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The deformation-DIA: A new apparatus for high temperature triaxialdeformation to pressures up to 15 GPa

Yanbin Wanga)

GeoSoilEnviroCARS, The University of Chicago, 5640 South Ellis Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60637

William B. DurhamLawrence Livermore National Laboratory, P.O. Box 808, L-201, Livermore, California 94550

Ivan C. GettingCIRES, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309

Donald J. WeidnerDepartment of Earth and Space Science, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook,New York 11794

~Received 5 November 2002; accepted 25 February 2003!

A new deformation apparatus has been developed, based on the widely used cubic-anvil apparatusknown as the DIA. Two differential rams, introduced in the upper and lower guide blocks, allowindependent control of the differential strain and stress field under high confining pressure. Testingexperiments with synchrotron x rays have demonstrated that this deformation DIA~D-DIA ! iscapable of generating up to 30% axial strain on a 1–2 mm long sample under confining pressuresup to 15 GPa at simultaneous high temperatures. Various compressional strain rates from 1023 toabout 531026 s21 have been achieved. Extensional experiments have also been carried outsuccessfully. Strains are measured by x-ray imaging of the sample which has a length measurementprecision of;0.1 mm; pressures are monitored using standard materials with well establishedequations of state. X-ray transparent anvils made of sintered polycrystalline cubic boron nitride havebeen successfully tested, with a two-dimensional x-ray charge coupled device detector. Distortionsin the diffraction lines due to differential stress can be measured with a precision of about 20 MPa.© 2003 American Institute of Physics.@DOI: 10.1063/1.1570948#






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Quantitative studies of rheological properties of mateals under high pressure have been limited due to techndifficulties with containing pressure and with accuratemeasuring stress. For example, in earth sciences, quantitexperimental studies of rheological properties of rocks aminerals as well as deformation-induced microstructuhave been mostly limited to conditions below 4 GPa. Tbest-resolved measurements of stress and strain ratemade in a gas pressure vessel, whose design limits areally 0.3–0.5 GPa, corresponding to a depth of 10–15 kmthe earth, and rarely exceed 1 GPa.1 Less accurate measurements are possible to 4 GPa in solid-medium devices sucthe Griggs apparatus. With modifications to apparatus ssample assembly, and institution of a molten salt confinmedium, a Griggs apparatus can be used for quantitarheological studies,2 but the maximum pressure of its opertion is still about 4 GPa,3,4 corresponding to a depth of abo120 km. As a consequence, rheological properties of mthan 90% of Earth’s mantle remain unexplored in a quatative manner.

As another example of the need for rheological expements at very high pressures is the need of better unders

a!Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; [email protected]


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ing of materials and processes of nuclear weapons inabsence of nuclear testing5 far beyond levels reached to datWork hardening of certain body-centered-cubic metals,example, shows a pronounced dependence on pressure3 GPa,6 but has never been explored under controlled contions at higher pressures.

Many techniques have been developed to addressneed. Kinsland and Bassett7 and Sung et al.8 used thediamond-anvil cell~DAC! as a deformation apparatus. Itheir technique, a sample was sandwiched betweensingle crystals of diamond and radial distribution of presswas determined by measuring the shift of fluorescence liof ruby crystals located at various points in the sample chaber. Assuming that the pressure gradient was supportedthe sample strength, one could then estimate the samstrength based on the equation of force balance. Such a tnique has been used extensively at room temperature topressure of;40 GPa.9–12 The major advantage of this technique is the high pressures that can be achieved. Howethere are major limitations with this approach:~1! homoge-neous heating is difficult in the DAC, and almost all previoresults were obtained at room temperature;~2! the rate ofdeformation is not well constrained and deformation is liketo be time dependent in these tests;~3! the sample chamber iextremely small~typically microns to tens of microns! sothat some important effects such as grain-size sensitivityil:

2 © 2003 American Institute of Physics

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3003Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 74, No. 6, June 2003 Deformation-DIA

strength are difficult to measure; and~4! pressure generatioand deformation are coupled.

There have been many efforts in using the multianpress as a deformation machine. In the multianvil press, psurization is approximately hydrostatic, and compressiona sample is normally isotropic. However, by making the mchanical strength and elastic stiffness of a sample assemanisotropic, one can create a deviatoric stress field insample assembly. This deviatoric stress is relaxed by plaflow upon heating. This technique has been used in a numof studies.13–19Analyses17,18 showed that the mode of defomation in this technique is in most cases ‘‘stress relaxatioi.e., the magnitude of deviatoric stress changes significawithin a single experiment. The amount of piston movemin this technique is limited and hence the strain magnitudlimited. However, by using a thin sample sandwichedtween two pistons cut at 45° to the strong/stiff directioKarato and Rubie17 were able to attain relatively large strain~;1–2!.

Quasiconstant displacement rate tests can also be mwith the multianvil press through continuous movementthe ram.15,16 Nevertheless, the maximum amount of straattained by this mode of operation is limited becauseconfining pressure also changes with deformation and gaextrusion eventually stops. The multianvil deformation tecnique has been applied to;25 GPa and;2000 K with asample dimension of;1–2 mm diameter and;2–4 mmlong, or a thin ~;0.2 mm! disk sample with a similardiameter.20 The major advantage of this technique as copared to the DAC technique is that rheological propertiesbe investigated under more homogeneous high temperaand pressure conditions with better-controlled chemicalvironment. Also, because relatively large samples canused, microstructural evolution during deformation andeffects on rheology can be investigated.19 This technique hastwo major limitations, however. First, as in the DAC, presurization and plastic deformation cannot be completseparated and deformation during pressurization likelycurs unless special care is taken in the sample assembabsorb initial stage shape change of sample assembly17,18

Second, because the stress magnitude changes during aperiment, dominant mechanisms of deformation may chain a single run, making interpretation of mechanical data amicrostructure difficult.

Yamazaki and Karato21 modified the Drickamer-typehigh-pressure apparatus to achieve high strain. One ofanvils is fixed with the frame, whereas the other is attacto a rotational actuator. The sample is twisted betweentwo pistons, and the geometry of deformation is rotatioshear~i.e., simple shear in any radial plane!. Yamazaki andKarato reported that with their motor and gear combinatishear strain rates from;0 to ;1023 s21 can be achievedExtremely large strains~in principle unlimited! can be at-tained. However, it is difficult to quantify the stress–strarelationship.

To achieve controlled deformation under high pressuCarter et al.22 and later Shimada23 deployed a cubic presswhich drives six independent hydraulic rams to pushsquare-tipped anvils, compressing a cubic pressure med

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To perform triaxial deformation tests, the upper and lowanvils are advanced independently while keeping the fhorizontal anvils fixed. However, precise manipulation of sindependent hydraulic rams is both expensive and operatally complicated. No new activities were reported after initdeployment of this apparatus.

In this article, we report a new high-pressure deformtion apparatus that is capable of generating pressures u15 GPa~or about 450 km depth in the earth! at high tem-peratures~up to;2000 °C!. This apparatus is a modificatioof the cubic-anvil apparatus known as the DIA,24,25 which iswidely used in solid-media hydrostatic compression expments coupled with synchrotron x-ray diffraction.25–28 Thisapparatus takes advantage of recent developments usingchrotron radiation to allow measurement of displacementstress to resolutions of,1 mm and;20 MPa, respectively,thus making it possible to perform quantitative deformatiexperiments under pressure and temperature conditreaching the Earth’s transition zone.


A. Overview of configuration

The original DIA consists of symmetric upper and lowguide blocks, four wedge-shaped thrust blocks~‘‘sidewedges’’!, and six anvils, as indicated in Fig. 1. Four of thanvils are mounted on the inside faces of the side wedand the other two are mounted on the inside central facethe guide blocks, the square, truncated fronts of the anthus defining a cubic volume at the center of the appara

FIG. 1. Conceptual diagram illustrating the principles of the DIA cubanvil apparatus.

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3004 Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 74, No. 6, June 2003 Wang et al.

The operation of the DIA can be visualized by recognizithat the eight inner inclined surfaces of the guide blocdefine a virtual regular octahedron whose dimension chanwith the separation distance between the guide blocks.six anvils are aligned with the six apices of this virtual ochedron, and parts are machined such that the~fixed! distancefrom anvil face to associated apex of the virtual octahedis precisely the same for each anvil. As the guide bloclose or open, all displacements of the anvils are theresymmetric about the center. The force of a single hydraactuator~or ram! applied along the vertical axis in Fig.closes the guide blocks and thus compresses the csample/furnace assembly hydrostatically.

In our new apparatus, called the deformation-DIA~orD-DIA !, independent control of the displacement of onevil pair is provided by two additional hydraulic actuatorcalled differential rams. The differential rams are locatwithin the guide blocks of the D-DIA module~Fig. 2! andreact against the platens driven by the main hydraulic rwhich provides the hydrostatic pressurization. Note thathe D-DIA modification, the guide blocks not only suppothe forces confining the side wedges, they now have abecome thick-wall pressure containers for the hydraulic fldriving the differential rams. For this reason, the guiblocks of the D-DIA are complete disks rather than crossteel members as in the original DIA~Fig. 1!.

The unique capability of independent control of the dferential rams now allows deformation to be imposed wiout simultaneously increasing confining pressure~which hasbeen the long-standing limitation of multianvil devices athe DAC as deformation machines!. In normal operation, theD-DIA sample is brought to run conditions ofP andT withdifferential rams fully withdrawn in the same manner ashydrostatic DIA. Advancing the differential rams then intrduces a noncubic shape change to the assembly. At thetime, by simultaneously draining hydraulic fluid from thmain ram at an appropriate rate, the four side anvils retrand the total force of the main ram as well as the volumethe sample cell are held constant. In the synchrotron x-beamline~more below! pressure itself can be monitored anso serves as the process variable.

FIG. 2. Cutaway view of the D-DIA with differential rams in the upper alower guide blocks. Note locations of the differential rams.

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B. Load consideration

Typical main ram forces are up to;100 T in the hydro-static DIA. Maximum attainable pressures vary dependon the anvil truncation size. When tungsten carbide~WC!anvils are used, the maximum pressures are about 7 GP6 mm truncation anvils~sample cell length 8 mm!, 10 GPafor 4 mm ~6 mm cell!, and 13 GPa for 3 mm~5 mm cell!,respectively.29,30 Wang et al.31 showed that with a slighttaper~4°! near the anvil tip, the modified 4 mm anvils careach pressures about 35% higher than the nontapered aWith sintered diamond and possibly with cubic boron nitrianvils, pressures up to 18 GPa are achievable with 3truncation.30

Ignoring friction between all the sliding surfaces and ashear strength in the cell assembly, the thrust on each an1/3 of the main ram force. The maximum main ram load100 T, thus in hydrostatic compression~without applying dif-ferential load! each anvil will support up to 33.3 T load. Iorder to generate sufficient differential strain in the sampthe differential rams are designed to be capable of twiceload ~62 T!. Such load capacity is sufficient to overcome tconfining force and to apply differential force even at thighest confining pressure. This is achieved with a differtial ram diameter of 89 mm and maximum allowable woring pressure of 100 MPa.

C. Differential rams

Typical sample dimensions are 1 mm diameter and 1mm in length. Each differential ram has a travel of 2 mwhich, accounting for some of the displacement partitionto elasticity and to other cell parts, is sufficient to provishortening ~engineering! strains of 50% or more in thesample.

The differential rams have a piston that has a tapecross section~Fig. 3!. A backing plate is used to seal the ochamber and a small hole through the wall of each gublock allows input of hydraulic fluid to each ram. Both thpiston and the backing plate have a ledge for the O-rassembly. Sealing is achieved by Parker~N0552-90! O-rings~Nitrile, 90 durometer A!, with Parker Parbak N0300-90backup rings.

FIG. 3. Details of the differential ram design and modification in twedges for wider x-ray access.

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3005Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 74, No. 6, June 2003 Deformation-DIA

The differential rams are driven by high-precisiopositive-displacement pumps, and their velocities are ctrollable from approximately 1027 to 1022 mm/s. Whenboth rams are driven symmetrically, this translates to a strate on a typical 1 mm length, 1 mm3 volume sample ofapproximately 1022– 1027 s21, again accounting for somdisplacement partitioned to other parts of the load columThese rates are much faster than most relevant rates inogy, but as with all experimental rock mechanics work—which these rates are typical—it is the human time scalenot the geologic time scale that governs the duration ofexperiment. As with most experimental studies of rock dformation, appropriate scaling analysis is critical to appthese results to Earth. Differential ram displacements of.1mm are possible, so strains in pure shear compressionapproach 1. Deformation in simple shear, using 45°-cuttons is also possible, allowing for much higher strains,some cost to sample volume. Finally, the D-DIA is capaof extensional, as well compressional deformation, sincesense of motion of the six anvils can be reversed.

D. X-ray access

A crucial requirement for the D-DIA is the ability toperform diffraction and imaging analyses on the sampleing synchrotron x radiation. The original hydrostatic DIA hbeen widely used for synchrotron applications.25,27,28 How-ever, in the past, diffraction has been limited to nearvertical plane only. This is largely due to the anvil materof choice, namely WC, which is highly attenuating to x rayIn order to allow precise measurement of both hydrostpressure and deviatoric stress using x rays, multiple diffrtions at various angles in the plane perpendicular to thecident x rays must be observed.32,33To facilitate this, conicalopenings are made into the guide blocks, so that a610°solid angle can be accessed~Fig. 3!. Notches are made in thanvil-supporting side wedges to give access to the en610° solid angle. With the advent of new anvil materiasuch as sintered diamond or cubic boron nitride~cBN!, thisconfiguration allows us to measure diffraction at any orietation.


Three-dimensional finite element analysis~FEA! of theD-DIA guideblocks shows that the maximum octahedstress occurs on the inner bore in an operation wheredifferential load is at its maximum load capacity, i.e., 62%the maximum main ram load. The stress at the base ofinclined surface of the guideblock, the next highest pointstress concentration in the guide block, is roughly 90% ofstress in the bore. Note that in the original DIA with velarge notches cut in the guide blocks, the stress concentraat the base of the inclined surfaces is twice that of the D-Dunder similar main ram load.

Two-dimensional, axisymmetric FEA was carried outthe differential ram itself for a differential ram hydraulpressure of 105 MPa. Figure 4~a! shows Von Mises stresmagnitude in the differential ram piston. The piston is a cobination of a cylinder and a cone. Rotating the cross sec

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FIG. 4. ~a! Von Mises stress and deformation of the differential ram pist~b! Von Mises stress magnitude in the ram base plate. Maximum stoccurs at the lower right corner, in the order of 120 MPa. Maximum dplacement is 7mm, which occurs near the upper right corner.~c! Displace-ment and Von Mises stress in the guide block, which is approximatedaxial symmetric. Maximum Von Mises occurs on the inner wall of the raaround 140 MPa. Maximum displacement about 20mm occurs at the samelocation, almost pure radial.

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3006 Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 74, No. 6, June 2003 Wang et al.

in Fig. 4~a! by 360° will complete the shape. The maximustress~877 MPa! that occurs at the sharp corners in the pton is clearly an artifact. In reality, the corners are roundwith a 2 mmradius, which should greatly reduce the streconcentration. Away from the corners, the highest Von Mistress is in the 300 MPa level.

Figure 4~a! also shows exaggerated displacement fieThe maximum displacement occurs in the lower right corand is 40mm and almost purely vertical.

Similar FEA results on the ram base plate and the gublock are summarized in Figs. 4~b! and 4~c!. For the rambase plate, maximum Von Mises stress is on the order ofMPa if the corner effect is removed and maximum displament is only 7mm in the upper right corner.


A. Guide blocks

Figure 5~a! shows the actual D-DIA guide blocks, whicare mounted in a die set to allow easy transport in and outhe hydraulic press used for pressure generation. The dihas four ball-bearing rollers to allow the entire unit torolled in and out of the press on rails. A vertical displacemtransducer@a linear variable differential transformer~LVDT !#is used to monitor closure between the top and bottom gublocks during the experiment, and a horizontal LVDTmounted to the back of one of the four side wedges to motor the travel of the horizontal anvils during deformatioFour miniaturized displacement transducers@differentialvariable reluctance transducers~DVRTs!# ~MicroStrain, Inc.,Burlington, VT! are used to measure differential ram dplacements@Fig. 5~b!#.

B. Hydraulic control

Hydrostatic pressure is generated to the same levelsin the same manner as with the hydrostatic DIA. To applyadditional deviatoric stress field, the upper and lower anare pushed simultaneously towards the center of the samassembly. To maintain the tetragonal symmetry in the pence of frictional imbalances, the two differential rams aindependently controlled such that they travel by the saamount. However, any increase~or decrease! in pressure inthe differential rams will raise~or lower! the main ram pres-sure. Accordingly, fine control on the main ram is neededdrain ~or supply! hydraulic fluid and maintain a constanpressure.

We use three positive displacement pumps~PDPs! todrive the three hydraulic systems. Each is driven by stepmotors and controlled by computer. Each of the two PDused to control differential ram displacement has a capaof ;10 cc, or roughly one full stroke of each differentiram. The third has a capacity of;30 cc and is connected iparallel to the hydraulic ram of the main press. The mospeed of the differential ram PDPs can be controlled to dthe differential rams at displacement rates ranging frombitrarily slow to 0.01 mm/s. The motor speed of the maram PDP is sufficient to react accordingly.

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To perform quantitative deformation experiments in tD-DIA, one needs to be able to measure both stressstrain under high pressure since conventional load cellstrain gage techniques cannot be used in a solid presmedium apparatus such as the D-DIA. With the adventsynchrotron x-ray techniques, two well-established synchtron x-ray detection techniques can be used for theseposes. The D-DIA can readily be fitted to synchrotron radtion facilities to allow quantitative measurements of streand strain at high-pressure and temperature conditions.

Figure 6 shows a typical 6 mm cell assembly usedthe tests. Both pyrophyllite and a boron–epoxy mixtureused as pressure media, with a thermocouple enteringcylindrical graphite heater~4 mm long! from the top. Tem-perature gradients at 1273 K, estimated from unit cell vume measurement on NaCl along the axial direction, w

FIG. 5. Actual D-DIA tested:~A! overall view of the setup and~B! detailsof the DVRTs used for monitoring differential ram displacement durideformation.

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3007Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 74, No. 6, June 2003 Deformation-DIA

FIG. 6. ~A! Cell assembly used in deformation experiments. Total sample length is typically 2 mm, located in the center of the graphite heater.~B! Measuredpressure and temperature gradients throughout a 2 mmlong NaCl sample at room temperature and 6 GPa~left! and 1000 t°C~right!, without advancing thedifferential rams~i.e., quasihydrostatic compression!. Dots with solid line are pressure difference with respect to the pressure~6 GPa! measured at top of thesample Note increase in apparent pressure from top to bottom at room temperature. The differential stress, calculated using relative peak shift in NaCl, reachesits yield strength~;0.2 GPa! throughout the bottom half of the sample. The increase in apparent pressure can be well explained by the differential str~Ref.27!. At 1000 °C, strength of NaCl is negligible and all the observed pressure variation is attributable to temperature gradient. According to NaCl eqon ofstate, the pressure variations correspond to about 100 °C temperature variations, most of which is near the bottom 0.2 mm of the sample.






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about 100 K within the center 2.0–2.5 mm and within 50over a 1 mmlength near the center. Crushable alumina~po-rosity about 30%! end plugs were used to minimize axideformation during cold compression.

A. Sample length and strain measurement

We have successfully tested the D-DIA at both the Ntional Synchrotron Light Source, using the SAM-85 systeat beamline X-17B1,27 and the Advanced Photon Source, uing the 250 ton system in 13-BM-D at GSECARS.28,34 Fig-ure 7 is a computer screen print showing the vital informtion being monitored and controlled for the D-DIA durindeformation of a fully densified polycrystalline Mo samplWe monitored the differential ram displacements~by the fourDVRTs! as well as ram hydraulic pressures. During deformtion both differential rams were advanced at a controlled rof about 1.531025 mm/s, resulting in a total cell shorteninrate of 331025 mm/s. The differential ram pressures~PT1and PT2! steadily increased even though the displacemrate and pressure were steady, probably because gasketions around the differential ram anvils were steadily increing. These gaskets are the result of extrusion of the presmedium under increasing pressures; they serve as preseals and provide lateral support on the anvils throughcreasing normal stress on the anvil flanks. Note that becaof the increasing differential ram force, some of the displament registered by the DVRTs is elastic compression ofram and anvil. The advance of the differential rams acaused the main ram pressure~PT3! to increase. In order tomaintain a constant cell pressure, the main ram pressure

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decreased. From this point on, the differential rams weremore or less constant pressure.

Based on results to date, most of the ram force is distuted between supporting hydrostatic pressure and supponormal and shear forces on the gaskets. Because of itstively small cross-sectional area, the strength of the samcolumn contributes negligibly~at our current ability to re-solve! to the ram force.

Both the vertical guide block gap and the horizontal avil displacement were also monitored by LVDTs. The obsvations show that as the differential rams were advancedmain ram pressure reduced, the vertical guide blocksteadily increased, due to the extra force exerted by theferential rams. Also as the top and bottom anvils advancthe horizontal anvils retracted. All these observations cfirmed that the D-DIA was behaving as expected and capaof producing up to 1 mm shortening in the cell assembly

Synchrotron x rays were also used to measure samlength. Direct images of markers were obtained usingincident beam typically 233 mm2 in dimension and markerswith contrasting absorption characteristics. Platinum or gfoils above and below the sample could be easily viewThe image was obtained by projecting the x-ray intenscontrast through the cell onto a fluorescent screen thaviewed with a charge coupled device~CCD! camera thougha magnifying system.28 By analyzing the images during thdeformation, sample length change and strain can be dmined ~see Fig. 8!. Another potential technique is to detefluorescence of the marker material used in the cell to dethe ends of the sample.35 In either case, it has been demo

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3008 Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 74, No. 6, June 2003 Wang et al.

FIG. 7. Example of control record showing machine parameters during a deformation experiment~D0374!. DVRT1 and 2 are the transducers monitorindisplacement on the top differential ram; DVRT5 and 7 for the bottom differential ram. Amplitudes are in volts (1 V;0.5 mm). Pressures in the differentiarams are monitored by the pressure transducers, PT1 and 2, with calibration constant 1 V;6000 psi. LVDT1 and 2 are for gap between guide blocks ahorizontal anvil outward displacement, respectively~calibration constants: 1 V;22.54 mm).









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strated that a sample length can be measured to within 1mmand sample length change to within 0.1mm. With a samplelength of 1–2 mm, this means that strains of 1024 or bettercan be measured.

Figure 8 shows sample length as a function of time ding an experiment where a fully densified polycrystallinesample~1 mm long! was ‘‘piggybacked’’ with a sample omixed Au and MgO at 8 GPa and 1273 K. Sample lenchange was measured from digital x-ray imaging. Withabout 5 h, the sample was shortened axially by 0.2 m~about 20%!. In this particular cell assembly, 50% of the 0mm total shortening~as indicated by the DVRT records! wastransmitted to the sample.

X-ray imaging also confirmed the horizontal anvil diplacement observations from the LVDT measurement. Fig9 shows the measured anvil gap change during deformaof a Mo sample with MgO. The rate of gap opening is in tsame order of magnitude as the sample shortening inexperiment.

In a separate experiment, two samples, polycrystalrods of MgO and Ta were piggybacked in one cell assemand deformed under a hydrostatic pressure of 10 GPa atK. The pressure was measured by x-ray diffraction and baon the equation of state of MgO,36 and sample lengths oMgO and Ta were determined using x-ray imaging. Figu10 shows strains measured from the two samples under t

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conditions. Evidently Ta and MgO have similar flow propeties. Pressure and temperature were both held constanting the deformation.

Various strain rates have been achieved, ranging fr1024 to about 531026 s21. We see no difficulties in reaching much slower strain rates to about 1027 s21.

B. Stress measurement

The technique for measuring elastic strain using x-diffraction to obtain information on stress in materials daback at least to the 1930s.37–39Applications to high pressurein situ have become feasible using high-energy x rays gerated by a synchrotron source.32,40 Knowledge of x-ray en-ergy and diffraction angle~Bragg angle! is sufficient to de-termine the distance between lattice planes~calledd spacing!of the crystalline sample. Thed spacing is insensitive toplastic strain, reflecting only the elastic strain field. In a nohydrostatic stress field, crystallographic planes at differorientations to the principal stress directions change thedspacing to a different degree. For polycrystalline sampwhere grains are randomly oriented, each spacing is seea continuous diffraction ring~called the Debye ring! that iscircular if stress is purely hydrostatic and distorted if strehas a deviatoric component. By measuring the shape andof the Debye ring, one determines the orientation dep

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3009Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 74, No. 6, June 2003 Deformation-DIA

dence of a particulard spacing and therefore the total stremagnitude ~hydrostatic plus deviatoric! using the knownelastic moduli of the crystal. As discussed above, the anthemselves cast a shadow and limit the region wherediffracted signal can be observed. However, with the devopment of new anvil materials, especially cBN, whichx-ray transparent, it is now possible to observe the enDebye ring.

We have measured distortion of the Debye rings inD-DIA with cBN anvils and monochromatic diffraction using a Bruker SMART1500 x-ray CCD detector. Figurecompares monochromatic diffraction patterns of MgOcorded at both ambient condition and at about 9 GPa

FIG. 8. Composite digital radiographs of a polycrystalline sample ofdeformed at 8 GPa pressure~A! before deformation,~B! after 10% strain atroom temperature at a rate of 4.531025 s21, and ~C! after an additional10% strain at 1273 K and the same rate. X-ray diffraction intensitystrongly attenuated in the Ta, so pressure/stress indicators of ol(Mg0.9,Fe0.1)2SiO4 and MgO surround the sample. Gold foils mark thinterfaces between the cold, hard Al2O3 pistons and the olivine and MgONote that the olivine and MgO have also strained, especially at the hitemperature.

FIG. 9. Deformation of a polycrystalline Mo sample~1 mm! at 5 GPa and1000 °C. Upper panel shows sample length measurement, which givstrain rate of 1025 s21. Lower panel shows associated horizontal gap oping.

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after 23.4% axial shortening. In this figure, Debye rings aconverted into straight lines for ease of visualization.monochromatic beam at 50 keV was used, correspondina wavelength of 0.248 Å. The vertical axes are azimangles, from 0° to 360°~from bottom to top!, of the Debyerings, with 0° arbitrarily defined as diffraction vector beinhorizontal ~parallel to the minimum principal stress axis!,and the horizontal axes are 2u, from 0° to 10°~left to right!.Distortion in the Debye rings is clearly visible at 9 GPespecially for the strong peak~200!. The sinusoidal shape o





FIG. 10. Total axial length change of the two polycrystalline samples~MgOand Ta! deformed at 10 GPa and 773 K. Note the samples deform at difent rates, especially during the first deformation step~1.2 vs 0.831025 s21 for MgO and Ta, respectively!, after which, the MgO sampleshortened more substantially while the differential piston advancementstopped~the waiting period between the two deformation steps!. During thesecond deformation step, the strain rate of MgO is only slightly faster tthat of Ta.

FIG. 11. Comparison of diffraction lines of MgO under~A! ambientP–Tcondition ~stress free! and ~B! at 9 GPa and room temperature, after 24shortening. The Debye rings have been transformed into straight lineallow easy recognition of the distortion. Horizontal axes are two-theta fr0° to about 10°, and vertical axes azimuth angleC measured from 0°~hori-zontal and perpendicular to the shortening axiss1) to 360°. Certain inten-sity variations are due to the shadowing of the cBN anvils. Modulatedtortion in the 111 and 200 lines in MgO are evident. Due to the lackcollimation, diffractions lines from the surrounding materials are apresent at high pressure~when the anvils gaps are small!, with the cBN 111line being the most prominent, the rest being from graphite~heater! andhexagonal BN~liner!.

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3010 Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 74, No. 6, June 2003 Wang et al.

the 200 line has maxima in 2u, which correspond to minimain d200, near azimuths of 90° and 270°, which are parallethe direction of the shortening. Likewise, the minima in 2u atazimuths of 0° and 180° correspond to the minimum prciple stress direction~horizontal!.

Analysis of the effect of a uniaxial stress field for anistropic crystals has been discussed by several authors.32,33Theresponse of anyd spacing~hkl! in a polycrystalline samplewith random grain orientation to an axisymmetric differentstress field (s1 ,s25s3) is given by

dm~hkl!5dP~hkl!@11~123 cos2 C!


wheredm(hkl) is the measuredd spacing under pressure anstress,dP(hkl) the d spacing under hydrostatic pressuwithout influence of differential stress,C the azimuth angle~measured from maximum principle stress direction!, andQ(hkl) an effective elastic compliance related to the speccrystallographic orientation of the lattice plane~hkl!. Thus,with sufficient knowledge of elastic constants and their prsure and temperature dependence, differential stress caextracted from lattice strain, if the material exhibitselasto–plastic behavior.

Although stress measurements are based on elastictortion in a crystalline lattice, it does not necessarily methat we have to invoke an elasto–plastic model in measustress–strain curves for a given sample. As the samplinterest can be stacked with other ‘‘reference’’ materialsthe deformation column, one can carefully select a ‘‘piezoeter,’’ which, in an ideal situation, ought be inside the elasregion when the sample deforms nonelastically. The stinformation obtained from the ‘‘piezometer’’ can then bused to infer the stress level in the sample. Two-dimensiomonochromatic diffraction data are ideal in obtaining smdistortions in the Debye rings. With a precision of 1024 forthe lattice spacing and a typical Young’s modulus of 200 Git should be possible to resolve differential stresses ofMPa.

C. Other modes of experimentation

Once the cubic symmetry of the hydrostatic DIA is rlaxed to tetragonal in the D-DIA and the coupling betwehydrostatic pressure and deformation is removed, theremany ways to perform deformation experiments. One vation is to perform extension experiments under pressurewell as compression. We have carried out such experimfollowing compression tests by reversing motion on the dferential and main rams. Pressure–time paths in themodes are not precisely mirrored because of large hysterin the overall mechanical system. In principle, suextension–compression cycles can be repeated in a srun. It has been demonstrated that pressure can be mtained in the hydrostatic DIA despite repeated reverse moon the pyrophyllite gaskets.31

Another mode is to use anvils of different shapes totimize gasket performance. With ordinary 45°-cut tungscarbide anvils, the eight end-anvil gaskets will be under snificant compression~pure shear! during deformation.

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Sample loading efficiency is poor in this circumstance bcause the gaskets must be continuously thinned. With~upper and lower! anvils having an angle cut at 26.6@5arctan(0.5)#, volume-compensating motion of end anside anvils is such that end-anvil gaskets have a consthickness as the end anvils advance. Loading efficiencimproved, and larger deformations are possible. We haveried out preliminary measurements with 26.6°-cut anvils averified that pressure efficiency is indeed better and lardeformations are feasible. However, total force~and there-fore pressure! is limited by the higher shear stresses thatgenerated in the narrower end anvils, due to the lack oferal support provided by the gaskets.


The authors thank P. Murry, C. Pullin, and P. Dell ftechnical discussions and drafting of the original designthe D-DIA; D. Ruddle, C. Koleda, M. Jagger, and G. Hemannsdoerfer for setting up the D-DIA for our experimenand T. Uchida, S. Mei, D. Frost, J. Chen, M. Vaughan, L.and P. Burnley for contributions in carrying out some of texperiments. Work performed under the auspices of the UDepartment of Energy by the Lawrence Livermore NationLaboratory under Contract No. W-7405-ENG-48. Portionsthis work were performed at GeoSoilEnviroCARS~GSE-CARS!, Sector 13, Advanced Photon Source at Argonne Ntional Laboratory. They authors also thank Mark RiveSteve Sutton, and GSECARS personnel for their supporting the design and testing of the D-DIA. GSECARS is suported by the National Science Foundation-Earth ScienDepartment of Energy-Geosciences, W. M. Keck Fountion, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Use of tAdvanced Photon Source was supported by the U.S. Depment of Energy, Basic Energy Sciences, Office of EneResearch, under Contract No. W-31-109-Eng-38.

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