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Page 1: The Golden Dragon story in Financial Education

The Golden Dragon

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One upon a time, in a faraway country between two blue rivers, lived a golden dragon called Goldy.

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He liked people and was eager to help them. But

everyone was terribly afraid of him.

During the day he slept in the bowels of the earth below the

old town and waited for nightfall.

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At night he went into town, walked and collected valuables and coins

that had clumsy people lost.

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He was modest and did not need money.

His old punctured pot become too small for all the treasure

he had collected.

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He dreamed about whom he could help, whom to give

money? Trifty Goldy needed advice and help.

He remembered his friend lady dragon in Poland and

sent her a letter...

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Dear friend Goldy, I am glad to wrote me. In fact, it is true that I know a Fair in Portugal and for being such good

friends, I talked to her.

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Tiffany cannot help you to multiply the money because it goes against the rules of the fairs.

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However, she says she knows a hidden tresure.

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You should go to AIM. Hence you depart to a castle where you will find a sign saying WELCOME TO LUSA CASTLE.

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Oh, I almost forgot: you do not find her, she will find you. In the Castle, you have to look for a secret passage that will take you to the tresure of an ancient king. A legend says that such a treasure consist of tons of gold. I hope you find it! Have a nice trip! Barbara

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After receiving the letter from her friend, he decided to leave immediately for AIM. in AIM, Goldy tried to find the

location of the Lusa Castle.

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He walked for a while until he found the sign to which Barbara referred to in the letter. He had finally found the

Lusa Castle. I finally found it! - Shouted Goldy full of happiness.

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Inside the Castle, he sought for the secret passage but found nothing.

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I am so tired... - Goldy, sighed, sitting in a chair that looked like a throne. At the moment, by extending his arms, he

carried inadvertently in a camouflaged button. Suddenly, a secret door opened and Goldy decided to enter.

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The door led to a tunnel with rails and a wagon. He entered into a wagon, pulled a lever he had found and

left. At the end of the trip, he came to a kind of a warehouse where there were tons and tons of gold.

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He look for the Fair, called for her, but nothing happend; she was not there. But it was important not to give up.

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With all this strenght and patience, he started to carry all the gold with him, little by little, with the help of the wagon, but also

with the help of the Fair who had suddenly arrived.

Barbara was right: it was the Fair who had found him not the other way round. While carrying the gold, he saw a poster on which it was written "KIDS: Keep Invest Donate Spend". He

wondered what those words means. Then he heard a voice...

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Is there anybody in here? It was the voice of a boy who was on a school trip to the castle. He had found a secret tunnel

and went in without knowing what was waiting for him in there. When he saw Goldy, he got very scared and started crying.

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"Spit fire! Spit fire! Do not hurt me!!!" But Goldy did not mind his safing that. He blew a little fire through his nostrils and fine

gold dust rose in the air. Then he asked a boy:"Do you know what the words KIDS written on the placard

means? I keep thinking, but I can not figure out... "Of course not! I learned in school during financial education lessons: K

stands for Keep, I invest in, from D for donate and S for spend!", the boy replied excitedly.

How interesting! I woul never have thought about it!

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Goldy returned after pieces of gold and, accidentally, his tail touched a lever that moved slowly. All of a sudden,

there appeared a red gate on which they could read in gold letters NBR (National Bank of Romania).

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"NBR...? NBR...? Ahhhh... I think this is the answer we are looking for!" Goldy exclaimed. "That is where we will learn how to multiply

the treasures that we have gathered. Do you want to join me?" The dragon asked the little boy. "Of course, I do!", he replied excitedly.

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The fairy started blowing towards them and, as if by magic, the two friends traveled over mountains and seas. In an instant, they were in front of the Natioanl Bank of Romania. Here, all

the gold was melted and turned into hundreda and thousands of coins which filled the bank deposits, Goldy was very proud of

hinself! Yet, he needed one more piece of advice...

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Barbara sent a letter: "Hello Goldy. I have a friend except you. He is very clever and cute boy who lives in Turkey - Taner. He

said that there were a cruel war in the neighboring country. There was a liquid called petrol and evil-minded dragons Xaxas

and Gagas wants to flare up their flames and burn the earth.

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That is why the black hearted dragons starded war. A huge amount of people died and the survivors escape the battle and

migrate. 3 milion of them take shelter in Turkey securely.

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However, people who escape the battle continue to come. They set off to Poland, Portuguese, Romania and various countries. Those people have also little children. They need all kinds of help . You can donate the money to the immigrants in Turkey.

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Maybe those people can go back their home. And they can live happily by taking back the petrol from ill-hearted

dragons. Goldy was very pleased that the treasure he picked up aimlessy would be useful for miserable victims.

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Immediately he talked to Fairy and they sent the money, which is in the NBR to those people. After that Barbara and Goldy went to ill-hearted Xaxas and Gagas who started the war.

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They told that the dragons were wrong what they are doing to innocent people and instead of burning the earth, it is better to live as it is. Ill-hearted Xaxas and Gagas who got advise from

Barbara and Goldy, were very sorry and ashamed of what they did.

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The war ended and the immigrants got back to their home with the money Goldy picked up. From now on,

warless world is more livable and beautiful.

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