You’re not very good at concentrating.” Could conclude that this outside

information is the truth about their ability to concentrate and develop a low self-esteem, instead of challenging the statement

internally (“When am I good at concentrating? What do I concentrate really well at? Am I concentrating now?) and using his own

internal conclusions to improve the self-esteem and the level of concentration.

By far the most reliable means of improving one’s own self-esteem is to find it from within, as relying on an outside source to verify

your identity can be at times unreliable. If your self-esteem comes from knowing that you are a good daughter to your parents, what

will happen to that self-esteem when those parents pass away? Or if your self-esteem is verified by knowing that you are good at

your job, do you then lose your self-esteem if you lose your job?

If we must compare ourselves to others, then surely looking at what others have and we do not, is best serving us if that helps us to

establish new goals for the future to helps us achieve that which others have. Comparing ourselves to those who have less than us

should encourage us to feel thankful and to develop a more grateful attitude for what we have already.

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The idea of challenging the labels we are given (or give to ourselves) is not a new one. All NLP techniques are really based around the

idea of reframing a problem (that is “seeing it in a different and more resourceful way). Psychologist, Dr Clare Graves said “It’s not

that you get rid of problems. You evolve into a person who the problem doesn’t matter to.” This implies that overcoming a problem

is simply a case of changing the way in which you think about that problem, or seeing yourself in a more resourceful way. Using the

techniques of NLP this change in thinking can be created at the unconscious automatic level. When a person believes that they can

be and do more, they tend to feel better about themselves and therefore have a better experience in life. They achieve greater

results which propels their self-esteem to an even greater level.

By Gemma Bailey


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Vitiligo Repigmentation Proof 4 November 2008 12 Comments

“Never let life’s hardships disturb you … no one can avoid problems, not even saints or sages. “ Nichiren Daishonen

A couple of months ago I began searching the internet for vitiligo success stories when I came across one that showed me that I was

on the right track with my experiment.

Ilana is from Sweden and has been dealing with vitiligo, alopecia, and psoriasis. Her site describes how she stuck with a regiment of

taking B12, Folic Acid, and tanning her skin, to re-pigment her skin. What I enjoyed most was the fact that she showed before and

after photo’s which clearly show a 90% success in re-pigmentation.

Hi everyone, this is a reprint of a blog from aug 2007. Because there was such a tremendous response, for some reason the blog

comments are unable to show many of the comments. just in case you would like to offer some advice or comment to posters, I’m

reprinting a few of the now un-viewable comments. Please use the new comment area below to respond.

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when I read all these posts I then started to try the simple method of B12 and Folic acid and some sunshine here in London. I am

currently on homeopath pills from Dr Shah, I’ve been on them a year now and I started taking B12 and folic and ’sun’ since 6 months

ago. Since then I haven’t noticed a new spot anywhere which is amazing because I normally have a new one show itself once – twice

a year. Also the other good news is that I have seen some repigmentation in some areas, they come out as little frickles and grown

bigger. However, a little bit of sun is needed for the repigmentation from my exeprience because I only noticed repigment spots

after I spent time in the sun. Now that we are in winter season, there is no warm sun but all I can do is keep on taking the B12 and

folic and hopefully it stays the way it is – no news white spots!

I am on the hunt for the B12 with methylcobalamin but cannot seem to find it anywhere, would anyone know where in the UK I can

get this one?

Thanks in advance


Hi I am from the west indies. I am reading all the comments and am wondering which one i should use. I burn easily in the sun sothat

is not going to work for me. It would be nice if we could have the dosage of the different vitamins. I have had vitiligo since 1992 and

it has spread to almost all over my body . the most that I worry about is on my face and neck. Fort people of the West Indies what

can you recommend. I have spent so much money and something less expensive would be nice2008/11/01 at 8:32 PM

abdul ghori

I have vitiligo for 40 years. Any help? I tried every thing 2008/10/23 at 4:03 PM


Hi, Suki I don’t know where you live, but If I were you I would leave him. It is sad in most undeveloped nations and mostly Muslim

they consider vitiligo “God Curse” but actually it is nothing more than pagment disorder. Believe it or not, I am sure we would soon

find cure but in the meantime no one is perfect. When I look to my vitiligo it makes me sad and depressed but I do’nt let it bother

me too much because I always look at people who are in worst circumastance than us. Your Husband is stupid damn. Why is he so

sick-minded. I have vitiligo, but my wife loves even more.

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My advise best on my vitiligo experience, as every individual is unique, do’nt let it bother you, the more you are stressed the more

your vitiligo will irritate. There is a correlation between stress and vitiligo. Also, I am not trying any medicin at all, I believe most of

the time when I try something it spreads my vitiligo even more. I tried Marry Clinc’s Vitilax not only didn’t work but spear even more

patches on my hands. Bottomline, be positive, keep excersis and remember we do’t judge books by its cover but by its contenents.

2008/10/15 at 1:53 PM


Hi, Suki. I agree with Elizabeth. A person should not stop loving you just because you have skin imperfection (that’s TOO

SHALLOW!!!). I have vitiligo (runs in my family) since I was three years old. You should not be scared or frantic about your

condition…it actually defines your uniqueness as a person (at least that’s how I feel about myself). I’ve taken Dr. Li’s Vitilax and they

somewhat worked; I did not do a refill since it’s quite expensive and not covered by health insurance, but continued on taking

vitamins (B-12, folic and C). I take the methyl form of B-12 v. the more common cyano form. It’s a bit pricey but it seems to be more

effective in my progress (I take 3,000 mcg daily). About 50% of my face was covered with vitiligo (I am Asian, so my V’s are more

transparent) before I started the regimen. I use DermaBlend for cover-up since I was 15; I also read about DY-O-Derm but never

tried it. Elizabeth says it all, you will find wonderful people who will truly love you and will look beyond your appearance. If I were

you, I’ll tell your husband to look in the mirror and check if he thinks he has a perfect image before he even criticizes you…he should

be ASHAME of himself for acting so ignorant! You stay positive and be true to yourself about who you are, not how you look

like…because then, people will see you how you see yourself Take care!

2008/10/15 at 11:13 AM


Hi Suki, I can totally understand where you are coming from. I know it is horrible to be going through a situationat a young age. I am

21 years old and I am very aware of my appearance and for a while I was very scared that no one would come to ever “love” me but

I have met wonderful people who look beyond your appearance and make you feel like nothing is wrong with your skin. If your

husband cannot see what he has infront of him and he says he doesn’t love you anymore than I would say that he is not worth you

stressing. There is no cure yet unfortunately but you should seek into phototherapy treatment…a small patch of pigmentation is a lot

better than nothing at all….good luck and stay positive.2008/10/15 at 10:44 AM

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ALEX said:


THANKS A LOT# 5 November 2008 at 2:34 am

Nathalie Pelletier (author) said:

Hi Alex,

Unfortunately the site appears to have vanished from the internet. I originally found it by googleing vitiligo photo’s. I remember that

it was just a one page site that was on a sub-directory of another site.

The results look amazing for such a simple treatment, don’t you think?

Eyitayo said:

Summarily ,What kind of treatment did she really use?

Thanks.# 6 November 2008 at 1:01 am

estela gonzalez said:

my name is estela and i began with vitiligo february 2005. it began with white spots on my face and around my eyes. A doctor friend

of mine from cuba, told me about a medication called meladinina. since i started taking that medication i started getting an even

color on my whole body. i truly believe this medication has help me alot. please write back if you need info.# 22 November 2008 at

8:37 am

Nathalie Pelletier (author) said:

Hi Estela,

great news about your vitiligo…you were lucky to catch it early on. I would be great if you could email me some before and after

pictures of your vitiligo, so we can see the results first hand. cheers# 25 November 2008 at 4:12 pm

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Qua said:

Hi i am 25 years old and have vitiligo now for about 12 years. I have tried the dye-o-derm liquid and it works pretty good to start the

cover up process. I am not sure if it is safe to use on your face every day but i have used it every day for the past year and i havent

seen any neg signs yet. (knock on wood) I use it first to cover the spots and then go over it with regular foundation and then some

concealer and mineral makeup. Its the best thing i have found so far to help in covering up my white patches. I decided to make my

own “dye-o-derm” when i figured i could make it myself and its been working the same. I just use food coloring to make the brown

(it looks darker before you apply it) and some rubbing alchohol. It works the same from what i have noticed and its easier to have on

hand. my question to anyone who knows is, how much vit B12, and folic do i take daily? i dont want to overdose on it. i want to try it

and see if it works for me along with getting more sun exposure. thanks to anyone who can help

-Qua# 18 February 2009 at 12:41 am

Nathalie Pelletier (author) said:

hi qua,

i take 1200 mcg of folic acid and 2000mcg of vitamin b12…hope that helps

nathalie# 18 February 2009 at 9:39 am

Qua said:

Thanks Nathalie- i can’t wait to start# 18 February 2009 at 1:54 pm

Jijoho said:

Vitiligo can be cured. I have had vitiligo for about 40 years. About 30 years ago a woman in my village used a herbal preparation for

me and the ones on my face disappeared. The ones on the feet and other places remain. I suspected one of the leaves and began to

experiment on it alone in topical use. It worked! A little patch on my tummy where I applied this for experimentation disappeared.

Because of the patience needed to get vitiligo treated and my busy schedules, I have not continued in my experimentation.

However, I have a Nigerian dermatologist, Dr. Kunle Bademosi MD,Chief Medical Director of Full House International Skin Center,

who has developed a product called Kuntee. I have been on this for maybe 3 years now. I can send you my before and after pix on

my thighs as seen on the pictures on this webpage. It has worked for me. I notice also that Dr Bademosi includes Vitamin B12 or B

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Complex, Vitamin C and Folic Acid and one other tablet I do not know. But he said the major thing is the Kuntee Cream. The tablets

help in boosting the immune system.# 23 February 2009 at 1:50 pm

Nathalie Pelletier (author) said:

Hi Jihoho,

Thank you for the inspiring news. It would be beneficial if you could send photos so that the results of your repigmentation can be

seen by all who read this. I have never heard of the cream you speak of, I would definitely love to see the results you speak of. You

can send photos to [email protected] and I will post them to this site.

Thank you,

Nathalie# 23 February 2009 at 2:42 pm

betty said:

thanks for all the info i will try the folic acid and the b12 but i will also still be using the peper oil and sunshine. thanx# 5 May 2009 at

9:15 pm

Niran said:

@Jihoho, can you please link me with Dr. Bademosi# 16 October 2009 at 5:34 am

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Plasma of Vitiligo Patients May Hold Cancer Cure 12 November 2008 No Comment

Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

A while back I came across an article in a medical journal which detailed research being done to cure melanoma (skin cancer) using

plasma of donors with Vitiligo because studies have shown that this “enriched” IgG formulation contains potent anti-melanoma

activity (read the original blog).

I spent the morning trolling the internet for more on this subject and I found so much to share with you. There is no way that I can

condense all of the different sources and do justice to the vast amount of critical information given, so I’ve decided to provide links. I

trust that most have you have done extensive research on vitiligo; therefore, reading through mundane (yet informative) scientific/

medical journals is acceptable. Happy reading!

Journal of Autoimmune Diseases

Arch Dermatol, 1995

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

Google Question

Melanoma and vitiligo: immunology’s Grecian urn (note: there is are options for font size…you will def want to increase it. Also, take

a look a the article headline. Does it seem a bit cryptic to you? It did to me, but after mulling over the meaning, I decided that the

author must have taken it from, Keats’ Ode On A Grecian Urn, because at one point he describes the urn as an “historian” that can

tell a story. He wonders about the figures on the side of the urn and asks what legend they depict and from where they come. Alright,

I admit it. I can over think things just a bit.

That’s it for now

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Manage Stress, Manage Your Vitiligo 16 November 2008 3 Comments

Don’t be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better. Ralph

Waldo Emerson

After reading quite a few ‘vitiligo stories’, I’m going to go out on a limb today and state that perhaps the cure has been elusive

because there are different types of vitiligo which are triggered in the individual patient as some sort of response to either an

internal or external element. Be it a singular factor, such as stress, or many components comprised of food, allergies, and even

common household products, something is turning this gene ‘on’, and we are simply going to have to find solace in discovering what

activates the gene in our individual body system.

It’s all a process, isn’t it. For me, the most obvious place to start was with the medical history of my family. There is hypothyroidism

in my family (but this is very common) and 1 person has occasional flare-ups of psoriasis…so, nothing conclusive was found on the

medical front.

Second, I looked at my diet and external elements. I eat fairly well and I have no known food allergies, so that’s a bust. But external

elements…yep, there may be something here. I’ve noticed that whenever I use certain cleaning products, I get a funny taste in my

mouth…like I have a mouthful of coins is the best way to describe it. I first noticed this in my late 20’s, so there may be a connection.

Third, I looked at stress, moreover, how I process situations in my life. For me, this single factor seems to be the culprit of triggering

my vitiligo. I am, and always have been, an extremely emotionally sensitive person. That may sound like a dramatic overstatement,

but it truly defines the depth to which i internalize almost everything said or done to me. When I was a little girl, I would see kids

playing and instead of joining them (which, in retrospect would have been the best thing to do), I assumed no one asked me to join

in because they didn’t like me. School, especially university, was very difficult and stressful. No matter how hard I tried, or how

much I loved a subject, tests were my downfall. Each time i received a test back with a big red “C” or lower marked on it, I felt

dumber than the last. Little did I, or my teachers, know that I have a form of dyslexia which affects the way I process information and

my short term memory.

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I could go on and on with examples, but I won’t. At this point it’s clear to me that the low levels of stress-induced hormones buzzing

around my body for so many years finally found the tiny switch on the unassuming vitiligo gene sitting quietly in my dna, and flipped

it on.

I’ve tried changing my diet a bit, using non-toxic house cleaning products, and taking vitamins, but as far as repigmenting is

concerned, only sitting in the sun and my excimer laser treatments, have shown progress…and at that, it hasn’t been permanent. I

can state, though, that ever since I started meditating, exercising (this one’s easy since I teach aerobics and yoga), and consciously

working on how I mentally process situations, I haven’t had any new vitiligo patches.

If you haven’t already, take a closer look at your own family medical history. Analyze your eating habits and see if you connect with

any food allergies. Look for any negative reactions you may experience when using certain cleaning products. And lastly, cautiously

delve into your psyche to see if your very own mind has lead you to vitiligo…maybe vitiligo is life’s way of showing us that we need

to stop sabotaging ourselves with our own thought processes.

Most of all, I ask that you to keep coming back here to share your thoughts, your experiments, and give your support to others,

because by sticking together we can help each other through this.

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Stef said:

Thanks for this article.

I’ve had vitiligo my whole life and as a 22-year old, it’s not getting any easier to handle.

I am also a stressful person and am starting to realize the older I get, the more stress I encounter, and the more spots I get.

It’s so stressful! haha

Hopefully they find a cure for people like us, because it’s about time they do! # 25 November 2008 at 9:43 pm

Yusuf Wassung said:

Great post, its like i was reading my own story. Thank you.. you right, if we stand together we can get through this.Best regards,

Yusuf# 23 December 2008 at 6:45 am

cdbachert said:

Thank you so much for posting this. Iam 20 years old and have had this vitiligo since I was little. This has caused me alot of stress

when going to school and never wanting to wear shorts or skirts. I have overcome this fear, and realized I can’t hide the person that I

am. I have always been a stressful person, and this is the first time that Ive heard anyone say that vitiligo could spread with stress. I

just want to thank you for sharing your experience, I will take your advice and try to stress less:> Just a quick tip that has worked for

me is just protect your vitiligo from the sun. The more Iam in the sun the more it spreads.# 22 January 2009 at 1:38 pm

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Shop Confidently for Vitiligo Curing Products 26 November 2008 No Comment

“Caveat Emptor“ Anonymous

We all want a cure for vitiligo to be discovered. At the very least, finding a treatment that re-pigments

our skin, or stops the vitiligo from spreading, would bring much peace of mind. However, I want to

remind you that not all businesses are out there to sell you a product that truly works…many don’t care

how you feel if you take their pills as instructed on the bottle, and nothing happens. They don’t think

twice about advertising their ‘miracle’ oil that was concocted from a bit of research done on the

internet. It’s business. And just as you wouldn’t dream of buying a car that you’ve never seen or

inspected, be smart about the products you choose online. Of course, not every company is out to take

your money and run…many simply want to help you and truly believe in their products. Keep in mind,

what works for one person with vitiligo may not work for another.

Here are a few tips to maximize your chances of buying from a reputable company online:

1. The site provides a contact phone number. If you have questions, you want answers. And sometimes talking to a person is much

more informative than reading through FAQ’s. Plus, a phone number gives you the confidence that if there is an issue, it can be

resolved with a phone call.

2. Before and After Photos. Don’t just take the word of eloquently written sales copy. I can’t think of one good reason why a

company who says their product helps repigment the skin can’t show you the proof. I know first hand that it’s an easy process to

put before and after pictures on a shopping site; I did it for the Vitiligo Cover Lotion. Sure photos can be manipulated, but I bet

you’d have more of a chance to come across sites that don’t even bother putting, than you would of one that fakes the pic.

3. What country produces the product. The FDA in the USA doesn’t exactly have my full confidence. Some countries have stricter

(and unbiased to the pharmaceutical companies) regulations, but many other countries are much more laxed which aren’t even

enforced. For your own safety, Just check it out before you buy.

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4. Look for, and scrutinize, customer comments. Understandably, most companies won’t post negative comments, but any

comments at all is a good sign. I suggest to scrutinize them, though, because I once re-edited the copy for a site that sold many

healing products, one being vitiligo, and the customer comments section was laughable. The site was from a country outside the US.

and the customer comments, which were supposedly from people living in America, were written in broken English and possessed

the quality you’d get from using a translating site on the internet. Completely bogus. Again, I say, show me the proof; don’t just tell


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Meladinina By Any Other Name is Still Psoralen 30 November 2008 No Comment

There have been a few commenters lately telling of a medicine called meladinina which has cured them of vitiligo. They say that they

got the meds from Cuba and that some people even travel all the way there to get treatment and buy meladinina.

With a quick search on the internet, I found that meladinina is a mexican brand name of a medicine found in the pharmacologic

category, Psoralen. To my surprise there are Canadian and U.S equivalants to meladinia:

U.S. Brand Names

8-MOP®; Oxsoralen-Ultra®; Oxsoralen®; Uvadex®

Canadian Brand Names

Oxsoralen-Ultra®; Oxsoralen®; Ultramop™; Uvadex®

I’m going to talk with my dermatologist this week to find our more about these products so we can compare and contrast the

benefits offered by each. Until then, if you have any pertinent info leave a comment here for us.

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Healing On a Spiritual Level 1 December 2008 No Comment

The beginning of knowledge is the discovery of something we do not understand. Frank Herbert

Without even trying, I usually end up learning something new everyday. Yesterday while perusing the internet, I came across the

story of a woman who was healed of her vitiligo. In short, she practiced the spiritual methods of Bruno Groening and one day

noticed that her white patches were disappearing.

I had never heard of Groening, so I did some research on him, too, and found an abundance of interesting information. Also,

because they’ve just released a documentary about his life, I was able to watch him in action on Youtube.

Since I have never really tried to heal my vitiligo through meditation or prayer, the idea sounds a little far fetched. But I am a great

believer in the power of our mind and its ability to heal, so I think I will practice the Groening method (complete info on the method

will be posted on tomorrow’s blog) and see what results I can create.

Here is Pikta’s story:

Healing from Vitiligo

Success Report of Jadwiga Pikta, 63, Zgierz, Poland

They just helplessly threw up their hands

As a young woman I liked to wear sleeveless dresses and blouses with a low neckline and felt completely desperate when I could no

longer wear them any more – at an age when one loves life and also likes to wear pretty things – and now this! I was so ashamed

that I wore tights even in the summer. My clothing covered my body up to my neck. I was exposed to the ridicule of others because

of the spots and began to avoid people. That restricted the quality of my life even more, and my inner stress increased further.

I even sought help from leading physicians, but even they helplessly threw up their hands. I was told I would have to accept it and

live with it. I was given a medication in liquid form to be rubbed in, but it didn’t help. In the following two years the spots increased

in size and stayed for almost 40 years.

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In August, 1999, I learned of the teaching of Bruno Groening from an acquaintance. I began to regularly participate in community

hours in Zgierz und ?ód? and do einstellen for the healing power in the morning and evening according to the teaching of Bruno


What did you do?

Without thinking about it at the time, I bought a dress with a low neckline two years ago in 2002. And then I suddenly remembered

the spots and noticed that they had disappeared. I was overjoyed and began to also buy myself blouses with a low neckline. I also

felt very good. Friends and acquaintances that I had known for years asked me what I had done to get rid of the spots and what

medication I had taken.

I said that God had healed me. While listening to the various success reports at the conference in Warsaw in May of 2004, it

occurred to me that I myself hadn’t written down my healing and decided to do it immediately. I had the inner need to comply with

Bruno Groening’s request in the fifties for “just a little note” in gratitude for a healing. I hoped with all my heart that through my

success report other people would be encouraged to obtain their own healing from this ostensibly ‘incurable’ disease.

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How to receive healing according to the teachings of Bruno Groening 2 December 2008 2 Comments

Groenings Teachings: A short, simple description:

1. Sit with both feet flat on the floor, a comfortable distance apart. Place the backs of your hands on your thighs so that the palms

face upwards and the hands do not touch each other; and your arms (and legs) are not crossed. Your spine is straight (if possible)

but relaxed.

2. Believe in a loving God who wants you to be well.

3. Have an intention of tuning into (Einstellen) and accepting and absorbing the Divine Healing Stream (Heilstrom).

4. Trust and Believe – the Divine power Helps and Heals. – believe that as soon as you request healing, you are receiving it, and you

are healed.

5. Pay great attention to your body, and particularly on good feelings in the body.Do your best to not follow the pains or discomfort,

but rather notice other sensations. As soon as you do the steps above, you are receiving healing, and there will be sensations caused

by this. If your mind wanders, just bring it back to an awareness of your body. If this is difficult to do, then instead think of something

beautiful, or listen to spiritually uplifting music. If you experience an increase in symptoms or unusual discomforts when you are

sitting in this position and tuning in, do not be concerned – just remember that you have asked for healing, and sometimes this has

to work in a very physical way – these pains do not always occur, but are called


6. If you have any illnesses or worries or problems, do not focus on these – rather just give them all to Bruno Groening to deal with,

and ask for his help and protection.

7. Live according to divine laws (and the teachings of Bruno Groening, which express divine laws). Put aside resentment and anger

and gossip, and other evil things which harm yourself and others. Avoid as far as possible other peoples negative attitudes.

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8. Things which can get in the way of healing are loss of hope, an unwillingness to believe in God, an identification with the illness or

problem (i.e. Holding onto it, thinking of it as yours). You must be open to the healing.

For the complete guide and info about Groening, please go here.

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Kathleen A. Ball said:

I was intruduced to this healing energy by a friend of mine, Maria Benning Saturday night. 11.7.09. I experienced a warmth in both

hands, in my spine and stomach area. I have noticed a release of alot of toxins in the last few days and continued freedom of

movement in my back. A general sense of well being and a peace. I alligned so quickly with this energy I think because I felt a sense

of innocense with it, purity and good intention. so much of today’s healing is attached to making money I think it loses it’s purity.

Thank you to all who have continued to make this avenue of healing available to others. Kathleen A. Ball# 9 November 2009 at 4:00


indrasurya said:

forgive me, just 1 remark concerning the picture of the hands of the lady: her hands seems like turned downwards. I and many of my

friends are doing the Bruno meditation twicea day for 15 minutes at 9 o’lock (when not possible at 10 or 8 twice a day. When for

example sitting in the train, I do it as unstriking as possible. Though it sometimes comes to a conversation and i may hand over a

Bruno leaflet. Live Well & Heal the world! Indra# 16 February 2010 at 1:48 pm

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Selsun Blue effective on tinea versicolor Not vitiligo 4 December 2008

Before everyone runs out to buy a bottle of to cure vitiligo, I have some news…Selsun Blue is effective for clearing up the white

patches of a fungal skin condition called tinea versicolor. When I first heard about the shampoo curing vitiligo, I went straight to the

store and bought some before doing any further research on the matter. I was gutted when it didn’t work on my vitiligo, but after

talking to my dermatologist and reading up on it, I realized that those who had been cured were either misdiagnosed with vitiligo or

they thought they had it when, in fact, it was simply a fungus.

Here’s the scoop:

Tinea versicolor, also called pityriasis versicolor, is a common fungal infection of the skin. The fungus interferes with the normal

pigmentation of the skin, resulting in small, discolored patches.

Antifungal creams, lotions or shampoos can help treat tinea versicolor. But even after successful treatment, skin color may remain

uneven for several weeks until repigmentation occurs, and tinea versicolor may return, especially in warm, humid weather.

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Missouri woman supports people with vitiligo 10 December 2008 13 Comments

By Harry Jackson Jr.



Nathalie Pelletier’s case of vitiligo, a skin condition that discolors the skin, was mild. Still, she started blogging about it.


That’s when she found other people that had cases much more severe.

“I started getting emails from people whose lives were (destroyed) by the condition,” she said, “people contemplating ending their


The condition can be emotionally crippling even though it’s not physically debilitating.


Vitiligo causes pigment cells most commonly on hands and face, to stop working. Doctors don’t know the cause, but it doesn’t cause

physical disability.

The remedies are skin treatments that get pigment cells to work or cosmetic cover ups.


“I can’t believe how many people feel alone,” Pelletier said. “I feel the need to reach out.”

Pelletier’s condition began about 10 years ago with discoloration below her fingernails. “I thought it was a fungus that I got from a

manicure,” she said.

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The condition spread slowly over her hands, face and knees. She’s fair-skinned so it was difficult to see — until summer. “I tan easily,

and that’s when it stands out,” she said.


Pelletier’s dermatologist, Dr. Daniel Ring of West County Dermatology, used an ultraviolet B laser to stimulate the growth of pigment

cells — the same light used in tanning. “But it only exposes the affected skin,” he said.

The UV laser helped to return some of Pelletier’s skin tone.

Treatment can be costly because some medical insurance companies consider vitiligo a cosmetic problem, not a true illness.


As she communicated online with people, she found that people with darker skin had more emotional problems, because the stark

contrasts between the very light skin and the dark skin caused people to stare. In some cases, they were rejected by friends.

“Sometimes I’ll tell someone to go out and do one thing a day to start living again,” she said.

She also learned information she shares with others.

A woman in Africa stopped eating meat and her condition went away; another increased her intake of vitamin B12, folic acid, which

relieved her condition.

But the condition remains mysterious. “What works for me may or may not work for someone else,” she said.

[email protected] |


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Julie Pruitt said:

All I have to say about this is, “keep a positive attitude,” no matter what, if you worry about it, that is just feeding it. Worrying about

something isn’t going to do a bit of good, it is what it is, so try to make the best of whatever it is, because life is way too short to

worry, like I said before, it doesn’t do a bit of good to worry! God Bless….# 14 December 2008 at 9:54 pm

Julie Pruitt said:

Remember, you are not alone on this, there are quite a few people with vitiligo, even if you never seem to see them. # 14 December

2008 at 9:56 pm

joseph mugo said:

mine is a question.i have been having serious problems with my tummy.digestion problems,gas,hard stool,perpitation.is this

because of vitigo i have been living with more than ten years.pls answer.# 30 December 2008 at 9:00 am

Nathalie Pelletier (author) said:

Hi Joseph,

I would love to give you a definitive answer, but it’d be best to tell a medically trained professional about your symptoms.

personally, i don’t have those issues with my vitiligo…everyone is different though.

happy new year!nathalie # 31 December 2008 at 2:09 pm

Mea said:

I have had vitiligo for 13 years. I acquired it after having a reaction to the powder in latex gloves. It started out on my hands but now

I have it all over. I am fair skinned so it is easier to hide in the fall and winter. I tan in the summer and that is my most difficult time

of year. I have so many areas on my arms. I miss being able to wear short sleaved shirts without feeling embarrassed. I have tried

several cosmetics to cover these areas but because I have so much of it, the cover up almost brings more attention to the areas. I am

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considering fading my skin with prescription hydroquinolone cream. I know there are complicatations associated with this and that I

will have to be extremely careful due to the increased risk of skin cancer. However, I am at the point where I just want to be able to

fit into society again. I’m glad that there are others out there that understand how this feels.# 25 January 2009 at 11:51 am

Mea said:


I looked at your add for vitiligo cover lotion. I am going to try that first. I will be the matron of honor in a wedding 3 months from

now. I will have to expose my arms in the dress so I am praying that this will work. Can you send me some instructions on the best

way to apply the lotion. Can it cause streaking? # 25 January 2009 at 12:14 pm

Nathalie Pelletier (author) said:

Hi Mea,

The instructions for using Vitiligo Cover lotion will be included in your package. Also, if you may look at them here on the site:


I use the lotion each week and have not had any streaking

Nicole said:

Does the vitiligo cover lotion have any bad side effects and can it cause vitiligo to spread?

Im guessing it just covers the spots and doesnt help repigmentation?# 9 February 2009 at 12:06 pm

Nathalie Pelletier (author) said:

Hi Nicole,

I have been using vitiligo cover lotion for 4 years and there have been not repercussions. It is perfectly safe to use and will not cause

vitiligo to spread. It’s a wonderful product that I wholeheartedly stand by.

nathalie# 9 February 2009 at 10:49 pm

Cami said:

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Hi! I just wanted to say that I’ve had vitiligo for many years now, and, surprisingly, very recently realized I had never dome some

research on it. Mine is very mild, it’s even cool cause my hair is very dark and I got a white lock where you can’t really see the white

spot, so people tend to believe I just stained it that way. But now that I’ve seen some photos, I’m honestly shocked and so dearly

grateful for the mildness of my condition. Now I see it can be a social issue, a possibility I had never considered, cause mine is in

places you hardly see. Since mine does not seem to advance, I was led to believe a cure is not needed. But now I see things

differently and, well, sorry to all who wasted their time reading this, cause it does not add to the discussion at hand, I just really felt I

had to say that. bye!# 15 March 2009 at 5:28 pm

Kayte said:

Hello! I’ve had vitiligo for about 40 some years now. I have always been fair skinned, so the color contrast has not been too bad. I am

finally at the point where I am one color…..white! I no longer have darker areas that need to be matched. (yeah!) However, I am

wondering what fake tan product is best and compatable with sunblock. I end up feeling like I took a dip in a pool of glue. How

would the Vitiligo Cover Lotion help me? Thanks for your time!# 5 June 2009 at 9:05 am

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Set yourself free from vitiligo 21 December 2008

I received a comment from a woman who thinks that she might have vitiligo and her words made me take pause to think. She spoke

of having a few autoimmune diseases in her family and about the research she has done to try and find a cure for her own ailments.

The medical community may not agree with patients searching for a cure for their own condition since they have little or no medical

training as to the specific complexities of the human body, but from a psychological standpoint, I think it’s the greatest emotional

healer. It’s how they get their power back.

Hearing a diagnosis for some physical ailment is in itself a hard pill to swallow (pardon the pun), but the feeling of helplessness that

follows, the total dependency upon the medical community to ‘fix’ the problem, and living with the physical effects of the illness,

can leave one emotionally drained.

If you think about it, no matter what situation you face, be it a breakup, problems in the workplace, or health issues, your perception

of the situation and how you live through it will directly influence your emotional standing. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed, but it’s

imperative to your overall health.

Vitiligo is as much a mental disease as it is physical. As a matter of fact, if it weren’t for the obvious white patches on the skin, one

would never know that they had a problem. This skin disorder brings no physical discomfort, but it almost guarantees social

discomfort because your skin is not a uniform color.

So, how do you live with this? Well, through all of the communications I’ve had with people who have vitiligo, I can see 3 categories

that they fit in: the “I’m fine with how I look and don’t care what others think” group, the “I can’t face another day living with this”

group, and most people are in the “I don’t like having this skin disorder and I’m not getting the help I need from doctors, so I’m

going to help myself!”

The first and third categories are empowered, but if you find that you are in the second, please try to find a way to change your

perception so that you can feel better about yourself and live a happy life.

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Easier said than done, I know. But I think even the smallest act of taking supplements daily which may help the vitiligo, going for a

walk each day, or perhaps journaling your feelings daily, will help. Routines can bring on a sense of pride, this leads to raised self-

esteem, which then brings you to a place of having self-worth. And when you have self-worth, not much can stand in your way of

being content.

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Vitiligo: emotional not physical suffering 29 December 2008

Mysterious Disease Causes Emotional Not Physical Pain for Sufferers:

adapted from article published October 2007

When kids notice Maggie Hargrow, she knows by the shocked looks on their faces they are curious about her maybe even a bit

scared. The braver kids always blurt out the same questions:

Does that hurt? Did you get burned in a fire?

That’s because Hargrow, 66, of Avondale, has vitiligo, a relatively common condition that causes the skin to lose its pigmentation.

Although scientists believe the condition is genetic, there is no cure for vitiligo. It most often occurs in people with autoimmune

diseases and first appears near the mouth, eyes, nose and joints.

Hargrow’s vitiligo started in 1975 with a single white spot at the corner of her right eye. Over the next 25 years, the condition has

slowly crawled across her face and other parts of her body”including her scalp, hands, feet, arms and legs.

I’m thankful that I can legitimately answer ˜no to the kids questions, but this disease has caused me emotional pain. People have

been very cruel to me over the years, Hargrow says. I can’t go in the grocery store or even walk down the street without people

staring at me or assuming I have some horrible, contagious disease. They sometimes shrink with disgust.

No matter how resilient a person tries to be, she says, eventually those looks and comments hurt.

For years, Hargrow says she has been embarrassed by her condition and hesitated to go out in public.

She didn’t share her feelings with her family even though they continued to show her love and support. She became somewhat

reclusive, her overall health declining as a result.

UC dermatological researcher Raymond Boissy, PhD, is working with the National Vitiligo Foundation to break down barriers for

people with vitiligo as well as understand the genetic causes for the disease.

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Boissy organized a national conference in Cincinnati last October to help educate both patients and researchers about vitiligo.

Vitiligo is one of the most prominent non-cancer skin diseases, but the lack of general community awareness about it has resulted in

painful stereotypes that make leading a normal life very difficult, explains Boissy, professor of dermatology at UC and president and

chairman of the National Vitiligo Foundation.

Only 30 percent of patients will show any progress from the therapies available today, he adds. The foundation exists to help raise

awareness of the disease, provide funding for new research and advocate for the rights of people like Maggie.

Hargrow says last years vitiligo conference changed her life.

Before I went to the conference, I felt isolated and cut off from the rest of the world, she recalls. But when I walked in and saw

people just like me, it was like that covering of fear and self-loathing had been scraped off. It gave me the confidence to come out of

hiding, and reminded me that each day is one more beautiful day that God has given me to do something with my life. I try to think

positively now and do more to conquer my fears.

Hargrow says in addition to registering people for the conference, she gave every attendee a big smile and hug.

Unlike vitiligo, smiles and positive feelings are contagious. I can’t wait to spread them to other people like me, she laughs.

Hargrow and other vitiligo patients from across the United States shared their stories during the patient-support group session at

the conference and pre-conference attendees took a tour of Boissy’s UC vitiligo research lab.

The foundation awarded $30,000 in scientific grants.

Another Perspective: Kids and Vitiligo

Although about 40 percent of all people with vitiligo are over age 15 at diagnosis, some people literally will live their entire lives with

the condition.

Miller Beyer, 9, of Mason, was just four years old when his mother noticed small white spots developing on his hands and knees.

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We’ve always told Miller that his vitiligo is just one of the things that makes him special, but it’s tough for a kid to be different, says

Bess Beyer, his mother. Fortunately, most of his spots are in places that aren’t that noticeable, which helps him deal with the


Last year, Miller’s mom took him to the vitiligo conference so he could see other people like him.

He felt like he was the only person who had this problem, so the conference was a big confidence booster, she says.

Now in the fourth grade, Miller is pretty matter-of-fact about his condition.

People always ask: Why is your skin so white? What’s on your skin? I just tell them my skin doesn’t produce color, and it’s not

contagious. Most people are cool with it after that.

Next year, the National Vitiligo Foundation hopes to host Camp Discovery, a retreat for kids and friends of kids with vitiligo to help

foster understanding about the disease.

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Our Sponsor

About the Author NATHALIE PELLETIER is the creator of Vitiligo Corner. She’s written 10 other

ebooks, started a few Internet companies, and writes a blog.


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Born on date

This document was created on December 31, 2008 and is based on the best

information available at that time.

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