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36 THE COMMERCIAL WEST Saturday, November 1. 1913

Send Your NORTH DAKOTA Business to


The Oldest and Largest Bank in the State


Cashier Asa't Cashier Asa't Cubier

Eastern Montana Notes. Billings, Mont., Oct. 28.-complylng with the order of

the State Railroad Commission, which they have been fighting for several years, the Great Northern and Chi· cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul roads have just started work on a transfer station at the Intersection of the two roads near Cushman. This connection will mean much to the jobbers In Billings, as It will open up a vast territory which has been practically closed to them since the advent of the Milwaukee railroad and the consequent abolition of the cross-country freighting.

• • • Rules for the first Pure Seed Exhibition to be held In

Billings have just been Issued, together with a list of the prizes to be awarded for the best showing of seeds. The Interest In pure seed Is Increasing rapidly In Montana, and a big exhibit Is expected. The list of prizes Includes 43 awards to be made for various kinds of seeds.

• • • Billings poultry fanciers are making preparations to

enter some of the blooded chickens In the poultry show to be held In Missoula early next month. Raisers of thor· oughbred poultry ate few In this section of the state, but the Interest Is Increasing and It Is probable that a poultry exhibit will be Included In the fair here next year.


Statemeat at CJoae of Baalae••· Oetober :n, 1913. RESOURCES.

Loans and dlscounta .. . . .. .... • . . . .. .. . .. $2,522,001.46 Overdrafts . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • 9,644. 75 United States bonds to secure c irculation 250,000.00 Otl\er bonds . . • • . . . . . . . . . • .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 812,500.00 Municipal bonds to aecure United Statea

postal savings deposits . .. . .. . . . . ... . . . 19,000.00 Banking house . . . . . . . • • • • . . . . . • • • • . . . • • 50,000.00

Caall Reaoa~. United States bonds to secure

United States deposits . • . .• .. $30,000.00 With banks .. .. . . .. . . .. . •. . .. 802,699.73 With Treasurer U. S. . . . . . . . . . • 12,500.00 In vaults . . ••.. . • . .. .. • .• • ... . 232,157.86


Total . . •. . . • . . .. .... . .• . . .. ... . . .. . . . $4,7 40,503.80 LIABILITIES,

Capital • . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . • . • • . . • . • . . • • . . . • $250,000.00 Surplus . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . • . . . . • . . • . • • . . . . . . 400.000.00 lTndlvlded proftts . • • . . . . . . . . . • • • . . • . . . . • 49 ,033.56 Reserved tor taxes and Interest .. . . .. . ... 18,000.00 Bonds borrowed . , . • . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • • • • . . 19,000.00 Circulation . .. • . , .. .... ... ... • .. ... . ; . . • 250,000.00 Deposits . .. . . • . . . . . . . . . • . . . .. . . . • . . • . . . • 3,754 ,470.24

Total . . . ... .. . . .. . .. • ..... . .. ... . . .. • . $4,740,503.80 UNITED S'I'ATES DEPOSIT,\RY,

The Live Stock Exchange National Bank OF CHICAGO

Statemeat at tile Cloae of Ba•lneoo.., Oetober lll, 1913, RESOURCES.

Loans and discounts . . ...•. . . . • . •. .. . ... $8,116,808.27 Overdrafts . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . • . 24 ,6i 2.24 United States bonds .. ,,.. .... . .. . . . . . . ... 100,000.00 Other bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238.000.00 Cash and du e from banks... . . . .. . . .. . .. . 5,103,405.48

LIABILITIES, Capital stock . . .. . ... . . . ..... ... .... . . . . Surplu!! ... . .. .. .. .. . ... . .. . ... . ........ . Undivided profits . . . .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. ... . . Dls<'ount collec ted but not earned . . .. .. . . Reserved tor taxes . . . .. . .... . .. . . . . . .. . Circulation ... ... ..... . .. . . . . . .. . ... . . . . Dividends unpaid • • .. .... . .. . . • .. . . ... . . Rill s payable . . . .. . • . • . ... . . .. . . .. . . . . . . D eposits . ... . . . .... . ...... .... . . . . ... . . .


$13.r.s2 ,885.99

$1,2 fi 0,000.00 500,000.00 127,347.9 4

92,390.49 20,395.69 99.200.00

2.911.50 500.000.00

10,990,640. :1; ------$13,582, 885. !1 !)

"'· A. lli~ATH . . . . .. .. . ... . . ... . . ... ... ... .. Prf',. id<'nt G. A. HYTHEIL .... .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . ... . \'ic<' Pr<>s i<l <> nt G. F . EMF:RY . .... . .. . ... . . .. . .... . . ..... . . . .. Ca~hi t> r A. \\'. ,\XTI-:LL . . . . .. . . ... . . . . . . .. . . . A~><i .- tant Cnshi f' r H. E. HJ<: HRICK . . . , . .... .. . . .. . . . . . As!< lstant l'a~hiPr L. L. HOBB::; . .. . . , .. .. . . .. . . , .. .. . . A~sistant Cas hit·r

DIRE('TORS, J . Og<l <' n ,\rmour, Jamell H . ,\ ,. h by. Sa mu<>l Cozzens,

\\' . A. Heath, A1·thur G . Leona rd . C. M. Ma.- F a rlan .. . l•:dward Mo r ris, II . 8. Poronto, G. ,\ . Ryth e1·, J . A. Hpoor and Edward F. Swift.

The first real payment for sugar beets this season wm be made by the Billings Sugar company next Saturday and at that time the farmers In the Yellowstone and tributary valleys wlll receive about $400,000 In cash. A small pay· ment was made at the factory last week, at which time the company paid out about $20,000, a large part of which reverted back to the company as payment for seed fur· nlshed to the farmers last spring.

• • • Taking advantage of the presence of one of the largest

Irrigation ditches of the Northwest, which passes through an addition to Billings, which Is to be opened In the near future as an exclusive residential section, the company which Is putting It on the market has started work of beautifying the ditch. The batiks will be graded down, sown to grass and planted with shrubs, and a 60-foot drive­way will follow along both sides of the ditch, edged by shade trees.

• • • For the purpose of giving the boys and girls or the city

some healthful occupation during the summer months and to teach them something about gardening, Supt. Nye of the Bllilngs schools Is making an effort to get owners of vacant lots in the city to turn them over to the children tor gardening purposes during their vacation months.


Jamestown, N. D., Oct. 23.-Yesterday witnessed the passing of another bonanza North Dakota farm, the noted Corwin farm being broken up to make way for more small landholders. All personal property on the farm of 2,690 acres was sold, and today three new owners, who have each bought about a third of the big farm, are In charge of the land.

S. F. Corwin began the formation of his farm nearly thirty years ago, constantly adding to It until he had a property that Is valued at more than $135,000.

The new owners c;>f the farm are : Fred Bohn of Mil· bank, S. D.; W. H. Bohn of Jamestown, and the Lenz Land company of Jamestown. It Is probable that the property will be furthe·r divided among small owners.



Minneaplia, Minnesota

Statem .. ot at ( ' Jmoe of Baodae••• Oetober :n, 1913.

RES01JRCES. Municipal bonds . .. • . . . .... . .... . . • ..• .• • . $1 . H4,868. 43 Mnl' tl{age loans .. . ... . . , . , . .. . . . . ..... . . •• 2.402,3i6.00 Loan" and discounts . ....• . .•. .. . • .' . •. . •.• 1,558 . 871.~0 Q,·erdrafts . .. . . . . ... .. ....... . .. . •. . . . . • . . 851.26 Cas h on hand and due from banks . . . . . . .. 814,995.83

$6,22t,962.32 I,L\811.1Tn~8.

Cnpltal Stoe k .. .. . .. ... . ... .. ,,. .. ... .. . . $250,000.00 Rurplu>< . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260,000.00 Undlvid <>d pronts .. . . . .. . . .. ... . .... .. . . .. 11 .664.68 D epos its . .. . . , ... , .. .. . .. . .. . . . .. . . ..... 5,il0,39i.64

$6,221,962.32 OFFI(:ER!!.

\\'. H. LEE .. . .... .. .. .. . , . . .. • . ... . . .. . . . . President ))A VI 0 P . JONES . . .... . .. .. •... • . . . . . VIce Preslil<'nt W. F . McLANJ<: . . .. . . . . . . .... ...... . . . . . ... ... Ca!lhlt'r H. H . RARRER ... . .. . .... . .. ....... Assistant Cashier ROGER I. Ll·:g .. . . ... . . . . .. ... . . ... Aso.istant Cashier

Tilt. S'I' .. :J•:S. F . ,\ , Chambt>rlain, \\'. II . L<'<', \\'. F . McLant', F . M.

P r ine ... David C. B!'ll, IJnvld P . Jon es. Henry Doerr.

Organized in 1870 Does a Commercial and Savings Busin~•.:-- 1

Forty-three Years of Safe and Conservative~

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