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The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion


For the European PC version of the game

By Exodist


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Title: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Developer: Bethesda SoftWorks

Publisher: 2K games

Platform: PC, XBOX 360

Release: Europe, 24th March, US, 20th March

Genre: RPG

BBFC Rating: 15, Mature (ESRB)

My Score: 96% or 10/10




Document by: Exodist/Ryan Haighton

Document size: 425KB

Document version: 2.4

Document hosted by: Gamefaqs (Gamefaqs.com), 1UP (1up.com), DLH (dlh.net),

Supercheats (http://www.supercheats.com), Moby Games (mobygames.com) and

Gamers By Games (www.fgbgamers.com), My Cheats (mycheats.com), Games In Action.

This guide was originally hosted on Gamefaqs. IF you find another website

hosting this guide, they have most probably asked for my permission, super

cheats seem to like my work, so if my guide or any of my other guides appear

there, and it isn't on this list, they most probably asked.

Document written: Started 9th April 2006, latest version 1st April 2007

Document copyright 2006/7 Ryan Haighton, and is NOT to be stealed. Please ask

for permission if you want to host this guide on your website.























By pressing Ctrl+F, you can

quickly search for the

different chapters of this

guide. For example, to find

Chapter 12 quick, press

ctrl+F, the type in


capital letters to find

that section fast. I have

tested this and it does

work, just make sure your

just below the contents!

I have figured out that it

doesn't seem to work with

some chapters, so only enter

the chapter name in, and it

should always find it.







Welcome to my Elder Scrolls Oblivion guide! I decided

to try and make a decent guide, because I love this game

so much! Its just so good, i'm glad it was worth the delay

wait! I was once reading an magazine about the Elder Scrolls,

so I brought Morrowind. I loved it, so I was going to buy

the sequel, Oblivion for christmas. But it never came out.

But March, it did. And I got it a week before release, I think.

Pre-order is cool. Anyways, it's finally here. The BEST RPG on

the PC and XBOX 360! Lets all enter the beautiful land of Cyrodiil,

and destroy those Oblivion gates!




So what about the guide? Well, it has a full walkthrough for all

the story-line quests, it has guild quest walkthroughs, character

development, misc. game stuff and a FAQ. Sorry, theres actually no

need on HOW TO PLAY for this game. It's abit pointless really.

Thats what the manual is for! If you dont have one, check another

guide or buy one off the internet! Your not getting one from

me! This current version, the guide isn't fully complete though.

You will have to wait for future versions until it's complete, if

it ever is.




My Ultimate goal is to write the very best walkthrough and FAQ for

this game. I will have all the quests in it, full story walkthrough,

walkthrough for future expansion packs (let's hope they appear) and

a full item list. It's going to be a very big guide in the future,

hopefully it won't take up too much time. Good luck to me, and I hope

I write this damn thing!




I'm a 14 year old teenager, I live in the U.K. and Oblivion is

my favourite RPG game. I play games most of the time, and write

the occasional guide for them. This is my third guide, and my biggest

challenge of writing one too. I want to be a games creator when i'm

older, so I also do alot of stuff with TES Construction Set (for Oblivion)

and Game Maker 6. I have also made my own world for Well of Souls. My

net name is a mix really, sometimes it's Exodist, sometimes it's

Ramir_Klensbane, Exodist is preffered. My real name is Ryan Haighton.

Well, I hope you find this guide useful for you many needs for

Oblivion, and hope you have fun!

Ignore the note below, I have the Construction Set now! Time to get


NOTE: There is very little chance of having a full walkthrough for

this game. I will not be able to give you a list of EVERY item and

weapon and armour or stuff like that. It's just too hard for me

without the construction kit. Anyways, you might not find what you

need. Maybe pop me an e-mail, see if I know. But I am NOT a master

of this game. I am still learning stuff everyday, so be patient,

or go out and do the quest or whatever it is yourself!








Key / Button Function Key / Button Function

Q = Auto Move Tab = Menu

W = Move forward Caps Lock = Autorun

A = Slide left Ctrl = Sneak mode

S = Move backward Alt = Block

D = Slide right F5 = Quicksave

E = Jump F9 = Quickload

R = Switch view Spacebar = Activate

T = Wait Left Mouse = Attack

F = Toggle weapon Right Mouse = Block

Z = Grab Middle Mouse = Change view

C = Cast magic Mouse Wheel = Zoom in / out


Key / Button Function Key / Button Function

N/A = Auto Move B = Menu

L Thumbstick = Move forward N/A = Autorun

L Thumbstick = Slide left Click L Analog = Sneak mode

L Thumbstick = Move backward LT = Block

L Thumbstick = Slide right N/A = Quicksave

Y = Jump N/A = Quickload

Click R Analog = Switch view A = Activate

Back = Wait RT = Attack

X = Toggle weapon LT = Block

LB = Grab Click R Analog = Change view

RB = Cast magic N/A = Zoom in / out





Windows XP

512MB System RAM

2 Ghz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent processor

128MB Direct3D Compatible video card and DirectX 9.0

compatible driver;

8x DVD-ROM drive; 4.6GB free hard disk space;

DirectX9.0c (included with game); DirectX 8.1 compatible

sound card; Keyboard, Mouse


3 Ghz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent Processor

1 GB System RAM

ATI X800 series, NVIDIA GeForce 6800 series, or higher video card


ATI X1900 series; ATI X1800 series; ATI X1600 series; ATI X1300 series;

ATI X850 series; ATI X800 series; ATI X700 series; ATI X600 series;

ATI Radeon 9800 series; ATI Radeon 9700 series; ATI Radeon X9600 series;

ATI Radeon 9500 series; NVIDIA GeForce 7000 series; NVIDIA GeForce 6000

series; NVIDIA GeForce FX series


Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 2

AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor


1.80GHz, 1.50 GB of RAM

NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT

This game seems to work fine for me, although the graphic detail

isn't full for everything. Still, the graphics are really, really

good, and the resolution looks great. If you have a PC with similar

settings, it should work.




So then, the main quest walkthrough. At almost ANY point in the

game, you can stop this, and go adventuring around dungeons, towns,

horse riding and doing the many guild or town quests.

Which is good, if your REALLY stuck. The good thing about

Oblivion is that the difficulty isn't that hard really. Going

through the story-line quest, you won't find an enemy that your

so badly stuck at, you just won't play the game again. With

the new Combat system, the game is even more realistic, and

easier, so it's not some sort of Hack and slash crap.

Anyway, lets get on with the guide!

NOTE: This guide won't be of the best of quality, I will add more

things and more detail for the hard parts soon.


OK, you will start by creating your character. OK, once you

have done that, you will gain control. I prefer to play in

first person mode, but by pressing the R key, you can switch

to third person. Remember, you don't get a crosshair in third

person. Anyways, after admiring the scenery (you do have all

the sliders on full, if not buy a better graphics card!) walk

over to the door. You will find the prisoner across the room

talking to you, but don't listen. Soon, three guards will

come and unlock your door, with the emperor behind them.

They will walk in, and open up a secret passage behind your

bed. The Emperor will talk to you first, saying your from

his dreams. He will thus instantly trust you! Yay. Anyway,

the guards are part of the Blades, whom you will join later,

and may remember them from Morrowind (the organisation).

Anyway, follow them through the passage.

Stay back abit first, because something is going to happen

which may kill you already. The blades are ambushed by

Assassins, so once they are all dead, your told that

you should stay in this room, and not follow them.

Instead, you should take this oppurtunity to escape!

Find the guard that died, and take her equipment,

and anything else you think might be usefull to you.

Eventually, some giant rats and goblins will break

through the wall, so kill them. Go through the passage

they opened up, and tutorial messages will tell you

the basics of the game. Read the messages, and continue

through the rooms. Finally, you will get to a large room.

Here is a goblin witch, so kill her. She has a dangerous staff

which shoots electric every time it's swung. Take it and equip

it if you want to, and kill the rest of the enemies. Go through

the only passage, and you will find the Emperor and his guards

again. This time, you should fight when your ambushed, as the

assassins will come for you this time! This is the time you

must choose your birth sign, so choose one you like!

Keep following the guards, and eventually, you will find

a locked gate. AMBUSH!!! You must do your best to protect

the emperor, but you will fail. One of the blades is killed,

and so is the emperor. But the Emperor gives you his amulet,

that big red one. You can't wear it, so don't try. Kill

all the assassins, and then talk to the remaining blade.

Here, choose your class, specialization and all that crap,

then continue on! Finally, save it before the big door leading

to outside. You can tell it goes outside, because of the light.

Save it, and you get the chance to change your characters class,

appearance, and everything else you choose whilst in your prison

escape. If you happy with you character, proceed through the door

to Cyrodiil!


OK, checking the map your outside the Imperial City. You should

enter and find some equipment to buy, and some quests. Once your

finished, make sure the story-line quest is your active quest,

and you should see a red arrow on your compass. You should follow

this arrow which leads to Weynon Priory. You can also check on

the big map to see exactly where it is. So when your finished in

the Imperial City, start going in that direction. My advice is

to run across the fields, as you really need to follow the path.

If you do, be careful, you might run into a bandit asking

for 100 gold. Just kill him, but it might a tough battle.

Keep going, until your at your destination, so enter the

building. Your looking for Jauffre, so find him and talk

to him. Give him the amulet, and tell him all about what

went on. You are told to find Martin, the emperor Septims

son, who is a priest in Kvatch. OK, so you must find him

now. So head to Kvatch. You will notice the red sky, and

the chaos. Kvatch has been attacked! You will soon find

a big red gate, which looks like the Oblivion logo, well

actually, it is! Talk to the guards nearby. Martin is

trapped inside Kvatch, and you must close gate before

you can get inside. Now, I reccommend having all your

weapons and armour with full condition, because you may be

inside for a while. You can trek back out, but it depends on

if you can be bothered. And get lots of healing potions/items!

When your ready, head on in!


Your now inside Oblivion, a red, fiery, dark and evil place.

You will notice the main enemy is Scamps. These may take quite

a few hits to kill. You will notice a giant bridge in front

of you. Near it, should be a live Kvatch guard. Talk to him,

he tells you to rescue his friend, who was captured and is in

the tower. Tell him to help you, you will need help for this

part! He will start following you, so you have extra help for

killing monsters. Follow the path to the left from when you

enter, going forward across the bridge, leads to a giant locked

gate. To the right is a dead end. OK, keep going and killing

the enemies you find on the way. I don't remember what they

look like, but I think there is green viney plants that

let off a green poisnous gas and hurt you. Be careful of

these. Once you find the tower, enter. In here are 2 monsters,

one should be a scamp, and another should be a guy in deadric

armour. It's a shame you can't pick it up! Anyways, kill

them and take note of the two mana shrines which will

restore your mana for you! OK, now you will have to travel

up the tower, through rending halls, blood feast, corridors

of salvation, back to blood feast, and to a big locked door.

You must go to a door, leading to another tower. Walk across

the really thin bridge, and into the next tower. Kill the daedra,

and take his key. Talk to the guy if you want to, and search the

dead corspes for stuff like gold.

Head back to the door, and go through. You should be inside a giant

circular room, with two big black and red things leading up on

either side. Kill the deadra and scamps first, then go up either

one of the steps. Keep going until your up at the top. You should

see a stone in the middle. Save your game, get everything you want,

then collect the stone. You have now closed the Oblivion gate,

well done! The stone you have can now enchant your weapons or

armour for special abilities, so use it if you want to.


Phew, you did it! But it's not over yet. Talk to the guards, and

they will ask you to swarm the city with them. You will have to

do so to get Martin. First repair all your armour and weapons

at the camp, before entering. OK, talk to the guards, and say your

ready! Enter Kvatch, and kill the enemies, it's easy because of

the guards. Once they are all dead, check their bodies, and enter

the church. Find Martin, he is in a brown robe. Talk to him,

and tell him everything. How nice of him to trust us strait away!

Tell him to wait, and talk to the guard. He wants your help, meaning

your quite the warrior! So accept, if you want enchanted armour!

You don't have to accept though, if you don't want to do more

fighting. If not, go onto the next section.

Anyways, you will follow im outside. Keep following him, and killing

all the enemies along the way for their stuff. Eventually, you will

find the gate to the castle is locked, and cannot be opened from

outside. It has to be opened from the inside. Your told to go back

to the church. Go back, and talk to the guy with the key. He will

follow you, so follow him instead so you know where your going.

Some other guards will follow you too. OK, keep going and eventually

you will reach to the inside of the castle. If the guy with the

key dies, just take his stuff and his key. Open the gate to get

inside the castle, and the guards from before will flood in, killing

the monsters. Now it's time to find the count, and see if he's alright!

OK, so follow the guards into a really big and long room with his

throne at the end. Kill the monsters, and collect all the items.

Now go through the door behind the throne, on the floor above.

You will reach the guards room soon. He's unfortunately dead, so take

his ring for proof. Go back to the guard leader, show him the ring.

He will give you the enchanted armour. OK, head back to Martin, and

tell him to follow you.


OK, after making Martin follow you, quick travel to Weynon Priory.

A farmer tells you that the place has been attacked! So kill

the assassins (they're the same ones from the prison) and

look in the praying shrine for Juaffre. Fortunately he's still

alive, talk to him and tell him you found Martin! He will tell you

to look with him for the amulet. OK, so follow him into the secret

room. Damn, they've taken the amulet. OK, Juaffre tells you to take

Martin to Cloud Ruler temple, and he's following you. So find Prior

Maborels horse, as he's dead. This will be YOUR horse for the time being

until you can afford your own, so now fast travel to Cloud Ruler Temple.


OK, here take Martin, and you will meet some more Blades. Listen to

Martins speech, and your now part of the Blades, just like in Morrowind.

OK, juaffre tells you of someone that might now how to get the amulet

back, so you must head to Barus in the Imperial city. It seems that Buarus

is the only blade that survived the emperors assassination.


Use fast travel to go to the Imperial city. Even if your not on your

horse, it comes with you, as if you're riding it. A message at the top

of the screen should say "Your horse is stabled at the stable outside

of the city" or something like that. OK, so head to the bar Buarus is at.

Talking to him, he seems abit angry, and tells you nothing but to sit

down next to him. So do so. Talk to him again, and he believes someone is

watching him. So wait for him to go into the basement, and follow the person

thats following Barus. Inside the basement, kill the assassin, then search

the body to find a book. Read it to get a Magic Skill up. Now, talk to Barus.

It seems you need these 4 books. He tells you to talk to a mage at the

university just outside of town.

So talk to her. She gives you the second volume of

Commentaries of the Mysterium Xarxe. She says you should visist the book shop,

the First Edition to find the third and fouth volumes of these books.

OK, so head to the market district and find the First Edition. Go inside,

and talk to the owner about the book. He says he has it, but some one has

special ordered it. Talk about this person, then exit conversation.

Immediately the guy will walk in. Wait for him to buy his book,

the talk to him. Tell him how they killed the emperor, don't mention

about you buying it. He will say he doesn't want anything to do with the

cult, and gives you the book. Now, ask him about the 4th book. He will

say he was going to meet a cult member for the book. So find Buarus, he

should be at the place you first found him, in the bar! Talk to him,

he says he knows that part of the sewers well, so follow him in. After

walking through the sewers, killing the enemies (they're only goblins,

rats and mud crabs, no big deal), you will reach your destination.

He says he will go in, don't argue with him. Let him,then walk up the

stairs to the left. Go through the door, and save. Unsheath your weapon,

and get ready. They will find out Buarus didn't come alone, and you will

be attacked by 3 cult members. Possibly, 2 of them will appear infront

of you, so try to get them before they transform into their armoured forms.

Kill all 3. It doesn't matter if Buarus dies. Try to make him live though.

Once all 3 are dead, search all 3 bodies until you get the 4th book.

OK, now head back to Tar-Meena at the University.

Talk to her, she says you should study the books for a code. It appears,

if you wait for 4 days, she gives you the code. If your feeling up

to finding it yourself, you must read the first word of every paragraph,

the word begginning with the big red letter. Use these to find the

code. Anyways, the code is "Green Emperor Way, where tower touches sun."

So you must head to Green Emperors way. Once there, look for a princes

tomb. It looks like a small dome kind of tomb. Anyways, if your stuck,

just wait until it's noon (12PM) and look around the tombs, until you

find a red map on the wall. Then pressing the space bar will mark the

location on your map. You have found the Mythic Dawn Shrine. Well done!


Once you have fast traveled to Cheydinhal, use your horse/feet to travel

to the lake at which the cave is. Once there, you should look for

a cave. As soon as you find it, go in. Save your game. OK, walk in

and don't attack the guy. He thinks your good, so don't do anything.

Once your past him, the other guy will ask you something. There are

2 ways of doing this part, killing everyone, or sneaking through.

Anyways, the guy asks drop to take all your armour, weapons, items

and gold, meaning you cannot get them back. If you still want to sneak

through, drop your items in the corner of the first room, and then continue.

Make sure you don't have too much gold though, you can't drop that.

Anyways, if you don't drop your stuff, he will attack you. Kill him

and the door guard if you want to. And remember, you can't take that

cool looking armour that appears on them!

Into the next room, head forwards, and left. You won't be able to

go through this gate, remember this. Anyways, kill the mythic dawn

guy, and go back to the entrance, then go right. Through this

passage, you will find a door to the left, but don't go through

yet. If your good at the annoying lock-picking mini-game, then keep

going. At the end, is a locked gate, hard level. Pick the lock,

and go through, down into the dead end. This dead end has quite a

couple of items in it, so take want you want, then pick the

average lock on the chest. You can get 200 gold (around that anyways)

and some scrolls I think. Head back up through this door

we found, now on the right if you went down to the dead end room.

You SHOULD have the key for it, so go through.

In here, is where everything is going on. Walk through, and notice

the gate. It's not closed. Yet. Anyways, if your sneaking, wait

for all the people to go after the sacrifice, and you will realise

that the main guy, the master, has the amulet, and has fled

to Paradise. You can't get the amulet, but what about their book,

their bible? So quickly, nab that, killing the mythic dawn people

if your that kind. As soon as you have the book, it doesn't matter if

you sneaked your way through. Everyone in this cave wants you dead.

Anyways, if the sacrifice isn't dead, activate him, and watch

his efforts of escape. Oh dead, that giant statue fell on him.

He should have some gold on him, so take it. OK, from where you got the

book, you should be facing back where you came in. So go there, and

the gate should be shut. If not, lucky you, go through and escape.

Although I am almost certain it's always closed. So instead, turn

around, and go left. Go down the stairs, but not the stairs to the

right. Instead, carry on and you will find a door to the left. Go through.

Here, you might want to run past the 20 odd mythic dawn guys. Anyways,

keep going until you appear at a big room, with people either side

of a statue, I think. Here, if your running, go left, jump up the rock,

onto the top floor. If you nearly killed any mythic dawn people, you should

see them running in this direction. Follow them. You will come to the

next part, you have a choice. Go left, or right. Don't go left, it leads

to that gate we found earlier, and its locked. Go right, and keep going

until you in the next part of the cave. Pilfer the room, then press

the handle you should see on the wall. Down the passage way, you should

see the rock move away, go through and you will find yourself back at

the first room! Go through the door to outside. Phew, you made it through

this what I think is actually quite hard! Well done!


Arriving back at Cloud ruler temple, you must find and talk to Martin.

Give him the book, and he says he will read it, and try and figure out

what the book means. Talk to Jauffre, and he tells you all about how

spies are all around Bruma. You must find these spies, see what they're

planning, and kill them. OK, so you must talk to the leader guard of Bruma.


OK, find the leader guard, he's wandering around the castle. Talk to him,

and he will tell you that there's been no activity apart from one person.

Head over to their house, and you will realise that it's locked. Pick

the lock, and enter. There will be 2 people that will attack you, they

are spies. Kill them (they are just mythic dawn people) and search their

bodies. On one of them is a basement key, take it and look for the trapdoor.

It's slightly hidden underneath the carpet near the bed. Unlock it and go

through. Once in the basement, you will see a table with a book and a scroll

on it. Read the scroll, this reveals the cults plans. Take it, and head

back to Cloud Ruler Temple.


Give Jauffre the scroll, he will congratulate you, and tell you to talk

to Martin. Do so. He gives you a long and complicated lecture on this

paradise buisness. He will tell you, that you need some items. The first

on the list is some deadra lords blood.

You will only need an deadric item though. So where can we get one? Well,

reading one of his books on the table, there is a particular shrine,

Azuras shrine. In the walkthrough we will go here, as it isn't far from here.

Get the place marked on your map, and get going!

NOTE: Remember, your a blade. If your low on decent armour (if you have

Iron) then I suggest going into the east wing (if its not that, its West

wing). Here, go downstairs, to get your very OWN set of Blades armour,

and a katana/dai katana! It's all free, and it's not stealing. You will

now also look really cool until you get better armour.

So then, your almost finished with the game's main story line. It's not

as long as Morrowind, that took forever. It's not as hard either. Don't

give up now, your just a couple of hours from the finish!


OK, to get there fast, fast travel to the mythic dawn lake cave, then

go by horse (you DO have one by now, right).

Once there, you will need glow dust to offer to Azura. See those

Will-o-the-wisps hanging around? Kill one to get glow dust.

Be careful, when I tried to kill one, it was constant reloading.

They take the piss if they keep healing themself.

You must use a magic, daedric OR sliver weapon to hurt them.

You most probably won't have deadric (unless you use a bound spell)

so Silver is your best bet. After killing one, take the glow dust,

I believe that also, their remains start moving in a direction,

really fast, so start pressing space fast, but hopefully that

won't happen. Wait until dawn or dusk, and offer Azura the glow

dust. She tells you to kill 5 vampires, that slain a evil vampire,

but caught the disease. Theres one thing you want to check.

If you have a cure disease potion, head over to the Gutted mine.

If not, get one. Inside the gutted mine, head down, and be careful

of the spike ball trap. If you do get the disease, don't heal it

until you kill all 5 vampires. The first vampire is a warrior, only

equipped with a sword and shield. Use your magical/silver/deadric

weapons to kill her. The second one is easy, then the third one is

abit more trickier. She has a giant warhammer, with a six or so

power rating. It's weak, but everytime your hit, it makes your strength

go down. Thats the problem. After killing her, pull the rope with

the rock on the end, to open a secret passage. Enter, and fight the

fourth vampire. He's just like the first, but he has a dagger. After

killing him, kill the last one. He's a mage, and usually summons monsters

to kill you. He's very easy to kill though, so get on with it.

Pick up the note from the fourth vampire.

Once you have done that, talk to Azura at any time, and get Azuras Star.

Be warned, it's a very good soul gem thingy, so if you don't want to

waste it, find another shrine. Take this Star back to Martin.


Fast travel here, and talk to Martin. He gives his thanks to you finding

an artifact, and makes sure you definately want to part with it. Select

yes if your sure, and then after exiting conversation, Jauffre will talk to

you immediately. He says that you must close the Oblivion gate infront

of Bruma. Do so, so head to the gate.

NOTE: This quest is optional. You don't have to do it, but I suggest you

do. It's easy, and you can get some good items from the enemies there.


Head over to the arrow, it's just abit south of the town stable.

Head over there and talk to the captain of the guard. He will

ask you when your ready to invade Oblivion. When your ready,

you and the guards will enter Oblivion. Your back, and it looks

similar. Anyways, continue forwards, following the same path.

Along the way you will be attacked by Clanfear, flame atronach

and of course, Scamps. Killing these is no problem with the Bruma

guards to help you. From time to time you will have to kill people,

but they are easy like the monsters. Keep going, eventually you

will get to the tower. I think the guy infront of the tower has

a really, really good sword with a 12 attack rating. And it's enchanted.

Enter the tower when your ready. This tower is abit like the last

one, you just have to keep going up. Following the path, head

up the tower, being careful of the traps. When you find a locked

door, kill the guy near it for the key. Once you get to the

sigil stone room, go for it! Climb all the way to the top, and grab

it. Your transported back, and you will see the gate crumble. Well

done, thats the second gate you have closed! Now head back to Martin.


Back at Cloud Ruler temple, talk to Martin. He says the second ingrediant

must by the blood of a divine. So he tells you to talk to Jauffre. Do so,

and he tells you to go to Tiber Septims shrine, to find his armour.

He also tells you to talk to the count or countess of every city, to

get troops for Bruma. He also wants you to talk to the Elder Council.

Go and do that before venturing to Tiber Septims shrine. Although it

IS optional, I reccommend it highly.


OK, once your at your destination, you will find it's a big fortress

ruin. Use the compass arrow to find the part you need, and you will

find the door. Use the key you got to enter.

Now your in the shrine, you must find the armour. Before entering

though, I suggest you get alot of magical/enchanted, silver or daedric

weapons. This place is full of Ghosts. Eventually after looking through

the shrine, you will find a dead blades skeleton. Kill him, and his ghost

will appear. It seems that there is a enchanment blocking way to Tiber

Septims tomb, and you must get rid of it. To do this, kill all four of

the blades, and their ghosts will work together to get rid of this

enchanment. OK, sounds easy enough. But it can get very nasty indeed.

OK, follow his ghost. You will find yourself in a big circular room,

with about two or three doors leading from it. One of them leads

to the shrine room, don't go in yet. You can't progress any more after

that. OK, you must use the compass to find the other three blades,

and kill them. Some are easy some are hard. Make sure you kill ALL

the ghosts that see you. You don't want a ghost attacking you when

your fighting a blade. In the prison, you will have to kill the

guard too, to get his key. Anyways, once you have killed all the

blades, head to the shrine. Here, the enchanment will dissappear,

so head to the shrine. There it is, the armour. Pick it up, and

leave this place. Head back to Cloud Ruler temple.


Find Martin and talk to him. Give him the armour, he thanks you

and calls you a true hero. But we still have more work to do.

He then tells you that you need a great stone, from a old

city. It's all in ruins though. First though, you will notice

there is a table pushed next to him, with books on. One of

them I think puts your Conjuration up, the other puts your

block up. OK, it's time to head to this ruin!


Now, it's either me or this part is actually quite hard. I had one

hard time at the end of this crap. Anyways, as you enter, head down

the stairs. At the bottom, their is a choice of where you go, left

or right. One is a dead end. Anyways, you will have to work your

way through a difficult dungeon, with lots of Zombies, skeletons

and goblins. Ammusingly though, some fight each other. Anyways,

you will have to find a panel you will need to push to open some

doors. In the next area, you will have to work your way through

alot of zombies and skeletons. In the big starting room, there's

a stone in the middle. Take it, it's worth 1000 gold! Once your

through here, your in the last part. Walk to the middle of the

platform, and claim your prize. The stone. Now, if your too weak

and can't beat the ghost king or his zombies, here's a tactic.

Quickly run into the room he came out. There should be a raised

panel, stand on it. A secret door to the left will open, run

through, and unlock the door (hard difficulty, I did it with

only 1 pick). Then, follow this path. It will take you back

to the start. Simply push the switch, walk through the passage

and your at the blood on the floor! Walk forwards, and exit.

You just stole a stone, without killing it's guardian. If you

did kill it, I reccomend this exit anyways, it's faster then

treking back. Well done, I thought that was quite hard!


You will over hear Jauffre and Martin Septim as he is now called

talking about something. Once they have finished, talk to Martin

Septim. He will congratulate you for getting the stone, and

will tell you of his plan. Notice how he's in armour anyways?

He plans to let the big gate to Oblivion open in front of

Bruma, so the seige catapult (you might of seen before in

a cut-scene near the start of the game) can come. This is

how we get the sigil stone for the fourth, and last ingrediant

for opening an portal to Paradise. It's a risky plan. You will

have to talk to the Countess of Bruma to start. First though,

if you still haven't completed Allies for Bruma, do so immediately.

You don't have to, but it makes the next quest a hell of alot easier.

It invloves you going to all the cities, and the elder council for

troops. But first you have to close the Oblivion gate outside their

city first before sending troops. It's good for your combat/magic

skills, and you can get many more sigil stones. You have already

closed the gate at Kvatch, so you just need to talk to the captain


After doing that, if you want too, talk to the countess of Bruma.


OK, head to the countess. Tell her the battle plan, she will agree

to talk with Martin. Go to the chapel, and talk to the countess.

If you completed Allies for Bruma, this next part will be easier.

Tell the countess your ready when your ready, and go to the Oblivion

gate. When Martin arrives, he will give his speech. Then, the first

few monsters will come through the gate. ATTACK!!! A big battle follows.

All the guards, and martin will fight the monsters. Your here to help.

Do so, killing anything that comes out the gate. This is actually quite

impressive compared to Morrowind. The second gate, then finally the third

gate will open. The more allies you have, the more easier this will be.

Finally, the gigantic oblivion gate will open. It's huge isn't it. Run

through. Here, you will see the big siege machine. Damn it's big. Be

careful, it fires fireballs at you. Quickly run to the right, and through

the door into the tower. Use the body masher to the stairs, and keep

going up until you find the door to the outside. Go through, and cross

the bridge into the next tower, then into the next tower. You will realise

that all 4 of the small towers connect to each other like a square. At the

siege machine side, go into the left tower (as if your looking towards the

big tower with the yellow thing in the middle). Go down, and exit. You will

appear on a big bridge. Run to the end, and jump. You should make it, I did.

Then, you will run into a dead end. Turning around, jump on the bridge. Go

into the tower to the right, and go to the very top. Use the switch, or lever

or whatever to open the big gate, and go back down to the bridge. Directly

across the tower entrance is the gate, it should open. Go into the middle of

the bridge, and go left into the big tower. Save your game. You should have

about 12 minutes left by now. You better hurry it up. Run to the other

side of the room, and into the next part. Start climbing the slope to the

left, and be careful, there's dangerous traps on it. At the top, go through

the doors to the left or right, it doesn't matter which, or though I chose

the one to the left. Once at the top of this slope, go through the door

which leads back to the big room in the middle of the tower. Run up the slope,

and pick the lock (medium, or 3 tumblers what ever its called). Enter

the room, save again. You should have about 9 minutes or so left. OK, just

run for it. Like I did for the whole of this section. Run to the top, and

grab the Great Sigil stone. Well done, save it. OK, when your teleported back

to the oblivion gate, run backwards FAST! Un-equip your weapon, so you run

faster. If you don't, the siege machine is going to crush you. It did for me

once. Talk to Martin, and give him the stone. Your ready to go to Paradise.

Once your in, you can't come back out until you have finished the quest, so

make sure all you armour and equipment are in peak condition, buy everything

you need and meet him at the Great hall.


Once you are sure your ready, with all your weapons and armour in peak

condition, and some extra weapons in case one breaks, talk to Martin.

Tell him to open the gate, he will do so. Enter, Paradise.


Whoa, it looks nice. But looks can be decieving, as they are for Paradise.

You will notice the road infront of you, follow it killing all the enemies

along the way. Mankar Camoran will taunt you along the way. You should

find an garden, with a path leading up an hill, near a bridge. Go up

and talk to the immortalls. They say it's a nightmare, being killed every

day by the same creatures. They want to leave this place. Anyways, follow

the road again, and you will be stopped by a guy. He will let you either

fight him, or you do a deed for him to gain entrance to the forbidden

Grotto. I suggest fighting him, he's not very tough. If your not

the fighting type, do the deed. You must free Xivilai Anaxes for him.

Go North to a dead end, but it turns out it's not. The entrance is near

the shore on a rocky slope, so use your compass as a guide. Once inside,

the immortalls will beg you not to free him, but do so. You have accepted

the deed, so you must. Activate the two logs, and he's free. Talk to the

guy again and he will give you the Bands of the Chosen. Equip these, you

need them to enter the Forbidden Grotto. Enter the flooded Grotto, and go

right. Keep going until you get to the Forbidden Grotto entrance. OK, a

guy called Eldamil will talk to you. He says he wants to help you, as he

wants to kill Master. Accept his help, he's immortal. It also seems he can

remove the bands from you, as you can't exit the Grotto wearing them.

Play along with him, getting into the cage when the warden comes. He will

lower you, but you won't go into the lava. When your back at the top, turn

around and leave. When you get the choice of going left or right, go right

and Eldamil will find you. Now work your way out of the Forbidden Grotto.

Once out, follow the path again to the right. Eventually, you will come

across the place where Mankar Camorans children are. Follow them into

the throne room. Save your game, and be ready for a hard battle. Talk

to Mankar Camoran, and then the battle begins. Killing his children

is pointless, they come back alive immediately. Instead, focus on Mankar.

He's abit tricky to kill, as when his health is low, he will heal himself.

Also, I think he has an ability which instantly breaks your weapon. Keep

attacking him, and try to corner him, as he likes to move alot, to avoid

your attacks. Eventually, he will die. Immediately save your game, and

search his body for the amulet. Once you have it, check his childrens

bodies for anything good for selling or keeping. Paradise will dissolve,

and your teleported back to Cloud Ruler Temple. Talk to Martin, he puts

the Amulet of Kings on. Your almost finished. Head to the Imperial City.


Talk to Ocato, and he will then talk to Martin. Suddenly, one of the

imperial guards will run in, and tell Ocato that the city is under

attack! Damn, you have to light those Dragon Fires, and bloody fast.

Run with Martin outside. If your too weak to kill the monsters, just

run into the next area. Once your outside, go left, and keep going.

When you reach the next door, go through. You will see the temple in

front of you, and then Dagon will appear. F***ing hell. He's one big

beast. Talk to Martin, and he will say this is the end. But then you

talking about the amulet encourages him, so you must get him inside.

Power Attack Dagon to make him stagger, and not attack you. You can't

kill him though, he's invincible. Head into the temple, and talk

to Martin. Simply watch, and thats it. You have done it. You have

saved Cryodiil, and stopped Dagon. Ocato will talk to you, and he

will tell you that a suit of Imperial Dragon armour is being made

for you! You should see the Imperial City section for more details

of this quest. Congratulations, you have finished the main story

for Oblivion, go out and do the rest of the quests, and make your

own if your good enough!




So then, the Fighters Guild. You must be a warrior, or

at least a Combat specialist. If not, your just doing

these quests because you have done the other guilds

quests? Anyways, these quests are all about combat,

and stuff like that. It's not easy being a Fighters

guild guy, and you may die on some contracts. So i'm

here to help you!


This quest is easy, as it's actually you joining the fighters

guild (duh). You will be told that the fighters guild are looking

for new members. So go to either Vilena Donton in Chorrol, Azzan

in Anvil, or Burz gro-Khash in Cheydinhal. These people can all

be located within the fighters guild building in the different

towns. Once talking to them, you must not have a criminal record,

or anything like that. If not, you will be accepted into the Fighters

guild, well done! You must now talk to Azzan in Anvil or Burz

gro-Khash in Cheydinhal to receive contracts (contracts meaning



Of course, you can also get expelled from the fighters guild, if

you commit a crime against your brothers, like killing one of

them because you don't like them. In case you ARE expelled,

you have a chance to get back in. Once your expelled, you must

go and see Vilena Donton in Chorrol. To get accepted back into

the fighters guild, you must collect twenty bear pelts, and return

back to Vilena Donton in Chorrol. Doing so, you will be accepted

back into the guild. If you just don't learn, and commit another

crime, you will be expelled AGAIN. Go talk to Vilena Donton in

Chorrol again. She offers you a chance to redeem yourself, so

if you want to get back in the fighters guild, do so. You must

now collect twenty minotaur horns. Talk to Vilena Donton to

be reinstated into the fighters guild. If you do commit ANOTHER

crime, you won't be allowed back into the guild. Once you commit

that last crime, thats it. Your out, forever.


Azzan in the Anvil Fighters guild will give you this contract.

Take it, it's easy, and it has rats in it. Or does it!? Anyways,

you must talk to Arvena Thelas and speak to her about the problem

with rats in her basement. Follow the arrow on your compass, until

you find her house. Enter, and talk to her. She will tell you that

the rats aren't the problem exactly, because she loves them. It's the

fact she keeps finding them dead down there thats worrying her. She

wants you to go look down there. Go down into the basement. Whoa,

whats that thing!? It's actually a hungry mountain lion, killing

then eating the rats. Don't worry about the rats, they won't attack

you! Searching the basement, you will find a hole they have been coming

through. Go talk to Arvena and tell her what has happened. She is glad

to know whats killing her poor rats, but she herself doesn't feel

safe anymore. She wants you to talk with Pinarus Inventius about

hunting the mountain lions down in this area. So find him, and talk

to him about it. He will agree, so follow him outside. You will find

a whole bunch of the hungry mountain lions, so kill them all. After

that, go back and talk to Arvena. She says she doesn't believe you

because there is a mountain lion in her basement right now. Go down

and kill it. Remember that if all the rats die, you will fail your

contract. You don't want to fail it, do you? Anyways, go back and

talk to Arvena. She suggests her neighbor, Quill-Weave might be

responsible. It seems she has been sneaking around the house at

night. Go outside the house, and wait until its night time. Use

the arrow on your compass to find where Quill-Weave is. Press

ctrl to go into sneak, and follow her, and make sure she doesn't

see you. She will eventually go behind Arvenas house and leave

some meat outside, attracting the mountain lions. Take it if you

want, it doesn't matter. Go talk to Quill-Weave about what she's

doing. There's 2 different ways to doing this quest up to now.

Assuming all the rats haven't died, you can get 2 different rewards.

Talk to Quill-Weave, she will tell you she was using the meat to

attract mountain lions. She begs of you not to tell Arvena. Either

way, go talk to Arvena. Arvena will always give you your reward of

gold, for finding out what happened. If you tell her about

Quill-Weave, Arvena will teach you something about Speechcraft (it

goes up by one). If you don't tell her about Quill-Weave, you can talk

to Quill-Weave to learn something about Acrobatics, for free, it goes

up by one like last time. Well done, what you might of thought was just

killing rats turns out to be a bigger quest. And without you killing rats!

Well done. Ask for an advancement, you will now be an Apprentice!


Talk to Azzan in Anvil to start this quest. You must go to Norbert Lelles

store, Lelles' Quality Merchandies. Go over to the store, its at the docks

just outside of Anvil. Enter the shop at roughly a time before it starts

to get dark, about 5pm or about that. Talk to Norbert, who will tell you

he is having break-ins at his store almost nightly. He wants you to stay

over night, and catch the crooks in the act. So wait, until its about

night time, staying in the shop. Sooner or later, the crooks will enter,

being surprised your there. They will immediately attack you. If your not

a very good fighter at this point, I suggest running out side. When I did,

quite alot of the people and guards came to help me kill the crooks. It

made the quest alot easier. Either way, once you have killed them,

find Norbert again. Talk to him to finish the quest. You will get gold

from him. Well done!


It seems that Azzan in Anvil has no more quests for you. You must go to

Cheydinhal to get some more. Head other there, and talk to Burz gro-Khash,

for a new quest. He will tell you to deliver weapons to the Fighters

Guild members in the Desolate mine, northwest of Cheydinhal. Once you

have found your way to the mine, using the big map and the compass arrow,

you must talk to Rienna in the mine. The desolate mine has been infested

with goblins, and you should help them to clear out the goblins after

giving them all their weapons. Give Rienna the bow, the orc the hammer

and the last guy the sword. Talk about weapon shipment again, to get

them to go down the mine, finding the goblins that are hiding around.

Now you must go on with them, killing all the goblins in the mine.

It's not very hard, just follow them, and kill all the goblins you

see. There isn't very many either. Once you have killed them all,

you should talk to Rienna. She thanks you, and tells you to talk

to Burz gro-Khash, to collect your reward. Return to him, tell

him you have completed the contract. He will give you some money

as your reward. Well done!


Ask Burz gro-Khash for an advancement, if your following the guide,

quest by quest. You should get it now, and your next task is

at Chorrol. Go to Chorrol, and talk to Vilena Donton, in the fighters

guild. Talk to her about duties, instead of contracts. She will tell

you that the guild is a brothergood, and there are certain actions

that will NOT be tolerated. You must talk to Modryn, who is most

probably down stairs. Talking to him, you must finish the contract

Maglir defaulted (failed to complete the contract). You must travel

to Skingrad, to find Maglir. Travel there, and go to the West Weald

Inn, and find maglir, he's some midget I think. He looks abit stupid

as well. Anyways, talk to him. He says he isn't getting paid enough

to find Brnus Astis' Journal, and he has a family to think about

as well. Anyways, he gives YOU the contract, so you must finish

it! Go over to Fallen Rock Cave, its not far from Skingrad. Once

there, you might want a torch, its quite dark. So then, from the

start you will want to go to the end of this passage, where there's

fallen rocks. Go right, and at the end of here, go North. Here, go

right, into a bigger room. There is a gap to the east, fall down,

but be careful. Kill the enemies, and go North. You will find

Brenus Astis' Journal, and a chest. Once you have the journal,

you can either explore the rest of this cave, or get out immediately.

Once out of the cave, you have a choice. You can either give

the journal yourself to Modryn, or give it to Maglir. It doesn't

matter what you do, you will get your reward either way. I prefer

giving it to Maglir. Anyways, after doing what you will, well done!


Talk to Modryn again, and he will tell you about some guild members

being drunk and disorderly in Leyawiin. You must find out why,

and stop it. Go to Leyawiin, and talk to a guard about causing

trouble to find the location of the guild members. Head over

to the Five Claws Lodge, and speak to Witseidutsei about Causing

trouble. Then talk to Dubok about Causing trouble and Blackwood

company. Then speak to Vantus about the Blackwood company. Then

talk to them about getting them work to keep them busy. They

say they will gladly stay out of trouble if you can get them so

work. Head out of the bar, and find someone walking around. When

I did this, they were standing right outside of the door. Talk

to them about jobs. You will be told to find Margarte. Her location

is marked by the arrow on your compass. Find her, and talk to her

about a job. She wants some ingrediants collected for her alchemy,

but she doesn't trust the blackwood company, OR the fighters guild.

To gain her trust, you must find her five portions of Ectoplasm,

then give them to her. Then she will give the guild members some

jobs. To get some ectoplasm, go to Margartes house. Head into the

chapel, and pick the lock into the basement. You will find Sanctified

Dead ghosts, so kill them. After killing ANY kind of ghost, you will

get ectoplasm. Once you have five of them, go talk to Margarte. She

will be pleased with your work, and will offer jobs to the other

guild members. She will want them to get minotaur horns and ogre

teeth. If you bring her these items, she will pay you good money

too. After doing this, go to Chorrol, and talk to Modryn about

causing trouble, and collect your reward. Speak to him about an

advancement afterwards, to be promoted to Swordsman rank. Well done!


Head over to Anvil, as there are no contracts in Chorrol anymore.

Go talk to Azzan, and he tells you about some thieves. He wants

you to kill them all, and he's going to send you Maglir from the

Unfinished business quest. If he's not there, it might be because

you took the credit for finding the journal, I don't know.

Anways, talk to him, he's outside the guild. He will suggest

talking to citizens of the town, to find out their location.

Some of them will point towards a man named Neweim. He has

had some of his stuff stolen off him. Find him, using the

arrow on the compass. Talk to him, and he tells you that the

thieves are located in Hrota Cave. Ask him about his heirloom,

and you will get another quest I think. It's called Neweims

Flagon, I think. If it's not a seperate quest, its an update

for your current quest. Either way, you kind of have two quests.

To find Newiems heirloom, and kill all the thieves. Hrota cave

is located north of Anvil, so head there. Inside, go up the small

hill-like path, and check the barrel. You will find some torches,

so why not equip one? Go down the northeast tunnel, and push

aside the rock wall that you find, by pressing Space. Now use

the green arrow to locate the theives. Once you have killed all

the thieves, you can go back to Azzan to get your reward. But

instead, finding Newiems Flagon isn't that hard. Find the room

with a pit in it, and you will find Newiems flagon. Give the

flagon to Newiem to get a small reward. Go back to Anvil, talk

to Azzan, and collect your reward. Well done!


Speak to Bruz gro-Khash in the fighters guild at Cheydinhal to get your

next contract. You will have to go find a woman at the Waters Edge

settlement. Her location is also marked on your compass, so you can use that

to guide you to her. Once you do find her, talk to her. She has a debt of

something like 1000 gold or so. You must head into a tomb to find something

she can use to repay the debt. OK, so its off to the tomb. Use the arrow on

your compass again so you can find it. Once you reach the tomb, save, rest

and head on in. As usual, its good if you use a torch, as you gain extra

light so you can see more traps and things easily. Either way, head through

the tomb. You will fight an combination on skeletons, ghosts and zombies.

Once your in a room with loads of coffins and chests, look for a rock attached

to a piece of rope. Pull it, to open up a secret passage. Go through it, of

course. You will find a wooden door, which leads to another part of this

tomb. Rest and save before going through. Once inside, your attacked by loads

of skeletons. Kill them all, and you will then have to go up the slope. At the

top, you will have to fight a Faded Wraith, kind of like a boss. Once beating

him (he's abit harder then the other enemies in this tomb) your free to take

some items. You will find Brusef Amelions Cuirass and sword. His sword is

essentially a silver sword, but enchanted. Its really good. Go back to Biene,

and choose what your going to give her. 1000 gold, the sword or the cuirass?

After doing so, go to cheydinhal to get your hard earned reward. Ask for an

advancement, you should get it. Well done!


You will have to go to Chorrol to get this quest. Once in Chorrol, go to the

fighters guild, and talk to Modryn about your duties. You must do this mission

that involves you working with the Guild Masters son. It seems he doesn't have

much battle experiance. You must talk to Viranus, and get him to follow you.

Tell him not to tell his mother he's going. You must go to Nonwyll cavern

which is just North of Chorrol. When your ready, and with Viranus, go inside

the cavern. Once inside, go down and then left. To the right is a more or less

empty room. Once you reach the fork, keep going strait on. Following the path,

go through the door to the end of the slope. At the bottom, you will fight

some ogres. Protect Viranus, he must not die. Keep going until your in a large

room. Here, go up the ramp to the other side, above the hall you was facing

north at when you entered. Go down the hall to find the body of Galtus Previa.

Open the chest next to him, and get out. Make your way back out of this place.

Once out, go back to Chorrol and talk to Modryn to get your reward. Well done!


Ask Modryn for more duties, to find out Maglir is in trouble again. He might

as well just leave the guild! He has defaulted another contract, because

he didn't even technically start it. Go to Bravil to find him, by asking

people. You should be told to go to the Lonely Suitor Lodge. You will soon

see Maglir, with other people. It seems he has joined the Blackwood company.

It's a good job too, its about time he left the Fighters guild. But this is

also bad, as YOU have to finish his contract. Depending on your actions in

the quest Unfinished business, you will find this slightly more easier or

it will take a little longer. If you gave him the credit, say to him

that the job needs to be completed. he will tell you to go see Aryarie at the

mages guild. If you didn't give him credit, you will have to find her by

your self. But you have this guide. Aryarie tells you she needs ten Imp Galls

which you can get from Robber's Glen Cave. It will be marked on your map. So

head over to this cave. Once at the cave, explore it fully to find some really

cool items, and lots of imps. Once you have fully explored the cave, and have

10 imp galls, go back to Aryarie in the mages guild. She will reward you. Now

go back to Chorrol and talk to Modryn to get your proper reward. Well done!

You can get an advancement so your rank is Defender!


Talk to Modryn again, and he will start to talk about it being time for us to

investigate about the Blackwood company. It seems they are doing their jobs

well, all the time. And Modryn isn't convinced, especially after an incident

with Azani Blackheart. Anyways, he asks you to seem him at his house, after

nightfall. Wait, and when it's night, go to his house. Talk to him, and he

will tell you the story of what happened. Then, it's time to go to Leyawiin

fighters guild. Once you are there, talk to Modryn again. He will tell you

that you are going to Arpenia. Once you arrive, make sure you rest and then

enter the ruins. Here, you might want a torch, it's pretty dark. Go down the

little spiral stairs, then go left. In the next room, go to the right. Sooner

or later, you will arrive at a room, and when you look up, you will see some

big spikes. Under those, on the floor, you should see outlines of a square. As

soon as you step on one, the whole platform will rise, and you will then get

crushed by the spikes. As long as the platform isn't under any spikes, when

you step on it, it won't rise. Anyways, keep on going, and you will find a big

red crystal. It's either me, or it shoots things at you? Anyways, once you get

here, talk to Modryn. He will then tell you what he thinks has happened, and

will suggest that you travel to Atatar. Follow him, if you go to far ahead of

him, he will stop, waiting for you. Anyways, you will soon arrive at Atatar.

Once you do, go inside. Now, you will find some Bandits here. There isn't a

hard path to follow, just keep going really. There are some big rooms, but you

shouldn't get lost. One of the doors you need to open using a button. Anyways,

soon, after about three or so parts of the ruins, you will find Azani waiting

for you. Along with Modryn, this battle shouldn't be too hard, but he does

heal himself. Once you have killed him, search his body and take his ring. Now

talk to Modryn, and you will have done the quest. Just take the route you came

back to get out, in the previous room, remember to jump over the blades and

there might be a gap now. And I forgot to mention this, this ruin has quite a

couple of traps in. Be CAREFUL! Talk to Modryn to get an Advancement to Warder

so you can get another contract. Well done! For the next contract, head over

to Anvil and talk to Azzan.


After getting this contract of Azzan, head off to Brittlerock cave with your

horse, you do have a horse don't you? Anyways, it isn't that far, just quick

travel to the nearest location, or just ride/walk/run there. Once you arrive,

talk to Elante who will be waiting for you literally at the start of the cave,

so you can't miss her. She is looking for a deadric shrine, and your to

protect her whilst she goes about doing this. Anyways, the cave is more or

less a strict path, so you shouldn't get lost. Anyways, just go ahead, killing

all the monsters you see, they shouldn't give you much trouble, especially

with what other fighters guilds quests you have done. Anyways, she will guide

you to a dead end, but don't worry, she turns around and goes the right way.

Once your at the Deadric Shrine she will thank you for your service, and tells

you that you can leave. So go through the door behind the shrine, to appear

outside again. Now just quick travel back to Anvil, go to the fighters guild

and talk to Azzan for your reward. He suggests going to Cheydinhal for some

more work.


Talk to Burz-gro-kash in Cheydinhal fighters guild for this contract. He will

tell you that some prisoners have escaped in Bravil, and are of course, making

trouble. The town watch is useless, so you must go there and sort it out. Your

destination, Bravil. Once your at Bravil, talk to someone with the disposition

of 60 or over, and they will tell you that the fugitives are hiding out at

Bloodmayne cave. Once you arrive, make sure your fully rested up before you

enter. Once inside, its pretty much easy to kill them. Just keep on going. The

first one you find is in a big room, and is easy to kill, so kill him. The next

one CAN be easy, if you get it right. She is waiting behind a log trap, and if

she sees you, hopefully, she will run over the logs, which will then damage her

alot. When she did it, it killed her, but another time she survived it, but she

died in 2 hits after that. After, to find the other 2 members, you need to go

into another part of the cave. The first one is up a slope, with a bow, and if

your a melee person, they are usually very easy to kill. Then, keep on going.

After you have killed those 3, heal up, because a will-o-wisp is waiting, that

seems to like to heal itself all the time, whilst managing to pull off atacks

at the same time. When you find this, if your good in atletics, run past it, to

the right and down a slope. Soon, you will see a fire, behind this fire is the

last guy, he can turn invisible so you might miss him when you first enter the

room. Kill him, then run back out, avoiding the will-o-wisp. You can kill it if

you want to, it just keeps healing itself and makes it harder to kill, and

longer. Once you have killed them all, head back to Cheydinhal, and get your

reward from Burz. Then get an advancment to Guardian.


Speak to Modryn again, to get this next contract. It seems that a mine has been

inhabited by trolls, and the last group to take them out has failed. Going it

alone, you must go to the mine, and clear it out. It's near Leyawiin, so travel

there, then head to the mine. Once your at the west entrance, save and enter.

You will see the bodies of the fighters guild members, and one of them is

Viranus, so take his journal. The guildmaster isn't going to be happy about

this is he? The main way to get there, is to follow the arrow on your compass

until your in a green area, then start searching. When you find a big room with

a hole in the midddle, with a bridge over it (the hole goes from one side of

the room to the other) carefully drop down. Continue through here, and you

should find Viranus, dead. Take his bloody diary, and take it back to Modryn.

Once you have done this, he tells you to go somewhere else for work.


Go to Anvil for this contract. Unfortunately, you will be demoted because of

what happened to Viranus, and you have to suffer, so thats your punishment. Oh

well, we can get them back! Anyways, talk to Azzan, to get the contract. First

you will want to hear what happened before going off to get the stolen stone.

Go to Bruma, and talk to the healer Cirroc. You will want to go east from town

until you find K'Sharr. Talk to him, and he admits to stealing the stone, but

some Ogres stole it and took it to Sedor. Go to Sedor, and start fighting your

way through Ogres to the bottom, and collect the stone when you find it. To get

it, when you enter, keep on going until you find a big room, with 2 ogres in

it. Then, go strait foward, into a corridor, and stand on the stone slab thats

slightly sticking out from the floor. Wait, and you should hear a door open,

turn around, and go into the big room. Go to the right, and then follow this,

until you can go left, or right. Go right, and keep going until you see a door

with a ogre behind it. Don't open it, unless you want to kill it, go right

instead, and up the stairs. Keep going, and you should see the door you opened,

then press the switch you see. Look to the left, drop down and go through the

door you just opened, and take the stone. Turn around, and your in the corridor

with that stone slab. Now go back to Bruma, and give Cirroc the stone. Now head

back to Azzan in Anvil, and finish the contract. You will now want to go to

Cheydinhal for a contract from Burz.


Talk to Burz-gro-kash for another contract. You will need to speak to Lord

Rugdumph. His estate will then appear on your map, so head there. Once you

arrive, go inside, and talk to Rugdumph. He tells you that his daughter, Rogbut

is missing. You must go to rescue her, he believes that some Ogres might of

kidnapped her. Head to the arrow, and then kill the 3 Ogres there, which might

be tough. Try picking them off one at a time, by running away, until only one

of them is following you. It might be wise to not take your horse, they seem to

like killing them. Once the Ogres are dead, talk to Rogbut, and then take her

back to the estate. Talk to Rugdumph, and get his sword. Now go back to Burz in

the fighters guild, to finish the contract. Ask for an Advancement to go back

to Guardian. Well done.


Talk to Burz again to get this contract. You have to head to Harluns watch,

so go south until you reach there. Then, go inside one of the houses (the

arrow will point to which one) then talk to the woman inside. Be quick if the

door icon was red, when I came back, she attacked me after I talked to her.

Anyways, she tells you about some lights at a swamp cave. Go there, and then

you will find 3 will-o-wisps there, so kill them (they should be easy by now).

Then, enter the cave. Inside, kill all the Trolls you see, and keep on going

through the cave until you find the dead bodies of the people that came here.

Your next objective is to kill the Trolls, and we have already killed some. So

keep going through the cave killing all of the Trolls you see. Theres another

part of the cave though, so go through there killing the Trolls there. You may

find the last Troll near a door, go through to be taken outside, then check

your map. You shouldn't be too far from the cave entrance, so go back and get

your horse, you do have one right? And you did kill all of the Trolls too? It's

pretty easy, just kill all the Trolls you see, then when the message comes up,

telling you to go to the woman again, do so. Talk to her, and she will give you

a ring. Go back to Burz, and get your reward. Then ask for an advancement. Your

now a Champion! He will also tell you that Modryn Oreyn is looking for you, so

you might want to see him.


Its nearly time to end this blackwood company mess. But you need some info. Go

talk to Modryn at his house to start this quest. Now head over to the cave you

are told to go too, and enter it. Keep going through and through the cave,

killing everything that attacks you. Soon, after a room with a big hole in the

middle going from one side to the other, you will get your first hard fight.

The archers are easy to kill if you use a melee weapon, just run into them, and

start hacking away, they mostly recoil and don't get much time to attack you.

You will find a guy with a big glass warhammer I think it is, kill him, but

be careful, he is tough, I had a hard time with him. After that, go through

into the next room. There are two guards here, but they are both easy, kill one

of them, the the other one. Go through the wooden door to find the guy your

looking for, Ajum I think his name is. Talk to him, and take him back to Modryn

Oreyns house, and tell the guy to sit down. The easy way to do it is to bribe

him, or just sweet talk him until his disposition, or whatever it is, is over

90, then get all the information you can get. If he doesn't tell you anything,

exit the conversation, and go back in. Eventually, he will kill himself, so

talk to Modryn again to finish the quest, well done!


This is the second to last Fighters Guild quest, your getting good, but the

quests are getting noticebly harder, like that evil guy with that glass weapon.

I hated that guy. Anyways, this quest isn't so hard though, so don't worry too

much. First off, once you have finished the last quest, talk to Modryn again to

get this quest. He want's you to join the blackwood company to see their method

of doing their contracts. Head over to Leyawiin, and enter the blackwood

company. Head upstairs, and talk to the guy the compass points to so you can

join. After your conversation, follow him downstairs, and into the training

basement. After he talks to the three other company people, go into your

inventory and drink the Hist Sap. After you close your inventory, you will then

appear at a new place. Here, just kill all of the goblins you see, then head

into the houses to kill the goblins in the houses too. Easy. Once you have

killed all the Goblins in Waters Edge, you will yet again automatically appear

somewhere else, Modryn Oreyns house. Talk to him, then head outside and fast

travel to Waters Edge. Damn those Blackwood company bastards and their stupid

Hist Sap. Talk to the guy thats standing their, then leave, thinking about what

you have done. Unless your in the Dark Brotherhood, you most probably don't

mind. Talk to Modryn again to finish the quest.


This is it, the last Fighters Guild quest in the game. Modryn comes to a final

decision, to destroy the Hist tree. After talking to Modryn, fast travel to

Leyawiin, and find the Blackwood company building. Save outside of it, and make

sure to be fully healed, just in case. As you enter, some one will talk to you

before you start fighting. Kill all of the people here, it depends on how many

people will be here, well, im guessing. Don't stop for anyone, kill them all,

if they attack you, attack back. Search all of their bodies, one of the guys

should have a key, so head to the top of the stairs, and enter the locked room.

You will have to fight another guy, it's either me, or he has an ability that

can break weapons instantly, get your best weapons out first and start hacking

at him to deal alot of damage, before getting the weak weapons out. Once he is

dead, take the key off him, and head back downstairs and go into the basement.

Make sure you have healed yourself by waiting for an hour at least. Enter the

basement, and kill the two people here. After that, go to the other side of the

room, and pick up the two loose pipes, then go to either side of the machine.

You should see some cogs turning, so press space at them to break the machine,

do this on both sides of the machine (as in ones on the left, the other one is

to the right of that one) then head outside this room. Maglir will then talk to

you, and attack you. He is extremely easy to kill, so don't sweat it. Head back

to Modryn, and talk to him. Once he has told you to talk to Vilena, equip the

helmet he gives you, its a good one. Go see Vilena, and she will the advance

you to the Guildmaster. Congratulations, you're the guild master of the

Fighters Guild. Go back to Modryn, and check out his painting near his bed. :)

Talk to him, and he will accept the offer to be second in command. Awww, he

sounds really enthusiastic (if thats how you spell it, im not sure, its a big

wood) and gives you a choice. You can concentrate on either getting more men,

or more contracts. If you choose the men, you will get more equipment, or if

you choose contracts, you get more money. After every month in the game, go to

the guild hall and use the key to open the lock on the box or whatever it is on

the second floor to collect your stuff. Congratulations, you have finished all

of the quests in the Fighters Guild!




Here it now is, the walkthrough for the Mages Guild. The mages guild quests

are much better in Oblivion then they were in Morrowind, most probably anyways.

First off, go to any town you want, enter the mages guild and try to join. Once

you join, you must complete 7 recommendation quests, for most of the cities in

the game. I will put them in alphabetical order, so whatever town your in, you

can just look at this list to find the guide for it. Lets get started with the

mages guild!


Joining the Mages Guild is incredibly easy, like joining the Fighters Guild.

You will be told to join, you should talk to the head of any mages guild guild

hall in Cryodiil. Make sure your not a wanted criminal as well. At Chorrol,

talk to Teekeus to join. At Anvil, talk to Carahil, at Bravil, talk to Kud-Ei,

at Bruma, talk to Jeanne Frasoric, talk to Falcar in Cheydinhal, Dagail in

Leyawiin, and finally, Adrienne Berene at Skingrad. Once you have joined, you

have to get a recommendation from the guilds, so read on to get them.


If you get a suspension from the Mages Guild for the first time, you can get

back into the guild. If you steal from the Mages Guild, you must bring 20

Nightshade and 20 Mandrake Root to Raminus Polus at the Arcane University. If

you attack a member of the Mages Guild, you must bring 20 Dragons Tongue, and

20 Redwort Flower to Raminus Polus at the Arcane University. If you kill a

member of the Mages Guild, you must bring 20 Vampire Dust, and 20 Daedra Hearts

to Raminus Polus. OR you get any of them randomly after commiting a crime, im

not too sure. If you get another suspension, you can get those items again to

get back in. After that, the third will be the final suspension, and you will be

permanently removed from the Guild.


First on my list is Anvil. Once you are at Anvil, talk to Carahil about your

recommendation to start this quest. She asks you to find out about a rogue mage

that is killing people. You are told to head to the Brina Cross Inn, which

isn't too far from Anvil. Use the map, then get on your horse (if you don't

have one, you really need one) and start on the journey to Brina Cross Inn.

Once you arrive, leave your horse outside, and enter the Inn through the front

door. Now, find where Arielle Jurard is, and talk to her. She will know who you

are, and tell you to rent a room for the night. After she finishes talking to

you, talk to Christophe. Rent a room for the night (it costs 10GP) and tell

Christophe that your a merchant. A woman by the name of Caminalda will ask you

something. Say that you are a merchant, then head upstairs, and into your room,

it's the one at the far end. Soon, Arielle will come into your room, and talk

to you. She says that you must start to travel down the road to the east, that

leads to Kvatch, whilst her and her friend Battlemage will follow you. Rest for

the night, or however long you want to, then head outside. Jump onto your horse

and start going down the road. Soon, Caminalda will attack you, so get off your

horse, and start using all your best spells, as I assume you are a mage. If not

just keep hacking at her, or whatever weapon you use. Arielle and her friend

will soon come to help you, so don't sweat it, this battle is easy. Once she is

dead, take her room key, and go back to the Inn, and go inside her room. If you

check the chest, you can get alot of gold. Now head back to Anvil, and enter

the Mages guild. Talk to Carahil, and tell her that you killed the Rogue mage.

She will send off your recommendation, but will try to convince you that you

most probably won't get very far. Well done!


Head over to Bravil, and enter the Mages Guild. Talk to Kud-Ei and you will be

told what is going on. A man named Varon Vamori has stolen a fellow guild mates

staff, and you need to get it back. This recommendation quest is easy, go down

the stairs, and exit the mages guild. Find Varons house, he is usually in after

9PM. Talk to him about the staff. If his disposition is high enough, he should

tell you why he stole the staff. He will also tell you that he sold it. Damn,

so head back to the mages guild, and talk to Kud-Ei. She will then tell you to

get it back, so head over to the Imperial City's Talos Plaza District and find

Soris Arenim. When I found him, he was asleep inside his house, I had to break

into it. Anyways, talk to him, and he will sell you the staff for 200Gold. If

he doesn't offer you this, get his disposistion to over 90. Mine is always high

because I have done the main quest. That helps alot for being famous in

Cryodiil. Once you have the staff, head back to Kud-Ei, and give her the staff.

She sends off your recommendation, and will teach you the spell Captivate. Well



Head over to Bruma and find the Mages Guild. Walk over to the desk in front of

you, a woman named Jeanna Frasoric should be there, or she will be in her room.

Talk to her, and ask her about Recommendation. She requires you to do a small

favour for her. It seems that J'skar has gone missing, and she wants you to

find him. She says that Volanaro thinks one of his spells might of backfired.

Find where Volanaro is, and talk to him. He will tell you that he knows where

to find him, but first you must do something for him. He tells you to do a

prank on Jeanna, you must take her manual of spellcraft. He will give you a

spell to unlock things to do it with. So head upstairs, and through the door,

which your Mages Guild key will unlock. Now, go over to the desk, and make sure

no one is here. Pick it with a lock, it's difficulty is very easy, so you

should be able to pick it. Take the Manual of Spellcraft, and go downstairs and

talk to Volanaro. He will thank you, and then tell you to go down to the living

quarters at 10PM. Once it is 10PM, go into the living quarters, and enter the

first door you see to the left. It might be different, im not sure, but it was

the door for me. Volanaro will be here, talk to him, and he will tell you to


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