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<FEFF30323831323133322E4264700066000000000000000000000018001C>The Emmaus Pastorate
St. Patrick Parish 708 Delaware St Colesburg IA 52035 PO Box 365 Edgewood IA 52042 563-928-7200 St. Mark Parish 203 S Locust St PO Box 365 Edgewood IA 52042 563-928-7200 St. Mary Parish 314 W Mission St Strawberry Pt IA 52076 563-933-6166 St. Joseph Parish 330 First St SW PO Box 636 Elkader IA 52043 563-245-2548 Sacred Heart Parish 306 White St PO Box 135 Volga IA 52077
Worship This Week
Monday, December 24 Christmas Eve Rdgs: 2 Sm 7:1-16; Ps 89; Lk 1:67-79
No Morning Eucharist
Tuesday, December 25 The Nativity of the Lord Rdgs: Is 52:7-10; Ps 98; Heb 1:1-6; Jn 1:1-18
9:00 a.m. Eucharist (St. Mark)
Wednesday, December 26 St. Stephen, the First Martyr Rdgs: Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59; Ps 31; Mt 10:17-22
No Morning Eucharist No Rosary
Thursday, December 27 St. John, Apostle & Evangelist Rdgs: 1 Jn 1:1-4; Ps 97; Jn 20:1-8
No Morning Eucharist No Rosary No Adoration & Reconciliation
Friday, December 28 The Holy Innocents, Martyrs Rdgs: 1 Jn 1:5—2:2; Ps 124; Mt 2:13-18
No Morning Eucharist
Saturday, December 29 St. Thomas Becket, Bishop & Martyr Rdgs: 1 Jn 2:3-11; Ps 96; Lk 2:22-35
4:00 p.m. Eucharist (St. Joseph) Brad Bergan ! 6:00 p.m. Eucharist (St. Mary) Paul & Nellie Olinger !
Sunday, December 30 Feast of the Holy Family Rdgs: 1 Sm 1:20-28; Ps 84; 1 Jn 3:1-24; Lk 2:41-52
8:00 a.m. Eucharist (St. Patrick) For the People 10:00 a.m. Eucharist (St. Mark) Tom Kerns !
Schedule for Christmas Eve & Christmas Day
Monday, December 24 St. Joseph—4:00 p.m. (Father John) Eileen Bradford!
Sacred Heart—4:00 p.m. (Father Ries) For the People
St. Mark—4:00 p.m. (Archbishop Jackels) Kathryn Chapman!
St. Patrick—6:00 p.m. (Father Gaul) Lester & Marian Gudenkauf!
St. Mary—6:00 p.m. (Father John) Priscilla Moorman!
Monday, December 25 St. Mark—9:00 a.m. (Father John) Bob & Donna Juran!
Readings for Christmas Masses Vigil Is 62:1-5; Ps 89; Acts 13:16-25; Mt 1:1-25 or 1:18-25 Midnight Is 9:1-6; Ps 96; Ti 2:11-14; Lk 2:1-14 Dawn Is 62:11-12; Ps 97; Ti 3:4-7; Lk 2:15-20 Day Is 52:7-10; Ps 98; Heb 1:1-6; Jn 1:1-18
Pastorate Office Christmas Hours—All Pastorate offices will be closed Monday, December 24,
through Tuesday, January 1. Note exception below. Offices will reopen at the usual time on
Wednesday, January 2.
Deadlines for 2018 Contributions—Last minute contributions for calendar year 2018 must be received in the Parish Office by the close of business on December 31, 2018, or postmarked no later than December 31, 2018. Please plan accordingly to avoid asking your secretary or bookkeeper to compromise his/her integrity. St. Mark office will be open on Monday, December 31, 2018, until 4:00 p.m. to receive 2018 contributions for any of the five Emmaus Parishes.
Salt for the Week
“Christ be our light!” As I think about our Advent journey together, I cannot help but think of the many experiences of light and
darkness this past year. Our world continues to struggle politically and economically, with the brunt landing on the poor and powerless. Our country tries to move forward despite disunity and incivility. Our Church reels from an abuse crisis much of which was a product of the “good old days.” Our local economies are strained with surplus, low prices and the sad demise of some family dairy operations. And then your personal struggles in marriage and divorce, family feuds and challenges due to health and diminishment, seem to make everything look pretty bleak. It is then that I remember the Isaiah reading from Midnight Mass:
“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light;
upon those who dwelt in the land of gloom a light has shown.”
It is then that I think of you good people. In the midst of all the struggles of life, your light continues to shine and to shine brightly!
w Your concern expressed through food, stocking, and toy drives
w Your compassion shown grieving families this year
w Your willingness to gladly volunteer when needed
w Your faithful weekend worship w Your support of our many Faith Formation
events w Your concern for the poor among us w Your commitment to your parish, as well as
growing in your understanding of our developing Emmaus Pastorate ministry
w You being you!
It is very humbling to attempt to shepherd such a faithful flock. Watching many of you helps me to grow in my faith as well. I will especially pray for all the Emmaus Pastorate members and their intentions in the upcoming Christmas celebrations.
May Christ continue to be our light— today, and all days.
Merry and Holy Christmas! Father John
St. Mary Lucas Baker Doug Behrens Mark Broich Bill Collins Johnathon Daisy Gene Devlin Mary Elsbury Pat Farmer Jack Fridley Pat Grady Bonnie Hayes Bill & Alvera Hogan George Kauffman Vincent Kenneally Annes Kenney Kathy Keppler Arnold Koloc Mary Lahey Eleanor Maas Bernard Malone Laverne Moorman Deloris Morris Jim & Marlene Olinger Sheryl Porter Lynne Ridenour Brian Ries Gene Rima Heather Roberson Ludwig Marsha Thomas Laverne & Theresa Tinkey Dean & Grace Tucker Jeanine Tucker Frank von Rentzell Joan & Ralph Werner
St. Joseph Debbie Diviney Peg Ferguson Pat Holst Jerry Kessler Helen Mueller Shirley Palmer Brad Scherf Frederick Strohschein Vanita Thomsen Clair Tschirgi Linda (DeShaw) Widmar
Sacred Heart Mary Fedeler Jennie (Polkow) Haight Donna Larson Marie Shea Pat Shea Chuck Sparrgrove
St. Mark Aidan Bailey Daylen Davis Zach Fisher Jim Funke Mike Gravel Larry Hamlett Art Helle Theresa Klostermann Gary Laubenthal Betty Lendt Bob Mescher Lynn Miranda Dan Mousel Cindy Mueller Mary Rave Allen Schaefers Donna Schaffer Kay Shaffer Tryce Sperfslage Josh Steffen Diane Uhlenkamp Dan Venteicher Jody Vorwald Judy Vorwald Lynn Wittman Liam Young
St. Patrick Lisa Booth Rachel Budden Mary Ann Every Carter Hillers Jack Hogan Kay Jones LaVern Lammers Arnold Lueken Colin Majerus Jim & Marie Pasker George & Judy Platten
In Our Holiday Prayers
The Christmas Tree
Lord, Jesus, encircle this tree with your blessing. May its twinkling lights remind us
of the hope and promise of your coming. May we find
joy in the memories we share in its tinsel and trimmings. May the presents we place beneath it give rise to an appreciation for the gift
of your presence among us.
We ask this in your holy name. Amen
IRA Distribution—Those who are 70 ½ years of age and older are required to start taking a “required minimum distribution” (RMD) from their Individual Retirement Account (IRA). If this RMD is not needed by the individual to live on, he/she can instruct his/her IRA custodian to gift the RMD directly to a parish. By doing so, the individual does not have to pay income taxes on the distribution and, most importantly, advances the mission of the church. The deadline for donating to the parish is on or before December 31.
A Big Thank You to all who make things happen in the Emmaus Pastorate. So much goes on that most people don’t see. We are grateful to those who work on church environment, develop intercessions for Mass, bring the Blessed Sacrament to or visit the homebound, stuff envelopes, bring treats to RCIA and pastorate gatherings, water the plants, and attend meetings where we make plans to BE CHURCH to everybody in our communities. Christmas Blessings to you all!
BeFriender Ministry—Do you know someone who would appreciate having someone visit on a regular basis? The women of the Emmaus Pastorate BeFriender Ministry are ready to help. Please don’t think someone else needs support more than you or your friend or relative. Call the pastorate office 563-928-7200 to get the ball rolling.
CHRISTMAS CELEBRATIONS are our time to SHINE when it comes to hospitality! Don’t be afraid to move from your “favorite spot” in church as you welcome guests. This may be the only time they have been here all year—or ever! Don’t judge but rejoice! Introduce yourself and welcome them as family—‘cuz they are!
Thoughts and Support from the Pastorate go out to Jane Sparrgrove and the Circle of Friends Ministries
of Strawberry Point. The devastating fire brought to a halt the great ministry she has been providing. We look
forward to opportunities to assist her in the future. We’re here for you, Jane.
Discuss With Your Kids— Which person would you like to be in the
Christmas Gospel? Would you like to be the shepherds, angels, Mary or Joseph?
Christ’s Coming How small and gentle His coming was.
He came as an infant. The night in which He came was noisy and crowded; it is
unlikely that, in the traffic and travelers to Bethlehem, the tiny wail of the
newly born could be heard.
God approaches gently, often secretly, always in love, never through violence
and fear. He comes to us, as God has told us, in those whom we know in our own lives. Very often we do not recognize
God. God comes in many people we do not like, in all who need
what we can give, in all who have something to give us; and for
our great comfort. God comes in those we love. In our fathers and mothers, our brothers and sisters,
our friends and our children. Because this is so, we may not be content ever to love with
only natural love. We must also love everyone with a supernatural, sacramental
love. We must love Christ in them with Christ’s love in us. It would be well if those seeking perfection ceased trying so painstakingly to learn how not to love
and learned instead how to love well.
The Passion of the Infant Christ
Merry Christmas and Peaceful 2019 from the Emmaus Pastorate Staff
Father John Haugen (Pastor) Janine Berns, Jane Christiansen, Jennifer
Ciesielski, Virginette Downey, Rachel Engelhardt, Kathy Fitzpatrick, Anne Franta, John Goodin, Bob Hankey, Marsha Hauser,
Jerry Hilton, Lori Keck, Lori Keppler, Jody Kerns, Sandy Klaus, Theresa Palas, Sister Carla Popes, PBVM, Deb Recker,
Jan Tschirgi, Joyce Whelan, Janie Wiley, Linda Williams, Deanne Wulfekuhle,
and all of our volunteers!
Thanks to Everyone in the parishes who are preparing our churches for Advent and Christmas. Your work deepens our experience of faith and the light of Christ!
Please Remember to contact Father John if you or someone you know is hospitalized! Calling the pastor is not considered gossip! Thanks!
As You Approach these holidays, remember to be LIGHT. Anticipate possible difficult gatherings in a spirit of prayer and ask “What can I bring to this gathering today? How can I bring a little light?” Remember, the stable wasn’t the most pleasant either! God will guide and guard you. May the Christ Child bless you and your goings and comings!
St. Mark, Edgewood
Guidelines for New ACH E-giving at St. Mark— We are asking that the following guidelines be followed regarding ACH E-giving: w Monthly giving be set for withdrawal on either the 1st
or the 15th of each month; w Weekly withdrawals set for Mondays; w Bi-weekly withdrawals set for the 5th and 20th of each
month. ACH is easy and is now managed in the Parish Office at St. Mark. All changes and new requests remain confidential and may be done directly at the Parish Office; ask for Jennifer.
Thanks to William and Cam Schulte for designing, sewing and putting together the screens for Reconciliation last Wednesday!
St. Joseph, Elkader
St. Mary, Strawberry Point Christmas Program
Church Decorating for Christmas—We are looking for volunteers to help decorate the church for Christmas. Come to the Church on Sunday, December 23, at 9:00 a.m. to help. Thank you for your time and hard work to create a beautiful Christmas environment to welcome Baby Jesus.
Christmas Day Dinner—Everyone is invited to attend the Christmas Day Dinner hosted by Peace United Church of Christ (Elkader) on Tuesday, December 25, at 12:00 noon. Reservations are encouraged but not required. Call Peace United Church (563-245-2126), Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m.- 12:00 noon.
Sacred Heart, Volga
St. Joseph (Continued)
Thanks to Jacqueline Fedeler for preparing and serving the meal for the priests who came to celebrate Reconciliation last Wednesday!
2018 Contributions—Theresa Palas will be working at the Parish Center on Thursday, December 27, until 12:00 noon if anyone wants to bring in any 2018 contributions.
Thanks to Angel Keppler and EVERYONE who put together our “STORY OF JESUS” evening last Sunday, with the meal. It was a terrific event!
For the Week of December 22, we light candles for Cecil Moyna and Katherine McCormick, as requested by John and Doris Moyna.
Christmas Day Chris is born: give Him glory!
Christ has come down from heaven: receive Him!
Christ is now on earth: exalt Him! O you earth, sing to the Lord!
O you nations, praise Him in joy, for He has been glorified!
Emmaus Pastorate Parish Information
Bulletin Deadline—The deadline for items to be submitted for the January 12-13 bulletin is Thursday, January 3. For accuracy, e-mail (do not phone) all bulletin articles to Joyce at
[email protected].
St. Mark Parish 203 South Locust Street Edgewood, IA 52042 563-928-7200 Pastoral Council Chair Cam Schulte 563-920-2498
St. Mary Parish 314 West Mission Street Strawberry Point, IA 52076 563-933-6166 Pastoral Council Chair Jerry Ketoff 563-581-2488
St. Joseph Parish 330 First Street SW Elkader, IA 52043 563-245-2548 Pastoral Council Chair Ann Gibney 563-245-1597
Sacred Heart Parish 306 White Street Volga, IA 52077 563-928-7200 Pastoral Council Chair Leon Deutsch 563-774-2360
St. Patrick Parish 708 Delaware Street Colesburg, IA 52035 563-928-7200 Pastoral Council Chair John Wessel 563-856-5008
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