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Page 1: The Girl Who Fell

Written and Illustrated by

Jim Ferretti

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Page 3: The Girl Who Fell

Sara sat in a tree, day after day, reading her book.

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One day Sara fell and wouldhave smacked into the ground,

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if a mighty bird hadn’t swept down and caught her!

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The bird flew high anddropped little Sara over the ocean.

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Before she hit the water a big fishopened its mouth and swallowed her whole!

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Down into the fish’s belly she went!

Down into the fish’s belly she went!

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Until she came to rest (still reading, of course)by an old tire, license plateand dead fish!

Until she came to rest (still reading, of course)by an old tire, license plate and dead fish!

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Then the fish

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And out Sara flew,high into the sky...

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Then she wascaptured by a

saucer from Mars!

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The door opened and in Sara went, just as she turned another page.

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“What is this?” one of the Martians asked. “Oh, it might be dangerous!” the other warned.And back out into space Sara went!

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Page 19: The Girl Who Fell

Sara, still reading, did not know that she wasnow orbiting the planetJupiter! Round andround she went, that little girl and her book,until she landed on a meteor...

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Sara kept on reading as she rode the meteor back to Earth.When she fell off, she landed on the wing of a plane!

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“Grandpa!” a little boy cried.“There’s a little girl on thewing of the plane!”But before his grandfathercould look, Sara had fallen again!

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She landed atop a parachute as she turned another page.

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Mistaking Sara for a bird, the skydivershook her off and once again she fell!

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Sara kept reading as she landed in a softpile of hay. A strange creature camealong, picked her up and carried herback to her tree.

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The creature carefully placed Sara backon her branch. The little girl kept onreading, unaware of the adventure shejust had.

The creature carefully placed Sara backon her branch. The little girl kept onreading, unaware of the adventure shejust had.

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And there Sara stayed until her mother called her in for dinner. Sara climbed down the tree and hurried home.(Still reading, of course!)

And there Sara stayed until her mother called her in for dinner. Sara climbed down the tree and hurried home.(Still reading, of course!)

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The End.The End.

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Sara sat in a tree, day after day, reading her book.So begins the story of little Sara,

the girl who fell!

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