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Page 1: The Edifier Issue 1.Jan.feb.2013

Although we are beginning a new year and many are in the

process of making resolutions, there are some old tradi-

tions we need to hold onto. Note this verse from Jeremiah

6:16, “Thus says the LORD: Stand in the ways and see,

and ask for the old paths, where the good way is, and walk

in it; then you will find rest for your souls. But they said, we

will not walk in it.” Then look at these verses from Prov-


Prov. 22:28 Do not remove the ancient landmark which

your fathers have set.

Prov. 23:10 Do not remove the ancient landmark, nor en-

ter the fields of the fatherless.

Let us continue to read and study the word of God and

profit from it. (Continued on pg. 8)

Volume 1, Issue 1

A Word From The Pastor

From The Editor’s Desk

PRAISE THE LORD FRIENDSHIP! How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! Psalm 133:1

Welcome to the first issue of The Edifier;

our own Christian Community Newsletter.

Our prayer is that The Edifier will inform,

edify, encourage, inspire, motivate and

challenge you to use your God given gifts,

here at Friendship and in the world.

We want to keep you informed on church

news & views. Also, we hope to unify and

strengthen our church member relation-

ships by highlighting activities and minis-

tries of interest to our church family.

As you flip through the pages of this issue,

you’ll see we’ve taken the name The Edifier

to heart. It is, indeed, a place of edification

and glorification to God—albeit in print.

Members from different ministries have

contributed their best ideas and most inter-

esting views on the pages that follow.

We’ll definitely need more solid material

for future issues, so please consider sub-

mitting your best ideas, stories, praise

reports, events, etc.

Our submission forms are located at the

rear of the sanctuary in the hanging wall

basket. Or, just send an email to:

[email protected].

We’d love to know what you think of our

new Christian Community Newsletter, The

Edifier. Please take a moment to e-mail

your feedback!

Peace and Blessings to you all,

Cathy D. Steverson Editor/Production

January / February 2013

Julius T. Davis, Jr., Pastor

E d i f y i n g t h e S a v e d t o E v a n g e l i z e t h e L o s t




























Live Out Loud For Christ

Ministry Highlights


What’s In Your History?

Presidential Facts

FBC Business Directory


Crossword Puzzles 4

Educational News 5

Where Will You Be?

Trust In God


Birthdays, Anniversaries,

Praise Reports



Page 2: The Edifier Issue 1.Jan.feb.2013

About 28 years ago, my hus-

band, our baby and I were

taking a road trip about 2 1/2

hours from our home. Prior to

getting on the road, we

stopped at a gas station and

had the attendant fill up the

tank. Yes, there were full ser-

vice stations at that time. An

hour or so passed and the car

started to stall, my husband

restarted the car and we drove

for a few more miles when it

stalled again. The car began

to sputter. Then, nothing. We

were stopped, completely, on

the highway. My husband

called for roadside assis-

tance. They arrived after

about thirty minutes and

looked under the hood. One

of the men got in the car to

attempt to start it, and no-

ticed the gas gauge read

“empty.” He told my hus-

band who said that he no-

ticed that but paid it no at-

tention since we had just

filled the tank. He assumed

it must have been broken.

The man then checked the

gas tank, and, lo and be-

hold, it was empty. The gas

attendant did not fill it up at

all. Well, we paid for more

gas and were on our way

once again. The car showed

signs of being empty of gas;

my husband ignored the

signs and we were “running

on empty.” Isn’t that like so

many Christians? Trying to

do the work of God without

being filled with the Spirit

of God. All the signs are

there that show they need

a refilling, but they ignore

the signs. Yes, upon salva-

tion we are indwelt by the

Holy Spirit; like putting gas

in a car. But we need a

daily filling in order to ac-

complish what God would

have us to do. One reason

so many Christians seem

to be “burnt-out” is be-

cause they are running on

empty. If you find yourself

complaining at everything

you have to do in the vari-

ous ministries in which you

work or boasting about

how well you’re doing, re-

ceiving glory instead of

giving God the glory; or

message of the gospel; the

death, burial and resurrec-

tion of Jesus Christ; and to

make the Word of God

come alive so that all may

understand the biblical

principles and life lessons

within it. The Drama Minis-

try is based upon two main

scriptures; Proverbs 3:5-6,

“Trust in the Lord with all

thine heart; and lean not

on thine own understand-

ing. In all thy ways

acknowledge Him, and He

The Drama Ministry of

Friendship Baptist Church

of Girard is lead by Sister

Cynthia Daniels. Cynthia

has the ability to look at

various life situations and

circumstances and create

skits and plays to reflect

the spiritual messages

within them. The plays

show how the lessons can

be applied to life on a daily


The purpose of the Drama

Ministry is to minister the

shall direct thy path.” Also,

Romans 1:16 “For I am not

ashamed of the gospel of

Christ: for it is the power of

God unto salvation to eve-

ryone that believeth; to the

Jew first, and also to the


Cynthia emphasizes that

the Drama Ministry really

seeks to drive home how

active Christ is in the world

today and that the Word of

God is applicable in all

situations. Continued on page 7


Ministry Highlights FBC’s Multi-Media Ministry

Running On Empty by Beverly Thompson

Friendship Baptist Church of Girard DRAMA MINISTRY

Cynthia Daniels

February—the month of LOVE Four skits will be presented. One each week on “The Object of Your Love”

tions for worship services

and/or special projects;

providing audio of sermons

as requested; providing

written information and

audio sermons to post on

FBC Facebook. To be a

member of the Multimedia

Ministry team one must be

saved, baptized and an

active member of FBC for

at least one year. Good

communications skills,

creativity, basic computer

and MS Office software

skills are preferred.

The FBC Media Team

needs you! Use your gifts in

the following roles; sound

board operator, camera

operator, graphic artist,

web master, audio/video

editor or photographer. If

you have an event that

requires media support, or

would like to be a part of

this ministry, contact Bro.

Gordon Gibson. Give at

least 2 weeks advance

notice for event support.

The FBC Multimedia Minis-

try team includes the de-

partment head, Brother

Gordon Gibson along with

Anita Benson, Aaron Wash-

ington, Christal Dawson

and Lavell Turnage, Jr. The

departments mission is to

support all church activities

by providing services that

enhance the worship expe-

rience. These services

include providing sound-

system during all services;

providing visual presenta-

What is the Multimedia

Department all about?

FBC’s Multimedia Ministry is dedicated to

enhancing the church’s worship service and

spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ using graphic,

audio and video technology.

Live Out Loud For Christ


when you find you must be

recognized or that going to

church or working a ministry

is a chore instead of a joy —

you may be running on emp-

ty. So how do you get filled

with the Spirit? Take time

daily to read, study and

meditate on the Word of

God. Praise God daily. Live

a lifestyle of prayer, worship

and obedience to God. Sur-

render your will to His and

let the Word of God govern

you in all matters—daily. By

doing these things, you are

sure to always have a “full

tank”. You will become sen-

sitive to the voice of the

Holy Spirit and your own

spirit will reflect the Spirit of

God. Be sure to avoid run-

ning on empty.

Page 3: The Edifier Issue 1.Jan.feb.2013


Recent ly

the Da-

v i d s o n

brothers, Fletcher and Benja-

min reminisced about family

with their cousin Leo from

New Jersey. Fletcher’s curiosi-

ty about a cousin who built a

hospital in the segregated

South led me to do an inter-

net search for more infor-

mation. In just a few minutes,

I found the book, Under the

Knife by Hugh Pearson, Jr.

Fletcher and Ben had remem-

bered correctly. Their cousin,

Joseph built the Griffin Hospi-

tal and Clinic in Bainbridge,

Georgia. Their father’s moth-

er, Mary Etta Griffin Davidson

and Joseph’s father were

brother and sister. On the

inner flap of his book, Pear-

son states his parents be-

lieved he could look to his

great-uncle, Dr. Joseph Griffin

for inspiration. Although Hugh

Pearson’s father was a doc-

tor, they left the deep South.

Joseph, however, stayed and

prospered. “He became the

first Negro surgeon in South

Georgia, donating millions of

dollars to Afro-American insti-

tutions and building the larg-

est private hospital for Afro-

A m e r i c a n s i n t h e

state.” (Pearson, 2000).

When Pearson’s book came

out, Abraham Verghese from

the Chicago Tribune wrote:

“Griffin was a wealthy man,

building Griffin Hospital in

1950, pledging $250,000

worth of Coca-Cola stock in

1970 to his alma mater, Me-

harry Medical College in

Nashville.” (Verghese, 2000).

Griffin graduated from Meharry

in 1915. He eventually set up

practice in Bainbridge, and

most of his patients were black.

When those patients needed

hospitalization, he would drive

them 40 miles to the Florida

A&M College Hospital in Talla-

hassee, the nearest hospital

that would admit blacks. Pear-

son writes, “In the first year of

his practice, he’d drive his pa-

tients along the dusty road to

Tallahassee for serious opera-

tions only. If the operation was

not so serious he’d perform it at

the patients home.” Griffin was

a skilled surgeon and a hard

worker. According to a biog-

raphy of Griffin, written by Pear-

son’s aunt, Griffin had a reputa-

tion for being generous and

selfless. (Verghese, 2000).

Pearson also explores the con-

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President Obama is CNN's Most Intriguing Person of 2012

What’s In Your History? by Joyce Davidson

Friendship Baptist Church Member Business Directory But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33

A year ago, President Barack Obama was under fire. Today, he is being feted. In just 12 months, the 51-year-old lawyer and former U.S. senator raised by a single mother went from a beleaguered candidate for re-election -- his record and signature health care law under daily attack by Republican rivals -- to being the first Democrat to win more than 50% of a presidential vote twice since Franklin D. Roosevelt. Now the nation's first African-American president is CNN's Most Intriguing Person of 2012, as voted on by readers of CNN.com, five days after being named TIME's Person of the Year. (By Tom Cohen, CNN—updated 10:41 PM EST, Mon December 24, 2012)

Barack Obama, a Senator from Illinois and 44th President of the United States; born in Honolulu, Hawaii, August 4, 1961; obtained early education in Jakarta, Indonesia, and Hawaii; continued education in Occidental College, Los Angeles, Ca-lif.; received a B.A. in 1983 from Columbia University, New York City; worked as a community organizer in Chicago, Ill.; studied law at Harvard University, where he became the first African American president of the Harvard Law Review, and received J.D. in 1991; lecturer on constitutional law, University of Chicago; member, Illinois State

Senate 1997-2004; elected as a Democrat to the U.S. Senate in 2004, and served from January 3, 2005, to November 6, 2008,

when he resigned from office, having been elected president; elected as the 44th President of the United States on November 4,

2008, and was inaugurated on January 20, 2009. The President will be inaugurated for his second term in January 2013.

Commit your

works to the


and your plans

will be


Proverbs 16:3

troversial areas of his great

uncle, the millionaire who gen-

erously gave and as Pearson

discovered, did not hesitate to

have his patients pledge prop-

erty as collateral for his ser-

vices. The other part of this

interesting story relates to my

connection to Hugh Pearson,

Jr. When I saw the name Pear-

son, I thought, could this Pear-

son be from my side of the

family? Sure enough, my pater-

nal grandmother, Annie and

his paternal grandfather, Na-

than were brother and sister.

Often our histories include

people who inspired family and

community, as did Dr. Joseph

Griffin, whom the community

of Bainbridge honored in 2007

during a Martin Luther King, Jr.

Day observation.

What’s in your history?

Michelle and Barack Obama

President and First Lady of the United States

Page 4: The Edifier Issue 1.Jan.feb.2013


Page 5: The Edifier Issue 1.Jan.feb.2013


In order to graduate from high

school in the State of Ohio,

students must fulfill the cur-

ricular requirements and pass

all five of the Ohio Graduation

Tests (OGT’s). For those high

school students who have yet

to pass all five of the tests, do

not be discouraged. Many

times, there is only one test

that the student has yet to

pass; in those cases, the

State of Ohio has designed an

Alternative Pathway which

could possibly allow students

to graduate. There is special

criteria that is set in order

that a student be eligible to

graduate without passing all

five tests.

1. On the one OGT that the

student has not passed;

the person must have

missed passing the test

by 10 points or less.

2. The student has to have

at least a 97% attend-

ance rate for each of the

last four school years.

3. The student has not

been expelled from

school in any of the last

four school years.

4. The student has a grade

point average of at least

2.5 out of 4.0 in the sub-

ject area of the failed OGT.

5. The student has taken

advantage of any interven-

tion programs provided by

the school district or school

in the subject area of the

failed OGT, and has a 97%

attendance rate, excluding

any excused absences, in

any of those programs that

are provided at times be-

yond the normal school

day. The student can re-

ceive credit for attending

comparable intervention

services such as Sylvan,

tutoring, etc.

time, preferably beginning with the fall


The grant is not competitive or need

based, and credits do transfer to other

state institutions.

To learn more, call EGCC at

(330) 744-8967

Option 1 for Admissions.

Looking for a way to pay for your

child’s college education? Eligible

2012 high school graduates from

Mahoning, Columbiana and Trumbull

Counties can receive free tuition with

Eastern Gateway Community College’s

Gateway Grant. Eligible graduates

must attend Eastern Gateway full


Junior Civic League Scholarship submitted by Betty L. Scott

Alternative Pathway to Graduation submitted by Loree Richardson

The eligibility criteria for the Junior Civic League Scholarship are:

Students must have at least one parent of African American origin; student must be a graduating

senior at a public or private high school in the Mahoning Valley; student seeks an associates or bach-

elors degree from an accredited college or university in the United States, or enroll in a school of

nursing that is affiliated with a university, and; must be in good academic standing with a cumulative

grade point average of no less than a 2.50 on a 4.0 grading scale.

Scholarships are $1,500 each and non-renewable. The scholarship is divided into increments

paid upon proof of enrollment and grades each semester or quarter during the freshman year.

The required documents to submit are:

An application; an official high school transcript; a personal essay; three letters of recommendation; proof of household income

(copy of parents or graduates 2012 IRS tax return or copy of all 2012 W2 forms).

To get a Junior Civic League Scholarship application go to www.juniorcivicleague.org , or contact Sister Betty L. Scott.

Deadline for application is April 2013.

6. The student has a letter

recommending gradua-

tion from the person’s

high school principal.

7. The student has met all of

the high school curricu-

lum requirements in the

subject area.

Please see the school’s guid-

ance counselor immediately to

get further information. If a

student does not meet the 2.5

grade point average in the

subject area of the failed OGT,

consult with the counselor

immediately to inquire about

taking credit recovery courses.


Junior Civic League Members

Page 6: The Edifier Issue 1.Jan.feb.2013


Trust in God by Norman Macleod

Courage, Brother, do not stumble, Though your path be dark as night;

There’s a star to guide the humble, Trust in God and do the right.

Let the road be rough and dreary, And its end far out of sight,

Foot it bravely, strong or weary; Trust in God and do the right.

Perish policy and cunning, Perish all that fears the light;

Whether losing, whether winning, Trust in God and do the right.

Trust no party, sect or faction, Trust no leaders in the fight;

But in every word and action, Trust in God and do the right.

Simple rule and safest guiding, Inward peace and inward might,

Star upon our path abiding; Trust in God and do the right.

Some will hate you, some will love you, Some will flatter, some will slight;

Cease from man, and look above you, Trust in God and do the right.

submitted by Crystal Shells

Where Will You Be In 100 Years?

Your soul will be living forever .. But where?

HEAVEN …………. OR …………HELL The only reason you’ll be

in Heaven. You are saved

by grace through faith in

Jesus Christ (Eph. 2:8)

This means:

You know who God is

according to the Bible

You know Jesus died

on the cross for your


You have repented of

your sins

You have received

Jesus as the Lord and

Savior of your life

You know your good

works can’t earn you

a place in heaven

(Eph. 2:9)

You know “grace” is a

free, unearned gift

from God

There are many reasons

why a person thinks they

are going to heaven.

I just know I am .

What is your reason

for believing this?

What if you are


I’m a good person.

No one is good, not

even one

(Rom. 3:12)

All sinned and fall

short of the glory of

God (Rom. 3:23)

I belong to a Church.

Satan was in Heav-

en before he was

kicked out

Not everyone who

says to Me Lord,

Lord, will enter the

Kingdom of Heaven


I believe Jesus existed

and died on the cross.

So does the devil

and he trembles

(James 2:19)

Assurance of life in Heaven

You love Jesus be-

cause He first loved


You know you are a

new creation (your

priorities in life have


Your goal in life is to

please the Lord Jesus

Repentance is part of

your daily life

(I John 1:9)

Jesus reigns over and

is the center of your


Submitted by

Christal Dawson

Please.. Save the Date

“No more Christian Nice Girl”

Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Georgetown

5945 South Avenue

Boardman, OH 44512

Pilgrim Baptist Church

Sister –To-Sister Luncheon

Page 7: The Edifier Issue 1.Jan.feb.2013

ing. Not only to the born

again believer, but also as

a witness to the unsaved

person, to encourage them

to begin a relationship with

Christ through salvation.

Cynthia has stated, “we

(ministry members), may

be the only scripture that

some people may ever


In order to become a part

of the Drama Ministry, sal-

vation is a must; also regu-

lar attendance at Sunday

School / Bible Study is

required. Each member of

the ministry should be re-

ceiving doctrinally sound

teaching consistently in

order to be an effective

participant in this evangeli-

cal endeavor of minister-

“I am happy and glad to give God the glory for restoring and keeping me from

drugs and alcohol on January 4th; 25 years ago. I know on my own I could

have not done so. Only God has kept me clean and free. When I think about

those drug days and what He has done for me, Victory!”

I Cor. 15:57

FBC Drama Ministry continued from page 2


January 2013 Birthdays & Anniversaries

1 Stacey Shells

7 Beverly Thompson

Jason & Sherria Duncan

9 Terri Ewell

10 Jasmine Williams

Tom & Dianne Simmons

11 Cynthia Daniels & Sylvia Williams

12 Karen Carter & Delores Dawson

16 Olivia Duncan

17 Gwen Poole

20 Thais Davidson

27 Ashley Peace

29 Britney Curd

30 Melanie Johnson

February 2013 Birthdays & Anniversaries

1 Jalessa Moore & Lewis Daniels

3 Faye White

6 Brandon Carter

9 Alexa Moore & Noelle Lytle

11 Doll Peace

12 Cassie Mitchell Jones &

Gordon Gibson

13 Jason Davis

14 Gloria & Larry Spires

16 Bill & Judy Beck

20 Ann Clark

21 Link & Tanya McNeely

22 Thelma Vines

23 Vanito Adams

25 Seth Powell


The Ohio Department of Commerce an-

nounced that Ohio’s minimum wage would

increase on Tuesday, January 1, 2013. The

increase is from $7.70 to $7.85 per hour for

non-tipped employees. For employees who

receive tips, it will increase from $3.85 to

$3.93 per hour. The increase will apply to em-

ployees of businesses with annual gross re-

ceipts of more than $288,000.


Ohio Attorney General, Mike DeWine is encour-

aging Ohioan’s to sign up for the do-not-call

registry and report violators to his office. To

join, visit www.donotcall.gov or call 1-888-

382-1222. To report unwanted calls, visit

www.ohioattorneygeneral.gov or call 1-800-


Lavance Turnage, FBC member and Ursuline

High graduate is a triple threat athletically at

Waynesburg University, playing football and

basketball and running track. Off the field,

Turnage is a business management major mi-

noring in marketing finance.

Mahoning –Shenango Valley

Sunday School Association


Sunday January 13, 2013

5:30 - 8:30 PM

Free Skating Admission

Skate Rental $3.50

All Other Activities $3.25


5420 Mahoning Ave.

Austintown, OH 44515


Fun for all ages

Sister Cecelia Taltoan, an Usher at FBC

shared this testimony. ..


Page 8: The Edifier Issue 1.Jan.feb.2013

A Word From The Pastor continued from page 1

The Scriptures and Sin

How a person is to profit from the Word of God is clearly answered by scripture text 2 Tim. 3:16-17.

1. It is profitable for doctrine—What is doctrine? Teaching, training

2. For reproof—conviction

3. Correction

4. Instruction in righteousness

5. The result—perfection or reaching the desired goal. The idea in the words perfection or perfect is more than just maturity, it is

goal reaching, as in pressing toward the mark in Phil. 3 and when that which is perfect is come in I Cor. 13-10.

6. The desired goal—fully equipped for all good works. The word good means profitable, advantageous, beneficial, useful, etc., not

just constitutionally good (made right). The same idea is seen in the phrase, “created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God

has before ordained that we should walk in them. Eph. 2:10

We profit from the Word of God when:

1. The Word convicts us of sin. See Isa. 6—woe is me, for I am undone; Luke 5—depart from me for I am a sinful man; Rom. 7:18—for

I know that in me dwells no good thing; Psalm 51:5—shaped in iniquity and in sin did my mother…; Rom. 7:13—that sin might be-

come exceedingly sinful.

2. When the Word makes us sorrow over sin. See 2 Cor. 7:8-10—Godly sorrow produces repentance; Rom. 7:23—O wretched person

that I am…; Jer. 31:19—I was ashamed and also humiliated.

3. When the Word leads to confession of sin. See Prov. 28-13—he who covers his sin shall not prosper, but who confesses and for-

sakes them shall prosper; Psalm 32:3-5—silence, heaviness, then acknowledgement; 1John 1:8-2:2—confession, advocate, propiti-


4. When the Word produces in us a deeper hatred of sin. See Psalm 97:10—you who love the Lord, hate evil; Psalm 119:104, 128—I hate

every false way; Prov. 8:13—the fear of the Lord is to hate evil.

5. When the Word causes a forsaking of sin. See again Prov. 28.13; 2 Cor. 6:14-7:1—separate from and separate to; 2 Tim. 2:19—

depart from iniquity; 2 Peter 1:3-4—we have become partakers of the divine nature so escape the corruption that is in the world

through lust.

6. When the Word fortifies against sin. See Psalm 119:11—thy word have I hidden in my heart; Psalm 37:11—the law of his God is in his

heart, none of his steps shall slide; Gen. 39:9—how then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God.

7. When the Word causes us to practice the opposite of sin. See James 1:22—be you doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiv-

ing yourselves; Heb. 3:12-13—we encourage each other; Jer. 17:9-10—we let God search our hearts; 1 John 3:18—let us love in deed

and truth.

There are serious reasons to believe that much bible reading and

bible study of the last 50 years has been of

very little spiritual profit to those engaged in it.

Arthur W. Pink, Profiting From the Word

copyright The Banner of Truth Trust

”I will instruct you and teach you in the way which

you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon

you.” Psalm 32:8


The Edifier Newsletter Mission / Purpose

Our mission is three-fold:

To share the gospel of our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ and to glorify God the Father.

To inform, edify, encourage, inspire, motivate and challenge believers in Christ at FBC to a

higher standard of Christian living in the world, through the distribution of printed Christ-

centered materials.

To unify and strengthen the relationships between the FBC ministries and members, as well

as with other churches in our communities by sharing information and news about our

church, ministries and Christian businesses.

Faith Statement

We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that personal salvation and

the forgiveness of sin are only available through Him, by Grace.

We believe in God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

We believe that the Holy Bible is God’s Word to His Church and that it is complete and

fully trustworthy.

(John 3:16, Romans 3:23, John 4:16, Eph. 2:8-9, Matt. 28:19, II Tim. 3:16)

111 Water Street

Girard, OH 44420

(330) 545-2821



[email protected]

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