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Social Media 101: Building the Digital You

By Tami Cannizzaro, Social Business Leader at IBM

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1. Who are you?

2. What do you stand for?

3. What is Your Brand?

Ask Yourself

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I’m too busy.

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I just don’t have time.

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I don’t know where to start.

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Three Simple Steps

Making Markets

Update LinkedIn

Capturing Markets

Get on Twitter

Grow Your‘Friends’

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1. Create and control your professional profile

2. Choose contacts to keep up to date, communicate,

3. Join Groups to engage and exchange in conversation

4. Learn about events in your industry

5. Research companies & professionals


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• All of your (relevant) employment history• Your CV• Your education• Your social profiles• Joining groups and contributing to them• Making connections will get you insider information on your clients

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Ask, what does your profile say about you?

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Consider posting on LinkedIn

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1. People you went to school with

2. Your personal network (friends)

3. Colleagues and partners

4. Customers/partners you have met in person

5. Those in your professional contact list

6. Those in your phone’s contact list

7. People you may know

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1. Like someone’s activity

2. Share a post

3. Comment on a post

4. Endorse someone’s skill(s)

5. Recommend a colleague, partner or customer

6. Join a group

7. Start or engage in a discussion in a group

8. Send someone a direct message or share a link

9. Visit someone’s profile

10.Ask for an introduction or recommendation

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Let’s talk about Twitter!

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What do I use it for?

1. Find out what’s happening in the industry

2. Follow Influencers in your industry3. Establish yourself as an expert4. Build a network 5. Develop relationships with peers,

colleagues, prospects, clients6. Promote your professional activities

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1. See what’s going on with your customers and their competitors

2. Interact and connect with influencers in your industry/segment

3. Discover content and learn

4. Become more influential in your area

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Pick a username that’s easy to remember.

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Include full name so people can find you.

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What does your profile say about you?

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Setting up your profile.

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Link to LinkedIn profile for more info.

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Make it count! Elevator pitch in 160 characters.

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1. Thought leaders and influencers for your area of expertise (experts, analysts, etc)

2. News and official sources of information

3. Your customers’ official accounts

4. Your customer’s competitors

5. Your company’s competitors

6. Colleagues

7. Business partners

8. Customers

9. Prospects

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1. Interesting articles and blog posts

2. Thought leadership content related to your area of expertise

3. Videos (YouTube, Vimeo, TED)

4. Useful presentations and whitepapers (Slideshare)

5. Insights (people love stats) and quotes

6. General business and leadership tips and advice

7. Keep self-promotion and marketing to 20% or less

8. Infographics and images

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1. Retweet

2. Favorite someone’s tweet

3. Respond to a tweet

4. Mention someone

5. Follow

6. Add to a list

7. Share your own thoughts

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What do I use it for?

1. Take business relationships to the next level

2. Conversation points that help to deepen your relationship


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3 in 5 IT decision makers use social media to

learn about new products and technologies.

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86%Business technology decision-makers that use social media for professional reasons.

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1 in 5 minutes online is spent on social networks.

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91% of mobile users keep their devices within arm's reach 100% of

the time.

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Customers are googling your name before you walk in the door…

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When they get a voicemail or before a conference call…

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"The best employees are not just present in social media, they position themselves as credible and influential sources in

customer networks." - Sales Executive Council

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Thank you.

Connect with me

Linkedin: http://linkedin.com/in/TamiCannizzaro

Twitter: http://twitter.com/TamiCann

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