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Page 1: The Goddess Sisterhood Issue #1
Page 2: The Goddess Sisterhood Issue #1

We get to know Beautiful You Life Coach, Jo Kendall about work-life balance and

she shares her secrets to staying grounded amongst

it all.

In this issue...

Elle chats about the crucial elements to consider about your

brand before designing a logo.


Page 9-10

Truth be told, we’re secretly hippies here at

The Goddess Sisterhood.We want to share our

reasons for running our business ‘by the moon’.


Page 11

We get to know Beautiful You Life Coach, Jo Kendall about work-life balance and

she shares her secrets to staying grounded amongst

it all.


Page 3-4

Sophie shares her five tips for staying authentic in your social media and

shares the insider tools she uses to do so.


Page 7-8

In this digital age, you need to ensure your

business is well presented on all devices.

We’ll show you how!


Page 5

About UsSophie, our editorial and social media goddess. She’s in charge of creating content and editing

the magazine as well as managing our social media.

When she’s not working on the mag, Sophie runs Sophie Zen where she connects, supports and

empowers women in business.

Elle is the goddess behind all of the beautiful design. Not only can she make anything look

pretty but she takes charge of the tech stuff so that Sophie doesn’t lose her mind!

Elle also runs JuJu Marketing where she works with blog-preneurs to find their style and get


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WelcomeTo Issue One of The Goddess Sisterhood Magazine

We, Sophie & Elle, are so excited to bring this project to life! When the idea for The Goddess Sisterhood came to us, we knew that we were creating something brilliant and seeing this issue come to fruition has made our month!

The Goddess Sisterhood was born out of the desire to create a loving space for women in business and bloggers alike, to share their wisdom with each other. We want this to be a safe space for women to share their stories in business - the highs and the lows, but most importantly sharing how they overcome them! After a beautiful soul-filled session of Desire Mapping, led by Sophie, we sat down to map out our vision for The Goddess Sisterhood. With the launch of our very first issue, we wanted you, our gorgeous Goddess Sisters, to know our mission and values.

Our Core Desired Feelings For The Goddess Sisterhood Are:

Our Mission For The Goddess Sisterhood Is:

To create a space for women blog-preneurs that supports and empowers them with easy to implement, practical advice, with just

a touch of ‘hippy’ mixed in.

We are so blessed to have the gorgeous Jo Kendall as our guest interview. Jo is a sincere and down-to-earth mindset coach, who shares her own story of balancing it all - and having it all - with us. Jo’s love for what she does bounces off the page, but be warned our Designer, Elle, was brought to tears by her beautiful words. We’re both also sharing some of our favourite tips on all things social-media, branding and a little thing we like to call ‘hippy-business’. Enjoy this issue, our heart-felt gift to you, gorgeous!

Goddess Supported


Sisterhood ConnectedLoved-Up Hippy Fest



Blissed Out

Beautiful AuthenticAdventurous


Soph & Elle xx2

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Thanks for being our first guest interview Jo. That means we think you’re great. Why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do?

Thank you so much, I am really honoured to be here and I think you girls are pretty fabulous too. I am a certified Beautiful You Life Coach and blessed to work with women all over the world to connect with their truth, step into their power and beam their beautiful light out into the world. I specialise in mindset and deep heart connec-tion. The work that I do honestly makes me jump out of bed each and everyday! I am a girly girl, mama to my fur child # h a r r y t h e c a v o o d l e , devoted wife, daugh-ter, sister and all-round lover of life. I am obsessed with good coffee and could even go as far as to say I think I am a bit of a coffee snob. I am a yogi loving gym junkie who loves to lift weights. Oh and I have a wicked sweet tooth.

You’re a business owner and a blogger, we like to call it a blog-preneur. How important is your blog to your business? Could you have one without the other?

My blog is one of the key ways that I can serve and reach people. I write for the woman that needs to know that there is nothing wrong with her. She is not broken. She is not unfixable. She is not unworthy or unlovable. I write so she does not feel alone when she reads the words that I have penned down and maybe, just maybe, they will

resonate and connect her back to that spark inside. For me blogging is one of the ways that I can help my kindred ones. Therefore I write with heart.

Owning a business and working for yourself can be hard. How do you find the balance? Do you have any secrets for staying grounded?

This has been one of my biggest learnings within my business. The elusive balance!

Working for yourself can be hard but for me the struggles are always worth it. Knowing that and accepting that there will be ups and downs has been key. I would love to tell you that it will all magically happen overnight (I am not saying that it won’t either) but for me it has been about consistently showing up.

Even on the not-so-crash hot days! I always ask myself this

very, to-the-point question – “What’s the alternative Jo?”. The thought of not doing what I do and living my dream is much worse than any discomfort I feel along the way. As I am sure you know, it is when we lean into the discomfort that beautiful personal growth happens.

What is a moment that changed your life?

I have been blessed with many beautiful, goose-bump-inducing, tears of gratitude, bow-ing-to-the-universe moments in my life and I am sure there will be plenty more. But one that changed my life as far as my soul work and busi-

Jo Kendall embodies everything that The Goddess Sisterhood is about. Not only is she forging her own path in the life-coaching realm, she does so with authenticity

and passion for every soul-sister that crosses her path.

“I write for the woman that needs to know that there is

nothing wrong with her. She is not broken.

She is not unfixable. She is not unworthy or


Beautiful You, Beautiful MeBeautiful You, Beautiful Me


Page 5: The Goddess Sisterhood Issue #1

ness is concerned was the Beautiful You Coaching Academy (BYCA). I had been following Julie Parker for sometime and, of course, adored her. So when I saw her coaching academy, something clicked like it never had before and I knew I needed to do it. I remember walking into the room on my first in-person-training day with this spine-tingling, heart-opening feeling that all of my life, all of my work, career and dreams had been leading to that moment.

When did you first know you wanted to be a life coach and how did that play out? Did it take some time to trust your natu-ral instinct?

My whole life I have wanted to work in this profession. It is weaved deeply into my DNA I think [laughs]. It is most definitely my life calling and I have always felt really blessed to know, with absolute certainty, that the business of serving and helping others to lighten their load and connect deeply with their self was my business.

What is the big ‘why’ behind what you do? When you’re having a bad day, what keeps you on track?

Serving. To serve others and, from my heart to theirs, allow light and love to flow. To hold space and the highest vision and belief for others and help them to see that and step into that. This keeps me going.

Are there are any tools or resources that you couldn’t live without?

I love my essential oils and am very much an oil nerd. I use different blends for different reasons each and every day. Alongside diffusing oils, I also swear by body movement, meditation, quiet time for myself and dance parties in the kitchen when needed. Oh and vision boards are such a powerful tool. And the last thing would have to be community - being part of something bigger than just us has such a potency to it and will enrich you and your business.

Jo’s Favourite Books: 1. Ferney

by James Long2. Women Who Run With The Wolves

by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes 3. Return To Love

by Marianne Williamson

Page 6: The Goddess Sisterhood Issue #1

With the majority of web activity occurring from a mobile device, it’s paramount that you’re putting your best business foot forward on every platform, not just the desktop. According to Hubspot, 55% of website visitors will leave in the first 15 seconds. So in order to impress your potential audience with your site, it needs to look it’s very best on every device. If your audience has to stretch and pinch their screen to see a blog post that looks like it was written for mice to read, then you’ve significantly diminished your chances of capturing their attention.

Now it’s not all about the looks. Earlier this year Google reformed the way they ‘rank’ sites according to the device they are using. If someone conducts a search for a topic related to you, using their smartphone, your ‘ranking’ in the search results will be seriously affected if your site is not built in a way that will respond to any device. We call this having a mobile-optimised or responsive site.

How to check your site’s responsivenessFirstly, run your URL through Google’s URL checker. This was built specifically for informing you if your site would be adversely affected by googling ranking, according to whether your site was responsive or not.

If you got a red cross, contact your web- designer ASAP and schedule an emergency meeting to amend your site! If you got a big green tick, then good on you, but you’re not quite done yet.

Although this first step will help ensure all your hard work in implementing SEO on each of your blog posts won’t go to waste, it doesn’t define the user experience that someone will have when they visit your site from a mobile device.

Well firstly, you need to grab your phone and type in the URL. Having a scroll around yourself will mean your familiar with all the ins and outs of how someone would navigate. This might seem simple, but you’d be surprised how many people never realised that there was a horrid pop-up stopping people from actually getting into their site! Here are the top things to consider when making sure that your site is easy as Sunday morning for mobile users to use:

1. Check your menu bar works on a mobile device• Do all of the menu options work, including

any sub-menus?• Does the user open and close the menu with

ease?• Does the menu affect the layout of the rest of

the site in any way?• Are your menu items clear and a suitable size?

2. Optimise your Images for mobile• Do your images come before or after the text

they apply to, and does this seem logical?• Do the dimensions of your images suit the

layout on a mobile device?• Are all your images centered, clear and a

suitable size?

3. Pop-upsIf you’re insistent on implementing pop-ups on a mobile device, ensure they can be dismissed easily, and only show on the first page someone visits on your site.

4. Fonts & ColoursThe suggested minimum font-size for mobile devices is 16px. Make sure that your choice of fonts and colours also look good in this reduced format.

Make Your Site SexyOn Any Device

We all know first impressions count, but none more so than your when your dream client finds your online digs. So to help you put your best foot forward, we’ve put together our guide to making the best first

impression possible!

By Elle Lynn 5

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Make Your Site SexyOn Any Device

Page 8: The Goddess Sisterhood Issue #1

5 Tips For Being AuthenticOn Social Media

(and not being OTT)

5 Tips For Being AuthenticOn Social Media

(and not being OTT)

Authenticity is, without a doubt, the best way to establish relationships with your social media followers. But how do you be authentic without over-sharing?

Don’t write when you’re feeling particularly sensitive about an issue. It is great to be passionate about a cause but going on an in-the-moment-rant on your public page is a really bad idea. The main problem with in-the-moment rants is that they are in the moment. You might feel differently in a couple of hours and it might be too late to change it back. What goes online is very rarely erasable.

Don’t post something that you wouldn’t say to a person’s face. This point follows on from the one above. If you really must go on a rant, make sure every word you say is one that you’d be happy to repeat. When in doubt, think it over. Save the status and come back to it after a delicious meal or long sleep.

Post when you’re feeling happy. Joy oozes authenticity! Authenticity isn’t simply reserved for those who are riled up about an issue. In fact, I think the most authentic people are those who are insanely happy. Why not write a status after your morning jog? Post a photo of your gratitude list? Tell the world how much you love being alive!

Leave space for spontaneityScheduling is such an important tool for social media management but I try my hardest to leave room for spontaneity. The truth is – a post will not be very authentic when scheduled a month in advance, compared to a status written in the here and now. So when I’m scheduling my social media, I love to leave a few days free so that I can let mycreativity flow.

Post at different times of the dayWith that said, nothing is authentic about scheduling posts at a strategic time of the day. Nothing! It can be easy to get into the habit of posting on social media just after dinner because you know that is when everyone is watching. But if you post out of these times, you might be surprised at the great reaction! If anything else, it just creates some juicy, authentic variety!


By Sophie Wood 7

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I have been a self-confessed Hootsuite fan for a long time and just as I am writing this article, it has been announced that you can now add Instagram to the Hootsuite dashboard. So what exactly does this mean? Aside from posting and scheduling to Facebook, Twitter, Google+ , LinkedIn and Wordpress, you can now schedule Instagram. Next up, I vote Pinterest!

Bitly is seriously one of my favourite tools, despite being highly underestimated by others. Most people use Bitly as a website to shorten long links but I always suggest making an account. Not only can Bitly shorten your links but it also measures just how many people click the link. This is perfect for tracking click-through rates on links posted on social media.

Iconosquare is Instagram’s answer to Facebook Insights. Giving you a rundown of all the data you could possibly need, Iconosquare is the only platform as detailed and extensive. My favourite sections are ‘Engagement’ and Optimization’. Iconosquare also provides a platform where you can engage with your feed, rather than just collecting data.

Have you ever wondered how people create those clean, white borders around their photos on Instagram? Squaready is the major culprit. I love this app as it makes my Instagram feed stand out and look clean. With the option of three levels of thickness, there is a border for everyone.

Honestly, is there anything that Canva cannot do? A creative solution for social media users who don’t know how to use design programs, Canva allows you to create beautiful designs at minimal to no cost. The biggest benefit of the website is that it makes branding that much easier. Take some time to hone in on your vision then use Canva to make all your branding on point!






By Sophie Wood8

Page 10: The Goddess Sisterhood Issue #1

Often startups jump into business without really thinking through what makes their brand identity. Instead they simply put together a logo that they believe to be their ‘brand’, without truly understanding the true essence of what

makes their brand.

It’s super easy to design a good-looking logo these days, especially with the likes of apps such as Canva. Personally, I’m a huge advocate for start-ups ‘bootstrapping’ their way, in the early days and not spending money on unruly costs where they don’t need to.

However, whether you’re creating a brand from scratch yourself, or hiring a professional designer, there’s some important things to consider in order to ensure your brand is reflected in everything you do, and your logo isn’t just a pretty face.

Vision + Goals:

First and foremost, you need to be super clear on your vision and goals for the business. Here are some things to consider:

• What are you trying to achieve?• Who are you trying to help?• What problems are you solving?• What’s the big-dream?• What’s the purpose?• What fears or obstacles stand in your way? Understand Who You’re Talking To:

If you’re in the services industry, then your personal identity is going to formulate part of your brand identity. However that’s not the only thing to consider. A primary factor in creating a brand that truly reflects your business is to understand who you’re talking to and what resonates with them. Do some basic market research on your potential and current clients and find out the following:

• Who are they? • What do they enjoy?• Where do they hang out?• Who do they interact with?• What do they want & need?• What do they fear?• How can you make their life easier/better?

Brand EssenceDesigning a brand that

truly reflects your business

By Elle Lynn 9

Page 11: The Goddess Sisterhood Issue #1

Get Specific. Stay Multi-Faceted.

Niche. To some it’s a dirty word, and to others it feels like the freedom they’ve been craving. But there’s a problem with the perception of this word. Often people consider this to mean that they can only offer one thing, to one type of person. This is SOO wrong!

You see, if you’re multi-passionate person, and you’re trying to take those multiple passions and shove them into one single offering, you’re going to end up truly unhappy in the business you’ve created. Creating this type of business means you’ll be throwing things off the ship along the way, leaving your business to be a shell of your multi-faceted self.

So here’s the thing. If you’re a multi-passionate, yoga-loving, kombu-

cha-making, business-coach - be exactly that! Use your multi-

faceted personality to bring a totally unique perspective to a

specific market.

I guarantee, there will be people want-

ing a coach that u n d e r s t a n d s

the need to drink kombucha and

contort the body in numerous ways.

You see, it’s not the colour of your logo or the font you use

that truly reflect your brand, they’re simply just a tool used to help you

convey who your brand really is to your dream customers and clients.

How do you want them to feel?

Before I start any branding exercise, I write a list of words. If you’ve ever done the Desire Map, it’s a pretty similar process. Get rid of all the ideas of what products and services you’ll be offering and how much money you intend to make. This exercise is about tuning into how you want your brand to make your customers and clients feel.

Settle in for an afternoon, put on some great soulful music and get out the butchers paper - because this is where your brand starts to come to life.

Think about how you want your dream client to feel when they first encounter your brand.

Do you want them to feel like they’ve found their kindred spirit, guide, or teacher, when they discover you on social media?

Or perhaps you want them to feel excited, passionate, in-charge, fulfilled, elated or inspired when they wander over to your website.

Write down everything that comes to mind. This is the soul-center of your brand, the driving life-force behind every word you write and every graphic you create.

This is your brand identity. Creating The Brand Image.

This is where the magic happens. If you’re not signed up to Pinterest, get on that stat! Because we’re about to get super inspired for creating a brand image that reflects everything you’ve outlined to be the soul of your brand; the brand identity.

Start with using some of the words that you’ve mind mapped, and typing them into the Pinterest search bar. When you find images that reflect the feeling that you’re trying to convey through your brand, pin them to a special board.

As you’re pinning, try and add comments about what aspects of the images bring out those feelings, so that you are prompted when you look back over your ‘mood-board’.

From here, you should be getting a pretty solid idea of what images, colours, fonts and patterns are reflecting those feelings.

If you like, you can open this up to a group that is your target audience, and set them a challenge to add images that make them feel a certain way. I’ll definately be using this technique for my next re-brand! As it is such a fun way to gain real insight into what your brand image needs to reflect in order to resonate with your tribe.

Finally, when designing your brand image, consider where you’re likely to be seen. If you’re logo is circular, and you need it for a whole lot of rectangular business cards, then you might need to get creative in how it’s displayed!


Page 12: The Goddess Sisterhood Issue #1

Elle and I were sittingon the floor of her sunroom when we came up with the idea for The Goddess Sisterhood. With a glass of tequila and an endless supply of butcher’s paper, we work-shopped the idea right then and there. When it came time to picking a date to launch, we jumped off the floor and ran to the lounge room where we consulted Elle’s Moon Phase calendar and decided to launch on the September New Moon. But why?

The New Moon symbolises new

beginnings. It is the ideal time to set intentions, start a new habit or launch a product. While the New Moon is the perfect time to slow down and reflect, it is also governed by powerful Yang energy. Yang refers to masculine energy which is active, analytical, dominant and aggressive. Basically, the New Moon means a whole lot of hustle!

Another powerful Yang moon phase is the Full Moon. While the Full Moon can often mean strong positive ener-gy, it has also been known to mess with emotions. If you are in a calm and happy mental state, then the Full Moon will reflect and harness this energy. Similarly, if you are feeling a little scattered, then the Full Moon may be a crazy time for you. The Full Moon is my personal favourite moon phase and I like to work with the energy to launch my products.

The secret is to know how each moon phase effects you, as each person will react differently. More Yang phases of the moon include the first quarter and the third quarter.

Yang phases are all about doing while Yin phases are

about reflecting.

The Yin phases are every-thing in between including the crescent moon, gibbous moon, disseminating moon and balsamic moon. These moon phases are the perfect time to slow down and reflect.

Have you ever wondered why

you’re feeling a little slower this

week? You should check the moon! It is really interesting to see how your body reacts to different phases.

If you are still feeling unsure of what moon phase is best for you to launch then start a lunar journal! Use it just as a normal journal where you write down feelings and reflections but also note the lunar phase.

After a few months, you will definately come to see patterns and cycles.

Launching AccordingTo Moon Phases

Launching your website, services or product by the moon isn’t a new idea but here is our take on why we decided to launch The Goddess Sisterhood on a New Moon.

By Sophie Wood 11

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The Goddess’ Guide ToLaunching An Online Product

Launching online products is an art within itself. Use this quick checklist as a guide for getting it right.

Write a detailed launch plan Start a mailing list of interest

Tell your original subscriber list

Start posting sneak peaks to social media

Create an opt-in for your mailing list

Start pitching yourself for guest posts

Finalise the product for launch

Amp up social media promotions

Promote your mailing list and free opt-in

Write guest posts for websites and magazines

Set up mailing list and website ready for launch

Contact your subscribers with exact details of launch

Eat healthy and get lots of sleep!

Launch product to website

Send email of product launch

Post launch to social media

Sponsor Facebook post (optional)

Celebrate with a glass of wine and your Goddess Sisters!!!

4 Weeks Before

3 Weeks Before

2 Weeks Before

1 Weeks Before Launch Day


Create Promo Images

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