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Things To Cmne Tues. Dec. 9, EncUab Duo al eol·

Ieee Awll&ortam. Wed. Dec. 10, S......d &DDaal

BoskelbaU Ruleo Clinic Tb....._ Doc. 11, West VlrriDia

Tech pme-Debaie class In

~"'=: 12, Vktrola daDce •at C}'IDIUISillaL

Sal. Dtc. 13, BetbaaJ pme. San. Dee. Jt. Vespers RI'Tlce. Mo.oda,.•. Dec. 1$, Three GDe-ad

The welc~me mat Is ~ iD tbe. door or Pres. B. B. Beffln's ortl~e invitior students to eome in and ''I'd .a.cqualn.ted or d.ls­c.ss problems." Dr. Benin aays \hat be ls willing and eacer &.o eld students in whatever man­nee he ean.

Each day, when Pra. Heflin Is here. a period from 8:65 to

· Publillhed W eekl11


More Meat Types, Bet ter Coffee S~n FoDowing Student·F~ulty Report

pbJS at auditorium. ~~~ts."'iU be ob!ilened for stu-J Increased variety in menus anii SlDce Ibis lime halo been oet more planned. -ys o! serving pota­

ulde tor students, why not use toes and appleae.uce are the achiev-1~ ed results !rom a study o! !00<1$ be-

l~------------' ~~':~eeds!::te:h~8~Y h:l~oh:~

IOILET, ROOMS ~~r: ::,::n:~::::::e: Center Will Be In Gym; Plans Not Yet Complete BEING READIED

students and the desire to serve the

=U:f'!m~l~:'!,ll~ .~~~Y ":en~ Rest Rooms Being Addell In GSC Old Ad Buildin«

Plans tOr a. Studhlt union to be opened In tbe con,.. 8}'llli1Uium are moYing forwarc. rapidly accordinc to Information just released by Dean Robert T . Cr&wford, member af Two totlets for elementary boys Glenvllle State college counciL and girls o! tbe Traln1ng SChool.

COmplete arnngemena as yet and two guest rooms being added

:•~ttn~a:!· 0~~:=~ at Louis Bennett hall comprise cur-oenter sltuanon 117 t1>e Bill Po\r and rent r<':nodelllng acUvltles at Glen-c&mP'US orpmatJoo repre.senlattve, ville Shte college, Pres. H. B . Hetun It....._ decided to order "'ndlntr ma- Captain 1- Ull;r, hlcb--rtDc told TilE MERCURY today. dUnes lor m\lllo, 80ft clrtJW, olpr- ;::::"'i;. a:. ~~I~~ Cement !locrs have been laid. oolr­et~ ~ o! tbe IIIAdllna Vlrlb>la Tech Th-.y alcM at lug Installed, and a new doorway

'rill be ~· tbn>\1111 uoe or a I P. m. 1 !::ms~ ::~~ b':;i~.!~-1\al:o 1\md whldl -wl be -- -.,.

bunted from proftt.s of the center. PIONEERS OPEN ~m~ :o;:s~~a:~ ~J[ ='=let~: ~~:~ 1 nlre:>dy have cement noors ll.!d, and for student actiVIties. wiring ftnlshed. l>esldes a door cut

·oo11ege malnten~ cretf 1s w CAGE SCHEDULE through the old Wl\1!.

12 =~:: .. ~ !"&': j sin~ln~~ n.':t,be~~h~~ ~ danclng ·:::~u:eda:.alltbe"":"-~ THURSDAY AT 8. ~~~ ... L<>o~lsm~~"g~~~~

The o..n ~ the hope that for <>v<rn1g'bt guest&. such as Lyceum

~~ ~ U:~d!: ~!~ 6ison's Face White Wave performers, at tbe college.

takolto place among the bulldlnp or 1 fn Second Contest ; Jess i as B~ans~~~~e 0~ ':'·~= Glenville State college. I LiDy Is Only Letterman by Jan. 1. 1948, probable opening

No date has been set fOr opening 1 d!)tf>, a!ld at times when guests are the center, pend!Dc an1val of equip- By Jobn Fryatt not m1ng the rooms they will be mtnt ~~/ormulatton of manage- Thursday night at 8 p. m., used for toUet rooms for the lounge.

I the Pioneers of Glenville State colle~e will ~ke to ~he rampbell Sees hardwood m t h e 1 r openmg \.1 game of the 1947-48 ca~e sea- 1

son against w est Virginia World Unrest

!ems was appointed by Pres. H . B. Rerun and James Colllns, president frC. the student body.

Faculty <OtDprtstng the committee consisted of Espy W. Miller, chair­mon. M i!s Cbrlssa WI!Hams, and Byron Turne~. Students appointed ty Collins were Arlene Woodburn, Paul deGnzyter and Rnso Morgan. Cttrumit tee Reftlves CooperatiDD In an Interview with a MERCURY

reporter. President Heflin asserted that .. nw, college dietitian. her u­rtstants, and the admintstrattoo. co­operated fully In giving a.sslstaru:e to the \fork or bhe committee."

Reviewing tha commtttee·s re­port on food conditions, President Heflin pointed out that a new dlab­way!J~ for Kanawha hall had been ordered In May of 194.7 but had not: as yet been received.

As regard condit4on of napkins in

title 1d~~!~:d ~~r~;a~2~u be

English Pair Sings Tonight Tech's Golden Bears. I

Coach Carlos Ratliff, with · S ~ Bias M · · 1 Ao.....!!:-~:-----o n I y one letterman on his I P r ts oun~mg I

SADIE HAWKINS Austraiian V oc:al Duo squad o1 24, has been dr111lng the I Spread Of Red Iron Ring I WiU Present Program ::~:!~a~: £:tltew=~~d0:~! By Russ McQuain ln a return en1J88ement, the IIDt- n with Tech. With 18 freshmen on Emphasizing that United states Sadie Hawkins

llSh Duo, eecond Lyceum program the l'()ster Coach Ratliff hasn't been and B-:.itian worked toget!lerin wa.r, D W B o! the year featuring VIol& Morris able to give any Indication Just who I so whv not In peace. Sir Gerald ay as oon .ooprano, and Victoria. Anderson con~ will be in the starting line-up I Campbell, British career diplomat, F B h l tralto, 'Will present a duet Pl'Olram. Captain Jesses Lilly, tormer Be:k- opened the current L~eum· season or ac e ors l tonight at 8 :15 o'clock 1n the col- ley ace and high scorer 00 last 1 wtth R lectur~ J:lst ntght 1n Glen- . lege au<Utortam. year's team Is tbe only holdover \ ''!lie State college auditorium. By Ronald Rollins

Uemben of the duo were friends m 1946-47 squad. 1 together let not ,eace put asunder .. Sam 1\'ho is touring sunny Slobbovta, 1ro the ' "ThfJ6e whom war hath joined I Acttng in the absence of 'marryin'

their netlve Melbourne where I Other Candidates Are Listed lJ:re told ~ large audience ot studentS wtrh Senator Fogbound, P ete Rippe studied s1nging, and presently Ot"ner candldates are : J ack LUly I !at'ltlty snd townsfolks ' stt:u"ted the tim Sadie Hawikns Day went to London together to I ot Beckley; Paul Tara.suk and John · suenktng of the Marsh au aid pro- race ever to be held on the Glen­

training under Hany Morrone, Grant Town; Bob Hard- grain. hr. brought out that If put in- ville State college campus w'hen be. · man and Oharles Adams, Glenville: to pl"'letlce, it h ed the chance of I shg,tttered t~e air of exgectancy with

they had no thought Ramie Mills, Glen Gainer, Jack ~,1ngtng Poland Czechoslovakia primed musket Friday, Nov. 21, at together, OOMeqUently, Mall and BJU Chesshlre, Par kers- Ukr!tne, and other' satellltes, all rood 4:04, offichU Oogpatcb time, in

bu was preparing for a solo career burg; Glt-nard Vannoy and Max producers awav trom the Russian front of the college library as an t k aince they were trtends, they Moore of Normantown. com'munt.~t sphtTe of influence o\·ertlow crowd howled and shouted = ed together, and dlscUBse~ mu- Bill Wilfong, Bob Walker, James FngliCJh Unworried About ~ds its approw.l. • · Ma:-sh and Jim Frame, Weston: Carr.pbell saict that England was . The doomed Abners and the des-

400 Yf'an Covuect>ln Repertoire Steve Dll;hauzi. and George Volosin, rot ro won·ied 3t the ,spread ot com- pcrnte Daisy Maes tore from the The repertoire of the Duo covers Weirton: Bob Conley, Richwood; munism as wa~ America because .starting lines when the muzzleload.er

over !our hundred years of song, Fred fennlngton, Northfork; Roll England l'!ad not 50 muc!l to lose. cracked and were soon lost from ~~Mort~ Schutz, and Purcell to


Burk, Sand F ork; Paul Siegrist, He compared the Un!ted States as view as the fast females set a lively au!>un, W ama, FrankbJ1.dge and Clarksburg; Albert Groves, Qassa.- being At the top ot 11 tree on a pace.

w-:;~!11' Ml.thllda. •'waY; and Carl Custer, Parkersb}lrg. lower bran""h being England and Tattered Clothes Tell Tales

da~ ng dtoured the Uhited ~tes I (Continued on Page 4} Rt thP tr~k be1ng the ~sUm Coonskin caps, and tattered and ~ ana a several times, ranking "bear.'' tom remnants of Dogpatch dUds !!,~~~~ w1: co~es andtunhl- .~ One-Acts Billed The ••Bear ; • s g!"eat bluffer ac- lay scattered about on the lawn,

. • • Y ave 8 sung a t e • eording t, the soeake: , -:nust tirst •mute ev1dence of the struggle Wich ~nli:r1~~~n~ ~~e members ot 1 At GSC, December 15 remove England from the interna- ensut>d when the sh out from the m:nt 11 ya · Y at Govern-, t1onal picture before deallng wtth crowd went up, "They're off!'' Alth~u: ~ ottftw~ti i Three one-act, plays wlll be pre- America . Russi9, in order to main- Capping almost a , week of ra1lles,

gram n~be 1n ~0 d on ~ g.ro- sented in Glenville State college tnin an irritated feeling between (Continued o~ -page 4) ev land rs c u es mus c om I auditorium, Monday, Dec. 15, at Yllnkees and Br lti.shers, rubs the gtv~ parttcui~r ~:::, ~nth·~~ 8:ls. p . m.. repom M~<s Opal Vln- <ore spots Which exist 1n Anglo- Freshmen Announce Ellzabelllan England. e ~ .. ~~ ~.~~ ~rr~.~~rillrec:ted by A~::!'. ii!~:~commt.· Threat First Class Party S EIU Or h Bernard Poole, ·so. has the follow~ Campbell foresal7i, ''The Kingtlo'm.

Booa mmy 8 ~ estTa Ia ing cast; Ella Mae Scott, Eleanor whtch V-iS made up ot individuals Announcing tlhetT first major·

ked for Dee. 18, Dante MUls, Bob Galford, Marianne of s ll colors, would. never turn soct~l event of the yeax, the Fresh ... R hOO.es. Mary Walters, Charles Cur- "pink" becal4""e God never made man class has planned a gala class•

Kappa Sigma Kappa, fOllowing tt.s rey and Donald Von Hom. man in his image tn syntlheUc party and dance to be 'held 1n the auccea of the Sadie Hawk- Director Warren Cox, '49, has the colors." college gym, Friday, Dec. 12, from

.,<~tot, ... a!!a.lr, Is sponsoring a ~~~;k~:Y~!.;n~':tn~~rt~o~uit Pickens Visits Marshall 8 unU! u p. m., In an errort t.o en-, Ca.ndlellgbt danoe ThU11- Gunn and Ruth Mearns doing the ~ Uv~h;a:.ll~gef 4en~by series

18, from I until 12, In the U:ttng. Miss Pearl P1clcens, dean of wom· of 'ham• acts,5 S:~~natlo~ and

117111 with 8- ll:llla' or- Raymond Tracy. •411, directing en and college Instructor, ....,ently group singing. Gene Jarvi• Is-­handlna out tale -..-. ~~ ~~~ w=t~:"'t ~~ visited the dean o! \IIOIDen at Mar- tng the acts. and has succeeded in

Ia t2.60 per-le and B'ull, MAry ..._.. Henry, and ~~ef~ =-.= .. ~ ~~~te :n•c=•·.;": JaiiD Hensley. 1 and tbe WOI1t o! tt>la pQIItlon. hlgb1lght o! t1>e aU&lr. ---




U.S. Cannot Withstand 2nd Pearl Harh,or

ON the CAMPUS The past Sunday was a day which, if the criteria of world brotherhood were to be reached. could very easily pass as any other Sabbath. Instea\1, Pearl Harbor Day is a time when every living American should be reminded of another J By Ball and BoUins

~un~ay-<me which initiat.ed active A;meric~ participation j With a thunderous roar, which m htstory' s greatest conflict. brought all the sleepln' beauUes 1n

It /Would do little good to rise upon our soapboxes or LOuis Beunett hall tumbling trom out of our pulpits. A more plausible and constructive sug- their sacks, the local mall plane gEstion hinges ar?und om: simply taking heed today of the :,';' .tc~·j;"~m~ha:n;;:~~ reasons for the dtsaster SIX years ago. Take heed and then dro~ped his airmail messages with attempt to prevent history from repeating itself. tlhe a...'""""'cy of a pickle lingered

The U~ited States ~uld eas.ily have' lost the war in the :~~~~~h:r!~~';,.i=:\~cts ~";.i days followmg the surprise attack, had Oahu and the re- la,.ies I swoop with the swiftness mainder of Hawaiian Islands been invaded while virtually of a hawk to the tll'6t bag, beating all the "heavy" fleet lay in the mur. This would have ser\>'- my opposition by a nose, and when, ed as a base w:ithin easr bombing distance of the west coast. !~~r att':"aidln~ :"ow.~ !'~h t~~= It was lack of informatiOn on the extent·of the damage/Which puzzling phrases: probablY. saved us from attack-possibly saved us from Jack Ban b wdl vened on the defeat.- subJect ''Females are Fast." A line

1'oH.B.H. 1

(Tune: "H. M. S. Pinafore'' When Harry was a lad and went to school To learn 3 R's and the Golden Rule, He learned all his lessons so thoroughly 1 That he was graduated with a Bachelor's degtee. But' with that degree he IWllS not content; So to Tennessee he promptly went And enrolled in the College called Peabod-ee From which he went away with a Master's. degree. From there he took his family to North Caroline Where he taught in a college and was doing fine Till Old Uncle Sam sen~ him a slip, Saying, "Come and be a ruler on a battleship".

) I

He got back from the War and was feeling fit; So 'he went to the College that is known as Pitt Where his work so impressed every-dean and proctor That they all consented to make him a Doctor.


From there he was sent to Marshall College To help the dons in dispensing knowledge; His success therein proved to be so gx:eat That now he is the Ruler of Glenville State. -H.L.W,

What would be the outcome if another "sneak" attack he mlrht ,u to hb sclll'rilous on were to be launched against us now? Two years after finds ~o;!~_!oDows: "All that Des b not our armed might at an alarming low. One doesn't have to he a Quiz

Manpower was cut (through the !Weight Of public opinion) Kid to roretell or reallze that Paal GSG Food Study dlcate that quality ar naiiee baa-with all speed possible shortly after VJ Day, and trained 'Tarzan• Tarasak b conna he hot· proved. It Is plam>ed In ~ ruturt personnel are now at an absolute minimum. Should it be tor than an Esldmo around the (COntinued from .Page ll to serve more lru1t lulA:es for break• necessary that another war be fought at an early date we, ::;::.~ on the basketbaU coart this used to supplement present linen· last. without a doubt, would find ourselves in simihir prediea- napkins when ~ey can be obtained. Balanced Diet lo -bt ment as exist'ed in 1941. h~ly~~leng:e ~i!~ir, almost ~ ~renn~al "r'~ In ai war In preparing large quantltlea oC

There is one solution to the uncertaintly !Which accompa- Hero Hosey, a pint-sized powder- ~a m':,ti~~,:"' .::l1 ;! wo.g'::[' ~.~~ ~~ :;;, Is ,::::',~thai a,::::: nies every move of a known aggressor nation-a large, well- keg on the striped field, is also a lenUessly" especially during the


guide is employed here lor !:bat pm; train.ed, modernly equipped military force. This, in turn, can speed~erc~ant .:;r~ the ~eldB:Uis holiday season. pooe, Dr. He!lin points out.

be acco!llplished only through universal · military training. ~~·s. Q c er an e 'Fin~·~i t!:e =~te In- ca~:h~fsa:.,~;_~~ tntn! Then Will the U. S. be able to face . each Pearl Harbor Day 1 George ¥award, the black-haired creased emphasis Is needed far new placements ar dishes and sn-­with a feeling of security - a knowledge that if it does hap- ~ok~l from Gr<mtsville, has au the ways of serving such foods ao pota- ware has been necessaey ~us ~ ~en again it will.not be so disastrous, and possibly finis for :"~"':,:'~~~ ar the gentler oex toes and aPiflesauce. "U th- par- this year. It Is 1x> be remembered. life as we know 1t. Dale "Cyclone" Davi~reconnoi- :~~~e!n~;: r=:.~ us

38 ~ ~:O:q~~: ~me.:.': U: , terlng and regrouping for another about it, .. Dr. Heflin averred. "~ collected from board .and room. 'l'be

Petrillo Disc Ban Will Affect 'Cats' ';!:!'. at enticing the colleges rem- vtously, tt is not possible ilo' sat!S!y state does not appropriate ~ . · Hury Adams h'8s a wardrobe that ~:a=~~t ~h:SSS::~~ we feel! :o;::m::. ~~~:;;: tund. tar

On this Dec . . 31, if present threats are carried out, all would make Clark Gable's look Uke Recognition has an reo<ly been, CompllmeaJo Food Commtitee record companies 'Will be forced, by order of the American a country school boy's. given to the current Shortage ar . "The wark ar the COIIIIIIIttee ,., ~ederation of 1\lusi~ians Chief, Ja':Ile~ C. Petrillo, to discon- ltoJ;;::':Cg:.~I" -::len~~ milk. As of last Monday, an addi- highly satlslacoory &114'1t 111 great~J tinue makmg records and transcriPtions. bv the use 01 this lucid lyric and tiona! nve gallons or milk per day apprecl&te<l. I feel It did an -~-

This move is being made in order to stem the increas- cause you to yearn for yuletide: ::, =1=~7:.!'e~e :: = 1 1~e~~.;Jl~e '.:;:;"'~

ing ,practice of using records and transcriptions on radio ~~r'ls~mas "';.."::" ba~ce &l<M ood the college tarm. "We hcpe to bave'tn aervtng u..; halt IOOd aDd ~· programs instead of hiring 'live' musicians, accordiug to Mr. "c'J:".!,. re •es. "" r l.e served variety In kinds ar meat to largest quantity p!lllld>Je --

PetrillQ. . . . Bvercree~• are cut, and carols once ~tcS::S~ th!~ :-e~~~ rf:.J= ~of= ::,m::n:; Th~ hardest hit by the· decree-tl'le small radiO statwns mor,e riDr! and I am Informed tbo.t no uver is students to wtthdnw rrom t:he col•

who rely on records for almost all their musical diversity- WW:,O,!'~";"':!''~ow !lakes, the at present on onler." · I Jese. contend .that such action is unnatural procedure; that it is cards ...., addressed,· parcels ,_ Recently a m.ember ai West VIr- "I wu pleued to DOte tbat ba contrary to scientific advancement and will create unnece5- oent ' gtna State Board a( Health Inspect- Quantity and quality ai ,_ -

sary added expense. It's :;:;'l'h to bankrupt the u. s. :!d~O: !:::S~m;:: =~ ~=of ::m.:!..mt':e~ This latter reason is by far the most important one as Christ....;, dinner steamtnr hot b genrtors. His llndlngs 'plBced ap- ing preserved and as Is pooslble 'lri1lt

far as these small stations are concerned. Their budgets tit lor a kiD,;, ' proval U1>9n thelr condltton ar san!- high coots and poor deUvery, addl-are running, as a rule,. very near the red line now. Then, Wh~.~~r~· slelrh beDs ~· ta~;:· commllltee point>; out that :'n~m":".,:'~ ~'!';: too, many .of the station~ would tbe able to employ com- Your stocklnp may be holey, your reports rrom student<; an ready tn- dent Hellln concluded. petent musiCians at any price. bankroU may he thin,

But how is this o,!"U)ing going to affect the student-the But let's all hope by next Christmas record fan ? there's peace among aU men.

Happily. enough it will go unnoticed for a year or more. ce::.!Jwon:n~~!\'iu~~fusto ,.!"a~.,';: At the end of this year enough records and transcriptions age m~ntal capacity, one can be a will have been made to continue eoming on the market until success." -JoAnn Forman

the public has had time to adjust itself to the ordeal of at- This choice tidbit is hotter than tempting an existence without "platter parties." . anything I have typed since the

There is akways the posibility that non-union •bands. will revue Job· I did lor MGM on the arise-partciularly among the younger set-and \that a :_~~.,;;i:re,.;e~~~~!~~ few recording companies will not be affected by the ban, vou ever lind 1n the ougar barrel. but this is far from satisfactory. The public wants the pres- John Fcyatt is about the Jjiggest

ent "name" bands to continue and wjll be dissatisfied with ~!m;~ ~dTh~g!~,.. 'J: anything else. more lines than the Applachlan

After having a recording of one's favorite to,p tune Electric Power pjant. He has a c~essly spinning before one ,it's going to seem difficult shTeW<i mind which would put Ein­

and old-fashioned twirling radio dials for hours in an at- ~~n·tv;~e:;~~ekn~:. 1s_:c~~';.tl;: tempt to get something besides Winchell and "One Mali's vote ror the sllekest shyster 1n Gil-Family." mer county.

Black markets in records may arise, but a s.imple prob- Ba<k !rom adJastlnc the ribbon Iem like that will take care of itself. The most confusing, ?t~:,Y ~~:·~'DB~..; :"!!,~.,!~~ difficult issue at present centers around the problem of to a gifted gaucho from Pennsylvau,· getting a full band inside a juke box. ~i.;::;.e. ~~'::.t tod::;:.·t~e ~::::,"::



Rexall Store


Most modern tables in Glenville

Good friends stop goodaodu good ebtea

and good tlmea


ill for

Soft drinks Sandwldlla


Old friends meet at the

Old Mill by the

·1 1 Will GSC change rrom coal to stalk. pld bridge ta talk over Mercury Musings 1 <Continued from JY<UJ:e ll g":; ~~ long has ' Barney P<>ole Veterans Representative Old times

Glenville State College been taking ventroliquist lessons? 'Due at GSC December 11 '-====~==================="!. Glenville. West Virginia (~~en can't ~row his voice that, Karl A i emison, contaCt oflficer -D ear Mr. Hall: I far ) . of Veterans admin:lstra'tion, wUl be ·

In response to your card of re- Peht Is Pu~ . at GlenvW• State college, Dec. 11. THE GLENVILLE MERCURY cent date, I am requesting our mail~ Onoe upon a time 'Ill anda Burk- to interview veterans whose subsis- St d t "' -•-• N f Glenvill State "-"-tng department to send you a. copy hammer headed lor the blackb<mrd tence allowance payments are not U en .. e.,..y ewspaper 0 e ......,.... of our _current catalog. You will find and cnrOl~te she. W'd.S pOSteriorly tap- up to date. Glenville, West VlrgiDia admission regulations on page 61. r-ed by Jtm Petlt, and imm~ia~lr.: All veterans who have payments If y'Ju qualify for admission , please U not sooner, she exclaimed, Petit. due should contac;:t Jemison on this let me know aod I shall be ~lad to Hug_h "Call Me. Karo" Moore, ever date !n order that their names may ~~~~d the ne~cessary application ~~~~f~~~:. ~~~~me~! be placed on Tihe adjustment payroll

""Y-ou will note that it .is necessary that's what he did." for December. ......

~.J.~ :~;;~tate transfer to have dP~~e: :~ i::O~~ v~::n.: M1ss Frances Myers, '42, of st. We appreciate your interest in club which held open house Thanks- ~a~, 1~~~ ~t~:er aunt,

~oh~~v~r:~:;~c:eof:t!e~~~ ro=e~a~i:r a t.~~n:caAoo~::!: Miss Myers 1<> a member of the tng. and other esstntlal.s. State OouncU of Churches tn MinD-

Very sincerely yours 1 Prof Goldie J ames veteran of esota and W1LS previously director of F. B. DUley, 'I the bl~logy department, 1s back on the Young People's Churches of S t.

Director of AdmisiSions t.he job in Sclence ball follOwing a Paul. "nlere bas been some speculation. recent sttack of lllness, !JTOVing - - ---------­

follow1!le the .rec:ent mid-term grade herself a real trouper. Her policy dress at t~e El.t1ns WVIPA meet, zep<Jr..s, as to Whether I..ou1s Ben- is that college, llke the show, must compared the present situation with nett haD bas a ''B" avence, and we go on! thst brought on by prohibition " lew do mean a venae, with 151 .stud.enW I Oetting back to that universal years back. He sa.id, '"Then, aa now, -.s .aiding ~ lloplc ai long sli:IJ'ta, .J<IM!Ph Short, the joints are still tnere, bUt JOU ~~~~ at !be Week: Hav~ pabll!ber, In 8!1 od- ean't - ~~·

·Entered as Second Class matter November 211. 1929, .& the Post Office at Glenville, W. Va., under the Aet of lrardl 3, 1879. Published each Tueaday during the- academic :r­except on holidays by the classes in journaliam at Glenvllll State college.

Subscription, Per tear, tl All communications should be addressed to The Editon,

The Glenville Mercury, Glenville, W. Va. '

~ c~':.~~ ·:::::::::::::: : : : : :::::::::::::::::·~ = Jscquelln Reed, Kathryn Wilfong ........... Cbo-.. .........., :fo~·~~ ::::: : :~::: ::: : ::::: :::::::: ::: : :::::::::: = = WU!Iam Morrison Warren Jlllller ....... · •·• ~ --= ~ Rti~id''ii.oiii,;,; · ·:::::.:·.:·::::.~:::.::::··: .. ~~ l!IJpy w. Mlller ......... . . ...... ...... .............. -.Mr ~i.

) . ·'1~ ~




Site of Pionee! -Tech Battle Thursday ~iJ~;e ;.!;::dk to I REFEREES . WILL. ~~ee~~;e ~~~ea~~ar~~~=~ MEET TOMORROW treatme-nt for Cystitis for several

dafu~ting that she f .. ls well, Miss 2n_d .Annual Court Rules James says she Will continue teach - Chmc Slated Wednesday

T omorrow night at 7:30 p. m . in I ing In the biology deparfulent.

MORRONE, MATES the college gymnao\um, the North-ern West Vl.l"gln1a Board of Ap­proved Basketlball Officials w 1 11

WIN MAA TITLE •ponsor the S•rond Annual Basket-tall R ules clinic.

Seventeen Central West Virginia.

John Morrone and his volleyball LOwe's fletmen met Eil- squad wen t undefea'ted through four

and team 1n the first ga'mes to win the intramural volley-evenir~ and disgested Glenvillr S ta te eoUece gymnasium, wh ere the Pioneers will meet b3ll championShip which closed last

·-·--·,,-. . -ba.,.C146ea~m~ah~t the T~h G Olden Rears In the season b&sketball opener, Th ursday, Dec. ~0e~k.a~:e~~J>i:~ra.=~ : l':!e W~ _ Q ;:ll::·:a:t:B:P:·:m.=======~~~:.;:;::~::-;:~- t.hree wins and one defeat each. •• 19 th -bened 1 Led by Bob H11rdman, Paul Tar-~- • ey w~ I The ·ba---lled Boston ~~ Sox ..•• v . Lou S trader Dor ....... v ~ asu.a. and Glen annoy, M'Orrone s r.:s Reed, and ' Rub; S nnrf8 are labeled as the team to beat for Rocket:; had little trouble in breez-

the losing team 1"' the 1948 flag 1n the American lea- ing through to the championShip Bonnie Reynolds, ROUND-UP guJ•~k· P~'::".ser llk~n~unl~st~;r with victories over Cook, wright,

Craig, and Margy J ack. s~uld cause other AL rivals a lot of W~ottc~~~ Kw~lingfourth in the ·~rtJ,,.n,jl"ernext contest, D~~o:!'i By Jobn Fryatt headaches along with hard-h ittin g standings with two wins and one

, but hammered Afte& the Thanksgiving holidays Te~ ~::S ~d c:om~~ ~e~~~· ~~l~T ~ =~~:. with the same as She aid· have passed and with football sea- ~:die nves:~n m bo:nd) w~ale Tournament play ,))egan last

in rioting Luvone son practically gone, everyone 1.s P ennington will be playing before Thursday night and will finish be-46-26. At the end turning to his favorite basketball a borne- town crowd Dec. 19, wh en fore the ChriStmas holidays. After

hal:!, the SOOTe stood atl teams throughout the ccuntry. the Pioneers encounter Bluefield vacation days intramural basketball tie, and the howling fans A-ga.!n Kentucky appears tO have the college a t Northfork, W . Va. . will begin.

tense as the second balf got un- top ranking team along with Utah Coach carlos Ratliff will also be Standings: w L and Notre Dame close behind. returning to a home- town gym next Morrone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 o

'Jol~in' Joe DiMaggio, star center· Frtday. &atllft coached at North- Dishauzi . . . . . . . . 3 1 elder or the world champion New >fork high school for several years Westcott . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . 3 1

York Yankees, was voted the Am· before the war where he developed Cook . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 2 1 erican league's most valuable play- some top-notch ball clubs. Curry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 er last week, Winning by the nar· Some of the rans should attend Kesling . ... ... . . . . . • . .. . ..... . 1 2

:~~to:e;ss~: ~~id o~~~~ :~t!ul~d~=n~~awn:'h~: WhtU! .... . ........ .. .... 1 2 Ted Wtlllams, the circuit's batting chang,:s. It might save several ar- Ellyson · · · · · · · · ·' · · · · · · · ·- · 1 3

chanrpion. DiMaggio previously had guments. i.':t:~: .·::: .':: .':: .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .· .' .' ~ i earned the Kenesaw Mountain A.-B Looks G ood 111 Opener Landis Memorial award in 1939 and Led by Captain Dart Wilmoth 194( with 27 points, Alderson-Broaddus

WVU ~......, Bowl Bid ripped the lld off the state collegi-West Virgin1a university turned. ate basketball season last week,

down an offq to play in the Harbor winning a 64-32 victory over a •bam­bowl game Jan. 1, at San Diego, storming pro Great Lak~ team of calif. The athletic council h-as more former Navy stars. .

played only the smaller college teams.

A t tnls writing, no deer were re­ported killed by college students although sever al of the boys took the week off to go to the sections of West Virginia that were open to

important business to be taken care Again West Virginia univei'Sity

~~nsu~h ~:!e~b~--~~h~ =~n{tss~k=l~e ... : r :~~ .-Y-o_u_m_ak_e_n_e_w_s_h_oes--o-ld-. Kern and oust Athletic Director tng the season Mounbaineer fans

deer hunting.

RDy M. (Legs! H awley. will be wondering why tbe team We make old shoes new Cam Henderson 1s starting his doesn't rate higher in the nation al

33rd year as basketball coa:ch and standings, forgetting that WVUlha.s his 13th at ~II college. Cam'S ,------------­teams have won 235 games against only 82 defeat<; whlle at the Hunt- GlenviHe Hardware lngton institute.


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high school coaches and squads have been invited to attend, also a ll in­terested fans are welcomed. All sdhools attending are r equested to bring their own Umekeepen in order to clarify the new timing rules.

Pres. H . B. Heflin will open the clinic with the welcoming address followed by Ooach Carlos Ratliff's introduction of offiicals.

The program is a.s follows: 7:30 Welcoming Address-By Pres.

H . B . He flin . 7:40 Introduction of Oifficals-By

Carlos Ratliff. 7:45 Discussion o r Rules 1, 2, 3, 4---J

By Bennett Stump. Discussion of R ules 5, 6, 7-By Beecher Reed. D iscussion ot Rules 8, 9, 10---By Bud Shelton. Stress Ne'w Rule Changes-By Newt. Anderson. Questions by Coaches, .players and fans.

9:00 Film-Officiating Tec'hnique.

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