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Page 1: The Forgettable Years

The Forgettable Years

Unit 5Lesson 8

Page 2: The Forgettable Years

Big Idea:

Lasting effects of the Watergate scandal cost Gerald Ford the presidency and put DC outsider Jimmy Carter in office. Both faced serious economic problems at home and challenges abroad.

Page 3: The Forgettable Years

Warm Up

What motivated Nixon to commit the acts that forced his resignation?


Page 4: The Forgettable Years


What were the 3 goals of Nixon’s “New Conservatism”?What was Nixon’s “southern strategy”How did Nixon’s foreign policies impact the Cold War?What was Watergate and how did it lead to Nixon’s resignation?

Page 5: The Forgettable Years

The Unlikely PresidentAug 8, 1974

VP Gerald Ford becomes 1st non-elected President Nelson Rockefeller

appointed VP

Nation distrusts govtAngry CongressUnstable economy

Page 6: The Forgettable Years

Ford’s FoiblesWatergate Scandal Pardon costs support

Economic Troubles Recession, “WIN”

Combative Congress Veto (66x’s)

Cold War Tensions Détente, Helsinki Accords

SE Asia Vietnam Falls, Khmer Rouge in Cambodia (War

Powers Act)

Page 7: The Forgettable Years

Section Quizzes

Page 8: The Forgettable Years


July 4,1976, US 200 yrs old…yeah!!!

Page 9: The Forgettable Years

1976 ElectionRepublicans Gerald Ford holds off

ReaganDemocrats Jimmy Carter, GA gov

and peanut farmerIssues: Inflation, Energy,

UnemploymentCarter wins Close 297 to 240 50.1% pop vote

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Mr. Carter, Peanut Farmer

DC outsiderReligious manPlain spoken, but intelligentInformal, low-key image

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Carter’s ConundrumsDomestic Issues DC Outsider

Inexperience, lack support Economy

Inflation: Deficits, then social cuts Deregulation “Misery Index”

Civil Rights Bakke & Affirm Action

Environment 3 Mile Island

Energy Crisis DOE, NEA, conservation OPEC shortages, lines, prices

Foreign Policy Middle East

Camp David Accords Soviet Union

SALT II, Afghan Invasion = 1980 Olympic Boycott, end detente

IRAN HOSTAGE CRISIS 52 taken @ US embassy Held 444 days Failed rescue attempt = 8 dead Released day Reagan took


Page 12: The Forgettable Years

Enter the Conservative Revolution


Reagan defeats Carter Tough on communism Reduce size of govt Stimulate economy

Page 13: The Forgettable Years

Section Quizzes

Page 14: The Forgettable Years


Who was more successful in the Presidency, Ford or Carter? Why?

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