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Page 1: The Epistle · 2015. 4. 5. · Christ that is our cluster. We are trying new ways to be church together (more inside the Epistle). Know that God's deep abiding love for the entire

The Epistle

Trinity Lutheran Church 8 South Midland Boulevard Nampa, Idaho 83651

Pastor: Meggan Manlove [email protected] (208) 466-2173 Editor/Office Manager: Robert Cola [email protected] (208) 466-2173 Website: nampatrinity.org and you can also find us on

Trinity Lutheran Church is a place to gather, refresh the faithful, and reach out with word and service to all others through the Holy Gospel

April 2020

Dear Friends in Christ, As I sat down to write my April column for the Epistle, these words of the Apostle Paul washed over me: "For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know

fully, even as I have been fully known. And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love." (1 Cor. 13:12-13). One could make a pretty good argument right now that hope is the greatest but I know that love has been the strongest guidepost and will remain so for me and our congregational leadership. Love is why we suspended in-person gatherings, including worship. Love is why people are calling one another and checking in with one another. Love is why so many of us are learning new technologies that help us stay connected in this digital age. Love is why we are finding new ways to care for our neighbors (those next door and those across the globe). Most important, God's love for us is something we can continue to depend on. Love will continue to guide our discernment. Our council will meet via Zoom Meeting on Monday, March 30. We will make final plans for Holy Week (more inside this Epistle) and the Season of Easter. Please know, I am planning ahead as though we will be in this for a while. The other ELCA Treasure Valley Cluster leaders and I have a deep love for one another and for the Body of Christ that is our cluster. We are trying new ways to be church together (more inside the Epistle). Know that God's deep abiding love for the entire cosmos is not going to waver. It is a love that is steadfast and abundant, both personal and far-reaching. It continues to free us both from something (shame, guilt, participation in unjust systems) and for something (love of our neighbors, transforming the world into God's reign). Thanks for your companionship and prayers as we navigate together through this pandemic. Peace, Pastor Meggan ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Wednesday Morning Study In March and April, our normal Monday Morning Study will be on Wednesday mornings. We will read Rachel Held Evan’s book Inspired: Slaying

Giants, Walking on Water, and Loving the Bible Again. We will meet via Zoom until we can resume in-person gatherings.

Sunday Adult Forum (on hold) --------------------------------------------

A Big Thank You to Tami Robinson for updating our Trinity Constitution! Thank you for all your hard work!

The Noisy offering for March , on Sunday, March 29th will be for The Nampa Bicyle Project. The MISSION of The Nampa Bicycle Project is to To provide bicycles to persons in need of

transportation and inexpensive recreation. Sometimes all a person needs is a way to get from point A to point B. To get to a job interview, a job, to keep a critical appointment, shop for necessities, or just visit friends or family. When it costs $6,000/year to own and maintain a car and public transportation is limited to daytime hours Monday through Friday or when mom and dad don’t have anything extra for a good bicycle, it can be tough. A bicycle can mean the difference between someone feeling stuck and feeling free. The difference between feeling left out or being a regular part of the community. So many bicycles end up in dumpsters every day. We thought it was time to stop putting them in a land fill and start putting them in the hands of people who could use them. It means some volunteer time but it also gives us a chance to provide a small safe place for people to connect and a way to offer hope on 2 wheels. Drop off your coins during office hours or mail a check.

April’s Noisy Offering on Sunday, April 26th will be for Learning Peace, A Camp for Kids. Learning Peace is a summer day camp here in Nampa for children ages 6-13. Children

learn practical tools to make them active peacemakers. They learn about peace within quietness and physical movement; they cultivate joy through music; they deepen self-expression through art. Children learn about peace with other people through conflict resolution, interpreting media, and non-competitive play. They learn about peace with other kinds of people from different cultural backgrounds. Children learn to connect with nature while being outside, taking hikes, and participating in cooperative, team-building activities.

Offering – during the time of self-quarantine (aka voluntary besiegement) – offerings are still very important. We may not be “passing the plate” for a while, but there are other ways to continue your support of Trinity Lutheran. Last week’s mailing

included a pre-addressed envelope (for those who’d like to mail offering to the church). Or you could drop it by Monday – Thursday 9:00 am – 1:00 pm during office hours. Or perhaps this is the time when you decide to set up automatic or online giving through your financial institutions; that’s not as complicated as it sounds! Ruthann Sutton or Penelope Smith would be happy to talk you through the process.

Page 2: The Epistle · 2015. 4. 5. · Christ that is our cluster. We are trying new ways to be church together (more inside the Epistle). Know that God's deep abiding love for the entire

OFFICERS/COMMITTEE LIAISONS- 2020 President Kim Mills (20) Vice-President Sarah Henthorn (21) (20 as Vice-President) Secretary Tami Robinson (20) Treasurer Lloyd Kellar (renewable) Financial Secretary Karissa Armbrust (renewable) Accounts Payable Coordinator Peggy Miller (renewable) Council Team Assignments Christian Education/Youth: Mary Braudrick (20) Church in Community: Mwajuma Dusabe (22) Communication: Patrick Kelly (22) Gospel and Growth: Tami Robinson (20) Hospitality: Amanda Hanson (22) Property: Tom Friddle (21) Stewardship: Penelope Smith (22) Trinity New Hope: Bob Torrey (21) Worship & Music: Kim Mills (20) Congregational Committee Assignments Audit: Julie Ward (21) Mary Friddle (20), Emily Bentley (22) Endowment: Larry Mills (21), Lisa Harker (22) Leon Long (20) Memorial: Ardelle O’Bryan (21) Leon Long (20) Andrew Hanson (22) Nominating: Mary Braudrick, Phil Cronk, Tami Robinson, Steve VanAtter Mutual Ministry Committee: Sharon Jones, Sarah Henthorn,

Tammy Torrey, Steve Ward Synod Assembly Voting Members: N/A

Luther Heights Representatives: Janet Metzger & Cathy Winwood

Statistical Comparison For March

Date Attendance Offering 3/3/19 77 $5,297.46 3/1/20 80 3,337.13

3/10/19 73 2,325.37 3/8/20 60 2,589.00

3/17/19 57 1,869.00 3/15/20 worship cancelled (covid-19) 1,656.50

3/24/19 67 3,325.00 3/22/20 worship cancelled (covid-19) 2,985.03

3/31/19 64 2,521.13 3/29/20 worship cancelled (covid-19) (not available)

February Automatic Giving: $1,283.36 March Automatic Giving (through 3/22): 584.31

The sign-up sheets for Church Cleaning (east end of the Fellowship Hall) and Fellowship Time (both are in the Fellowship Hall) for 2020 are posted. The Eternal Candle, Wine, and Flower sign-up sheets for 2020 are in the long hallway on

the bulletin board. Sign up now to get those dates you’ve always wanted.

SUMMER MOVIE – planning ahead, Gospel & Growth has scheduled a summer movie night for June 17th. Put this on your calendar. Having missed so much fellowship during Lent, let’s get together for a meal and a film.

The April Women’s Luncheon will be at 11:30 a.m.,Tuesday, April 28th at Indian Creek Steakhouse, Caldwell. Please contact Joyce Becht to RSVP.


Trinity New Hope Wish List -Eight (8) Night Vision Cameras, $50 a camera; -

Professional office grade copier; -Lighter New Laptop; -16 Fire extinguishers;

-3 new sprinkler system timers (Rain bird) ours are worn out after 24 years. We keep having flooding issues or dry issues because they need to be replaced. This request was presented by our landscaping team. ----------------------------------------------------------------

Annual Church Campout – JULY 17 – 19 ---- this outing continues on our calendar! It is our prayer and fondest hope that we can again gather at the Ward

property in Donnelly this July! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Apr 11 Noon- 4 p.m. Confirmation @ Immanuel, Boise

May 14 6:30 p.m. Learning Peace Volunteer Dinner @ Grace

Episcopal May 16 Confirmation Dinner May 17 Confirmation Sunday

Jul 13-16 Learning Peace: A Camp for Kids --------------------------------------------------------------------

Reflection by Sarah Henthorn If there is one thing I’ve learned over the years, it’s that life never goes the way I expect. That’s certainly been

true this past week as I found out at 10 pm on Sunday that we wouldn’t be going to work for at least 2 (now 3) weeks. Haunted by the question, "what now?" here are some things that I am trying to make space for:

Grieve- When my dad died, nothing was more annoying than people who wanted to “fix” me by using cliches and trying to be super positive. “God just needed another angel!” Not helpful. It’s okay for us to be human. Unacknowledged wounds cannot heal. Anger, fear, disappointment and anxiety are all normal emotions that should be expressed. The Old Testament even has an entire book (Lamentations) that expressed Israel’s anger and grief over the exile. Faithfulness means bringing all of who we are before God and sometimes that means grief.

Remember- Once we have grieved, we will have space to remember that God has been faithful in the past. Look to the witness of scripture. Even in the wilderness, God gives manna. Read the witness of saints throughout history: Luther, Bonhoeffer, Dr. King and countless others. Finally, remember how God has been faithful to you. Share those stories. Write them down (maybe submit them for the advent devotional).

Creative Healing- As we rehearse the stories of God’s faithfulness, let’s be aware of what the Holy Spirit is doing. As my yard is beginning to come alive, I can’t help but wonder if there aren’t seeds long forgotten in our individual and collective lives that might just pop up and delight us during such a time as this.

Page 3: The Epistle · 2015. 4. 5. · Christ that is our cluster. We are trying new ways to be church together (more inside the Epistle). Know that God's deep abiding love for the entire

Congregation Council Meeting for March

Team Reports for 3/19/20

PASTOR’S REPORT : Pr. Meggan Manlove Cluster: Looking forward to the Cluster Council Retreat at Shepherd of the Valley March 14; nine of us are planning to attend from Trinity.

Idaho Gives: We are registered to participate at Idahogives.org on Thursday, May 7 . My goal is 200 donations of $10 or more. We will be sending postcards and emails to past bazaar vendors and Not Your Grandmother's Canning participants. If you know of other friends of Trinity we should reach out to, please let me know.

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION AND YOUTH : Mary Braudrick Trivia Night with Faith Lutheran went very well. Thanks to everyone who helped plan and who participated. We raised $2237.00 to be divided between the two congregations for Luther Heights Camp Scholarships. The goal is to once again support all our youth, who want to attend summer camp, with complete baseline scholarships.

CHURCH IN COMMUNITY: Mwajuma Dusabe/JB Equal Exchange: coffee/chocolate/tea sales 3/8 & 3/22, 4/5 & 4/19 Noisy Offerings: 2/23 Trinity Gardens $147.34; 3/29 Nampa Bicycle Project is a service organization that relies on YOU, the community. Your gifts to the NBP enable us to bring hope, independence, and self respect to individuals by meeting their critical and basic need for transportation. Our mission is to reduce waste by recycling bicycles and supplying them to persons in need of transportation, health, or inexpensive recreation and to advocate for bicycling and walking in the City of Nampa. 4/26 Learning Peace Camp provides skills to navigate the kinds of everyday conflicts we all experience. The camp is being sponsored by local caring individuals and organizations and is offered at no cost to children. Goals include practical tools in peacemaking, conflict resolution, learning about peace with other kinds of people from different cultural backgrounds and participating in cooperative, team-building activities.

School District Community Dinners: 4/14 & 5/12. Spots are available on these 2 dates to sign up for items to be served 6:00-7:00p.m. at First United Presbyterian Church at 400 Lake Lowell Avenue in Nampa. Please check your calendars and check with Renee VanAtter for her fantastic crockpot meals! We appreciate your help in feeding others.

Trinity Community Gardens: Gardening Workshops from 9:00a.m. to 12:00p.m. Feb. 22 and Mar. 7 at Canyon Springs Christian Church, 1444 Cornell St. in Middleton and Feb. 29 & Mar. 14 at Trinity Lutheran Church were well-attended. Cost $25 per person/family.

March 1st Thanks for bringing peanut butter to support our food pantry.

April 26th Luke 24: 13-35 Jesus was walking to Emmaus but no one recognized him. The people were sad because Jesus had been crucified and disappeared from the tomb. They came to the village and asked Jesus to stay with them so he broke bread with them. Please bring cereal for the food pantry.

March 7 Trivia Night at Trinity raised $2200! A great time was had by all. Money provides full camp scholarships at TLC. Check out the LHBC poster on the hall bulletin board and sign up for carpooling. It is time to register for camp. Enjoy!

GOSPEL & GROWTH : Tami Robinson We met on February 13 and March 12, 2020 for our regularly scheduled meetings. Penelope read the Opening Devotion which talked about who we are, outside of the accolades we have received for our accomplishments.

The Monday winter movies are over. If you think of a fun movie that you would like to see next year, please let us know.

The Drop In & Pray had two people from the community who stopped in and one of them has since come for Adult Forum and Worship. Only two persons signed up for reserved time so next year we may reduce the time set apart for that and increase the open time.

Host Lenten Soup Supper on March 25th. – Due to COVID-19, it is likely that Trinity will suspend group meetings, including Soup Suppers.

Church Campout – Still on for July 17 – 19

Summer Movie – We have set the date for June 17th at 6:30 pm. There will be a movie and a light meal that is yet to be decided. The movie is yet to be determined also. Birthday Potluck – We have this on the calendar for October 25th. We will encourage people to bring international food or something from their gardens.

Miscellaneous - *we will talk with potential Advent Daily Devotional authors before Easter. · We discussed COVID19 with the potential of cancelling all group gatherings for several weeks. We discussed having a live-stream service without music. Since Trinity is “the family” for many of our people, we will need to increase our connectedness through other means (cards, calls, texts, etc.) We want anyone to feel disconnected. These measures are difficult but should only be for a short time.

STEWARDSHIP: Penelope Smith Discussion about Stewardship of Money (March) included the "Mess With Your Council Counters" 3/15 where we encouraged people to increase their offering by a few dollars, so no check ended in 0 or 5. Results will be publicized on Facebook and in the Epistle. We also asked Bob Cola to preprint return envelopes for the 3/15 bulletin, to encourage people to mail in their offering if they need to absent themselves from worship (or if worship is cancelled due to COVID19). Our April focus in on Stewardship of Stuff, with support of the Yard Sale. We will also celebrate in-kind donations made during the prior 12 months. The May focus will be on organizing things to make it easier for those who might need to help (in case of your incapacity or death) - things like having a list of your passwords to your online accounts, etc.) We will also support Idaho Gives on May 7th. We are starting to plan the Fall Financial Campaign. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


is our focus for April. Could there possibly be a better activity, during the days of

being locked down at home, than to go through boxes and closets, evaluating will I truly EVER use this again?!! And, but coincidence, Trinity is planning a Yard Sale in April, giving you the perfect place to donate your items.

In February, when this whole COVID19 thing seemed far away in Asia, our Year Round Stewardship focus was on the Stewardship Of How We Think About Resources. We asked you to think about your mindset: is it an abundance mindset? Is it a scarcity mindset? Walking through the grocery store last week, seeing all the empty shelves, was a gut-punch to even those who see the world through rose colored glasses! Scarcity appeared to be everywhere (well, maybe not in the tofu section). How do we recalibrate to “even keel” when everything around us screams “scarcity”? By taking time to count what we DO have and figuring out how to best use it to the glory of God and for the love of his world. Trivia Night Results

Thanks to everyone who contributed in any way to a successful Trivia Night. We raised $2,237.76 to be split evenly between Faith

Lutheran and Trinity Lutheran, all to financially support youth attending Luther Heights Bible Camp this summer. Campers attending from Trinity include Abbey Radke, Karson Hanson, Pearl and Cedar Hilger, Jason and Kevin Mills, Alexa Ward, Giada Armbrust, Diane Irankundu, Mwajuma Dusabe, Robert, Alissa and Annmarie Kelly. Yay camp!

Page 4: The Epistle · 2015. 4. 5. · Christ that is our cluster. We are trying new ways to be church together (more inside the Epistle). Know that God's deep abiding love for the entire

Advent Daily Devotional Booklet - won't have its deadline for about 5 months yet. But as you have some enforced "down time", you could certainly write YOUR entry to the 2020 edition now! We don't have a

theme (yet) but I surmise that many of you will write about how COVID19 has impacted your faith. What changes in perception have you noticed in yourself and in others? How have you acted differently regarding your walk of faith? Please send your devotions to Penelope Smith.

Beer & Hymns Sunday, June 7, 3-5 p.m. Beer and Hymns at Crescent Brewery, 1521 Front St., Nampa.


Trinity Spring Clean-Up –

Come and clean at your convenience during the weeks ending April 4th and April 11th.

See the list in the vestibule. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Healing Service May 31st, we will incorporate a service of healing into our Sunday morning

worship service. We plan to do this every fifth Sunday going forward. ----------------------------------------------------------------------

New Intern for Trinity New Hope Housing

Alisa Burlakov, a senior bachelor’s degree student, is our new intern from Northwest

Nazarene University. Her hours will be Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 12 to 3:00pm. Please introduce yourself if you meet Alisa in the Trinity Lutheran Church hallways.

Easter Breakfast, April 12th Watch for sign-up sheet. Start serving at 8:15 a.m.

Easter Egg Hunt at 9:00 a.m.

We will have an egg hunt at Trinity as part of our Easter celebration. If you are willing and able to donate candy for the eggs, please have it to the church office by Wednesday, April 1st. Thank you!

Border Immersion Presentation - God Sightings and Brokenness. An ecumenical group of nine people journeyed to El Paso to live for a week at Iglesia Luterans Cristo Rey. The group was lead by Shepherd of

the Valley Lutheran Church, Boise. They will be sharing a presentation of this experience on May 31st at Trinity. The presentation should start around 11:15 a.m. This presentation will include time spent with immigration attorney, feeding asylum seekers in Juarez, visiting District court, ministries in Juarez, time spent with undocumented women in El Paso, the wall, Cristo Rey’s ministries and what can we do. Yes, in all these areas we saw God Sightings and Brokenness come and learn more.

Christ In Our Home by email With the outbreaks of coronavirus disease 2019 in North America and around the world many people may be without a physical copy of Christ in Our Home. To assist with devotional life during this time, Augsburg

Fortress is offering a limited-time complementary email subscription. Sign up and they will deliver the daily devotional to your email at 4am Central Time for the remainder of March and April 2020. https://bit.ly/3dkybNR

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celebrating 50 Years of

Women's Ordination 2020 marks the 50th anniversary of the ordination of women in the Lutheran church in our country.

What led up to this momentous change in the church? How did the Spirit move from "what would prevent us?" to "why we must"? What have been the struggles and the joys of women's leadership within our Luther- an expression of Christianity? Our Sunday Adult Forum has been exploring these questions throughout March. These educational discussions are leading up to worship celebrations on Sunday April 26th with women preachers in every ELCA congregation in our area from Twin Falls to Ontario. Pastor Meggan will be at Hope Lutheran, Eagle and Pastor Tammy Heimgartner, from Grace Lutheran, Mountain Home will be with us at Trinity.

“TO KEEP THE FAMILY WHOLE” In August 2019, Stewardship conducted an anonymous survey, asking members why they give offerings to Trinity Lutheran Church. Here’s how you responded: 41.2% - to support the church and its mission in the world 17.6% - in response to what God has done for me 17.6% - as a matter of obedience or obligation 14.7% - it’s a matter of love 5.8% - to pay the bills 2.9% - “to keep the family whole” In September, we held cottage meetings to share the results of this survey, all great reasons to give offering. With you, we puzzled about one answer that didn’t fall neatly into any of the other categories. What did the respondent mean by “to keep the family whole”? Now in 2020, the time of COVID19, as we hunker down in our homes in isolation, keeping a safe distance, worshiping on Facebook Live, holding meetings by Zoom, we wonder if that answer might be prophetic….not prophetic in the sense of “predicting the future”, but prophetic in “revealing truth during times of uncertainty, meant by the divine to inspire.” Ponder that for a moment. Ask yourself, “what does God want me to do to keep my Trinity family whole”? What specific gifts has he given me, for such a time as this, to nurture his people – to give them hope, to make them feel connected, to give them energy, to ease their fears?

Mess With Your Church Counters– Okay, that was NOT good timing! Planning to do an in-sanctuary activity for the date (March 15th) when, as it turned out, we had to cancel church with two days notice! So

the results of this activity are preliminary. 2 households gave in amounts that did not end in 0 or 5. Our plan is to continue to collect results through the rest of the month, as more offerings are received by mail or being dropped off. Meanwhile, the goal of this activity was to encourage you to increase the amount of your offering just a little bit – to try this on for size – and we certainly won’t discourage you from doing that!

Page 5: The Epistle · 2015. 4. 5. · Christ that is our cluster. We are trying new ways to be church together (more inside the Epistle). Know that God's deep abiding love for the entire

Trinity Servants For April 2020 [douloes] is the New Testament Greek word for servant.

Assisting Minister Organist Lector April Lessons Acolyte Crucifer Communion Asst. Ushers Greeters Nursery Church Cleaning Altar Guild Fellowship Time Offering Counters Flowers/Greens

April 5 Palm Sunday

Steve VanAtter

Patrica Bishop

Alexa Ward

Isaiah 50: 4-9a Psalm 31: 9-16

Philippians 2: 5-11 Matthew 26:


Keaton Woodcook

Kevin Mills

Giada Armbrust

Penelope Smith & Cathy Winwood

Leon & Aulda Long

Giada Armbrust

Ruthann Sutton*

Lloyd & Judy Kellar

Beverages Only (Lent)

Kim Mills &

Penelope Smith

Sheila Anderson

April 12 Easter

Karissa Armbrust

Patricia Bishop

Celia Wolff

Acts 10: 34-43

Psalm 118:1-2,14-24 Colossians 3: 1-4 Matthew 28: 1-10

Tammy Torrey

David Sheriff

Cedar Hilger

The Mills Family

Darrel & Peggy Miller

Amanda Hanson &

Kevin Mills


Kim Mills & Cathy Winwood

Easter Breakfast

Kim Mills & Penelope Smith

Easter Lilies

April 19


Karissa Armbrust

Jeff Henderson

Acts 2: 14a, 22-32 Psalm 16

1 Peter 1: 3-9 John 20: 19-31

Cedar Hilger

Annmarie Kelly

Jason Mills

Jeff & Nancy Henderson

Sharon Jones & Ardelle O’Bryan

Tammy Torrey

Apostolic Church

Lisa Kelly & Tammy Torrey


Amanda Hanson & Tami Robinson


April 26

Larry Mills

Wendy Quarve

Annmarie Kelly

Acts 2: 14a, 36-41 Psalm 116:1-4,12-19

1 Peter 1: 17-23 Luke 24: 13-35

Alexa Ward

Cathy Winwood

Tammy Torrey

Steve & Renee Vanatter

Tim & Tami


Mwajuma Dusabe


Darrel & Peggy Miller

Joyce Becht & Mary Braudrick

Mwajuma Dusabe &

Patrick Kelly

Jeff & Nancy Henderson

Eternal Candle: Steve & Renee VanAtter; Wine: Steve & Renee VanAtter; Council Devotions: Penelope Smith; Communion Bread: Sarah Henthorn.

Page 6: The Epistle · 2015. 4. 5. · Christ that is our cluster. We are trying new ways to be church together (more inside the Epistle). Know that God's deep abiding love for the entire



1 Office 9 a.m.-l p.m.

10:00 a.m. Wednesday Morning Study via Zoom

2 Office 9 a.m.-l p.m. 6:30 p.m. Al-Anon

3 Office Closed 7:00 p.m. Al-Anon



Palm Sunday 8:45 a.m. Sunday School and

Adult Forum 10:00 a.m. Worship and Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. Fellowship Time

1-4:30 p.m Apostolic Church

6 Office 9 a.m.-l p.m.

7 Office 9 a.m.-l p.m.

8 Office 9 a.m.-l p.m. 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Morning Study

2:30-4:00 p.m. Math Tutoring @ Trinity

9 Office 9 a.m.-l p.m. Maundy Thursday

6:30-7:30 p.m. Al-Anon

7:00 p.m. Maundy Thursday Service @ Trinity

10 Office Closed

Good Friday

7:00 p.m. Good Friday Service @ Trinity 7:00 p.m. Al-Anon

11 Easter Vigil

11:00 a.m. Set-up for Easter at Trinity

Noon-4:00 p.m. Confirmation @ Immanuel, Boise

8:30 p.m. Easter Vigil Service @ St. Paul Catholic Church


Resurrection of Our Lord 10:00 a.m. Worship and Holy

Communion 1-4:30 p.m Apostolic Church

13 Office 9 a.m.-l p.m.

14 Office 9 a.m.-l p.m. Serve Community Meal @ 1st Presbyterian Church

15 Office 9 a.m.-l p.m. 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Morning Study

2:30-4:00 p.m. Math Tutoring @ Trinity

16 Office 9 a.m.-l p.m. 6:30 p.m. Al-Anon 7:00 p.m. Church


17 Office Closed 7:00 p.m. Al-Anon



Second Sunday of Easter 8:45 a.m. Sunday School and

Adult Forum 10:00 a.m. Worship and Holy

Communion 11:00 a.m. Fellowship Time 1-4:30 p.m Apostolic Church

20 Office 9 a.m.-l p.m.

9:00 a.m. Epistle Articles Due 6:00 p.m. Trinity New Hope

21 Office 9 a.m.-l p.m.

22 Office 9 a.m.-l p.m. 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Morning Study

2:30-4:00 p.m. Math Tutoring @ Trinity

23 Office 9 a.m.-l p.m. 6:30 p.m. Al-Anon

24 Office Closed Yard Sale 7:00 p.m. Al-Anon

25 Yard Sale

26 Third Sunday of Easter 50th Anniversary Women’s Ordination 8:45 a.m. Sunday School and

Adult Forum 10:00 a.m. Worship and Holy

Communion 11:00 a.m Fellowship Time 1-4:30 p.m Apostolic Church

27 Office 9 a.m.-l p.m.

28 Office 9 a.m.-l p.m. 11:30 a.m. Women’s Luncheon @ Indian Creek Steakhouse, Caldwell

29 Office 9 a.m.-l p.m. 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Morning Study

2:30-4:00 p.m. Math Tutoring @ Trinity

30 Office 9 a.m.-l p.m. 6:30 p.m. Al-Anon

Page 7: The Epistle · 2015. 4. 5. · Christ that is our cluster. We are trying new ways to be church together (more inside the Epistle). Know that God's deep abiding love for the entire

LET US REMEMBER IN OUR PRAYERS Craig Olsen Family (Craig’s mother passed away recently), Bob Henderson (from Terry & Sandy Blom- strokes), Bob Becht (bladder tumor), JJ Vallow, Tylee Ryan (missing children), Barbara Topp (broken hip), Danny Braudrick (broken ankle), Friend of Edith Hannett (husband is in a coma and health distress), Dean Metzger (recovering from surgery), Di Seba (beginning cancer treatments), Pr. John Hergert (upcoming medical procedures), Linda Dombeck, Virginia Gabel (from Emily Carpenter- kidney tumor), Family of Robert MacDonald (Robert passed away Feb 5th), Our government (from Sharon Jones), Jeff (Donna Tibbet’s son- recovering from shoulder surgery), Corey (from Julie Haugen- major health concerns), Vickie Caldwell (from Terry & Sandy Blom- cancer and chemotherapy), Darbie (Amanda Hanson’s cousin- colon & liver cancer), Bob Smith (Julie Ward’s uncle- reoccuring cancer), Sophia (Carl Radke’s baby niece- in hospital), Jerry Gaines (from Emily Carpenter- degenerative spinal cord disease), Lisa Harker (broken pelvis), Margretta Spady (leg swelling and pain), Randy Winwood (recuperating from knee surgery), John & Sarah Klahn (as they try to conceive), Amy Hopkins (Mary Braudrick’s daughter- for clarity of thought and courage for difficult decisions), Logan (Kelly Family nephew- pancreatitis), Louise Haugen (pain management), Jen Brossart (from Amanda Hanson- cancer), Aspen (Kelly Family niece- fighting leukemia), Connie (Edith Hannett’s daughter- for health & happiness), Sonja Thompson (from Sharon Jones- health issues), Kim Edwards (Perry’s wife-health), Linda Dobbs (Sharon Jones’ landlady- health), Letha (Jennifer Mettz’ mother- tumor in knee), Our homebound members and those who bring them communion. David Dombeck (poor health), Mona Lisa Regier (parkinsons), Rose (co-worker of Heinz Seba- health issues), Summer Foote (daughter of Randy & Martha Miller- MER infection). People in the Armed Services: Ben Rogers (The Vanatters’ nephew), Christopher Blohowiak (George & Helen Collins’ great-grandson- Army), Brett Collins (grandson of Helen Collins- Marines), John C. Collins II (Helen Collins’ grandson- Navy SEAL), Bill MacDonald (Navy). Those in need of continuing prayer: Ivan Kruchowsky (former Trinity member- for healing), Doyle Budd (nephew of Trisha Bishop and Di Seba- for peace and healing and guidance for doctors and family), Lorenna Ellis - Cru Campus Ministry National/Headquarters. John Steele (friend of Karissa Armbrust- cancer).

The Treasure Valley Cluster ELCA leaders have created a new website for daily devotions during this time of COVID-19. The website address is tvprayer.org. You can bookmark the website or subscribe.

Holy Week Updates We have journeyed through Holy Week together many times and I am confident that if I had to lead Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Morning with all of you in attendance, beginning tomorrow morning, it could

be done. What I have no experience doing is guiding you through the week from a distance and digitally. So I am already making plans for how to do it. Deep love for one another, among leaders of ELCA Treasure Valley congregations, has us doing that planning together. Last week we started dreaming about doing some of that work together. Keep watching your email for information. In some way that I have not yet figured out yet, we will still utilize the art being created by Trinity artists for the Good Friday Stations of the Cross. At a minimum, it will be turned into one of my blog posts and linked to the Trinity's website. Stations of the Cross were originally observed by pilgrims visiting the Holy Land, and were popularized by the Franciscans when they were given custody of the holy sites in Jerusalem in the 14th century. Artists from our congregation are contributing to the service. -------------------------------------------------------------cut here---------------------------------------------------------------

Easter Lilies We will again provide an opportunity for you to bring Easter lilies for the Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday Morning. Go to your favorite store and purchase the lily of your choice. Then just fill out this form and bring the lily and form to church by Good Friday. If you want to take your lily home, please indicate that with a note on your lily. Your Name__________________________________________________________________________________________________ In Memory of (for those who have died) ___________________________________________________________________________

In Honor of (for those still living)_________________________________________________________________________________

Page 8: The Epistle · 2015. 4. 5. · Christ that is our cluster. We are trying new ways to be church together (more inside the Epistle). Know that God's deep abiding love for the entire

Palm/Passion Sunday- April 5th Palm/Passion Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week. We rejoice with the crowds as Jesus enters into the city of Jerusalem, waving palms and shouting “Hosanna!” Weather permitting, we will begin worship on the patio and then move inside. As the service continues, we hear our first reading of the Passion story – the story of Jesus’ crucifixion.

Maundy Thursday- April 9th Maundy Thursday takes its name from the Latin word for “commandment,” as we remember when Jesus told his disciples, “A new commandment I give to you: Love one another.” We mark the official end of Lent by receiving individual absolution, or forgiveness—the oil marking the cross on

our forehead just as the ashes did on Ash Wednesday. We also remember the first Lord’s Supper and the washing of the disciples’ feet.

Good Friday Service- April 10th Good Friday commemorates the day when our Lord gave his life to save us from our sins. It is a very humbling service, as we contemplate the cost that Jesus paid for our redemption. This is the one day out of the church year when it is not appropriate to celebrate Holy Communion. On this day the body of our Lord is broken on the cross—not at the table; and on this day no celebrations are appropriate.

Resurrection of Our Lord- April 12th Easter Sunday is the day of the resurrection – a joyous celebration of God’s victory over sin and death. We will hear the story of our salvation and have a service of resurrection joy.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Trinity Lutheran Church 8 South Midland Blvd. Nampa, ID 83651 (208) 466-2173


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