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Page 1: The EOSTAR Pro Model  Suite -  Current and Future Development.

The EOSTAR Pro Model Suite - Current and Future Development.

Weather Impact Decision Aids Workshop, Reno (NV),13-15th March 2012

Marianne Degache, scientific software product manager

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Eostar Pro suite v2



1. EOSTAR Pro : from research to product development – v1.x

2. Upgrades for EOSTAR Pro suite v2.x

3. Scientific and modelling challenges of interest

4. Current availability and future releases

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1. “Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research”

2. Independent research organisation funded in 1932

3. More than 4,400 employees accross7 research themes

4. TNO aims at innovating with purpose:

We develop knowledge not for its own sake but for practical application.

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Acronym : Electro-Optical Signal Transmission And RangingContainer of scientific models developped for maritime scenarios

Initially provided R&D solutions (scientific analysis)Became a product in 3 main steps:

Integration of user requirementsCombine and coordinate a team of various specialistsGet a system perspective

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backgroundtargetCMFalse targets

AtmosphereEO system


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Scientific background of EOSTAR Pro library

Atmospheric studies:Micro-meteorological & refraction models, aerosol measurement and

models, satellite remote sensing, innnovative studies (inverse methods)Electro-optical systems characterization:

sensor concept and trade off studies, in lab performance measurement and modellingSignature management:

Target modelling, signature field measurements, thermal computation and analysisMaritime Background:IR Cluttered background, maritime background simulator

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Towards product development

Technical challenge : from « scientific » to « operational » (↑TRL)Ergonomy : GUI design and selection of results to display

Communication :

Strategy :Cooperative development (→modular approach)Deployment (→user profiling)

Performance : optimization

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Examples of EOSTAR Pro v1 capabilities

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Predict Mirages effects

Target visible! Target not visible!

Predict Horizon Reduction

Assess the impact of maritime aerosol

Simulate the sensor image

Compute the probability of detection

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Upgrades & Development of EOSTAR Pro v2.x

Scientific models: Upgrades: sensors, target, meteo, IR plumeNew Development: wake, countermeasures (IR flares), IR seeker (hot spot/imaging)

Integration to external applications: client/server interfaces, EOSTAR use as IR image simulator, as processor, or as signature management toolTraining: operational and expert training for EOSTAR Pro user community, work with (operational) schools and training facilitiesVerification & Validation: unit test per module, integration and global test, scientific validation from experiments and trials

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Electro-Optical Sensor modelling upgrades

Detailed component modelling (optical system, detector materials…)Interface for measurement or predicted sensor performance (MTF, sensor response, ..)New Performance criteria (Alternative to Johnson criteria, image quality for target classification and identification, image and signal processing for IRST and IR seekers)Introduce NIR/VIS sensor modelling capability for v3

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Image distorsion due to sensor effects

TOD method as substitute for Johnson criteria

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Targets database extension

Customized and operational target database(CAD modelling, thermal properties, signature computations)

From TargetBuilder v1 to SHIBA : (semi) automatic generation of a generic (unclassified) database

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Target elements parenthood

Element geometrical parameters

3D ViewControl

TargetBuilder SHIBASelection of target class

Automatic Generation of a default class instance

Final customization of the target

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Meteo inputs interfaces & integration

Interface to mesoscale format (GRIB data format), direct use of NWP to drive EOSTAR Pro: HIRLAM operational data or WRF outputsBuild and use reference climalology (when no data is available)

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We cannot change the environment….

…. But we can predict the effects on sensor performance

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Validation efforts

Lab measurements, CUBI target, met stationField Compaigns for Atmospheric studies (RED, VAMPIRA,FATMOSE… )NATO field trials for signature measurement (SAPPHIRE, SQUIRREL,…)In 2012 : SMARTEX

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Scientific and modelling challenges of interestCoastal environment : new complex and cluttered scene background (land/sea interactions), Inhomogeneous atmophere characterization, coastal aerosol models

Complex theater of operation : multiple (unknown) manoeuvring targets, decoys, obscurants

Bring the relevant information in time and define the operational impact (mission success?)

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EOSTAR Pro is meant as a link from R&D to operational product prototyping (dual mode operator/expert)

Simple COTS product (runs on a laptop with Windows)Demo available* (since 2011 : v2.4, by end of 2012 : v3)Customization on request

Choice of agile development to realistically address user issues

Exchange platform thanks to a modular software design

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*EOSTAR Pro requires a valid license of Modtran4 release 0 version 1

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All models are wrong, but some are useful

… the practical question is how wrong do they have to be to not be useful.

(George E. P. Box)


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