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  • 2 The DanDenong Journal \ JULY 8, 2013





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  • 6 The DanDenong Journal \ JULY 8, 2013



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    Gateway to the goldfieldsDid you know that Dandenong was once known as the gateway to the goldfields?

    In The Dandenong Journals 120th anniversary issue, published on November 16, 1985, Dandenong auto-electrician and inventor

    Niel Ross stated it was the aspiration of the Dandenong District Shire Council last century to claim the goldfields title. He believed there was evidence in the City of Dandenongs former coat of arms to prove this.

    Before the official coat of arms was altered, it featured a miners gold-washing cradle on the bottom right-hand corner of the symbol. Mr Ross said: My theory is that after the goldfields bloom and boom started to fade, there were rich strikes made in the Jordan Valley near Woods Point, and Dandenong decided to push for the centre to be the gateway to the new fields.

    At that time, around 1860, the merchants in Melbourne were seeking the quickest possible route to transport their goods to the latest big gold-mining centre. Gold was found in quite big quantities at Woods Point and in the Jordan Valley not in mere dribbles.

    Council award for Cornerstone In the June edition of Cornerstone Contact Centres magazine, The Gazette, centre manager Don Cameron

    expressed his delight that the City of Greater Dandenong had recognised the many volunteers who work tirelessly on the varied programs the centre provides. They give hours of their time helping the needy, the homeless and the hungry, not only in the Greater City but also in its environs.

    We are very proud of the councils recognition of our work, Mr Cameron said when the centre received the special honour.

    We picked up another 40 volunteers and a Thursday night meal program was started.

    Everyone who works with hungry people knows that people with full stomachs are healthier, more law-abiding, and much friendlier than people with empty stomachs.

    I often get hugged by men I give a food hamper to and Im delighted to see more church groups getting involved in this area.

    Annual blanket appealWith chilly nights still ahead, Dandenong District Benevolent Society volunteers, who operate from the Corner Arcade shop in Thomas Street, and Springvale Benevolent Society are making their annual appeal for donations of blankets and rugs for winter warmth for the needy. Gifts of woollen jumpers would also be greatly appreciated.

    Margaret Ladner, the hard-working manager of the Dandenong shop, can be contacted on 9793 3736. The Springvale bureaus number is 9546 5558.

    Brigades 119th annual dinnerDandenong fire brigade celebrates its 119th annual dinner at the Sandown Greyhound Racing Club on Saturday, August 31 at 6.30pm.

    Awards will be presented to a number of firefighters at the brigades night of the year.

    The brigade has played a leading role in my life, as I was married for 25 years to a third-generation volunteer at the brigade, which operated at the time from Mason Street, in the heart of Dandenong.

    I admire all brigade members paid staff and volunteers, male and female for the vital roles they undertake in our community. \

    My voice \ A moment with mArg stork

    Do you have a MilesTone, MeMory or quesTion for Marg? Email [email protected] or post submissions to A Moment with Marg, c/o The Dandenong Journal, PO Box 318, Dandenong 3175

    annual appeal for blankets and rugs


    os P



    \ th




  • 10 The DanDenong Journal \ JULY 8, 2013

    PeaCeMaKerS oF The STreeTS

    Hugs and handshakes not handcuffs are the tools of the trade for a team of fluoro-vested pseudo-police patrolling Greater Dandenong on Friday nights.

    Their targets are young people hanging in the citys roughest places. For many of these youth, the hugs are probably a rare show of warmth on a cold winters night.

    Despite the official vests, this team of volunteer young leaders, working with police officers, isnt about conventional policing. It is a statewide first, a Police & Young Leaders Engagement Team (PYLET) in more ways than one.

    On a recent Friday night, the Journal cruised in a mini-van with the teams two Dandenong police officers, Sergeant Joey Herrech and Leading Senior Constable James Waterson, and five young leaders BJ Kour, Willy Busari, Charles Seleman, Paora Te Paki and Anthony Sofe.

    Inside the van, the peacemakers exchange jokes and join a discussion on the dowry system in a Sudanese village, where the record dowry was more than 200 cows for a wife.

    The leaders are entrenched in their Maori, Samoan and Sudanese communities and they are recognised by many of the troubled youth. Seleman is a pastor and musician who helps disadvantaged youth record CDs, Paki helps young people who live in secure welfare housing and Sofe is a Samoan community chief and church leader.

    The leaders aim to build trust between police and young people who see police as the bad guys muscling in and making arrests when trouble starts. PYLET aims to be proactive, out from early in the evening and hosing down trouble before it has the chance to ignite.

    There has been cause for the change of tack. A report called Boys, you wanna give me some action: Interventions into policing of racialised communities in Melbourne, co-authored by Springvale-Monash Legal Service in 2009, found African young people claiming racialised treatment by police.

    The report stated Africans were being excessively stopped and searched, questioned, asked for identification and told to move on, more so than other cultural groups. In some cases, they were victims of physical violence.

    In February, after an out-of-court settlement between police and a group of African-Australians in Melbournes west, who alleged racial profiling and over-policing against them, Victoria Polices chief commissioner, Ken Lay, acknowledged some of our people have let us down.

    At the Dandenong-based Safe Suburbs taskforce, there is a sense of marked change, especially since moving in August from zero tolerance to a firm-but-fair approach to situations of public disorder.

    The taskforce has been credited with reducing public drinking and robberies and assaults in Greater Dandenong since late 2011. Protective services officers also have helped keep the peace at notorious railway stations such as Dandenong.

    On patrol: Youth leader Anthony Sofe (above)talks to a young person.

    Night patrol: Youth leaders BJ Kour, Anthony Sofe, Temese Leilua, Willy Busari, Leading Senior Constable James Waterson and Sergeant Joey Herrech. (MerediTH OSHeA)

    Before PYLET started in April, out-of-control weekend parties many involving African and Pacific Islander groups were the most pressing issue. Police were being called out to disperse crowds of hundreds of intoxicated people from about six parties each weekend.

    Sergeant Herrech, who is the programs co-ordinator and a long-standing advocate of its proactive-policing style, says crimes and incidents have dropped off on PYLET patrol nights.

    He says the programs success helps him convince his colleagues of the worth of a

    more creative, respectful policing style. Our colleagues who worked later on those [PYLET patrol] nights have told us it was eerily quiet, he said.

    The team often crosses paths with sterner police units who are more inclined to move loiterers on.

    Sergeant Herrech moves with friendly body language towards groups of young people and is quick to offer a welcoming How are you, brother? The aim is to find out how the young people are going in life, whats happening at home and to see if there is a need for some help.

    He speaks to a girl, 17, who says she is interested in joining the police force but has a criminal record for armed robbery. He says the criminal record is going to make things hard for her; she should start volunteer work to show people she is now on the right track.

    First stops are Dandenong Pop-Up Park, railway station and Dandenong Plaza where there have been recent reports of assaults, some involving young people identifying themselves with American colours.

    There are opportunities for good deeds.The team warns off a would-be car thief

    in Dandenong Plaza car park, convinces a bus driver to give a ride to Doveton to an inebriated passenger carrying a slab, and gives sage advice to organisers of a Sudanese social event on how to deal with gatecrashers.

    As the team moves through crowds at the plaza, some young people scatter and some give quizzical stares.

    Sudanese young leader BJ Kour says that sometimes the community leaders are given a hard time. When approaching a large group, he usually makes a beeline for the leader and chats in their language.

    If you get the respect of the leader you get the respect of all of them, he says.

    In some circumstances, the leaders enjoy a higher status. Are you with the police? some youth admiringly say to the leaders.

    Theres a waiting list of more than 30 would-be leaders to join the program.

    The team finds a group of highly at-risk young men at the station those dressed in American colours. They walk up and say hello. It goes well. Defences are down, an inch of trust is earned.

    One of them is a boy, 16, who lives as a ward-of-the-state in a Scott Street facility, his parents having left him to go home to the Cook Islands.

    One of the PYLET leaders, Paki, says the boy used to dabble in crime, fighting and alcohol but has been keeping himself out of trouble for a while.

    Were trying to get him something to do, Paki says. I offer them encouragement and support. Most of the kids in the gangs dont have those positive role-models. Its tough to say whats going to happen to that fellow.

    Willy Busari, a Sudanese Australian, has been on most of the fortnightly PYLET runs. He is a strong, quiet presence and says his role is to show youths that police are there for them, not against them. Hard-line policing escalates the tension and causes young people to bite back, he says.

    Outside Dandenong Plaza, Sergeant Herrech asks a youngster called John how police can help point young people in the right direction. John had been in trouble with the law and had his skull fractured when run over by a car. He has given up marijuana for music, playing guitar piano and singing rap.

    John said PYLET was perfect the members talked to young people the right way.

    Thats the way to get our respect, he says. \

    Feature \ A team of peacemakers is building bridges between police and young people from African and Pacific Islander communities. CAMERON LUCADOU-WELLS joins a night patrol in Dandenong

  • JULY 8, 2013 \ The DanDenong Journal 11

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  • 12 The DanDenong Journal \ JULY 8, 2013

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    MountWaverley Dental has now beenopen for 1 year, established byDr Ornella Crugnale. The staff are friendly and welcoming and help patients relax and make every dental experiencecomfortable and pain free. We provide gentle dental care to every agegroup and are committed to excellence.Dr Crugnale said. Our focus is on a family-based practice, pre-ventive dentistry and maintaining teeth for life. The practice offers an extensive range of ser-vices including:n Adult and childrens dentistryn Cosmetic dentistryn White fi llingsn Orthodonticsn Invisalign n Crowns, veneers and bridgeworkn Root canal treatmentn Whitening n Implant restorations n Fissure sealants, andn Prompt attention to toothachesn Implant Surgeryn Wisdom Teeth Removal

    Dr Crugnale is certainly well qualifi ed. She hasbeen a dentist for the past 14 years after graduat-ing from the University of Melbourne in 1998. She has a bachelor of science degree withmajors in pharmacology and pathology from theUniversity of Melbourne. Dr Crugnale is a member of the AustralianDental Association and a fellow of the Interna-tional College for Continuing Education, Singa-pore, in the fi eld of orthodontics for generalpractitioners. Dr Anton Binshtok has joined the practiceand carries out more diffi cult wisdom teethremoval and implant surgery. The practice is at 318 Highbury Road, MtWaverley. Call the friendly staff with anyquestions. They are happy to help.

    Opening hours are Monday to Friday 8am-6pm and Saturday 9am -1pm.

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    Service with a smile


  • JULY 8, 2013 \ The DanDenong Journal 13

    Beauty, Health & WellbeingA Weekly Advertising feature



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  • 16 The DanDenong Journal \ JULY 8, 2013

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    sChool holiDays

    THE CARNIVAL OF PUPPETSPoppets love puppets and youngster Daniel Gordon (pictured) was lucky to enjoy a preview of The Carnival of Puppets. The free school-holiday program for children aged five and over will run session times to suit working parents. Tales such as Beauty and the Beast and The Little Bad Wolf are included, and shows by the Dream Puppets, Red Herring Theatre and Purple Capsicum Puppets. Running hand-in-hand with the shows are puppet making and puppet play activities. Bookings are not required. Dandenong library, Stuart Street, Dandenong, and Springvale library, 411 Springvale Road, Springvale. Until Friday. 1300 630 920 or greaterdandenonglibraries.com.


    BECCYS BIG HITS TOURCountry music singer Beccy Cole is celebrating her 40th birthday and 20 years on the music scene with a compilation record and tour. Beccys Big Hits show includes her most popular tracks. Fans are encouraged to get involved in the tour by posting

    a video of themselves performing a song on Beccys Facebook fan page. She will select a shiny star from each tour town to perform at the concert. Likes on Facebook will be considered. Cost $30. Hallam Hotel, corner of Princes Highway and Hallam Road. 8.30pm this Friday. 136 100 or ticketmaster.com.au.


    THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERAWindmill is one of the first companies in the world given the

    rights to perform The Phantom of the Opera outside of a professional setting. The Andrew Lloyd Webber show, directed by Chris Hughes, is the biggest production to be staged at Drum Theatre in Dandenong. More than four tonnes of lights, five tonnes of sets, a 27-piece orchestra, hundreds of costumes, and special effects feature in the performance. From $35.20. Drum Theatre, 226 Lonsdale Street, Dandenong. 8pm this Thursday to Saturday, 2pm Sunday. 9771 6666 or phantomoftheopera.net.au.

    Choir PerForManCe

    BEAUTIFUL AFRICA: A NEW GENERATIONThe Watoto Childrens Choir from Uganda will perform Beautiful Africa: A New Generation, a free event featuring contemporary gospel and traditional African music, dance routines and stories of Africas rescued orphans and women. Each child in the choir has lost one or both parents to HIV, war or poverty and lives in a Watoto childrens village where youngsters receive care and opportunities. St Johns German Lutheran Parish, 3 Albert Avenue, Springvale. 6.30pm July 17. 9546 6005.


    SPRINGVALE SNOW FESTThe inaugural Springvale Snow Fest will transform Springvale into a winter wonderland complete with a real snow play area, lion dance, roving performers and winter decorations. Light snowfalls along Buckingham Avenue will set the mood as festival goers enjoy

    rides, cultural performances, snowman-building and ice sculpting. Entry of $5 includes all rides. Corner of Buckingham and Balmoral avenues, Springvale. 1pm-7pm July 21. greaterdandenong.com.


    HEARTLANDS REFUGEE ART PRIZE AND EXHIBITIONRefugee artists will show their talents at Heartlands Refugee Art Prize and Exhibition, a free event presented by Dandenong council, Multicultural Arts Victoria and AMES, which helps refugees and migrants settle in the community. The exhibition features painting, sculpture, photography and drawings by artists from diverse cultural backgrounds. Major prizes total $20,000 and one local artist will be awarded a City of Greater Dandenong prize of $500. Walker Street Gallery and Arts Centre, corner of Walker and Robinson streets, Dandenong. 11am-5pm weekdays, 11am-3pm Saturdays until July 27. 9706 8441.

    WhaTs on \ greater DaNDeNONg

    The Carnival oF PuPPeTs


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  • 38 reviewproperty.com.au \ JULY 8, 2013

    144 Thomas StreetDandenong97913177


    130 KirkhamRoadDandenongPRIME DEVELOPMENT SITEApprox 1050m2 of residential land ideal for unit developmentor two large homes (STP). Older WB home on site could belet prior to development. Close to schools, transport andCBD. Rare opportunity here!

    Executors Auction 20th July at 11amTerms 10% deposit - bal 60 daysPrice Contact AgentInspect By Appointment

    Agent Neil Butler 0411 637 088


    this saturday

    28/63-83 James StreetDandenongBARGAIN INVESTMENT OR FIRST HOME2 BR unit represents fantastic value. Spacious lounge,sepmeals & kitchen. Two dble BRs with dble BIRs. Sepbathroom, toilet/laundry. Gas cooking, heating & HWS. Lockup gge. The added bonus is a swimming pool in the complex.

    Auction 13th July 11.00amTerms 10% deposit bal 30/60 daysPrice $230,000+Inspect Thur 5pm - 5.30pm

    Saturday from 10.30amAgent Chris Drieberg 0411 737 303


    this saturday

    70 Hughes CrescentDandenongNorthATTENTION BUILDERS INVESTORS & FIRST HOMEBUYERS3 bed BV set on approx 629m2 corner block. Potential tobuild single or 2 storey unit with its own street f/tage whileretaining existing home (STP). Presently let but vacant possavailable.

    Auction 13th July 12.00pmTerms 10% deposit - bal 60 daysPrice $290,000+Inspect Wed 5pm - 5.30pm

    Saturday from 11.30amAgent Bob Milkovic 0422 504 106

    30 Grace AvenueDandenongCentralDEVELOPMENT SITE WITH QUALITY BVRes 2 zoned lot of 1025m2 with a 20m frontage. 4 bed BV toenjoy living in or rent prior to development. Excellent homewith high ceilings & h/wood floors. Demolish & develop 5-6t/houses or apartments (STP).

    Auction 20th July 1.00pmTerms 10% deposit - bal 60/90 daysPrice $600,000+Inspect Saturday

    12pm - 12.30pmAgent Chris Drieberg 0411 737 303


    Located in this popular complex close to schools andtransport, this spacious villa unit offers unbeatable value.The front entrance opens into a large gas heated loungefeaturing cathedral ceilings and an adjacent kitchen fittedwith ample cupboards and gas cooking. The living area isalso fitted with floating timber floors. A central hall leadsto the two double BRs with BIRs and the tiled bathroomand adjacent toilet. Externally there is a private rearand front courtyard plus a single garage. The complexalso boasts a fully maintained ingorund pool. In need ofcosmetic maintenance this sound villa offers an excellentopportunity. Scheduled to be auctioned this Saturday, unit28/63-83 James Street, Dandenong is expected to sell above$230,000.

  • JULY 8, 2013 \ reviewproperty.com.au 39

    144 Thomas StreetDandenong97913177


    1Melbe CresDandenongCentralFIRST CLASS HOME3 BRs plus study or 4th BR. Master boasts f/ens &WIR. Cathedral ceiling to sunken lounge,f/dining, superb c/b packed kitchen WO, GAS hp& D/W. Feats include h/ceilings, h/wood floors,hydronic gas c/heating, A/C & dble gge.Auction 20th July at 12 noonPrice $570,000+Inspect Saturday 2pm - 2.30pmAgent Neil Butler 0411 637 088

    2/54 Boyd StreetDandenongNorthAFFORDABLE LUXURY LIVINGThis 5 year old t/house located in popular part ofDandenong North features 3 BRs + 4th BR/studyd/stairs. Master with f/ensuite + WIR, otherswith BIRs. Open plan living/dining with modernkitchen & gas d/heating. Dble gge with remote.For SalePrice $370,000+Inspect Saturday 2pm -2.30pmAgent Bob Milkovic 0422 504 106

    2A Jillian StreetDandenongNorthFULLY RENOVATED UNITTwo bed villa is in as new condition. Freshlypainted t/out this unit features stunning polishedparquetry floors, new laminated kitchen withelectric cooking, lovely tiled bathroomwith septoilet. Large BRs with BIRs. Enclosed carport.For SalePrice $280,000+Inspect By AppointmentAgent Neil Butler 0411 637 088

    12/44-46 Potter StreetDandenongEXTRA LARGE APARTMENT2 bed apartment offers extra spacious lounge,formal dining, sep kitchen meals area & largebedrooms with BI robes. Sep study could beconverted to 3rd bedroom. Complex in centrallocation.For SalePrice $220,000+Inspect By AppointmentAgent Neil Butler 0411 637 088

    98 Ann StreetDandenongCentralFANTASTIC POTENTIAL HERELocated in a Res 2 zone this 713m2 rectangularblock is ideal for re-development or suit newhome site. Land size offers potential for multi-units or apartments (STP). Home on site offers 3BRs, polished floors, A/C & large bungalow.Auction 20th July at 2.00pmPrice $400,000+Inspect Wed 4pm -4.30pm Sat 1pm - 1.30pmAgent Bob Milkovic 0422 504 106

    2/60 Halton RoadNobleParkNorthQUALITY TOWNHOUSE3BR home is sure to impress. Open plan lounge,dining + kitch with WO, gas HP + D/W. Master BRhas access to bathroom + toilet. Upstairs offersmain bathroom + 2 dble BRs with BIRs. Timberfloors, duct heat & cool + lge dble gge.For SalePrice $400,000+Inspect Saturday 3pm -3.30pmAgent Bob Milkovic 0422 504 106

    only3 left

    65 Blaxland DriveWaverleyGardensBRAND NEW UNITSClose to Police RdWaverley Gardens S/C & f/way. Choose a single storey villa or 2 storeyt/house with street frontage. Includes floorcoverings, d/heating, WO + HP, priv garden &brick gge. Live in or invest.For SalePrice $360,000 - $380,000Inspect Saturday 3pm -3.30pmAgent Neil Butler 0411 637 088

    95 Kidds RoadDovetonIMMACULATE LARGE 4BR HOMEFeatures hardwood floors t/out. Large lounge& dining with gas fire log heater & a/c. As newkitchen +meals area. Four BRs, sep bathroom,toilet & laundry with 2nd dble shower. Hugeu/cover timber deck ent area overlooking aFor SalePrice $320,000+Inspect Saturday 2pm -2.30pmAgent Chris Drieberg 0411 737 303

    3Wondalga AvenueDandenongNorthBARGAIN OPPORTUNITY!First Home or investment quiet position closeto schools & t/sport. 3 bed BV with spaciouslounge, brand new kitch with s/s gas cooker &quality floor tiling. Freshly painted & including d/heating & A/C. Large carport. DONT MISS OUT!For SalePrice $350,000+Inspect Saturday 2pm - 2.30pmAgent Dennis Tzortzoglou 0438 341 066

    2 Purdy AvenueDandenongDEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY3 BR BV home on approx 713m2 Res 2 zone.Corner block to suit multiple units or apartmentsite (STP). Great location within an easy walk toHemmings St shops, railway station, public t/sport, primary schools & Central Dandenong.Auction 27th July 11.00amPrice $400,000+Inspect Saturday 1pm -1.30pmAgent Dennis Tzortzoglou 0438 341 066

    2 Cronulla CourtNobleParkPOSITION PERFECT BVYear round comfort with gas heating & A/C.Kitchen/meals with gas app & r/hood. Ductedcooling, polished floors & security shutters. 3BRs with BIRs. Sep bathroom& laundry. Walk toParkmore S/C, schools & public t/sport.Auction 10th August 11.00amPrice $320,000+Inspect Saturday 1pm - 1.30pmAgent Chris Drieberg 0411 737 303

    16 Currajong StreetDandenongNorthENERGY EFFICENT HOME3 BR BV feats solar panels, water tanks & greywater recycling. Insulated & draught proofed.Large living area, kitchen with s/s gas cooker& stone benches, spacious lounge with RC A/C.Gge & c/port complete the package.For SalePrice $360,000+Inspect Saturday 10am - 10.30amAgent Dennis Tzortzoglou 0438 341 066

  • 40 reviewproperty.com.au \ JULY 8, 2013

    SALES244 Lonsdale StDandenongP: 9791 5922F: 9792 2536

    RENTALS30-32 Langhorne st

    DandenongP: 9794 0755F: 9793 4777

    Frank HolohanSenior Consultant

    John RatnamSales Consultant0414 556 517

    Mile MileskiSales Consultant0417 103 325

    Phil MorganSales Consultant0417 517 651

    Daryl RaynerDirector0411 537 820

    Liam RaynerSales Consultant0433 127 774

    9791 5922mclennanrealestate.com.au

    Dandenong Central80 James streetBE IMPRESSED!Surrounded by quality properties, this spacious family home is impressive! Features large lounge and formal dining,study, separate rumpus with full bar and open fire place, well appointed kitchen with gas hotplates, wall oven anddishwasher adjoining a large meals area. There are four spacious bedrooms with built in robes and walk in robeand ensuite with spa to master (three bathrooms in total). Extras include ducted heating, cooling and vacuum, highceilings, alarm system, intercom, landscaped gardens with shed, terra cotta roof and double garage with remote.SIZE MATTERS!auction: saturday, 27th July, 2013 @ 2:00pm (if not sold prior)oPen: sat 12:00pm to 12:30pm

    Dandenong1/18 Grant StreetRENOVATE OR DETONATE!Centrally located property, Zoned Residential 2, offers the following options:- Renovation rescue complete the partially renovated home (kitchen and bathroom in place) Demolish and build a substantial family home (STCA) Demolish and build two units/townhouses (STCA)*** Estimated Price Range - $280,000 to $300,000 ***PRIME LOCATION!executorS auction: Saturday, 20th July, 2013 @ 11:00amoPen: Sat 10:30am to 11:00am

    Dandenong4/8A Peter CourtSPARKLING NEW VILLA!Beautifully presented brand new unit offers twobedrooms with built in robes, separate loungeand dining room, kitchen with stainless steelappliancesincluding dishwasher and floating timberfloors. Features include ducted heating and cooling,high ceilings, downlights, lock up garage and more!For SAle: $369,500oPeN: Sat 11:45am to 12:15pm

    Dandenong3/112 Princes HigHwayHOME BEAUTIFUL INTERIOR!Not just renovated, but beautifully refurbished twobedroom ground floor apartment featuring a spectacularkitchen/meals with underbench oven, range hoodand lots of overhead cupboards, new carpets,blinds, laundry/bathroom with floor to ceiling tiles, airconditioning and car parking space.For sale: $229,500oPen: wed 4:30-5 & sat 11:30-12

    Dandenong North60 Gladstone RoadBE SEEN!Set on the corner of two major roads, close to Eastlink access, this stylish three bedroom home may suit a multitudeof buyers. Being so highly exposed and set on a block of approximately 667m2, the property may suit medical/paramedical usage (STCA) or residential redevelopment (STCA). The home boasts a huge lounge room, three largebedrooms, ducted heating, parquetry flooring and neutral tonings.

    CORNER THE MARKET!auction: saturday, 3rd august, 2013 @ 11:00am (if not sold prior)oPen: sat 11:00am to 11:30am

    Dandenong10/112 Princes HigHwaySOLID BUYING!This secure upstairs apartment features a large livingarea, kitchen/meals area and two bedrooms with builtin robes and laundry/bathroom. Great location closeto Eastlink and transport. Excellent Tenant returningapproximately $12,480 per annum.INVEST NOW!For sale: $210,000oPen: Thurs 4:00pm to 4:30pm

    Dandenong1/17 Burrows AvenueTAKE IT UP A NOTCH!Beautifully presented and located close to all amenities,this spacious unit features three bedrooms with builtin robes, full ensuite to master, open plan living areawith modern kitchen and bright central bathroom.Includes ducted heating, evaporative cooling, backyard,courtyard, separate driveway and a lock up garage.For sAle: $350,000 PlusoPen: wed 4:30-5 & sat 12:30-1

    Doveton3/5 CerCis CourtVALUE HERE!In close proximity to Dandenong CBD, this 2 bedroomunit features full ensuite, high ceilings, spacious tiledliving areas, built in robes, kitchen with dishwasher,gas hotplates and under bench oven. Includedis a split system air conditioning unit. Secure caraccommodation with remote and large private rear yard.For sale: $280,000 to $300,000oPeN: Wed 4:30-5 & sat 11:15-11:45

    Dandenong1/29 Bryants roadA LITTLE HOUSE!This bright, spacious two bedroom unit featuresspacious double bedrooms with built in robes, largeliving area, ducted heating and cooling, gas appliancesand a private driveway to a remote garage with internalaccess. Located within close proximity to Dandenongrailway station and other amenities.For sale: $287,000oPen: sat 11:00am to 11:30am

  • JULY 8, 2013 \ reviewproperty.com.au 41


    1300 REAL ESTATEDANDENONG 9706 74554 Langhorne Street

    ENDEAVOUR HILLS 9791 1999

    DanDenong Central9/35 ann Street1 BR renovated unit on the first flooroffers separate sunny lounge with gasheater, extra-large BR with B.I.R, front &rear balcony & 2 car spaces undercover.Easy walk to the plaza, markets, schools& hospital.

    PRICE GUIDE $230,000 +INSPECT Sat 11-11.30 am Photo ID requiredCONTACTMichael Cervenjak 0419 389 039

    A1 B1 C1 E2

    DanDenong north1/32 Ferndale CrescentThis 2 BR unit in handy location close toschools offers B.I.R in both bedrooms,separate gas heated lounge, kitchen &meals area, all gas appliances, carport &private backyard. Just like a small house.Renovate, invest or occupy

    PRICE GUIDE $269,000CONTACTMichael Cervenjak 0419 389 039

    A2 B1 C1 E1

    Noble Park4/1227 Heatherton roadApprox.3 yrs old this dble storey stunnerincludes master BR with split systema/c, rooms with B.I.Rs, hardwoodtimber flooring, ducted heating, qualityappliances, timber venetian blinds,remote garage, new timber decking,covered pergola + landscaping.

    PRICE GUIDE $359,000 +CONTACT Yasantha De Silva 0432 805 336

    A2 B1 C2 E1

    EndEavour Hills1 Blinker riseCourt location, 2 living areas, fabulouskitchen, adjoining meals area opens tocovered entertaining & private rear yard,d/heating & cooling, alarm, dble garagewith nothing to do here but move in &enjoy. Short walk to primary / secondaryschools & bus, easy freeway access.

    PRICE GUIDE $390,000 +INSPECT Sat 11-11.30am Photo ID requiredCONTACT Ari Oinonen 0402 349 644

    A3 B2 C2 E2

    EndEavour Hills13 ravenhill CrescentFantastic Family Home. This one has itall! Spacious throughout on a 657m2, 4beds with BIRs, 2 living areas inc largerumpus. Extras inc hydronic heating,A/C, 2 water tanks, dble garage. Handylocation close to schools, bus & shops.Bring the family, inspect today!

    PRICE GUIDE $450,000- $480,000INSPECT Sat 1-1.30pm Photo ID requiredCONTACT Ari Oinonen 0402 349 644

    A4 B2 C3 E2

    EndEavour Hills3 Jordan CourtStunning full renovation. Better thannew, subject of a full in/ext renovation &landscaped front & rear. Features 3BRs,master with retreat & F.E.S, lounge &open plan kitchen/dining area. Hugecovered merbau deck, small court closes/centre, medical centre, bus & schools.

    PRICE GUIDE $450,000 +INSPECT Sat 12-12.30pm Photo ID requiredCONTACT Ari Oinonen 0402 349 644

    A3 B2 C2 E3

    Welcome backSilvana Lakic!

    The team at Barry PlantDandenong are excited to

    One of Dandenongs most experiencedagents, Silvana started her real estatecareer back with us in 2001 and went onmaternity leave 16 months ago. Havingtaken a break now has a beautiful babygirl to add to her resume.A long term local resident of DandenongSilvana is well known in the communityand speaks fluent Serbian. Having manyhundreds of satisfied clients over the past12 years Silvana would love to hear fromyou to answer all your real estate queries orprovide a free market appraisal.

    Silvana LakicM: 0412 241 888E: [email protected]

  • 42 reviewproperty.com.au \ JULY 8, 2013


    1300 REAL ESTATENoble Park 8710 0000390 Princes Highway

    keYSboroUGh 8769 18881/ 320 Cheltenham Road

    SPrINGVale 8710 0088

    DanDenong 3/4 Jones Roadgreat Location, no BoDY CoRP & a Double garage!This BV unit, centrally located in Dandenong, is walking distance to shops,schools & local reserves. This property, in the hands of the right person,has the potential to be revitalised into a lovely home. With two goodsized robed BDRs, a huge rear yard plus a double garage + carport, thisproperty would be ideal for the first home owner or wise investor.

    Tuesday 30th July at 5pm (unless sold prior)PRICE GUIDE $240,000+INSPECT Wed 6 - 6:30pm & Sat 1 - 1:30pm Photo ID requiredCONTACT Belinda Robbie 0414 335 696, Tim Stickley 0409 215 540

    A 2B 1C 1E 2

    Springvale 33 regent avenueSpringvale Central - exciting possibilities on 851sqm (approx.)First time on the market in 65 years, set on massive block of approx851smq (19.3m x 44.1m) of prime real estate, this generous propertyoffers an abundance of options, whether you want to develop (STCA) oreven rent it out. Offering: 3 good size BDRs, living, kitchen & everydaymeals area, central bathroom, 2 toilets, GDH & separate laundry facilities.

    Saturday 27th July at 11am (unless sold prior)PRICE GUIDE $520,000+ Terms: 10% Deposit, Balance 60 DaysINSPECT Sat 12 - 12:30pm Photo ID requiredCONTACT Lee Phuong 0402 660 880, Tim Stickley 0409 215 540

    A 3B 1C 2E 1

    Noble Park North 2 Chepstow CourtStunning Double Storey home Walk to Waverley GardensComprising of 5 bedrooms with BIRs, with the master including fullensuite - theres plenty of rooms and space to accommodate any sizefamily. Immaculately presented this modern home has all the comforts andmore. Featuring intricate parquetry floorboards, porcelain tiled flooring,stone bench tops multiple living areas & an undercover pergola.

    Saturday 13th July at 12:30pm (unless sold prior)PRICE GUIDE $460,000+ Terms: 10% Deposit, Balance 30/60/90 DaysINSPECT Sat 12 - 12:30pm Photo ID requiredCONTACT Chien Le 0403 342 809, Tim Stickley 0409 215 540

    A 5B 2C 3E 1

    DanDenong 31 Power StreetBULLSeYe - Real Potential in the heart of Dandenong!Situated on a prime corner allotment you will find this diamond in therough! too hard to pass by. All that it needs is a cheerful renovation tobe transformed back to its former glory. With 3 separately zoned BDRspositioned away from the family living providing peace and quiet thishome is very well designed for harmonious family living.

    Saturday 13th July at 11am (unless sold prior)PRICE GUIDE $350,000+ Terms: 10% Deposit, Balance 30/60/90 daysINSPECT Sat 10:30 - 11am Photo ID requiredCONTACT Dianna Makhoul 0422 358 786, Tim Stickley 0409 215 540

    A 3B 1C 1E 2

  • JULY 8, 2013 \ reviewproperty.com.au 43


    1300 REAL ESTATENobLe PArK 8710 0000390 Princes Highway

    Keysborough 8769 18881/ 320 Cheltenham Road

    sPrINgVALe 8710 0088

    DanDenong 1/20 Bruce StreetContemporary living in the heart of DandenongStylishly built by an award winning builder, this perfectly sized homeexudes quality, charm & an air of sophistication. Presenting a large openplan living/kitchen area, 3 well sized BDRs, landscaped courtyards& quality fixtures & fittings, this home is an oasis in the streets ofDandenong. Superbly appointed with every luxury, this truly is exceptional.

    Tuesday 23rd July at 5pm (unless sold prior)PRICE GUIDE $460,000+INSPECT Sat 11 - 11:30am Photo ID requiredCONTACT Chee-ky Dunlop 0422 910 881, Jessejames Marias 0431 108 933

    A 3B 2C 3E 1.5

    Noble Park 20 Theodore avenuePlenty of Potential to build for Your FuturePositioned on a block size of 919m2 (approx) in a prime location, this isone home where you can build for a prosperous future. Here is a very wellmaintained WB home to live in or rent out while you attain plans & permitsfor future development (STCA). Behind the white picket fence is a goldmine with 3 good sized BDRs, spacious living, dining & a bungalow.

    Tuesday 16th July at 5pm (unless sold prior)PRICE GUIDE $370,000+INSPECT Sat 2 - 2:30pm Photo ID requiredCONTACT Chee-ky Dunlop 0422 910 881, Jessejames Marias 0431 108 933

    A 3B 1C 1E 1

    Keysborough 16 Kogarah Courtglowing from head to toeA picture perfect renovated family home in a quiet pocket of Keysboroughwith everything at your doorstep - this is what dreams are made of.Boasting timber floors throughout, an open plan living, dining, a modernkitchen & great sized bedrooms. Plus youll enjoy the extras of a modernbathroom & superb outdoor entertaining area with pergola.

    Tuesday 16th July at 5pm (unless sold prior)PRICE GUIDE $390,000+INSPECT Sat 1 - 1:30pm Photo ID requiredCONTACT Ben Nguyen 0404 66 44 66, Chee-ky Dunlop 0422 910 881

    A 3B 1C 1E 1

    Springvale2/13 Davidson StreetBrilliant opportunity exists to capture thisrear unit with plenty of space. This is thetype of development many people searchhigh & low to find and its here waiting foryou! Just 11 years old (approx) & no bodycorporate fees - what a bonus! Terms10% Deposit. Balance 30/60/90 Days.

    Saturday 20th July at 11amPRICE GUIDE $310,000+INSPECT Sat 11 - 11:30am Photo ID requiredCONTACT Lee Phuong 0402 660 880

    A3 B1 C1 E1

    Doveton41 Kanooka GroveThis 3 BDR brick home offers a functionalfloor plan - kitchen with meal area, plentyof bench space & cupboard space, familyarea, large laundry. Extras incl gas heater,split system, separate bathroom & toilet -all on a large block of approx 628m2.

    Tuesday 16th July at 5pm (unless sold prior)PRICE GUIDE $270,000+INSPECT Sat 2 - 2:30pm Photo ID requiredCONTACT Dianna Makhoul 0422 358 786

    A3 B1 C1

  • 44 reviewproperty.com.au \ JULY 8, 2013

    Hall & Partners We put you first

    For Sale: Buyers Over $600,000Inspect: Saturday 1:00 - 1:30pmContact: Walter Kubiak 0412 359 973 &

    Allan Hobbs 0418 315 340

    As RAReAs HensTeeTH!28 squares of brand new luxury!5 bedrooms or 4 with study/nursery, 3 bathroomsand all the goodies of the modern living.Well-appointed kitchen with stainless steelappliances, granite benches and massive walkin pantry. Bright open living plus formal lounge,downstairs master with full ensuite and walk inrobe. Upper level with 3 bedrooms plus study andopen kids games room.This is just completed andready to move in.

    ROseWOOD DOWns 6View Court

    For Sale: Offers Over $335,000Inspect: Saturday 2:30 - 3:00pmContact: Stephen Lamb 0421 045 460

    Immaculate unIt!First home buyers and Investors should definitelyinspect this immaculate unit. One of only 2 on theblock and freshly repainted it offers 2 good sizedbedrooms, main with walk in robe and throughaccess to a family bathroom, 2nd bedroom hasbirs, spacious lounge with gas heating and splitsystem air conditioning, good size kitchen withgas cooking and adjoining dining area, laundry andseparate toilet. Outside you have a private,goodsize backyard, a single garage with remote and off-street parking.

    endeavour HIlls 1/56 arthur Phillip drive

    For Sale: Buyers Over $290,000Inspect: Saturday 3:30 - 4:00pmContact: Walter Kubiak 0412 359 973

    Leigh Hall 0401 408 580

    The ChoiCe is obvious!This lovely complex in Hallams best locationoffers ready to move in double storey 3 bedroomtownhouse with a brick garage and privatecourtyard. Sunny bright open living area, modernkitchen with gas cooking, downstairs laundry andpowder room.3 large bedrooms upstairs with central bathroom!Very, very affordable Real Estate invest/occupy,just do it!

    hallam 21/8-10 belgrave hallam Road

    For Sale: Buyers Over $360,000Inspect: Saturday 1:00 - 1:30pmContact: Adrian Hall 0417 123 820

    Leigh Hall 0401 408 580

    Great Home, HuGe Block!Ideally located in a court location and close toSilverton Primary, this home ticks all the boxesfor first home buyers and investors. Featuresnew kitchen, polished timber floors, 3 goodsized bedrooms, plus a large bungalow outside,and covered pergola area.The size of the blockis worth the mention 693sqm! All of this onlyminutes from transport,Waverley Gardens and allthe local schools.

    NoBle Park NortH 4 Hope court


    1300 REAL ESTATENOBLE PARK 8710 0000390 Princes Highway

    KEYSBOROUGH 8769 18881/ 320 Cheltenham Road

    SPRINGVALE 8710 0088

    Noble Park 2/23 raymond StreetHidden Gem, Central to everything & No body Corp!Only 2 on the block & with a feel more like a house than a unit, thisproperty will be sure to impress. Light & bright open plan living with qualityfixtures & fittings. Fully appointed bathroom complete with 2nd separatetoilet & a small low maintenance garden with deck & pergola.

    Tuesday 6th August at 5pm (unless sold prior)PRICE GUIDE $380,000+INSPECT Sat 11 - 11:30am Photo ID requiredCONTACT Belinda Robbie 0414 335 696, Tim Stickley 0409 215 540

    A 3B 1C 1E 1

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  • JULY 8, 2013 \ reviewproperty.com.au 45

    Hall & Partners We put you first

    Dandenong 254 Lonsdale Street 9792 0265Mulgrave Shop 19 Waverley Gardens Shopping Centre 9548 1200Endeavour Hills Shop 62 Endeavour Hills Shopping Centre 9700 3000 www.hallfn.com.au

    For Sale: $399,000Inspect: Saturday 1:00 - 1:30pmContact: Leigh Hall 0401 408 580

    Great Size home in Quiet CourtLoCation!This good sized home in a quiet court locationcontains 3 good sized bedrooms all with built inrobes, ducted heating, air conditioning, good sizedliving area, meals area, semi renovated bathroomwith separate toilet and separate bath/shower anda double carport converted into rumpus room allon aVERY generous sized block.

    DanDenonG 11 Grenda Court

    For Sale: $290,000Inspect: Saturday 12:00 - 12:30pmContact: Sam Galati 0420 221 317

    MAGNIFICENT MODERN UNITThis exceptional 5 year old unit is a greatinvestment opportunity for any buyer looking forvalue and comfort. Being the rear unit of only twoon the block, provides a private ambiance, with noadditional fees, close to local schools, shops andpublic transport. Some of the great inclusions arean open plan design, with an ample sized kitchenwith gas cooking facilities, a separate bathroomand laundry, a good sized bedroom with mirroredrobes, a reverse cycle heating and cooling system,and a remote controlled lock-up carport.

    DANDENONG NORTh 2/21 Barbara Avenue

    For Sale: BuyersAround $330,000Inspect: Saturday 11:00 - 11:30amContact: Stephen Lamb 0421 045 460

    Great First Home/investment!Situated in a popular Dandenong North locationclose to local schools and public transport youllfind this attractive unit.This is a great purchasefor a first home owner or investor. Featuring 2bedrooms with built in robes, a cosy lounge withpolished floorboards, gas fire and air conditioner,a good sized kitchen/meals area with gas cooking,a family bathroom, separate toilet and laundry.Outside you have a good size backyard, doublecar accommodation and off-street parking all on acorner block of 351 sq metres.

    DanDenonG nortH 1/2 samaria street

    For Sale: $320,000-$340,000Inspect: Saturday 11:00-11:30amContact: GaryAndrews 0400 250 075

    Be SurpriSed!Excellent two bedroom unit close to LyndaleSecondary School and Brady Road shops.Quality is easy to see with updated kitchen andbathrooms, spacious lounge room and a greatbackyard ideal for young children.Terracotta tiledroof emphasizing again the quality of this propertyand gas heating and cooking plus a carport tocomplete the picture.

    dandenong north 1/23 Sabine avenue

    For Sale: Buyers Over $350,000Inspect: Saturday 12:00 - 12:30pmContact: Gary Burnett 0413 637 389

    Great opportunity!This beautifully presented home offers a greatopportunity for those looking to purchase in anice quiet street close to schools, shops, publictransport and easy access to Monash freeway.The home itself is immaculately presented andoffer three good size bedrooms, plus study, wellappointed kitchen with separate meals area, largelounge, oversize single carport with roller door anda separate workshop, not to mention the great sizebackyard for the children to play.Inspection a Must.

    DanDenonG north 11taurus avenue

    For Sale: Buyers Over $360,000Inspect: ByAppointmentContact: Walter Kubiak 0412 359 973

    Allan Hobbs 0418 315 340

    great potential in Super location!This 4 bedroom weatherboard will provide healthyrental return whilst you prepare your next project!Land of approx. 755m2 allows for a number ofoptions; however your concept might be just theright one!Flat rectangle block makes the construction somuch easier!


    For Sale: $320,000 - $330,000Inspect: Wednesday 5:00 - 5:30pm

    & Saturday 12:00 - 12:30pmContact: Tim Retallack 0419 391 804

    Young & Beautiful!This one ticks all the boxes; 3 bedrooms,double garage with remote and only 4 yearsyoung! Conveniently located on a compact lowmaintenance allotment (a non-gardeners dream) inthe renouned Kingfisher Estate. Desirable featuresinclude robes to all bedrooms (master has a walkin robe facility). Smart kitchen with under benchoven, cook top and exhaust range adjoins a lightfilled open plan family room with sliding dooraccess to a private outdoor area.This is the one!

    Doveton 28/21 Kingfisher Drive

    For Sale: $420,000-$450,000Inspect: Saturday 2:00-2:30pmContact: GaryAndrews 0400 250 075

    BeVery SurpriSed!Never judge a book by its cover refers to thislittle beauty.Attractive from the outside. Inside:polished floorboards, downlighting & beingfreshly painted will delight the most fastidious ofbuyers. Comprising 3 BRs all with robes, largelounge & kitchen/dining. Out the back has theWOW factor,Alfresco with a natural gas BBQ.A second entertainment area overlooks thefernery & the sensational swim spa.The garagecan accommodate a car + the other half has beenconverted to a man cave.

    dandenong north 10 oberon Street

  • 46 reviewproperty.com.au \ JULY 8, 2013

    Aspendale Gardens / Chelsea / Keysborough / Mulgrave / Springvale9587 6211 9707 8800 9701 8611 9548 3011 9546 8211

    Le Hoa Wysham0418 566 133Alex Liu0413 466 967

    SWeet AS...Be warned that once you see charming unit, you may just fall in love. Clad in low or nomaintenance vinyl siding, this charmingly presented home is just perfect as a first homeor investment. Comprising a sunny lounge room, 3 spacious bedrooms all with built inrobes, a bright kitchen with gas stove and loads of cupboards, updated bathroom, gasheating, air conditioning, polished timber floors, private back yard and large front gardenwith picket fences and tall tress provide plenty of privacy. Perfect for a first home forthose starting out.

    Price: $300,000+Inspect: Saturday 1:00 - 1:30pmmcdonaldre.mobi: ppty ID 647850

    Noble Park 1/2 Jellicoe Street A 3 B 1 C 1

    Office: Keysborough Ph: 9701 8611

    Home of tHe WeekSpringvale 46 Amiel Street A 4 B 2 C 5Potential!Discover the potential of this solid residence in the heart of Springvale. Theres a myriad of lucrative options waitingto be uncovered on this versatile corner allotment, measuring approximately 752m2. With an extensive secondfrontage on Fernew Street, the impressive land dimensions provide a fabulous scenario for either a substantialnew family home or multi-unit development (STCA). The existing four bedroom home offers L shape lounge, twobathrooms, renovated kitchen, gas cooking, polished floors, ducted heating, split system air-conditioning, a largefamily area beyond the kitchen and the added bonus of accommodation for five or more cars. Located just minutesfrom Springvale Central Shopping Centre, public transport and local schools, this prime home on prime land, ina prime location will be the perfect platform to expand your horizons and grow your net worth. Term: 10% DepositBalance: 30 Days

    Price: $500,000+inspect: Wed 5:00 - 5:30pm Sat 12:30 - 1:00pmmcdonaldre.mobi: ppty ID 654709

    le Hoa Wysham0418 566 133James lai0402 126 883

    Dee Kawsar0423 215 815

    ThinK BiG!Set on the high side of the road, this wonderfully presented family home resides in aquiet, tree-lined street, a short walk to local schools, plus easy access to DandenongPlaza, TAFE,Monash Fwy and EastLink. Offering dual living and dining areas, an enclosedrelaxation room with salt-water spa, a huge rumpus with bathroom and an even biggerinsulated triple-car garage, complete with heating and ceiling fans, ideal for the homehandyperson or tradey. Inspect this exceptional family abode today.

    Price: $450,000+inspect: Saturday 11:00 - 11:30ammcdonaldre.mobi: ppty ID 656077

    DanDenong north 15 AdmirAlA Avenue A 3 B 3 C 9

    Office: Keysborough Ph: 9701 8611

    Modern Luxury in a briLLiant Location!Sensational expansive living areas allow you to party all night. Move straightin and put your feet up and enjoy the renovations in this exciting familyhome. Large formal lounge opens to a spacious extended family room andis adjoining the huge tiled dining area, all opening to one huge entertainingarea perfect for any occasion. Master bedroom is complimented by a WIRand superbly updated en-suite. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th bedrooms all boastBuilt In Robes and wall to wall carpet and are serviced by the updated familybathroom, surprisingly attic turned into a study. Fantastic chef appointedkitchen with breakfast bar has sparkling stainless steel gas appliances anddishwasher. Additional features include security alarm, automatic electroniclock at the front door, gas ducted heating, and 3 other split system in theMaster bed, lounge and rumpus. Do not miss the chance to secure yourdream one!

    Keysborough 62 LiverpooL Drive

    auction:Saturday 27th Jul at 12pmPrice:$390,000 - $429,000inspect:Thursday 5:00 - 5:30pmSaturday 12:00 - 12:30pmmcdonaldre.mobi:ppty ID 657432

    A 4 B 2 C 1

    office: Keysborough Ph: 9701 8611dee Kawsar0423 215 815

    Invest In qualIty property In the Keys!Set in an idyllic drive adjacent to the rolling fairways of Keysborough GolfCourse; this freshly presented 2 storey town home boasts generousproportions in a neat and manageable setting. Start with mansion- sizedliving and family areas on the ground level, with natural light flooding inmornings and afternoons. Here you will also find a guest powderoom, alaundry and a beautifully appointed granite- topped kitchen with newstainless steel appliances. Step out to the private courtyard garden andonto the multipurpose double garage/ games and party room. This hasremote controlled access. Upstairs are 3 bedrooms, the main of which isvast and includes a parents retreat area, plus generousWIR and full en suitebathroom. The other 2 bedrooms are serviced by a family bathroom. Themany extras include new dishwasher, ducted gas heating and refrigeratedsplit system air con, and all just steps from wetland nature walks, parklandand golf course.

    Keysborough 59 Marriott Drive

    price:$490,000+Inspect:Thursday 4:30 - 5:00pmSaturday 12:00 - 12:30pmmcdonaldre.mobi:ppty ID 652243

    A 3 B 2.5 C 2

    office: Keysborough ph: 9701 8611

    le hoa Wysham0418 566 133laura Fang0422 336 819

  • JULY 8, 2013 \ reviewproperty.com.au 47

    Aspendale Gardens / Chelsea / Keysborough / Mulgrave / Springvale9587 6211 9707 8800 9701 8611 9548 3011 9546 8211

    Private & PrestigiousSeize the day and make this modern family residence your own.Located in a quiet precinct, the propertys contemporary design ticksall the boxes for present-day living. Invite guests for cosy winter mealsin the dining room with garden views before retiring to the ample formallounge for quiet discussion. With private study, rumpus room, largekitchen with walk-in pantry and stainless steel appliances. Entertainin the alfresco equipped with blinds ready for barbecue get-togethers.The master suite has walk-in-robes, balcony with parkland views andgleaming en suite. Heating, evaporative cooling, large laundry, easy-caregarden and double car remote-controlled garage. Close to popular schools,shopping amenities, parks and public transport dream no longer, your newhome has arrived!

    WaterWays 7 Bluegrass Close

    auction:Sat 03/08 @ 3:30PMPrice:$700,000+inspect:Sat 3-3:30PMmcdonaldre.mobi:ppty ID 4076961

    A 4+ B 3 C 2

    office: Springvale Ph: 9546 8211Harry Li0414 216 699

    Your Dream moDern Haven!In Dandenongs new premier location, Metro Village, this young familyresidence will certainly provide the low maintenance & convenient lifestyleyou desire. Immaculate and stunning, the home offers: 4 Spacious Bedrooms w/ Built in Robes Master Bedroom w/ Full En-Suite Open Plan Family/Kitchen/Dining Areas Huge Rumpus/2nd Living area upstairs Ducted Heating, Evaporative Cooling 2 Bathrooms, 3 Toilets in total Double Garage (Remote Controlled) + moreCentral to all amenities, train station, Dandenong Plaza, school,market, andfreeway are all just a few moments away. A wonderful upgrade to boost yourliving standards, make this your dream come true. Inspection is a must!

    DanDenong 14 bassett street

    auction:Sat 27/07 @ 11:30AMInspect:Sat 11-11:30AMmcdonaldre.mobi:ppty ID 5029242

    A 4+ B 2 C 2

    office: Springvable Ph: 03 9546 8211

    ricky nguyen0420 956 239

    RENOVATE OR DEVELOPSitting on approx. 893m2 of land, the property is close to KeysboroughCollege and Heatherhill prep school making an ideal home for a buddingfamily. Renovate it to your taste or take advantage of the huge sized blockby subdividing it and developing it into 2 or 3 unit sites (S.T.C.A) Thisbrick veneer property houses 3 massive rooms with high ceilings ideal forgrowing family. The lounge and the well equipped kitchen can serve togetherentertain many guests in years to come. With the huge back yard, you cangrow your own veggie patch or let the kids run wild. So dont miss out on thisopportunity to secure yourself a prime property in this location.

    Noble Park 141 Noble street

    Auction:Sat 27/07 @ 1:30PMInspect:Wed 4-4:30PM Sat 1-1:30PMmcdonaldre.mobi:ppty ID 3890337

    A 3 B 1 C 1

    Office: Springvale Ph: 9546 8211Allen Pang0433 545 971

    Ricky Nguyen0420 956 239

    Quality uNit iN SpRiNgvale South!If you are an astute investor, first home buyer or looking for something cosy and easyto maintain - then this is for you! Situated within walking distance of Springvale Plaza,local transport & schools, Burden Park reserve and Springvale Central. This unique unitcomprises of: 2 bedrooms all with BIR 1 bathroom Spacious living area and so much more!

    price: $279,000-$295,000inspect: Sat 3-3:00PMmcdonaldre.mobi: ppty ID 5408251

    Springvale South 8/780 HeatHerton rD A 2 B 1 C 2

    office: Springvale ph: 9546 8211

    Harry Li0414 216 699

    HigH PotentiaL in Prominent Location!Within short distance to Springvale train station, central shopping, Coles and localschools, this desirable block measuring 630m2 (approx) offers huge potential in buildingand further development into multiple dwellings (STCA). Whether youre building yourdream home or looking to subdivide, make this your wealth creator or retirement plan.The brick veneer residence provides both great living quarters and rental flexibility.Comprising: 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, spacious lounge and well-thought floor plan, its asuitable platform for any purpose.

    auction: Sat 03/08 @ 2:00PMPrice: $400,000+inspect: Sat 2-2:30PM Wed 4-4:30PMmcdonaldre.mobi: ppty ID 3681522

    Springvale 3 WhitWorth Avenue A 3 B 1 C 1

    office: Springvale Ph: 9546 8211

  • 48 reviewproperty.com.au \ JULY 8, 2013

    Saturday 20th July @ 3:00pm

    View Saturday & Wednesday3:00 - 3:30pm

    Clyde Lobo 0421 138 [email protected]/9547 0000

    Ray White Noble Park/Springvale

    5A 2 B 0C

    The two storey home boasts five bedrooms, twobathrooms (master with ensuite), timber kitchen withmeals and spacious lounge/ dining with an impressivebrick fireplace as centrepiece! In mostly originalcondition, there is some scope to update throughoutand transform it into a real gem.

    Springvale South 29 Harold RoadONE PROPERTY -MANY POSSIBILITIES! Auction On Site

    Saturday 27th July @ 11:00am

    View Saturday 1-1:30pm Thurs-day 5:30-6pm

    Le Huynh 0422 252 [email protected]/9547 0000

    Ray White Noble Park/Springvale

    3A 3 B 2C

    - Rectangular block of 584m2 appx- 3 Spacious bedroom plus study- 3 Bathrooms- Huge lounge overlooking the formal dining- Undercover out door entertainment area- Double lock up garage & 2 driveways

    Noble Park 10 Whitmorr CourtSophisticated Modern Family Home Auction On Site

    Fastidiously Presented and excellentlylocated!Boasting cool, clean lines, this beautifully presented home is elegant andsophisticated throughout, and needs no more than a family to move in andenjoy. Gorgeous polished floorboards flow through and highlight the homedelightfully, comprising a lovely, well-equipped kitchen, an appealing formaldining room and a light, bright and spacious living zone plus an undercoveralfresco. Set on a corner block of a quiet street, surrounded by and withinwalking distance to Waverley Gardens Shopping Centre, elite schools, WJTurner Reserve and park, plus both EastLink and the Monash Fwy. This onewont last long, inspect today! Spacious formal living area plus elegant formal dining area or study Stunning kitchen resplendent with marble finish laminate bench tops,breakfast bar, dishwasher and stainless-steel gas appliances

    Noble Park North 5 EaglE DrivE

    auction:03/08/2013 at 11:00 AMPrice:$370,000-$400,00inspect:Saturday12:00-12:30pmmcdonaldre.mobi:ppty ID 5442512

    A 3 B 1 C 1

    office: Aspendale Gardens Ph: 9587 6211dinesh raghu0431 13 1157

    Enviably locatEd Family HomE!Superbly located, this well-presented family home enjoys an ultra-convenientlocation that is within walking distance to all amenities including KingsclereShopping Centre and Roth Hetherington Reserve only a minute away,Parkmore Shopping Centre a leisurely 5 minute stroll, local schools, publictransport and parks all within the immediate vicinity of this great residence.Set on a great sized block of 546m2 and comprising updated kitchenand bathroom, a huge living area, heating and cooling, whats not to love?Inspect today! Huge formal living area with gas heater & split-system Updated galley style kitchen boasting an abundance of timber look benchtops and spotless cabinetry

    Casual meals area with air-conditioning and access through French doorsto the sizeable back garden

    2 bedrooms with built-in robes, plus a 3rd/study

    Keysborough 37 Kingsclere Avenue

    auction:03/08/2013 at 3:30 PMPrice:$370,000-$410,00inspect:Saturday11:00-11:30ammcdonaldre.mobi:ppty ID 5425731

    A 3 B 1 C 1

    office: Aspendale Gardens Ph: 9587 6211dinesh Raghu0431 131 157

  • JULY 8, 2013 \ reviewproperty.com.au 49

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    CENTURY 21 WILSON PRIDEPHONE: 9547 677735 Douglas St, Noble Parkcentury21.com.au

    Price Buyers over $2,000,000Auction Saturday 10th August 11.00am

    On site

    VieW Saturday 12.00 - 12.30pm

    Agent Kris Gajdobranski0410 510 462

    Bernard Quill0409 186 265

    ONCE IN A LIFE TIME OPPORTUNITYRES 1noble PArk 88 Dunblane road5,446 sq.m (approx.) Of rarely found Exclusive Development Land in theheart of such a developing area bursting to be the next suburb to be.

    2 street frontages and currently split over 2 titles both lots lendthemselves to townhouse, unit, apartment, medical, child care and orretirement home options. Original home on the block comprises of 3bedrooms, living room,formal dining, study, kitchen and bathroomCentral position so close to major arterials, public transport including rail.Only 24kms (approx.) the C.B.D.

    3A 1 B 1 C

    centurY 21 WilSon PriDePHone: 9547 677735 Douglas St, noble Parkcentury21.com.au WILSON PRIDE

    5446 m2 RES ZONE 1

  • JULY 8, 2013 \ reviewproperty.com.au 51

    Springvale 60 garnsworthy Street aUCTiOn SaTUrDaY 20TH JUlYaT 12pMIdeal For Investment or runYourown BusIness This Premise suites for dual occupancy ( residential/ workshop).Building area 6m x 30m = 180 sqm approx. Updated kitchen with gas cooking & rangehood 1 bathroom and 2 toilets, alarm system and camera. Front and rearsecurity doors plus electric window roller shutters 2 split systems ( Air-conditioning & heating with remote control) Big private carport with steel sliding gate and access to a large lane way Plenty of customer parking at front Handy location to all facilities Ideal for investment or run your own business

    aUCTiOn: SaTUrDaY 20TH JUlYaT 12pMTerMS: 10% Balance on 30/60 daysKennedy do 0419 003 969

    Noble Park 6 Pike Court aUCTIoN SaTUrDaY 10THaUGaT 11:30 aMTERRIFIC LAYOUTWITH 2 LIVING ROOMSThis very spacious family home with a terrific layout located in a quietcourt location, close to buses, schools, shopping centres and laced on awonderful rectangular allotment with a wide frontage approx 20 metre.This triple fronted home comprises: 3 large sized bedrooms with BIRs 2 separate living rooms suited for the growing family Good size kitchen , gas appliances, meals area Double garage with automatic door, ducted heating, air conditioner,security alarm system plus an extra gas heater Large front yard secured with steel gate and fences.Renovate it to bring the beauty back to its best. Budget buyer opportunityis here.aUCTIoN: SaTUrDaY 10THaUGaT 11:30 aMTerM: 10% Balance 30/60 daysDaniel Nguyen 0488 818 918 / Kennedy Do 0410 003 969



    11.00- 11.30am

    Keysborough 411 Chandler roadFIRST HOMEAND INVESTOR SPECIAL!This charming brick residence will provide the perfect foundation tostart a family or investment portfolio. Positioned in a well exposure anddesirable part of Keysborough and only minutes away from KeysboroughCollege, Maralinga, Chandler Primary schools, Parkmore s/C and busstop. Comprises: 3 generous sized bedrooms with built-in robes Kitchen and meals area with gas stove Light filled lounge with polished floor boards through out Ducted heating, 4 split air conditioners, carport, big shed and largegarden

    Daniel Nguyen 0488 818 918 / Kennedy Do 0419 003 969

    Noble Park 31 Stella avenueDEVELOPER HEAVENonly minutes to Parkmore shopping centre, keysborough College, Stanthony Primary School, Noble Park Shopping and train station lies thislarge 3 bedrooms brick house, high ceiling is currently tenanted. Set on ahuge flat block of land approx 935 m2 is an ideal for further developmentof 3 dwellings at rear or redevelop of 5 dwellings (STCA). Please call usfor further details

    Daniel Nguyen 0488 818 918 / Kennedy Do 0419 003 969


    CENTURY 21 WILSON PRIDEPHONE: 9544 8888280 Clayton Road, Claytoncentury21.com.au/clayton

    Auction Saturday 13th July@ 11am

    ViEW Thursday 5 6pmSaturday from 10.30am

    AgEnt James Chalas 0431 228 878

    Unique CORNER opportunityDAnDEnong north

    52-54 Murray roadMUST AND WILL BE SOLD, rare opportunity withpotential to suit the developer, investor or homebuyer with a variety of uses (STCA): Dual Income,Medical Clinic, Convenience Store, Child CareCentre, Home Office Scenario, Development Site.Building consists: huge area over 150sqm w/kitchenette & bathroom. Home features: combinedliving/dining, kitchen, 3 robed b/rs, bathroom w/spa & ensuite. Plenty of on and off street parking.

    3A 4 B 10C

    Auction this sAt


    40 Douglas Street, Noble Park9558 4599 www.davidmao.com.au

    Keysborough 11 Turramurra Drive $425,000

    Must see faMily living at affordable pricingSituated in one of Keysborough most sought after location with Resurrection Church, Parkmore Shopping Center, transport andParkland all within a short stroll. This comfortable 4 bedroom brick home, features BIR, lounge with OFP, kitchen/ dinning,central bathroom with separate bath and shower, rumpus/games room which open to the beautiful north facing decking withroom for the kids to play in the yard. Perfect for the outdoor entertaining!Inspection by appointment or Wednesday and Saturday 1:00 1:30 photo id required.

    call david 0412 414 475

  • 52 reviewproperty.com.au \ JULY 8, 2013

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  • JULY 8, 2013 \ reviewproperty.com.au 55

    ljhooker.com.auAll information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give anywarranty about the information provided and interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.

    Shop 20, 166 Somerville Road

    LJ Hooker Hampton Park9702 8388

    This lovely home offers three bedrooms all with built inrobes, two toilets, kitchen with stainless steel appliancesand meals area, formal lounge, rumpus room, pergola,two split system air conditioners, double carport, steelshed, located close to all of Hampton Parks amenities.

    Hampton Park8 Ora StreetGreat Location and Big on Entertaining

    For Sale $330,000 Plus BuyersView Saturday 2.10-2.30pmContact Kabir 0433 668 247

    3A 1B 2C

    Shop 20, 166 Somerville Road

    LJ Hooker Hampton Park9702 8388

    The lovely home comprises of four bedrooms themaster with en-suite and walk in robe, the remainingbedrooms with built in robes, a formal lounge, kitchenmeals, dishwasher, ducted heating, split system.pergola, double remote garage with rear roller dooraccess and is close to schools and shops.

    Hampton Park7 Neesan CourtA Perfect Gem For The First Home Buyer

    For Sale $350,000 Plus BuyersView Saturday 12.00-12.20pmContact John 0411 873 123

    4A 2B 2C

    Shop 20, 166 Somerville Road

    LJ Hooker Hampton Park9702 8388

    The potential to subdivide and build another propertyat the back (STCA) with the width of the drivewaymeasuring approx 3.1metres, or an ideal place to callhome! Comprising of 3 good sized bedrooms with built-in robes, a formal lounge room nearby the lovely kitchenwith dishwasher and breakfast bar.

    Cranbourne6 Lorna StreetExceptional Value & Sub-dividable

    For Sale $285,000 Plus BuyersView Saturday 11.00-11.20amContact Aren 0403 613 988

    3A 1B 2C

    Shop 20, 166 Somerville Road

    LJ Hooker Hampton Park9702 8388

    Offering four bedrooms, master bedroom with ensuite,high ceilings, 900mm stainless steel appliances, ductedheating, landscaping, aggregate driveway, flyscreensand fencing just to name a few of these extras. With noprogress payments and stamp duty savings.* Photo for illustration purposes only

    Cranbourne East15 Cadillac StreetNo Deposit? No Problem,We Can Help You!

    For Sale $440,000 Plus BuyersView Sat & Sun 12.00-2.00pmContact Tim 0411 989 344

    4A 2B 2C

    All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give anywarranty about the information provided and interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.


    57b Heatherton Road

    LJ Hooker Endeavour Hills9708 0555

    Ever wanted to live in the prime area of EndeavorHills where you can bring up your kids? Stop anddo not look any further as this is the house you havebeen searching for. You will truly be able to pictureyour kids growing up here during the summerenjoying BBQs in the backyard.


    Auction 13th July 201311.00AMView Saturday 10.30 - 11.00amContact Tim Mutlu 0415 909 515

    5A 2B 2C

    20 Langhorne Street

    LJ Hooker Dandenong9794 9889

    Spacious and perfectly positioned, walk to thestation, the Dandenong plaza, Dandenong amenitiesare minutes away no need to drive. One of the besthomes on the street is now available for you.

    DANDENONG32 Pickett StreetMake an Income or Live Like Royalty!

    Auction 13th July 20131.00PMView Saturday12.30PMContact Janina Duarte 0418 362 487

    6A 3B 4C

    iPhone app is now available!

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    8 Oakford Rise, HamptOn paRkSomething SpecialThis attractive and superbly presented house located in one of Hampton Parks most exclusive courts. Noted for being surrounded by outstanding homes, this property is feature packed and professionally finished. Comprising of two separately zoned living areas, the property presents the formal area at the front of house and family lounge / dining room at the rear. Study at front also ideally located for business at home. Spacious master bedroom comes complete with ensuite and large walk in robes. Designer kitchen with quality appliances overlooks a light and bright meals and family area. Easy care flooring and special effect lighting and ceiling fans. Low maintenance gardens, double garage, shed and so much more. This home awaits the discerning buyer.

    4+ 2 2 2

    Photo ID required9798 0800 Shop 24, 166 Somerville Road Hampton paRk

    pRICE auctionaUCtIOn DatE 27/07/2013 at 11:00amLIStInG aGEnt/S tonyOpEn FOR InSpECtIOn Saturday 11:30am 12:00pm MMP07530-01-a8JulFCNVIC

  • 56 reviewproperty.com.au \ JULY 8, 2013

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  • JULY 8, 2013 \ The DanDenong Journal 21


    From 1 July, Australias current support system for people living with disability is being progressively replaced with DisabilityCare Australia. This new scheme will help provide a better quality of life for Australians with a signi cant and permanent disability, and for their families and carers too.

    Whats new about DisabilityCare Australia?DisabilityCare Australia is a new way of funding personalised support for people with disability. As well as looking at a persons immediate needs, it will take a lifelong approach and enable people with disability to have choice and control over their supports. It will focus on early intervention, recognising that timely support can minimise the impact of a disability on individuals, families and carers. Assistance will be provided at the right time, rather than only once people reach crisis.

    Who is eligible?DisabilityCare Australia will help people who have a signi cant and permanent disability and who need assistance with everyday activities. This includes people whose disabilities are attributed to intellectual, cognitive, neurological, sensory, or physical impairment, or a psychiatric condition.

    Will I lose my current support?No. Your current arrangements will stay in place until you have met DisabilityCare Australia to discuss your needs.

    Will it affect my Disability Support Pension?No. Your Disability Support Pension will not be affected.

    When does it all begin?DisabilityCare Australia is being rolled out in stages because it is a big change to the current system.

    Locations that start from July 2013Barwon region of Victoria ...............People aged 0-64Hunter region of NSW .......................People aged 0-64South Australia ................................Children aged 0-14Tasmania .............................. Young people aged 15-24Locations that start from July 2014ACT ..........................................................People aged 0-64Barkly region of NT .............................People aged 0-64

    From July 2016, DisabilityCare Australia will continue to extend to more locations and age groups around Australia, including Queensland.

    For more information, visit australia.gov.au/disabilitycare or call 1800 800 110

    For people with hearing or speech lossTTY: 1800 555 677Speak and Listen: 1800 555 727

    One big difference to lots of lives.

    One scheme. One focus on individuals. One commitment to lifelong support.

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